CFNM High School

By Panto

Copyright 2024 by Panto, all rights reserved

[6,835 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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CFNM High School by Panto

Synopsis: Thirteen year old Mike Tighe is enrolled at a new boarding school where boys must bare their bottoms every day in the presence of fully clothed girls. Includes CP using the paddle and cane on male bottoms minus the protection of either pants or underpants.

When he turned thirteen years old, Mike Tighe’s parents decided to enrol him in a new high school. The teen had become somewhat wayward of late, arguing with his parents, refusing to do as he was told (resulting in more than the usual number of spankings across his backside from his Dad with the belt) and also being mean to his two younger sisters. They had read the prospectus and thought that it was great. It sounded just the school their son needed. He was surprised when told he’d have to board away from home but then he hated his Mum and Dad as well as his annoying little sisters so he’d be glad, he decided, to get away from them. His Mum couldn’t understand what had happened to her sweet-natured, malleable little boy who they only had to spank occasionally. Maybe once every couple of months his Dad might have give him the belt a dozen times in his room with his pants off. Of course, he always cried and said he was sorry for his bad behaviour afterwards. His Dad would always let him know he’d been forgiven by reassuring the red bottomed boy with gentle back rubs. Lately however it was practically every week that he was being punished and he seldom cried at all no matter how red his bottom was made or showed the least bit of remorse.

His parents didn’t tell him a lot about the school and he wasn’t able to find out much himself. It was a mystery but his Dad told him that it would a very good school and would be very beneficial for him. Oh yeah sure, thought the boy. It was called St Michael’s.

He arrived at the new school at the start of term on a Sunday before classes were due to start the following day. A whole lot of boys and girls were lined up at the registration building. No one was wearing any uniform. They were still in their ordinary clothes. He’d assumed that at a boarding school a uniform would be compulsory.

"OK, boys line up on the left here. Girls on the right. You’ll give your details to the person at the desk, then go into one of the booths at the front to change into your new uniform," announced a male teacher.

Mike was half way down the line of boys. He watched as the first boy was given something once his details had been completed. The boy appeared to he querying the teacher doing the registration until after about a minute he went into the booth. Mike got the shock of his life when the guy emerged from the booth wearing only a yellow jock strap. Three more boys emerged similarly scantily attired before he saw one of the girls emerge from her booth dressed in a full school uniform, including a top and pleated skirt. Soon all the boys were wearing their yellow jock straps that showed pouches of various dimensions at the front and bare buttocks of various shapes and sizes at the back. They felt very uncomfortable. All the new students had been told to congregate in an area a the centre of the room, boys and girls mixed together. Behind him three girls were giggling with their hands over their mouths as they observed the boys’ bare bottoms.

When all the registrations had completed, a man about forty years of age stood at the head of the room calling everyone’s attention.

"I am Headmaster Phillips. Welcome to St Michaels. You have now changed into your school uniforms which you’ll be expected to wear at all times while on school grounds, except for PE and of course when you are getting ready for bed. For those you’ll have different compulsory attire. The penalty for not being in uniform is very strict. For girls that will be Saturday detention for three hours and for boys it will be six strokes of the cane on the bare buttocks at Monday’s or Wednesday’s all school assembly. Is that clear?"

A girl put up her hand to ask a question. "Why do only boys get the cane, Sir?"

"Good question. It’s well known, and I can attest to this from long experience of educating both boys and girls, that boys respond best to receiving physical punishment whereas girls respond better to non-corporal punishments. It’s perfectly fair and equivalent. One hour of detention is equivalent to two strokes of the cane in terms of significant ongoing discomfort. So for instance a boy receiving six strokes can expect three hours of significant pain from the point of actually getting the punishment to the continuing soreness caused by the wounds that a standard firmly applied caning will leave on his bare buttocks, especially as he will be forced to sit down on them in class. There will be substantial ongoing tenderness for some time after that."

"In addition to the cane and detention," the Head continued, "there are other punishments for misbehaviour. Girls may receive litter duty whereas boys will be required to undertake punishment PE in the gym. As a final punishment, once again for males only, we have a session of mixed fighting the first Saturday of the month for those boys who commit offences that are breaches of etiquette; for instance, failing to give up his seat for a girl or female teacher who is standing, not opening doors for girls and female teachers so they can go through them first, entering or exiting classrooms before all girls have done so."

