The Mailing List 24

By Cassie

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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Based on a suggestion by viljonge

From 13-year-old Zac’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his friend Benji’s younger adoptive sister Olivia, in a separate layer the boys can’t access and are not aware of):

“Mom, I’m really too old for a babysitter, you know. I can take care of myself,” my younger sister Lucy was telling mom.

I smirked at her. I had tried that line many times, with no results. Mom always said something like “I'm sorry, sweetie, but you're not old enough to be on your own. You still need a babysitter to keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe,” and that’s exactly what she’d tell Lucy.

“Well...” mom replied. “Since we need a babysitter anyway for the other kids, it doesn’t really cost much extra to have her keep an eye on you too, sweetie.”

“But mom, most of the girls in my class don’t have babysitters. It’s embarrassing!” Lucy said. “At my age, I should be helping around the house, not being babysat.”

Mom thought for a moment. “It’s true that you are doing your chores lately without me having to chase you around like the other kids. I guess... well... maybe you are old enough not to need babysitters.”

I was left open-mouthed when I heard that.

“But, mom, what about me?” I asked. “I’m thirteen! Lucy is only ten! I’m the one who shouldn’t need babysitters!”

“I'm sorry, Zac, but girls mature at a different pace than boys. I don’t feel comfortable leaving you without supervision. You are always forgetting things you need to do, and thinking only of having fun.”

It was Lucy’s turn to make a smug face at me.

I tried to grab her, but mom stopped me.

“Leave your sister alone, Zachary. It’s not her fault girls mature faster than boys. And what have I told you about being too rough with your younger siblings? Do you want me to warm your bottom, little man?”

“Boys!” Lucy told mom, as if she were another adult. I wanted to reach for her again, but I knew mom meant what she said, and I didn’t want her to spank my bottom, so I shut up and glowered.

The end result was that I’m still stuck with a babysitter when mom and dad are away, while Lucy is exempted from being babysat. I tried complaining to dad, but he told me to mind mom, and that if I wanted to be treated like a young man then I should behave like a young man, and that meant listening to my parents.

Sigh. Why does everybody treat me as if I’m a little kid?? I’m 13!


[Olivia’s note]: Well duh! Zac is thirteen, big deal. So is Benji, for that matter. In my experience, thirteen-year-old boys are still very childish.

Sorry, Zac, but no one’s going to treat you like a young man, because you’re still a boy!


From Zac’s Diary (continued):

Today Maya’s babysitting us while mom and dad go to the theater. Mom made sure to tell her in front of us that she was here to babysit me, Hope and Gabe, but not Lucy, because she was old enough to look after herself. (Yeah, right. Lucy is just 10, but I am not old enough at 13, apparently!)

At least she told Lucy to be responsible and make things easy for Maya.

“Yes, mom,” she said, giving herself airs. “I’ll help her all I can with the kids.”

“You’ll be my little helper,” Maya told her, putting her arm around my sister’s shoulders while I rolled my eyes.

We played some board games. Lucy was playing with the rest of us. Everything was as normal, except that Lucy seemed very satisfied with herself.

She sometimes scolded one of us. “Gabe, do not jump around like that! You are going to knock the board.”

She even scolded me! “Don’t shout like a banshee, Zac!”

I wasn’t shouting like a banshee, whatever that is! I rolled my eyes at Maya, trying to get her complicity, and she just smiled. I would have liked her to tell Lucy to knock it off, but I guess she wanted to keep the peace and remain neutral.

Later, it was time for our baths. Maya took Hope and went to bathe her. Normally she would have taken Lucy too and give the two girls their bath together. But now, since she was not babysitting her, Lucy remained with us.

“Please, Lucy, look after the boys while I give Hope her bath,” Maya said.

I groaned. Why did Maya have to say that? Now Lucy would get even fuller of herself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look after them,” Lucy beamed.

“You boys be good and mind Lucy,” Maya told us. I thought I saw a gleam in her eyes. I made a face. I don't know if she was humoring her or teasing me on purpose.

Lucy “looked after us” while Maya bathed Hope, and then she was back with my younger sister dressed in her nightie.

“Now you stay here while I bathe the boys,” Maya told her. “Good girl!” She looked at us and added “Gabe, Zac, with me! Let’s get you boys squeaky clean.”

Gabe jumped eagerly and ran towards her. I rolled my eyes and followed them more reluctantly. I hated being treated like a kid, and having to be bathed, especially when it’s the babysitter. It’s fine for Gabe, who is just a little kid, but I felt a bit ridiculous, getting bathed at my age.

A few minutes later we were in the bathroom. Gabe was already naked, chattering with Maya, and I was down to my undies. I taking them down when the door opened and Lucy slipped in.

“Lucy!” I screeched, hurriedly pulling up my undies, which ended up tangled in a knot. I covered my peenie with my hands.

“Hope’s with her coloring book,” my little sister told Maya. “She’ll be fine. She can spend hours with it, so I thought I’d come give you a hand. There are two boys and only one you, and mom said I should help you.”

“Make her leave!” I demanded in a high-pitched voice.

