FENP Comes to Pinnacle Bay 1 and 2

By James Breitbart


Copyright 2024 by James Breitbart, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 1

Ever since the passage of the DECENT Treaty, officials in Washington State had looked at their counterparts in Florida with jealousy. The Stripped for Florida program was bringing in massive amounts of revenue, and within a few years the large majority of the population had accepted it as a compromise in the culture wars over adolescent sexuality. Liberals were happy to see young people embracing sex, while conservatives were relieved that it was all under the tight control of their parents. Washington had initially attempted to pursue its own version of a compromise, formally allowing nudity in select state parks where it had long been tradition to look the other way on skinny dippers and letting municipalities set their own rules, but the compromise had only served to make everyone mad. Social conservatives in the eastern half of the state used Seattle’s highly permissive ordinance, which allowed any sort of public sexual activity on any public property, as a wedge issue to gin up outrage against the degenerate big-city lifestyle, while liberals outside of Seattle resented the local governments that continued to ban nudity, and voted for state legislators who promised to override local government control.

The polarization increased to the point that the state legislature found it impossible to pass a budget on time thanks to competing demands to withdraw state funding from jurisdictions that forbade or allowed nudity. After two successive government shutdowns, the governor had had enough, and locked the leaders of each party into a room until they had worked out a compromise. Like the compromise worked out in Florida, it would offer liberals an environment in which sexuality was much more on display, while promising conservatives greater control of children by adults and an opportunity to avoid tax increases.

From the first Monday in April, any adult who wished to go naked in public, anywhere in the state, could register with the Licensed Adult Nudity Program (LANP), where for an annual fee of 45 dollars, they received the right to engage in public nudity and sexual conduct anywhere in the state. For children, the program was less voluntary. Their parents could pay the same annual fee to enroll them in the Family-Enforced Nudity Program (FENP), which required them to be naked at all times within the state, enforced by the same microchips as the Stripped for Florida Program.

Building on the state’s West Coast-libertarianism, Washington added some enhancements to the program. When they registered their children, Washington parents could pay an additional fee to waive certain status laws, allowing their child to consume alcohol or cannabis, get a tattoo or piercing, or stay out after curfew. The law got a lot of attention in the press, but in the first day of the program the only parents signing their kids up for FENP were practicing nudists in Seattle, who were merely paying the state to continue being allowed to do what they were already doing.

The local news covered their protests at the expense, attracting the attention of Jeannette Wagner, a housewife in the serene town of Pinnacle Bay. She knew that her oldest son, David, was gay from his internet history and his suspiciously close relationship with his ‘best friend’ Marcus Walsh, but at fourteen and almost finished with middle school, he remained stubbornly closeted. Jeannette wondered if stripping him might be a way to move things along.

She brought it up that night at dinner.

“You know, I saw on the news about this new FENP thing. Maybe we should strip the three of you.”

David rolled his eyes, thinking that his mother was teasing him. “Very funny.”

“I think it’d be cool,” his younger brother Tommy chirped. Tommy was ten, and still in the stage where getting dressed or shopping for clothes represents an imposition on time that could be spent playing.

“That’s because you’re a gross creep,” David retorted.

“If you can’t be nice to your brother, that’s an argument in favor of stripping you.” Jeannette chided. Sensing for the first time that he might be in real danger, David stared intently at his green beans. “I’ll ask around and see if people think it’s a good idea,” Jeannette continued.

“They won’t,” David muttered.

“We’ll just see about that,” his father answered, “You know some people in the education department really think this stripping thing could do wonders for the schools.” Phil Wagner was a professor of sociology at Pacific Lutheran University.

“How so?”

“When they did it in Florida, it did wonders for behavior. They think a lot of adolescent acting out is the result of sexual frustration.”

“Well, I’m not sexually frustrated,” David protested.

“You sure about that?” Tommy teased, “what about you and Marcus?” He enunciated Marcus’ name in a teasing manner that made it clear he knew that his older brother was romantically engaged with the boy.

“Tommy,” his mother admonished, “don’t tease your brother. David, go do the dishes.”

The next day, Phil took some time on his lunch break to check books on the Stripped for Florida program out of the university library. There were several studies finding exactly what the Wagners were hoping for, that being stripped was a massive long-term benefit for gay boys like David. It was enough to convince Dr. and Mrs. Wagner to go through with it, much to David’s chagrin.

“This is totally unfair!” he protested as soon as they announced it to him.

“We’re not asking you to do anything we aren’t willing to do,” Dr. Wagner intoned calmly, “Your mother and I will be registering for LANP at the same time as you kids, and living nude as much as possible.”

“You know that makes it worse, right?”