He went on to give an outline of the rules at the mixed fighting events but said that these would be made clearer to any participants on the day. Basically, any boy committing an offence requiring him to book himself in or be booked in by a teacher for mixed fighting had to attend two sessions of three minutes each in the ring with a girl around his own age. Girls were encouraged to volunteer to participate. Girls would be attired in the full length red body leotard with black leggings that girls wore for gym, whilst boys would be almost completely nude except for their red jockstrap (the ’uniform’ boys wore for PE and gym). The girls could use hands or feet to strike their opponents. Boys could not strike their opponent at all but could only try to ward off blows. Any boy striking his opponent during a match would result in the match being terminated and the boy would be required to receive seven strokes of the senior cane from the Headmaster on his bare buttocks at the next assembly which was the standard penalty for the offence of a boy striking a girl.

Mike went to his first form class straight after assembly. The room consisted of double desks. Each desk has a male and female couple as most classes had even numbers of each gender. Because the boys sitting on the seats were bare bottomed, each student was assigned a plastic covering which they had to put on the seat and take from class to class, the penalty for not having your covering was two detention periods for girls and four strokes of the cane for boys.

Most boys at first were red faced with embarrassment sitting next to fully clothed girls. The girls all had amused looks on their faces. His neighbour in form class was a girl in blonde pig tails called Debbie. Girls tended to mature earlier than boys so already Debbie was appreciating boys bare bottoms. Mike had a nice toned bubble butt that she had a good look at while he sat down.

"OK," said the form teacher, Miss Sanderson, "you can each have five minutes to talk and get to know your neighbour. Afterwards you’ll each be asked to tell the class about the person sitting next to you. When you come to form class you must be sitting in your assigned seat at all times. The penalty for not being in your assigned seats is four strokes of the cane at Monday’s or Wednesday’s assembly for boys and two hours detention for girls. Similarly the penalty for talking without permission is one hour of detention for girls and two strokes of the cane for boys. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Miss," the class responded.

"OK you’ve got five minutes to find out all you can about your neighbour."

Each student once the five minutes was up, had to stand up at his or her desk and briefly introduce his or her neighbor. When Mike had to stand to introduce Debby she could not help looking at his bare bubble butt which was practically right next to her face. It was nice, she thought. While the introductions were going on the teacher called out two students, a boy and a girl sitting at the same desk for talking.

"Elizabeth Sanders and David Eckersley no talking in class. You were warned. Elizabeth report for a hour of detention tonight. David you’ll be the first boy in our class to receive the cane. Two strokes at Wednesday’s assembly."

The following Wednesday was the second all school assembly. Four boys between the ages of 13 and 16 were standing on the stage in their yellow jock straps. One was David Eckersley looking very nervous.

After the Head had made some preliminary announcements he came to the punishments. The normal mode of operation was that the boy would be called over to stand in front of a stool with his back to the assembled audience. Then his offence and sentence would be read out by the Head who might offer some commentary on the seriousness of the offence etc. The boy would then be told to bend over the stool. Boys knew that the normal process was that they had to bend right over and hold onto the bottom rung of the chair and stand with legs spread apart to receive the strokes.

The first boy, Edward Whitmore, a tall dark haired sixteen year old lad with quite a good build was called to the stool first.

"Whitmore. Let’s see. Striking a girl student. We look very dimly on boys hitting girls at this school, Whitmore. Seven strokes. Get into position."

In the last term, at the very end, Whitmore, had been in one of the mixed fights (booked in after he’d said something rude to a young lady, although to be fair he’d been responding to something she’d said to him). During the "fight" whilst trying to ward off her kicks he’d accidentally hit her in the face. The fight had had to be stopped and he’d incurred the automatic penalty of seven strokes of the senior cane to his bare buttocks. The penalty had been held over until the new term.

The young mans bare buttocks were lightly furred with dark hairs running up from his thighs. Of course as he had to wear a jock strap as his compulsory school uniform his bare bottom, like every other boy at the school, was revealed to his class mates, both male and female, every day at school. Once he was bent over the stool the audience had a view of the cheeks firmly in place ready to receive their punishment. Headmaster Phillips, now with the large senior cane in his hand, stood to one side of the target. He took the opportunity to say a few salutary words before commencing.

"I want all boys to take note. This school takes violence towards women and girls very very seriously. You’re about to see the consequences of that sort of behavior. So be warned. There is never never any excuse for striking a girl."

