The Mailing List 21

By Cassie

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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[Olivia’s note]: Brandon, another friend of Benji’s, has finally started his online diary too. Like his friends, he is unaware that, by using the invitation Benji sent him, he created his account under the same settings as Benji, with me having parental supervisor privileges. That means that, unbeknown to him, I have unrestricted access to his diary entries. These boys are just so naïve and gullible, so incredibly childlike that I don’t feel any guilt for invading their privacy. They are way too immature to be given any privacy. What they need is supervision, guidance and protection, and being aware of what they are up to helps me provide that, if needed. 

From 13-year-old Brandon’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his friend Benji’s younger adoptive sister Olivia, in a separate document the boys can’t access and are not aware of): 

I was in my bedroom, with the door closed, listening to music, completely naked and having a good time rubbing my peenie. I was alone at home. My older brother Tyler and my babysitter Emma were due later. My other older brother, Jason, would be going with his girlfriend to her house. My mom would also be coming home quite late. So I was alone, doing the most feel-good activity there is.

I was remembering last evening, during my bath time. As always, Emma bathed me. She’s only 12, but that’s how life is, at least in my family. It doesn’t matter if she is younger than me. It only matters that she’s a girl, and therefore more mature. Because of that, she’s in charge. That’s how it’s always been, and how it always will be in this family. Mom is a really strong believe in the superiority of girls over boys. 

I lay on my bed, my breath coming in quick, shallow gasps as I slowly caressed my stiff peenie. My eyes were closed, but behind my eyelids, vivid scenes played out. I was imagining that I lived in something kind of bizarro world where everything was the opposite of the real world. In my fantasy world, boys were in charge, and girls had to obey us. I was the one giving Emma her bath. She was naked in front of me, standing in the tub, trying to shield her body from my gaze. I smiled at her and touched her down there. “Girls need to be rubbed down here to make sure they are clean,” I told her. 

Of course, I wasn’t completely sure of what I was touching. I had never seen Emma naked, or any other girl apart from a baby I saw once from far away. Our internet activities are heavily filtered and monitored by AI tools, so it’s not like I can see naked pictures or anything. My fantasy had to gloss over the details of what exactly Emma had between her legs, but I knew it was some kind of slit, instead of a peenie. And whatever it was, I was seeing and touching it. My peenie twitched. It is so forbidden! 

Then my fantasy changed as if it had a mind of its own, and I was remembering what really happened yesterday. I was the one standing naked in the bathtub. Emma was the one looking at me. I was the one trying to shelter my body without actually turning away or using my hands, which would have got me scolded. Emma was the one grinning. She could see EVERYTHING. My body didn’t have any private parts that could be kept away from her eyes. She’s a girl, so she gets to see me naked. 

Our eyes locked, and I saw the triumph, the satisfaction, the total self-confidence in her eyes. She was strong and dominated me. I was weak and was dominated. She could do whatever she wanted with me. She could look at any part of my body, from as close and for as long as she wanted. She could touch it, without limits. She could spank my bottom if she wanted. She did not even need a reason. She could make one up and nobody would question it. 

My peenie twitched. This was even better than my bizarro world fantasy because this was real. Girls were really stronger than boys, and they could dominate us if they wanted. They could dominate me. There was nothing I could do. I was helpless in front of them. Naked in front of them. In my mind’s vision, Emma extended her hand and held my peenie between two of her fingers. She peeled the skin back. I was mortified. There was nothing I could do, no way to escape from a girl. 

My real-life peenie twitched again. I panted and increased the pace of my hand. Just when it was exploding, the door of my bedroom banged open without a warning. 

It was Emma.

“Brandon, are you…” she started saying. 

She stopped, and just then my peenie twitched and exploded. Only a bit of liquid drops came out. But how it felt! 

When I recovered my breath and opened my eyes, Emma was beside me. 

“You were playing with yourself again!” she accused. 

“No… I…” I gasped. 

“Don’t deny it, Brandon. I caught you in the act!” 

She grabbed my arm and pulled, making me stand up. Then she grabbed my peenie, now no longer stiff. 

She pulled me along using my peenie as a handle. I had no option but to follow, trying to move my hips in time with her hand. 

In a moment we were in the living room, where I saw Jodie, a girl Emma’s age I had seen sometimes around school. I tried recoil to recoil from being seen by another girl in this embarrassing situation, but there was little I could do, grabbed and led by the peenie as I was. 

When Jodie saw me she opened her mouth and then covered it with her hand in shock. 

“He’s naked!” she squealed with a nervous giggle. 

“I know,” Emma said without letting go of my peenie. “I caught the little pervert playing with himself.” She pulled from me again and took me to the armchair. 

She finally let go and I rubbed my sore peenie. She gave me a hard smack on my bare bottom. 

“Stop playing with yourself, boy!” she barked. “Hands on your head!” 

I immediately did as she said. I stood there, naked, hands on my head, in front of the two girls. 

