Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity - Archive 3 - Part 1


Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

[7,908 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity – Archive 3

Part 1

Compiled by Editor_N


Context: this introduction is dated June 2024. This is a continuation of the "Found on the Web - Reports of Forced Nudity" series, previously published on the FNA archive.  It is a compilation of reports of nude swimming and/or forced nudity, primarily in the past.

This archive contains material mostly from a few select forums (posts from 2019 to 2023), supplemented by a few other sources.  The vast majority of the material herein is no longer available on the web (and most of it is not available via The material here has – in most cases - been filtered to include mostly (but not exclusively) 1st person accounts of nude swimming and/or forced nudity, and also edited to remove most names. (Some names are replaced by XXXX or similar.)

Constraint: Source Forums are polluted with fantasist nonsense

The source forums on were heavily polluted with fictitious posts by an obvious fantasist/fetishist who frequently posted under multiple, different names and whose posts can usually be identified by:

their hyperbolic writing style (lots of sentences ending in !- if a short post, *every* sentence might end with !),

tone/focus: juvenile glee when pretending to be a girl who witnessed boys swimming nude, and intense embarrassment when pretending to be a boy who swam nude in front of girls, and

certain content/phrases used frequently:  the girls can see all that we have, all that makes us male, they know all our secrets, they can see everything; and analogous statements when pretending to be a girl who witnessed boys swimming nude.

Editing old posts to add fantasist nonsense?  Some posts from the source sites are predominantly in a writing style very different from the fantasist (as described above), but also contain a few sentences or paragraphs that are very much in the fantasist style.  Hypothesis: These may be old posts (possibly from the long-ago forum days?), originally written by someone other than the fantasist, but revised and reposted by the fantasist to include nonsense. I excluded  most posts like this, but did include a few when they were in the grey zone/had only very limited fantasist nonsense.

Fantasist posts are mostly excluded here, but a few are included (and identified as fantasist) when they produce replies that do not appear to be fantasist nonsense, or when there are other reasons to include the material.

In editing the material, I deleted/excluded a very large volume of fantasist material.  The fantasist is prolific and has been posting garbage for many years and so some fantasist material might get through the screening process; keep this in mind when reading.

Allegedly true stories

The compilation here is in the order the posts were saved and hence not well-organized.  The material here is allegedly true. As per previous practice, it is up to you re: how much of the material that you believe. I will not participate in useless I believe/I don’t believe debates regarding this material; again, form your own opinions on this point.

FORMAT details for the posts:

Individual posts are separated by a short line of 5 asterisks: *****

Gender of the posters is specified as MN, FN,or UN:  MN = male name, FN=female name, UN=name unknown or uncertain gender name. Date (often just the year) when the post was made, is supplied for most posts (when available).

Related posts/replies to posts by same poster, are separated by dashes: -----.

Some comments by Editor_N are identified:  <Comment:   _comment_goes_here >; most other comments appear on same line as MN/FN/UN.

The main sources for this archive – the online forums – were deleted off the web earlier in 2024. As the sources have disappeared, this series is likely the last compilation I will produce, unless someone starts up a new forum similar to the forums.  Advice to anyone who starts a new forum: use a host that won't arbitrarily delete your forum.  Also, moderate your forum to exclude obvious fantasist material, and also exclude a certain notorious long-time nudity forum spammer who will churn your board with redundant, uninformative posts. This will result in a forum with fewer postings, but the quality will be higher.

Finally, if anyone reading this has saved an archive of similar posts, I invite and encourage you to edit the material and share it online, preferably via the FNA website (check with Cassie on this point).  But: please don't ask me to do the work of editing your archive - as someone did years ago during the original series for "Found on the Web" (in that case, the requester had a large archive related to spanking, a subject of zero interest to me).

I hope that you find at least some of the material herein, of interest.

Supplementary comments for the introduction section:

Given that the last sources for nude swim/forced nudity reports are no longer online, some readers will wonder why I describe the fantasist writing style and highlight some posts by the fantasist.  The reason is that it is possible that someone will start a new forum that takes the place of the deleted forums, and the fantasist will likely (try to) post on that venue as well. Also, stories that are not in the full fantasist style, may have some elements that are credible (assuming they are revisions of old posts by someone else).