He WHOOPED cane through the air a couple of times to test it before resting the rod very firmly over the bare cheeks. The first giant SMACK of the cane left a thin red line across the centre of the buttocks.



They clenched in obvious shocked reaction. While they were doing this no respite was offered them. Another big WHOOP followed by a reverberating SMACK quickly followed, leaving another red line just below the first.



The boy got another five of the mightiest SWISHES that left red welts up and down the cheeks from the cleavage near the top to the moons just above the thighs. The hairy cleft was clenching involuntarily in response to the pain. The tensely spread pale legs beneath the striped buttocks trembled.











"OK, up, boy!"

The boy rose, his hands going to his aching bare buttocks as he gingerly ran his palms along the swollen weals that now criss-crossed his formerly unblemished backside. With red rimmed eyes he shuffled awkwardly back to the line of boys on the side of the stage waiting to get the cane.

"David Eckersley." The boy gulped at the sound of this name after having seen two boys get their bare backsides WHOOPED with the cane. Although their buttocks had been pointing in the direction of the audience and not in the direction of the boys waiting to receive their punishment, he’d watched and heard the terrible sound of the canings and seen the pain etched on their faces when their were allowed to stand. They each had to walk back to the line of boys waiting to be punished and stand next to him, in spite of the agony of their throbbing behinds, at which point he got to see, with horror, the fearful state of their backsides.

"Eckersley. Talking in class. You were warned that there were penalties for boys breaching the rules only three days ago when you started at the school on Monday. All you first year boys take note from Eckersley here. Right get in position, boy." He’d exchanged the senior cane he’d used on the other two boys for a smaller rod.

Eckersley bent over the stool. He classmates now had a view of his bare bottom, pointed outward and upward ready to incur its punishment. Mike watching from the assembled crowd of students felt his heart beat fast. Although the canings he’d seen this morning, especially of the first boy who’d hit a girl, had been quite brutal, this one because it was happening to one of his classmates and for such a seemingly trivial offence, really hit home. Elizabeth Sanders, the girl who’d been punished with Eckersley for talking in class and who had already served her hour of detention as her punishment, was thankful her sex saved her from having her bottom publicly striped the way her neighbor’s was about to be. She like the rest of the girls got a certain frisson of excitement that their immunity from corporal discipline gave them as they safely watched the rod being vigorously and forcefully WHOOPED over their male classmates bare backsides. The other freshman boys in Mike’s class were all of course incredibly nervous as the reality of what school punishment actually meant for members of the male sex was crystallised for the first time before them on the stage.

"Get right over the stool, Eckersley, like you’ve just seen the other boys do."

David bent over the stool grabbing hold of the bottom rung and steadying his feet apart so that his bare bottom was well in place to be caned. He felt physically ill at the sensation of the cold tap of the hard wood on his bare flesh as Phillips got the target ready. Suddenly the stick departed from his bottom, then he heard the loud WHOOP as it connected with his behind very roughly and very painfully. By the time he’d received his second and final stroke David couldn’t believe how badly his bottom was throbbing. Like it had been cut with a heated sword! He barely heard the words allowing him to get up. He looked at the man who’d caused him unprecedented pain through a fog of tears welling in his eyes.

When the assembly ended, David joined his form class. Everyone curiously looked at him and at the red stripes crossing his bare bottom. This was a new thing for most of them. He still had tears in eyes and he was also red faced with humiliation. He tried not to look at his neighbor, Elizabeth, so he barely noticed her smug look of security knowing that for the other half of the exact same offence, talking in class, she’d only had to copy out lines for an hour whilst he had to receive a humiliating and painful public punishment.

He gasped when he sat down on his throbbing bare bottom as the stripes directly connected with the hard wooden seat reigniting and exacerbating the pain (the plastic cover he had to put on the seat barely provided any barrier). "Ooh, are you, OK?" asked Elizabeth, not without some genuine sympathy now that she saw how he had suffered (although she’d secretly enjoyed watching the cane being WHOOPED over his bare bottom at assembly earlier). "I warned you two before," scolded Miss Sanderson. "If you don’t want detention again, Miss, and if you don’t want an even sorer bottom, Mr Eckersley, you’d better both be warned." David blanched at the thought of receiving more painful strokes over the stool.

Mike, who sat a few seats back from David, watched with concern as the bare bum cheeks lined with two sore looking red/purple stripes disappeared into the chair. Concern not for David but like most of the thirteen year old boys in the room concern that his own tender behind might suffer the same or a worse fate.