“Brandon! You naughty, filthy, gross boy!” Emma said, emphasizing each word with a smack on my unprotected bottom. Then she stood in front of my and waved her finger at my face while I looked down, my cheeks burning (both sets of cheeks… on my face and on my bottom).

“What were you thinking?” she continued. “You’re a little boy, not a creepy uncle. You look so angelic and then this is how you act? Disgusting! And where people can see you, too!” 

“But.. but… I was in my bedroom…” I tried to defend myself, tears of shame and embarrassment threatening to leave my eyes. 

“Your bedroom,” Emma snorted, “as if that’s a private place. You are a boy, you have no need for privacy! Can you imagine what people would say if they knew what you are up to when you are in your room. They’d think you’re some kind of weirdo. And don’t even think of giving me any of that ‘boys will be boys’ crap , because you know that doesn’t justify anything. It’s time you acted like a human boy instead of some dirty animal. It’s pathetic! I mean, come on. Do you honestly think that’s going to solve anything? And I know it’s not the first time you are caught like this, because your mom has told me so. Don’t you see that maybe, just maybe, there are better ways to deal with your dirty impulses besides rubbing your wee-wee all day long?” 

“You need to get a grip before this gets out of control. Seriously, little boy. Get a hold of yourself before it’s too late. I won’t have you acting like some dirty animal with no self-respect.” 

While Emma was berating me, Jodie was walking around me, taking all my nakedness in. I was unable to cover myself, with my hands on my head. 

I started to sob out of pure shame, but my peenie had ideas of its own. It slowly grew and suddenly there I was, with a stiffie. 

“Look at it!” Emma scoffed. “It hasn’t had enough. Well, show Jodie what I caught you doing! I want her to know exactly.” 

“What?” I said. 

“Grab your little weenie and rub it like you were doing,” Emma ordered. “Do it, little boy!” she added, with a hard swat on my bare bottom. 

That took me out of my shocked stillness, and I automatically obeyed. I grabbed my stiff peenie.

“Rub it!” Emma ordered, with another swat on my bottom. 

I rubbed my peenie, and my peenie liked it, despite the awfulness of the situation. 

“Look at him! He likes it, even though we are right here watching him!” Emma told Jodie, who giggled. 

“Go ahead, rub your little weenie for Jodie to see!” Emma told me smugly. 

I felt incredibly exposed rubbing my peenie in front of her, but it was working. I started to pant and move my hand a little faster. 

Emma put one of her hands on my hip and started slapping my bottom with the other, not very hard, but hard enough to sting, as if setting the pace for my hand. Despite the sting, it did not make me lose the stiffie. Quite the opposite. It was getting close. 

Jodie was in front of me, with a close view of my peenie as I rubbed it. Then she looked into my eyes and just then it exploded. 

“Aghh!” I gasped as my peenie shook in my hand. 

Emma did not stop spanking me.

“Hands on your head,” she ordered again, and I obeyed. 

She kept spanking me, like that, standing up. My peenie had softened and was bobbing up and down with her swats. 

The open-handed slaps got harder, and I started crying, but she did not stop. She kept spanking me, right in front of Jodie, until I was nearly hysterical, jumping from foot to foot with my hands on my head. 

Then she stopped. She was breathing deeply, and I was bawling.

“Wow, his bottom is red!” Jodie said. 

“Well, that’s what dirty little boys get when they play with their weenies,” Emma said. “Come on, into the shower with you.” 

She took my arm and dragged me into the bathroom, with Jodie following along.

Conveniently naked as I was, I was made to step into the tub, and the two girls bathed me. I was still sobbing, but that didn’t stop the girls from touching me all over, and if my peenie hadn’t been so tired I’m sure it would soon have got stiff again. 

“I can’t believe how warm his bottom is,” Jodie said, her hand caressing my buttocks without any pretence about washing them. 

“He deserved it,” Emma said. 

She let Jodie wash my peenie. The girl was obviously enjoying herself. She poked, touched and rubbed everywhere. There was no part of my body she didn’t examine and touch, particularly my so-called private parts.

I hate it when Emma invites a friend when she is babysitting. Mom lets her, so that they can study together, as long as it’s not a boy. So when Emma brings a friend, she always lets her help when she bathes us boys. 

It’s terribly embarrassing, having a new girl seeing me. But as I stood there and meekly let them do what they wanted, there was also an undeniable thrill, knowing that Emma, and worse still, Jodie, were seeing everything – all of my most intimate parts and secrets completely open for them to witness. 

Jodie was washing me, her fingers tracing soft circles around my waist. She smiled at me, and I could feel my face grow redder and redder. Her touch was light, but it sent tingles throughout my entire body. She washed between my legs again, even though that part had already been washed thoroughly. Her hand lingered there, and I trembled as her eyes met mine before returning to her task. 

I was terribly aware of my shyness and embarrassment. It’s almost unbearable to recall the way Jodie looked at me, with a mix of curiosity and appraisal that left me trembling in her presence. My limbs felt soft, and I surrendered completely to her touch. I was a boy and she was a girl, and therefore she had the right to see, and to touch, every nook and cranny of my body. It felt only right and proper, although utterly embarrassing. 

