Boyhood Hubris and Costumed Consequences 1 - The Regrets of Todd the Teddy Bear

By HumbledBareBoy

Copyright 2024 by HumbledBareBoy, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Part 1: The Regrets of Todd the Teddy Bear”


Midway through this first installment, the narrative relates 13-year-old Scott’s recollected “dream sequence,” and the specific details actually originate from the very well-received story "Zoo Boy" over in the New Male-Male Spanking Archive (MMSA); the events and characters are being used here with permission from the co-authors – my esteemed MMSA colleagues Zyngaru and David M. Katz! As a matter of fact, you might be interested to know that their original story, “Zoo Boy,” is a genuine “forced nudity” story itself! Although, well, let’s just say the main character, Toby, bears zero resemblance to your typical Puericil boy! (To put it mildly, haha... 💯)

When my colleagues’ original characters appear in future installments, to my story
here, there will be some references to the original; as such, if you have the time and mental bandwidth, then I encourage you to go check it out! (Also, these Halloween stories of mine contain spoilers for the ending of the original, bear in mind!) I am using their creations here because I thought it could be fun and amusing, but I may be taking some, shall we say, liberties with the characters and their personalities, so my own usage should not be regarded as canonical! Ultimately, the co-authors have my sincerest gratitude, and I hope all you lovely FNA denizens enjoy and have great laughs! 😜

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“There, that just about does it,” John Harris stated, as he finished tying the little red bowtie around his 11-year-old son Todd’s neck, tucked underneath the starched collar of his short-sleeved, powder-blue, button-down dress shirt. “Now, to just add those suspenders to it all…”

“Oh, come on, Dad,” begged the chubby round 4′9″ [1.45 m] preteen, “not the suspenders! They look so dumb and embarrassing…” It was not the general idea of “suspenders” that was the problem here; instead, it was the color of the suspenders: Hot pink, of all things! That was a color that very few boys Todd’s age would ever be caught dead wearing! “This whole ‘teddy bear’ costume you’re making me wear is already bad enough!” That part bothered him mostly on account of his portly frame, since the “teddy bear” theme really sounded like something one of the mean kids would invoke, specifically to poke fun at a heavier kid like himself!

Todd turned to the full-length mirror on his closet door and stared at his reflection for a few moments, contemplating the “teddy bear” ensemble that his mother and father insisted were “adorable” and “endearing” – not to Todd himself, though! First, he could not stand the headband (with the “cutesy” bear ears) that was held in placed by elastic, stretched over the top of his curly, blond head – entirely childish and silly, he opined. Todd also could have done without the accompanying bear nose accessory, secured to his face by another elastic band, running around the back of his head; the “nose” accessory almost distressed the 11-year-old even more than the ears because he was unshakably convinced the piece accentuated his plump cheeks, thus making his face look even “fatter.” In contrast, Todd did not really mind the red bowtie itself, if only because he felt more bothered by the short-sleeved button-down shirt – which his own mother had altered with her trusty sewing machine, just earlier that week!

Tara Harris, wife of John and Todd’s mother, insisted that she was just making it fit and conform to the boy’s ample frame more naturally – with his father in agreement, of course! – but in their preteen son’s estimation? Her alterations only worsened things: Instead of fitting Todd more naturally, the shirt was actually too tight, in all the wrong places, sticking out noticeably at different points. It also did not help that the shirt was barely long enough to even graze his waist, exposing just a sliver of his plump belly’s hairless pale skin. On the other hand, not so much embarrassing, but more simply inconvenient, Todd’s father had secured these weird “bear paw” accessories onto both his hands – fastened and secured around the wrists, with no fingers at all. In this way, the boy was deprived of any and all dexterity, effectively prevented from doing anything useful with his hands!

The khaki shorts fit decently enough, no belt or suspenders needed, so those were fine – other than the fact that his father had forbidden him to wear his underwear, for some odd reason! (Todd guessed it was part of the “embarrassing” aspect, so that he would feel self-conscious all evening, on account of being “secretly bare” under the garment!) Finally, he found the red knee-high socks (to match the bowtie) and black leather British-style boys’ school shoes very silly and “over the top” – but even still, not one of those previous items was the worst thing, not by far...

Mostly, he just wanted to avoid wearing those awful hot-pink suspenders, for goodness’ sake! Deep in his naïve young psyche, the anxious and distressed preteen boy vowed he would willingly suffer any other indignity conceivable – if only spared wearing those “girly” hot pink straps over his shirt. Anything but that, please! Anything… the youngster desperately prayed, if only silently, from the very bottom of his heart.

“Todd, ‘dumb and embarrassing’ is precisely the point, and that’s exactly how your mother and I have planned this night, every hour and minute!” John reminded his youngest son with an exasperated sigh. “What you and that other boy did – more like, tried to do without succeeding...thankfully! – would have been even more embarrassing, not to mention extremely undignified, for who knows how many of those poor girls! I still cannot imagine what made you two actually think that could be even a little bit okay!” Still bewildered, even into the present day, John shook his head in palpable disappointment.

Still thinking, in all his boyish ignorance, that the pink suspenders were the worst thing (or only thing) he had to worry about, Todd pleaded with his father and insisted, “Oh, come on, Dad! It wasn’t that big of a deal, just a prank! It was gonna be really funny, ya know?”

