Betsy's First Day of Junior High Gym Class

By ENFLover

Copyright 2024 by ENFLover, all rights reserved

[4,130 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Betsy's First Day of Junior High Gym Class

By ENFLover

This story takes place in the 1980s in YourTown, USA...

Hi, I'm Betsy Sue Miller. I am twelve years old and just starting seventh grade, having finally graduated elementary school to junior high. I have straight sandy blonde hair in a longish pageboy cut and blue eyes everyone calls bright. Some say I have a really cute face, especially my snub nose and dimples, but I think I'm just OK. I'm just a hair below average height and slender but not skinny. My belly and butt stick out a little bit and embarrass me. I'm a good girl, I do my chores, get good grades, go to church, and try to be nice to everyone.

Today is my first day of junior high gym class. I'm excited because I was always a good athlete in elementary and it's such fun to run and jump after all those hard math and English classes.

The gruff PE coach, Miss Watcher, didn't waste any time assigning us lockers and gym clothes while taking roll. I was a little surprised that we'd have to change clothes which we never did in elementary. I sure was nervous taking off my clothes in front of the other girls and Miss Watcher who stood arms crossed staring at us. She'd glare at any girl who hesitated, till the poor girl started undressing. I was also worried because my locker was right by the door and scared it'd open any second. And I was a little intimidated by being next to Jewel from math class, a tall girl who had big boobs already. I'm glad I started wearing a training bra this summer or I'd be completely topless in front of everyone.

Well, I put on the shorts and t-shirt like lightning and let out the breath I'd been holding in without even realizing it. In the gym we had a great time getting to know each other and playing games. I was disappointed when Miss Watcher blew her whistle and herded us back to the locker room. After all, we still had plenty of time and it only takes like two minutes to change clothes.

But, oh my lord, that's when I got the biggest surprise: we had to take showers! I told coach that I'd just shower at home, and a bunch of other girls chimed in, but you should have seen the face Miss Watcher made then! She shouted we'd all shower now or shower after she paddled our behinds!

I slowly stripped off my T-shirt and shorts. I stood trembling in my underwear until coach put her rough hand on my shoulder, turned me around and grunted to take everything off. She stood glaring while I slipped my training bra off and quickly covered my chest. It was still pretty flat except little mounds topped by my new puffy nipples. Beneath her gaze I clumsily pushed down my panties and covered my special place with the same hand. I felt the light down - I didn't have pubic hair yet - as I pressed my hand between my legs. I was still trying to figure out how to put my panties in my locker with both hands occupied when Miss Watcher shouted to everyone to not cover up. To keep your hands at our sides unless we were scrubbing.

 But no one had seen me naked since I was a toddler in diapers! I looked up at coach with pleading eyes but she just shook her head and pointed at my hands. My lip was trembling but I closed my eyes and let my hands drop. I took a deep breath and opened them to see Miss Watcher actually looking over my body from toe and head twice, pausing a long time on my breasts and privates. She was staring at my tiny mounds with embarrassingly puffy nipples, and my hairless privates. Why?! I looked down and saw what she saw, a round little mound with a one inch slit and a little button of flesh at the very top. She lifted my chin up so I had to look at her face, and for the first time ever I saw her smile. She called me a little girl, and to go line up for the showers.

I wanted to rush right in - and out - but we had to stand in two lines facing each other. Coach then went to gather soap from a closet. My line was facing the entry door and I was so scared each time I saw the shadow of someone passing under the crack of the door.

I covered up again but coach yelled at us and many of us dropped our protective hands to our sides. Everyone was seeing me naked! I couldn't help but notice some of the girls were bald like me, but most were in various stages of development. Jewel from math class who already had a triangle of hair and boobs actually looked at my bald privates and smirked at me! I was so mortified.

Finally, coach started handing out soap and we filed into the shower room. It was one big open room with no walls or even curtains! It was super bright with big lights and wide windows near the ceiling. There was also one whole wall of windows but we couldn't see into the darkness behind it. One half of it lit up when coach walked into her office and hit a switch. She hit another switch and the showers turned on. She stood there watching us as we stumbled to the shower heads. Because I was so slow I was forced to use a post right in the middle and facing coach. I scrubbed myself, but just couldn't bring myself to rub my breasts, privates, and butt in front of everyone.

It was probably less than ten minutes but it felt like a life time before coach shouted to rinse off and line up for towels. She sat at a little bench and looked each of us over before handing us a towel. Her eyes were just about level with my place and I wanted to cover up so badly!

Back in the locker room I dried off as fast as I could and wanted to dress like lightning again before that dreaded door opened and anyone could see my everything, but coach stopped me with her hand on shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin! I was completely totally naked and here she was grabbing me! She turned me around and told me to wait. My whole body was shaking but I felt I had no choice.

