The Mailing List 25

By Cassie

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

[2,742 words]

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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[Olivia’s note] (the comments in italics are not part of Cody’s diary, but are written by his friend Benji’s younger adoptive sister Olivia, in a separate document the boys can’t access and are not aware of):

I reached out to Amy, Cody’s twin sister. I explained how I have access to the boys’ supposedly secret online diaries, and gave her access to Cody’s. She agreed that getting access to Cody’s private thoughts without him knowing was a good thing, as that way he would be free and truthful about it, thinking they were 100% private. Having access allowed her to monitor and supervise him better.

She asked whether it was right to read his diary like that, but I explained that it was the same as when she bathed him and saw him naked. Privacy was no good for boys, and there was no need to give them any. Just like toddlers don’t need any privacy from their parents, boys like Benji or Cody don’t need any privacy from us. It’s part of the authority we girls have over them. We are on a different level. For them, we are not just siblings. We are authority figures, so that’s as it should be.

I also offered to share with her my experience looking after Benji, and she was happy to share confidences.

Cody has been doing quite well since he accepted Amy’s authority over him. Far from rebelling or mourning his loss of independence, he has embraced it. He follows Amy around like a puppy and takes her orders without complaint.

I think it gives him security to have a strong girl in charge of him. I have noticed it with Benji. Boys are insecure, particularly Puericil boys, and having me in charge makes Benji feel safe, like it takes away responsibilities he’s not ready to handle and gives him someone who is around all the time and who looks after him.

Amy is also taking it well. She didn’t need me to tell her that it was important to treat Cody kindly.

“You are right he’s
helpless like a puppy,” she told me. “You wouldn’t be mean to a puppy, so it’s easy not to be mean to Cody. I like it how he hangs to my every word and does what I tell him. It makes me feel good to look after him. I like it much better than when we were always bickering. Puericil really has been great for him.”

I advised her not to let him forget she was in charge. “I always speak to Benji with authority. I treat him as if he were my kid brother, instead of the other way around. I give him orders often, and when I do, I expect him to obey them right away. It’s part of training a boy. I like to do fun things with him, but he knows that when I tell him to do something, my word is law. I have explained to him that learning to be obedient will make him happy too, because boys like it when there are clear rules, and I never give him an order unless it’s good for him.”

It’s fun reading in Cody’s diary how Amy follows my advice...


From 12-year-old Cody’s Diary:

Amy says she has decided to “train” me. She says I have some bad habits I need to get over. Like, when mom or Amy tell me to do something, I sometimes argue or ignore it until it’s convenient for me.

“When mom or I tell you to do something, our word is law, Cody,” she told me. “We need you to obey us, to obey us right away. It’s part of taking care of you. I know it sounds difficult when you are not used to it, but you’ll see that when you learn to be obedient it will make you feel happy and safe, too. That’s because mom or I will never tell you to do something unless it’s good for you. You can trust us for that: we only want you to be safe and happy, and learn well for your future. Do you trust me, Cody?”

She looked at me with those deep, knowing eyes she has.

“Yeah, I do,” I admitted, lowering my eyes. “Still, do you gotta call it training? I’m not a pet, you know.”

“Of course you aren’t, silly boy,” she giggled, ruffling my hair and putting her arm around my shoulders to give me a side hug. “But not only pets are trained. Also athletes... and boys.”

She kissed my cheek and I blushed. I like how Amy has become more affectionate.

“And you, little bro, are going to get some obedience training,” she added. “You are going to be the best, most obedient boy ever, and I will always take care of you.”

She then started tickling me. I shrieked with laughter and tried to get away, but I couldn’t. Amy is so strong!

She tickled me as much as she wanted until I begged for mercy, and then she laughed and kissed my cheek again.


From 12-year-old Cody’s Diary:

My obedience training has started. At any time, Amy will give me an order, and if I don’t obey right away I get ten spanks on my bare bottom. And a swat from Amy’s hand stings, I can tell you!