Fuming, John stepped forward and grabbed his son firmly, albeit not too roughly, by both shoulders and stared into his eyes for a lingering moment, just to make his feelings perfectly obvious. “Just a prank? Are you really going to keep trying to say that?” Since the 11-year-old remained silent, having been taken off guard, his father continued, “Todd, you and that other boy were trying to secretly record footage in the girls’ restroom, where your female classmates and teachers would have been attending to personal business, thinking they were doing so in a completely safe ladies-only environment!” He rolled his eyes and sighed. “And what’s worse, you were the one who was going to set it all up, all before you got caught! Do you really think that’s fucking funny, little boy?”

The intimidated preteen silently shook his head in the negative, submissively and in resigned surrender – though it had certainly sounded funny at the time, he could not help but recall...


Todd and his school friend Adam – in hindsight, maybe “friend” was a misnomer – had gotten their hands on an old smartphone; the device was still good enough to record video, however. They had not planned to upload anything to the Internet, both of the precocious miscreants had sworn, after being caught; they were just going to show a few of the other boys, have a bunch of hearty laughs, and then delete it, honest! The original plan had been that they would choose a time when the girls’ room was known to stay empty for a short duration – but not too short, during which time Todd would sneak in, place the smartphone inconspicuously, and set it to record indefinitely, while Adam played the official “lookout” role! Later on, they would sneak back in and fetch the device, allowing themselves and other boys they knew to enjoy a few good chuckles – “no harm no foul,” right?

That was the plan, at any rate – but what
really happened was everything Todd would have wanted to avoid at all costs – leading to him, along with his conspirator Adam, ultimately both being caught in the act! One of the teachers, no doubt wise to the antics of preteen boys who grew too brazen for their own good, immediately recognized Adam’s behavior as that of a designated “look out” position! While the teacher immediately ordered the other boy directly to the principal’s office, she next went into the girls’ restroom to investigate, immediately catching Todd himself in the act of starting up the video recording. She immediately walked over, roughly clamped his upper arm, and irately dragged the guilty student away – in order to confiscate the device, which she immediately recognized as being in “Record” mode, prompting her to drag Todd down to see the principal as well, shortly arriving after his counterpart!

In that office, both Todd and Adam quickly learned how
un-funny their “prank” was to the principal and teacher – along with both their parents, eventually; in decades past, something like this might have been said to fall under the adage of “boys will be boys,” with both perpetrators being punished at home – but with the incident ultimately being laughed off. However, the present-day taking place well into the 21st century, in an era of “zero tolerance” and political “wokeness,” the school administration wanted to adopt a much harsher stance: Even better, to “make an example” of the boys for their ill-conceived idea of “fun,” deterring any potential future copycats!

To an extent, this line of thinking had arisen mostly out of an assumption that the parents themselves would, like so many of their ilk, casually excuse their sons’ misbehavior, dismissing the gravity of the deeds, and making light of it all. However, once the principal was convinced neither of the boys’ parents intended to be lenient about the incident, he eventually agreed to less punitive sanctions on his end, choosing to entrust the primary disciplinary consequences to
the parents themselves! Quite unfortunate for Todd himself, as the unsuspecting 11-year-old would soon discover…


Indeed, once the sheer gravity of the situation had set in, Todd had predictably forgotten how “funny” he had expected the “prank” to be, and he went from feeling afraid of the school’s consequences, relieved over his parents’ intervention, and now just dreading his consequences from them, instead! “No, Dad,” he acknowledged, “it wasn’t funny.” He then looked down, remaining silent.

“Well, you’re absolutely right about that, at least. No, it’s not funny, not even a little bit, and you’re going to learn a good lesson about that tonight – one you won’t forget for a very, very long time!” John admonished, then continuing, “Do you even realize how much trouble this could have been for you, on your permanent record? You should just be goddamn grateful to both your mother and I: By some stroke of luck, perhaps even providence itself, we managed to talk your very angry principal down from a harsher response, by assuring him we would handle this, with the proper and well-deserved consequences! Got it?”

“Yeah, Dad, I understand,” Todd softly trailed off, respectfully replying as best he could – nodding, as well, to confirm as much. “I’m sorry,” he offered.

“Glad to hear it! And, yes, you are going to be repentant for your actions, trust me,” John replied. “Your mother and I fully intend to stick to what we promised your principal!” He then looked back over at Todd’s bed, at the embarrassing suspenders. “Now, let’s get those on you, just so we can get started with our evening of trick-or-treating – before the night’s over, okay?”

For reasons he himself did not understand, though, Todd thought he would try to avoid the suspenders, at least, just one more time. “Dad,” he tried to explain, “they...don’t match everything else. Mom won’t like that, I don’t think...”

John turned back to his son and paused for a moment before, oddly, nodding in agreement. “Yeah,” he mused. “I guess that’s true. Okay, fine – no suspenders it is! Besides, you’re already getting some well-deserved embarrassment as part of your consequences, so the suspenders really don’t make a difference – satisfied?

Happily, Todd nodded in affirmation at his father, before looking towards the door once more. Yay, I don’t have to wear those stupid pink suspenders! he congratulated himself.

John, however, smirked while suppressing a chuckle. This was, in fact, precisely how he and his wife had planned for the interaction to transpire. Such a red herring, those suspenders! Todd’s father smugly thought to himself, as he prepared to lead his son out to join the rest of the family, before they left for a night of trick-or-treating that none of them, especially Todd, could ever hope to forget...

