The Curious Case of Matthew 6

By YourWetDream

Copyright 2024 by YourWetDream, all rights reserved

[7,438 words]´

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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New friends, new trunks

//if you like my story, please write me an email with your feedback!! I love reading it and chatting with you//

On the next day they woke up at 7 am. It was a rule for all the kids to wake up so early, go to the bathroom, put their clothes on and get ready for breakfast at 8. Matthew couldn’t stand up.

- Ryan, go first to the bathroom….

Ryan stood up and went to the bathroom, Matthew closed his eyes and felt asleep again.

- Matthew, wake up, it’s your turn…. – Ryan shook his arm.

- Let Philip go first….. – he closed his eyes.

- MATTHEW! Wake up! – this time both boys were trying to wake him up – we have 10 minutes until breakfast, move your ass! - they took his covers away. Matthew was lying on his back.

- Chill guys! I’ll be right there with you!

- No, we are obliged to go together as a team, so move your ass to the bathroom and get ready in 8 minutes!

- Omg….. – he changed his position and lied himself on his belly – one minute!

Boys laughed.

- Wow Matthew your pajamas are really sexy! – said Ryan laughing.

- Get the fuck off!

SLAP!! – Ryan slapped his naked bottom. His butt flap was open, his ass was out for the boys to see. He didn’t realize that before.

- What’s wrong with you! – Matthew looked with angry face at Ryan still lying on his belly.

- First you won’t talk to us like that, second you stand up right now or I’ll beat your ass like no one ever before – said Ryan and slapped his butt again.

- Awww!! OKAY OKAY! – Matthew stood finally up. He was still a bit sleepy and didn’t know what to do. He was standing in the middle of the room, of course forgetting to close his butt flap. Both boys laughed again.

- To the bathroom!! Now!! – Ryan slapped his bum one more time, Matthew jumped and put his hands on his bottom - You have 3 minutes to take a pee and shower, or I’ll take you out naked and let you eat your breakfast like that with everyone down there!

Both laughed again and Matthew moved to the bathroom. He quickly put his onesie off, took a pee and took a shower. He was never so quickly. And then it happened. He forgot his underwear… again. He dried himself and wondered what to do, he didn’t want boys to think he really is a nudist.

- Why does it take so long Matthew? – asked Philip…

- Ehm….. I guess I forgot….

- Your underwear?

- Yes… could you please pass it?

- Wait a second….

Matthew heard a lot of laughter. The boys made fun of his underwear, he was sure. The door to the bathroom opened.

- Here, I hope these are okay! – Philip threw white briefs at him. It was the ones that Peter bought him, white with spiderman. How embarrassing. His mother could have packed him some without comic characters. Matthew put the briefs on and went out. He looked in his bag for some shorts and t-shirt.

- Wow you really don’t mind showing your ass, these briefs are really transparent on your butt! – laughed Ryan

- These are just a bit to small, that’s it.

- No wonder, if your mum still buys you underwear for little children and you don’t protest.

- Briefs are not only for little children, I told you yesterday.

- Yes, those with Spiderman were surely found in adult’s section!

- I don’t know, maybe.

- Yes, sure, don’t even lie.

- I don’t lie, like I told you, it’s not like briefs are worn only by kids.

- Ok. If you lie to me, I’ll slap you bottom! – said Ryan and came close to Matthew.

- I don’t lie I swear! Why would I?! – Matthew felt really scared. Ryan looked really mad. – Leave me alone I have to put my clothes on!

- I see you’re scared, your little Spiderman got even smaller, it means YOU LIE!

It was true. Matthew lied but didn’t think Ryan could check if his underwear was for adults or kids. And it’s also true, that his balls and penis get smaller if he is scared. He looked down at his bulge and it looked smaller than usually.

- I don’t lie, leave me alone! – Matthew had tears in eyes. He pushed Ryan away and turned to look for his clothes. Ryan wedgied him and looked at the label of his briefs.

- Size 140!!! Hahahahahah! Look at you, you’re taller than me and you still wear size 140!

Matthew tried to get free and take Ryan’s hands off his underwear but it made the wedgie even worse.

- You are kidding! – Philip came closer and looked in his underwear too – Hahaha, oh my god, even I wear 164 already!

Ryan sat and took Matthew over his lap. He didn’t protest. He was still wedgied so Ryan just slapped his bottom.

