Nudifying Pixie 8

By Faery Tales

Copyright 2024 by Faery Tales, all rights reserved

[1,706 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Nudifying Pixie_Doors, part 2

Romet and Jahair sit shivering in the next room. It’s not cold, far from it. The day is very hot and, as with many schools, the air conditioning is hardly doing its job. But minutes ago, both boys were racing through the hallway butt-naked and with a raucous crowd of fellow students right on their heels. Mr. Miller had been in his classroom getting a few last-minute things ready for his first class of the day. He’s a big, BIG man but a very soft-hearted one. Still, you don’t want to give him grief. He had heard the commotion and stepped out of his classroom to see what was going on. Mrs. Ramirez and Ms. Flores—who have classrooms next to and across from Mr. Miller’s, respectively—had stepped out, too. Though usually imperturbable, even Mr. Miller joined his two female colleagues in wide-eyed, mouth agape surprise. They all three see the naked and flustered Romet and Jahair racing toward them with a horde of boisterous students close behind.

From the looks on Romet’s and Jahair’s faces, the three teachers know the boys are not doing this on purpose as a dare or prank. A stern look from Mr. Miller halts the entire procession. He orders the two boys—now horrified that, along with all these kids and vice principal Doris Fritz, three of their teachers, two female ones <shudder>, are seeing them stark naked—into his classroom and everyone else to get to their classes. He leaves Mrs. Ramirez to get the students moving, but asks Ms. Flores to come with him to see what’s going on.

The boys are grateful that Mr. Miller gave Romet his sport coat and Jahair his windbreaker before talking to them so that they were no longer naked in front of him or, especially, Ms. Flores. Considering how big Mr. Miller is, Romet and Jahair pretty much disappear inside the articles of clothing they are using for cover. They would’ve laughed at the comical sight if it had been someone else instead of themselves. It’s a terrible story as far as Mr. Miller is concerned, but both he and Ms. Flores actually believe them. Ms. Flores heads back to her classroom and Mr. Miller guides the two boys to the vacant room next door to his while he lets his own class in and contacts vice principal Fritz.

So, back to Romet and Jahair sitting and shivering in the next room. Besides the obvious cause of some of their nervousness, it’s very disconcerting to know a class full of peers is just on the other side of the door. And they probably know Romet and Jahair are in this room. Both boys pull their attire up close.

‘Wh-wh-what’s gonna happen?” Jahair stammers.

Romet sighs. He’s confident he and his friend are not in trouble. Still…

“I don’t know.”

Romet’s answer almost had a “Let’s not talk about it anymore” feel to it which Jahair detected. The Black lad is about the same height as Romet and just a bit stouter, having more muscle and slightly broader shoulders. His thick black hair is trimmed short with a small longer tuft left up front. His pecan brown eyes seem to exude innocence but hide a bit of a scampish demeanor.


“Why’d you snort?” Romet asks with a scowl.

Jahair hesitates. Then smirks.

“You look stupid in that huge sport coat.”

Romet scowls even more. But, then, he too has to snicker.

“And you’re some kind of turtle hidden in that monster-sized wind breaker.” a smirking Romet retorts.

For a few moments, Romet and Jahair forget about their situation as they make fun of how big Mr. Miller is and how funny each other looks. They are appreciative of all Mr. Miller has done for them, but can’t help but be amused at his mammoth stature. Then the door opens. Both boys inhale deeply thinking they’ve been found out by their peers who are here to tease them some more. But, no, it’s vice principle Fritz.

Vice principle Fritz sighs. How do her students get into these situations? This is probably the most unique one she’s ever encountered, but still, seemingly every day something strange happens to someone.

“Let’s go, boys, I’m taking you home.”

Romet and Jahair look at each other.

“Um, dr-dr-dressed like, like this?” they both stammer.

“That or nothing.” she replies.

The boys can’t tell if she’s joking or not. Since she is not known for having a funny bone in her body, they decide to stay dressed as they are. They get up and follow vice principal Fritz to her car. They are all silent the whole way. If they had done something wrong, vice principal Fritz would’ve been reading them the riot act. But she had witnessed Jahair’s bizarre stripping and could only conclude Romet’s had been similarly surreal. So, silence held sway as she had no idea what to say to two boys who are naked except for a borrowed sport coat and wind breaker.