I knew I was going to rub my peenie thinking about this bath, too. 

[Ollie]: Wow, that was intense, and erotic! I have to say I’m surprised Brandon is so sensual. Emma was right when she said he looks angelic, so blond and delicate he could pass for a girl if he grew his hair and wore girl’s clothes. I prefer him as a boy, though. 

I can’t say I’m a big fan of punishing a boy for masturbating. I know Benji masturbates too, and I have seen him a couple of times. As long as it doesn’t become an obsession, I think it’s fine.

I masturbate, too. Seeing naked boys in real life is a great fuel for fantasies. 

[From 13-year-old Brandon’s Diary]

… I knew I was going to rub my peenie thinking about this bath, too… 

However, it was not to be. When mom got home, Emma told her about her catching me masturbating and about the spanking she had given me.

Mom bared my bottom to check the marks, and she said it didn’t look like it had been much of a spanking, since there were barely any marks left. 

So, with my pyjamas around my ankles, I went down over her lap and she spanked me again in front of Emma and Jodie. She only used her hand, but it hurt plenty and I was bawling again by the time she finished. 

Mom put me bare-bottomed in the corner and went to fetch something in her bedroom. She was gone a few minutes and, when she came back, she called me from the corner. 

I shuffled my feet walking towards her so that I wouldn’t trip with my pyjamas. She was sitting on a chair, and she made me stand like that in front of her as she scolded me some more about excessive masturbation.

“Since you have no self-control,” mom said, “I have brought something that will control you.” 

Then she took something from a package on her lap and, as I watched, she fixed some plastic thing around my peenie and my sack. It was unpleasant as it was fitted, and I have no idea what it was. 

“This is a chastity device,” she told me. “It will keep you from playing with your peenie all the time.” 

I examined it in wonder and horror. It was made of transparent plastic, it snugly encased my peenie and the moment I understood what it was, a mix of emotions overtook me. Initially, there was a sense of bewilderment as I struggled against the unfamiliar sensation down there. It didn’t hurt, but it was snug and tight around his peenie, not leaving room to grow or to adjust myself in any way. 

Mom explained how it worked.

“It’s a cage for your peenie, Brandon. It fits around the base of your peenie and sack, with a tiny lock on it so that you cannot take it off. It will keep you from getting a stiffie or touching yourself down there. You can still pee normally since there’s this opening. This means you don't have to take off the device to go to the bathroom. You can also bathe with it, although it will have to be removed from time to time for cleaning. You won’t have the key, though, so you do not get to control when that will happen.” 

Jodie giggled. “His peenie is trapped!” she said. 

“That’s right,” mom said. “It will keep Brandon from playing with himself too much. He won’t get to decide when, or if, he gets to play with it.” 

Then she gave Emma a kind of necklace with a little key on it.

“Since you are his babysitter, I would like you to keep one of the keys, Emma, in case it’s needed. However, don’t let him haggle you into removing it just because he wants. The whole point of this is that he doesn’t get to control his peenie any more, since he lacks the maturity and responsibility to do so.” 

The girls left, and when Tyler and Jason came back and saw me so downcast, they got the story out of me. They made me pull down my pyjamas to show them. 

“Wow! That’s harsh, little bro,” Jason said. “I guess mom owns your peenie now. You’d better watch out too, Ty. You play with yours all the time too, even if you are better at hiding it than Brandon.” 

It was easy for Jason to say that, since I had once heard him brag about how he didn’t have to play with himself now that he got a girlfriend, but when I asked how come, he laughed, ruffled my hair and said I’d understand when I was older. I think his girlfriend plays with his peenie or something like that. 

As the novelty wore off, I began to feel anxious. I felt trapped inside this unyielding thing, unable to touch my peenie or get pleasure from it. The realization hit me hard: I was now completely at the mercy of mom or Emma when it came to my own peenie. I tried removing my peenie from the device, but I couldn't escape from no matter how hard I tried. My peenie was trapped, as Jodie had said. 

The idea of someone else controlling such an intimate thing in my life filled me with worry. I wondered when, or if, mom would ever un-trap my peenie, whether I would ever reclaim control over my own thingie again. 

The fact that my mom, with such a simple gesture, could reduce me to such a vulnerable state was mind-blowing. She had always had a huge control over me and my life, but this was a whole step forward. It made me feel powerless and subject to her complete authority.

The sensations were intense - a combination of tightness and pleasure. When my peenie wanted to stiffen, it simply couldn’t. When I wanted to play with it, I simply couldn’t.

However, alongside the anxiety and helplessness, there was also some excitement. The mere idea of being controlled so tightly, so intimately, so completely was exciting in its own way. The fact that the ability to play with my thingie had been taken away from me made me want it more. 

I resented my loss of control while, on the other hand, I secretly enjoyed the intense feelings that the device provided. Every twitch, every pulse, filled my senses. I want my peenie to be un-trapped, but at the same time it feels like this is right. Motherly, female authority figures have surrounded me all my life, and it feels as if it’s only right that I should be controlled so completely. 

(The End)