- You are such a little kid, we can’t say anymore that you are sixteen. - SLAP! – I mean, you are sixteen, but… just look at you – SLAP! – you act as if you were younger than us – SLAP! – you run away – SLAP! – you swim with naked butt – SLAP! – you need to change your trunks on the beach and you can’t even do that properly without help – SLAP! – you lose your keys – SLAP! – you don’t own a wallet – SLAP! – and you wear underwear for little children and it surprisingly fits you very well! – SLAP – you didn’t even protest when I wanted to spank you, because you knew you did something wrong, and you’ve earned punishment. – SLAP! – Is that right?

- Yes! – said crying Matthew. – Please stop! PLEASE!

Ryan was not really a bully at school, but he just couldn’t resist. To put a sixteen years old boy in a place, that was an achievement! He was smiling the whole time spanking Matthew, he was so proud of himself. He put his hand on his naked, red, round butt cheeks. He was stroking his ass and admiring his dominating position over the older boy. He wanted to enjoy the moment as long as possible.

- I’ll stop but we need to change the rules a little bit! -SLAP! - If you agree I will stop. - SLAP! – from now on you are not allowed to go anywhere alone. You need to be supervised, like all little kids, otherwise…. - SLAP! – If you want to do anything, you need to ask me or Philip about permission, otherwise…. – SLAP! – If you take a bath, like at home, you are not allowed to close the door, like all the little kids, otherwise…. – SLAP! - you are not allowed to have any secrets, you need to share everything with me and Philip…. – SLAP! - You need to be supervised after taking a bath, also while changing on the beach, if you are dry enough, if there is no sand, like every little child, otherwise… - SLAP! – you always need to ask me or Philip, and if we are not around, you need to ask your sister or Peter, because we are all practically older than you and we can take care of you. – SLAP! - If all of us are not around, you need to ask anyone who is responsible and older, which means any boy or a girl over the age of 11. Understood?! – SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

- Yes! Yes! Yes! I agree!!!

- You agree you are a little baby and you will follow the rules??! – SLAP!!

- YESSS!!!! LET ME GO!!!

- Ok, I’ll let you go now.

Matthew stood up, quickly picked shorts and T-shirt and put them on without even adjusting himself.

After the breakfast the boys left to the beach with all the other kids. They were divided like yesterday to the groups on account of age. Matthew sat on the blanket.

- Matt, get ready, we are about to swim. – said Ryan.

Matthew was silent. He was so sad because of everything that had happened to him. He was sixteen and controlled by twelve years olds. Once again, he was degraded to an 11 years old boy. And now he wanted to go swimming, and he didn’t know why in heaven he didn’t change in his hotel room like the other boys. He just packed his trunks in his backpack. „It’s all because they rushed me so much to get ready and I completely forgot what to do” – he thought to himself.

- What’s wrong, why are you so silent? – asked Philip.

- Eeeeeemmmm…. Philip, I guess I need to change….

- Yes? What about it?

- Would you…. Help me?

- Good! – Ryan laughed – you learn quickly the new rules.

- Yes, of course I will help you. Just get ready.

- I’m ready.

- No, you are fully clothed. Get undressed until you are just in your underwear and then come to me.

Matthew took his T-shirt and shorts off. Boys giggled once again looking at his spiderman briefs.

- Ok, I’m ready…

- No, you still have your socks on. Take them off and then put everything neatly in your backpack, get your trunks ready. I’ll be back in a second, I need a quick talk with my brother. – Philip went away.

Matthew did as he was told, put his neatly folded clothes in his backpack.

- Nice underwear! – said some boy from behind. – Quite transparent on your ass! – the boys from his group laughed. – You don’t need to cover yourself to change, we saw your butt yesterday and we see it right now! – boys were having a good laugh at him. – Actually, now you can even swim naked! – then Matthew felt someone else’s hands around his hips. The boy put Matthew’s tight underwear down just to the lowest part of his butt. It was a miracle that his penis was still covered. They boys laughed really loud. Matthew turned around and faced the boy. Actually, it was the group of twelve years old boys surrounding him.

- Hey, what’s wrong with you!! – Matthew put quickly his underwear back on.

- Oh my god, guys, look – he pointed with his finger at his crotch - it’s spidermen! – The boys couldn’t stop laughing. – Why the heck a sixteen years old wears such an underwear?! Even our Fred wears better undies! Wait a second – he stepped back, looked right and yelled – Hey!! Fred!! Come over here, quickly! Or I’ll beat you up!

