The Mailing List 19

By Cassie

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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[Olivia’s note]: Benji has been telling his friends about his writing a diary, and some of them have been keen to try. The funny thing is, Benji has sent them invitations to create a diary in the app he uses. What they don’t know is that, since Benji’s is a child account, and I have parental privileges and can read his diary, the invitations he sends also are associated by default to my parental account. That means I also have access to his friend’s new diaries.

None of the boys have any idea of any of this, which is why they write so freely, mistakenly thinking that it’s for their eyes only. Yes, boys tend to be hopeless about cybersecurity. In fact, even though these are 13-year-old boys and I’m just 11, they often seem to me rather naïve and immature.

Anyway, Zac was the first of Benji’s friends to accept the invitation and create a diary. Zac’s full name is
Zachary Randy Saunders, and he is 13, the same age as Benji. I’m sharing with you some interesting things from his diary, along with my comments.


From 13-year-old Zac’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his friend Benji’s younger adoptive sister Olivia, in a separate layer the boys can’t access and are not aware of):

Yesterday at basketball practice, Christine asked me if I would mind coming to her home that day, because he needed my help in a school project. You bet I wouldn’t mind! I said yes, of course, and was in a cloud the whole practice hour. It felt good that Christine needed my help!


[Olivia’s note]: Christine is Zac’s 14-year-old assistant coach, and Zac has a massive crush on her. Much like my brother Benji has on Hannah. Unfortunately for him, Christine doesn’t pay him as much attention as Hannah pays Benji.


From Zac’s Diary (continued):

When I got to Christine’s home, she and her little sister Zoey opened the door and invited me in. However, when I asked Christine what she needed help with, she told me that actually the one who needed help was Zoey.

“Oh,” I said.

“You needn’t sound so disappointed, Zac,” Christine laughed. “If you help my sister, I’ll appreciate it just the same as if you were helping me.”

That cheered me up a little. Unfortunately, as some of Zoey’s schoolmates turned up for their homework project, Christine left me with them, telling me to be a good boy and mind Zoey. I was sad to see Christine leave, since I had hoped to spend time with her.

Soon, I was surrounded by a group of four 12-year-old girls, who informed me that their Audiovisual Studies project was making an educational video for girls who wanted to babysit, and that I would be an actor in their video, playing a boy who was being babysat, and Peyton, one of Zoey’s friends, would play the babysitter.

“But I’m too old to be a boy who needs babysitting. Besides, I’m older than Peyton,” I protested.

They pooh-poohed that, saying that many parents of older boys hired babysitters, particularly for boys on Puericil, and that it was becoming quite common for a younger girl to babysit an older boy.

“Boys are really immature for their age, Zac,” a girl named Mia assured me, “so it would be perfectly fine for any of us to babysit you.”

“Yep,” Zoey said. “No offence, Zac, but it’s true you boys are immature compared to girls. That means we are more responsible, so when it comes to babysitting, it’s only natural that we are the ones doing the babysitting, and you are the one being babysat.”

“Aw, don’t pout, Zac. You’ll see, it’ll be fun acting in a video,” Peyton told me, giving me a light punch on my arm.

So we got to work. The girls had a digital camera that they mounted on a tripod, and they had written a script that we were to follow. We recorded some scenes where I was given a snack by my babysitter Peyton, or supervised while doing my homework, or taken to the park to play. (This was done on a park nearby Christine’s home, where I had to “play” on some playground equipment that was way too young for me. That was embarrassing, because there were other kids around looking at me.)

The girls were very professional, though, and keen on doing a good job with their video. Zoey was the one who operated the camera. Peyton played the babysitter. Mia was the voice-over that gave babysitting tips to the watchers of the video. They told me that they would re-record that voice-over later, but Mia read her parts during our scenes anyway, to act as place-holder, or something similar that I didn’t understand.

Making a video is hard work, and we often had to record a scene several times until the girls were satisfied.