“David, a naked body is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Yes it is! This is weird.” David’s protest earned him a lecture about not conforming with the crowd just to fit in, which only worsened his mood. He stormed upstairs to his room, slamming the door behind him. Jeannette decided that it would be better to let him calm down than to force him downstairs for dinner, and made the announcement to Tommy and his younger sister Natalie. Tommy was enthusiastic about being the first naked kid in his fourth-grade class, while four-year-old Natalie was sad about not being able to play dress up anymore until her mother told her that she’d be able to paint on a costume when the occasion warranted it.

Jeannette left David in his room until he came down for breakfast the next day. He gestured to the rain outside. “You really want me to be naked in this?” The temperatures that day were supposed to range from the lower 40s to the mid-50s.

“They have pills that will keep your body temperature up,” she explained. “You can go barefoot in the snow and be perfectly comfortable. Plus, skin dries faster than cloth. Once you kids are stripped, you can play in the rain without getting your clothes wet.”

“Awesome!” Tommy cried out. David glared at his brother, then retrieved his coat from the front hall closet and walked a half-mile through the rain to school. He spent most of the morning trying to think of ways to get out of it, and lunch time complaining to his friends. They were all sympathetic, although Marcus found himself aroused at the prospect of getting to see his secret boyfriend naked everywhere he went. He couldn’t say anything of course, both because it would upset David further and because their other friends didn’t know that they were lovers beyond the juvenile experimentation all the boys had participated in. He stood up carefully to obscure the tent in his pants.

The conversation at the elementary school was much more upbeat. Tommy’s friends were actually jealous of him getting to be stripped.

“So are you going to get to play with your wiener in public?” Danny Tipton asked innocently.

“Yeah, anywhere I want. Except mom says I can’t do it in class or church.”

“Can we play with it?”

“I dunno. I think maybe you have to be stripped too if we’re going to have sex with each other.” Tommy wasn’t quite sure how it worked, but he’d seen a TV show set in Florida where a major element of conflict was that two boys in love couldn’t consummate their relationship when one was stripped and the other wasn’t, until naturally the first one’s parents decided to strip him and everyone lived happily ever after.

“Maybe I’ll get my parents to strip me too.”

“That’d be awesome! We could be naked everywhere together.”

Tommy was practically bouncing off the walls when his mother picked him and Natalie up from school, but she tried to get them to tone it down.

“You need to not tease David about this. It’s going to be much harder for him than it is for you.”

“Why,” Tommy asked, “’cause his penis is all gross and hairy like Dad’s?”

“That’s part of it. When you start puberty you get self-conscious about your body, and sex. I know for you it’s just another game to play with your friends, but for your brother it’s more complicated.” Tommy was as of yet blissfully unaware that he was supposed to be keeping ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ games secret from his parents, and seemed to be curious about both genders. Jeannette guessed that he’d end up bisexual. “To be honest, part of the reason I’m stripping you is so that will go a little smoother for you when you get to be the age he is now.”

Jeannette drove to the middle school, and was the first parent in the pickup line. She honked for David when he came out, surprising him. He usually walked or rode his bike home, and had decided that today he was going to run away, instead. There was a grandmother in Pennsylvania who was a rigid Catholic, and David figured that if he managed to hitchhike out there and told her what was going on, she would shelter him from his heathen parents, at least as long as he didn’t tell her he was gay. His mother’s presence ruined his plans. The vice principal was standing right behind him, and David knew that he would be more than pleased to chase him down on his mother’s orders if he tried to run away, which would only compound his humiliation. He would look like a big baby throwing a temper tantrum, and they’d probably rip all his clothes off right there in front of everybody. Shoulders slumping in defeat, David saw no choice but to get in the car.

Tommy, who looked up to his brother even though it seemed like he was mad all the time these days, heeded his mother’s admonition and was dutifully quiet as they drove to city hall, where they met their father. Dr. Wagner filled out the forms and wrote a check for the cost - $225.00 to strip the whole family, plus $135.00 each for David and Tommy to be allowed to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, and engage in sexual activity. He could certainly see how they thought they were going to close the budget gap with this.

The clerk had every member of the family hold out their wrist, and quickly injected each of them with a microchip implant. “Those implants will automatically interact with the state’s sensor network,” she explained. “For Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, it will register that you’re allowed to be naked, so you won’t have to show any ID. For you kids, if it catches you wearing clothes, an alarm will go off and you’ll be arrested. You can just present your arm if you’re buying pot or booze, and the clerk will scan it. Now you need to take your clothes off before you leave the room.

Forcing back tears, David complied with the order. His parents and siblings stripped off with much more enthusiasm, and handed their clothes to the clerk for donation. The clerk handed them each a set of pills.

