Middle School Swim Team

Middle School Swim Team 2

By Zynder

Copyright 2024 by Zynder, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Middle School Swim Team - Part 2
by Zynder

I wake up to sun shining in my eyes with the desperate need to pee. I sling my sheet off me, twist around to get out of bed and to my shock I’m stark naked. Then I notice that sitting in a chair across from me is Da. Da is seeing me naked!

“What! Why am I naked? Da. Why are you here?”

“Cullan. Go pee and come back and we can talk.”

“But I’m naked!”

“I can see that. Just go pee and we can discuss why you’re naked when you come back.”

I would continue talking to Da about why I’m starkers, but I really do have to pee badly, so I doing something I’ve NEVER done before. I stand up and run across the hall to the bathroom in my birthday suit. I make sure to close the bathroom door behind me, because I don’t want Ian or Erin seeing me naked. It’s bad enough Da just saw me bare skinned. I pee like for hours. Well, maybe not hours, just minutes, but it just keeps coming out and out and out. When I finally finish, I give my tiny penis what other boys might call a shake, but in reality it is merely a wiggle. Before returning to my room, I grab a towel and wrap it around me to cover up my nakedness.

“Ian. Please, tell your mother that Cullan is up and ask her to go ahead and start breakfast.”

“Yes. Da!”

As I walk back into my room, I see Ian take off towards the kitchen. Da doesn’t look surprised to see me with a towel wrapped around my boy parts.

“Have a seat Cullan.”

I sit back down on my bed.

“Cullan. Your mother and I now think we know why you’re so stressed about joining the swim team and the upcoming try-outs.”

“MOM! She saw me naked!”

“Did Erin or Ian see me naked too?”

“Yes, your mom saw you naked and no your brother and sister didn’t. The only reason your mom saw you is that she came in your room to tell us that supper was ready and you had fallen asleep, so I put you to bed and in doing so, I removed your clothing and we both saw our lovely son naked.”

“Da. There’s nothing lovely about naked me.”

“Oh! Cullan! You could never be so wrong about anything in your life as that. When I saw my son naked last night I was the proudest papa in the world.”

“I don’t get it. You saw me. You saw my thing. How can THAT make you proud? Ian for sure, but not me.”

“Cullan. I am proud of Ian also, but you are special in a different way.”

“Ya. I’m a freak that belongs in a circus.”

“No son. Why would you ever think that? You are my son and not some freak.”

“Da. My penis isn’t even as long as your fingernail. How am I not a freak?”

“Because son. You have my penis. You have your Grand Da’s penis and your Great Grand Da’s penis.”


“Cullan. You have the McGregor penis. Handed down from father to son over the generations.”

“But Ian has a huge penis.”

“Your brother inherited the O’Flannery penis from your mother’s side of the family.”

“I don’t understand how we can have different penises?”

“It’s genetics son. In high school you will study about genetics and DNA in biology class, but for now I’ll explain it like this. When parents make a baby they share their DNA with that baby. Some of it from the mother’s side and some of it from the father’s side. I don’t think they have done a study, but it is my understanding that the first born son usually takes more after the father and the second born son takes more after the mother. Which would suggest that the first born gets his dad’s penis and the second born son gets his mother’s side of the family’s penis.”

“So, I have your penis?”

“Yes son. Of course, mine is a little bigger now that I’m a man and you haven’t started puberty yet, but yours will grow once you do.”

“So my penis will get bigger?”

“Yes, but don’t get your hopes up too much. It won’t get all that much bigger.”

“So, I’m going to have to live with this button penis all my life.”

“Like I said, it does get a little fatter and longer when you go through puberty. Which I might as well tell you now, that it probably won’t be for another couple years. Yes, we already had our puberty talk, but I based when to have that talk on seeing your brother naked, not you. If I had seen you naked then I would have delayed our puberty talk. Us, McGregor’s, go through puberty much later than most men.”

“How much later?”

“Fourteen or maybe even fifteen. I was fourteen and a half before I started puberty as a teenager.”

“OH! DA! I’m going to have to look like this through most of high school?”

“Yes, son. Which is why you need to get used to it now while other boys are still waiting to go through their own puberty. You won’t be alone in this if you embrace it now. I know you don’t think of it as a blessing, but naked swimming could be a really good thing for you.”

“Da! How can it be a good thing?”