Not that I wasn’t used to girls seeing me naked. Christine, for example, my basketball assistant coach, sees me naked all the time when she supervises my team’s showers. And there was the whole debacle with her little sister Zoey and her friends doing that homework video. And Maya herself is 17, so still technically a girl, and she bathes me whenever she babysits us. And my older sisters, who were now away at college, had seen me naked often... But not Lucy, who was my little sister.

We younger kids were bathed separately. The boys and the girls, I mean. I was bathed with Gabe, and Lucy with Hope, and we didn’t get to see the opposite-gender siblings naked. Only now it seemed Lucy was going to be regarded as too grown-up to be bathed. But that was one thing, bad enough when I still got bathed despite being three years her senior, but her being here for my bath was a very different matter!

“Maya!” I appealed.

“Oh, hush!” Lucy told me in an annoyed tone. “Don’t be so immature, Zac. I have no interest in seeing your weenie.”

“Of course she doesn’t, don’t be silly, Zac,” Maya said. “Underpants off. Come on, Lucy’s here to help, and we don’t have all day. I don’t want to leave Hope alone longer than necessary.”

“You heard Maya, undies off!” Lucy told me smugly. “Look, Gabe’s naked and he doesn’t mind.”

That was true. Gabe had initially imitated me and covered his groin. But then he saw she was here to stay and, being only 8, he lost interest about protecting his modesty and removed his hands, letting Lucy see his little peenie.

“Come on,” Maya insisted, helping Gabe step into the tub. “I want you naked and into the bath, right now.”

I realized that there was no way out, so with my face burning I untangled my briefs and, still covering myself with my hands, I stepped into the tub.

As I was getting in, Maya swatted me. It stung on my bare bottom!

“What’s got into you, Zachary?” she asked. “Keep those hands away from your little pee-pee.”

“I think he’s shy because I’m here,” Lucy explained, grinning.

“Oh, give me a break,” Maya grumbled. “Boys and their silly modesty. Listen to me, Zac. Your sister’s old enough now to take some responsibilities around the house. She’s going to help me bathe you boys, and she’s going to see your weenie, so get used to it. Here,” she said taking me by the waist and moving me in front of Lucy, “let’s get it out of the way. Have a good look at Zac’s weenie. See? Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Aw, Maya, I know what a boy’s weenie looks like,” Lucy complained, although her eyes were glued to my thingie.

“Of course you do,” Maya huffed. “I’m doing this for him, not for you. Here, take it in your hands.”

Lucy didn’t wait to be asked twice, and carefully took my peenie in her hands. All eyes were fixed on it, including Maya’s and Gabe’s. My face was as red as a beet.

“Jiggle it a bit, so he gets used to you handling it,” Maya instructed. “Peel back the foreskin. Gently.”

After so much attention, I got a stiffie.

“Oh,” Lucy said in surprise, still holding it.

“They get hard sometimes when you are handling them,” Maya chortled. “Do not worry, it won’t break.”

Lucy had let go and I tried to cover myself. Maya swatted my bare bottom again, not very hard, but still making a loud noise. “Leave your little peenie alone, Zachary. Let your sister grab it again.”

Lucy did just that and my stiffie was in her hands again.

“See? It doesn’t bite. It’s perfectly natural, just another part of a boy’s body,” Maya said. “OK, now that we have got that put of the way, let’s bathe these boys. Lucy, you do Zach. I’ll take care of Gabe.”

The girls bathed us, Lucy with some encouragement from Maya.

I kept my head down as she washed me, but when our eyes accidentally met, Lucy smiled at me smugly. “Not such a hot shot now, huh?” she whispered, patting my bare bottom.

She did blush herself, however, when Maya told her “Bathe him just like I used to bathe you.” But then she added “Only, handle his peenie gently. Those parts are very delicate, and you can hurt a boy if you are rough. Make sure to soap and wash under his foreskin.”

Perhaps self-conscious at being reminded that she used to get bathed herself not long ago, Lucy was quick to obey and took my peenie in her hands again, washing it daintily. She pulled back my foreskin again and washed the head that was under it. With all the holding and rubbing, I got a stiffie again. Lucy giggled and Maya told her not to worry and just keep washing it.

By the time the bath was over, Lucy probably was as familiar with my body as I was myself.

Gabe and I were dried and dressed in our pyjamas, and finally it was over.

The rest of the evening, I was quite subdued. Something seemed to have changed between me and Lucy. She was acting more assertive, as if she was the eldest sibling among us. I did not exactly like it, but how can a guy act like the leader when he has just been bathed so naked and embarrassingly by his younger sister?


[Olivia’s note]: I think Zac is silly for thinking he can have a rivalry with his sister. When a girl is around, a boy will not be the leader even if he is older, not if the girl has any real character.

Benji knows that. He is the same age as Zac, two years older than me, but he has never shown any inclination to challenge my authority. There’s not even the slightest question of us being equals. From the beginning, he realized I was in charge, and he submitted easily. I’ve been training him to always look up and be submissive to girls, and so does Hannah now that she’s his girlfriend.

I hope Lucy does the same for Zac.

(The End)