Lunch was served in the school canteen. You had to sit with the rest of your form. Mike sat at a table of about 20 students, half boys and half girls. A teacher patrolled the canteen taking down the names of any students misbehaving. He found two second year boys pushing in the queue for the food.

"Right you two lads will be up for a sore backside at next Monday’s assembly. Pushing in the lunch queue is looked on very dimly I can assure you." He took the the names of the clearly very unhappy pair. He didn’t tell them how many WHOOPS they’d be getting on the their bare backsides but standard tariff for the type of offence (misbehavior in the lunch room) was three strokes or two hours detention (for girls).

As mentioned, for PE the boys had to change into a red jock strap identical to the yellow one that was their ordinary uniform. The girls all wore red one piece neck to ankle leotards with black leggings. For swimming the boys swam totally naked whilst the girls wore a red one piece suit. Although PE classes were separate for males and females some such as gym and swimming were mixed.

That afternoon, Edward Whitmore, the tall dark haired 16 year old who’d received seven strokes for striking a girl had his mixed gym class that included the girl he had been forced to fight and been punished for striking. The young lady, in her red full body leotard and black leggings that contoured her nice figure, was just behind him in the queue for vaulting over the horse, looking with a certain satisfaction at his striped bottom cheeks in front of her that were framed by his red jock strap. He tried to leap the horse but the throbbing pain was preventing him.

"Well, c’mon, Whitmore," said Bob Langford, the big tall muscled PE teacher, "get your striped backside over that horse."

"Sorry, Sir, it’s still pretty painful."

Langford quickly went over to a corner of the room and produced a wooden paddle that he used for disciplining boys during PE classes.

"Yeah, well if you don’t want them to be even more painful you’d better stop holding everyone up and get over that horse! Now! Either jump over the horse or bend over the horse. Choose!"

"Y-yes, Sir," said the boy looking with dismay at the wooden paddle in the man’s big hands, thinking that his bottom, which was still throbbing, would be set on fire again with the paddle smacked over his welts. He steeled himself and leapt over the horse, spreading his taut legs wide either side of the wooden contraption. The girl standing behind him, who normally got quite a charge out of watching the spread cheeks of her male classmates as they did their vaults and other feats of athletics, found the sight of the purple striped buns spread wide over the horse, stripes that had been laid on as a result of offences against herself, especially exhilarating. At end of the PE class the students scores in horse vaulting were tallied and the three lowest scoring male students only were required to grab hold of their knees by the PE teacher as he gave each one two loud CRACKS across his butt cheeks with the paddle.

"There that should encourage you all to try harder," he jested sardonically after he’d swatted the second giant hit across the last boy’s backside. Although two of the three boys had come ahead of three girls, Langford totally ignored the girls.

Mike had his first mixed PE class that afternoon (the Monday and Tuesday classes had been boys only classes playing games). It was a swimming class in the pool. The boys were all in the change rooms. Some had brought their swimmers with them when the girls PE teacher, Miss East, who was a relatively young blonde woman about 25 years of age, entered the boys change room. Some of the boys who were naked or nude below the waist quickly tried to cover themselves up.

"OK boys listen up. For swimming at the school we don’t allow male students to wear any swimming costume because it leads to material getting into the pool filters, so you will swim fully nude." There was a gasp of disbelief from the assembled boys. "The penalties for male students not turning up to swimming properly attired is the same for other PE classes. Swats on the bare bottom with the paddle. So you’ve got five minutes to be standing on the edge of the pool if you know what’s good for you," she threatened.

Five minutes later Mike and the other freshmen were all standing fully nude intermingled with freshmen girls in their red one piece swim costumes.

"OK, before we begin. We’ll do a warm up. I want to all to line up facing each other."

Once they were all lined up Mike found himself facing a girl in his form class. It was Debbie, the girl who sat next to him at the same desk. She was smirking.

"We’ll start with 50 jumping jacks." The boys, many of whom had had their hands cupped over their exposed genitals, looked at each other appalled.

"Well, c’mon. Get your hands up in this air," she yelled at the boys.

Once Mike was doing his jumping jacks, with his dick and balls flopping up and down on his stomach, the girls opposite him were smirking, even laughing, at what they were seeing. The PE teacher didn’t even seem to notice the girls’ reaction. Most of the young boys were red faced with mortification. Debbie whispered, giggling, to one of her girlfriends, "Why does Mike’s thing keep flopping to one side when he jumps?"