“Son. The best way to get over being embarrassed about yourself is to accept it and live through it. You’re embarrassed because of the size of your penis, added with you hiding your nakedness all these years instead of just running around naked like your brother, has made your embarrassment more acute. So, to get over your embarrassment you need to embrace it and live through it. Naked swimming at school is the perfect safe way to live through what embarrasses you.”

“But. Everyone will see how tiny I am.”

“Yes. They will and eventually it will just be normal for them to see you as you really are.”

“Eventually, Da! Really!”

“Yes. Cullan. We do need to be realistic. Some people will laugh and make jokes and tease you. Kids are the cruelest animals on the planet. But eventually, everyone will accept you as you are and life will be good, not hiding any secrets. That said, why don’t you remove the towel and stop hiding the beautiful boy that you are.”

“But Ian. He might come back to tell you when breakfast is ready”

“He might. So? Ian is your brother. What’s wrong with him seeing you naked?”

“My penis. It’s so much smaller than his.”

“Your brother will love seeing his older brother go naked just like he does. The size of your penis isn’t going to matter to him.”

“WHAT! Wait! Did you say, go naked like him?”

“Yes. Cullan. That’s what I said. You want to be on the swim team. Correct?”


“Then you have to swim naked. Correct?”


“Then you need to get used to being naked in front of people. Correct?”

“Yes. But!”

“Cullan. There isn’t any, buts. To swim on the team you have to swim naked and people are going to see you naked. Unless you’ve changed your mind and you don’t want to be on the swim team.”

“No! I want to be on the swim team. It’s just so much to take all at once. I was going to ask Coach if I could swim in my Jammers instead of the little swim briefs the team wears and then everything changed to no swimsuit at all.”

“I totally understand that, Cullan. That is why after you fell asleep last night as your mother and I put you to bed, we discussed how to help you get used to this drastic change. We decided the best way is for you to embrace nudity and go naked at home. That way you can be naked around family in a safe atmosphere, before having to be naked at school in front of everyone at the try-outs. You only have eleven days to prepare, so we thought this would be best.”

“But! I’ll be naked in front of you, mom, Ian and Erin.”

“Yes, you will. You will be naked in front of your loving family.”

“Da. I understand what you’re saying. I really do, but to be naked. It’s really scary.”

“That’s why I’m here to help you. So, why don’t you take the towel off and show your Da your beautiful body.”

I know what Da is saying makes sense, but to be naked in front of him is so nerve wrecking. My anxiety level is skyrocketing out of control. He did say we have the same penis, so he knows what mine looks like because he has it too. But then everyone else is going to see me naked. Can I do that? Do I really want to be on the swim team? Why am I even asking myself that? Of course, I want to be on the team. I want to be on it more than anything else. More than going naked in front of my family? Yes. More than that. I take hold of my towel and take it off and set it on the bed beside me. I sit naked in front of Da. He has a smile on his face as he looks at my nakedness.

“Cullan. You are a beautiful boy. Why don’t you stand up and let your Da see you from all sides.”

Gritting my teeth, I stand up and do small circles so Da can see all of me. The smile never leaves his face. He is seeing me naked. All of me. He’s seeing my tiny button of a penis with my nuts pressed up against my body very tightly. I’m completely hairless from my neck to my toes. I don’t even have any fuzz, like most boys. When I say I am hairless, that is exactly what I mean. I’m smoother than smooth. The only good thing that might come from this is that maybe it will help me swim faster. No hair to slow me down and no penis to add drag to slow me down.

Then, I have a funny thought go through my head as I stand letting Da look at me. It’s a very vivid image of boys swimming naked. What about boys with long dongs. Would their penis slow them down as it dangles under them as they swim? Their dicks would be like sea anchors.

Just then my bedroom door flies open and Ian bursts in.

“Mom says breakfast is ready...Cullan...you’re naked...WOW! Are you going to breakfast naked? Can I go naked too?”

“Ian. What have I said about bursting into people’s bedrooms without knocking?”

“That I’m supposed to knock first.”

“Now go back out and do it right.”

Knock. Knock.

“It’s your room Cullan.”

“Come in.”

Ian comes in and this time he stares right at me. Well he stares right at my penis.

“Mom says breakfast is ready.”

“Thank you, Ian.”

“Cullan. Why are you naked? Are you in trouble? Is Da going to spank you?”

