Peeping on the Sixth Grade Girls Mandatory Pool Shower

By ENFLover

Copyright 2024 by ENFLover, all rights reserved

[3,921 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Peeping on the Sixth Grade Girls Mandatory Pool Shower

By ENFLover

[Set in a 1980s sixth grade elementary school in Yourtown, USA]

I was the happiest boy in the world. Normally painfully shy, today I strode into Ms C's 6th grade gifted class all a smiling. I shook the hand of each boy and hugged each girl, much to everyone's surprise. Ms C asked me about my new found confidence and when I answered that I was just attempting to be more outgoing, the ever astute teacher thought something more was up.

She was correct: I could never just will myself out of shyness. No, I had learned a wonderful secret and its imminent fulfillment buoyed me with pure joy. I was going to see some naked girls !

Last week the class had started a round of swimming classes. Once a week we'd take a quick bus trip to an indoor pool and receive lessons. Seeing all my girl classmates in even the conservative school swimsuits was a thrill. Being forced to change clothes and shower naked with my male classmates before and after the lessons was a drag. I was a decent swimmer so I quickly passed the basic swim tests and had extra time outside the pool while the beginners were getting extra attention. My extra attention was spent on the girls. I was fascinated by the couple like Nicole and Jennifer who had budding breasts and mean Kelly who had real ones. And by all the girls butts, of all shapes and sizes. The tallest girl Sue had a long flat butt, and the shortest Gretchen's butt was small, but the roundest. The wet swimsuits were more revealing than tight jeans, my formerly favorite thing to stare at. And my favorite place of all to stare was the girls' crotches. I found myself hypnotized by the unexplained mounds, square thigh gaps or triangular peninsulas between their legs. Lara was already my favorite, as the smartest girl in school, but when I saw the mysterious tantalizing slit her swimsuit made at her crotch I fell utterly in love. I was seeing her pussy !

So I was unhappy when one of the coaches, seeing me idle (or maybe ogling?), sent me on an errand into the bowels of the pool complex. I almost complained, but I was not only meek, but dutiful, and took the scrap of paper and sadly left the frolicking nymphs behind. There were really only a few hallways, but I got lost. But I persisted and eventually found the correct cubbyhole to place the message. It was on my way back that I discovered the great secret.

A matronly coach was haranguing a handyman about hurrying up. He sharply told her to get off his back, he was already finished and just had one screw left, which he was turning as they argued. She said he was lucky and had cut it close as she would have had to cancel the girls' shower if the grate were open and the poor things would have to go home covered in chlorine.

As they left, two things struck me. One, why would she cancel the girls' shower if the grate were open, and two, holy moly the girls had to take showers, too !

I investigated the grate and faintly heard echoey sounds of girly shouts and giggles followed by the sound of running water. My face pressed to the grate, I could only see a wall about two feet away. Darn it !

Then I heard the girls' voices and laughter again. It was coming behind the grate and to the left. I looked carefully into the dark space behind the grate. It ended in front and to the right, but continued to the left. That's were the echoes were coming from. The sounds of showering girls was making crazy.

I dragged myself away from this wonderful fantasy and examined the grate. Even removed it was probably too small for an adult, but not for a skinny 11 year old boy. I'm no handy man but I knew the screws were not flathead or Phillips head. I burned their shape into my memory, and left full of hope.

After school, I spent my allowance at a hardware store on the obscure screwdriver necessary to make my dream come true: to see all the girls in my class naked.

For our next swim day, I put poison ivy on my arm, and my ''rash'' kept me from getting in the pool. The coaches were busy corralling the other kids into the locker rooms and supervising their mandatory stripping and shower. I snuck off to the grate. No one was around so I unscrewed it, stepped in and pulled it back flush behind me. It was dark, but I followed the voice of the girls' coach yelling at them to get naked. Music to my ears !

The narrow passage led to the pipes directly behind the girls' shower walls. There were multiple holes and grates for me to watch from on all three sides. I'd be able to see everything from every angle !

I loved the girls' coach even more when she actually stood guard over the shower entrance with a stop watch demanding they take a full five minutes ! I'd get a chance to study all six girls now and again after their swim.

Although we were all the same age, Gretchen looked younger than everyone else. She was short and skinny with yellow hair and blue eyes. Her face was on the plain side but she was overall pretty cute. She was embarrassed about being poor and country, which made her shy, but she was bright, and always nice. As a poor immigrant, I always felt a little like an outsider myself, and would never judge people. I think she knew this and had a crush on me.