Fred was the only one boy in their group who was wearing speedo yesterday. Fred came over. He was wearing white t-shirt and black sweat shorts.

- What do you want, Denis?

- Fred! Show us your underwear! – said the boy apparently named Denis, who just pantsed Matthew.

- What?! No way! – he turned back and wanted to go.

- Boys, quickly! – The boys caught him in a second, one of them was keeping his hands back. He was unable to run away. Denis came to him and without warning just pantsed him. His sweat shorts were just around his ankles. The other boy put him a bit up and Denis took his shorts away. – you won’t need them. – Then he pulled up his t-shirt and also took it away. – Take him a bit closer to our new sixteen years old friend! – ordered Denis. The other boy just put him up and carried him to Matthew.

- Look, Matthew! Do you see the difference?

Matthew looked at Fred. He was wearing only his briefs. But the briefs didn’t look like those made for little boys. They were black with white waistband with a name brand „Fila”. Matthew didn’t say a word.

- Fred here is also being made fun of because of his underwear. – He still wears briefs being twelve, like a little boy. – Denis took the white waistband in the front of his briefs and pulled them up, Fred moaned in pain. He was still being hold by the other boy.

- As you all can see, there is very little space in the front – Denis continued his speech, pointing at Fred’s crotch with one hand, still holding his underwear high with another - that’s why they can be worn by little kids with very little dicks. Fred is already twelve, but, well…. – Denis pulled his briefs even a bit higher and looked inside his underwear – it looks like these tight briefs are just fine for his little boy’s penis.

All of the boys laughed. Fred just closed his eyes and bit his lip.

- If you don’t believe me, just have a look! – then happened something no one would have expected. At least not Matthew. His eyes were wide open. Denis just put Fred’s briefs down, around his thighs. The boys couldn’t stop laughing, the poor boy didn’t open his eyes.

- Ding, dong, ding, dong! – Denis was dangling Fred’s little dick causing even more laugh around the boys.

Matthew was shocked. He was very childish and was still wearing briefs, but he didn’t experience such a bullying. His classmates were rather not interested in what type of underwear other boys were wearing. Sure, sometimes they made a bit fun of him, for example, when Peter showed everyone the photo of his naked butt when he was sleeping with his mum and sis last summer, or for wearing comic briefs during PE, but they never undressed him or bullied him. Now Matthew was looking at the poor Fred, being hold by another boy with his briefs around his thighs, and Denis dangling his dick like you would do to play with a little child. However, there was one more thing worrying him. Fred’s penis was undeveloped and hairless, but…. It was not smaller than his! He couldn’t say exactly how big, or rather how small it was, because his penis was still being dingled, but definitely not smaller. And it would be a very bad news for Matthew, if boys were about to find that out. Sixteen years old boy being the same size, or even smaller, as a twelve years old boy, who was already openly bullied by his classmates for being undeveloped?

- You know what’s funny? – asked Denis, looking very proud of himself – he is ticklish over there!

He tickled him around his testicles and now Fred was laughing together with other boys.

Stop! Hahahaha! Stop! Denis! I’m begging you! Denis! Hahahaha – Fred was laughing so much, tears were running down his face.

- Look, that way, his penis is getting even smaller! Funny! – said Denis and took his briefs completely off and threw them away in the sand. Now Fred was as naked as the day he was born and could barely catch his breath because of all the tickle. And his penis got really even smaller.

- You won’t need them anymore, Fred. You can run just as naked as all the little kids. You can go now, I’m done with you.

Fred run quickly away. If it was not enough for the poor boy, one of the boys tripped him up, he fell with his face on the sand. The whole group laughed again.

- Not so fast, we wanted to take a look at that briefs-tan lines!

When he tried to stand up, the boy kicked his very white, naked ass and he fell again. He turned over and stood up carefully. Everyone watched him. He run quickly to his blanket, fortunately just a few steps away, took his speedos from his backpack, removed the sand from his little crotch and put them on. .