“These will warm you up. We also recommend that girls be on birth control, but you can wait until she starts menstruating. Unlike in Florida, we don’t throw in sildenafil free, but you can get a prescription from a doctor.”

David ignored the pills and stomped through the parking lot to the car, his bare feet splashing through cold puddles and the rain masking the tears he could hold back. As soon as they got home he stormed up to his room and slammed the door behind him. He discovered that his mom had removed all the clothes from his drawers while he was at school. Even if he wanted to take his chances with the sensor network, he wouldn’t be able to.

Chapter 2

Jeannette had known that the first day would be difficult and braced herself for it before going to wake up David.

“I’m not going to school!” David called through the door when she knocked.

“If you’re not out of there in five minutes, I’m sending your father in.”

David was not out in five minutes, and Jeannette sent Phil in with the key to David’s lock to drag him out of bed and shove him into the shower while she got breakfast for the younger two. David came downstairs, soaking wet and mad as hell, and Jeannette produced a set of the warming pills.

“We all need to take two of these. It’s colder than it was yesterday.”

David was already shivering from the shower, and reluctantly swallowed two of the pills with a glass of water, followed by his parents and siblings. Within a few seconds, all of the Wagners felt a warming sensation and a flush. His mother drove him to school, to make sure he didn’t ditch, and waited to drive off until he saw him go into the building. People turned and stared as David walked as quickly as possible to his homeroom and slumped down in a seat at the back of the classroom.

His friends Marcus, Brendan, and Ethan, who knew what to expect, sat on either side of him, to give him a protective barrier from their peers. Unfortunately, the English teacher, Ms. Newton, thought it would be a great idea to use David as a demonstration of the FENP program, and had him stand at the front of the class after the pledge of allegiance. She gave a brief presentation on the history of the legislation as David stared at his toes.

“Why did your parents decide to strip you?” Ms. Newton asked, assuming incorrectly that David had been a willing participant.

“Because they’re jerks,” he answered venomously.

Ms. Newton immediately realized her mistake and let David sit down, handing out a set of flyers for the FENP program that the state department of education had provided her with and moving on to the English lesson. She made sure to quickly reprimand anyone who turned around to stare at David, giving him something of a respite.

Gym would prove to be much worse than English class. Of David’s friend group, Ethan was the only one he had the same class as. The two boys walked to the locker room together, with David looking down in embarrassment and Ethan glaring at everyone who stared at him. Coach Lee noticed David as soon as he came into the locker room.

“David, did your parents strip you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you bring tennis shoes with you?”

“Uh…no sir.” Tennis shoes were required for PE, but David normally just kept the same pair he’d worn to school, except after it got warm enough for flip-flops, when he left his sneakers in the locker with the rest of his clothes. With everything else on his mind, he’d forgotten all about them.

“Well, you’re supposed to sit out if you’re not in uniform – or as much of the uniform as you’re allowed to wear, but I don’t think it’s fair to dock points from your grade when you weren’t planning on being stripped.” Coach Lee blew his whistle and informed the whole class that to enable David to participate without risking injury, they would all have to leave their shoes and socks in their lockers and participate barefoot for the day. Most of the class was secretly glad that they got to go barefoot for a bit, but David had a problem. He had long ago developed a foot fetish, and the sight of his classmates barefoot in their PE uniforms provoked a natural reaction. In spite of his embarrassment, he was fully hard by the middle of class.

Ethan noticed but didn’t say anything, hoping that the other boys wouldn’t notice or would graciously assume that it was just one of those random erections that they all got. Unfortunately, he was vastly overestimating the kindness of teenage boys. Jake MacDonald noticed and shouted across the gym. “Hey, Wagner’s got a hard-on!”

Coach Lee blew the whistle and shouted at Jake to mind his own business, but the damage had already been done. David was the subject of giggles, which Coach Lee knew were likely to escalate into something more serious once the boys got back into the locker room, unless he could separate David from the rest.

Despite his shame, David’s hard-on refused to go down. In fact, although he didn’t realize it, the humiliation was arousing him further. When class ended Coach Lee took him aside again.

“Why don’t you take a cold shower while everyone else is getting dressed?” Thanks to the squeamishness of middle school boys about being seen naked, Magnuson Middle School’s showers had gone virtually unused for decades. Coach Lee and many of the other teachers hoped that the FENP would change that, but for now David was the only student likely to use the showers, and since he was already naked, he had nothing to lose.

The shower had the desired effect, and Coach Lee handed David a towel to dry off with, then ordered the crowd who’d gathered around the door of the locker room in hopes of getting a glimpse of the naked kid to disperse. They cleared just enough of a path for David to get to his next class, technology, where he shared a lab table with Marcus and Tyler Wilkerson, who wasn’t part of David’s core friend group but was nice enough.

