Katherine's Humiliating Audition

By ENFLover

Copyright 2024 by ENFLover, all rights reserved

[3,900 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Katherine's Humiliating Audition

By ENFLover

[Set in the 1990s at a Caribbean resort]

Katherine was excited. After she had filmed a few commercials and bit parts in bit movies, her mom had gone gungho on making her a movie star. Katherine was confident; she knew she was smart, beautiful, and could act, and was as ambitious as her mom.

Her mom had dragged her off to god knows where for many roles that were either too small for her growing ego or, as an unknown 14 year old actress she had no chance of winning. But Katherine had to admit her mom had nailed it this time. Not only was she perfect for the role, but it was set on a beautiful Caribbean island resort and they were flown there for the auditions!

She was preparing for the audition right now. She would love to have glammed up, but the director had told all the hopefuls to show up as natural as possible, no makeup, high heels, or fancy clothes. But as Katherine stood in her plain white underwear before her hotel room's full length mirror she thought that would be an advantage. Because she was Beautiful. Maybe one or two years ago she was cute or pretty, but now she was nothing but stunning. She was tall for her age and slender, her long golden hair falling past her shoulder blades. Only at this age could her thighs be thinner than a supermodels yet still sensuously curve. Her hips were still narrow but her butt was full and round. Her breasts were small but on her lithe body they really popped. Katherine's skin was fair and flawless and her face was amazing. She could be scowling, pouting, or stone faced, and her face would always be dazzling. And her smile was like the sun.

Katherine knew all this not only from all the headshots and mirrors, but by the way she had started turning men's heads lately. She was surprised they didn't get whiplash from how fast she hooked them. She was g running with knowledge of her new found power when the connecting door crashed open.

''Mom, you need to knock!' yelled Katherine and covered herself with her arms before ducking into a big terrycloth robe. As proud as she was of her body, Katherine still didn't like the idea of anyone seeing her in her underwear.

''Oh, I'm sorry honey,'' her mom replied. ''I just didn't want you to be late.''

''God mom, I know what time it is. I just need to put on my shirt and pants and I'm out the door.''

''OK, let's go,'' her mom nodded and waited.

Katherine stamped her foot. ''Moommm, I can't get dressed with you in here. Get out!''

Once her mom left, Katherine put on tight white pants that showcased her legs and butt, and a loose lowcut blouse that, along with a strategic push up bra, allowed glimpses of her cleavage. Even without 'fancy clothes' she'd be hot.

As she stepped out her hotel room, a teenage boy stood in her path fidgeting nervously. She swiftly looked him over: average height, terrible haircut, cheap clothes, and judged him a dweeb.

''Out of my way, dweeb!''

''I-i-i'm sorry,'' he stuttered, caught off guard.

''A-a-apology accepted,'' Katherine mocked him. ''But you're still in my way.''

''Are you from 306?''

Katherine just glanced at him and the door she just stepped out of that had big gold number 306 on it, and rolled her eyes.

''I-i-'m sorry, I'm an idiot-''

''Agreed!'' laughed Katherine.

The boy took a deep breath to gather himself then said, ''You must be Katherine, then, and I'm supposed to take you to the audition.''

''Well, lead on then, gofer.''

''Actually, I'm not a gofer. I'm Bill and I work on the lighting for the movie.''

''Really, I'm a little surprised you can actually change a light bulb.''

''No, no, it's more complicated than that. I have to measure the light using meters and adjust-''

''Boooring,'' Katherine cut him off.

The boy, half hurt, half dazzled by Katherine, led on in silence.

Katherine's mom waved goodbye. Unlike other auditions, she had not been invited.

As they drew near the central pool where the audition was to be held, they passed a sniffling girl in a large robe being led away by a stern faced woman. From the weeping and the fact she was heading away from the pool, Katherine knew she had failed her audition. The girl was pretty, but not all that, thought Katherine. What a loser!

Katherine strode even more confidently toward her well deserved destiny as a star.