If I’m doing something, like watching TV, I’m allowed to ask something like “Can I wait until the show is over and then do it right away?” But I’m only allowed to ask once, and if she says no it means I have to obey right away.

For a while I wasn’t very good at it. Like, I would be all engrossed in the TV show and not really listening to what she said. I would say something like “ah hu,” and keep watching.

That’s a big no-no.

When I do that, she just turns off the TV and say “Pants down, Cody.”

I would then realize what’s happening and I quickly apologize, but it’s no good.

“You know it’s part of your training,” she would say. “When I give you an order, you obey right away. Like the order I just gave you, pants down.”

I blush, but I stand up and unfasten my trousers. It’s no good making her repeat an order. When she tells me to do something, she really means business.

“I’m sorry. I was just distracted. I didn’t hear you,” I whine, but at the same time I’m pulling my pants down.

“Briefs down, too,” she orders, making an impatient gesture down with her hand.

“I know you were distracted, Cody,” she tells me when I’m standing in front of her, bare from the waist down. “But you did hear me. You just weren’t listening.”

My peenie is in the air for her to see, as I know better than covering myself. I know she’s the boss, and I don’t have anything to hide from her. Still, it’s difficult to have your peenie in the air like that in front of your sister.

“See? If you listen to me the first time, you won’t need to get a smack bottom,” she tells me, sitting down on a chair. “Over my knee, little bro.”

She’s not even speaking to me harshly. She treats me very kind lately. She just won’t be pushed around.

I feel silly and apprehensive as I lay down over her knees, bare bottom up. She has taken to calling me little bro, or kid brother lately. It’s funny, because even though we are twins, I always thought of myself as the big one. Not anymore, I guess.

She rubs my bottom with her hand.

“What happens when you don’t obey me right away?” she asks.

“I get spanked.”

“How many spanks?”


“That’s right. This is not to hurt you, Cody. It’s just part of your training. When I tell you to do something, I expect instant obedience from you. Same when mom tells you to do something. You obey us, right away.”

Then she gave me my ten smacks. It stings a lot on my bare bottom and I was sniffling, although they were not the hardest she could give.

Then she made me get up and sit down on her lap, still bare bottom. I leaned into her and she petted my hair and spoke consoling words to me, reassuring me that she loved me.

“Part of my looking out for you is that I’m in charge, Cody,” she said in my ear, after giving me a kiss. "When I give you an order, you obey. This is how it will be between you and I from now on. I’m the one in charge, and I expect you obey me always, and right away.”

“I know,” I say, hugging her harder and burying me head in her shoulder.

And it’s true. I know it’s right that Amy is in charge. She’s the strong one, the wise one. I know I'm better off with her guidance, and that includes obeying her. It’s still difficult, though. It wasn’t that far in the past when the two of us were always bickering. It’s not always easy being so completely under my twin sister’s authority. It’s also a bit scary how thoroughly she expects me to obey her. But, at the same time, it makes me feel safe, cared for.


From 12-year-old Cody’s Diary:

I just came home from a friend’s house, and Susie Evans was there with Amy. The two girls were talking and giggling that way girls do. I tried to slip away to my room. I don’t like Susie too much. She’s always teasing me and calling me names.

However, they saw me and Amy called me.

“Cody, come here!”

I froze mid-retreat, and had to go to the living room where the girls were.

“I have been telling Susie about our new arrangement,” Amy said.

I blushed and looked down. What had she told Susie, exactly. Oh, gosh, this was so embarrassing!

“Susie is my best friend,” Amy went on, “and I like to have her support in everything I do. That’s why I want to include her in the agreement.”

I looked up, alarmed. What did she mean, include her in the agreement?

“Susie won’t tease you or be mean to you anymore,” Amy informed me. “She will help me look out for you, like, at school. No one will bully you while she’s around, and you’ll be able to go to her for help just like you go to me... In exchange, you will treat her with the same respect you show me. And you’ll obey her. She’s the boss of you, just like I am.”

Oh gosh, Susie the boss of me?

