The Mailing List 20

By Cassie

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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[Olivia’s note]:

Cody is another of Benji's friends from summer camp. The
re was a group of four boys there who became friends there and still keep in contact.

Cody has also started an online diary using Benji's invitation, and so it is associated to Benji's account, and I have access to it, since I have parental privileges for Benji's account. The boys, being rather naïve about computers (and also about many other things), are unaware of that and think that no one can monitor their activities.

I should also explain that Amy is Cody's twin sister. Those two have kind of a rocky story, since they used to fight like cat and mouse throughout their childhood and they had a lot of sibling rivalry going on. When Cody was put on Puericil, this had an effect on their relationship and their rivalry, of course. It became more and more apparent that he could no longer be a real rival for Amy, and their sibling war became one-sided, as I think you will see in these diary entries.

Oh, and Susie Evans, who is also mentioned, is a friend of Amy's.


From 12-year-old Cody’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his friend Benji’s younger adoptive sister Olivia, in a separate document the boys can’t access and are not aware of):

After our week at Aunt Marge's [Note from the editor: see chapter 13], Amy and Susie Evans have become more awful than ever. They tease me all the time. For example, this afternoon they cornered me, and started at it.

"Cody, do you need help with your shower?" my sister said.

"Yes, we could help you with that, you know. Just like we did at your aunt's," Susie said, grinning maliciously. "We can strip you just now, and wash your bottom and your weenie, just like we used to do then. Would you like us to do that, B4?"

B4 is the mean nickname for me that they came up with. It means "Bare Bottom Boy Brat" (four B's, so that's where B4 comes from).

I don't know why, but do no have the strength to stand up to Amy or Susie. I remember that not so long ago I dished back at least as much as I received, and more often than not I had the upper hand. I was the one most often teasing Amy, not the other way around.

But now... I'm scared of these confrontations. I try to avoid them, and I never know what to say or do when they happen. My mind goes blank and I get scared and tongue-tied.

"Leave me alone," I whined.

The girls laughed at me.

"Aww, the poor baby is about to cry!" "Are the rough girls being mean to the little baby boy?"

I couldn't help it. I started crying and ran away, while the girls laughed at me.

Amy has also started being more physically assertive and dominant with me. For example, the other day we were arguing about what to watch on TV. I had the remote because I had got there before, but she wouldn't accept that and suddenly she was towering over me. I stood up, but she was all over me and pushing me back.

She grabbed me and before I knew what was happening I was face up on the floor and she was sitting on me, while she pinned my arms so that I was spread-eagled. Her face was close to mine and she was grinning at me.

"When I say we are watching something else, then we do just that, little boy, or you are going to end up crying" she told me. "Do you surrender?"

I had to tell her that I surrendered, and that we would do what she said.

"Good," she said. "Glad we understand each other. I guess I won't have to spank you, then."

I gulped, and she let me go and grabbed the remote, and we watched what she wanted.


[Olivia’s note]:

I would never treat Benji like that. It would be like kicking a puppy. By nature, boys are immature and insecure, and when you take away their bluster and aggression with Puericil they become helpless. They should be treated firmly but with kindness. They should always know who is in charge (i.e. not they!), but they should also know that the authority figures they have to obey and who punish them when they don't, also love them and protect them.

Amy and Cody are used to be fighting each other, but now Cody is not keeping up. And he shouldn't be expected to, because he simply can't. Not mentally, not emotionally and not physically.


From Cody’s Diary (continued):

Amy has restarted her campaign about boys' lack of hygiene and how they need supervision in the bath.

She is helped by some books on the Conservative Resurgence that mom is reading. Amy has borrowed them, and sometimes when I'm around she reads some passage to mom.

Stuff like this thing she read today, from a manual on how to raise boys: "Boys display a natural inclination towards play and exploration rather than focusing on hygiene. They are less interested than girls in the routine of washing themselves. Bathing them or, for older and particularly responsible boys, providing active supervision during their bath time, is crucial to ensure they establish good hygiene habits in their future life. Parents and other caregivers play a key role in guiding boys through the process, teaching them the importance of cleanliness in a proactive manner. Bathing boys well into their teenage years help them develop these habits, promoting a foundation for a lifetime of good hygiene practices."

"What rubbish!" I said "Mom, tell her to shut up!"

