Babysitting Thomas and Barbara 1


Copyright 2024 by NAMB all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Babysitting Thomas and Barbara

The Assignment

Mrs. Mercer had concerns about attending the seminar. She would be gone for more than a week. The seminar was in the same city where her sister lived, and she decided to take the weekends on either side of the event for a visit.

She had never left her children alone for so long and did not have a reliable babysitter until one of the members in her women’s group told her about Hannah Wilson. “She’s by far the best babysitter I’ve ever had. The kids love her and there has been a change in how they treat each other. They used to fight all the time. Ever since Hannah’s been sitting them, they get along just fine.

Everyone who uses her says the same thing. She has a knack for getting snarling siblings to play nice with each other.

I’ll give you her number and some numbers of other women who have used her. You can call them yourself.


“This should be a fairly easy babysitting assignment,” Hannah Wilson thought, “Two kids: boy Thomas, and a girl Barbara. They’re older and should be well behaved. I hate bratty toddlers.

It’s also a week-long gig and a lot of cash.”

Thomas didn’t think so and expressed his opinion to his mother, “Mom, I’m 14 and I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Under normal circumstances, I’d agree, but I will be out of town for over a week That’s too much time for something bad to happen. Hannah is 16. She has a driver’s license. She can get either you or your sister to the urgent care if needs be. I’ll be leaving her some money so she can take you and your sister out to a movie or ice cream or something.”

“I don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to like it; you just have to accept it. Besides, Hannah will be taking care of Barbara as well, this way you don’t have to. I am told that she is a good cook, so you won’t have to do the that, but I do expect the two of you to help Hannah clean up.

I know you are getting older and feel like you are entitled to some independence and that it is difficult to take orders from someone else, especially a stranger.”

“A stranger who is barely older than me and a girl, too!” Tom thought.

“All I am asking is that you don’t give her a hard time.”

“OK, mom.”

Friday afternoon arrived and Hannah reported to the Mercer’s early. She was a responsible babysitter and considered punctuality important.

Mrs. Mercer gave her final instructions including emergency numbers and emergency cash. “I’ll have my phone with me all the time. I will have it on vibrate during the seminars, so you should be able to reach me 24/7.”

“Have a good time at the conference and have a safe trip.”

Mrs. Mercer left and Hannah turned to the two kids. “So what do you guys want to do this evening?"

Barbara piped up, “There’s this movie I want to watch, can we?”

“How about you, Tom, do you want to watch the movie, too?”

“No, it’s a little girl movie. I watched about 5 minutes of it the first time she watched it; it’s definitely not my thing. I’ll probably play games on my computer since mom won’t let me go out while she’s gone.”

“Thanks for understanding. Your mom gave me a lot of instructions on limits. It’s not my idea to keep you cooped up, but it does make some sense. I’m glad you’re not giving me a hard time on this. I don’t have a choice.

Your mom also asked me to make sure you studied for your history test next week.”

The boy frowned but said nothing and went up to his room.

“Come on, Barbara, you can help me get things set up for dinner.” The two girls retired to the kitchen.

A Conversation with Barbara

Hannah had an agenda. Ever since she was a little girl, she detested the way boys got away with things and how they treated girls. She was a confirmed female supremist and believed that girls should rule boys. She used her position as a babysitter to make this happen when she could. The Mercers were new to her, and she had to plan carefully.

As the girls were working in the kitchen Hannah said, “So Barbara, have you ever considered being a babysitter?”

“Sure, I can’t wait until I get older.”

“How old are you now?”

“I’m 11.”

“Well, then you’re almost there. I started when I was 12.”


“Well, my first assignments were small. Taking care of the kids next door when they got home from school until their mother got home from work. It was only about an hour a dayBut I worked my way up from there.

Would you like to help me babysit this week?”

“Yes, but who are we going to babysit? I can’t babysit myself and Tom is older than me.”

“I know some girls who babysit boys older than them.”


“It’s not usual but these boys have ‘special needs.’” Hannah did not go into what those “special needs” were.

“Wow, I never thought of that.”

“It’s true, girls mature much faster than boys. I bet you noticed part of that already. I bet you and some of the other girls in your class are taller than some of the boys.”

Barbara nodded.

“Boys catch up eventually, but for the next couple of years, you girls will be ahead of boys your own age.”

“Just follow on my heels and I’ll show you some tricks.

I think you’ll like being a babysitter. One of the fun things I like to do is give little boys their baths.

Have you ever seen a boy naked? Do you know what boy’s look like?”

“Well not for real. There are drawings in a book my mom gave me and then a friend of mine has a boy-doll and it has a penis, but we haven’t played with it for a while. Some of my friends have baby brothers and they told me they’ve seen them.”

“I’m impressed that you called it a penis.”

“Mom’s pretty good about that. She keeps me informed. I like it when I can tell other girls it’s a penis when they’re calling it a pee-pee or wiener. It makes me feel more grown-up.”

“That’s the way it should be. So, I don’t even have to ask. It’s obvious that you’ve never seen your brother.”

“No, I haven’t. Maybe if he were younger, it would be different.”

“Age really doesn’t have anything to do with it. Girls see their brothers naked all the time, even their older brothers.”


“Maybe your brother is just too modest. I’ve seen my brother naked as late as last week and he’s 18.”


“We’ll have to see what we can do to get you caught up with other girls your age.”

“One down and another to go,” Hannah thought. “I got her thinking about boys and penises and girls seeing them and it being natural for sisters to see their brothers naked and that maybe she’s missing out.”

Outwardly she said “I’m going to the bedroom where I’ll be staying and get unpacked. I’ll be right back out.”

Hannah did the promised unpacking; she also changed her clothes. She took off the bulky shirt and jeans and replaced them with a very revealing top and the shortest shorts possible.

When she came back in the kitchen, she said to Barbara “Let’s go check in on your brother.”

The girls went upstairs and Hannah knocked on Tom’s door.

“Come in,” came the muffled reply.

Tom was sitting there with his computer paused.

“How’s it going?” Hannah asked.

Hannah had to stifle a laugh when she saw his reaction to her new outfit.

Tom nearly choked out his response, “Boring. I must have played this game a hundred times, I need to get some new ones.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, maybe I can help. I have a friend who showed me some ‘cracks.’ Maybe I can get you some new games.”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“Maybe after dinner. Why don’t you start studying for that history test. If you can get it out of the way, then we’ll see about the games, and you can enjoy the rest of the week.”

Why don’t you read us some of the lesson and Barbara and I can question you on it and that way you’ll be sure to ace the test?”

Tom opened his book and started reading. It became immediately apparent that he was having difficulty with the words.

After several minutes, Hannah said, “Tom, stop reading and give me the book.

You can’t read, can you?”

Tom bowed his head and shook it. “It’s so hard. I don’t know. I look at the words, but they don’t make sense unless I sound them out.”

Hannah took his hand, “It’s OK we’ll help you out.

Having any kind of a problem is nothing to be ashamed of as long as you are willing to get help and work at it. I’ll talk to your mom about this when she gets back. There’s a program in the school that can help you. Reading is important, whatever it is you like to do, there’s a book written about it.

We can find some books on topics that you like, and you’ll soon discover that you want to read. The more you read, the better you’ll get at doing it.

For this weekend, I will read your lesson to you.

Barbara, are you willing to help?”

The girl nodded excitedly.

“It’s going to take a while for his reading skills to get up to par. Are you willing to read his lessons to him every night until then?”

“I’d love to and then when I get to his grade, I’ll already know everything I have to know.”

“Maybe they’ll skip you a grade then and you’ll move up to a class of boys who are closer to you in maturity.”

The two girls took turns reading the lesson to Tom who picked up on it quickly.

“Man, it makes a lot more sense when I don’t have to struggle with the words. You girls are fantastic.

Thank you, Hannah. You too, sis!”

“Barbara, could you do me a favor. Could you go down to the kitchen and preheat the oven to 350. I’ve had my ‘girl talk’ with you earlier. I’d like to talk to your brother privately to get to know him better.”

A Conversation with Tom

After the girl left, Hannah said, “That’s quite a boner you got in your pants, boy!”

Tom blushed.

“I noticed that you haven’t taken your eyes off my boobs since I got in here.”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

“It’s OK, I know all about boys. I have an older brother, Jason.

I bet if I spent 5 minutes searching your room, I’d find a dirty magazine somewhere. How about it, should I check under the mattress?”

“No, don’t do that.”

“I thought so. Under the mattress is the first place a mom will check, if she suspects that her son is jerking off. You do jerk off, don’t you?”

“I, ah, um ...”

“I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t worry about it, all boys do it.”

“You know about it?”

“As I said, I have an older brother. I caught him doing it once. He tried to cover up, but I asked if he would let me watch and I did.”


“Yes, in fact it works out well for both of us. I like watching him do it and he doesn’t have to hide it from me anymore. All we have to do is wait for our parents to be out and that happens a lot.”

Hannah did not tell Tom that her brother’s “cooperation” wasn’t exactly voluntary. She had secretly taken some pictures of him doing it and was using them to blackmail him into submission not only for her, but for her female cousins, her friends and their sisters. His “private parts” were not so private to at least a score of girls.

Hannah went on, “So we can be on the same side on this issue.

I know how horny a boy your age can be. According to what my brother tells me, a boner like that can be very uncomfortable.

So, I can either we keep things as they are and you don’t get to do anything with it. Or, as an incentive, I can remove the controls on your computer to allow you access to some very interesting sites and you jerk off for me and your sister.”

“What? I can’t do it with Barbara watching. She’s too young.”

“I was only 10 when I first saw my brother do it. She’s mature. She can handle it.”

“Oh shit!”

“Think about it. How many times in the past have you wanted to beat your meat but couldn’t because Barbara was around?