Susie must have read my thoughts on my face, because she laughed.

“You don’t have to look so scared. Amy’s right. I won’t tease you or be mean to you. That’s over,” she said.

“Right,” Amy agreed. “Susie will look after you, just like I do. But for that to work, she needs to have authority over you. You must understand, you are not the equal of us girls, Cody. You are naive, weak and immature, so we will protect you and keep an eye for you, and you will respect us and obey us.”

I blushed and felt very little when she said that I was not their equal, and that I was immature and weak. But I knew she was right. It’s just... did she have to say it in front of Susie?

“All right,” Amy said. “Get your clothes off.”

My mouth got dry. Had I heard right? “Wh... what..?” I said.

“Get your clothes off,” Amy repeated. “Everything. I want you naked in front of us.”

I wanted to say no. I wanted to run away. But Amy had been training me in obedience, and I knew that when she gave me an order, she expected me to do as she said, right away. I had got good about obeying her, but in front of Susie?

Automatically, as if I was in a dream, I started taking off my T-shirt. Next came my shorts. I looked up, my heart beating fast. Both girls had their eyes glued on me. I took off my socks. Then I let out a small moan, looking at Amy pleadingly as I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my briefs.

“Down,” Amy mouthed at me, making the corresponding gesture with her hands.

There was nothing else to do. I pulled my briefs now, and I was naked in front of them. I wanted to cover myself, but I knew Amy didn’t like that. With an effort, I left my arms hang by my side. I could feel my face burning as I looked down at the carpet.

“Come closer,” Amy said, her voice gentler.

I did so, and I stood right in front of them, their eyes at the level of my naked groin, since they were seated.

“Look at me, Cody,” Amy said. “The reason I have told you to take your clothes off is that I want Susie to see every part of your body. You will have no secrets from her. She can see every part of you every time she wants, just like I do.”

It wasn’t even the first time Susie had seen me naked, but still, standing completely bare in front of her felt like the most embarrassing thing ever.

Amy did not make it any easier. True to her word that she wanted Susie to see every part of my body, she made me turn around and bend over with my hands on my knees. Then she separated my buttocks with her hand, to let Susie see my bottom-hole.

Then I had to turn around again and Susie got to pull back the skin of my peenie and watch under it.

Once they had watched and examined my body all they wanted, Amy made me sit naked between them. I leaned against her and buried my head in her side, and she put her arm around me.

“Do not be embarrassed, Cody,” she told me. “Susie and I are not going to laugh at you. You are safe with us, kid brother. We are your support system, and we are going to look out for you. I just need you to get used to being naked in front of us, without any shame or false modesty. You should feel comfortable and safe around us.”

I looked up at her, unsure of how to respond. On one hand, I appreciated her reassurance; on the other, I felt exposed and vulnerable, as if I had been caught playing dress-up in mom’s closet. Still, I nodded obediently, determined to do whatever it took to please her.

Susie chimed in as well, placing a hand on mine and squeezing tightly. "Yes, don't worry about us, Cody. You are safe with us, no matter what."

Amy held me for a long time, and then she kissed my cheek. “From now on, you think of Susie as an authority figure who is looking out for you, just like I am.”

“Okay,” I said in subdued tones.

Finally she let me go and I stood up. I went to my clothes.

“Can I get dressed?”

“No, no more clothes for you today until your bath, kiddo,” Amy said. “You stay naked with us, so that you can get used to it. From now on, Susie seeing you naked is going to be normal, and nothing for you to feel embarrassed about, like me seeing you naked is normal.”

So I had to stay naked. We played a board game where we had to act out words or phrases without speaking, for the others to guess. It was very embarrassing for a while, but then I began to forget about it as I got into the game, only remembering from time to time and blushing.

Mom arrived and was surprised to find me playing naked, but Amy explained and she approved of it.

Susie kissed my cheek when she left, and she told me that I was a good kid.

Later, mom and Amy bathed me, and we talked about how I felt about Susie, and how she would be like an honorary big sister for me from now on.

(The End)