The huge pool was at the center of the resort. Pool chairs, tables, and loungers surrounded it, but all were empty of vacationers now as the area was closed for shooting. There were still plenty of people though, crewmen bustling about, multiple cameramen, assistants with clipboards and sitting on the canvas chair, the director. He smiled and stood to shake her hand.

Katherine gave her dazzling smile and said, ''I'm so pleased to finally meet you, Mr.-''

''Please call me Steve,'' he replied. ''And you must be Katherine. Wow, as great as your head shots were, you are even more beautiful in person.''

Katherine smirked, basking in the well-deserved adulation.

At this moment, another man stepped up to greet her, kissing her lightly on each cheek. He was a large man, and larger than life. His face was strange, but there was an undeniable charisma to it. Here was the genuinely world famous French actor who would be playing her father.

''Hello, Gerard,'' she spoke humbly, ''It is an honor to meet you.''

''But it will be a pleasure,'' the actor stood back to admire Katherine from head to toe (Katherine was so glad she'd worn her pushup bra!) ''To work with such a beautiful young lady as yourself.''

''But despite your looks, and tremendous performance on previous audition tapes,'' the director interrupted. ''You must still prove to us that you are absolutely perfect to play this role.''

''Mr. - sorry - Steve,'' Katherine replied. ''I have read the script and I can assure you that I am perfect!''

''You are definitely impressive, and most couldn't hack it,'' the director nodded toward the weeping girl slowly disappearing into the distance. ''But you still have one competitor left, Dominique.''

Katherine followed his eyes to a tall brunette who, much to Katherine's chagrin was quite buxom, and almost as beautiful as her. Katherine narrowed her eyes. She knew she had to nail her audition against such an attractive foe. Oddly, she too was wearing a large robe.

Katherine was about to ask the director, when the stern faced woman returned and barked ''Why isn't the new one in her bathing suit yet?''

The director interceded, ''Katherine I must apologize for my assistant director, Gertrude. She is very direct, but to be honest we are extremely pressed for time. I didn't see you bring a bag, so you must have your swimsuit on underneath?''

Katherine blinked in disbelief. ''No, I had no idea.'

''No idea!'' challenged Gertrude. ''I placed a note under your door this morning.''

Katherine was pretty sure she'd seen no such thing, but in the face of Gertrude's sureness, she acquiesced, saying ''Maybe I missed it?''

Gertrude glared at her and, worse, Steve shook his head.

''I can run back and grab a swimsuit,'' Katherine offered.

Gertrude rejected her, ''We don't have the time. You may leave.''

She began gesturing for Dominique.

''Unless,'' Steve raised his hand. ''Katherine, would you like to undress and do the scene in your under wear?''

''My underwear?!'' Katherine blushed at just saying it, let alone doing it!

Gertrude gestured again for her rival. Dominique walked up grinning.

Katherine was losing her chance! She had to do something. ''I'll do it,'' she spoke with confidence (she was a good actress, because she was anything but confident).

Steve smiled, but Gertrude challenged Katherine again, ''You'll do what exactly? I want to hear it.''

Why? thought Katherine. But she kept up her facade of confidence and calmly stated, ''I will undress and do the scene in my underwear.''

Despite her tone everyone could see Katherine's blush.

Steve nodded, but when Katherine hesitated, Gertrude barked, ''Well, hurry up! This is your idea.''

Katherine didn't see anywhere to properly undress, so she had to do it right there beneath the stares of Steve, Gertrude, and even Dominique's, as well as the entire crew who seemed suddenly to have nothing to do.

She almost tripped just taking off her sandals. She unbuttoned her blouse, but just couldn't take it off. Gertrude glared, tapped her foot, and looked pointedly at her watch. Katherine blushed brighter and complied, lifting off her blouse and letting it fall to the ground.

Dominique took one look at Katherine's pushup bra and their meager contents and covered her lips with her hand to stifle a laugh. That bitch, thought the humiliated Katherine.

She unbuttoned her pants but was stopped by the sudden fear that everyone was staring at her. She looked up. Everyone was!