While this was going on, the rest of the Harris clan was hanging out in the living room downstairs, waiting for John and Todd to be ready so that the family of five could leave for their Halloween evening of trick-or-treating – starting off more traditionally, going from door to door, but eventually transitioning to the mall, where the various stores and stations would also be handing out Halloween candy. For her and John’s other two children – 13-year-old Scott and 7-year-old Cindy – it was simply going to be a standard night of Halloween celebrations; after all, those two had done nothing wrong! However, as their middle offspring Todd would soon unpleasantly discover, he was about to receive a very painful, embarrassing, and unforgettable lesson about his recent actions, over the coming evening and night, as the events unfolded. Those bad decisions would not be ones that he would consider repeating, any time soon!

Tara looked over at her other two children, whose costumes she had produced, to a greater or lesser extent, by her own muse and labor. (In contrast, she and her husband had no costumes, choosing instead to dress up as “parents” for Halloween!) From a young age, both she and her sister had received diligent training in sewing from their mother; not because it was “women’s work,” their mother had stressed but, rather, because it was practical. In the present day, Tara had to agree, especially when teaching naughty preteen boys about proper respect for girls and women, along with their dignity and boundaries...

The youngest child, Cindy, was naturally extremely pleased with her own “Twilight Sparkle, human student form” costume; although the show was a bit outdated now, the girl had been introduced by relatives and fell in love with it. Cindy loved all the “Mane Six,” but she had quickly chosen Twilight as her favorite. With some decent quality but inexpensive items from a local clothing store, a quick trip through the sewing machine – accompanied by the requisite purple wig – resulted in a very pleased 7-year-old who effusively expressed her thanks to her mother.

Meanwhile, Scott walked back and forth about the room, standing tall at his full height of 5′3″ [1.6 m], and he was the exemplary image of newly teenaged boy who felt quite pleased with himself for having just started puberty. This much, at least, was somewhat visually obvious on account of his own costume – sleeveless, showing the modest wisps of dark hair under the boy’s arms, when he placed both hands behind his head, as he paced the room. Upon seeing his own reflection, the boy then noticed his own underarms and, just for curiosity’s sake, leaned his head down and turned his face to one side, sniffing an armpit to check his own personal hygiene. As evidenced by the light smell of pubescent boy-sweat, he could vaguely discern just how many hours had passed, since his last shower, much earlier that day; despite momentarily considering a quick bathroom dash, for a quick wash and some deodorant, the young lad ultimately decided it was not worth the bother, and no one would ever notice, at all – let alone care about it, right?

As for Scott’s present Halloween, at 13 years of age: Specifically, this year’s costume was that of a collegiate wrestler, one of the local teams. From a young age, Scott had been fascinated by wrestling, not the fake stuff on TV but the formal sport, and he had quickly become an avid spectator at some of the local colleges’ “home” matches with other teams. At his middle school, he was the most dedicated member of the institution’s own junior team, as well, rising in the ranks and earning a name for himself! Thus, his mother had also helped with the perfect costume for him; the headpiece and chinstrap, socks, and shoes were just the standard fare, but Tara had altered a wrestling singlet – of a size fitting his early-teenage body – with embellishments and other features to look just like the uniform from one of the local collegiate teams.

One aspect of the altered singlet did strike Scott as curious: A patch of differently colored material on the crotch of the garment, running from his pubic area in the front around to his butt, in the back. He had mentioned it in passing, to his father, who said it was probably for his personal comfort “as a boy.” Okay, Scott thought to himself then, satisfied it was a reasonable explanation – if not a bit embarrassing, in all honesty, to think his mom had given any conscious thought to his privates! Not that it mattered, from the boy’s own perspective, because he was also wearing a jockstrap underneath, just to feel more like a genuine athlete, as he wore his costume that Halloween night. (Plus another benefit, the boy considered, was that the strap would also help for concealing any of those increasingly-frequent spontaneous, unwanted erections that often threatened an awkward situation for him!) Yet a more puzzling topic on his mind, actually, was this outrageous dream he recalled, from just the night before...

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In this dream, Scott had been touring at the zoo, primarily exploring the various “big cat” exhibits. In and of itself, this would not have been an unusual dream because he was such a huge fan of those particular exhibits – especially the lions and leopards! On his way to those exhibits, he passed the cheetah enclosure to stop and take a look, but there were no cheetahs inside. Then again, the cheetahs had been absent for a couple months, a short while back, so maybe he had simply been subconsciously remembering that specific detail. No, where things really got weird was the fact that the enclosure was not exactly “empty,” either – being occupied instead by a slim, athletic teenage boy who appeared about one or two years older than Scott himself, possibly 14 or nearly 15, perhaps?

The boy in the enclosure was of course human, but he was nonetheless
acting like a wild animal by snarling and growling, as well as generally cavorting and acting up, for the zoo-goers’ entertainment! Scott found two elements, however, to be the most perplexing of all: First, the boy in his dream was completely naked, except for some odd-looking collar attached around his neck, seemingly unremovable by the teen himself. Second, this “zoo boy” was ridiculously well endowed for his age, almost unnaturally so! Even when “soft,” his cock had to have been over four inches, just swinging around limply, but when erect, it looked to be nearly nine inches, which would be huge even for a grown man! Apparently, the boy in the enclosure was famous for some “mating ritual” or something...