Here in the shower, cute little Gretchen looked even younger. Unlike every other girl, her chest was completely flat with only tiny nipples. She was pale to begin with, but the areas of her body usually covered with shorts and t-shirts were a ghostly white. I loved the tan lines on the girls because it made them look even more naked. Even without the swimsuit her butt stood proudly high and firm, a small perfect semicircle, topped by two little dimples. With her narrow hips, the sides of her round butt had enticing hollows.

And then there was my favorite place, the pussy. I was looking at Gretchen's pussy! Between her skinny legs there was a small straight gap. And above that was a one inch slit. When she'd squeeze her legs together, her pussy would become more triangular. I was fascinated above all things with girls' slits. Before I had heard that girls had a hole that boys could put their dicks in. i suppose we could put it in the slit, maybe like a hot dog in a bun?

Gretchen of course had no hair down there at all, but that just made it even easier to see everything so I didn't mind. I couldn't believe it, I was really seeing every inch of Gretchen's naked body and it was as an amazing experience as I'd hoped!

Nicole was the hottest girl in class. Everyone thought she'd be a cheerleader when we got to junior high next year (we were right). She was tall, slender, and blonde, with sparkling blue eyes, and a beautiful face. None of the girls in our class dressed sexily, but you could still occasionally see that Nicole had a great body, with growing breasts and hips, slender waist and a nice butt. Sometimes she would blurt out inappropriate stuff, but she was genuinely nice and helpful, not an egomaniac drama queen because of her looks. I was surprised the one time I met her mom, also a tall pretty blonde, because she had a thick English accent. Nicole was an immigrant like me !

Nicole did not disappoint in her boring school swimsuit, and naked in the shower she was absolutely stunning. Apparently she wore a bikini at times, because her tan lines were the smallest only covering her breasts and a triangle of pelvis. Though only an eleven year old girl, she had the beginnings of a woman's shape, with her narrow waist and round hips. Her long legs were curvy even with the thin supermodel thighs only possible this young. Her breasts were small compared to most women's but perfect on her young lithe body. They were super firm and kept their shape even when bouncing which they did with each step. One of the great things about seeing a group of naked girls was learning different varieties of breasts. Different, but all wonderful. Nicole's stood proudly forward with a slight ski slope culminating in bright pink pointy nipples. Though not big, they really stood out atop the smooth snowy flesh, a real cherry on top !

Nicole's butt was great, too. Big and round, matching her hips. I knew she ran track and did hurdles, and you could tell when she walked. It bounced, thank god, but stayed firm.

In her swimsuit, Nicole's pussy formed a distinct triangle between her legs. Naked it did the same and was covered with blonde hair just a shade darker than on her pretty head. It glittered under the fluorescent lights. When she got wet under the shower, her pussy hair became conveniently translucent and I could finally see those pussy lips that so beguiled me. She had maybe an inch and a half slit, that was topped by a tiny little button. I didn't know what that button did, but god did I want to push it !

It was another mystery of the female form revealed to me, yielding a new mystery. And, wow, it was gorgeous, Nicole's mystery button. I couldn't believe I was seeing such a generous gorgeous girl's body completely naked. I loved looking from her familiar smiling face to her newly naked body.

Maybe it was because of her European background, or just her physical perfection, but Nicole's smile and body language showed she was the most comfortable one there showering naked in front of everyone.

The other girls showed signs of embarrassment, turning their backs to the open space behind them (and therefore their fronts to me !), and only scrubbing their naughty bits really quickly.

But the most embarrassed by far was Sue. She was already really shy in class. She stood out for being the only Asian, and for being the tallest kid by far. She was skinny and awkward and her face was long and awkward as well. She wasn't ugly, but probably thought she was. She had long, completely straight, and completely black hair.

She was shy and awkward in her swimsuit as well, though broke out of her shell once in the water, swimming like a champ and actually laughing and giggling like the little girl she really was.

In the shower she actually covered her chest and crotch with her arms until her closed leg shuffle took to the safety of the wall. She stood even closer than the other girls, almost in front of the shower spray, as if fearing the other girls sneaking side glances from next to her. Of course that happily meant she was even closer to me.

Completely naked literally inches in front of me, Sue's naked body was fascinating. Though she was the tallest, boy or girl, in class by far, she was not developed. Her chest was flat, I could even see the bone, except for puffy brown nipples. They were really like Hershey's chocolate kisses. At first they were just the size and color, but after she scrubbed them they became as pointy as kisses too !