“No. Ian. I’m not in trouble. I’m naked because Da thinks I should go naked to get ready to swim naked on the team.”

“Can I go naked too?”

“That’s up to Da.”

“No, Cullan. This time it’s up to you. Will it help to have Ian naked too or will it make you more self-conscious.”

“What’s self-conscious?”

Da tries to explain it to Ian, while I think over the idea of both Ian and me being naked together. His penis is two-and-a-half-inches long and mine is only a half-inch long. The difference is staggering. I mean we are brothers you would think our penises would be the same, but they aren’t for the reasons Da explained to me. So, do I want Ian to be naked too and be a constant reminder of how much smaller I am than him? I make a decision.

“Ian. I would love for you to be naked with me. You can help me get used to being naked.”


Before I can blink, Ian removes his tee shirt and shorts and he is standing in front of me starkers.

“You little scamp. Why weren’t you wearing underpants?”

“I couldn’t find any.”

“You couldn’t find any or you didn’t want to wear any?”

“Honest Da. There weren’t any in my dresser drawers. You can go check.”

“No need. You look just fine naked.”

“So does Cullan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cullan naked before. Don’t he look awesome naked. He ain’t got this long ugly penis sticking out like me. I sure wish mine was small like his.”

“Ian. Your penis isn’t ugly. It’s just different.”

“But it ain’t fair. Cullan has a penis like yours and I got this long thing.”

“Wait. You’ve seen Da’s penis?”

“Of course, silly. Da and me take showers together sometimes.”

I almost ask how come I never took a shower with Da, but then I know why, I didn’t want him to see me naked.

Erin walks in.

“Mom wants to know what’s keeping you? Breakfast is getting cold.”

I notice Erin takes one quick look at me and then turns to leave. She doesn’t say anything else or stare at me or anything.

At breakfast Erin makes an interesting comment.

“Mama. It isn’t fair that Ian and Cullan can go naked and I can’t.”

“Erin. You can go naked too, if you want.”

“No I can’t. I don’t have a cute penis like Cullan.”

“Erin. Darling. You don’t have to have a penis to go naked like your brothers.”

“I look funny without one.”

Erin doesn’t get naked, but the conversation peeks my interest. It seems that everyone is concerned with how they look when naked. Not just me. Ian thinks his penis is too big and ugly, he wishes his looked more like mine. Erin wishes she had a penis and it looked like mine. Da says my penis is just like his only prepubescent and Ian agrees. Mom seems to really like my penis, because after breakfast she takes photos of it. Am I the only one that thinks my penis is way too small and looks funny? It seems so. I’m still terribly embarrassed being naked and when it bones up to a total height of one and three-quarters inches I’m really embarrassed. My hard penis isn’t even as big as Ian’s penis soft.

By lunch, Erin has two of her friends over to hang out and of course they stare at my penis for awhile. It was embarrassing enough when it was just family seeing me naked, but now that Erin’s friends are here, I seem to have a permanent hard-on around them. They don’t pay Ian’s penis much attention even when he bones-up, because they get to see it any time they want. Ian has three buddies over and they strip off naked as soon as they get here. At least his friends have more normal size penises for nine-year-old boys, but they all have longer ones than me. It’s funny though, because even though their penises are longer than mine they accept my tiny penis as normal and don’t make a big deal out of it being so tiny. I bet the kids at school when they see my minuscule boy toy will make a huge deal out of it being so small. Preteens make a lot of jokes about a boy’s penis. Every time I think about how they are going to make fun of me, I get a boner from just the embarrassment I feel just imagining it.

After lunch, everyone is out swimming in the pool. The girls in swimsuits and the boys stark naked. I’m in my room trying to get used to being naked without turning red and getting a boner every time someone looks at me. I’m doing this by walking past the full length mirror hanging in my closet while staring at the naked boy I see in it. He always blushes bright red and half the time his penis pops up to attention. How am I going to go to try-outs if I’m going to be showing off my boner? It will be bad enough being teased for being naked, but to be teased for having a boner is way worse.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in.”

I don’t even turn to see if it’s mom or dad. I just keep staring at myself in the mirror trying to will my boner to go soft.

“Hey Cullan. Nice boner.”

I spin around hearing the unfamiliar voice behind me to see Trevor, the transfer student that I saw at the gym. What is he doing here?