She can even help and do it for you.”

“Have her touch me? No way.”

“You can deny her, but I would advise you let her do it. I have a lot of friends who give their boyfriends hand jobs, and all the boys claim that it feels better when a girl does them than when they do it themselves.”

What Hannah did not tell Tom was that these hand jobs were usually conducted at CFNM parties with multiple girls and boys in attendance.

“I don’t know.”

“Let me show you how good I can be on this.

First of all, don’t put your magazines under the mattress. As I said, that’s the first place moms look. Make a big pouch out of cardboard and tape and tape it to the back of the headboard.”

Hannah got up and walked across the room. She picked up the trash can. “Aha, that’s a lot of tissue you got there. It’s all wadded up and caked. Either you have a very runny nose or that’s something else. Smart moms know to look for this too!

Use paper towels, they absorb more so you’ll only need one sheet. Then dispose of it in the kitchen trash. If you use tissues, flush them down the toilet. In fact, if you kneel in front of the toilet when you do it, you can ejaculate into it and flush away the evidence all in one act.”

“These are good ideas. How do you know about them and why are you telling me?

Wait, let me guess, you’ve seen your older brother do all these things.”

“That’s right. I’m just passing on the benefits of my brother’s experience besides, I want you to trust me.”

“I can’t believe that I’m talking to a girl about this stuff. I don’t even talk to my friends about it.”

“I’m not just a girl. I’m your babysitter and I am older than you. I know a lot about sex and if you want to learn it, just go along with what I say.”


Hannah figured that she had planted that seed at the appropriate depth and went onto something new, “Now let me at that computer of yours. I guess your mom has some limits put on there that keeps you from getting to all those web sites your friends are telling you about.”

Hannah sat at the computer. She shut it down and plugged a USB stick in it. When she turned it back on, the screen was entirely different. She typed in a couple of commands.

“There,” she said, “All I need is the WIFI password that your mother gave me and … like that, you’re in.” She launched a browser and went to a URL and up came a picture of a woman performing oral sex on a man.

“What did you do to my computer. My games are on there. My homework is there. I have pictures on there,” he said with a panicked voice.

“Don’t worry, shut down the computer, take the stick out and start up and everything will be as it was.” She demonstrated by doing what she just told him.

“Now everything is back to normal,” she said pocketing the drive.

“What kind of magic is on that stick?”

“It’s just something my geek friend taught me to do. She teaches me technology and I teach her about boys.”

“Where can I get one?”

“Do as I say, and I’ll give you one. I can always make more. In fact, they are so easy to make, I can do it tomorrow morning. All I need is a spare thumb drive.”

“I got a 6-pack of them for my birthday. I still have three with nothing on them.”

“Good, because the process wipes out whatever is on the stick, but the good thing is that you can save whatever you download directly on the stick so your computer remains ‘clean’ in case someone else wants to inspect it.”

From downstairs she heard Barbara call, “The oven’s ready!”

“We’ll be right down,” she replied.

To Tom, she said, “Think about what we just talked about.”

Barbara’s First Penis

Dinner was a casserole-like affair. It went from refrigerator to oven to table in about 30 minutes. Barbara helped her with the salad.

“You’re really nice for a babysitter. Can I ask you a question?”


“It’s kind of about what we talked about before.”

“You can ask me anything, Barbara. I won’t tell anyone unless you want me to.”

“Tommy had a lump in his pants. Was that his … penis?”

“Yes Barbara, it was.”

“Why was it poking up. It doesn’t do that all the time. Sometimes it’s there and sometimes, it’s not.”

“Tom was having an erection. Do you know what that is?”

The girl shook her head, “no.”

“When a boy gets sexually excited, blood fills his penis and makes it swell, it gets bigger and harder.”

“Why does he make it do that?”

“He doesn’t really have control over it. When boys see pretty girls, for example, they will get hard down there. It really has to do more with us girls than the boy himself. All we have to do is be girls and all they have to do is look at us.”


“Look, I think I can convince Tom to show us his penis. Would you like to see that?”

Barbara was bouncing up and down with excitement, “Of course I would! How are you going to get him to do it?”

“Just leave that to me. Let’s not talk about this anymore until after dinner. OK?”


Hannah noted that both kids seemed agitated at dinner. Tom just pushed his food around with his fork and Barbara was taking the smallest of bites

Tom was obviously mulling over Hannah’s proposal in his mind. He had friends who bragged about surfing the web to some exciting stuff and now all that would be within his reach. It would mean exposing himself to his kid sister. Would it be worth the price?

Barbara was anticipating the excitement of seeing her older brother’s penis. She had friends, too, who bragged about seeing big boy penises, but none were as old as her brother’s. She fantasized about how popular she would be with the girls in her class if she could show him off to them.

The kids went through the motions of helping Hannah clean up. Hannah knew that she had them when they both turned down dessert.

“OK, kids,” Hannah said, “There is something I want to talk to the both of you about.”

Each child was prepared for an after-dinner address, but neither of them knew that Hannah had pushed them towards the same place.

They sat down in the living room and Hannah began. “Tom, have you decided what you want to do for the rest of the weekend?” she asked. In any other kind of context, it was an innocent question. However, with all the thoughts Hannah put in his mind, it had only a sexual kind of context.

“Does Barbara have to be there?”

“Yes, she does. Think about it, what would she think if we both went into your room and locked the door? What would she tell your mom?”

Barbara was about to say something, but Hannah cut her off, “Wait Barbara, your turn will come.”

Tom asked, “But I get the stick after this is over?”

“The fish is following the bait.” Hannah thought.

“Will it be just this one time?”

“He’s opening his mouth.” Aloud she said, “For just the rest of the week, if that’s what you want, but I think you’re going to want to do this a lot once you feel how good it will be.”

“And I get the stick in the end?”


“Yes you do.”

“So how do we do this?” he asked.

“How about we take it slow.”

Turning to the young girl, she said, “Hannah, this is a big step. A girl only has one ‘first penis’ in her lifetime. Do you still want to see your brother’s penis?”

“You talked to her about this?” Tom asked, shocked.

“Of course, I did. She’s a girl and girls share secrets.”

“I repeat. Hannah, do you want to see Tom’s penis?”

“Yes,” she added meekly.

“Tom, stand up, face your sister and take it out like you are going to make pee.”

Tom had to make up his mind. He knew that he could back out, but the embarrassment factor had already come into play. His sister knew that he was at least thinking about it and who knows what else Hannah told her.

Nonetheless, exposing himself to his sister was an irreversible step. There will be a time in his life before he showed her and another time in his life after he showed her. This was the defining moment.

It would also be a first time for him, too. If he was to be his sister’s “first penis,” then she would be the first girl to see his penis since he started puberty. There was something about being any girl’s “first penis” that excited him.

The boy’s face was red with rushing blood as he slowly lowered the zipper on his pants. “I can’t believe I am doing this,” he thought, but in defiance of his brain, his fingers completed the act of exposing his penis to the two girls.

Barbara gave a gasp then giggled into a cupped hand. Hannah just smiled. She had probably seen naked boys hundreds of times, but getting boys naked was always the most fun part and getting a boy naked for the first time was always a special event.

Getting a boy naked in the presence of another girl was a bonus, especially if the other girl is a kid sister. It made her feel good that the boy would have a full-time female companion to help him with his training. Girls need to stick together on things like this.

The three of them remained silent, the boy with hands at his side and his penis dangling out of the hole in his pants, Hannah standing at his side and Barbara leaning so far forward that she was almost off her seat. Sitting as she was put her brother’s penis at eye level, and she had the best view in the room.

Hannah broke the silence. She put a hand on Tom’s shoulder to reassure him and said, “Barbara, why don’t you reach out and touch it.”

In a slow and deliberate move, Barbara extended her hand and first put just a finger tip to the head of his organ. This bit of stimulation caused it to twitch and she withdrew it as if she had touched a hot iron, but giggling instead of crying in pain.

“Come on, girl. You can do better than that!” Hannah coached her. Hannah reached down and wrapped her hand around the shaft and gave it a squeeze. Tom let out a sigh.

“Be bold. Hold it like I just did. These things may look delicate but they are relatively tough you can ‘girl handle’ them. His balls are another thing. You have to be careful with them.”

Barbara spent several minutes exploring the boy’s organ.

“What’s happening?” she exclaimed. “It’s getting bigger.”

“He’s having an erection like we talked about. It means he likes what you’re doing to him. Isn’t that right, Tom?”

Tom was startled out of his trance, “It feels funny. I’ve never had anyone else touch me there. It doesn’t feel like that when I touch it.”

“I told you that girls have a special touch. Let your sister continue.”

Barbara played with her brother’s penis until it leaked.

“What’s that? It doesn’t look like pee.”

“It’s called pre-cum, Barbara. When a boy gets excited, his penis gets hard and if it stays hard long enough then it starts leaking out fluid. Go ahead, feel it. It won’t hurt you.”

Barbara stuck her finger out and wiped the drop off Tom’s pee hole. She giggled again when his penis twitched in response to her touch. She rubbed it between her fingers. “It’s slippery, but it’s also sticky.”

She put her finger to her nose and sniffed, “It doesn't smell like pee.”

“I dare you to taste it.”

“Oh, yuck! He makes pee there.”

“Don’t be such a baby. Here, I’ll do it.” Hannah took hold of the boy’s penis, gave the head a squeeze and milked out the next drop of pre-cum. She swiped the drop with her finger and slowly put it in her mouth and sucked on it seductively.

Barbara followed her example reluctantly. “It tastes a bit salty.”

“OK, I think we done enough for down here. Tom, I want you to go upstairs to your room and take off your clothes – all of them. Barbara and I will be up in a couple of minutes.”