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At any rate, the recently-pubescent boy could not imagine why he would have dreamed about something so outrageous and weird. He was not gay or anything, or at least he did not think so; not that he had ever bothered to ask himself that question, either way. Weird! Scott thought to himself, feeling a little impatient and hoping they could leave soon. Noticing a sudden “stirring” down in front, followed by awkward discomfort, he felt compelled to reach his pubic area and try to adjust his privates inside the jockstrap’s pouch...

...but almost that very instant, his father John showed up, escorting his younger brother Todd into the living room, with him. Scott took a closer look at Todd’s costume, releasing a chuckle before he could stop himself. So, this was the “teddy bear” costume? the older boy asked himself. It really does look pretty damn silly! He reminded himself to tease his brother about it, at the first opportunity, noticing also that Todd’s chubby body went even further to “sell” the look. Of course, while Scott would tease Todd about the embarrassing costume all day, he would not make any digs at his brother’s weight because, honestly, he did not even want to; the thought of doing so just felt...wrong.

Tara took a look at her middle child and immediately noticed a missing item, then looking to her husband: “John,” the inquisitive woman had to ask, “no suspenders, huh? Really, now?”

John shook his head and replied, “Todd did make one good point: The hot pink color would not match the rest, and I agreed because I figured you wouldn’t want a color clash; after all, diminishing all your work on his ‘teddy bear’ costume, that would be unfair to you, so I just left those out.” Of course, both he and his wife knew the truth, so when no one else was looking, he winked at her.

Tara winked back, nodding for their three children to see, and affirmed his statement, “You know, you’re right. The pink just wouldn’t look good or proper, not at all!” She then paused a half-minute, before turning and addressing the children, “Ok, kids, are all of you ready to go trick-or-treating?” The three Harris children nodded – Scott and Cindy with great enthusiasm, but Todd with reticence and respectful silence. “That’s what I like to hear!” their mother affirmed, with great excitement and elation.

In the next moment, all five of them were outside on the front porch, as Tara locked the front door securely behind her, placing the keys safely into her purse – as she and her family proceeded down the path, that led from the front door and porch, towards the sidewalk. However, before they could make it all the way, she and her husband instead stopped walking and stood still, and their children also stopped a second later, upon noticing this. All three of them – Scott, Todd, and Cindy – looked at their parents in confusion.

“Mom?” Scott asked, unsure what was going on.

Tara turned to face the three, turning their attention towards her, while John stood opposite – behind the kids, particularly Todd. “All right, Scott and Cindy,” she started off, “before this evening’s activities even get underway, I want to be sure the both of you understand something. First, you both already realize Todd’s currently in trouble? Because of some naughty stuff he did at school, right?” She left it vague as that, for the 7-year-old’s sake, though Scott clearly already understood everything!

“Yeah, mom, I know,” Scott affirmed. “I think a lot of the girls also know, so they’re now also mad.” Privately, he wondered to himself what had been going through his younger brother’s mind! “I think they’re gonna want payback, so if any of them see him tonight, they’re probably gonna make fun of him. A lot!

“I know, Mommy,” young Cindy confirmed, in blissful unawareness, naively focused solely on the upcoming Halloween nightly adventures, shortly awaiting her!

“Good,” Tara replied. “And besides that, you also know that part of his consequences and punishment are going to include an embarrassing Halloween costume?

“He’s gonna be a ‘teddy bear’ tonight!” Cindy excitedly responded. “A big, silly teddy bear, tee hee hee...”

Scott nodded at her, too. “Looks like you got the ‘embarrassing’ part down, all right!” He turned to look at his brother. “That’s rough, little bro!”

“Come on!”
Todd pleaded with his older brother. “Lay off, jerk-hole!”

John, however, spoke up to remind his son, “They’re kids and teenagers, Todd, so they’re naturally gonna crack their jokes. We don’t want anyone to be cruel, of course, but you should expect some teasing – which is still far kinder than what you and that other boy – what’s his name? ‘Adam,’ right? – tried to do to, really, countless poor unknowing girls!”

“True,” Tara admitted, confirming her husband’s words, “but that’s also why I’m speaking to you two.” She looked at her oldest and youngest, “I need both of you to promise me – no matter how embarrassing Todd’s costume turns out to be, or how red his face might get over it – just promise me that you’ll keep any teasing, or other funny comments, from becoming too mean or cruel, okay?” She looked at her son and daughter, expecting an answer.

Both Scott and Cindy nodded, affirmatively and vigorously.

“I’m glad you feel that way,” John explained to his oldest and youngest, as he walked up behind Todd, casually patting his middle son on the shoulder before surreptitiously placing both hands on the waist band of his costume’s khaki shorts, with Todd having not the slightest suspicion. “Because there’s something no one has yet realized about Todd’s admittedly silly costume for tonight.” He glanced over to his wife, who nodded at him to proceed with the secret plan...

“What do you mean, Daddy?” his daughter curiously asked.

“What I mean, sweetie, is that tonight, Todd is not just going to be a teddy bear...” Without raising suspicions, John secured his grip on the waist of his son’s shorts, before effecting the big reveal. “As a matter of fact, he’s also going to be a...” In one strong, swift motion, John jerks down and backwards on Todd’s shorts, ripping the extremely weak seams and pulling the garment completely off his son’s lower body, then immediately finishing his sentence, “...teddy bare!”