“Um. Hi Trevor? What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

I’m standing here freaking naked with my little boner sticking up in front of Trevor. How much more embarrassing can this get?

“I came by to say hi, since we’re going to both be on the swim team. That’s also how I got your name and address. It was on the sign up sheet. I only live two blocks away, so I thought I would come by to meet you and hang out if you’re okay with that?”

“Sure. But you sort of caught me at a bad time.”

“I can see. You trying to get used to being naked?”

“Ya. But how did you know?”

“You’re blushing bright red and have a boner. Sure signs that you’re way embarrassed.”

“That obvious huh? This is my Da’s idea. Because if I can’t get past this, then I won’t be able to go to try-outs. I just can’t walk around the pool deck looking like this.”

“Well, honestly, Cullan, you look really cute like that, but I understand. The sharks at school will eat you alive if they saw you blushing and boned. They can sense weakness and as long as it embarrasses you to be naked, then they will see that as your weakness and tease you relentlessly. But don’t worry, I’m here to save you from all that embarrassment.”

“You are? How?”

“I’ll go naked with you every day, so you don’t only get used to being naked by yourself, but also being naked with another boy your age, and not just all those little boys I saw out back in your pool.”

“Ya. That’s my brother Ian and his friends. Ian loves to run around naked.”

“So, he’s a bit like me then.”

“Ya, I remember you saying something about liking to be naked and going skinny dipping.”
“Ya. I did where we used to live, although it was always just boys. No girls ever seen me naked. That is going to be different and maybe even embarrassing for me at school. We had a pool like you in our backyard where my friends and I skinny-dipped, but the house we have now doesn’t have one, so no more skinny dipping.”

“You can come over here and go skinny dipping any time you want.”

“Really. I might just take you up on that offer. I need to practice as much as I can if I want a permanent place on the swim team.”

“You heard the coach. Everyone is on the swim team as long as they can meet the qualifiers.”

“True, but that will only last until the boys that left get over the whole naked thing and return to take their places back.”

“You think they’ll come back?”

“Of course, they will. They’re swimmers. Swimmers swim. They won’t be able to stay away. You can’t not swim, can you?”

“No. I got to swim everyday or I feel off.”

“Exactly. So, those boys will return once they get over the whole being naked thing and once they see the rest of us doing it, then they will do it too.”

“And that’s when you think they will come back to take our spots away from us.”

“Yep. I miss not being able to swim every day. Just think how they are feeling. Not having a pool at home has me feeling off.”

“Well then. Let’s go swim.”

“I thought you would never ask. Can I leave my clothes in here?”

“Sure, just throw them on my bed.”

I can’t believe Trevor is going to strip naked right here in my room. I’m going to get to see how much puberty he has. I’m sure since he’s thirteen he has way more than me, because I don’t have any. I watch his sandals come off leaving him barefoot. I notice his toes are long. That will sure help him swim faster. When he lifts his tee shirt to take it off, I see that he doesn’t have any pit hair. His armpits are as smooth as mine. I watch as he drops his shorts to the floor and steps out of them.

“I’m surprised you’re still wearing briefs.”

“I have boxers, but I get too many boners when I wear them, so I went back to wearing my briefs.”

“Hey. You look really good in those white briefs, so it makes sense for you to wear them?”

“You really think so?”

“Ya, but you still got to take them off to go swimming.”

Trevor smiles at me.

“You just wanna see me nakers.”

“Well, ya. You’re seeing my penis, it’s only fair that I get to see yours.”

Trevor drops his underpants to the floor and steps out of them and I get my first look at a puberty penis. It’s about three and a quarter inches long and much fatter than mine or Ian’s penis. It’s also bald. I expected to see some hairs, but Trevor doesn’t have any.

“WOW! You’re in puberty. I wish I was. I thought you would have some hairs though.”

“I have hairs. Well, fuzz. But that counts too.”

“No way. You look bald to me.”

“You gotta get down on your knees and take a close look to see them. Go ahead.”

I do just that and I get my nose right up to Trevor’s penis to take a real close look.

“I think I see something.”

“Run your fingers just above my penis and you can feel them.”

“Oh ya. I can feel some really fine hairs.”


“Oh! Hi mom. I’m feeling Trevor’s hairs. He’s already in puberty, see!”

“What’s going on here?”