“Do I have to? You girls have already seen all the good stuff.”

“No we haven’t there’s still the matter of seeing the rest of your body. Your sister has never seen an adult – well, almost adult male before. It’s important for her to learn about this.

And besides, if we’ve seen ‘the good stuff’ then what’s the sense of hiding the rest?”

“I don’t know, it just seems funny to have no clothes on at all.”

“Do you feel funny when you go to the pool and have a bathing suit on?”


“Well, this is just the same except without the bathing suit. Now stop arguing and get upstairs and you better be naked when we get there.” She said this with such severity that Tom did not want to consider the consequences if he disobeyed her.

Barbara’s First Cum

Tom went up the steps, erect penis waving from side to side as he walked, leaving the two girls downstairs.

Barbara just sat there with her mouth open. Finally, she got up the courage to say, “Wow, that was fantastic. I can’t believe I just did that. I can’t believe Tom let me do it.”

“There are a several reasons I’m doing this,” Hannah said. “First, I believe in female supremacy. The world is currently run by men, but that’s not working out so well. Girls should rule boys and Mother Nature gave us the tool to do it. It’s called a penis.

I remember when I was a little girl that I was envious that boys had penises. I must be nice to be able to pee standing up. It would be nice to have one available to play with all the time. Then I thought, ‘Why should boys have all the fun?’ and started to plan on how I could get my brother to allow me to play with his.

When I got older, I found out that a penis isn’t an asset; It’s a liability. Boys are enslaved by it. Control the penis and you control the boy. As for having a penis to play with all the time, I still get to do that, and since you have a brother, you’ll have that opportunity, too!”

“Do you mean that I can make him get naked for me whenever I want?”

“That, and more, too. Stick with me kid, I’ll show you how to ‘train’ your brother to be a good boy. He’ll do more than just get naked on demand; he’ll go out of his way to please you.”

“Why did you send him upstairs?”

“You saw that he didn’t want to get completely undressed. He’s right, we already showed us most of the good stuff. I ordered him to strip because *I* wanted him naked. It’s a matter of proving I have control over him.

You need to do the same thing. You have to make him take it out and show it to you from time to time even when you don’t have time to play with it properly. It’s not like you need a refresher as to what he looks like, it’s just a constant reminder that you’re in charge.

The other reason I sent him upstairs was for his own benefit. He’s going to be embarrassed being naked in front of two fully clothed girls especially you since you’re his sister and you are younger and he knows you’ll see him all the time.

It’s sort of like ripping off a band aid fast, it hurts a lot, but the pain is short-lived. Being caught naked is embarrassing; having to get naked is worse.

Eventually, we get him to the point where he can be made to strip on demand, but we’ll ease into that.

OK, I think we gave him enough time. Let’s go up and see our prize.”

His door was closed, but the two girls just opened it and walked in. Tom was sitting on his bed and immediately moved his hands over his genitals.

Hannah laughed, “Silly boy. We’ve already seen everything. No covering up. No hiding things. Stand up with your hands on your head.”

“Turn around and let your sister get a good look at you all over.”

Tom felt like a little figurine in a jewelry shop on display. The only things missing were the protective glass and the small, velvet-covered turntable.

“I want to make sure that you are perfectly prepared for your sister. You are not only her first penis, but you will also be her first ejaculation and I want to make sure you have a good one for her.

Let me pull up some sites to get both of you in the mood.”

“What’s she doing?” Barbara asked as Hannah got out her USB stick.

“I don’t know but it does something to the computer, it comes up looking entirely different, but it lets you get to all kinds of sites.”

Soon there was a browser and there was a site called, “Forced Nudity Archives.”

Hannah said, “This one is for you Barbara. There are a lot of stories on this site, but no pictures. But the site has mostly stories about girls like you being in charge of boys like your brother. There are some stories where the boys are in charge and there are some stories where both sides get naked, but mostly it’s CFNM – that’s clothed female, naked male.”

Barbara’s eyes sparkled, “Oh, I like that idea.”

“I promised your brother a stick like this if he was a good boy. I’ll make a stick for you too so you can get to the site any time you want and read the stories to get some ideas.”

Hannah read them a couple of stories. Then she selected one of them for Barbara to read. She could see both Tom and Barbara blush: the boy with embarrassment and the girl with excitement.

“Wow, I wish things like that were true,” Barbara beamed.

“They are. Just look around you now. We’re living one of those stories. The story I just had you read was about a babysitter who made boys get naked for their sisters and that’s just one of a whole series of stories like that. I think it’s a lot more common than people think.

How about some pictures now?”

Hannah brought up some sites featuring CFNM. At first it was CFNM cartoons but then went to sites with actual pictures.

“Look at that,” Barbara ventured, “It looks like some of these were taken at a club of some kind, I knew they had them for men, but I didn’t know that they had them for women.”

“I told you that CFNM is a lot more common than a lot of people think.”

“And some look like they were taken at a party and some even just men and women, maybe husband and wife together.”

“It’s all part of what is known as ‘female domination:’ women and girls in charge of men and boys.”

Tom was quiet for the whole time.

Hannah eventually got to some videos showing men jerking off for clothed women.

Barbara was slacked-jawed looking at the monitor. “Why do men do that?”

“Jerking off, which is what you are watching, makes the boy feel good. That’s the physical reason for it. Doing it for women makes it feel even better. That’s the psychological reason.”

“Can we make Tom do that?”

“Yes, that’s what we are here for.”

“I assume you can do it while kneeling.”

The boy nodded.

“I almost forgot. I need one last item.” Hannah went into the bathroom and returned with a towel. She spread it out on the floor beside his bed.

“What’s that for?” Barbara asked and then answered her own question. “Is Tom going to squirt like the men in the videos?”

Tom, get down on your knees facing us and start jerking off.”

The boy did as he was instructed.

“Don’t look at your penis,” Hannah ordered, “Look at us. Look us in the face. You are doing this because being a boy and being horny, you want to do it, but you are also doing it because us girls want you to do it.

Barbara, undoubtedly, you’ll want to concentrate on his penis, but if you sit back, you can watch the whole boy. The entire body tells a story, particularly his face. Boys make the funniest looks when they cum.

And you, Tom, look at the girl when you masturbate for her. It’s the polite thing to do. You can see how much pleasure you are giving her.

Yes, it feels good when you do it, but it also makes the girl feel good too. Put on a good show for her.”

Tom continued to jerk off. Barbara leaned forward trying to get as close as possible.

“She’ll learn,” Hannah thought, “After all this is her first jerk off. I can’t blame a girl for being more than curious.”

Tom was at it for only a matter of several minutes when his body started to tighten up. He could feel the sexual energy building up. It’s like the static charge caused by the air currents in a thunderstorm. They start off mild and keep building until the air can no longer contain it.

Tom’s sexual tension was the same. It started as a slight tickling accompanied by an erection. As it grew, his muscles tightened, starting in the core and moving out to the extremities. The sensation reached his diaphragm causing him to breathe in gasps. His heart raced. His arms and legs became paralyzed. Eventually, he could no longer contain it and like a lightning bolt from a storm, he ejaculated.

Each of his muscles spasmed and control of them collapsed with each ejaculation.

What the girls experienced was seeing his body trembling and hearing guttural and incomprehensible cries. Then all at once, he stopped breathing and his body froze.

“Here it comes,” Hannah cautioned her charge.

Tom let loose with a long, leaping string of semen. Even from his kneeling position, it arced three feet in the air and 5 feet downrange.

Both girls gasped. Each shot after was a show in itself. Eventually the ejaculations dampened out until they were just twitches and dribbles.

Even Hannah, who was experienced at watching boys ejaculate was impressed. “Wow,” she said, “I’ve never seen a boy cum so much or shoot it so far. You even shot some to the edge of the towel. We better get it up. There’s so much stuff there that it might soak through.”

Tom collapsed on his haunches.

“Come, Barbara, let’s help your brother get up and onto the bed. Cumming takes a lot out of a boy. He has to recover.”

Tom was in and out of consciousness as he lay between the two girls who were sitting on the bed either side of him.

Hannah said, “Don’t expect all boys to cum like that. Your brother has a good sized penis for a boy of his age and it is perfectly shaped, but I’ve never seen a boy cum like that: not even on the internet.”

“Is he OK?” Barbara asked with some concern.

“He will be alright. He might even be able to cum again in a while. With a normal boy that can be anywhere from 15 minutes to a half an hour. But as much as he came, I don’t know.

He seems to be both physically drawn and emotionally worn.

Let’s let him rest.”

Turning to Tom and pulling the covers over him Hannah suggested, “You look like you need a nap. Will you be OK?”

The boy nodded a “yes.”

“Barbara, why don’t you go downstairs and set up the video player and get us some snacks. I’ll ‘tuck your brother in.’ I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Hannah, leaned over and gave the boy a kiss on his forehead. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No ma’am.”

“Wait, we’re going to have a lot of fun this week.”

Girl Talk

“Will Tom be OK?” Barbara asked with concern as Hannah got to the bottom of the stairs.

“He’ll do fine. All he needs is some rest.”

The younger girl bit her lip, “Can I ask you a question, Hannah?”

“Of course.”

“You said the first time you saw a boy do this was when you were 10.”

“That’s right.”

“How many times have you seen your brother do it?”

“Lots of times. Maybe twice, three times a week.”

“For six years!”

“Yes. I’ve never done the math, but we’re probably close to a thousand times by now.”


“Watching him do it is fun, but knowing that he’s doing it because I want him to do it makes me feel extra good.

Didn’t you feel it? Didn’t you feel the Girl Power that we had over your brother.”

“Yes, it did make me feel funny inside. It still does.