Previous series vs. this new series of posts. This set of posts is a new archive/series/volume. In the first "Found on the Web" series, posts re: nude swimming in high school were the most common posts, with only a very few posts re: junior high swim teams.   In this new series, posts re: nude swimming by junior high boys swim teams are the most common.  It is interesting that multiple posters report that their senior high varsity swim teams wore suits at meets (even if they practiced nude), but the junior high and junior varsity boys swim teams were *always nude* for all practices and all swim meets. (So 7th-9th graders were routinely displayed nude at public swim meets, while 10th graders and up wore skimpy speedo suits.) This archive also includes many posts re: boys swimming nude in grades 4, 5, and 6 (pre-junior high), very often with clothed same-age girls swimming with them and/or watching from bleachers at the Y.

################BEGIN POSTS#############################


MN; Date Posted: 02/25/21

<Comment: the post below is re: nude swimming in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.  Newspaper reports from the era confirm that boys there swam nude. Some very small portions of the post below are consistent with the fantasist writing style, indicating possible (minor) embellishment by the serial fantasist.>

In 1957 I took swimming lessons at Central High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin on Saturday mornings. The students there were from 7th grade to 9th grade. Girls were provided one piece suits while boys were made to swim nude.

Girls swam from around 8:00 AM to around 9:30 AM and boy's swam from 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM. The girls would sometimes linger around after swimming and had to be asked to leave the pool before we could enter but that caused a bottleneck in the changing room where showers were mandatory.

A few girls figured that if they lingered around enough they would get to see us nude boy's as we entered and exited the shower. Furthermore they used the excuse of waiting for their mothers to sit poolside and watch us totally nude as we swam.

Many of us boy's were bothered by this and complained but nothing was done to remove the girls in a timely manner. This lollygagging caught on allowing many girls to wait for their ride standing poolside observing us totally in the nude. Some girls were sisters of the boy swimmers and stayed the entire session. Many boy's, like me, were uncomfortable with this and would erect allowing the girls to see us in our aroused state.

Eventually something had to be done as boy's began quitting and boy's attendance fell dramatically. A room was made available for the girls to wait in but the girls still lingered in the locker room to see the nude boy's shower off!

It became a penis show as boy's began to show off shaking their erections at the girls and fooling around became common.

For us shy boy's it was still an issue having girls in our locker room causing humiliation and embarrassment resulting in erections! I was not as comfortable as those boys who showed off and felt shame and humiliation having girls look at me totally nude.

When I was in 11th grade a rumor spread that the girls were shued out of the locker room before the boy's could enter and that was supposed to take care of the embarrassing situation in the locker room. Unfortunately a few girls scraped paint off of 2 windows in the pool area and it was rumored that they would look in as the boy's swam nude.

Nothing was done until 1973 when the nude swimming rule was overturned and boys were made to wear suits when they swam!

*****MN; 02/25/21

We started taking swim classes in 5th and 6th grade in 1958 at the local HS which had a pool once a week. They were mixed classes in those grades with boys nude and girls in swimsuits.

Our girl classmates were always excited to see us boys all naked. It was embarrassing and humiliating with our penises and bare butts being on display in front of the girls. When we asked our teachers why we had to be naked they said that those were the rules even for older boys at the school.

From 7th grade in Junior High we had separate swim classes for boys and girls although we still had to be naked. There were rumors that girls were spying on us but we never found out. If they did it was kept a secret between them.


MN; date not recorded

Speaking of the Historyworld site, I wonder if this story is true.

I hope it is.

"I am a 14 year-old boy and I attend middle school in a rural area. Our school is small and there is only one changing room and shower for PE which means that the boys and girls have to share the same facility. It was embarrassing at first to have girls see me naked but I got used to it after awhile and it doesn’t bother me so much now. The boys and girls are ages 12 to 15 and we all change into our gym uniform in the same changing room. I take off my school shirt and pants and the girls can all see me in my tighty-whitey fly-front briefs. I see them in their bra and panties. We all have PE together and then we come back to the changing room and I strip naked to shower and the girls all see me naked. The shower room is right off the changing room and the boys and girls shower together. Yes, the boys all get boners but it is a natural thing for a boy and it is fun. I usually shower with a girl named Kim, and we get under the same shower head together and sometimes she washes me and I wash her."