- It’s always so much fun with Fred, I almost forgot what I wanted to achieve…. – Denis was talking to Matthew again. – oh, yeah, right…. My point was… I think we were a bit too hard for him all of the time. Because look, of course it’s funny, to be still that undeveloped at our age, but it happens, we are just making fun. Also, he wears briefs, but his briefs can actually be worn by an adult! That’s not sooooo uncommon! But you! Look at you! Sixteen, yesterday baby-blue, today white, see-through on your ass, with spiderman on your dick! Sixteen! And we thought Fred is childish! Actually, he looks pretty normal compared to you. So… - Denis came very close to Matthew – as I said, Fred’s briefs are so tight, that there is enough space in the front only for little boy’s penis… - he took the waistband of Matthew’s briefs and pulled it all the way up, just like he did before with Fred. Matthew moaned loud – so judging on your type of briefs… there must be enough place only for little baby’s penis.

The group of boys laughed. Denis looked at them and asked:

- Guys, should we take a look at this one?!

Yes! – shouted the group.

- Should I take these briefs off?!

- Yes! – shouted the group again.

- Well, boy, I guess Spidermen won’t rescue you now. Boys! Count to three!

- ONE! – the boys shoutet.

- TWO!

Matthew closed his eyes. His life was over.

- Hey, what the hell is going on in here?!

Matthew’s briefs were let free, and he opened his eyes. It was Peter with Philip. Peter pushed Denis with one hand. Peter was much bigger and muscular. It was hard to believe that he and Matthew were the same age.

- You’ll leave him alone. – said Peter to Denis.

- But you’ve made fun of him yesterday! What the fuck man!

- Yea, that’s my boy, I can do what I want, but you can certainly not! And don’t you ever try again.

The group of the boys dispersed to their places.

- Thank you, Peter! – Matthew felt so relieved.

Peter grabbed his hand and took him to the side a few feet away from the group.

- Listen to me now! – he wedgied his briefs frontal. Matthew moaned really loud causing everyone to pay attention to him again. He reminded himself how strong Peter was. It was much more painful than the wedgie he became from Denis.

- I can’t take care of you all the time! You are fucking sixteen!! You can fight 12 years old yourself! It’s finally the time to grow up and learn how to defense yourself! I’m not comfortable with running around boy my age who still wears baby underwear and protect him from little kids!

Peter let his briefs go and Matthew just put his head down and looked at the ground.

- I did it only because I promised to your mother to protect you, but you have to learn to finally be a little brave and protect your own fucking self! Actually, it was a chance for you to prove to your mom that you can go somewhere on your own! And look what happens all the time, and it’s just a second day! It doesn’t look good! Now go to my brother and change, he is waiting for you.

Peter turned away without a second word and went to his group. Matthew came to Philip thinking about what Peter said to him. It really looked bad. The boys oversaw him, others bullied him, he got spanked and lost his key. It must get better next few days!

Philip took his towel and held it like a day before. Matthew looked him in the eyes.

- Yes?...

- Please, don’t look!

- Omg, ok, ok! – Philip closed his eyes.

Matthew put his briefs quickly down. He heard laughter in the back, all of the twelve years olds found it still funny looking at his naked butt. He took his trunks and started putting them on.

- Are you ready? – asked Philip with his eyes open.

- Hey!!! You said you won’t look! – Matthew quickly covered his penis with both hands leaving his trunks around his ankles.

- I saw it yesterday when you changed, and today when I gave you your briefs in the bathroom. It’s not like there is much to see, you know.

- What?? You promised! – Matthew went all red. He couldn’t believe Philip saw his penis. He usually wouldn’t have a big problem with it, but Philip was much younger and saw that Matthew is still bald and small down there. Somehow it became embarrassing to him.

- We are almost like a family now, so I guess it’s ok for you. Now put your damn trunks on or I’ll leave you like that and everyone will see your dick.

Matthew put his trunks on.

The boys went into the water. The waves were extreme huge today. One of the lifeguards went with them, the other one was watching them from the shore. Matthew has quickly forgotten about everything that happened today and was really excited about jumping in waves. He was also a bit scared to go too far.

- Matthew, come on! – said Philip.

- I’ll stay here guys, thanks.

- Why not? It’s so much fun!

- Ehhmmmm it’s too dangerous!

- But I did teach you how to swim yesterday, didn’t I?

- Yes, yes, but the waves are so huge!

- Come, we will hold our hands and jump together. There are lifeguards watching us, don’t worry!

Matthew was convinced and went a bit deeper in water. Philip held his right hand and Ryan his left hand. They went a few steps ahead and there was the first bigger wave coming at them.

- 3, 2, 1, now jump!! – Philip gave an order and all three jumped holding each other hands. The wave almost covered them.

- Now, again!! Jump! – they jumped again.