I got another question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Are your brother and my brother the only boys you’ve ever seen do this?”

“Of course not. Whenever I babysit a boy, I see to it that he masturbates for me. Boys get so pacified when they are done masturbating. It’s a lot more fun when he has a sister.

Also, some of my girlfriends have boyfriends that they do this with. Sometimes we get together and have a party. There’s a lot of things you can do with a group of boys than you can’t do with just one.”

“How many boys have you seen?”

“I don’t know. Not counting boys who I babysit, probably about a dozen.

I told you CFNM was more common than you imagined.”

“I can’t wait to show off Tom to my friends.”

“We’re going to have to talk about that. The more people that know about you and your brother, the more likely it will be that some adult will find out about it and put an end to it. So be very careful who you let know about this.

Besides, first you have to learn more about boys and that’s why this week with your brother is so important.”

“Does it have to end?”

“Of course not. First of all, I have a feeling about your brother. He’s going to like what we girls do to him so much, he’s going to want to continue. But if that doesn’t work, there will be the pictures we have of him.”

“What pictures?”

“The ones I took with the web cam on his computer.

Never give a girl who has a friend who is a geek physical access to your computer. Yes, I have a magic stick that will open up the entirety of the pornographic world to him, but it also has opened up his computer to my commands.

When I get back with my friend, she’ll work some of her magic and we will control his computer and control him.

Actually, we’ll let you control him. He’s only 14 after all, and my friends and I like bigger quarry. Just let us know if he doesn’t behave himself, and we’ll give you what you need to make him obey you.

He’s got a nice one and he really shoots it well, but I have enough older boys in my life to satisfy me.”

“If he’s too young for you, then why did you did it?”

“I didn’t do it for me. I did it for you. It gives me great satisfaction when I can bring a boy down – any boy – and hand him over to another girl.”

“I think I can see what you mean.”

“I think Tom will be out for the rest of the night. We’ll let him sleep. We have all day tomorrow. Let’s have a ‘Girls’ Night In.”

“Great, there’s so many questions I want to ask you.”

“And we have all night for me to answer you.”


“Hannah, how did you ever learn how to do this? I can’t believe that us girls could be so powerful.”

“I think it all started when I was a little girl. I saw how boys always got the better end of things. It just wasn’t fair to us girls.

My brother was the favored child simply because he was a boy. Whenever he and his friends picked on me and my friends, even my mother would dismiss it with ‘Boys will be boys.’ Maybe she was OK being treated like a second-class person. But I wasn’t.

Things really changed when I was about your age. That was the summer that my cousin Eileen visited with us. My aunt and uncle were on a second honeymoon in Europe, and she got to stay with us.

Eileen was 17 and could drive and help mom with her errands. Also, she was our babysitter on Wednesday nights when mom went to play cards.

Eileen did cool things like take me shopping and sometimes we’d stay up all night just talking. Mom thought it was great that I could spend some ‘Girl Time’ with my older cousin.

What mom didn’t know was how much Eillen taught me about boys: more than my mom was even willing to talk with me about.

Eileen told me about all the boys she was with and some of the things she did with them. She’s the one who turned me onto female supremacy. She told me about some of the mistakes she made and told me how to avoid them.

She also told me how to use boy’s egos to get them to do what we girls want. She also told me how she used her position of authority as a babysitter to get boys under her control and then pass that control over to their sisters or other girls that they knew.

I like her a lot. She is my mentor and I am proud to be like her.”

“So that’s what you are doing with Tom and me!”

“Exactly! I believe that sisters should control their brothers.”

“Even when the brother is older than the sister?”

“Especially because the brother is older than the sister or other girl who is in control over him.

Your power doesn’t come from your age. My power doesn't even come from being a babysitter. Our power comes from us being GIRLS!

Girls are naturally superior to boys. That’s the whole principle on which female supremacy is built.”

“It certainly doesn’t seem that way when you look around, especially at school.”

“That’s because the movement is just beginning. It’s up to girls like my cousin and girls like me and soon, girls like you, taking over – one family at a time. By the time we become adults, women will rule the world.”

“But I’m only 11.”

“I started when I was 10. My cousin showed me the way. She knew all about boys and how they work.

She knows how horny boys can get and she knows when a boy gets horny, he jerks off, just like we saw Tom do this evening.

So she set a trap for my brother to show me how easy it is. He was 12 at the time, and she was certain that he masturbated. She showed me what to look for: the caked tissues in his wastebasket, the amount of time he spent in the bathroom in the middle of the day, locking himself in his room ‘playing computer games’ only there’s no sound and looking for the lump in his pants.

We even went into his room while he was out and she immediately went to his mattress and pulled it up to reveal a couple of pornographic magazines.

Those alone, would have been enough to get him in trouble. But she convinced me that we wanted more than just getting him in trouble.

So she devised a plan to catch him masturbating in the bathroom. After observing him for a couple of days she had his schedule figured out.

She had exactly the right sized nail to undo the lock to the bathroom and we both listened. She ‘shussed’ me to silence. At first we heard almost nothing, then she heard what she was listening for, funny noises that my brother made.

We stood up, she undid the lock and she said, “’Now’ and we both rushed in. She was more prepared than I was. I just stood there in shock looking at my half naked brother. She had her phone at the ready and got off several good pictures before my brother could even recover.

Later, we confronted my brother with the pictures. He did not want them shown around, so we got him to agree to do whatever we told him to do. He’s been under my control ever since.”

“Wow, it’s been going on that long?”

“For me, yes. For my cousin it had been going on even longer and she claims to have learned from girls older than her.

And it didn’t just stop with me and my brother. At first I showed him off to my friends and then, using the stuff Eileen taught me, we got some of their brothers and their friends and sisters of the boys’ friends, and so on.”

“This is bigger than I thought.”

“It is, and it is all underground at the moment. Be glad you are now part of the movement. Stick with me girl and you’ll be as good as me when it comes to taming boys. Then you can teach your friends and keep the drive alive.”

“Wow, teach me everything. I want to learn more.”

“In due time. Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is another day. We’ll have some more fun with Tom.”

Barbara Does Tom

The two girls were up early in spite of them getting to bed about midnight.

Barbara walked into the kitchen and yawned a, “Good morning, Hannah.” Then she smiled and said, “I had the most wonderful dream. I dreamt I saw my brother naked and he jerked off for us.”

It was Hannah’s turn to laugh, “That was no dream, girl. That was reality: the reality that you will live with for the rest of your life.

Is Tom up yet?”

“No he was still sleeping as I walked by his door.”

“I know that what we made him do last night was draining, but he should have had enough rest by now, let’s wake the sleepyhead up.”

Tom was only mildly startled when his sister shook his shoulder gently and said, “Tom … Tom, time to get up.”

It took him a couple of minutes to get his wits and recognize his situation. “Oh my god! It’s morning already. I was really out of it.”

“Get up!” Hannah commanded.

It was then that Tom realized that he was naked under the covers and had his morning wood on.

“I … I can’t. I don’t have my pajamas on. You’ll see me.”

Hannah giggled, “That boat has already sailed. Come on, your sister and I got a good view of you and your penis and what you do with it last night, there’s little to hide now.”

Nonetheless, he got out from under the covers reluctantly and slowly.

“Look at that,” Barbara said, pointing to his erection.

“That’s normal. Men and boys wake up with a hard-on all the time.”


“Technically speaking it’s an erection, but it’s also known as a hard-on, boner, wood and maybe a couple of other things as well.”

“Well, I like looking at it.”

“You’ll get plenty of chances from now on, girl.”

By this time, Tom had gotten to his feet. “I have to piss, I’ll be right back.”

“We’ll come with you,” Hannah said. Motioning to the girl, she said, “Come on. You have to see this.”

Tom said nothing, but proceeded to the bathroom. As he stood in front of the toilet, he said, “I don’t know if I can do this with someone watching.

I mean it’s difficult enough in the boys’ room at school and those are other guys. You’re girls.”

“Nice of you to notice,” Hannah replied, then she added, “Your penis doesn’t know it’s being watched. Just relax and it will happen.”

Then she turned to Barbara and said, “Why don’t you give your brother a hand. Why don’t you hold it while he pees.

Tom, let go so your sister can grab it.”

“She can’t do that.”

“Yes, she can. She’s your sister.”

“But …” Tom objected.

“Get used to it. It’s all part of your new life. You’ll come to accept it and even like it.”

That was too much for Tom. He stood there passively, looking straight ahead at the wall and not down at his sister’s arm across his body and her hand on his penis.

Eventually his bladder overcame his shyness and he began to urinate. Barbara’s aim was off and the initial stream missed the bowl and hit the toilet tank. She soon corrected her aim and brought it into the bowl.

“I can feel it flowing,” she said excitedly. “I can feel his pee coming out.”

She became more confident handling his penis and started making designs in the water with it.

“This must be fun for boys; make bubbles and then shoot them.”

Barbara enjoyed playing with his penis until the stream stopped. Hannah gave her some advice, “Give it a couple of good shakes to get the last drops out.”

Once Tom’s ordeal was over, Hannah instructed him, “After last night, you need a shower. While you are in there, we’ll make breakfast. How do you like your eggs?”

As the two girls made their way back to the kitchen, Barbara said, “That was a lot of fun. You have the greatest ideas.”

“And that is just the beginning. There’s so much to teach you and so little time to do it in.”

Barbara and Hannah chatted gayly as they prepared breakfast.

Tom came down about 10 minutes later after his shower.

“What’s that?” Hannah asked him.

“What’s what?”

“Those things on your body. They’re called clothes. You’re supposed to be naked until your mother comes back.”

Tom got angry, “Look, I’ve played this silly game long enough. I admit it was fun, but it’s over.”

