Camp Raphaos 1

By Spelvin

Copyright 2024 by Spelvin, all rights reserved

[3,701 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Camp Raphaos

Chapter 1: The First Day

The noise stopped when the knife hit the dinner glass. All eyes were on Lucretia, who was standing at the head of the dining room. “Good afternoon, and welcome to the first summer season at Camp Raphaos. We’re glad to see all of you.”

Miss Lucretia looked out at the 48 campers enrolled for the season. The newly opened summer camp had just served its very first meal. Seated at the tables were children from all over Estoty. Thanks to the location in the northern part of East Dakota, there were a few campers from Canady.

Lucretia introduced both herself and the other counselors. “And now, I would like for all the girls to come with Susan. Susan, will you please step forward? Thank you.” The girls filed out of the building with Susan.

“And Elizabeth, will you please lead the boys into the lobby? Thank you.” The boys assembled in the lobby with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled and said, “Hi. As you all know, my name is Elizabeth. I feel very privileged to work with twenty-four very handsome, good-looking boys. Can you please arrange yourselves in a circle so I can have a good look at every one of you?” Some of the boys wore T-shirts with frayed jeans, others wore T-shirts with grubby shorts. Most of them wore soiled sneakers.

“I know you’re all eager to meet the girls, and I’m sure they’re all eager to meet you. They are being led to the waterfront right now. But before we go over there to meet them, there are a few things we need to talk about.

“First of all, here at Camp Raphaos, we are all firm believers in girls and boys getting along together. We want you to mix and mingle. Girls like for you to walk up to them and talk to them. They like for you to show that you appreciate them. They like for you to tell them you like them, to tell them you think they’re nice, to tell them you think they’re pretty. They like for you to walk across the camp holding hands with them. They like for you to put your arm around them and give them a kiss on the cheek. So that is how we expect you to treat the girls.”

The announcement met with a chorus of groans.

“There is one more thing we need to talk about, but first, I want you to walk back to the cabin and take off any rings, wristwatches, and any other jewelry you may have, and put them in your suitcase. You won’t need them. I see some of you have caps on. You won’t need them either.

“Same way with your shoes and socks. The ground here is nice and soft, so you can go barefoot.

“You’ve all been outside swimming, so you won’t be too modest about taking your shirts off.

“Then take everything else off, just like you’re going to take a shower. Then come back here, stand in a circle like you are now, and with your arms by your sides.” She looked at the clock on the wall. “I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

The boys left the room, making comments like “I can’t believe this!” “Me either. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

Lucretia was the oldest of Three Sisters. Susan was next, and Elizabeth was the youngest. With assistance from church funds, and with money out of their own pockets, the Three Sisters had just recently established Camp Raphaos on the family estate. This was a first season, packed with untried ideas, and they all had their fingers crossed.

In ten minutes, all of the boys were back from the cabins. Some of the boys showed an even tan, indicating that this sort of thing was nothing new to them. Those were the boys who were the first to arrive at the lobby, which made it easier for the less confident boys to walk in, which in turn made it easier for the still less confident boys to walk in.

Elizabeth came into the room, this time wearing a one-piece swimsuit. She looked out and marveled at the display of 24 handsome lads with 24 male appendages. Some were flaccid at 180 degrees, some were perfectly erect at 0 degrees, and the rest were all different angles in between.

“How nice! You are all ‘fearfully and wonderfully made,’ just like it says in Psalms verse one hundred thirty-nine verse fourteen.

“Let me go over the day’s schedule:

“At eight o’clock, it’s time to open those eyes and roll out of bed.

“Eight thirty is breakfast time. We will have the places at the table marked boy-girl-boy-girl.

“There is no reason for you to get dressed, so you will attend breakfast nude. As I just said, we want all of you to get used to kissing girls. This will be a good time to kiss the girl next to you and tell her how pretty she looks.

“From the dining room, you will walk to the chapel for morning devotion.

“The morning worship service is a solemn occasion, so we want you to look your best, and we think you look your best nude. Girls need affection, so we would like for you to hold hands when the girls when you are going from one place to another.

