Check Your Teen Program 1

By Andrey

Copyright 2024 by Andrey, all rights reserved

[1,516 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Check Your Teen Program 1

The story about new program developed by doctor to help mothers of local community in checking on healthy sexual maturation of their teenage sons

It is always embarrassing for maturing adolescent boy to be exposed in front of his mother, but there are situations, in which it can’t be helped. And mums are always interested to see how their sons are developing, if they are healthy all the way and if everything functions the way it should considering their age and stage of puberty.

And so the new ‘check your teen’ medical program has been developed and introduced in Orange county. All the mothers of boys between 5th and 9th grade has been invited to local school to introduce then to the program.

Participation in the program will be voluntary, but is highly recommended by local authorities who believe that it will improve both, overall health of teen children as well as the community which has been shrinking over the years due to various diseases and low fertility amongst local early adults. Main reason for this is lack of health checking in crucial puberty age in boys which can prevent lots of potential health issues in future.

Mums were chatting enthusiastically about new program even before hearing more details and agreeing that this kind of program is very important for their growing sons.

The program was introduced by local doctor. Very respected capacity in his field. During his more than 45 years of taking care of children and adolescents, he has learned a lot about how healthy maturing boy body works and what are first warning signs of things not going right way. So he knows how to spot them and treat them in time. However, this program will involve many local boys and teens which he himself could not handle, so he plans to use capacity of local school for future nurses and involve young women training for nurses to help him out in executing the program.

Mums don’t have to worry that they will miss something as the program is only for boys under 16 which means that mums will be present at all times

They will be taking these medical examinations in batches of five, so mums will have unique opportunity to discuss their experiences with other mums and most importantly, they will have the opportunity to see themselves how other boys of same age will compare to their sons.

Details of the medical examinations were explained in great detail by the doctor which created lots of smiles on mums faces as they’ve already imagined the whole process and how their sons will react to being exposed

The boys are naturally shy and very secretive about their puberty development which is understandable, but it creates lots of problems in their future sex life and thus negatively impacts the whole community. So while this whole ordeal might be extremely embarrassing for boys, it needs to be done for the community.

There is also added value of training for young nurses who are already very experienced in functions of female body from their own experiences, but when it comes to maturing male body, they lack sufficient practical experience which this program will provide.

Last but not least, this program has some elements which can be used in sex education for local girls only school, another great service for the community provided by these maturing adolescents.

No wonder that everyone enthusiastically applauded the program and all the mums signed up for it without even consulting their sons. They are still little boys after all and they need to be disciplined which this program highly encourages.

The start of the program will be from next monday and first invitations will come in email over the weekend.

Shortly after 8pm on Monday morning, first five mums and their rather nervous sons were entering doctors offices. Boys completely unaware of any details but mums smiling at each other expecting some embarrassing situations for their sons today.

Doctor Wilson entered the waiting room to welcome everybody accompanied by 19 year old training nurse who should check if everybody is present.

All the boys were from same grade. This was done on purpose to allow for comparison of the same age boys.

‘We shall start with your basic physicals like checking you height, weight and basic physical functions. For this we need you to remove your clothes and stand in line next to each other with hands behind your head to let us check your tanner stage’.

Boys were in shock. Not only are they asked to be naked in front of their respective mothers but also in front of other mums and training nurse who is dangerously sexy. Stern looks from their mothers were clear indication that they should not hesitate and get on with it. So soon there were 5 healthy looking 14 year old boys standing stark naked with hands behind their heads and checked by their smiling mums who were enjoying this unique opportunity to check on their sons physical development

Mother of Gregory asked doctor if her son does not look too small compared to other boys. And indeed, although Gregory had full thick dark curly bush around his penis and quite large set of balls hanging below his cock, the cock itself looked rather small. Gregory wished the floor would swallow him. Not only was he naked and embarrassed in front of more than 10 strangers, now his own mum pointed to the fact, that his penis is rather short. Not to mention that this whole attention started familiar stirring in his groin and inevitable followed. Before the doctor was able to react to his mums worries about his size, he became fully erect. Right there in front of everyone.

‘It is not about size madam, but rather about functionality of your sons penis and as you can clearly see, he is very healthy young man’

And to young training nurse he continued: ‘Sally, please bring all the girls for demonstration’

To Gregorys horror, soon enough 5 more girls around 18 years entered the room, some of them not able to help themselves but giggling at the sight: 5 young naked lads, 4 of them proud soft but quite big and one red faced erected boy with funny small upward curved penis.

‘Look girls. Here you have example of healthy young 14 year old adolescent whose puberty is fully ongoing,  which is confirmed by his rather large testicles which already produce lots of testosterone  resulting in his hair in armpits, under his nose and most prominently around his penis. The penis itself is under average in length but rather thick, which is another indication of ongoing puberty. And at our convenience, ladies and girls, it is currently very rigid and erected in rather extreme upward curve. We call this shape a ‘coat hanger’ for obvious reasons’ he said looking at smiling mums.

‘I will now ask Gregory to walk up and down around the room, so that all mums and training nurses can check his erection from all sides while it lasts as it is quite unique in its size shape and rigidity’

And so Gregory's most humiliating moment of whole life began. Walking naked and fully erected like a prize idiot parading himself in front of these women and girls and not being able to go soft. How could this get any worse?

Well, it could.

‘Before we proceed with medicals, we will need all the boys, including Gregory here, to go soft. As he seems to be having difficulties to go soft, which is quite normal at his age, there is only one quick solution to this complication. Sally, please bring the chair for Gregory’

Gregory felt relieved that his ordeal is over and that he won’t have to stand or walk while being embarrassingly erected. How wrong he was.

‘Girls please sit down next to mums. Other boys can also sit and relax in the next room for a while during Gregory's performance’

And to Gregory he said:

‘Gregory, I understand this must be very embarrassing to you with all the ladies and girls watching, but remember that mums have seen it all, nurses need to gain experience and that you are doing all this for our community. And seeing that you were not able to calm down, I must ask you to masturbate and ejaculate, in front of this audience. You can start now. And please help us by announcing your ejaculation so that we can focus on that moment and observe what it does to your body. Especially spasms in your balls’.

And to mums and nurses he continued:

‘Ladies, enjoy this unique opportunity and feel free to take pictures with your phone to allow you to relive this unique moment later or to share it with your daughters, friends and whole community’

‘Common Gregory. Get on with it. We have 4 more performers waiting for their slot and time is flying’.

And all the ladies happily nodded their heads and smiled at those last words.

(End of File)