Hannah tapped at her phone. She showed him the video of him masturbating.

“How did you get that?” he complained.

“It doesn’t matter how I got it. All that matters is that I have it. It’s safe in the cloud and if you behave yourself, that’s where it will stay.

The new rules are, ‘Girls Rule,’ that means that I am in charge of you until your mother comes back and that Barbara is also in charge of you. You will obey her, or I will send her this video. I am sure she has friends who would like to see it.”

“I can send it to Gina Cunningham. Her sister, Peggy is in Tom’s class.”

“Now let’s put those clothes back where they belong: in your dresser drawer, but first let’s eat breakfast before it gets cold. Take off your clothes and sit down.”

Tom realized he did not have any say in the matter. He could not afford to let anyone in his class see the video, especially any of the girls. The girls were very clannish and if one girl saw it, all of them would see it.

Tom got undressed and dove into his breakfast with relish.

“It looks like masturbating is hungry work.” Hannah giggled.

“Mom says we have to stay in the house.” Barbara noted, “So what are we going to do? Can I have some of my friends over?”

“Given your brother’s condition, not just yet. We have to keep this just among the three of us.

As for what we are going to do, there is still a lot to learn about your brother.

Tom, clean up the dishes. Barbara and I are going to the playroom to have some ‘Girl Talk.’ Meet us there when you are done.”

Tom didn’t even think about arguing with the girl. He was hoping that once she went away, he could make a better deal with his sister.

When he finished and got to the playroom he was directed to stand in the middle of the room.

“Play with yourself until you get it hard,” Hannah commanded as easily as she told him to do the dishes.

Barbara, “Bring the equipment over here.”

The “equipment” consisted of a ruler, a playing card and a cloth tape measure.

The girls watched Tom manipulate his organ. “That’s enough,” Hanna said, “Stand still with your hands at your sides.”

She went on, “I’ll hold the ruler, you slide the card.” Hannah held the ruler along the top of the boy’s penis. She pushed it in as far as it would go without hurting the boy. Barbara. Placed the card under the ruler with its edge touching it. She slid it along until the face of the card barely touched the tip of Tom’s penis.

Both girls looked at the ruler and concurred that it was four and a half inches.

“That’s pretty good for a boy of your age and you still have a number of years to grow. You’re going to make a lot of girls happy.

Circumference,” Hannah said as she snugged the tape measure around his shaft, “Three and an eight.

That’s about normal.”

Turning to Barbara, she said, “You’re a lucky girl. He’s got a good one. Some girls have to put up with a peanut dick.

You’re also lucky getting on board at your age. I have a girl I’m working with now who’s 15. Imagine that, going 15 years and not even seeing a penis.”

“How do you know so much about boys?”

“I’ve seen a lot of penises in my time and I’ve done research on the internet.

Come, there’s more we have to learn about your brother.”

Tom stood there passively while the girls measured him and had their conversation about him.

“Tom, I’m going to ask you a lot of questions. I hope you tell us the truth. It will help us make what we do with you more pleasurable for you.

When was the last time Barbara saw you naked, before last night?”

“I was about 6. Once I started school mom let is take our baths separately.”

“Barbara, do you remember that?”

“I would have been about four. I don’t remember much, just big things. I guess taking a bath with my brother wasn’t a big thing back then.”

“Besides your sister and me, has any other girl seen you naked?”

“I suppose every babysitter I ever had as a young boy.

There was this one time back in first grade when I was about 7. I don’t remember a lot about it. I was over my friend’s, Danny’s house. His girl cousins were visiting. One of them was about our age, the other probably about 12.

She suggested we play ‘doctors and nurses,’ only Danny and I were the only patients. The girls didn’t show us anything.

Then there was the time a couple of years ago when two of the bully girls threw another girl into the boy’s locker room while we were changing. I don’t know how much she got to see, but the girls who threw her in got suspended.”

“How long have you been masturbating?”

“I started early. When Danny’s cousins played with us, they touched our penises and that made them big. I knew that they got big from time to time even as a little boy, but I didn’t know that people could make them do that.

I liked the way the girls touched me. So I started touching myself the same way. Things sort of got out of hand if you pardon pun.

Every time I did it I thought about the two girls, then girls in my class doing it to me and then even Barbara and some of her friends. Some of them are really cute.

I thought that girls would be interested in touching boys ‘things’ and making them hard. It would seem to be a fun thing to do. In these fantasies, I had the girls keep touching it even after they made it hard until they made it feel good.

At that age, I didn’t know that there would be a more visible sign of male orgasm. Now THAT’s something that I am sure every girl would like to see.”

“You got that right,” Hannah interjected.

“So that’s my story. I probably been doing it half my life.”

“When’s the first time you had a wet cum?”

“I’m not really sure. I had some clear discharges when I was 11, almost 12, and they just sort of got bigger and cloudier as I got older.”

“Do you always think about girls when you do it?”


“Girls on the internet or real girls.”

“Both. The pictures on the internet are hot. But I like real girls better. As I said before, girls in my class and in Barbara’s.”

“Would you be willing to do it for these girls for real?”

“No, that would be embarrassing.”

“Why? Barbara and I saw you do it, and you’re ok with it.”

“I know Barbara, and you’re … well, an authority figure. You’re my babysitter besides I got hot just looking at you.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Girls like to know that they can make boys hard.

After these next couple of days even your sister will make you hard just from remembering what fun we’ll have together.

So be open to doing it for other girls. Your sister will protect you and it would undoubtedly make her the most envied girl in school to have such a good-looking brother do these things for her.

It will also make you the most sought-after boy.”

Hannah knew what she was doing. A boy will tolerate a lot if you stroke his ego.

“Come, let’s let Barbara have some fun with you.

How many different ways do you masturbate?”

I could tell by Tom’s confused expression that he wasn’t understanding the question.

“Do you do anything with it other than jerking off?”

“Well, sometimes I use baby oil or hand lotion.”

“We’ll count that as two. Anything else?”

“No, that’s it.”

“Well then, you’re in for some fun. I’ll teach you some different ways to do it and with your sister’s help there are a couple of ways to do it that you can’t do to yourself.

But we will start with one method you can do yourself.

Barbara, how would you like to masturbate your brother?”

“Can I?” the young girl said excitedly.

“Of course, you can. It’s something every girl should learn how to do. Do you think you can figure it out on your own after seeing Tom do it, or should I show you?”

“Why don’t you show me?”

“OK, I’ll get him started and then you can take over and finish him off. It will be sort of like tag-team wrestling.”

Hannah took a hold of Tom’s penis and continued her instruction. “This method of masturbation is very simple. All you need is your hand and a penis.

Normally, by the time you get to this point, the boy is already erected, but you can also bring him up from a cold start.

Tom’s mostly erected so we’re off to a good start.

Grab the shaft about half way down like this. …”

“How hard should I hold it?” Barbara interrupted.

“Hold out two fingers like this,” Hannah said extending her index and middle finger.

She then grabbed the girl’s fingers and gave them a squeeze. “About that hard,” she said, “Enough to move the skin along the shaft and over the head.

Now you do it to me.”

Barbara gave Hannah’s fingers a squeeze.

“That’s about right. You’ll get a feel for it as you get more experience.”

The older girl then went back to work on the boy. “I’m going to do this deliberately slow so you can see it in detail.

Start with the forward stroke, that is pulling the skin over the head like this …

Then pull it back like this. …

Forward … back … forward … back,” she said as she demonstrated the technique.

Barbara was leaning forward paying intent attention.

“Start slow and then pick up speed as you go along.”

“How fast should I do it?”

“About this fast for starters,” Hannah demonstrated. Then she stopped, leaving Tom’s penis quivering in space. She reached for her phone and within 30 seconds had a song playing.

“Get this rhythm in your head. It’s a good ‘cruise speed’ for most boys.

When you get to the climax increase the speed of your pumping. Double it if you can.” Hannah continued with her demonstration. “And when he cums, keep pumping until you can feel it pulse, but nothing is coming out anymore.

Are you ready to give it a try? I’ll coach you along the way.”

Barbara nodded “yes,” and Hannah let go of the boy’s penis. “He’s all yours. You go Girl!”

Barbara grabbed her brother’s penis as her mentor showed her. She gave it a squeeze and asked him, “Is this OK? Am I hurting you?”

He shook his head “no,” so she continued.

She looked over at Hannah, “Am I doing it right? Do I have the right rhythm?”

“You’re doing fine. Just keep doing it. You’re in control. You got this, girl.”

Then addressing Tom, she said, “Look at your sister. Look at her face. It’s the polite thing to do. Remember what she looks like as she plays with you. Whenever you do, you will find yourself getting hard and this is a good thing.”

Hannah watched her student as she jerked her subject off. When she could see him getting close, she started coaching.

“When you see him stiffen up like that and his breathing becomes funny, you’re getting him closer. Pump faster and squeeze just a little tighter.”

Barbara picked up her tempo and her brother’s body stiffened more and he stopped breathing. Then with a groan, he let loose with his first blast of semen.

“I’M DOING IT! I’M DOING IT!” the excited girl screamed.

“Keep pumping. Keep pumping,” Hannah urged.

“It’s so hot!” Barbara exclaimed as she continued to ejaculate the boy.

Hannah kept telling the girl to keep pumping until his penis was milked dry.

“OK Barbara, you can stop now.

Congratulations, you just jerked off your first boy and he was a cummer.”

Turning to Tom, she asked, “So how was it for you? Did your sister do a good job?”

He managed to shake his head and gasp, “Hell yes, I never could make it feel that good when I do it.”

“And that’s the truth. We girls have a special touch that no boy can duplicate. And this was your sister’s first time. She will only get better with practice. Once she hones her skills, she’ll be able to take your sexual excitement to levels you can’t even dream about now.