- Hey guys! – Monica came to them – It’s so cool, isn’t it?!

They all jumped again as the next wave almost covered them.

- Matthew! Please mind your new trunks, don’t lose them!

Matthew turned his head and looked at his back. His butt was already out because of the waves! He wanted to pull his trunks up, but the boys were holding his hands and they had to jump again. The wave was so large it covered them completely.

- Woooooow that was cool!! – said Ryan.

- Boys let me quickly pull up my trunks! – screamed Matthew still thinking about his naked butt. He didn’t want any further problems after what he heard from Peter today.

- Juuump!!!! – screamed Ryan and all of them jumped. Again, the wave was huge and covered them from head to toe.

- Hahaha, thats so much fun!!! – said Philip.

- Ryan, your trunks! – Monica pointed at Ryan and giggled.

- Aaaaaa what the hell! – Ryan looked down, he was naked! The wave was so strong it took off his trunks. He tried to cover himself with his hands, but another wave came, the boys jumped. They all looked at Ryan. He tried to keep his balance and clean his eyes from the salty water. Everyone looked at his naked state. And there was a lot to look at.

- Ryan, your dick! – said Monica and pointed at Ryan’s penis.

- Shut the fuck up! – Ryan tried to get his trunks back on with one hand and cover his penis and balls with another, but another wave came, and it was bigger than any till now. It covered them completely and they fell. They had to swim a little to get back on their foot.

- Thanks god you showed me how to swim Philip! – said Matthew cleaning his eyes from salty water. He heard only laughter but didn’t see anything yet.

- Hahahaha, boys!! – Monica laughed.

- Guys, there are people in here! – said Philip.

Matthew opened his eyes. He was staying next to Ryan, just a few inches away. Ryan was plain naked, but he was covering his dick with one hand. They both looked each other in the eyes. Then they looked down at each other bodies. Ryan covered his mouth with another hand to stop himself from laughing, made big eyes and pointed at Matthew’s crotch. That’s when Matthew noticed. He was also as naked as a newborn.

- Hahahaha, what is that?! – Laughed Ryan and dangled Matthew’s penis with one finger. – Is that a baby dick?! Hahaha – Ryan suddenly lost the need to cover his genitals. He has just put his hands on his hips and was showing very proudly everyone around his cock. Since they were staying just a few inches away from each other, their penises were almost touching each other. And that made the whole situation terrible. There was a huge difference in sizes, very noticeable for everyone around. There were not that many people around, just Monica, Philip and some kids they didn’t know anyway. Ryan’s penis flaccid was about three times longer and thicker than Matthews. It was about 6 inches long, which made a huuuuge difference in comparison to his own little not even 2 inches long dick. The worst was the thickness, Ryan looked like a grown man with a thick penis like that, he had also some pubic hair growing where Matt was as bald as a baby.

For Monica that was the first time she saw another penis in real life. Except for her brother and some other little boys on the beaches, she knew about penises only that what she learned at school. Of course she was interested in how other boys look like, but she didn’t have the opportunity. But she didn’t expect others to look much different from her brother. She knew he didn’t grow really, but she expected others to be just a bit longer and hairier. And now she had this comparison, her brother naked next to naked Ryan. It was like a peanut and cucumber. Even though Ryan was 4 years younger! The question was, is her brother exceptionally small or is Ryan just exceptionally huge? She needed to find that out in the future. But anyway, that was just one more reason for her to realize, how she overtook her brother in terms of growing up.

- Ryan! Matt! Look here! – someone screamed from the shore. They both looked in this direction. It was Peter, with a camera! He just took picture of them and was laughing. He put his thumb up as a sign that pics are ok.

Then another wave covered them surprisingly from the back. Matthew lost his balance again, but Ryan took his hand and helped him to stay still.

- Come a bit closer to the shore, the waves are too big. – said Ryan and dragged him by the hand.

- I can’t see anything! – Matthew tried to get rid of salty water from his eyes with his free hand.

- Yea, I can’t see anything either when I look at your dick, hahahah! – Ryan laughed and kept dragging him. Matthew lost his balance again and fell.

- Oh god, come on! – Ryan helped him to stand up, leaned his shoulder against Matthew’s belly, his arm around his legs and lifted him up. Like a firefighter holding an unconscious person. Matthew wiped his eyes again and saw that Ryan had his trunks again on. Monica and Philip were following them. They were almost by the shore.