After everyone else was dressed, she told us she had been watching us very carefully in the showers and she didn't like what she saw. I - and a bunch of other girls - gasped. I felt so humiliated. I couldn't help it that I didn't have boobs or hair down there!

She said, no, she wasn't talking about our skinny or flabby of just plain funny bodies. How rude of her!

She continued, saying we girls didn't know how to clean ourselves properly. So she'd give all of us a lesson.

All the other girls formed a semicircle while Miss Watcher dragged me in front of them. Most were confused or embarrassed for me, but Jewel nudged another well developed girl, and they both giggled. Jewel actually pointed her finger at my bare hairless privates and laughed.

''Yes,'' agreed coach, ''That is one of the problem areas''

Oh my lord, coach was making fun of my bald place too!

''Young ladies,'' coach announced.

''And little girls,'' she said mockingly to me. ''You are all growing up and it is very important to maintain proper hygiene. So let's all take a good long hard look at Miss Betsy Sue Miller.''

A few girls who'd avoided shaming me by not looking, were yelled at by coach and now every single eye was looking at my naked body, long and hard. Coach even slowly twirled me around so everyone could see every single inch of my body. I was stunned and blushing, my heart pounding so loud that all the gasps and and comments and laughs sounded like when you're underwater.

 ''None of you did an adequate job cleaning yourselves, but little Betsy here didn't even manage to soap up two of the most important places.''

We all thought she was talking about breasts, and Jewel rudely joked, ''But coach, Betsy doesn't even have any boobs!''

Somehow I felt even more ashamed. Why was coach making a show of my naked body? In one afternoon I had gone from never having been seen naked to this horrible nightmare!

''No, no,'' coach stopped the laughter, ''It is indeed important to wash your entire body, even the inadequate parts, but there are three areas in particular a growing girl needs to carefully wash. The arm pits, which Betsy actually did wash, the -''

But coach was interrupted by the bell ringing to end class. I was literally saved by the bell!

Or so I thought. Coach not only gave permission for our entire class to be late for their next classes, but invited her next class to also gather round for her so called lesson. Now twice as many girls were seeing me completely naked! And my elementary school rival Amber was in the new class and became quick friends with Jewel as they laughed and pointed.

''Oh my god, I get to see that annoying little goodie-two-shoes Betsy Sue buck naked!'' Amber clapped in hands in glee.

''Even better,'' Jewel joined in. ''She's like a naked baby!''

After slowly twirling me around again for the newcomers, once again exposing my front, sideview, and backside, coach continued.

 ''As I was saying, Miss Betsy Sue Miller here, did wash her armpits, but failed to even touch her vulva or anus.

Many, like me, were confused, so coach sighed and explained.

''To use cruder terms, the anus is also called the butthole, and the vulva is the area including and around the vagina. The vulva is crudely called the pussy.''

Everyone gasped at the dirty words.

She turned me around and pointed at my bottom.

''So let's talk about Betsy's butthole. It is very important to clean your anus to avoid getting sick. So, since Betsy acted like a baby and didn't clean herself, I will treat her like a baby and clean her myself.''

I was too stunned to even beg her to stop. She requested volunteers to bring a bucket of water, soap, and wash rags. Of course Jewel and Amber quickly complied. Now each stood just a foot away from my naked body, looking me up and down and grinning. They were close enough now that they could even see the little button of flesh at the top of my slit. Jewel asked what I was hiding in there, and they laughed some more.

Amber pinched the little swell of my belly, and cooed, ''Little bald baby Betsy has baby fat here. And here.'' And she poked my behind.

Of course coach made sure they didn't obstruct the view of her lesson. I thought I couldn't be mortified any more, until coach reached down and pulled my butt cheeks apart. I felt the air-conditioning blow on a place it had never done before!

''Everyone, take a good look at Betsy's butthole,'' coach continued.

I foolishly craned my head around to see, and yes, everyone, either from fear or glee was staring at what was between my butt cheeks. I had never even seen that!

But coach was careful to describe it: ''You can see in the middle of Betsy's peach colored buttocks, a darker peach colored section of wrinkles that makes a little star. This is where Betsy poops from.''

 Gales of laughter interrupted her. ''Yes, this is where Betsy poops from so it is very important to thoroughly clean it.''

Coach asked her volunteers to hold my buttocks wide open, which they gleefully did, and proceeded to vigorously scrub my poor little anus, remarking to always scrub up and away from the pussy.

''You don't want to scrub poop into your pussy. And it is very important to completely dry your anus to avoid itch and fungus,'' and she proceeded to vigorously dry me.

Finally she proclaimed, ''See, now little Betsy's butthole is squeaky clean. My jaw dropped when she actually ran her bare finger over my bare butthole!

''All right let's turn you around.''

I dutifully turned to face the two full groups of my classmates. They were less shy about examining my completely naked body now. I was definitely not less shy, and was dying of embarrassment.