She must have this part, she reminded herself. Somehow finding the courage, she pulled off her pants. It was an awkward struggle to pull them off her feet and she had to close her eyes to stop imagining all the people looking at her bent over butt and down her bra. She stood and felt a chill despite the warm weather. Everyone was seeing her embarrassingly revealed pushup A-cup bra and her plain white bikini cut panties.

She opened her eyes finally and assiduously avoided anyone else's as she walked to the pool lounger where the scene began. It was the scene where her character showed off her adolescent rebellion, and desirability, by wearing a skimpy bathing suit to the resort pool. When she stood up her poor father was so shocked that he rushed to cover her with a towel.

Gerard sat next to her and they began their banter. Katherine was proud how natural it was to imagine the famous Frenchman as merely her annoying dad and slide perfectly into character. After the final witty retort, she stood up and walked off in a huff.

Or hoped she did. Though she was able to contain her blushing by now, apparently she couldn't manage the huff. She did take after take, but Steve was never satisfied.

Steve finally called a break, and Dominique offered to ''help out'' and show Katherine how's it done. Dominique slid off her robe, revealing a slinky highcut white one piece swimsuit. Too Katherine's further chagrin, Dominique had an incredible body with ample bust and sexy hips. Was she really 14 like me, Katherine thought. Dominique sat down next to Gerard, said the last retort (badly, thought Katherine), then stood sensuously and stalked off like a panther. Katherine was so shocked at the back of Dominique's suit that she actually blurted out ''Oh my god, she's wearing a thong!''

This drew a laugh from Gerard. ''Of course, mon cheri, the scene calls for a thong. What else would make a French father panic?''

''Gerard,'' Steve clapped him on the back. ''You're a genius.''

(Gerard agreed.)

''Thank you so much, Dominique. That strut was amazing, but I think Katherine will be able to top it.''

Dominique raised an eyebrow of doubt and even Katherine asked ''You do?''

''Yes, I do. the problem isn't you, Katherine, it is your underwear.''

Embarrassed all over again, Katherine whimpered, ''What's wrong with my underwear?''

''It's all wrong. Your panties are tight on your butt, and your bra is squeezing even your little A-cups.''

As if her butt and boobs weren't already getting enough attention! But wait a minute, what was he suggesting!?

''Yes,'' Gertrude jumped in to explain. ''You were supposed to be prepared and wear a thong.''

''But Idon't even own a thong.''

''Since you are so unprepared,'' Gertrude smiled for the very first time. ''You can do us one better, and take everything off.''

''That would be magnifique,'' Gerard chimed in. ''That would certainly get the attention of even the most jaded Frenchman!''

''Great idea,'' agreed Steve much to Katherine's horror. ''You're on the lounger in your robe, and to shock your dad, you throw it off to show you're completely naked.''

''B-b-but how could I be naked in front of all these people?!''

A nerdy guy in glasses jumped up. ''I'm the script editor and it would be easy-peasy to just make this resort clothing optional. Of course everyone else would be dressed, but no one could say anything to you for choosing to be naked.''

That wasn't what Katherine had meant at all. ''I couldn't be n-n-naked in the movie!''

''Of course not,'' reassured Steve. ''This is a PG American movie, there is no way we could show you completely naked to the whole United States.''

Thank god, exhaled Katherine silently. ''So I can just keep my underwear on, right?''

Everyone looked aghast at her. What had she said!?

''Absolutely not,'' Steve stated firmly. ''We are professionals here. If you're character is naked, you need to be naked.''

Katherine was flabbergasted. 'But you said you couldn't show me naked?''

''And we won't,'' Steve explained. ''We'll use cameras angles and cropping to let the audience know that you're naked without actually showing it.''

Dominique sauntered up and placed an arm around Katherine's shoulder ostensibly to bolster the poor girl, but really to show off her large firm breasts tight in her swimsuit in contrast to Katherine's tiny A-cup bra. She helped out again, by handing Katherine her robe.

Beneath the force of everyones expectations and her mother's and her own ambition, she reluctantly pulled on the robe. Only after she'd firmly cinched the rope belt and stepped away, did she unclasp and remove her bra. Her blush returned, and even grew brighter when she finally slid off her panties.