They then were required to do some other exercises including push ups and burpees.

"C’mon, get right down!!!" shouted Miss East as she walked down the aisle between the two rows of students doing push ups, watching the mixture of swimsuit clad girls bottoms and bare boys bottoms as they rhythmically rose and fell. Mike felt very self conscious as he did his 50 push-ups with a girl on either side of him looking at this penis and balls as they flopped onto the ground and rose up in the air again with each press up.

"OK," said the young PE teacher once they’d finished their warm ups, "I’ll split you into groups of four, 2 boys and 2 girls, for pool relays. I expect everyone to follow my instructions and listen to what I say. Girls who don’t follow instructions will get sent for detention. Boys," she showed them her wooden paddle, "will be holding onto the side of the pool for a few swats with this across their behinds. And if you think I can’t swing a paddle try me."

Nevertheless one boy jumped into the pool before he’d been given the green light.

"What did I just say! Get out of the pool now!" The guy was quite slim with short sandy hair. He climbed out looking scared. "Hands on the edge of the pool and legs apart." Everyone looked on as she smacked her paddle really hard over the boy’s small bottom, really making his cheeks very red. The cheeks on his face had a matching crimson color when he was given permission to rise as everyone, both boys and girls, had seen his bare bottom getting spanked. He gingerly glanced his hands over his throbbing red cheeks.

"All you boys note. That’s how you’ll be dealt with if you don’t listen. Is that clear? Well is that clear?!!!"

"Yes, Miss," everyone, both girls and boys, responded.

In the dorms before bed the boys all changed into a white colored jock strap. The senior boys who were prefects wore the same attire. Some of them liked to prowl the male dorms looking for boys who’d been caned or paddled and slipper their welted or bruised bottoms to make them ever more sore and red. Mike shared a dorm with David Eckersley, the boy who’d receive two stroke of the cane at assembly that day.

"Eckersley, what a mess your bed’s in, boy," said the duty Prefect, tall handsome 17 year old Desmond with his dark curly hair, wearing his white jock strap that barely concealed his considerable manhood and displayed his lightly furred man bubble. He held a large gym shoe in one of his big hands "Out of bed, Eckersley, and bend over the end." Mike couldn’t tell which was the more remarkable, Eckersley’s trembling striped cheeks being reddened by the loud SMACKING of the shoe, or Desmond’s muscly butt as it moved like a well oiled machine into each stoke of the slipper.

"Up you get, Eckersley, and make your bed properly this time." The poor lad rose and there were tears running down his face. His bottom, which was now very red and decorated with big red shoe marks, was on fire with the slippering having reignited the searing of the cane strokes he’d earlier received whilst adding untold misery from the THWACKS of the slipper. Desmond’s filled out big pouch showed his hard cock head pushing against the material that nicely contoured it.

The following day, David was lined up outside his form classroom with red shoes marks on his bare bottom cheeks.

"Did a giant step on your bottom?" giggled Elizabeth when she saw the red shoe marks on the boy’s bare backside. David just gave her a fed up look in response.

The next period was English. The teacher, Mrs Mason, had given everyone homework on Monday to be completed by Thursday, saying there would be consequences for failure to had it it.

One girl and three boys had failed to complete the task. One of the boys was Mike.

"I did warn you all, didn’t I? I adopt a zero tolerance approach to failure to finish homework. Jenny Thompson, you’ll report for two hours detention this evening. You three boys will be reported to the Headmaster to see him at Monday’s assembly. Just to keep you from suspense I have to tell you the the usual penalty is three strokes of the cane." Mike blanched at the thought that his bare bottom cheeks would be bearing the same angry red stripes he’d seen on the bottoms of the boys on Wednesday. And the whole school would get to see them being laid on.

Jenny, the girl who’d gotten detention for not doing homework also, sympathised with him later.

"Oh your poor botties!," she said referring to Mike and the other two boys who were also going to be caned for not doing their homework, "they’re going to be so sore on Monday!" As she said it the boy couldn’t help involuntarily glancing a palm over his presently unblemished bare bottom cheeks that in a few days would be painfully marked with purple stripes.

The following Monday, Mike found himself on the stage with the other two boys and five other older lads. He trembled looking at the two canes that Phillips had on a table at the front of the stage. The Headmaster spent about five minutes on announcements and concerns etc. before his usual "It is now my unfortunate duty ..." speech.