- Wait! Hey! No! Stop! Ryan! Stop! – Matthew realized what was happening. He was still being naked, and Ryan was just taking him back to the beach where everyone would see him. – Stop!!!! Ryan, I’m naked, come on! Leave me!! – he got nervous and started kicking, while Monica and Philip just laughed watching the scene.

- Chill or I’ll whip your bottom!

- Let me down!!! – Matthew kept kicking.

- SLAP! Why… SLAP! Can’t you… SLAP! Just…. SLAP! Behave?! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! – Ryan whipped his bottom and then Matthew realized his protests didn’t help.

- Now, calm down, I’ll bring you back to our blanket, you will get dried and put your briefs on.

- NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! – Matthew protested and Ryan just slapped his bottom again.

- Okay, okay!! If you don’t want to put your briefs back on again, you can stay naked! – said Ryan which made Monica and Philip laugh again.

- No, Ryan, you can’t! I don’t want to, I’m naked, they can’t see me like that, put me down!

- What is your problem now, I told you not to lose your new trunks on a second day and you have of course forgot to tie them up! It’s all your fault, like always when we go to the beach with mom or grandma! – Monica commented looking Matthew in the eyes.

Ryan turned to her and Philip, holding Matthew in the same position – his head hanging down on Ryan’s back, his belly on his shoulder, his naked butt was sticking out around Ryans face, with Ryans right arm holding firm his legs. – What do you mean „always”?

- It’s always like that, that’s why mom said he shouldn’t buy anything cool and expensive, because every time something like that happens. And he had to buy expensive Adidas trunks, which are of course gone now.

- So, it’s not the first time? – They were talking like he wasn’t even there. Actually his head was hanging on Ryan’s back so he couldn’t even add his part.

- No!! Of course not! Last time he was playing in the sand, he got himself like buried, and came out without his pants. He didn’t even notice! Mom got so angry, he had to go to the water to get that sand off his whole body, and then we were looking for these new pants for hours. He got so sunburned on his cheeks he had to sleep naked on the belly.

- Oh god, Matthew! – Ryan slapped his bottom again hard. – You’re such a little devil! – Philip and Monica laughed.

- Or! We were with our grandma and our cousins, ok? He, the only one, forgot his bathing suit. He got in water just in his plain white briefs, and you know, underwear is not designed for a swimming. These things just don’t get dry fast enough. It was a bit windy and cloudy that day, grandma didn’t want him to get cold, and he didn’t have anything to change. So, he just got naked, and in order to get his briefs quickly dry, he found a stick, like a giant branch, put it in the sand and hung his wet white briefs on the top of it. They were waving like a white flag above our heads. Obviously after just a few minutes the wind took them, he tried to run and get them back but didn’t manage to be that quick.

- And then? – asked Philip.

- And then he came back, and grandma said something like that: „Well now after you were naked for such a long time, running through the whole beach, trying to get your briefs back, you may as well stay naked till the end of the day. And, honestly, these briefs got transparent anyway from the water, doesn’t make much difference.”

- L, O, L! – commented Ryan – I guess it’s really nothing new to you, so, I don’t know why you started to protest. - Ryan turned around and walked in direction shore.

- No, no no!!! Still, please! That was last year, don’t make me! Please!!! – Matthew started to literally cry, and that made Ryan stop. – Please, Ryan!! I’m begging you! That was family, it’s different!! – Ryan turned again to Monica and Philip.

- What makes it different? – asked Ryan

- I don’t know, it’s family! I was always naked around family, but here, it’s people from school! It’s different!

- But on the beach, you were not alone with your family, there were always strangers!

- Yes, but they didn’t know me!

- What’s a difference? If you’re not ashamed of being naked, and you are certainly not, you can be naked here as well. A beach is a beach.

- No! That’s much more embarrassing! Please!

- What’s so embarrassing right now?

- They know me, they will make fun of me!

- Why would anyone make fun of you, you were already naked at other beaches? Did people make fun of you there?

- No, no, but…. It’s different!!

- I still don’t get what’s so different, so I’ll give you five seconds to convince me and then we are going to the shore. 1…. 2…..

- No!! Please!!

- 3….

- Ryan!!!!

- 4….

- Ok, ok!!! The difference is….

- Yes?

- They didn’t know my real age!!! – Matthew cried out loud.

- What do you mean?