So here she was completely naked under her white robe amid these movie bigwigs and the milling crowd of crew. Were there always so many of them? Only this robe separated her from being completely and utterly nude and exposed among this throng. Even now the feel of the soft fabric on her nipples, butt, and god forbid, privates felt like a violation. This shouldn't be happening.

She had forgotten to breathe and finally inhaled. I am an actress, after all, a professional. I can do this.

She lay back on the lounger and stretched her limbs like there was nothing wrong in the world. Gerard sat next to her and they bounced lines back flawlessly. Finally the last line was said. In a series of smooth movements she stood up, undid the belt, and, as she walked away, let the robe slide off her body. It felt like slow motion and the cloth sliding off her skin sounded as loud as a roaring ocean. She felt the sunshine and warm breeze in places that had never felt them before. It took all her will to stay in character and not flinch at all the eyes - where did so many crew come from! - gawking at her naked body. Finally, Gerard caught up with her and was about to wrap her in the towel, but Steve yelled stop!

Gerard indeed stopped, leaving Katherine still completely naked, and no longer in character. She could look freely at all the onlookers. And looking they were! Some were staring at her breasts. Without the pushup bra they were tiny, just the slightest of cones with tiny pale pink nipples. Others at her ass. It stayed round and firm even without her panties, but with her narrow hips it really was a little girl's ass. And many, including Steve, who was stomping toward her, stared straight at her privates. With Gerard's towel out of reach, Katherine finally covered herself with her arms, one over her meager chest, and the other pressed between her tightly closed legs.

Steve towered over the cowering Katherine and thundered, ''Move your arm!''

Intimidated, Katherine moved her arms from her breasts. A number of crew who were silent during the action, now openly laughed and pointed and commented, ''Wow, those are tiny!''

 ''Does she have any nipples?''

''Her pushup bra did a really good job, she shouldn't have taken it off''

''Is she really a teenager?''

Katherine was utterly humiliated. Why had he made her move her arm!?

Steve looked at her tiny breasts and chuckled. ''No, your other arm.''

Oh my god no, screamed Katherine inside, but she numbly stood straight and dropped her last bastion of modesty to her side.

''Didn't I ask you to come as natural as possible?'' Steve badgered her.

''I don't have any make up on. I didn't do anything to my hair.''

''Obviously, you did,'' Steve pointed at her crotch.

Katherine, and everyone else, looked at Katherine's privates. A slight swell just below her flat stomach tapered into a long hairless slit.

Katherine definitely hadn't put any make up there!

'Why did you shave down there?''

Katherine was dumbfounded. She hadn't shaved.

While Steve complained to Gertrude and Gerard, once again Dominique arrived to help out.

Once again she glomped onto Katherine, this time actually pressing one clothed full breast against Katherine's inadequate one for the full benefit of Katherine's shame and all their eager viewers. Dominique stared at Katherine's humiliatingly tiny mounds, then took a step back to take in Katherine's narrow hips and hairless pussy. Much to Katherine's shock, Dominique knelt down and put her face an inch away from Katherine's privates. Katherine could feel as well as hear Dominique's snort of laughter.

''I think I understand the confusion now,'' Dominique stood back up and patted Katherine's shoulder. ''You never had any pubic hair to begin with.''

Katherine nodded.

''So you probably don't know that some women shave it all off.''

''No,'' admitted Katherine.

''But that's good. That means you really are natural. Just tell the director.''


The completely naked girl, heart racing and trembling with humiliation, fear, and yes, pure willpower, strode up to the director, her small breasts bouncing, '''Wait Steve.''

Steve, along with Gerard and Gertrude, took! another opportunity to look over Katherine's exposed body from head to toe and back to her crotch, before shaking his head. ''Haven't you wasted enough of our time?''

''No, I followed your instructions. I'm completely natural.''

He pointed at her hairless privates. ''You've obviously shaved your pussy.''

Katherine was shocked at that word, but soldiered on, ''No, sir, I have not shaved my pussy!''

Steve was about to continue arguing, but Dominique sidled up and made her case to Gertrude. ''Everyone, look at Katherine's body carefully.''