Mike and his two classmates were left till last as the five other 14 to 16 year old boys had the cane whooped powerfully over their bare bottoms with the cuts. The assembled crowd of boys, girls and teachers had a clear view of each boy’s bare cheeks pointed in their direction, as he bent over the chair to receive his punishment. Elizabeth and the other girls got a strange feeling, with the upper body of each boy hidden from their sight, seeing only the tautly stretched bare buttocks surmounting white legs that were spread out either side of the chair trembling and growing more tense as more visible weals were sharply applied to the buttocks. The lads each stood up on the stage once permitted, unselfconsciously reaching back in agony to try to give some manual ease to the throbbing and searing pain that had replaced and completely taken over their formerly unmarked seats.

Mike looked at the sea of faces watching the ongoing loud WHOOPING on the boys’ buttocks. Finally he heard the words he dreaded.

"Michael Tighe!" He walked to and stood in front of the stool with his back to the audience.

"Failure to submit homework, Tighe. Hopefully after you’ve received the three strokes you’ve got coming you won’t need a repeat dose to remind you how seriously we take the requirement for our students to keep up with their homework. It’s for your good after all. If the sore backside I’m about to give you pays the dividend of improved learning, as I believe from experience it will, the pain you’re about to suffer today will have been worth it. Get into position."

Mike’s face was crimson with mortification as he bent over the stool, his bare bottom pointing in the crowd’s direction. He spread his white legs wide either side of the chair. His form class neighbor, Debbie, intended later to ask him in class how it felt as she watched Phillips carefully measure his thin rod across the bare buttocks, Watching the loud WHOOPING on the three boys’ bare buttocks from her place in the audience, Jenny, the girl who’d also forgotten to do her English homework, couldn’t helping feeling grateful that her sex spared her the pain and humiliation her male classmates were suffering.

Mike couldn’t believe the searing pain as the rod cut like a hot poker into his bare bottom cheeks. At the first cut he almost felt like rising, but he’d been warned by Phillips beforehand as a newbie that he wasn’t to "try to protect your bottom or get up before you’re told." He had never been caned before. It was nothing like the beltings he got at home. The pain was beyond excruciating. Like having a flame applied to your bare flesh.

In his form class later, Debbie had a smirk on her face as she watched him try to ease his bare bottom cheeks lined with three angry looked red/purple weals onto his seat. She was certainly thankful she’d never have to experience that! "Ooh, Looks very sore," she whispered to him.

"Debbie and Mike! I’m warning you. I’m sure you don’t want those stripes added to at Wednesday’s assembly, Mike, do you?"

"No, Miss," the boy sheepishly responded. It suddenly occurred to Debbie, as it was dawning on many of the other thirteen year old first year girls during those first couple of weeks, that they had the power to get a boy into trouble and then have the satisfaction of seeing him bent over and being caned publicly on his bare buttocks in front of the school with the girl knowing that she’d been the cause of his punishment. So the number of boys caned for talking in class or inattention seemed to increase substantially, as did the number of girls serving detention for the same offence, as the weeks passed. Of course it had already long occurred to the girls in the upper years that they had this power. As a result by the end of the term there were always a high number of boys sporting caned bare bottom cheeks for precisely these type of offences. And in fact the better looking the boy the more likely he was end up getting a regularly caned bare bum.

As had already been mentioned, for less "serious" offences that involved breaches of etiquette the ultimate penalty for boys was the requirement to go two rounds in the mixed fights that were organised once per month. Offences against etiquette included those of the traditional "old fashioned" kind such as not allowing girls to enter and exit a room or failing to surrender your seat or not opening a door for a young lady. It also included the new type of offences such as "boyspreading", where a boy sat with his legs well apart making not room for the poor girl sitting next to him and also "boysplaining" where boys monopolised class time, patronised and talked over girls.

Mike it turns out was pretty good at maths. So during a discussion of a maths problem in class he was judged to have talked over a girl who was trying to make her point about the issue. The maths teacher, Mr Martenson, was highly annoyed.

"Tighe, that’s the third time you’ve talked over a young lady in this class today. I’m registering you for the next mixed fight. Maybe after a young lady has given you a good kick in the balls you might learn to treat girls with respect." The penalty for boys refusing to participate in the contest was seven strokes of the senior cane across the bare buttocks at school assembly.