FN; from;  2021

I graduated high school in 1972 in a city in California, and nudity was considered a part of everyday life back then. The school I attended was relaxed by the late 60s regarding nudity. The boys swam naked and the girls wore swimsuits until the mid 60s. I'm not sure what led to the girls swimming nude with the boys, but by the time I became a freshman all of the girls in my class were doing it. It seemed like girls could do it if they wanted to. It wasn't something that we had to do. However, if a girl didn't swim nude with the boys she was teased and called names. So all of us stripped in gym class.

In 1967 the Summer of Love event happened in Golden Gate Park and nudity was everywhere. I remember seeing several naked women and a few naked men in 1968. Haight-Ashbury was another area where nudity was common. You could get on a bus and go to Haight-Ashbury completely naked and no one cared. I know I happened to be one of the girls who did it. There were shops at Haight-Ashbury that gave away clothes, furniture, food, and other stuff and it was all free. I saw several naked people walk in and pick out clothes and leave the store naked back to their commune or hippy house.

Tour buses used to tour Haight-Ashbury and there were times the tour guide would say something like “it is commonplace to see naked men and women in this area, if you do not wish to see them, please look away"

I remember times when the streets became clogged with naked dancers and hippies and the motorists would honk their horns. The police were called a few times to clear the streets. They really didnt care about the naked people unlike today.

So nudity was something a LOT of people participated in back in the 60s and 70s. Gym class wasn't the only time and place in which both sexes got naked in front of each other.


MN; 2021

All thru Jr high and high school we swam and competed naked with a full audience of moms sisters and girls we knew. We didn't mind that they all saw us naked, we were used to being naked and we're proud to be on the team and swim naked. It was exciting for us to let them see us swim naked. There was no embarrassment or shame on our part. We enjoyed swimming naked.


FN; 2021

<Comment:  definitely a fantasist post;  note the writing style and tone.  Included to help others identify fantasist material.>

I swam on a team with nude boys and there were issues about that on the team. It was the first year they included girls on the team and many of the boys were uncomfortable with us being there dressed in suits.

The boy's nudity was very obvious and at the first practice it had to be very humiliating fot them. We saw everything that made them males including full erections. Many have said that erections never happened but I beg to differ.

It was only natural for the boys to embarrass/erect being they were totally nude and exposed to our curious eyes. As natural as it was for us to look it was also natural for them to feel shame and humiliation!

We could look all we wanted and enjoy seeing their private parts and believe you me, I looked! I could tell the boys knew I was looking. They were nervous and obviously uncomfortable.

I saw boys in many different phases of erecting but the one thing that was certain was that there were erections!

Being 9 at the time I was very curious about the boys bodies. Getting to freely stare at all they had was a wonderful experience. We all knew exactly what boys our age looked like nude!

Keeping that in mind, the boys too were effected by the situation. Having their penises fully exposed did have a noticable effect on them all, and understandibly so!

Having to share all those secrets like that had to have been quite embarrassing for them. To top thing off we were ALLOWED to look as there was no way to insure we didn't!

Of course there were boys who didn't fully erect but they were in the minority. Most were too embarrassed to remain calm and collected at such a young age! It was understandable that the combination of nudity, fear and knowing we were looking all contributed to their erections!

The very next year our school board mandated that boys wear suits due to the "embarrassment displayed" at meets and practices. It was not the same having their penises covered up. But the memories remained and were never forgotten!


MN; 2021

I too was in a swimming class while in Junior High (Middle School). There were boys from 6 to 12 years old. There was no swimming but we were required to shower before and after the class (YMCA rules).

There were mothers who would accompany their sons into the locker room to help them change and be sure they showered. Many sisters would accompany their moms and stand seeing nude boy's both younger and older than they were. I remember having a girl about my age standing right beside me as I dressed out or changed out of my trunks. There was little I could do when changing as the girl's mother allowed her to look us over!