Todd yelped out, both hands quickly moving to cover his small front privates. “What?!” In his bewilderment and horror, the boy had failed to consider how silly he looked, with two fuzzy “bear paws” attempting to cover his immature and hairless 11-year-old front, especially alongside all the other costume accessories!

“Whoa!” Scott reacted at the sudden surprise that had befell everyone present.

Before anyone had a chance to move, John quickly balled up the ripped, destroyed khaki shorts and tossed them onto the roof of their house. Later on, he would eventually fetch them for the garbage, perhaps tomorrow or the next day. Really, “anyone” included his wife herself – who had not only been in on the plan but also was actually the one responsible for deliberately making the seams weak on Todd’s shorts – precisely so that his father could quickly remove them by surprise!

“Uh-oh, Todd!” Cindy exclaimed. “You’re bare down there, so all the people everywhere will see! They’re all gonna see your peepee...”

Having gotten over his initial shock, Scott heard what his sister just said. “Oh, that’s right,” he realized, “as in B-A-R-E ‘bare’!” He could not help snicker at that.

Todd, meanwhile, was still in a state of shock – red-faced and both hands covering his front. When he managed to speak, he blurted out, “Oh, my God, Dad! What are you doing?” He struggled for a moment to find his words, continuing, “You know I don’t have anything on under here! I need to go back in the house right now and get something else! Something I can put on down there, please...?”

Both his parents, now standing together, looked at him and shook their heads “no” because this was intended to be his true punishment tonight, as his father John started to explain. “It’s really simple, Todd,” he began, observing as his son desperately clutched both hands over his modest boyhood, “You, along with your conspirator Adam, were going to trespass the girls’ special space and, at least for some time, steal their very privacy from them!” John paused a moment, looking into Todd’s eyes to make sure his own words were understood, before continuing, “Therefore, part of your punishment for this ill-advised childish misdeed is that, for the remainder of the evening tonight, your own privacy is being taken away from you!”

(While this exchange was taking place, Scott started to feel a little bit “paranoid” about any possible weaknesses or other vulnerabilities in the stitching of his own costume! Did his parents have any “surprises” planned for him, too? Or even as a possibility? Once the 13-year-old was certain that his parents were focused entirely on Todd, he started to inconspicuously tug on his wrestling singlet, in various places, to see if anything were about to! After a few moments, thankfully, the boy felt reassured his own costume had no such built-in stitching weaknesses like his brother’s now-lost shorts did...)

Tara nodded, supporting her husband, “That’s right, Todd, it sounds as if you don’t understand basic ideals like ‘boundaries’ and ‘privacy,’ so you clearly need to see what it’s like being on the other side, just so you can learn some empathy, can’t you see?”

“Mom, Dad,” Todd began to protest. “You don’t have to do...this! Please! I promise I’ll never do anything like this again.” It was, of course, not lost on Todd – or the other two Harris children – that their father had started to approach Todd with a look of determination. He looked at both parents, begging with his wide-open “puppy-dog” eyes...

John looked down at his youngest son, shaking his head in the negative, once more. “I am sure you will not after tonight, but to make sure that’s the case, you’re going to spend the rest of this evening and night as a ‘teddy bare,’ just like your mother and I already planned!” Hearing the other two giggle, John briefly looked their way before turning back to Todd, commanding him, “Now, Todd, no more covering-up, little boy! Put both your hands by your sides, this very minute...”

But Todd just shook his head “no” and started to instinctively back away, as his father approached him. “Dad, I– I can’t, please!” As his father rapidly stepped forward and reached for his son’s wrist, Todd shook his head and backed even further away, while protesting, “Dad, come on! They’ll already see my bare butt! That’s embarrassing enough, you know?”

John glared at Todd. “Son, this is your last chance. Move those hands, or else!” But Todd refused and clutched desperately at his privates, so his father decided that some more...forceful persuasion was needed. Stepping forward authoritatively, John firmly grabbed his son’s upper right arm, deftly turning the boy around and placing him into a bent-over position. Holding his son securely, so he could not get away or squirm out of position, John began to deliver a series of rapid, harsh hand-slaps – right upon Todd’s chubby bare (“bear”?) bottom.

John moved faster and started slapping his son’s bare buttocks more rapidly and consistently, turning the skin from its usual, pale while to an increasingly obvious shade of pink. Todd had quickly begun yelping and protesting, “Dad, no, please! Owwwww...”



It proceeded, endlessly, for some minutes – as Todd’s yelps transformed into outright crying! The pink transitioned into a more and more saturated red, as Todd’s eyes filled with tears, accompanied by louder wails and sniffles...




Over a few more minutes, down rained the unforgiving harsh slaps, as both cheeks were now a deep crimson, and Todd had lost all composure by this point – crying like a baby throughout every bit of it! When John decided it was enough, he helped Todd stand upright, and held him tightly by the plump, well-padded shoulder – sternly gazing into his youngest son’s eyes, the entire time.

(Meanwhile, Tara had removed a few items from her storage pouch, two of which were easy enough to identify: A small wooden kitchen spoon, with a fairly wide oval head that was flat on the back-side, plus a gel tube, perhaps of some cream or ointment? Both objects in hand, she quickly made her way over, purpose in her eyes and footsteps alike! To Todd’s chagrin, all too shortly, this first punishment of the evening was not quite over...)