"Cody! Who knows more, the author, who is an expert, or you?" Amy said, grinning smugly at me. Then she turned to mom, "Mom, do you think it's a good idea letting Cody bathe on his own? I bet he's not doing a good job. I mean, he always grumbles when you send him to take a shower, doesn't he? Do you think he cares about doing a really good job washing himself?"

"Mom!" I whine.

Mom looked at me with an amused expression.

"Well, do you do a really good job?" she asked.

I pouted and crossed my arms. "That's not fair," I said.

"What's not fair is you not even bothering to be clean," Amy said. "Really, mom, he can't be trusted to do a good job. He doesn't spend more than a minute in there. I bet he barely gets under the water."

"Well, it's true I spend more time getting you to go take a shower than you spend actually taking it, angel baby," mom told me.

"Mooom!" I said again.

"He might get ill if he doesn't wash properly, and deep down I think we all know he doesn't," Amy said, closing the book and shaking her head with a fake-sad expression.


"Well, hush now, child," mom said. "You too, young lady. I'll have to think about it."


[Olivia’s note]:

I have also read that same boy-raising manual! Anyway, you don't really need a manual to know that. It's common sense. It's why I always bathe Benji. He just couldn't be trusted to do a thorough job himself.
Sometimes he asks me when he’ll be allowed to bathe himself, and I just smile and tell him that not until I can be sure he’s mature enough to wash himself as thoroughly as I wash him. I don’t give him a deadline, but I know I’ll still be bathing him well into his late teens. The truth is, I love bathing Benji. You can bet he won’t be allowed to bathe himself anytime soon.

Many girls like bathing boys because they get to see them naked, but that's not the only thing enjoyable about it. It's not that I don't enjoy seeing Benji naked when I bathe him. However, there's more than that.

Bathing a boy is very intimate, and it can be a really
pleasant bonding activity. When you bathe a boy, he has no secrets from you. You can see everything, touch everything. You give him orders and he cooperates while you wash him, because nothing makes a boy as vulnerable and submissive as being naked in front of a clothed girl. You can rub his skin, on every part of his body. This is why I don't use a sponge when I bathe Benji. I like to spread the soap using my own hands, and feel his body under them.

If done right, bath time can also be a soothing, relaxing activity for the boy. It's very cool when I feel Benji relaxing while I gently massage his scalp to spread the shampoo, or when he closes his eyes and breathes easy while I rub his chest and back, clearly enjoying the massage.

It's a precious thing when that happens, because Benji is quite shy about his body, so he doesn't find it easy to relax while he is naked in front of someone, even if it's just me, who sees him that way all the time. The fact that he
is able to relax is a sign of how comfortable he feels in my presence. It feels like having a fawn eating from your hand.

Of course, he still doesn't feel 100% comfortable. As soon as I call attention to his penis by taking it in my hands to soap it very gently, or when I soap his bottom, he remembers, and tenses up a bit.
I’m working on that, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to train him so well that he doesn’t mind being naked at all. I think that boyish shyness may be part of his personality. Sometimes, when there is no hurry, I take a long time bathing him, and I sing to him while I soap his body, spending a long time on it, both the rest of his body and his private parts. Maybe someday I'll get him so comfortable that he won't even tense when I'm handling his boy parts, but in any case it's a really enjoyable and relaxing activity. Much more than just seeing the body of a naked boy.

Anyway, my point is that Amy perhaps has not have read the whole manual, because I remember that it says something about that. Let me search... Ah, here it is:

"Bathing a boy can be an intimate and sensual experience that transcends the physical act of touch. A focus on relaxation and well-being can create a deep emotional connection, fostering the boy's trust and vulnerability. The gentle, caring touch during a bath can enhance the overall sense of intimacy, allowing for a meaningful exchange of comfort and affection. It's an opportunity to communicate without words, heightening the emotional connection and promoting a sense of closeness that extends beyond the physical realm."

Yes, the book says it better than I could have!
I hope Amy discovers that and realizes she doesn’t have to fight a war against Cody. That war is already won.


From Cody’s Diary (continued):

That evening, mom took me by the hand and brought me to the bathroom. Without letting go of my hand she pushed the door shut behind her and stood me with my back to the tub. I honestly had no idea what she intended to do and looked at her questioningly.

“Raise your arms,” she said.

I obeyed and she took my T-shirt off.

“Mom?” I asked.

“Hush, angel baby,” she told me, gently putting a finger on my lips in a gesture of silence. “Not a word. Trust your mother.”