And this is the simplest of masturbation methods. I know of some others that will blow the top of your head off.”

Sex Education

“There are a number of things you’ll have to know about boys,” Hannah told Barbara. “One of those things is that boys can’t keep cumming.

As you saw, each squirt was less than the previous one. There is only so many squirts that a boy can have at one time.

Also, there is a limitation on how many times a boy can cum in a single day.

Dry cummers, that is boys who have not yet reached puberty and cannot ejaculate cum seem to be able to go from one orgasm to the next, but boys tell me that before puberty, there isn’t much to an orgasm. It feels good but nothing like shooting sperm for real.

Once a boy reaches puberty, he has to ‘recharge’ after each time. I he’s only cum once and he’s really horny, he could probably be made to cum again in as little as 15 minutes. However, a half an hour is more like it.

If he’s already cum twice, it’s more like an hour or more before you can make him cum again.

We rarely make a boy cum more than three times in a day.”


“Yes, my friends and I and our boyfriends.”

“You talk about this with your friends.”

“I *DO* it with my friends.

Now as I was saying, we normally do it only once or twice or if we have a lot of time and are feeling particularly naughty, three times.

We once did an experiment to see how many times we could make a boy cum in a day. His sister jerked off his morning wood as soon as he got up. He did it three times at the club by three different girls and then his sister and another girl who was staying with her did him twice in the evening.

They reported that it was very difficult to get him to cum those last two times, and there was hardly any evidence that he did cum. Only the barest of dribbles came out of his penis. They boy said that he could hardly feel it. He was sore the whole day after.

So we don’t do that anymore. It’s fun to play with boys and even humiliate them, but we don’t want to hurt them.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Well now you do. Which brings us to Tom. We have all day to play with him. I think we’ll just do him three times in a day. We can do him about noon and then maybe again after supper. He should have plenty of time to recharge on that schedule.”

“What do we do in the meantime?”

“Well, let me make you each one of those magic sticks for the computer. Then I will show you a couple of sites.

There is work to be done around the house; just general cleaning and some laundry and I’ll need your help with that.

You, Barbara, should change your clothes so your pajamas won’t get dirty. Tom will wear his birthday suit; it’s washable.

Wild and Wet

Noon came and it was time for Tom to come again. Hannah made the kids some hamburgers. Tom, in particular, liked the way she seasoned them and fixed them up.

In spite of his naked condition he said, “You can come and babysit us all the time. I like the way you cook.”

“Help me clean up and then it’s time to teach your sister some more about you and what we can do with you.”

Once things were put back into place, she brought Tom and Barbara together. “We’re going to let your brother masturbate himself again, Barbara.

So far, all we’ve seen is the ‘dry’ method of masturbation where the stimulation is caused by pulling the skin of the shaft over the head and back.

That’s something you, as a girl, need to learn, Barbara. It’s quite an effective way of making a boy cum and getting control over him and all you need is your hand and his penis. It can be done anywhere and anytime. So I hope you paid attention.

What we are going to do now is the ‘wet’ method. It’s essentially the same as the dry method except that external lubrication is used. This means that your hand will be too slippery to grab his penis and pull the skin. Your hand will simply slip right up. The wet method is direct, skin-to-skin contact: your palm and fingers and his penis.

This probably comes closer to real intercourse than the dry method. Boys report that it makes them feel it better, too. The only problem is that you need to have some kind of lubrication and it’s messier.”

“What kind of lubrication do you use?”

“There’s a specific kind of jell that people use when they have intercourse, but since we’re only dealing with just half of that, the penis, we don’t need anything that expensive.

Just make sure that it provides good lubrication. I would avoid hand lotions because, although they start out slippery, they are eventually absorbed into the skin.

Vaseline is good, but it’s kind of thick and it’s harder to clean up. I recommend Baby Oil. It also smells nicer.”

“I don’t think we have any,” Barbara complained.

“Not to worry,” Hannah replied. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small bottle of the stuff.

“You carry it with you?”

Hannah replied. “I never know when I’m going to come across a penis that needs to be jerked off.

Always prepared. That’s the Boy Scout Motto. If there was a merit badge for masturbation, there would not be a boy scout without it.”

She called Tom to her and had him hold out his hand. She squirted a small pool of the baby oil into his palm. She also drizzled a wavy line of the stuff on the erected shaft of his penis.

“You know what to do. Show your sister how it’s done. Remember look at her when you do it.”

Tom started pumping away.

Barbara said, “I like this. I can see more this way.”

Tom apparently liked it more, too. He came faster than either girl saw him cum before and he seemed to shoot it further.

“That’s not bad considering it was his second cum of the day.” Hannah observed.

Hannah made Tom clean up his mess and then the two girls helped him with his shower.

Hannah had to caution Barbara as she went to wash her brother’s package, “Be careful with his penis after he’s just cum. It’s still very sensitive.”

The kids spent the rest of their time exploring the now wide-open web with the new magic sticks Hannah made for them. Hannah assured that she and Barbara had admin rights to the operating system on Tom’s stick.

Tom broke off to play some new games that Hannah cracked for him. “You really are the best babysitter ever,” he commented.

Hannah had to drag the two of them away from their computers for dinner.

Out of Hand

After dinner the three of them were once again assembled, this time for the third lesson of the day. Hannah started the lesson with, “So far Tom has had all of his fun by himself. He’s been the one masturbating himself.”

“But it’s so much fun to watch. I’ve heard about it, but I never thought it would be this good.”

“I admit, watching a boy pleasure himself like this is fun to watch, but it’s also more fun to do. Learning how to masturbate a boy is an important skill for a girl to learn.

First of all, if you learn to do it right, you can make him feel better than if he does it himself. He’ll keep coming back for more. Nothing makes a boy more faithful to his girlfriend than her controlling his penis by giving it pleasure. Boys will be nice to you and do things for you if you reward them properly.

So, Barbara, it’s about time you start controlling your brother this way.”

“But he’s my brother!”

“He’s a boy, and that’s all that matters. Besides, he’s in training, too. He’s learning how to submit to a girl. What a better way to do that than to learn from his kid sister?

We’ll start simple, with the basic jerk off methods he’s already demonstrated to you. We’ll do it wet again, since that’s the most easiest way. He’ll probably like the extra stimulation that method supplies.

Do you think you can do that?”

Barbara nodded.

“Let’s go back upstairs and have him lay on his bed. It will probably be the easiest that way.”

Tom’s penis was standing at attention by the time he got to his room.

“Pavlov and his dogs,” Hannah laughed. “Boys are so pre-dick-table,” Just mention masturbation and he pops a boner.

Tom was wondering if we’d MAKE him do this after this week was over. I doubt if you could stop him from asking you to do it.

Masturbation starts with an erected penis. I doubt you’ll have a problem with that. By the time you get boys to this state, that missile is ready to launch.”

Hannah helped Tom get on the bed in such a way that he was comfortable but also grant comfortable access to his penis for his sister.

Once Babara was in position, Hannah encouraged her, “Come on, it’s time for you to exercise some of your Girl Power.”

Barbara lubed up her hands and her brother’s penis and went to work. “It feels so warm!”

“That’s because it is full of blood. Keep pumping him.”

“How fast should I do it?”

Hannah brought up a tune on her phone. “Get this in your head. It’s about the right speed. When he gets closer pump faster.”

“How will I know when he’s close?”

“Remember what he looked like just before he did it to himself. He’ll get stiff and start breathing funny. If you want to get him off then keep rubbing when he does that.”

Barbara was smiling as she worked her hand up and down her brother’s shaft. “This is fun!”

“When you get to the top, give a little twist with your fist every so often. Make believe you are trying to get a cap off a soda bottle. Boys love it when you do that.”

Soon both girls could see the signs of his impending eruption. “Keep pumping him, Barbara. Go faster. Don’t stop until nothing is coming out.”

The young girl’s hand was a blur and she was panting with the effort.

Tom arched his body so much that he lifted a good part of it off the mattress. Still his sister pumped on.

A torrent of semen spewed up out of his penis. To Barbara, it seemed like it was in slow motion as it first rose, and then fighting gravity slowed down. Then there was that instant of perfect equilibrium where the force of his ejaculation matched that of the pull of the Earth in the opposite direction. Her mind caught it almost as well as a high speed camera.

From there it was downhill literally as his cum arced down to land on his body.

Barbara kept pumping. She doubted she worked this hard with the hand pump in her aunt’s kitchen at her farm. Then she was trying to get water from deep under the ground. Now she was trying to get semen from deep inside a boy.

Tom rewarded her with splash after splash of semen until the pump ran dry and although his body and face were still contorted and he was gasping for breath, nothing was coming out. Barbara could still feel his penis twitching in his hand but the show was over.

She let go.

“Congratulations, Barbara, you just jerked off your first boy.

Tom, how does it feel that the first time a girl jerked you off, it was your own sister?”

“If she’s going to continue to make me feel this good, I don’t care who she is.”

“Did I do something wrong,” Barbara asked. “There wasn’t as much as the last time.”

“I think I told you about that. Boys can only cum so many times a day. The first one is usually the best and they sort of go downhill from there.

Your brother has remarkable recuperative powers. He shot more than most boys I’ve seen on their third try of the day.”

Hannah smiled and then made a “yuck” face. “This place smells like cum. Once you’re recovered, take a shower, boy.

Come on, Barbara. We’ve given him one treat already. How about we give him another. How about it, Tom? Are you ‘UP’ for some ice cream?”

The three of them spent the rest of the night eating ice cream and watching TV. The girls were in their PJs and Tom, as usual was naked.

Hannah stretched and said, “I’m turning in. It’s been a busy day. Tomorrow will be even busier. I want you kids to go to bed now. No computer.