Unfortunately, they also shared the class with Jake MacDonald, who muttered “I’d better not catch you looking at me, faggot” just softly enough that the teacher didn’t overhear him.

“What was that about?” Marcus asked.

“I’ll tell you at lunch,” David whispered.

By the time the bell for lunch rang, word of what had happened in gym class had gotten around to the whole school, although Ethan was the only one of David’s friends who had actually seen it firsthand. Joey, Scott, and Brendan had heard rumors, confidently stated, that David popped a boner in the boys’ gym class, with no girls around, which was enough to convict him of homosexuality in the court of public opinion. They kept an open mind, reasoning that it could have just been an unfortunate coincidence, and that even if David was attracted to boys, it was no reason to make fun of him.

In truth, all four of Marcus and David’s best friends were at least somewhat bisexual. The six of them had engaged in innocent sex play among each other in elementary school, which tapered off when they got to middle school and started understanding the connection between what they did and the cruel words that got thrown around the cafeteria. Joey formed crushes on girls and boys with about equal enthusiasm, even though he had never admitted this to any of his friends, and all the boys found the sight of David’s nude body exciting.

The six of them decided to forsake their usual lunch table to eat in the library, normally occupied only by social outcasts. The stacks of books hid them from public view.

“What happened in gym?” Scott asked.

“Do you really need to know?”

“People are talking about it. They said you got a boner and they’re trying to make it out like you’re gay or something. We can just tell them it’s a lie, or, like, you got turned on by being naked and it doesn’t have anything to do with guys.” Scott assumed that David got turned on by being naked because he had exhibitionist tendencies himself, and had in fact jerked himself off the night before to a fantasy that he was the one getting stripped.

“It wasn’t that,” David whispered, “I do like guys.”

“I mean everyone gets hard sometimes looking at a hot guy,” Joey said defensively, “that doesn’t mean you’re gay.”

“It’s more than that for me.”

“David and I do stuff together,” Marcus admitted.

“Like the stuff we used to do when we were kids?” Joey asked hopefully.

“More than that. Kissing, stuff with each other’s feet…”

“Coach Lee made everyone do PE barefoot,” Ethan remarked.

“That’s what did it.” David said, “there’s no point in trying to deny it, I’ll just keep getting hard around guys anyway.”

“So, what should we do?” Brendan asked.

“We could kick Jake’s ass,” Joey suggested, feeling a little defensive about his own sexuality.

“The whole class saw Jake say that” Ethan pointed out, “if he shows up to school looking beat up everybody will know it was us. We’ll need to wait a few weeks until he fucks with someone else.”

“And it probably won’t do anything,” David said, “and when my parents find out they’ll come up with something even worse to punish me. There’s nothing any of you can do. I’m totally fucked.”

Marcus had an idea for something that might help, but it would be a pretty big step, and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to go through with it or that David would actually think it was helpful, so he kept quiet.

The lunch bell rang, and the boys went off to their afternoon classes. David had social studies with Marcus, Scott, Joey, and Ethan, but only Brendan and Ethan for Science.

“Do you want me to see if my Mom will give you a ride home?” Brendan asked.

“No, I don’t want her to see me like this.”

The offer turned out to be unnecessary. Jeannette had discovered that the warming pills wore off after an hour or so and didn’t want David walking home in the cold, so she was waiting for him in the car again. Unfortunately, his peers seeing his mother naked only compounded David’s misery.

“How was school?” She asked innocently.

“Fuck you!” David snarled in reply.

Jeannette gritted her teeth. “David, I know this has been hard for you, but that doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that.”

“Fine, ground me. I don’t care. It’s not like I want to go anywhere like this anyway.”

David made a good point, Jeannette thought. Maybe he needed a couple of weeks to get used to being naked before being expected to keep up his normal social routine. Being grounded would give him a good excuse. Optimistically, she decided to set the grounding for two weeks.

She had barely gotten home when Coach Lee called.

“I noticed today that David was stripped.”

“Oh, yes, we’re all nudists now.”

“I called to figure out a solution for the P.E. uniform. Obviously he won’t be dressing out fully, and that’s not a problem for his grade, but he needs shoes for safety. I was able to have all the kids practice barefoot today, but if you could send him to school with gym shoes, that would make things simpler.”

“Oh, dear. I didn’t even think about gym shoes. I gave all of David’s shoes and socks away. I guess we’ll have to by him a new pair.” Jeannette was mentally kicking herself for not realizing that David would still need tennis shoes. The shopping trip to replace the pair that had been donated was sure to be miserable for both of them.

“Well, maybe we can work something out. Can you come by the office tomorrow morning?”

(End of File)