As I looked at her in wonderment, she unsnapped my trousers and pulled them down. My briefs followed and soon I was standing there completely naked.

I was embarrassed, but not completely. After all, this was mom, even if I really was too old to be naked in front of her. Even so, I covered myself with my hands.

I uncovered myself when I realized she was not paying much attention to me, though. She was filling the tub with warm water. It was only then that it dawned on me what was going on. She wanted to bathe me! My cheeks colored a little.

Just then something caught my eyes behind me. Looking back, I noticed that the door was not completely closed, and that Amy was peeking in.

I shrieked. Jumping back, I covered my groin with my hands again. “Mom! I called. Amy’s peeking in!”

Mom turned back and walked to the door. She opened it and Amy was right there!

Mom gave her an odd look.

“You might as well come in, Amanda,” she said, stepping aside.

Amy came in sheepishly, and I stepped back against the wall, still covering myself. “Mom! Make her go!”

“Do not fuss, child,” she told me. “I was about to call your sister anyway.”

I fell silent but looked at her in shock. Why would she want to call her?

Mom looked at both of us. “I have noticed you kids have been bickering a lot lately. More than usual, I mean. You have been butting heads all your life, but things change, and now it’s time for it to stop.” She paused for a moment and then she added, “Two siblings can squabble when they are similar, on the same level, but that’s increasingly not the case. There comes a time around your age when girls keep maturing rapidly, and boys don’t keep up. They will mature too, but at their own pace. And, in the meantime, boys remain children while girls are becoming young women. That’s why your bickering has to stop. Your brother can’t keep up with you right now, Amy. If you treat him with meanness, it’s not fair on him. He can’t defend himself. He is helpless. You have to start acting like the young woman you are, and treat him with kindness. He needs your protection, not your scorn.”

Then mom looked at me. “And you, Cody. It’s time for you to stop treating your sister like a rival. She can’t be your rival because she is not on your level anymore. She is much more mature than you now, and that will be the case for years. You are to treat her with respect, and mind her when she tells you to do something. “

Giving both of us a look, mom continued. “This family is a team, and you need to start acting like it. When I’m not around, Amy is the next in charge, and you must obey her just like you obey me, Cody. And you, Amy, when I’m not around you look after Cody just like I look after you... From now on we turn a new leaf. Starting now, we’ll spend more quality time together. For example, Cody’s bath will be a time for us to be together every day, and speak as a family.”

Amy was clearly stunned at this unexpected speech from mom, but not as much as me. I was backed down against the bathroom wall, my mouth opened in an “o” shape and my hands between my legs, hiding my thingie.

Mom looked at me and smiled. “Cody, do not be silly, child. Get your hands away from there. Did you not listen to me? Amy is no longer your equal or your rival. She is your sister. Your big sister, in all ways that matter. You have nothing to hide from her. It’s OK for her to see any part of you.”

Seeing that I was unable to move, she gently took my hands and removed them from where they were, leaving me naked and uncovered, my peenie in the air in front of Amy, who was of course looking at it.

“Besides,” mom smiled, “from what your auntie tells me, Amy already saw all of you when you were over there. So no point in acting all bashful now, huh? She already saw everything there is to see. And she’ll keep seeing all of it, because your bath is now family time. Come, child. Into the tub with you.”

I stepped into the tub with mom’s help, and then Amy and her bathed me. I was a bit dazzled, and was barely paying attention as I listened to mom and Amy chat. Periodically I noticed how exposed I was in front of Amy, and I tried to cover myself, but each time mom immediately removed my hands.

“No hiding, Cody. You don’t have anything to hide from me or Amy,” she would say. Or “There’s no part of you that your sister is not allowed to see, child.”

Amy was also a bit dazzled, but I noticed her sometimes smiling patronizingly at me, making eye contact with me and then in a conspicuous way looking down at my groin. I knew she was seeing everything, and that she was loving it, and that she wanted me to know it.

“So, I understand that Susie and you helped with the boy’s showers when you were at your aunt’s, didn’t you?” mom asked Amy.

“Oh, yes,” Amy answered, giving herself airs. “It was too much for auntie to supervise all the boys, so we helped. So I know how to wash boys,” she boasted.

I frowned at her giving the impression that she had washed me. “Jayson and I washed ourselves,” I protested. “The girls only helped the little ones.”