Things got worse when the girls announced that the next scene was the babysitter giving me my bath. I said that I would do no such thing, and I was informed that I most definitely would. There was a bit of a row, and I ended up going to appeal to Christine.

“There’s no way!” I told her, once we were alone.

“Oh, be reasonable, Zac,” she told me. “You volunteered to help the girls with the project. Well, why don’t you do what you said you would do?”

“But they want me to be naked in their video!”

“Well, so what? They can’t really give you a bath while you are dressed, can they?”

I hated that she sounded so reasonable, when the whole idea was so unreasonable.

“But I don’ wanna be naked in front of girls!”

“Now, don’t be silly, Zachary. Aren’t you naked when you take a shower after your basketball practice?”

“But that’s different!”

“How so?”

“Well, I have to take a shower when I'm sweaty, and there are no girls around then!”

“What do you mean there are no girls around when you shower after basketball? What am I, a walrus?”

“But... that’s because... you’re the assistant coach. Besides, showering after sport practice is necessary...”

“And doing a school project is necessary too. Really, Zac, I wouldn’t have expected so much false modesty from you. It’s not for fun that the girls are doing this. It’s because of a school project.”

“But they are going to record it!”

“Well, it’s not like it’s going to be shown on national TV, is it? It’s just an educational video for class. And even if it were going to be on TV, what does it matter? It won’t hurt you one bit, and it’s not like a naked boy is a big deal. Besides, it’s not like you to be so inconsiderate. If you don’t do it, then they’ll have to look for another actor and reshoot all the scenes you have already done. No, Zac, that’s just not reasonable. You cannot spoil everybody’s work just out of false modesty. You’ll do the work you promised to do, and if you have to be naked for it, you’ll be naked... No, don’t say another word, or I’ll take you over my knee and spank you for being so selfish. And if I have to spank you, you can be certain that you’ll be naked for it. You know I don’t hesitate to spank boys when they need it.”

That much was true. Christine spanked the boys in the team when they misbehaved, but she had never spanked me, even though she had threatened a few times. Surely she wouldn’t spank me!

“Now,” she said, “you’re going to go there with the girls and do whatever they tell you to do. If they want you to get naked, you’ll get naked. If they want to record you getting a bath, they’ll record you getting a bath, and you won’t give them any grief. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said. I didn’t like it one bit, but when Christine talks to you in that tone of voice... well, you’d better say yes, ma’am.

“Good!” she said. Then she took my hand and took me with the younger girls.

“Zac is going to be a good boy now,” she told them. “He’s going to do whatever you need, so that you can make your video. If he doesn’t, just tell me and I’ll have a serious talk with him.”

I gulped. I wanted nothing of that serious talk.

“Zachary,” she told me, “you do everything these girls tell you to do, young man. Everything. I don’t want to hear you are giving them any more grief. I appreciate your volunteering to help, but once you have committed you have to see it through. Now, be good.”

She ruffled my hair, and then she left, leaving me with her little sister and her friends.

“Well, I hope you are going to mind us now,” Zoey told me. “Come on! We want to finish filming today, so that we can do all the editing this weekend.”

“Yeah, we can edit the video on our own, but we can’t record it without you,” Nora said.

“Let’s go! It’s time for your bath, Zachy,” Peyton told me.

That turned to be a quote from the script, since we started with a scene where Peyton told me it was time for my bath. My role was to moan a little and protest that I wasn’t dirty and that, if I had to take a bath, I could take it on my own.

“Nonsense, Zachy,” Peyton said, in her role as a no-nonsense babysitter, as Zoey recorded us with the camera. “Boys can’t be trusted to wash themselves properly, and your parents are trusting me to have you clean before I put you to bed.”

“Boys hate getting baths and will say anything to avoid them,” Nora said, doing the voice-over. “You need to be firm and let them know they don’t have a choice.”