This, too, persisted for a few more minutes – as the youngest boy’s sobs began to wane, with the boy starting to regain composure – only for Todd’s very vocalizations, all those whines and moans, to quickly resume! All at once, Mr. Harris began to purposefully (and somewhat harshly) reposition his plump, half-naked 11-year-old son’s body: (1) Turned upside-down in a hand-stand, (2) front of body facing outward into the yard and street, and (3) both his thick, flabby legs tugged all the way apart – held immovably in place, by his father’s iron arm-holds, on both the left and the right. Initially just confused, the boy soon began to reckon his upcoming, painful fate upon noticing his mother standing directly in front of him!

“All right, Todd,” Tara calmly and methodically stated, “your father already took care of your punishment on the back side, so now it’s time for the front, as well, just for symmetry!” Ignoring his desperate wails of “no, mommy” and “please nooo” – the stern and silent mother reached down with her left hand. Grasping the preteen’s hairless under-developed “boy bits,” then pulling them away from his body, Tara Harris wasted no time in using the wooden spoon quite mercilessly: To deliver countless sharp, rapid-fire slaps all over his little “peepee and marbles,” as they would repeatedly be called that night. In his throes of pain, ever desperate for escape, Todd yelped and yowled in agonizing pain – the worst a boy could really endure, while involuntarily twisting and thrashing like an angry cobra – yet unable to get way, held firmly in his father’s unrelenting and unbreakable grip!

It was probably under 60 seconds, in all actuality, but so far as poor Todd was concerned? It had felt like a much longer stretch of time, easily several minutes at least, yet his mother was not yet done! To the contrary: First addressing her husband, the mother asked, “John, dear, could you please rotate his hips more in my direction? You know, so his bottom points more towards the front, you see?” Immediately thereafter, turning next to where her other two children were standing and observing, Tara Harris called out to her oldest. “Scott – hey, wanna come on over here? Help your poor mother out with your brother, just real quick?” she diplomatically requested of the 13-year-old, but also with a conspiratorial wink, appealing to his natural “big-brother instinct” to have fun – at the younger one’s expense, of course!

“Uhhhh, Moooom...?”
Todd softly began, still choking back remaining sobs, “What are you, ummm...?” However, a sharp and stinging slap to the pale skin, right in the sensitive inner-thigh region, courtesy of his mother, cut that inquiry short. “Aaaaah!” yelped the preteen, only to be essentially ignored by everyone else.

“All right, Scott, just grab right onto those plump round cheeks, and pull them all the way apart for me, okay?” the Harris mother initially requested, before turning to the youngest, calling the young girl over, as well. “Cindy, sweetheart, why don’t you come on over here, too, and stand next to me? That way, you can watch how Mommy teaches misbehaving little boys the error of their perverted ways...”

Squealing in girlish naivety, the young child quickly skipped on over, standing beside her mother, then stared at her 11-year-old brother’s exposed parts in amazement. “Wow, Toddy, I can see your bathing-suit parts, oooooh!” she teased.

“Yeah, and his butthole, too!” taunted their 13-year-old eldest brother. “Todd, hey, why are you winking at us like that?”

Sighing and shaking her head in resignation, Tara exhaled “Oh, Scott, now don’t be so crass, please...” only to trail off, her words carrying neither the authority nor severe tone of a true “scolding,” sincerely given for actual misbehavior.

Mortified utterly, blushing a deep red in his present humiliation, all Todd could do his remain helplessly suspended upside down, loudly whining, “Awwwwww...” Moaning in his despair, he could not even think quite clearly, in the present bewildering moment – only to feel a most unexpected sensation, without warning, immediately yelping out with a shocked, “Aaaaahh, huuuuh? Whaaaaa...?” The exposed and vulnerable preteen felt a dollop of cool gel fall right on his little pink pucker, then a rubber-covered fingertip forcefully massaging the gel in, soon even penetrating all the way inside of him!

“Wow, the whole finger right in there, huh?” an amused Scott casually observed, then changing his tone slightly and asking, “Oh, wait! That’s the, uhhh, you know...the ‘stuff,’ right?” Though subtly, the slight discomfort of unpleasant familiarity, alongside some too-close recollection, had vaguely tinged his voice and came through in the young teen boy’s audible speech.

“Whatcha doin’, Mommy?” a confused but curious little girl asked. “Why are you poking your finger like that, in and outta Toddy’s hiney-hole? Aren’t you afraid you’ll get dookie on you? Ewwww! Yucky...”

Quite happy for Tara, however, when she extracted her finger from Todd’s pucker, the rubber-gloved digit was immaculately spotless! “And now, for the last part!” she announced, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a medium-width silicone plug, a few inches in length and slightly tapered, narrower then wider, from tip to base. Squeezing the tube again, the woman deposited another dollop of the gel, point-blank and fully on target, right atop the preteen boy’s exposed opening. Pushing the tip directly against the sphincter, she pushed in then pulled out, then repeated the motion several times, until finally the plug slid all the way inside! “Okay, John, we’re finally done! Go ahead and let him back up?” Removing the glove, Mrs. Harris wadded it up into a little ball, tossing it into a nearby wastebasket, subsequently going back over to gather the rest of her supplies, to carry for the rest of the evening.