Being so skinny, you could really see Sue's bones, from ankles, knees, hips, chest, and shoulder blades. When she turned for a few seconds for the water to hit her back, she'd hunch and cover her front with one arm. How cute and ironic that she was hiding everything from the other girls but giving me a great view!

Sue's butt was long and skinny like the rest of her. Because her butt was so thin and she was hunching over when she turned her butt to the wall and me, I could actually see her butthole. Just some brown wrinkles between her cheeks until, just for a few precious seconds when she shyly scrubbed her buttocks, I could see the little star the wrinkles formed around a little brown circle. Wow, I was seeing where Sue pooped from. This modest reticent girl was showing me her butthole !

When she turned back around I gave my full focus on her pussy. Though everything else about Sue was long and thin, like her legs, her face, and even her feet, her pussy was fat. Below her flat stomach rose a large square mound. At the bottom of the mound were two thick round lips. Her pussy was squarish and she had a definite thigh gap between her skinny thighs. I was really fascinated by how puffy Sue's pussy lips were, how they reminded me of a cat's smile.

No one would called Sue's gangly body beautiful, but I found it amazing, and was just so happy to see this shy quiet girl's every naked detail ! On the bus trip back, I couldn't help but strike up a conversation with her. We were talking about math, but I was visualizing her naked body the whole time. Hearing her soft voice paired with imagining her naughty cat's smile pussy made me smile from ear to ear.

Kelly, Jennifer, and Lara were best friends bonded over their passion for the band Journey. They took one wall together, though each was too embarrassed to even glance at one another, probably fearing their friend might be looking back to see her own completely exposed naked body.

All the girls in our class were genuinely nice, except Kelly. She made rude remarks to everyone, and was especially mean to me. So it was with special pleasure that I examined her completely nude exposed body.

Kelly had long chestnut hair around a face that was pretty when she wasn't sneering. She was tall and curvy and tight jeans really showed off her sexy hips. In her swimsuit she clearly had the most developed chest, and naked in the shower she proved the most developed all over as well. Kelly was the only girl with a full bush. It was thick, and darker than her chestnut hair. Before this the only naked girls I'd seen were quick glances at playboy, so I thought bushes were the most extreme of nudity. And other than her slight swell of belly and thicker thighs, she looked like a playmate, with her big breasts, sexy hips, and hairy bush. She was definitely hot.

Kelly's butt was nice and round too, but sagged a little making creases where it met her thighs. It was a lovely sight but I'm sure she'd be humiliated to know I'd seen her ''fat ass'' naked and up close.

Her breasts were big and round too. I loved the way they swayed and bounced. Unlike Nicole's ski slopes, the next biggest breasts in our class, Kelly's breasts fell against her chest, especially her left which was bigger than her right. Though firm by adult standards, they too made a fascinating crease. Her breasts were topped by big brown circles, and when she embarrassedly scrubbed them under coach's orders, her nipples stuck out of the flat circles.

Though I loved Kelly's big brown bush, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't see the pussy lips I found so fascinating on the other girls. So I was overjoyed when her bush got wet enough that I could see more of her pussy. Beneath her wool she she had a perfect equilateral triangle between her legs, and more. Pushing out between her pussy lips and going below them, were pink and red folds of flesh. I'd never seen anything like that in the few Playboys I'd seen. Here was something completely new ! I didn't know if this extra flesh was good or bad, but I definitely loved seeing it.

On the bus trip back, I made a point of complimenting how well she swam (I ran back to the pool to avoid suspicion and to check out the swimsuited girls), and as expected she responded rudely. But this time, I smiled and smiled, her comments like water off a duck's back because I was imagining the water roll off her big behind, and off her swinging breasts, and through her pubic hair and down her meaty folds !

Jennifer would tease me, but in a friendly way. I think she knew my unspoken crush on her best friend Lara, but approved. She was chubby, but though I wouldn't admit it, scared of the other boys' disapproval, I found her really cute, and I loved how firm and round her body looked in tight jeans. She had shoulder length sandy blonde hair that curled a little at the ends. Her round face had dimples and freckles, and her hazel eyes promised mischief.

Naked, Jennifer was even cuter. Her calves and thighs and butt were big, but invitingly firm. I couldn't believe how Jennifer's butt stayed round as a beach ball, even completely naked. Her belly was solid too, and stuck out as much as her small breasts. But boy did her little breasts stick out. They were perfect cones and stuck out straight ahead and a little bit to the sides. They were topped by pale pink circles and small but very pointy nipples. They wobbled a bit when she moved around but quickly returned to their raised upright position.