I'm sure the girls mom's brought their daughters into the locker room to see all the boys totally nude


MN: 2021

XXXXX, what was the name of that community? I lived in a place called Union, Il. that was incorporated into Chicago back in the 80's. I took swimming lessons with Coach Fielder with boy's swimming nude and girls dressed in suits. We swam at the Draiper's Motel indoor pool. There were seats for the mother's and sisters to watch and maybe 8 to 10 kids attended, mostly boys.

Just wondering if this was the same class you took? Probably not the exact same one but was the location the same? Just wondering!


MN; 2021

you have comfirmed my experiences exactly. I was a swimmer during the late 50s as well. Yes we did swim nude and the girls wore one piece black suits and caps. I started at the age of around 8 or so and continued through high school so about 17. You did get used to being on display. I was very one sided for sure but we didnt question it. It was expected. Erections did happen. Nobody said anything openly at the time, but it was frowned upon and you could tell the girls were talking about us.

I remember sitting on the bleachers nude waiting for my event to take place and women and girls were sitting up next to us within just, in some cases, just inches away. You were in full view so a leg cross or carefully placed hand was all we had for minimal cover if needed. Most of the women in the bleachers knew we were very vulnerable and interject if one of the younger girls would seemed to be getting to close. It really wasnt much of a rescue though because they would squeeze in between us so they were pressing up against us as they started chatting. Some meets were very intense for us for sure.


*****  Post 1 of 3 related

MN; 2021

XXXX you mentioned the enjoyment you had knowing what the 9 [nude] boys on your [swim] team looked like in intimate detail. I'm sure they didnt feel the same knowing the whole school knew how they looked. Its amazing no one ever seemed to quit. I know I didn't have to be on the swimming team. I kept going year after year knowing that we were on display for the coach, girls on the team, teachers in school, parents and their daughters and friends. I loved awimming and the feel of hitting the water, but the embarrassment after when you climbed out of the pool knowing everyone was looking was such an intense feeling its very hard to describe. Climbing out of the water with an erection growing and then having to walk around the pool in front of the bleachers was something I don't think I ever really got used to. The ladies i'm sure were very entertained at times.

It didnt seem to bother me as much having older women seeeing me exposed like that, but the younger girls made me blush many times. I'm talking about 11-13 girls especially when I was getting older starting around 15 and up. They were so direct about everything almost like you. They didn't bother to hide their purient interest in us. They would always just boldly stare as we stood around waiting for an event to start. I guess cause their parents were there, they knew they had complete permission to stare and enjoy their advantage. Some even went further at times which was really difficult to deal with. Getting felt up in the bleachers or as we would walk out of the pool area wasn't common but it did happen. It was always a younger curious girl. You couldnt say anything about it because their parent was right there talking to you about the meet while you felt curious fingers touching and arousing you. The coach of course and the girls on the team would touch us sometimes at practices. Most of the time it was just a playful brushing, a light pat on the butt, or quick tug in a teasing way but it wasnt as public as being felt up in public by a young curious little girl.

*****  Post 2 of 3 related

FN; 2020

you mentioned a girl in the audience who touched your penis. Did that happen often? How old was the girl in question? Did her parents see what she was doing to you? haven't they said anything to him? Did she say anything to you while she was touching you? Did she look you in the eye, and smile, or tease of any kind? How did it affect you, did you get an erection after that? how did she do it; was it just touching, or did she clearly take your penis in her hands? Tell us more please, about this context and this fact. It is so revealing of the double standard!

*****  Post 3 of 3 related

MN: 2021, reply to post 1

it didnt happened too often but it would especially when the pool area was really crowded. Usually as we were walking out to the lockerroom area in the hallway people would be pressed together. I would feel something and try to look at who touched my penis but they would act casual like it was accidental but it would happen several times so I knew it wasn't. I would be talking to a mom or older lady and feel it. Just a light finger running over my butt or up my inner thigh. It typically happened as everyone was pressed close as we were moving and I couldnt really tell who it was. It always was a younger girl walking close I could tell they were trying to cop a feel because they thought no one would know. It would happen to a lot of the boys. When we finally got to the lockerroom eveyone was quiet and didn't say much. A lot of boys would have erections and try to cover them up as they came through the doorway. You knew what had happened to them was the same as me.