For his own part, John quickly helped reposition Todd back upright, finally once more on his feet, then let the boy go; still yet, the man also glared right into his son’s eyes, with harsh and unyielding determination. “Todd, I do not like having to do all that, such trouble and hassle, you know! But I expect you to obey and comply for the rest of this evening and night!” After hesitating a moment, for it to sink in, John continued and asked his son, “Are you going to do that, now?” After Todd nodded, he further inquired, “And you’re going to obey and leave your hands at your sides, from now on?” Red-faced again, this time with embarrassment instead, he struggled to nod but managed to do so. “Good!” John was satisfied, then turning to face the rest of his family, who looked back – both his and Todd’s direction.

“Well, actually...” Tara suddenly called out, walking over to her husband and youngest son, carrying a buckling belt-like strap of some kind, then finishing, “...maybe we should put this on him, just to make sure his hands don’t go wandering about anymore, at least for tonight?” Not waiting for a response, she just offered the strap to her husband’s outstretched waiting hand, observing as he wrapped the strap about Todd’s chest and upper-back, firmly securing the buckle around back. The last part, the entire reason for this accessory, was revealed as they hooked each of the preteen’s “bear paws” to the chest strap, linked by short chains which prevented him from extending his hands outward, in any direction!

Now that Todd – still naked from his waist down to the tops of his knee-socks, was making no attempt to conceal his privates – the whole family could see how underdeveloped the bare-bottomed boy’s hairless pubic area really was: His tiny, flaccid penis, no more than a barely visible 1.3″ [3.3 cm], seated above a smooth skin pouch that pulled the little marbles tightly against, if not into, his soft lower torso.

Once Scott noticed this sight – the first time he had seen Todd’s privates in, well, he honestly could not remember how long – the 13-year-old temporarily forgot about his sense of tact, as well as his earlier promise to his mother! The oldest Harris son, unthinkingly, blurted out, “Whoa, no way! It’s really that small? Good Lord,!”

Different family members reacted differently: turning red-faced and closing his eyes (Todd), childish giggling (Cindy), frowning and shaking her head in disappointment (Tara), and glaring sternly at Scott himself (John). John was the one to speak up in response, “Scott!” he snapped. “What did you promise your mother earlier, young man?” When his oldest hesitated, John urged him, “Well, son?”

Scott hesitated a little, and his voice cracked as he replied, “I...promised her not to be ‘too mean or cruel’...” trailing off, before protesting, “...but come on, Dad, that wasn’t ‘mean’! It was just an, um, ‘observation,’” he tried to defend himself.

However, his father was not having it, “I don’t care what you try to call it, but I would strongly advise you to avoid those kinds of outbursts and, as you call them, ‘observations.’ Your brother may be the one under punishment tonight, but I expect you to behave, too, understood?”

Sheepishly, the boy nodded and replied quietly, “Yes, Dad...”

“In fact, Scott,” his mother interjected. “Since you’re so concerned about your little brother’s ‘size limitations,’ I think it’s only right and proper you should help ‘grow it out’ some – don’t you agree, honey?” A wicked smirk, knowing and mischievous, spread across the woman’s face, observing as her husband immediately knelt in front of a standing Todd. “Go over there, now – right next to your father, down on your knees, just like he is.”

“Dad, I’m confused? Ummm, what Mom said...” the oldest Harris son began speaking, only to be quickly cut off, by his father raising one hand in a “stop” gesture.

“First, Scott, grab onto your brother’s left leg here, while I grab the right, and help him widen his stance much further,” John instructed, then addressing Todd, “Okay, Todd, now bend your knees and lower yourself downwards, like you’re trying to squat but not going all the way, see? Yes yes, good...” Subsequently turning back to the older boy, the man grasp Scott’s right hand, resting the palm upon the left side of Todd’s smooth and well-padded plump stomach, before guiding the hand upward and underneath the preteen’s buttoned shirt!

More puzzled than ever, Scott had no idea what was going on, anxiously inquiring, “Dad, what do you want me to...” trailing off, as he noticed his father’s hand also sliding upwards, underneath Todd’s shirt, on the right side of the torso. Both hands, inevitably, had found the younger boy’s soft, fleshy chest and immature nipples!

With the other hand, the Harris father reached around behind Todd, in between the chubby bottom cheeks, to grasp the base of the inserted plug – soon proceeding to rhythmically work the plug, in and out of the tight puckered opening, repeatedly in and out, again and again! “Okay, Scott, your turn!” John finally told the young teen, then adding, “Go ahead and wet your fingertips with saliva, then reach out and ‘lend a hand,’ as they say, to help your baby brother get his peepee hard...” Seeing his oldest son’s bewildered (and horrified!) expression, he cheerfully elaborated, “With me working him in the back, you in the front, and both of us rubbing his puffy little boy-nips, we’ll get Toddy’s little baby carrot all boned-up in no time...”

“Wait, Dad? You mean, wha- Huh-...” the 13-year-old boy sputtered, indignantly protesting, “Jerk Todd off, seriously? No way!”

A twinkle in his eye, John then responded to Scott, “Excuse me, young man? So you’re refusing to lend Todd a hand? Well, then...” trailing off, his mental wheels already diabolically turning, then proceeding to finish his statement, “...if you really find manual stimulation so objectionable, then maybe you’d rather try the oral kind, instead? Very well, Scott, then open wide – guess Todd’s getting an extra-special Halloween treat, this year...” Of course, the father knew this would not be necessary, though it would have been amusing and cute to witness...