The mixed fights took place in the gym which contained a fight stage around which the whole school would gather. It was a Saturday morning a couple of weeks later. There were a total of six fights that morning. Mike’s was number three. The six boys, all in their red jock straps stood waiting, whilst their female opponents in their leotards and leggings limbered up. Of course, the boys all felt nervous. They were only allowed to ward off blows whereas their opponents would be able to kick and punch them. Bob Langford, the boys’ PE teacher, was the referee and also the MC at the fight.

"The first fight will be Simon Peterson and Linda Burnham" The boy had apparently not offered his seat during a screen showing of a play for English where there was standing room only. The two sixteen year olds mounted the opposite ends of the ring. Linda was about 55′where as Simon was 511′. The boy sported two stripes over his bare bottom for talking in class earlier. After Langford had conferred with the two the first round commenced. It wasn’t long into the contest before Simon was doubled over in agony after Linda had smashed his big balls with a high kick right to the nuts! "That’ll teach you to stand up for a lady!" thought the girl with satisfaction.

"C’mon, Peterson, she hardly touched you!" Langford always watched out for boys trying to throw fights so they could get out of the contest. However the boy was genuinely writhing in agony and Langford’s threats to "really thrash your arse for you if you don’t get up right now!" didn’t seem to have much effect.

In the next contest another stocky lad of around 15 dropped to his knees during the fight to protect his balls that were under sustained and vicious attack, only to be told to "get up and fight boy. I don’t like cowards!" The girl found them a large and therefore tempting target. The boys all winced at the loud


followed by a blood curdling


as the girl’s hard shoe connected with the soft tissue of the boy’s barely protected testicles. He ended up having to be taken to the infirmary with smashed balls.

When Mike’s turn came he was completely shocked to find out that he been paired with Debbie, his form room partner. Girls drew lots as to which boy they wanted to fight. Clearly Debbie had wanted to fight him. When he entered the ring in just his red jock strap while Debbie was in her full body length costume with black leggings, he felt very vulnerable. He gave her a weak smile which she didn’t acknowledge, instead giving him a rather fierce but distant look.

"Debbie Taylor and Michael Tighe. His offence. Boysplaining in maths class!" There was general booing from the assembled girls as well as from some of the boys, particularly some of the older ones who wanted to keep in with the girls or even with A girl in the off chance that he might get a hand job or even better out of it.

Once the signal for the fight began Debbie flew at him fists flying and doing a powerful round house kick that struck him directly in the bare ass almost knocking him over to general hilarity from the spectators. At one stage he almost struck the girl whilst trying to ward off savage blows. "Careful, Tighe. If you strike her the fight will be terminated and you’ll up for seven across the bare backside on Monday’s assembly with the senior cane!!" warned Langford. He managed to go the required two rounds without getting his balls smashed but with quite a few painful bruises on his legs, arms and other parts of his body. However they were certainly a lot less painful than seven throbbing weals delivered with the maximum force of Headmaster Phillip’s strong arm across his bare buttocks with the senior cane would have been.

Elizabeth and all the girls who were new to the school were both fascinated and excited. They, and indeed the whole female audience, cheered on each girl to do her best and "really smash his balls for him!!" Even with Mike, who many of the girls liked, once their anti-male blood lust was up they became the most merciless fiends.

At form class on Monday, Debbie acted as if nothing had happened and was quite friendly towards him. Almost as if in the ring she had been an entirely different person. When he gingerly raised the issue she just commented that it was a "good fight, wasn’t it!" as if it had happened to two other people.

At the end of the first year, Mike was allowed to go home for the holidays. His parents couldn’t believe it was the same boy. He was so polite and subdued. Mrs Tighe thought she had her sweet natured little boy back and he was very respectful towards his two younger sisters unlike last time. Owing to some work being done on the house Mike had had to sleep in the same room as his sisters. On his first day back, while he was changing one of them saw six heavy purple stripes across his bottom (he’d gotten them in his last caning for the year shortly before the end of term). When she asked Mrs Tighe about it later, her Mother had simply feigned ignorance and said that she didn’t "know what that was". His Dad had only had to strap his bare backside once during that first holiday for some boyish high jinx by which time the cane marks had largely disappeared. Mike continued at St Michaels until he finally graduated from high school at age 18 during which time his parents never once inquired concerning the educational practices there. They were just glad that his behaviour had made such a dramatic improvement.

(End of File)