Below her cute belly, was a smaller curve covered in a thin layer of dark blonde pussy hair. Her pale thighs rubbed together and between them she had a perfect heart shaped pussy. Under the sparse hair I could clearly see her well defined chubby pussy lips. As a bonus Jennifer also had a thin bright pink line between the lips which widened into a little button at the top of her pussy. It really was like a Valentine's heart . A cute pussy to match a cute girl.

I was drunk by the sight of all the beautiful completely naked sixth grade girls showering right before my lucky eyes. My heart had never stopped pounding, my breath was short, and my legs wobbling. But when the coach announced one minute, I refocused and slid to peep at my crush, Lara.

Lara was a little above average height and skinny. Her face was long and she had a long nose with a prominent bend in the middle. She had slightly buck teeth and had received the cruel nickname, 'the Beaver,' from a boy who teased her (but probably secretly liked her). (We really didn't know beaver also meant a girl's pussy Ms C broke down and whispered the meaning to me, in a moment I'll always remember.)

Any way, this description isn't very flattering, but she made me think of old paintings of English noblewomen. Lara was patrician. She had long auburn hair, mostly brown but with a tinge of copper, alabaster skin, and clear grey eyes. And as the smartest girl in the gifted class in sixth grade, Lara was the smartest girl in the whole school. To me she was also the most beautiful girl in school and I had a terrible crush on her.

Now to see her completely naked right in front of me was overwhelming and overwhelmingly awesome. Under the bright lights Lara's pale skin glowed. Her long back widened a little into her hips and butt. Her buttocks were long and thin but had a nice curve and dimples at the top. Her legs were thin too, but not bony like Sue's. She was as embarrassed as Sue, though, and when she had to let the water hit her back, she hunched forward covering her front view from the coach and the other girls. Once again I was rewarded with the sight of a lovely little butthole. Lara's was really nice, her anus wrinkles forming a pale pink asterisk without the little ring like Sue had. Even girls' buttholes were unique !

When Lara turned back to face the shower, and me, I could finally see everything. Though her collarbones were prominent and chest narrow, her breasts rose up as perfect firm hemispheres. Lara's creamy mounds were topped with small pale pink circles, and tiny pointy pink nipples. She blushed from places I didn't know you could blush, and her strawberries and cream complexion from head to toe was sublime.

Below her breasts, her flat narrow waist accentuated what little hips she had, and there between her thighs was the promised land, the mystery revealed. For when Lara would wear tight jeans, the V between her legs was often split deeply by the denim seam. Was I seeing Lara's pussy? I didn't know exactly what I was seeing in those jeans, but it was hard to take my eyes off of it. The same thing happened with Lara's swimsuit and now I was enjoying the best view of all.

Lara had very long pussy lips. Her pointy triangle went deep into the thigh gap between her slender legs. And the actual slit was even longer running halfway up her pussy mound. So this is what her jeans and swimsuit were sliding into ! Her lips themselves were smooth and hairless, but at the top of her slit, was a little patch of auburn pussy hair, actually lighter than on her head.

I was hypnotized staring at the motions of Lara's pussy lips as she huddled under the shower, and glancing at her perpetually embarrassed face. She looked even more noble blushing. If their coach didn't yell to get out and put their swimsuits on, I'd have never left.

I watched and talked with (I was suddenly less shy) the girls as they went through swim class. It was fun comparing their swimsuited bodies with their naked ones, those images still burned onto my eyeballs. Then I snuck off again to my hidey hole.

I was rewarded with a full ten minute shower to thoroughly rinse off the chlorine. From the way their coach never left the shower entrance I thought she must be enjoying the show as much as me ! All the naked breasts, butts, and pussies, of Gretchen, Nicole, Sue, Kelly, Jennifer, and Lara were burned deeper into my memory banks. It was so wonderful to see all my girl classmates completely naked, every secret, every single inch of their bodies exposed to my greedy eyes.

Now when I talked with them, I imagined them naked. They just chatted along innocently while I saw every curve of their breasts, hips, butts, and the slits of their pussies. It was awesome !

The End

[Author's Note:

This story is very moddable. If you would like to imagine the girls you remember from your own sixth grade class buck naked, and write about their completely exposed bodies, please do so! Obviously I love reading about naked girls so please feel free to plug in different girls from memory, celebrities, or just imagination. Thanks.]

(End of File)