Romet and Jahair get into the back seat of the car. They take off assuming they’ll go to Jahair’s first as he lives closest. Still, it’ll be a fifteen-minute ride, a very awkward fifteen-minute ride. It would’ve been difficult enough riding with vice principal Fritz in the best of situations. Imagine sitting in her back seat wearing only a sport coat or wind breaker with nothing on underneath.

The car comes to a halt at a red light in the middle of town. The sidewalks and roads are crowded as usual. The light turns green, vice principal moves from the brake to the gas, and…nothing. The car dies. Just as Dezbraca had planned. Vice principal Fritz tries a few things as the impatient drivers behind her begin to honk their horns. Much, MUCH later, Romet and Jahair will be able to laugh at the language that spilled out of vice principal Fritz’s mouth—language that would’ve gotten them into big trouble if they had used it in her presence—but for now they sit very still and very quiet.

“Boys, you’re going to have to get out and push.” a defeated vice principal Fritz commands.

“WHAT?” the two flabbergasted boys answer. They have no desire to leave the cover of the car.

The look vice principal Fritz gives them in the rearview mirror is all the answer they need.

Slowly and reluctantly, each boy opens his door and gets out, just as Dezbraca had hoped. Before they clear their respective doors, Dezbraca slams the doors shut catching a sport coat in one and a wind breaker in the other. The pixie then makes the car work again and it zooms away ripping the sport coat off Romet and the wind breaker off Jahair.

A surprised and confused Vice principal Fritz looks in her rear-view mirror. It’s a rear view that she’s getting, a rear-view neither Romet nor Jahair want to be giving. She tries to stop the car but it isn’t under her control for now. Dezbraca’s magic is sending the car away with a sport coat and wind breaker flapping out its back doors. As her car speeds away, the usually staid vice principal Fritz has to chuckle at the two bare butts getting farther and farther away.

Romet and Jahair stand stunned. They are stark naked in the middle of a busy intersection. The honking horns had been in anger and aimed at vice principal Fritz’s stalled car. Now they are in amusement drawing much unwanted attention to the two naked boys.

“This way!” Romet shouts being the first of the two boys to regain some kind of sense. “And cover up!”

Jahair looks down and stumbles back a bit upon realizing what he’s showing to everyone. His hands fly to do their covering duty while both boys rue having to leave their butts bared as they run for cover. The first store they come to, Romet reaches for the door. It won’t budge. A surprised, but amused clerk comes to try to open the door but cannot. And until Dezbraca lets it go, the door will NOT open. The pixie laughs at the two naked boys and their growing crowd of amused viewers. With faces growing redder and redder, they try the next door, the next one, and the next one. But each one is held shut by a giggling Dezbraca keeping the naked duo on display for everyone out on the street and those looking out of their office or store windows. And it’s a HUGE crowd. Each door does come open after the boys move on to another one.

After the last door, Romet stops and looks at Jahair.

“I guess we’re going to be streakers.” he says with as much courage as he can muster. It isn’t much.

Jahair can only shake his head.

Summoning what little fortitude he has left, Romet actually grins and shouts, “Race ya!!”

With accompanying car honkings and people shouting, whistling, and cat-calling, Romet and Jahair run as fast as they can. Knowing it will only slow them down, they don’t even cover up their goodies and try to keep their heads up and run proudly. This lasted until the naked duo—currently taking a shortcut through the park—fly around the bathroom building and right into the middle of the annual picnic that Romet’s mother’s charity is hosting today for the senior citizen ladies of the city.

Needless to say, the speeches later in the program were not nearly as entertaining as the two beet-red, stammering, cute, butt naked boys who—paralyzed with panic—neglected to cover up for a few moments and then, coming to their senses, cover up and turn tail allowing for the now laughing ladies to enjoy their cute bare butts as the boys disappear in the distance. And this is only one of several such encounters the hapless naked blushing boys endure on their unplanned streak home. And try to imagine what’s going through Romet’s mind as to how to explain to his mother why he and his best friend showed up in their birthday suits at her picnic.

Oh, how Dezbraca swirls in sheer delight.

The End

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