“After morning devotion, you will all split up into small groups of four boys and four girls. You will be told which counsellor to follow to a smaller meeting room. You will sit around in a circle, where everyone can see everybody else. You can discuss anything you’re concerned about. Any problems which you have will become easier with God’s help. This will be a less formal affair, so you will attend this meeting nude.

“Your food should be pretty well digested by this time, so we’ll all go swimming in the lake. Since skinny dipping is a time-honored tradition, you will all go nude.

“Each of you will pair off with a girl. For the lesson on floating, you will support her while she floats. Then she will support you while you float. With one hand, she will support your back. With the other hand, she will support your buttocks.

“If you float just right, she will get a good view of your male appendage above the water. That’s all right. Girls like to see male appendages, so let her enjoy it.

“If there’s enough time, the lesson will cover the prone position for swimming. Again, you will support her and she will support you. With one hand, she will support your bare chest. With the other hand, she will cup your genitals. We think it is not only important for the girl to know how your body looks, but how your body feels.

“After the half-hour swim lesson, we will allow an hour for a free swim. You can paddle any way you want to during this time, but this will be a good time to practice what you just learned.

 “If the girl you just partnered with wants to practice with you, fine. But if she wants to partner with other boys, she might not be turning you down; it could be just that she needs to do a little more exploring.

“Lunch is at twelve o’clock. Here again, girls will eat with boys and boys will eat with girls. Boys will go to lunch nude.

“After everyone at your table is through, you can hand go outside and do whatever you want to do. You can chase the girls, the girls can chase you, or you can make up a game of your own,.

“We haven’t quite decided what to do at one o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, and four o’clock. We have posted several activities on the bulletin board. There’s a pencil hanging from a string, and we want you to sign up for the ones you’re interested in.

“We have equipment for soccer, basketball, and other sports. If enough of you sign up, we can start a game or two.

“We hope that some of you would like to put on music and drama numbers for our worship services or for open mike. More later on open mike.

“We’ll have the lifeguard on duty in case you want to go swimming again.

 “We have an art studio and a photography studio set up. Be prepared if the girls want to keep you busy posing for them. If they do, I don’t blame them.

“Five o’clock we have already planned. That will be time for dance class. We will do folk dances from all over the world. We will do line dances and circle dances, but we will also do partner dances. You will learn the waltz, the mazurka, and the polka, the cha-cha, and the foxtrot. You will also gather in groups of eight for Estotian square dances. If gathering in a group gives you any trouble, try getting together with the other members of your group meeting.

 “Since it is important to recognize the boys for their gender in the partner dances, we need for you to show your gender. So you will attend this class nude.

“Dinnertime at six o’clock is about the same as lunchtime at twelve, except that it will be meat and potatoes instead of soup and crackers. Since dinner is a little more formal, we want you to look your best, and that means that we want you to go nude.

“At seven, we gather in the recreation room for Bolding and Fluffing Time. ‘Bolding’ refers to a naked boy going up to a girl and starting a conversation, just as if he were fully dressed, ‘Fluffing’ refers to a girl answering the boy, and pretending that she is feeling perfectly comfortable.

“We want to teach you to learn to be perfectly confident with no clothes on, and that’s not only at this camp, where all the other boys are naked, but anywhere else, even when nobody else is naked. That is why we are having that class.

“After about an hour of this heavy instruction, it will be time to wind down a little. This will be open mike time, when you can share whatever you have to say. You can also get together with other campers for open mike. You have plenty of choice activities between one o’clock and four o’clock, so you can rehearse a song, a skit, or ‘most anything else.

“After that, you can group yourselves off for dominos, checkers, and card games.

“At nine o’clock, we go back to the chapel for the evening worship service. This is a solemn occasion, so we want all of the boys to look their best, and that means that we want all of the boys to go nude.

“From nine thirty to ten o’clock, it’s unstructured. Bedtime is approaching, though, so you won’t see the girls until tomorrow morning. They might get their feelings hurt if you don’t give them a good night kiss.