In the bleachers it might happen if it was a crowded night. It could be very crowded too sometimes and everyone pressed together. A lot of the moms would chat with you and put their hand on your arm or thigh as they spoke in just a familiar gesture. The younger girls would notice that and pretty soon one of them would get your attention to ask a question by putting their hand on your thigh too. They would just leave their hand there as the mom would say something. Trying to talk to a mom feeling the young girl next to you with her hand on your thigh was very distracting for sure. One night one of the girls started touching my penis as i was talking to her mom. I stopped talking and turned red. Her mom looked down in my lap and saw my erection was throbbing and her daughter touching it. Her mom finally said, oh honey Melanie is just curious. Dont worry she said and kept talking. I tried to keep holding the conversation but was very uncomfortable. This mom basically gave this little girl the freedom and permission to feel my cock as much as she wanted. I couldnt just stand up and leave without everyone seeing my swollen member. So embarrassing. Luckily, the meet was almost over and my events were done so I didn't have to climb out the bleachers to swim with an erection. Everyone just filed out slowly so I could make my way out to the hall without it being too noticeable.


MN;  date not recorded

When I was 16 I went with my neighbor to swim at the YMCA. He mom and two sisters drove is to the Y then they went to buy groceries. I knew I only had to bring a towel and so I was prepared to swim naked with other boys. That didn't bother me I was used to the gang showers that we took after high school PE class.

What I wan't prepared for was the end of the swim. About 10 minutes before our swim time ended mothers and girls walked in and sat down to watch and wait for their sons to finish swimming. One girl was a girl I knew from church and I was embarrassed to have her see me naked when I got out of the pool to practice starting dives. When I walked by she said hi to me and smiled. A little later my friend's mother and two sisters walked in. His oldest sister who was close to my age look at me standing there and smiled also. By time the swim period ended there were probably 5 or 6 mothers and 8 or 9 girls, probably sisters watching. I was embarrassing to have walk by them naked on the way to the dressing room.

I went the whole week with my neighbor and had to swallow my pride and let girls I knew see me naked. Sunday at church two girls who had seen me smiled and told me how much they enjoyed "seeing" me swim with the other boys. It was embarrassing but at the same time a touch exciting to know they had seen me naked.


MN;  date not recorded

Same at our YMCA when we took lessons in junior classes up to age 13. Some moms and older sisters would come early to pick up the boys and would just sit and watch while we swam nude.

Some would bring along a younger sister with them.

It was a little embarrassing for us boys having the girls see us all naked.

But this was only in the junior classes as I mentioned, during boys swims over 13 females were not allowed in the pool.

It was the same during swim meets, the junior teams up to 12 or 13 years old always competed in the nude in front of mixed spectators. Boys teams over 13 wore brief speedos.


MN; date not recorded

My first ever blog on this very topic.

Yes, my Mom and sister watched me [swim nude] regularly, so did my Aunt and her oldest daughter Annie. Even my next door neighbor did at the invitation of my mother.


MN: date not recorded

About swim meets in front of female spectators the junior boys teams up to 12 or 13 always competed in the nude.

Teams after that age wore brief type speedos.

As another poster mentioned this was not for the boys modesty but so as not to offend the female spectators' sensibilities.

In fact if the spectators were all male the older boys also took part in the nude.

I guess the difference was that they saw young boys being nude as cute and inoffensive in front of females, but older teen boys would have been seen as gross and improper in front of females.

None the less the girls same age or younger, or a bit older than the young boys saw it as exciting watching all those nude boys.

I was not on the swim teams but attended several meets as a spectator and could notice the young girls excitement at seeing so much boy nudity.

Rude comments were of course not allowed in front of the adult spectators and the girls would just whisper in each others ears, so it just went unnoticed.

*****  Multiple related posts, separated by -----

MN; date not recorded


Title: swam at Y and excelled so much I got invited to swim at local junior college at 13 or so.

