Nudifying Pixie 7

By Faery Tales

Copyright 2024 by Faery Tales, all rights reserved

[1,669 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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NP: Doors

Once again, Romet is running late. The Estonian-born lad came to the U.S. with his parents nine years ago and became a citizen upon his parents becoming naturalized citizens. The now 14-year-old loves his life here in the U.S. Romet is about average in height for boys his age. He keeps his light brown hair cut medium length and messy. Many a girl is charmed by his meadow green eyes as well as his disarming smile and quick wit. He plays many different sports with his buddies, but is on no organized school sports team. His wiry medium frame is nicely toned.

Romet races to the door with part of a toaster pastry hanging out of his mouth. He mumbles a goodbye to his mother and runs out the door. He sees the bus just pulling up to the stop and puts himself into high gear. He believes he can just make it. Of course, the bus driver is used to Romet dashing out at the last moment so sighs as she waits.

It’s an unseasonably hot spring day. Romet is sprinting to the bus stop in his sandals, black denim shorts, and his burgundy t-shirt with a roaring motorcycle on the front. His back pack is slung over his left shoulder as he hoofs it to the bus stop. As usual, the other kids on the bus are cheering him on finding his mad dash each morning to be quite humorous.

He gets to the bus door and steps up noticing the usual head shaking and mirthful scowl of the bus driver, Mrs. Cartwright.

At the bus stop just before Romet’s, five students of various ages had boarded. But they weren’t the only ones who got on the bus at that stop. A certain nudifying pixie flew on board, too. She had observed Romet the last few days and, unfortunately for Romet, is quite captivated by the charming lad. She just knows she must strip him.

Before Romet gets any further onto the bus, the door closes. Now Mrs. Cartwright knows she didn’t close it—as does everyone else watching Romet enter the bus. But close it did thanks to Dezbraca. And it just happened to close on a small part of the right leg of Roment’s shorts. When he steps up to continue entering the bus…


…his shorts are completely pulled off thanks again to Dezbraca’s spell. Even stranger to everyone except the pixie, the shorts are still intact as they dangle from the bus door.

A stunned Romet stops, looks back over his shoulder to see his shorts hanging from the closed bus door. He looks down. He looks at the other kids. Unfortunately for Romet, the other kids have recovered from the surprise and are laughing as Romet stands there in his sandals, burgundy t-shirt, and his dark green “Scooby Doo” boxer briefs with black waist band. Of course, no one can see the waistband nor the top half of Romet’s underwear which is covered by his t-shirt. But that doesn’t make his face any less red.

The surprised, yet amused, Mrs. Cartwright is trying to keep a straight face as she opens the door to free up Romet’s shorts. But a strange, localized gust of wind whisks them away, a gust courtesy of a giggling Dezbraca.

A dejected Romet watches his shorts blow away. The other kids are still laughing. Well, it’s mainly the boys who are laughing. The girls are quite enamored at the now shorts-less stud muffin Romet and wishing his shirt didn’t cover his underwear up so much.

Romet considers running home, but sees his mother driving away to her charity work. His father left earlier that morning, his kid brother and sister boarded an earlier bus to get to their school, and his house key is in his shorts pocket, there being no spare key hidden outside. Still blushing, he turns to look at Mrs. Cartwright. Besides the tickled grin on her face, she offers no help and only shrugs asking him if he’s getting on or off.

Resigned currently to his red-faced state of dress, he slowly walks back the aisle. He spots his best friend, Zahair, and speeds back to him. Now, Zahair does find the situation funny, strange, but funny. However, he is not laughing when Romet comes back to him, and offers what solace he can. The two try to figure out what to do. All they can think of is Romet hold his backpack in front of him while Zahair brings up the rear and maybe they can think of something at school.

The bus riders are a bit more rowdy than usual and at each stop they tell the kids getting on about Romet losing his shorts and is currently in just his underwear and t-shirt. Most of the kids ignore the information dismissing it as either fictitious or as data they don’t care about as they are too sleepy to care. But some of the girls are sure to look as they walk by the cringing Romet. At least Zahair had let Romet sit near the window with Zahair himself running defense on passing girls.