“By ten o’clock, teeth are brushed and lights are out. Nighttime is a good time to allow the pores of your skin to breathe. So a counsellor will come through the cabin to make sure you sleep nude.”

“That’s all for tomorrow. But for now, it’s time to get acquainted time with the girls at the waterfront. Pair up with someone else, because this is going to take a lot of courage, and you will all need a comrade.

“Susan is with the girls right now, advising them on how to behave like perfect ladies when they meet you. We hope that you will be perfect gentlemen too.

“Act like you’re perfectly confident, act like there’s nothing you’re ashamed of, and act like there’s nothing unusual. We want you all to be perfect bolders. We think you are beautiful. We enjoy seeing you with no clothes on, and we want the girls to enjoy seeing you with no clothes on.

After a pause, Elizabeth spoke in a half-whisper. “And now I think we’re ready to go to the waterfront. You will all walk with your hands by your sides. There will be no reason to feel anything or touch anything.”

Susan and the girls were seen at the waterfront, decently attired in one-piece swimsuits. One of the boys broke a twig on the side of the trail. The boys overheard Susan saying, “I hear the boys coming right now. I hope all of you will act like you’re happy to see them.”

One of the girls said, “Act? Who needs to act!”

Now let’s make a flashback. When Elizabeth was sending the boys to the boys’ cabin, Susan was leading the girls to the girls’ cabin to change into swimsuits. After that, they assembled on the waterfront to hear what Susan had to say. Susan began her talk with the question “How many girls here are interested in what boys look like?”

24 hands shot up.

“We think you SHOULD be interested in what boys look like. And we think you should learn what boys look like. And we don’t mean giving you textbooks describing what boys look like. And we don’t mean showing you filmstrips with diagrams of what boys look like. Rather, we mean bringing in a supply of real boys. We mean making the boys strip naked so we can SHOW you what boys look like!”

The girls looked at each other with wide open eyes. They didn’t say a word.

“And we don’t mean seeing naked boys in an occasional swim meet, either. And we don’t mean naked boys gathering around in one end of the field and girls gathering in the other.  We’re talking about naked boys coming right up to you and talking to you. We’re talking about naked boys eating three meals a day with you. We’re talking about naked boys walking across the camp holding hands with you. We’re talking about naked boys playing table games with you. We’re talking about naked boys playing athletic games with you. We’re talking about naked boys putting their arms around you, kissing you, and telling you how beautiful you are.

“We’re talking about you feeling all over a naked boy’s body. We’re talking about you getting as close to a naked boy as you can ever get.”

The girls repeated their wide-eyed non-verbal expression.

“Here’s what every day at Camp Raphaos will look like:

“At eight o’clock, it’s time to rise, shine, and give God your glory.

“Eight thirty is breakfast time. This will be the first, but not the last, time that you will see the boys wearing nothing but a layer of skin. Those grubby blue jeans and grubby T shirts are in their suitcases at the cabin, and they will stay there until the end of the camp season.

“This will be unusual for you, but try not to giggle. Some of the boys will feel uncomfortable too. Some of them won’t, though. The ones with an even tan will be used to this sort of thing, but most of the other boys won’t. You should tell them you’re glad to meet them, and that they look very nice.

“The places at the table will be marked boy-girl-boy-girl. The boy next to you will probably want to give you a good morning kiss on the cheek. In case he does, give him a good side view.

“After breakfast, you will walk to the chapel for a morning worship service. The boys might like to hold hands with you. You should make that easier for them by offering them a hand.

“After the morning service, each of the counselors will call off a few names. You will follow the counselor who calls your name. That counselor will direct you to a smaller room, where only four boys and four girls will be in your group. Everybody will see everybody else there, because you will be arranged in a circle. You can talk about any problems which you have. Whatever problems those are, they will be easier with God’s help.

“It’s been a while since you had breakfast, so now you can go swimming.