That means no story reading for you Barbara and no game playing for you, Tom.

You both need your rest, especially you, Tom.”

Day Two

Because Hannah got them into bed relatively early, they were both up at a reasonable time.

Hannah made them breakfast.

As she was eating, Barbara had an epiphany, “We missed his morning wood.”

“That’s OK. I know it’s a shame to waste one. But erections are like summer rain showers; another one will come by soon.

Besides we can make him have one any time we want.”

The three of them went on to the task of cleaning up after breakfast. “Normally, I’d tell Tom to do this menial chore on his own, but we have a lot of ejaculating to do today and I’d like to get an early start.”

Once again, Tom’s room was the classroom for this lesson.

“So far,” Hannah began, “we have looked at the ‘traditional’ methods for jerking off. There are also other ways to use one’s hands to masturbate a boy.

The first of these is called palming. Take the palm of your hand like this, place it over the head of the penis and rub it around against his stomach.”

She demonstrated the technique and then invited Barbara to try it.

“The best thing about this method is that you can do it to a boy even if he has his clothes on. It’s perfect for those times when you can’t risk exposing him.

Of course, then he’ll have a load of cum in his pants that he has to deal with. That’s his problem, not yours.”

She let Barbara get her brother part of the way there and then stopped her.

“The next method is similar, except you use both hands. I call this the ‘fire starter’ method. It’s like taking a stick between your hands and rubbing it around so it spins back and forth. Like you’re trying to start a fire.

Since there is so much friction using this method, and we don’t want to hurt the boy, it is best if this method is done wet.”

The older girl lubed up her palms and put them on either side of Tom’s penis. She then moved them back and forth like she was trying to warm them on a cold day except there was a penis in between.

Once again, the teacher demonstrated the technique, and her student mimicked it.

Tom was enjoying the attention the girls were lavishing on his penis, but he was getting uncomfortable. Tension was beginning to build inside him.

“Another method that’s popular with the girls is the ‘Four fingers and two thumbs” method. It’s popular because the two of you have to stand close to each other face-to-face. It’s more intimate.

Although this method could be done dry, most girls prefer to do it wet.

To do it, take the two fingers immediately next to your thumbs and put them under the head of the penis like this. The put both thumbs on top of the head like this and slide the fingers back and forth ticking the frenulum and use the thumbs to rub the top of the head.”

Tom could feel himself drifting off towards the land of bliss on the fingertips of his babysitter.

Then it was his sister’s turn. He was surprised by how well she mastered the technique. He had no doubt that Hannah probably had years of experience feeling up boys this way, but this was his sister’s first time, and she was teasing him quite well.

“There’s one last method I’d like to show you and then we can get on with the lesson.”

She directed Tom to get up on all fours on the coffee table. “I call this one ‘milking the cow’ for reasons that will soon become obvious.

This one could also be dry or wet. If you’re doing it dry, you are essentially just jerking him off but while he is in this ridiculous position.

If you are doing it dry, then you’ll have a free hand so you can stick a finger up his ass and give him a prostate massage. I’ll teach you how to do that at some other time.

However, if you do it wet, there is an interesting variation. Take hold of the penis with both hands. Pull them both down. As the bottom hand slips off grab a hold of the penis on the top with it. Keep pulling down like you are trying to climb his rope, using a hand-over-hand grip, up into his body.

You can also do the same thing with the boy laying on his back. Only this time you are trying to climb up the shaft away from his body.

Which method would you like to use on your brother today?”

“I’d like to try that last one you described.”

“You heard the girl, boy. On your back, legs apart.”

Barbara went to work fisting Tom’s shaft with her slippery hands. She was surprised how hard it felt.

With all the stimulation Tom received throughout the demonstrations he knew he could not last long. He could feel himself getting raw in the penis. He was looking forward to having his sister finish him off.

He came, and it was a good one.

“You know,” Hannah started, “I’ve measured boys in almost every way: how big they are, how long it takes them to cum and how far, at least informally, they shoot their stuff.

I’ve never measured how much they cum. Your brother seems to be pretty good at it. I think I’ll have you milk him into something and then we can see how much ‘fun juice’ he has in those balls of his.”

Hannah concluded her lesson with “Different boys respond differently to different kinds of masturbation. Sometimes differently at different times. I suggest you experiment and mix things up to determine which masturbation methods work best for you.”

At Her Feet

Lunch was another good affair and time for another lesson.

“So far, everything we’ve done, a boy can do to himself. One of my favorite subjects in school is English. I know all about verbs and that some verbs can be both intransitive and transitive.

An intransitive verb doesn’t have an object: ‘I run.’ I don’t run something, I just run. On the other hand, you have transitive verbs. They have an object. ‘I hit the ball.’ Ball is the object of the verb, hit.

Masturbate can go either way. Tom can masturbate, or Tom can be masturbated. He gets to be the object of the verb, masturbate.

So when he jerked himself off, he was using the intransitive sense of the verb and when you did him, the transitive verb form was being used.

So now, with the English lesson over, we will continue to use the transitive sense of the verb and make him the object of our masturbation.

So far, we’ve done a good job handling his penis. It’s about time we use our feet.”


“Yes, feet. I’ll get into a discussion of fetishes later, but some boys find girl’s feet to be attractive. Yes, I know, boys have feet, too. I can’t explain it right now, but take my word for it. Girl feet and even girl tushies can turn a boy on.

So why don’t you take your shoes off and see what you have to work with.”

“I noticed your feet when you changed you clothes after you arrived. I noticed that you didn’t put on shoes. Was that to tease my brother?”

“Partly. I think he was more fascinated with my boobs, to tell you the truth.”

“Your feet are so pretty. Do you have them professionally done?”

“That would cost too much money. That’s why I have a brother and boyfriends for.”

“You get your brother to do your feet?”

“There’s plenty of information online for feminine foot care and I made sure he studied it. Also I showed him what to do and I trained him.

It took a while for him to learn, but now he’s so good, my friends ask him to do them too.

He also gives a great foot massage and my friends report they love the feel of his tongue on their feet.”

“Oh yuck!”

“He’s my brother, so I take care of him. I make sure my friends have clean feet before they make him lick them.

I told you about fetishes. Foot worship is part of that. Before we get on with it, let’s give it a try. We can start with having Tom give us a good foot rub.”

Hannah laid down on the couch and put her feet on Tom’s lap. His penis started to rise.

“It looks like your brother has a thing for feet. The more fetishes a boy has, the easier it is for a girl to control him.”

Hannah gave the boy some hints on how to massage a girl’s feet. After a while she was purring with delight. “He’s a natural. You’re a lucky girl.

I hate to give this up, but he’s your brother and you need to learn this. Come, take my place and let him do you, too.”

Soon, Barbara was in her own world of pleasure. “This is making me feel good, not just in my feet, but all over.”

“If you think that feels good, wait until he kisses and licks your feet.”

Hannah repositioned the girl and the boy so he could kneel before her and kiss her feet. She give him instructions on how to use his tongue and where and how to apply it. She noticed that Barbara became particularly excited when he played with her toes. So she had him take each on in his mouth and suck on it and to tickle the webbing between the toes with his tongue.

Barbara felt like she was floating on a cloud and heading for an orgasm. Unfortunately, Hannah called a stop to the activity.

Hannah left the two of them to it for a while and then said, “I hate to break this up, but if we are going to ejaculate your brother and still give him time to recover for his evening masturbation, we’ll need to get on with the lesson.

She positioned two chairs so they faced each other. She had Tom sit in one with his legs wrapped around the front legs. This pushed his penis forward and put it in a very exposed position.

“This is one way of doing this,” Hannah said, “The other way is to have the boy on the floor, but then you have to bend over to see what you are doing.”

She took her feet and put them in his lap with her heels touching his balls. That put the head of his penis about level with the balls of her feet.

Hannah started peddling his penis from one foot to the other until a drop of pre-cum appeared. Then she used her toes to curl around hand grab his penis. “Toe tickling like this takes a little practice,” she told her student, “but it is worth learning.”

She brought the boy almost to the point of ejaculation and then stopped. She stood up and motioned to Barbara, “Why don’t you sit in for me. Finish him off.”

Barbara felt funny as she assumed the position facing her brother. She liked this position: it allowed her to see his penis clearly but also see most of the rest of his body. She started peddling as she saw Hannah doing.

“He’s leaking on my feet, she exclaimed.

“Score another one for the wet method. Use that lubrication. Spread it around with your toes.”

Barbara had fun rubbing her brother’s penis with various parts of her feet. By now she had enough experience with the boy to know where is was on his ejaculatory journey and she knew that she was driving him towards the cliff.

She increased the rapidity of her peddling. Tom stiffened, stopped breathing and his face twisted into a bizarre shape. Then he shot his load.

“It feels so hot!”

“Keep pumping him, kid!”

Barbara’s feet were covered in cum by the time she finished.

Hannah said, “Down on your knees, boy. Lick your cum from your sister’s feet.”

It was now Tom’s turn to say “Yuck.”

Hannah stood before him with her legs spread apart and knuckled fists on her hips in a classic “Wonder Woman” pose.

“I’m the one who gave you the magic stick for your computer. I’ve seen the kind of pornography you look at and would be jerking off to if your sister and I hadn’t been diligent keeping your penis busy.

It turns you on to see women sucking on a boy’s cock, doesn’t it? Why is it, that women are expected to swallow and men aren’t? Heck, it’s even your own stuff. It’s not like it’s from some other boy!

Did you like what your sister just did to you?”

He nodded, yes.

“Well if you expect her to continue to give you pleasure in this way, you will do this for her. I haven’t talked to her about spanking ungrateful boys, but I will add that to the lesson plan if I have to.”