Everyone had been, but didn't mind looking yet again.

''Katherine is tall, and her face is a teenager's, but let's really study her body. Her breasts are really tiny with hardly any nipples. Her butt is round like a little girl's with hips to match. Katherine's body is very underdeveloped. She just doesn't have any pubic hair at all!''

Katherine felt incredibly humiliated by this judgement of her inadequate 14 year old body. But Dominique wasn't done.

''Katherine is blond, so it is difficult to see, but if you look really carefully at her pussy, you'll see a fine blonde down, not at all like pubic hair. If she had shaved it would be completely smooth. Katherine, prove it to them. Tell them to look closely at your pussy.''

Katherine took a deep breath. Her breasts stood proudly, and with her belly sucked in, her pubic mound was even more prominent.

''Please look closely at my pussy.''

Gertrude knelt down and looked long and hard and closely at Katherine's pussy. With her face less than an inch away, Katherine could feel Gertrude's breath.

Katherine was unnerved - how long was she looking!? - but stayed steady.

Gertrude stood.

''It's true Steve, look for yourself.''

Steve knelt down for what seemed an even longer time before finally agreeing.

'She's right. Katherine's pussy is naturally bald.''

''I told you,'' Dominique chimed in. ''It's just like a little baby's pussy.''

Gerard knelt down, too. Why is he down there now, thought Katherine, mortified by yet another inspection. Katherine jumped when Gerard actually ran his thumb over her pussy lip.

''I don't have my reading glasses,'' he explained. ''But my thumb doesn't lie. Katherine is smooth as silk except the very softest of down.''

''What's more, in addition to her tiny tits and hairless pussy,'' Dominique gleefully added, her large firm breasts bouncing with excitement. ''Look here.''

And tickled Katherine's equally hairless unshaved armpit, causing Katherine to giggle despite herself.

''And here!''

And Dominique turned a stunned Katherine around and pulled her butt cheeks apart to point out her hairless anus to everyone.

Was that really necessary, thought Katherine, after everyone and their grandmother had looked at all her formerly private places.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, the gofer dweeb knelt down between her legs.

''What are you doing down there, gofer dweeb!?'' Katherine protested.

''My name is Bill, and I work on the lighting, remember?'' And indeed he had some kind of meter and a - a camera!

''Since you're not wearing a swimsuit or have pubic hair, it may be tricky lighting your pussy correctly, so-''

And he clicked the camera a few times.

''I need some reference to study.''

And he stood, smiled, and took some full face and body photos of Katherine as well, before finally leaving.

Now Steve and Gertrude were arguing, and Katherine was shocked to here about what.

''Her pussy lips are too long,'' announced Gertrude to the world.

''That's mean,'' Katherine said sadly. She couldn't believe she was completely naked in front of everyone and Dominique derided her immature body, and now Gertrude was criticising her pussy. In acting class, Katherine had been trained to cry on cue, but this was the opposite. Katherine's eyes were welling up and she couldn't stop.

''Katherine, your pussy lips are very long,'' added Steve, much to Katherine's horror. Was she a freak!?

''But,'' he continued. ''It won't be a problem.''

''Katherine will wear highcut swimsuits and her pussy will be extremely prominent,'' announced Gertrude.

''It will just emphasize the high cut even more, when Katherine's pussy will be pushing down the crotch even more. Its not a problem, its a good thing.''

Gerard and several male onlookers agreed and that settled the argument. That opened the door for detailed discussions of all her other formerly hidden places as well, but as wardrobe carefully measured everything from her tiny tits to her pussy lips, Katherine realized something and her tear never fell. She had gotten the part!


The director ended up filming both versions of the infamous poolside scene, once with a racy highcut thong, and once completely nude. Why, Katherine thought, did they need to film so many takes of both, but especially the naked one? And on so many different days, and even with different groups of extras?

She was extremely glad that only the thong version was ever shown in theaters and on DVD. (Except of course to fifty of Steve's closest friends and every producer involved and certain wealthy Japanese businessmen, and. . . this year the director's cut will finally be released in theaters around the world.)

The End

(End of File)