“Okay, okay! You win, Dad!” the boy insisted, admitting defeat by placing his first three fingertips inside his mouth, letting the saliva accumulate and wet them. Reaching out, gritting his teeth in the process, Scott began to fondle his brother’s privates – while simultaneously stimulating one of the nipples, mostly just light pinching and tweaking, sometimes pulling just a little bit too.

As for Todd himself, the preteen had momentarily forgotten about the mortifying humiliation of his enforced public nudity, instead blissfully carried way by the intensely pleasurable stimulation, in so many areas at once! “Ohhhhhh, God –! Whoooooaaa...” the boy moaned, helplessly struggling against the involuntary squirming and writhing, driven mad by the intense and crazy feelings. Sadly, though, the pleasure had ended almost as soon as it began, and Todd looked down below, seeing his tiny preteen nub had now risen, stiffened, and pointed itself aloft! Despite the unimpressive, embarrassingly small 2.6″ [6.6 cm] of his little erection, it was nonetheless the best for Todd himself, his very own “full-mast” length, however paltry it might be...

(During all of this, Scott himself was not entirely sure which realization bothered him more: That he had just literally “jerked off” his own younger brother, or that the task had been, well, far less unpleasant than he had initially predicted it would be...)

“All right, Todd, now listen up, okay?” John asked, waiting for the boy’s nod of understanding, then continuing, “Here are three rules, for the rest of this evening, for all of our Halloween outing this year – rules which, for your sake, I suggest remembering and following, little boy!” Looking back at his wife and nodding in mutual agreement, he turned back to Todd and proceeded with each rule, in turn...

+ Rule One: “Part of tonight’s punishment, Todd, is that you must maintain your erection, at all times; if it goes completely soft, then you will be punished again, most painfully, as bad as before or worse! Obviously, your hands will not reach down there, so you must come up with something else: What that ‘something else’ shall be, is ultimately up to you, such as dry-humping a light-pole or whatever, but the safest and most guaranteed method? That would be, of course, is getting someone else to provide their ‘hands-on’ assistance!” Grinning wickedly, John then informed the 11-year-old, “Additionally, you must ask properly, with the following words: ‘Someone, please help, I’m losing my erection! Will someone come rub my hairless preteen boy-bits, so I can maintain my little stiffie, pretty please?’ Understood?” Regardless of Todd’s disbelief, all he could do was silently and furiously nod his understanding and agreement.

+ Rule Two: “You may already be able to feel it, tingling some back there, but the gel your mother just used was the ‘Boyhole Burner, Level 1 Strength’ – which you can expect to get quite a bit more painful, all too soon! Whenever you feel the burn starting to subside, you must let us know right away, so we can add more and renew the sensation!” Already reading his son’s mind, the father then added, “Don’t even think of trying to be sneaky, either, because we can tell when it stops working, just based on your bodily movements, regardless of any attempted deception! Trust me, it will only be far worse for you, if you try to fool us, do you realize?” Again, Todd submissively nodded, silent and eyes wide...

+ Rule Three: “I noticed you keeping yourself nicely hydrated earlier, which is a good thing, and we’ll make sure you stay that way. When you feel your bladder getting full, you must come to your mother and I, to ask our permission to relieve yourself, in these words: ‘Mommy, Daddy, I have to potty. May I please have permission to go pee-pee and relieve my bladder?’ When and where appropriate, little boy, one of us will grant permission and explain how to proceed, all right?” The preteen miscreant was utterly confused, no idea what that could possibly entail, but the uncertainty was perhaps the most terrifying thing of all...

Eager to break the tension, Tara called out to everyone, “Okay, let’s go!” They all started to head the rest of the way to the sidewalk, and as Todd passed her by, she handed him a bag for candy, “Here, sweetie, take this bag for your candy and treats, okay?”

Todd nodded and took it, “Um...thanks, Mom!” A boy such as Todd did appreciate candy, after all...

* * * * *

Story Ideas and Requests? They are more than welcome, so if you have any of your own, then please feel free to send those my way. (E-mail provided above, top of page!) While I make precisely zero promises or guarantees to use such ideas/requests, the fact nonetheless remains: I do, indeed, love reading such things from both readers and fellow writers, thereby seeing into another person’s thoughts and feelings. Finally, please note that future “follow-up” installments, although based upon previously written stories, are not necessarily “set in stone” plot-wise, so there remains considerable possibility and potential, moving forward!


© Copyright HumbledBareBoy, 2021, 2024

(Based upon the first one-third of my older story indicated below, which I later expanded and further developed, preceding submission to this site – with the corresponding second and third portions also intended for future submissions, following similar expansion and development of the remaining content...)

Originally posted:

To the New Male-Male Spanking Archive at

+ On the date: 20 Oct 2021

+ At the URL:

(Note: Original MMSA versions may differ, to greater or lesser extents, from the versions I submit to Cassie for the “Forced Nudity Story Archive” here. Those changes could involve only editing, proofreading, style/formatting, etc., but in other cases, there may be substantial revisions or reworkings of fundamental story content, so please be advised. Thanks!)

See my MMSA author listing at:

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