“You will pair off with a boy. The first lesson will be on floating. Your partner will support you while you float. Then you will support your partner while he floats. With one hand, you will support his back. With the other hand, you will support his buttocks. You won’t feel a boy’s bottom covered with a swim suit, but a real live naked bottom. We want you to know not only what a boy’s body looks like, but what it feels like.

“If the boy is floating right, he will give you a good view of his boyhood. He might feel ashamed, even though we don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of. In case he does, tell him how nice it looks.

“We don’t know how much time that will take, so we also prepared for you to practice the prone position. Again, you will support him and he will support you. With one hand, support his bare chest. With the other hand, cup his genitals. Like we said, it is not only important for you to know how his body looks, but how it feels.

“After this half-hour swim lesson, you will have an hour for a free swim. Even though it’s free time, this will be a good time to practice what was covered in the lesson.

 “The boy you just partnered with might feel hurt if you want to practice with other boys. Make sure he understands that you’re not turning him down; you just need some time to learn what other boys look like and feel like.

“Lunch is served at twelve. Here again, boys and girls will mix and mingle.

“After the meal, you can go outside and have some free time. When I was a girl, we went to the pond on the edge of town and played a tag game in which we chased the boys. A girl got one point if she could slap a boy’s bottom and two points if she could pinch his tee wee. But you can play any games you like.

“We haven’t quite decided what to do at one o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, and four o’clock. We have prepared several activities which we posted on the bulletin board. There’s a pencil hanging from a string, and we want you to sign up for the ones you’re interested in.

“We are hoping that some of you sign up for sports, like soccer and basketball, so we can get some games started.

“We are also hoping that some of you will sign up for music or drama. That way, you can add something to our worship services. We would also like some input for open mike. More on that later.

“Some of you might not think the morning swim was enough swimming for one day, so we’ll have the lifeguard on duty at this time.

 “In art class and photography class, you might be eager for the boys to pose for you, but don’t overdo it. Remember that they also might want some time to learn about art and photography.

“Five o’clock is dance class. We will do international folk dancing, line dancing, and circle dancing. Since boy-girl relations is one of our main concerns, we will definitely have partner dances. That includes the waltz, the mazurka, and the polka, the cha-cha, and the foxtrot. If you did partner dances back home, you probably put your hand on the back of your partner’s cotton T shirt. Here, you will feel his bare back.

“Remember how you grouped four boys and four girls in the morning meetings? You can group the same way for Estotian square dances. We will have those too.”

“At dinnertime, it’s meat and potatoes instead of soup and crackers. And it’s at six o’clock instead of twelve o’clock. Other than that, there’s not much difference. You will see the boys in all their splendor and glory, just like at any other time of the day.

“Now let me teach you a couple of new words. When a naked boy goes up to a girl and starts a conversation, just as if he were fully dressed, he is ‘bolding.’ When the girl answers the boy, pretending that nothing is unusual and she is perfectly comfortable, she is ‘fluffing.’

“We think these are very important skills for young people your age to learn, so we will gather in the rec room at seven o’clock for Bolding and Fluffing Time. The teacher will give some explanations and will call some of you up for demonstrations. You can talk about the weather, you can talk about school, you can talk about almost anything else, just as you would if the boy had clothes on.

“We realize that this is some heavy learning to take in. So things will be a little less structured for a while. We will have an open mike, when you can say anything you want, whether you agree or disagree with us. If you get together with your friends during the afternoon activities, you can rehearse a song, a short play, the sky is the limit.

“After open mike—in front of a polite and attentive audience, we hope-- you can group yourselves off for table games, like Monopoly and Scrabble and go fish.

“At nine o’clock, we go back to the chapel for the evening worship service.

“From nine thirty to ten o’clock, it’s kind of a free time. Bedtime is coming up, so the boys might want to give you a good night’s kiss. Be sure to have a cheek ready in case they do.

“By ten o’clock, you’re all ready for bed. We wish all of you sweet dreams about naked boys.”

Some noise in the bushes was heard. Susan said, “I hear the boys coming right now. I hope all of you will act like you’re happy to see them.”

One of the girls said, “Act? Who needs to act!”

(End of File)