Matthew wiped his eyes – the people on the beach, where I was with my family, they didn’t know I’m sixteen…. Or fifteen back then….

- Ahhhh…. Ok, tell us more.

- Well, everyone here knows I’m sixteen, so they would make fun of me now, and in school!

- Why would they make fun of you?

- You know why!

- Tell us.

- Because….because…. because…..

SMACK! – Talk!

- Because my dick is so small! And I have no hair!!!

Monica and Philip were laughing.

- So how old exactly do strange people think you are if you are naked?

- I don’t know, they say it’s ok for little boys to run around naked.

- So, guys, what do you think? What do we do? – Ryan asked with Matthew still lying on his shoulder.

- I don’t know, it’s my brother, I don’t want others to make too much fun of him. But I don’t know where his trunks are.

- How about we leave him here for a while and ask others if someone has extra trunks or something? We don’t need to be that cruel. – suggested Philip. – But if we won’t find anything, then I don’t know!

- Ok, let’s do that. – said Ryan and put Matthew back on the ground. He grabbed his wrists and looked him up and down. – Wow. Philip, you didn’t tell me it’s THAT small. I mean, he could easily go as a ten-year-old. If he wasn’t that tall, even younger. I had bigger dick at ten! Hahaha! And we make fun at poor Fred in changing room. – He let his wrist go and Matthew sat down as it was very shallowly near the shore. He hoped no one would see that he is naked in this position.

Sitting there he was thinking, how did he let himself end up in situation like that. He was so happy about going to this camp, and now it was like a nightmare. He should have stayed at home and go to the beach on the weekends with his mother or his grandma like always. Of course, he would probably end up being naked anyway, like many times before, but it was his family, they knew how he looked. He should have never bought these Adidas trunks! Not with Peter! If he didn’t find out about his batman briefs and his little dick later that day, it all wouldn’t happen. His brother wouldn’t know and he would have a normal summer.

- Matthew! We’ve got you something! – he saw the three of them coming back. – Michael, the one from our class, offered you his shorts, he said he could just stay in his bathing trunks, and you can give him these later or even keep them, he doesn’t care. – then Philip threw at him white Nike football shorts.

Matthew stood up, like he forgot he was naked, took the Nike shorts in both hands and started to put them on. The three friends giggled seeing naked Matthew again. His dick got even a bit smaller, due to the cold water. Now he had his new shorts on.

- Thank you!!! I was so scared you would make me go naked! – said Matthew.

All three of them went slowly in direction sand.

- No problem, but now we will have to get you new shorts, somehow. – Said Philip.

- Exactly, I don’t even want to think what mum will say if I tell her we need to buy you new shorts. – said Monica.

- Then we just won’t buy anything new, if Michael says I can keep them, I’ll swim like that.

- Really? You ok with them?

- Yeah, why not? They feature no netting so it’s quite funny feeling – the wet shorts were sticking to his skin and while walking he was adjusting himself the whole time, especially on his butt. – but I’ll get used to it, I don’t want a fight with mum. – he put the sticking fabric out of his bottom with two fingers once again.

- Yeah right, and what will we tell her when we go to the see with her?

- We won’t go with her, she is working all the time, we will go with grandma.

- Ok, and if we go with grandma?

- I’ll tell her these are my swim shorts! She doesn’t have to know the truth.

- You know, these are not really suitable for swimming. – added Philip.

- Who gives a fuck!

- Hey, watch your language! If you don’t give a fuck, we should have let you run naked.

- Of course I don’t want to be naked, stop talking like that! You got me covered, I’m very thankful. But you don’t have to get me into next trouble, like telling mum about what happened today.

- Oh boy… – Monica looked at him and wondered, why is her brother so stupid. He is getting his very own self in trouble. Doesn’t he see what everybody sees? Doesn’t he care? Is he really so childish, that he doesn't show any shame? All of them looked at him and giggled. The light, thin, white fabric, the lack of inner net lining, it’s what made the Nike shorts perfect for football. But for a swim? If you had no underwear? If you didn’t want to show the world every inch of your skin, it was the worst idea.

- Whatever, if he doesn’t care, let him swim like that. – said Ryan and they kept walking.

When they got to their blanket, Denis looked at him and burst out with laughter. – I knew it! I knew it! He is small like a baby! Hahahaha! – he pointed at Matthew’s shorts. All other boys started to laugh as well. Matthew looked down and realized what Philip and Monica were talking about. His shorts were just drenched. Those white wet shorts went extremely transparent, and sticked to his dick, presenting the exact shape of his dick and balls. His small penis, which got even smaller, because of the time he spent in the cold water. Even Fred was laughing.