When they get to school, without being told, Zahair knows to wait so he and Romet are the last two off the bus. Zahair gets off and steps aside ready to get behind Romet. But as soon as Romet clears the last step, the bus door closes capturing part of his shirt. Once again, it isn’t Mrs. Cartwright who closed the door, but a mischievous pixie loving the whole scene.

Of course, Romet had keeps walking so…


…off comes his shirt! Zahair had been ready to step behind Romet so his shorts-less pal can quickly enter the school building. But he’s stopped and staring, too, just like the other kids at his now bare torso-ed friend. Quickly recovering from this second surprise, Mrs. Cartwright opens the door to free up Romet’s shirt only to have another Dezbraca-made gust of wind blow it away. A mortified Romet looks at Mrs. Cartwright, then Zahair, then all the now laughing students. Zahair steps forward to help guide Romet through the snickering, whistling crowd, but is thwarted by the opening school buzzer which sends the whole host of kids toward the school entrances.

Poor Romet is separated from his buddy and swept away into one of the main hallways. Romet feels many a ‘snap’ of his underwear waistband—accompanied by unflattering remarks regarding his boxer briefs—and not just a few attempts at wedgies that he somehow manages to avoid. He suddenly remembers a boys’ bathroom is not too far away and muscles his way through the crowd toward it.

“Out of Order…Do Not Enter”

That is NOT the sign Romet wants to see. Of course, no school custodian put that there. The bathroom is in perfect working order—well, as ‘perfect’ as a school boys’ bathroom can be—but the sign and locked door are Dezbraca’s doing.

Still enduring laughter and crude comments—and not just a few enchanted looks from captivated girls—Romet pushes to his locker hoping to find gym clothes that maybe he’d forgotten there. If only he’d thought to go straight to the principal’s office, he might’ve gotten away from all this embarrassment sooner, but the office is on another hallway quite a ways away and Romet has no desire to wade through this crowd.

Romet opens his locker door ignoring the steady stream of bawdy remarks and lascivious proposals. To his dismay, he did not leave any gym clothes here. He mistakenly puts his backpack down forgetting it can still be used for some cover. Suddenly frowning at a quickly quietening down of his fellow students, Romet turns to look over his shoulder.

“I hope you have a very good explanation for this, Mr. Kohver.” says a scowling vice principal with her hands on her hips and no mercy in her face.

Romet Kohver tries to stammer an explanation, but, when even he doesn’t really know how he ended up in just his underwear and sandals, it became quite evident he doesn’t have a good explanation.

“Come with me.” vice principal Doris Fritz commands him giving him no choice as she takes him by his right ear.

Wanting to complete the job, Dezbraca has Romet’s locker door swing shut capturing a small part of his underwear…


…eliciting howls of laughter, enchantment, and the like as the butt naked, protesting, beet-red Romet is marched off through a long, LONG line of crowded hallways by an unflappable Mrs. Fritz who is unaware that Romet is now completely naked. Well, not completely, and Dezbraca takes care of that by making sure the mortified denuded Romet walks out of his sandals.

Oh, and Dezbraca has one more task she hopes to accomplish and it looks like she will. Zahair finally pushes through the laughing crowd stepping in front of Mrs. Fritz halting her and his naked buddy. He tries to explain all the while poor Romet would prefer his friend doesn’t try, at least not now as Romet is forced to stand naked in front of everyone. That’s when Mrs. Fritz notices Romet is completely naked and it’s also when Dezbraca acts. The pixie doesn’t do much of her stripping with any sense of fairness or the like, but, giggling to herself, she decides she doesn’t want Romet to suffer alone. Oh, who is she kidding. It has nothing to do with Romet suffering but with stripping cute boys butt naked and watching their faces redden. So, a nearby door opens and Dezbraca expands the slight burst of wind from it to blow Zahair’s clothes completely off, too!

How Dezbraca twirls in pure ecstasy as she watches the commotion of two cute naked boys overwhelm the vice principle who loses control and can only watch as the two blushing stud muffins are swept away in a crowd of laughing boys and enamored girls.

The End

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