“Well, you were naked right there in front of us,” Amy countered hotly, “and we inspected you for cleanliness afterwards, while you were still naked. And don’t you remember...”

“Children, children,” mom said. “No more bickering between you two. Remember what I have said to you. Cody, if she didn’t actually wash you then, she is going to do so right now, so no reason to sound so smug.”

“Yes, I’m going to wash your peenie, so don’t act like a big shot,” Amy said.

“Amy, remember what I said. This is your baby brother. You tell him what to do, but you do not tease him,” mom told her.

“Yes, mom,” said Amy. “Can I wash his peenie now?”

“Yes, of course.”

I tried to stop her, but mom gave me a swat on my bottom.

“Don’t be naughty, Cody. Your sister can see and touch every part of you. She’s your honorary big sister now, not your twin, so you don’t need to hide anything from her. You know that, because I have already explained. So keep your hands away while she washes your pee-pee.”

Amy took my peenie and washed it thoroughly, while mom talked her through it. She reminded Amy to be careful and gentle, and never to squeeze my testicles at all, because they were really sensitive. Under her direction, Amy pulled back the foreskin, and looked at my peenie from all angles, and spent a long time rubbing it.

Of course, under all that attention, it ended up stiff. Amy giggled, and mom smiled and explained that it was just a natural involuntary reaction, and that Amy did not need to be concerned about it.

Amy looked at me in the eyes while she held my stiffie and rubbed it gently. She had a smile of total superiority and triumph, so I just looked down, ashamed.

“Good boy,” she said. “You are going to be a good boy and do everything I say, and I’ll take good care of you, little boy.”

Mom nodded approvingly, but I just knew that Amy did not mean it kindly.

Mom told her to soap my bottom now. Amy did so, still holding my stiff peenie, using it as a handle. She was touching my peenie and my bottom at the same time.

Finally I was rinsed and dried, and was told to step out of the tub. Mom kissed my cheek and told me I was a good boy, and she told Amy to kiss me too. Then Amy dressed me in my pyjamas and the ordeal was over.

Afterwards, mom said that I would have an earlier bedtime than Amy, since I needed more sleep. Both mom and Amy tucked me in, and you can believe that Amy was making a good show about treating me like a child, and telling me to dream tight and not to have nightmares.

The following day we had to go to school. Amy did not tease me as much as I had feared, and as far as I know she did not tell people at school what had happened. But every time I saw her, she grinned at me knowingly and I blushed.

I had hoped mom didn’t mean what she said about making my bath a family event every day, but she did. That night I was to be given another bath by Amy and mom.

They took me to the bathroom and started the water.

“Amy, strip your brother while I get the tub ready,” she said.

Amy approached me with a shit-eating grin.

“Time to get you naked, little brother.”

And that’s what she did. One by one, she took away all my clothes, until only my briefs were left. These she pulled down while looking at my eyes and grinning.

“There you are, bare bottomed and ready for your bath,” she told me in a sugary voice.

And the whole thing was repeated again. Mom left for a moment to answer the phone while Amy was washing me. We were left alone, and she was washing my peenie with her hands. She had already pulled back the fold of skin at the top and she was rubbing the whole thing while it grew in her hand.

“Don’t you look silly, all naked, with me washing your pee-pee. Not so high and mighty, are you?” she whispered to me, smirking. “Now I’m the boss of you, little boy, and you’d better not forget it, if you know what’s good for you.”

Man, I hate this! It’s not fair.


[Olivia’s note]:

I think their mom has the right idea. Those two cannot be fighting anymore. The fight would be too unequal. Of course, it's not just because girls mature faster while boys remain children. I mean, that much is true, but a lot of it is the effect of Puericil. It makes boys lose their aggression, but that also has the effect of making them weak and helpless.

But anyway, the two of them need to make up and assume their natural roles now: Cody as the submissive sibling and Amy as the dominant one, which is exactly as appropriate for a boy and a girl.

Unfortunately, Amy and Cody are not there yet. There’s too much history and resentment between them. For Benji and me it was easy. We did not have all that ill will. So it just happened naturally that I took control and Benji accepted my authority over him.

I feel a bit sorry for Cody, and even for Amy, because having authority over your brother and using it kindly and responsibly is much more satisfactory than bullying him.

I hope their mom can help them leave their hostility behind, and both of them will be much happier.

(The End)