- Fuck you, it’s the cold water! – said red-faced Matthew and adjusted his shorts in the front, so that they at least didn’t stick to his penis. But the shorts were quite small, designed for twelve years old boys, so they were sticking again and again to his front.

It was his friend, Peter, who rescued him again. When Denis saw him coming in their direction, he just shut up.

- Oh, I see you got yourself new shorts! Very nice, I like them! – said Peter.

- He said he wants to keep them and swim like that FOREVER. – said his brother, Philip, giggling.

- Wow, you must like them very much as well, Matthew! Now wonder, it’s totally your style.

- Oh, come on, stop that! – said Matthew adjusting with two fingers his shorts in the front and trying to put down his dick, hoping it won’t be showing so much.

- Hey bro, when your dick is that small, it won’t hang down…. It just pops up! – commented Ryan. It was truth. His dick got even smaller because of the cold water and there was no way to put it down, it was just too short, standing straight up, making it even more visible through the drenched shorts. He left the idea and just kept putting the sticky wet shorts off his dick.

- You like them so much you have to masturbate in front of us? – Peter crossed his arms and looked at Matthew with his confident eyes.

Matthew looked down and realized how pulling of his sticking fabric every two seconds around his penis looked like.

- Put your hands to the sides and stop playing with yourself. Above all with just two fingers, how embarrassing is that. – Matthew just hated how he looked at him, with his arms crossed, just like the other day in the toilet. He knew better than to discuss and did as he was told.

- Now, that’s much better! – Peter put out his iPhone and quickly took a picture of Matthew.

- Hey, what was that! – Said Matthew and covered his front with his hands.

- Didn’t you understand what I said? No covering, no touching! Otherwise…

- OK!!!!! – Matthew put his hands to his sides again. He didn’t want any spanking.

- So, now that we all saw your very little peenie, we can do something else. I came here not to look at that pathetic little thing, so sit down. I wanted to show you all the pictures that I have taken since the day one, maybe you want to post something on Insta.

Matthew, Ryan, Philip and Monica sat down on blankets, crossed/legs in a circle, Peter lied himself on his belly, with his head in the middle of them. He put his iPhone in the middle so that every one of them could see the pictures. The first picture was Matthew's back, on his way to the toilet, before they took a bus. Everyone had a good laugh when Peter zoomed it, making it visible why he took that picture in the first place - Matthew's T-Shirt was tucked in his underwear, which happened to be yellow briefs with dinosaurs. The ones that Peter got him from his younger brother, Philip, who was sitting next to him. Matthew froze thinking what would happen if that came out. Philip recognized his briefs and looked serious at his brother, but he didn't say anything. After all he wasn't sure if that was his underwear, he didn't know his brother stole his underwear and made Matthew wear it. Peter showed another picture and didn't say anything. Matthew could finally calm down. There was hundreds of pictures Peter took of them. There were some humiliating him, like the day he learned how to swim, and his butt was showing, but mostly it was normal pictures of them playing or just some views. Matthew got bored and had another concern now. He absolutely had to take a pee right now. He didn't think about it because there was so much going on, but now as he sat down and calmed down, it just hit him. Actually, he was happy it got so boring, otherwise he would completely forget about his needs and just pee himself - it already happened before in his life when he had too much fun. That would destroy his life even more right now. He was moving his legs all the time trying to stop that feeling. Where should he pee right now? He was angry with himself, he could have done that while being in water. He put his legs together, hoping it would help if he pressed his bladder. And those drenched, cold shorts made everything even worse.

- What's going on? - asked Peter

- Nothing.

- You're acting strangely.

- No, I'm not.

- Why did you put your legs together?

- Just like that.

- Put them apart.

- Why?!

- Do as you're told.

Matthew rolled his eyes and put his legs apart. All of them laughed because his penis got visible again. Matthew didn't care, he had something else going on his mind. The cold wind was hitting his wet shorts, just around his crotch. The extreme wet and cold shorts, the view of the sea. He was on his limits. Just a few minutes, or seconds, and he will have to let it go. He put his legs together again, he couldn't sit like that anymore.

- What's wrong with you, I just told you...

- Peter! I can't!

- What?

- I need to take a piss. Right now.

(End of File)