Then, things got way more embarrassing when we filmed the bath scene. I had hoped that it would be skipped over. You know, just kind of implied but not really shown in detail. No such luck. It was shown in full, complete detail.

I wasn’t even allowed to undress myself. Peyton undressed me herself, right in front of the camera, while Nora narrated how the babysitter should strip the boy if she wanted things to move along in a timely manner, because boys would use all kinds of tricks to delay things if they were allowed to.

Don’t think that they just recorded her removing a few clothes. No, they recorded the whole thing, ending with Peyton lowering my underpants. Right there in front of all the girls in the team, with the camera recording everything.

She inserted her fingers under the elastic band of my briefs and pulled down. My peenie popped out, right in front of her eyes, and she just smiled and finished pulling my underpants off.

“There, you are ready for your bath now,” Peyton said. “Into the bathtub with you.”

She turned me around and gave me a pat on my bottom to send me on my way.

She filled the bathtub, checking the temperature of the water to make sure it was not too hot or too cold, and then she had me step into the bathtub, all in front of the camera that Zoey was operating.

They were filming everything, and I had been warned not to cover myself until the script called for it.

That happened when I was standing in the tub. Mia, who was in charge of the script and directing the actors, instructed me to cover my peenie with my hands while I was standing there, and reminded Peyton of her lines.

Once Mia said “Action!”, I covered myself as if I was embarrassed (no that I needed to fake it!).

“Zachy, do not be shy! I can’t give you a bath without seeing all of you, silly boy. Now, keep your hands away from your privates. I don’t need them getting in the way. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen your peenie already.”

With this prompting, I removed my hands from my groin, and Zoey recorded a close-up of my peenie.

The indignities continued with Peyton washing me all over. She first got me wet and then she poured liquid soap on her hands and proceeded to rub every part of me.

She spent a long time washing my bottom and my boy parts, while Nora in the voice-over identified those as places where extra attention was needed to make sure they were clean.

The camera recorded a close-up as I got a stiffie under Peyton’s ministrations. That was not in the script, but Nora improvised and talked about how it was a normal reaction and should be ignored.

The camera was not ignoring it, though.

Then they filmed how Peyton washed my bottom, including between my cheeks. She made me bend over and separate my legs to give her better access.

At last, she rinsed me, and then she emptied the tub and dried me. I still had a stiffie. I just couldn’t help it, even though it was all extremely embarrassing. When I tried to hide it, Peyton smacked my bottom. “I told you to keep your hands away from your peenie, Zachy,” she reminded me, while Zoey recorded it on film. Again, that was not in the script, but the girls didn’t mind improvising.

Finally, she dressed me into my pyjamas, which were old ones belonging to Nora’s brother.

That ended the bath scene, but the indignities were not over.

Most of the remaining scenes were easier, that’s true, but the discipline part had been left for the end.

Following the script, we filmed how I was sent to bed (I was already in pyjamas after the bath scene), and how my babysitter Peyton tucked me in. But then, I kept slipping out of bed, and giving excuses like I was going to the bathroom (even though I went just before bed) or I was going for a glass of water. Every time, Peyton, sent me back to bed, and finally she announced I would get a spanking if she found me out of bed again. (At this point, Nora narrated “Never threaten a boy you are babysitting unless you are prepared to follow through”).

And, sure enough, Peyton was prepared to follow through.

We recorded how she caught me out of bed again, and then how she took me to the living room (pulling me by the arm), sat on a straight-baked chair, pulled down my pyjama pants (I was wearing no undies after my bath) and pulled me over her knees.

When it came to filming the spanking, the girls teased me saying that Peyton was going to spank me for real because I had made a fuss before about not wanting to be bathed. I was begging them not to (when you are bare bottomed over someone’s knees you feel really vulnerable, even if the one about to spank you is a younger girl), but in the end they didn’t spank me for real.