I knew where it was so just showed up on bike few miles away for orientation. When we got there it was like 6 boys and 3 girls attending. I was expecting something more formal but was just two females running the class.

One oriented the girls and other oriented the boys. They said upfront the boys can practice nude but will need to get use to wearing a team suit next year. The required a shower with some and to always pee even if not needed.

They said first day was just time trials for a baseline. They said to get ready and come back showered in 10 minutes. To our surprise one of the lifeguard instructors went into the boys room and showered with us in a one piece suit. she and other would do this all the time.

They would even have us gather around nude during two hour class. Erections happened everyday and seemed normal.

it actually was helpful in life


Thank you for interest. I am not going through all those questions but can try to provide more detail from the past. The class had genuinely good people and I wish I knew more like them today.

I was invited to join class as I was interested, nearby, and had some natural ability. I could have past for 15 as I was bigger kid as well. There was no such thing as div 1 year round crazies like today.

The class was group of 9 kids, both girls and boys. We did have an orientation and physical by a nse, requiring parent signature. All of this was done on first week I believe and just a formality.

I do recall routine physicals but not much in this case, or might not have cared much.

The orientation did include hygeine for a full shower and urinating before each swim. The showers and urinals were in a divided open room. One instructor did enter the boys room. She was maybe 20 to 25 and very athletic dirty blonde female about 5"10.

I swam nude at boys club so it was not a change for me. Hygeine was explained that it is best to pee and then shower. She also said not to worry about erections if they happen. I got them most days.

Class was 4 days a week but everyday was not mandatory. I generally made them all as there was little else to do back then.

Class had weekly timings and some class discussions. There were two girls wearing one piece suits like the instructors.

It was odd by today's standard but normal then.

we did have meets. They were still nude but some boys on other teams did wear Speedos.

I did not feel embarrassed past the first day. It was a long time ago and boys swam nude at beaches and lakes often. The girls might have at first but got over it.

The time was blocked for our class. It was quiet there most of the time. The classes had a couple elderly women that would wait to swim after us. They were pleasant and liked us. One of the boys mom's would also wait sometimes.

I did that program for two years. I would just bike there in cut off jeans, t-shirt and Keds. I even got there early sometimes when college kids were there. They never talked to me much or had any interest. I guess that is normal.

Boys swam nude at practice always. instructors would always ask us if everything was ok and if we ever wanted to talk about anything. They did seem sincere. At that age we were more nurtured still too. They even have me some T-shirts in the list and found pile as I was a poor kid.

Nothing overtly sexual happened ever. One time they told us to do a testicle exam when in shower. I also would get erections lasting awhile. It was encouraged and said we could more often if we wanted.

During the end of classes the mom I mentioned would talk to us breifly.

A few times the class of 11 or 12 would only have 4 or so. On those days we would take more

. The instructor would sometimes wear a beach bikini too. She had pointy nipples and a trimmed bush and not self conscious.

The meets were always on Saturdays. Both of the instructors would drive us. Basically then all boys could compete in different events. They would track team best times. Events were at a few places and less than hour away.

Our team would swim nude always. I would always get excited before a race and stay hard for a long time. I do not recall much about the girls competing and there were never more than 20 people watching in the stands.

During this time the instructors would talk to us one at a time. They wanted us to be more aggressive. My hard on would brush against instructor.

Only one of the girls would show much interest in boys. She would find excuses to chat after races. I was completely ok with nudity other boys were shy.

It would be unfair today but the few girls on the team would not always get to compete. They would bring towels and encourage us. Maybe they were relieved they got excused but they were enthusiastic and encouraged us.If we won they would introduce us to their moms.

We only went to 5 different locations with a few a long drive away. The only time the second instructor would go into the change room were at meets or if they had something to discuss. I did get to see a few girls butts quickly changing but that was it.

A few funny things did happen. Both instructors would tell me as a foster kid that I should get married right away so I have a family of my own. They would bring me second hand tshirts and a few shorts. I did not wear underwear or socks in the summer much.