Coach continued my humiliation, ''As Jewel noted and you all can see, Betsy is very underdeveloped. Not only does she only have puffy nipples on her chest to prove she is not a little boy, but she has no pubic, or pussy, hair at all. You can tell she doesn't just shave her hair off, because you can see a very fine down that would be gone if she could shave.''

 Jewel and Amber both knelt down, their faces inches away from my pussy. I could feel their snort of laughter. They both stood, smirked at my mortified face and declared, ''Yep, she's naturally bald like a baby!''

But coach wasn't done.

 ''Though it will be more important when she grows up, everyone here needs to know to thoroughly clean your vulvas to eliminate embarrassing odors and painful infections. Betsy here has a neat little girl's pussy, it looks like just a slit. But there is more than meets the eye.''

I gasped as coach actually touched my pussy!

''These are just the outer lips,'' she said as she pulled them apart much to my shock and horror. ''Between these are the inner lips. Everyone come up closer to get a better look at your classmate's pussy.''

 And the class moved humiliatingly close to me, my friends offered apologetic shrugs but still stared. Some of the other girls were just as bad as Jewel and Amber, not even hiding their grins, laughter, and mocking comments.

''Oh just look at baby Betsy's darling little breast buds!''

And, ''Haha, she really doesn't have any hair down there!''

''OK, OK,'' interrupted coach. ''Let's all focus on Betsy's pussy.''

And, oh my lord, did they! I looked down and for the first time saw the pearly pink beneath my outer lips as coach called them. And so did everyone else! Then she reached even further, pulling apart a thin ridge of me she'd just unveiled.

''And these,'' she told all my gawking classmates, ''Are Betsy's inner lips. When I pull them apart you can see a couple of holes. The tiny one in the middle is Betsy's urethra, or peehole. Yes, that is where Betsy pees from.''

Amber took the opportunity to lean her fully clothed body over my fully naked one, and whisper in my ear, ''Heehee, I can see your peehole Betsy!''

''The small hole below this is Betsy's most private place of all, her actual vagina. Though no one would find flat hairless Betsy attractive now-''

  I cringed and felt so ashamed as some girls laughed at coach's mean remark.

But coach just barreled along, ''Eventually Betsy will grow up and the vagina is . . . Is important for making babies. But we'll discuss all that later in sex ed. Right now you just need to study Betsy's pussy carefully so you know what's what and know that it is very important to clean, especially after exercising.''

''Excuse me Miss Watcher, '' Amber asked oh so politely,''But Jewel and I were wondering what that little button is at the top of Betsy's pussy.''

Coach grimaced a moment then gave a smirk and said, ''Well, you'll learn more about that in sex ed class maybe. But I will at least tell you now that it is called the clitoris or clit for short. Every girl has one and in some girls it sticks out, and in some it is hidden in that little hood there.''

She pointed and everyone looked at the tiny triangle of flesh at the top of my slit.

''On Betsy,'' she continued, ''You can just see the tip of the hood, but watch as i slide back the hood, and you can Betsy's little clit.''

 And everyone could now see my formerly well hidden pink button, or clit. As she nonchalantly talked about my most secret places, she accidentally brushed my clit with the tip of her finger and I jumped as if struck by lightning.

She squeezed my shoulder and said, ''Oh I'm sorry Betsy.''

She actually apologized for something!

''Yes, class, the clitoris is also the most sensitive spot on the human body. But enough about Betsy's anatomy.''

 She moved her fingers from my pussy and I thought, finally this is over!

''Yes, girls,'' coach announced, ''Now it is time to demonstrate how to properly clean a pussy, in this case, little Betsy's pussy. Amber and Jewel, would you please hold Betsy's pussy lips open for me?''

''Yes ma'am!'' They answered in unison. How come no one ever asked me!?

Amber clamped my right pussy lip between her thumb and forefinger with an expression like she was picking up a dead rat, but I saw the excited gleam in her eye. With her other hand she pulled my face to hers so I could see her evil leer.

Looking back and forth from my pussy to my face, she whispered, ''Well little Betsy, who'd of thought today I'd finally have you completely in my grasp?

Jewel held my left lip open, and coach set to cleaning my pussy with a wet rag, explaining all the while. I looked around at all the gawking faces and then at the ceiling, not hearing anything, until coach asked my tormentors to open my inner lips. I definitely experienced some strange sensations as two girls and a woman eagerly scrubbed, dried, and discussed all my most private places.

Coach then slid her finger all the way inside my vagina - I felt as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey as it forced its way deeper. She then asked a silly question about my hobbies!

''Betsy, do you like riding horses or bikes?''

I answered that yes, I rode ponies this summer and rode a bike every day.

Coach said, ''Well that explains it.''

No, your weird question does not explain why you have your finger deep inside me!