“Oh! Hi Da. I’m checking out Trevor’s puberty. He’s got some really fine hairs and everything. Ain’t that so cool!”

I stand up, so I can talk to my parents without having to look up.

“Trevor. You’re on the swim team, aren’t you?”
“I will be after try-outs, Mr. McGregor.”

“Well, since you’ll be swimming nude, you might want to think about shaving your body hair off and maybe even getting a burr haircut. Hair slows swimmers down. It’s all about the drag in the water. Back in the day, when all guys swam naked, they shaved all their body hair off, so they could swim faster.”

“I didn’t know that, but I don’t know how to shave yet, and I sure don’t want to cut myself down there.”

“Maybe your mom can shave you.”

“Women shave?”

“Yes, Trevor. We women like to be smooth, so we shave.”

“Could you shave me then? Please, Mrs. McGregor. I would really appreciate it.”

I watch as my parents look back and forth at each other. Something is passing between them, but who can tell with parents?

“Oh! Why not. Come in the bathroom, Trevor, and I’ll whisk those manly hairs of yours right off.”

We all laugh and before I know it, mom has a hold of Trevor’s penis moving it back and forth as she shaves his “Manly Hairs” off. I do notice that when mom lets Trevor’s penis go, it isn’t soft and limp any longer. It’s grown up to four and a half inches and is sticking straight out in front of him. I also notice his face is red for once.

“Sorry, Mrs. McGregor. It just does that sometimes.”

“That’s okay, Trevor. I understand. I have two boys who do that too.”

“Um. Can I ask you a favor?”

“Sure Trevor. I have a feeling you’re going to be just like another son around here, so ask away.”

I notice Trevor’s face is getting even redder.

“Yes. Cullan said I could come here to practice as much as I want, so I was thinking, since you just shaved me and I’m going to need to be shaved more, could you do it? I’d rather not ask my mom to do it for me.”

“You don’t want her to see you getting excited.”

Now, Trevor is tomato red.

“Ya. She makes such a big deal out of it when I bone-up. It’s really embarrassing. I mean it’s embarrassing enough getting boners without mom making a fuss over it.”

“Yes. I can keep you shaved if you like.”

“Thanks Mrs. McGregor. It’s embarrassing for you to do it too, just not as bad as it would be if my mom did it.”

The good thing, Trevor’s semi-boner has went down and his natural color is returning to his face.

“Trevor. Let’s go swimming.”

We take off for the pool. Of course, my siblings and their friends stare at us as we run to the pool. They are extra interested in Trevor since he’s in puberty and the rest of us boys aren’t, but they eventually get used to seeing him naked and we can practice without being disturbed.

Trevor becomes a regular fixture at my house. We practice twice a day, morning and afternoon right up to school starting and then every day right after school until supper time. Many days Trevor eats with us. We both stay naked as much as we can. I get to see his full boner of four-and-three quarter-inches a lot of times. Lots of other people see us naked. Other friends stop by and see us and adults come by to visit with mom and dad, so we are being seen stark ass naked a lot. It’s still really embarrassing, but I’m sort of getting used to it. I don’t totally freak out anymore when the doorbell rings. Mom continues to shave Trevor and he always gets a semi-boner while she is shaving him.

Tomorrow is Friday. After supper I talk to dad again about my try-outs.

“Da. You said that hair slows us down when we swim.”

“Yes. Cullan. But you don’t have anything to worry about. You are still pre-puberty and you already have a burr haircut, so you won’t have very much drag.”

“But I will have some, right? The hair on my head will slow me down, right?”

“Cullan. You hardly have any hair on your head, it won’t make much of a difference.”

“But it will make some difference. What if I miss out on a starting spot on the team because of a millisecond I lost because of my hair?”

“I don’t think that will happen, but there again the only way to be sure would be to go bald headed and I don’t think you want to be a cue ball. Besides your mom doesn’t even like seeing you burr headed. She loves you with long hair.”

The day of the try-outs and I’m a nervous wreck all day. Even though Trevor told everyone that he’s used to skinny dipping, I can see that the try-outs aren’t the same thing, because he’s as nervous as I am. I bet he never skinny-dipped in front of a whole school before. Now, try-outs aren’t an official assembly or anything. No one has to go, but we all know that most of the school and all the girls will be there to see us boys naked.

(End of File)