When I was at the Y initially it was all boys but when I swam at a local junior college by invite program from 12 to 15 it was coed, so I do not find it that surprising. The girls saw a lot of boys at practice and at swim meets. However we always used separate locker rooms except when at a swim meet and girls would arrive in swimsuits. Boys were allowed to wear swim briefs but none did. We were all fit and confident.

The new practice was not like the Y where moms would bring other children as if it was a daycare. At college it was only spectators and swimmers. A few of the spectators were mom and daughters.

Instructor would sometimes hold tip of penis to get your attention and swat butts but not too hard. I would sort of get hard around her as that was new to me.

It seems common that boys were embarrassed. Well if you do this since a kid and enjoy swimming it was no big deal in many ways. The instructor did not shame us. Infact she said she liked to see them as they meant we were healthy.

Sometimes if we practiced relays she would tickle tip to let you know we were up next. One other girl did it too but she was shamed a bit for it which was sad.

I do not recall any boy quitting or being upset. I think we always placed in top half or top quarter at meets, and this was unheard of with female coaches, not be crude.

Showers were same way sometimes and other times all business.


I was checked on that I was attending. Several boys quit as it was too hard to do real training. I remembering practicing sore a pushing through it.

The classes were 6 boys at most and two girls and two coaches. All the girls had seen plenty of boys as well as the coaches. One of the drills was a team relay to create an even match. So one was in pool, one was on deck and one was waiting. When we were waiting is when she would touch boys. If we got erection she would put hand on back of neck till time. That did not happen during meets.

Yes suits were allowed but not worn. You stayed moderately warm from swimming. We were probably the most professional team as we swam no nonsense and just left when done.


MN; date not recorded; the below refers to grades 7-12:

boy, that brought memoies. I remember the girls in our team, as well as girls from our class that were spectators at the meets, were always encouraging us. I loved it when they would introduce us to their moms.

in the locker room before the meet, after the;girls had changed into their suits and after us boys were naked, many times we had a huddle and review things and given instructions by our coaches, both male and female. some of us standing, some of us sitting, boys on one side, girls on the other and able to look at us. sometimes, the girls would be between us and next to us. we didn't mean to, but sometimes erections happened. a couple of the boys turned red of embarrassment so the coaches said not to worry about erections. by this time, coach knew we didn't mean to get erections. I remember also being instructed to pee before we shower and before we head out to the pool. I remember sometimes I had to pee a few times during the meet. it was kind of cold, especially being wet and out of the pool.

I thought it was wonderful when the girls would introduce us to their moms, but especially after we placed and we were wearing our medals. sometimes, even my teachers came to the meets to see us swim and compete. then the following week, our teachers and classmates continued to encourage us and tell us they enjoyed the meet. I know my mom and dad, brother and sisters were proud of me.


MN: 2021

Female coaches were not uncommon in the junior teams, age 11 to 13. We had such a coach in our junior team who was about 22 and a competent swimmer. Since she also coached the girls junior team together at the same time it was fitting that it be a woman rather than a male coach.

We were only young boys anyway and most of us were used to swimming naked at school, at the Y and at camp, so it was not such a big deal for us. At first it was a bit embarrassing being naked in front of the girls our age who always wore suits but we soon got used to it.

At that age being mostly hairless and smooth and with immature penises it was not such a big deal getting erections anyway, although some were more prominent than others. So she never commented about our erections. The girls would sometimes giggle if a boy got a prominent erection. She would only swat a boy if he flaunted or touched his erection or other gestures in front of the girls.

We also competed naked at swim meets in front of spectators, but shrinkage was probably more common in the cold atmosphere of the pool than erections which were relatively rare.

There is no doubt that the girls among the spectators who were not used to seeing so many nude boys were excited and enjoyed our nudity.


MN; date not recorded

I was naked in front of spectators from age 10 to 14. while in elementary ages 10-12, and in junior high ages 12-14. but I was also in the high school swim team ages 14-18.

It was true also that sometimes the swimsuits were so short and thin that they would not protect much from the view.