Her finger still inside me, she addressed the class, ''Girls, the reason I can slide my finger this deep into Betsy is because riding horses and bikes has torn her hymen. The hymen, or cherry, is a membrane that blocks entrance into the vagina until it is broken. And once open, you can clean your vagina with your fingers. Or one finger if you're as tight as Betsy here.''

She matter-of-factly explained all this as she fingered my deepest parts!

I was pretty numb by the time coach pulled out and ran her other finger from vagina to clitoris to prove I was indeed squeaky clean, making me literally squeak, much to the amusement of the class.

I thought the worst was over.

Then it happened. The thing I dreaded, but had forgotten all about during coach's lesson: the door to the locker room opened. Wide open. And a gaggle of nerdy looking boys holding a bunch of equipment stood in the doorway and stared at my open mouthed face, my puffy pink nipples atop my tiny mounds, the swell of my little belly, the slight curve of my bare hips, and, because Amber and Jewel never had the decency to let go, my spread open pussy!

There was a complete shocked silence from girls, coach, and boys, until one of those idiots dropped something that crashed on the tiles.

The silence broken, one of the boys said, ''Betsy is that you?''

''On my God,'' another boy said, ''It is you Betsy! Why are you n-n-naked?!''

Of course the boys had to be from my old sixth grade class, Wally and Milo. Wally had asked to go steady with me and after I turned him down, teased and pulled pranks on me. Milo was my academic rival and often made bets he would beat me on the latest quiz, but always lost.

But no prank could cause as much humiliation as being completely naked in front of Wally, and Milo had never lost as much as I had now, giving up every detail of my pussy to Milo's gaze.

Jewel said, ''Whoops!'' And let go of my pussy lip finally, acting if she was the one who should be embarrassed.

Amber let go of my other lip, but just waved and said, ''Hey, hi guys. How're you enjoying your first day of junior high?''

Coach came to her senses, stomped her foot and shouted, ''What are you boys doing here in the girls' locker room?!''

A tall gangly boy with cokebottle glasses answered, ''We are so sorry ma'am, but the other coach told us that at this time the girls would be in the gym and the locker room would be empty.''

''The school received funds to renovate the locker rooms,'' a boy with acne explained. ''And the contractor needs photos and footage to make estimates.''

A chubby boy continued, ''We're from the audio visual class and our teacher made an assignment out of it.''

During this whole conversation, though the boys were talking to the coach, their eyes never left my completely nude body. After my stunned silence was broken I of course frantically tried to cover myself or run away. But though Amber and Jewel looked like they were sympathetically supporting me, those evil girls were actually holding me and my arms in place and exposing me to those boys. All I could do was squirm between the two bigger girls. Amber made a point to push her large tight sweatered chest against my flat one, as if for the boys' comparison.

''Yeah,''said Wally eyes glued to my tiny mounds. ''We were supposed to take photos.''

And he took a photo!

Milo added, staring down at my bald pussy lips, ''And v-v-video for the contractor.''

And raised his camcorder with its red blinking light.

Only now did I realize what all that bulky equipment they were carrying was: big cameras with long lenses and a couple of those new fangled video tape recorders!

Coach stomped her foot again. ''I don't care why you're here! Get out!''

The boys apologized profusely, making all kinds of long winded speeches, but it was obvious they couldn't take their eyes, or their cameras and camcorders, off my naked body.

Realizing they were being recorded, Amber and Jewel finally let go. I quickly turned around and hunched over. Then I realized I was just showing off my backside to them. I turned back around, but even covering myself I couldn't bear their greedy looks and clicking and whirring gizmos. In my panic I acted like a pill bug: I dropped flat on my back, pulled my legs to my chest, and wrapped my arms around my knees. I thought they wouldn't be able to see my private parts, but I later found out I had assumed one of the worst positions to preserve a girl's modesty. Instead I was showing off my pussy lips between my thighs and a perfect view of my butthole.

Coach kept yelling until the boys finally retreated, stupid grins on their faces.

Coach helped me up and patted my shaking shoulders and did a terrible job consoling me.

''Poor little Betsy, I'm so sorry those boys got to not only see you completely naked, but also everything inside your wide open pussy. And they had a long time to look, too. Why didn't you cover up?''

I looked for Amber and Jewel but they had already fled the scene of the crime.

''But don't worry Betsy,'' coach continued very unhelpfully. ''With your pathetic underdeveloped body, they probably weren't too interested. Your tiny breasts with those funny nipples of yours, and your bald pussy wouldn't attract anyone, like a real girl's body would.''

I quickly got dressed during coach's terrible consolations and then ran to my next class. But Jewel was already there, helpfully explaining to the teacher and whole class exactly why we were late in great detail. Everyone, including the shocked teacher, just stared at me.

My first day at junior high was going to be a long one.

The End

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