Zoey recorded as Peyton pretended to spank me hard, but in reality she wasn’t hitting hard, and I had to pretend to cry and shake my legs. She just gave me one hard smack because Zoey said they needed the record the sound, and later during editing they would use it many times to make it sound like all the spanks were that hard.

Let me tell you, that one hard smack stung a lot! It made me cry out and brought tears to my eyes, but I didn’t really cry for real, because it was only one.

Then Mia rubbed some kind of make-up powder on my bare bottom to make it look redder, and Peyton pretended to spank me some more and then I was put in the corner. Finally they filmed how Peyton let me out of the corner, hugged me and pulled my PJs up, before taking me back to bed.

And that’s how my first starring role in a film went. Not exactly Oscar-winning material, but it would have been kind of fun, if it hadn’t been so embarrassing and I hadn’t had to be naked in front of the girls. They were sweet about thanking me for my help afterwards, and they invited me to cookies, but no, it still was not worth it.

Christine thanked me also, but I was kind of mad at her. I guess it was not her fault that I had thought she was the one who needed help with her homework, and not her sister. I think that was a genuine misunderstanding. But I didn’t like that she was so casual about making me get naked for the younger girls’ video... and also... well, this is kind of embarrassing, but I guess I can write it here since no one but me is gonna read it... I guess I was a bit mad that when she knew I was a couple of rooms away from her, being filmed for the bath scene, she did not even bother to come in and peek at me naked. I know it’s silly to be mad at something like that, but thinking about it I feel that if she... well, if she liked me a little bit, then she wouldn’t have resisted the temptation to look at me when she knew I was naked. But it’s like she didn’t care one way or the other about seeing me. Maybe she won’t even bother watching the video either...


[Olivia’s note]: I don’t know if Christine watched the video or not, but I would say she is quite used to seeing Zac naked after basketball practice, so maybe that’s why she showed no interest to go watch during Zac’s naked scenes in the video. She wouldn’t have seen anything new.

I have to admit, though, that I wouldn’t have missed it if Benji had been doing that video, even though I see him naked every day. It would have been fun watching Peyton giving him a bath, while the other girls recorded. Boys get so embarrassed in situations like that!

I would also have watched Zac, of course. Zac’s rather cute and sporty, and I wouldn’t mind bathing him myself.

Anyway, more importantly, it seems to me that Zac’s puppy love for Christine is not corresponded. Christine seems to like him, but more like a younger brother than like a boyfriend. He should realize that and try to move on, although I suppose that’s easier said than done. Matters of the heart are not easy!


From Zac’s Diary (continued):

Which makes me think: it’s really embarrassing that now there is a video of me where I am naked for part of it. I wonder how many people are going to watch it, and who they are. I hope they will destroy the video when they no longer need it for class, and I hope none of the girls who see it will keep a copy. I would sure keep a copy if I had a video with a naked girl, though, where you could see everything. I would watch it in secret all the time. Let me tell you, there were a lot of close-ups in my video, so I fear you can see everything.

I wonder if they’ll pixelate the embarrassing parts, at least. You know, to protect my privacy.


[Olivia’s note]: Zac is really naïve thinking anyone is going to bother pixelating the video just to hide his boy parts! Why would anyone go to so much trouble? Because of a boy’s false modesty? The whole idea is silly. Besides, if they wanted to protect his modesty, they wouldn’t have filmed him naked in the first place.

Anyway, I don’t know how many people have seen the video, but I know one person who has: me. How come? Well, it seems that the girls mailed him a link to the digital file a few days later, once they finished the video. Zac put the link in his private diary, and since I have access to his (not so private) diary, I downloaded the video.

No, no trace of pixelation.

I quite enjoyed the video. Zac is very cute in it, with endearing shyness. The bath scene and the spanking scene are the best. He didn’t exaggerate, you can see everything, in full, glorious HD.

The girls didn’t shy away from recording close-ups of his genitals and his bottom, either!

(The End)