It wqs the same for us at school at that time, we might have a required swimsuit with same blue color and same shape, with very short sides and being tight frontally and by back. "

when in high school, we were required to wear swim suits on a few of the meets. most meets were done with all boys nude and girls always wore swim suits. at junior high boys always were naked, girls wore suits.


More by above poster:

Yes, I was naked in front of spectators during swim activities from ages 10 to 18, in elementary school, in junior high school and during high school. our audiences were our moms and dads, girl classmates, aunts and uncles, neighbors, friends of our parents, sometimes our teachers, and the list goes on.

yes, usually both teams were nude during swim meets. boys were naked, girls wore swim suits. from what I remember, a coach of the visiting team would make the decision if we had to wear swim suits or not. but when our team was asked, we always requested to be nude.

during my time in school, it was a rule for boys to swim naked and girls to wear swimsuits. but we didn't look at it like a rule. it was just the way it was, and nobody complained or questioned or mentioned it. it was the way it was, and as far as I am concerned, it was so much fun. I wouldn't have it any other way.

as you know, us guys get an erection for any reason and any time, both would happen many times and out of our control. and I don't know about others, but when I wore speedos, and because they were so tight, and when I would get an erection, and when my dick would rub up against the speedos, the pressure of my dick rubbing on that speedo caused me to control my erections even less. wearing a speedo always caused me to realize I could see my own bulge. it was so uncomfortable. I preferred the freedom of my dick and balls hanging out.


FN; date not recorded

I grew up the middle child with an older and younger brother. We are each three years apart. My brothers joined the YMCA while I joined the Campfire Girls. Not once did I ever hear mention of boys swimming naked there.

When I was 11 years old, I had been taking ballet and one day there was a recital I wanted to go see, but my mother told me she had to go to the YMCA because my brothers were competing in an event. The rehearsal was on the other side of town so she deemed my brothers event more important. I remember being so mad on the drive to the YMCA, I couldn't have cared less about what my brothers were doing. My older brother was in gymnastics and was very good at it. So he joined their dive team. I can still remember walking into the building and going into a large room that had an indoor pool and dive platforms. We walked to the opposite side of the pool to sit on some bleachers and they were just finishing the swim portion of the competition.

When I looked up as the last swimmers were exiting the pool I was taken aback. A boy was coming out of the water and he had no swim suit on. I thought, that poor little boy lost his suit in the water. Then two more boys got out and also no swim suit. I blurted to my Mom, OMG, they're naked!! She said, yes honey, they don't wear suits. WHAT??!!! They were very young, so I thought that might have something to do with it.

Then they announced over a loud speaker that the diving would be starting. Boys started walking towards the dive platforms and they were also naked. But these were older boys. Growing up at home with two brothers, and we all shared the same bathroom, I never once saw them naked and I made sure they never saw me. This was the first time I had ever seen a boy naked. Then the unthinkable happened. I noticed my older brother waiting his turn to go up the ladder. It was funny and shocking at the same time. There was my brother without a thing on!! I remember thinking here is my 14 year old brother standing with a bunch of other boys with nothing on and with all the people in the stands!! I was also shocked that my parents knew about this and were okay with it. Again, this never came up in conversation at home.

Well, to my amusement there was a boy there who went to school with me. His name was James. Once I saw him I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I'm pretty sure he knew I was there once my Mom started screaming and cheering for my brother after his first dive. After that, he always seemed to stay just hidden behind something. At least until it was his turn to dive. I had seen that the girls and boys bathrooms were close to the diving area, so I told my Mother I had to pee. I didn't really have to go, it was just an excuse to see James up close, along with all the other boys. I smiled as I got close to him and I was just about to make some smart ass remark when my brother saw me and yelled at me. I was so embarrassed.

My parents later told me at home how this was normal, though I still didn't understand as when I swam I wore a bathing suit. Also, when we went to the lake we all wore suits. Needless to say, I did find more times that I was much more interested to go to the YMCA instead of a dance recital.

James did get me back so to speak years later. When I was a junior in high school, I had a dance part in the school's musical West Side Story. I had to go backstage to do a quick change with another girl. James was a Grip and he and a few others got to see us take off our leotard and tights. We didn't wear underwear under our tights, so he saw it all.


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