Tom surrendered and got on his knees to lick his sister’s feet.

As he was busy with that task, Hannah looked at Barbara and mouthed, “Girls Rule.” Barbara responded with a giggle.

Kitchen Talk

Barbara decided that she needed to take a shower. Her feet were still damp as well as another area of hers.

When she got back down, she found Hannah reading a book and Tom, based on the zings and pings coming from his room was busy with one of his newly-hacked games.

“That was great, Hannah. How did you ever learn about all this stuff?”

“I’ve been at it since I was younger than you. Also, I have a friend who is a computer geek and I can get to almost any site I want. There is a lot out there on female domination. Most of it seems to be wank fodder, produced by men for men. There are a couple of sites that are run by women and you can get some really good information from these sites, not only on things to do, but how to do them safely and why men and women do them.

The sheer number of ‘wank sites’ is an indication of how many men there are out there that really want women to dominate them.

Mostly, I learned from other girls. There are a lot more of us out there than you’d think. I have a close circle of friends and we learned a lot from each other and from the boys we played with.

Some of our boys have totally surrendered and they’ve told their girlfriends or sisters what’s really going on inside them.

I learned a lot about boys from my own brother. He’ll tell me just about anything I need to know.”

“How did you know about feet?”

“The thing about female domination is, that it’s mostly up here,” she said pointing to her head. “It’s not just the act itself that makes it erotic, it’s why the act is being done that gets both the boy and the girl off.

Take, for example, clothing. It’s nothing much. It’s simply cloth draped around our bodies. Yet we have it and your brother doesn’t.

Tom would look exactly the same in his birthday suit if all of us were naked. However, what makes it more fun is that we girls have our clothes on. It’s a very slight difference but it shifts the balance of power to us girls.

It’s the same thing with feet. They are a ‘lowly’ part of the body. In some cultures, it is rude to cross your legs, because it elevates the feet above other parts of the body. Also, it ‘shows them off’ which to people in these cultures is obscene.

If you haven’t guessed by now, to a boy, his penis is the most important part of his body. It’s what make a boy a boy.

Here comes a girl and she used her lowest part to control his most important part. It is almost like telling a boy, ‘Your most important thing is no more than a toy for me.’

Having the boy lay down on the floor while you masturbate him with your feet, is even more degrading. It’s almost like you are making a doormat out of him.

It’s all about the symbolism. Clothes and feet versus naked and penis.”

“I think I see what you mean. I mean, it’s fun to see my brother naked and watch him masturbate. But I don’t think it would be as much fun if I were watching him do it and he didn’t know I was there.

He’s doing it not for himself, he’s doing it for us girls. We want him to do it.

Then of course, doing it to him myself is a real rush. I have the power to violate him. I don’t think it would be as much fun if we somehow overpowered him and forced ourselves on him.

What makes that fun is I demand, and he obeys. It gives me a funny feeling inside and I like it.”

“Now you’re beginning to understand the real meaning of Girl Power.”

“So what are we going to do after dinner?”

“The same thing, except this time we’re going to wear our shoes.”

At The Girls’ Feet

“We’re going to wear what?”


In many of the videos on line where women give footjobs to their men, they are wearing shoes. High heels and sandals are very popular. I like the ones where the women use their sneakers.”


“Yes, the soles are made of rubber and a lot of boys and men have a fetish for the substance. You have to be careful, though. Some running shoes have very weird patterns that can tear up a penis.

Girls in my group are fond of Converse, Vans and some even use Keds. There are videos online of women using these kinds of sneakers and some others to masturbate their men.

I like Vans. I like to wear them anyway, but I like the ‘slicky-slicky’ sound the waffle-textured soles make when the boy leaks his precum on them.”

“I all sounds so weird.”

“It’s nothing more than masturbation. You’ve done it with your feet already. Your ‘kicks’ can kick the kink up a notch.”


“A kink is any sexual activity out of the ordinary.

We started with CFNM – that is clothed female naked male. That’ s really quite mild and it’s quite common. There are clubs with male strippers and there are private parties and I imagine a lot of couples practice it just for fun.

Jerking off isn’t a kink. All boys do it. It’s part of being a boy. Having a girl watch it or even doing it is what makes it kinky.

Men kiss women all the time: on the lips, on the cheek, on the neck and even on the hand. The foot is an unusual body part to kiss, therefore, it is kinky to have someone kiss it.

Shoes merely amplify the kink of foot worship.”

“What kind of shoes do you recommend I wear?”

“Let me give you some links. You can look at some videos and decide for yourself.”

As Barbara went upstairs to check out the links, she looked into her brother’s bedroom. He was sitting at his computer, naked, playing a video game.

A week ago, the sight would have shocked her. Now she was used to looking at him without his clothes on. That he was naked was now routine. The reason he was naked was what made the situation “kinky.”

Barbara spent a good part of the afternoon watching videos of women masturbating their men with their feet. She found a number of them where women were wearing some kind of shoes.

Since Hannah put the idea into her mind, she paid particular attention to those where the women were wearing sneakers.

After dinner, Hannah asked Barbara, “So have you made a decision? Have you decided what kind of shoes to wear?”

“You mentioned something about sneakers being good because they have a rubber sole.”

“I did. Why?”

“Can I use my Crocs. The sole is rubber. The whole shoe is rubber.”

“I never thought of that! The wavy soles should be enough to drive any boy crazy.

You bring up a good point about Crocs being made all of rubber. With normal sneakers, you have to be careful to keep the cum off the canvas part or it may stain. With Crocs, you can masturbate him with just about any part of the shoe and he can cum all over it and it doesn’t matter. It will all wash off.

Some men like to hump the inside of their woman’s sneaker. I don’t think I like that idea. I certainly don’t want a boy putting his spunk in there.

But Crocs have those little rubber ‘nubbies’ in the inside. A boy can go crazy fucking the inside with those in there. And if he fills the shoe with his cum, simply rinse them off and hang them up to dry.

When I think about it, Crocs could have been invented with the idea of male masturbation in mind.

Sure, I don’t see any reason why you can’t use your Crocs on your brother.”

Hannah set up the chairs as she did in the afternoon session. This time, she slipped on her Vans and put them into his lap.

She lost some of the tactile sensation that she had with her bare feet, but she could still use her feet with great dexterity.

Tom found the waffle soles both tickling and exciting. This was the strongest stimulation of his penis he ever felt.

Hannah had only been peddling for a short while when she heard the “slicky-slicky” sound of a wet penis rubbing against the pattern etched into the rubber sole of her Vans.

The girl stopped and said, “He’s all yours, Barbara. I got him warmed up for you.”

Barbara picked her pink Crocs. They were her newest and they were the most feminine color she owned. She was soon emulating Hannahs pumping. She could tell she had him drooling. There was almost no resistance as she slid his penis from shoe to shoe.

As she was pumping him, she noticed the two prominent jibbitz on each shoe. Her left foot stated, “Girl Power” and her right foot advertised “Girls Rule.” The rest of each shoe was adorned with other feminist symbols.

She smiled as she thought about how appropriate these charms were.

She was impressed with how easy this form of masturbation was to do. Basically, all she had to do was sit there and wiggle her feet. The shoes did most of the work.

Having done her brother barefoot just hours ago made her more comfortable. She was able to take in more of his body and picked up a lot of fine pointers to recognize when he was approaching ejaculation. She could call the shot maybe a minute before it happened and did not have to wait for the crescendo of the immediate couple of seconds before the actual ejaculation.

This gave her plenty of time to keep him “in the zone:” very much excited but still not to the point of ejaculation. She decided to back off a bit and keep toying with him. It was so much fun to have him under control like this.

She knew that she could keep him there as long as she wanted, but her legs were getting tired and she was getting impatient, so she decided to allow him to cum.

She saw him peaking and she kept peddling. Tom did not disappoint her. He came with a very impressive ejaculation, shooting his stuff about a foot and a half in the air.

There must be something to this kink stuff after all.

Hannah said, “Barbara, show me your soles.”

The girl did as instructed.

“That’s too dirty to have him lick them clean, but he can lick up the other places on the shoe where he soiled them.”

Barbara put her Crocs in the kitchen sink and washed them. She propped them up on a chair and declared, “There. They will dry overnight and be ready for action in the morning if I need them.”

“And the soles should be clean enough to lick clean the next time around. I have many pairs of sneakers and I wear them depending on the mood I am in. I have a couple of pair whose only purpose is to masturbate my brother or other boys.

This kind of masturbation is great. It puts boys in their place: cumming at the feet of a girl.”

“So what will we do tomorrow?"

“That’s for me to know and you to find out. I have a surprise for the both of you.”


The kids were once again treated to one of Hannah’s most delicious breakfasts.

There was a knock on the door.

“Tom, will you get that, please.”

“But I’m naked.”

“Yes, I know you are. Get the door.”

“But they’ll see me.”

“Get the door, NOW or I will have to spank you.”

Tom went to the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw that it was another boy. That made the task of opening the door marginally easier.

He opened the door and stood behind it as he did. “Come in,” he said from his hiding position.

The boy stepped in and saw the naked boy. “I’m Jason. My sister called me last night and told me to be here in the morning.” He did not seem to be shocked at all by Tom’s nudity.

Tom closed the door and accepted his fate. “The girls are right this way in the kitchen.”

When he arrived, Hannah got up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad you could make it,” she said. “You’ve already met Tom. This is his sister, Barbara.

Kids, this is my brother Jason that I told you about.”

“Hi Jason,” Barbara said, smiling at the new arrival.

Hannah went on to explain. “Jason is the surprise I was telling you about. It’s fun playing with a single boy but there are some things you can’t do with just one boy alone.

We’re going to take a break from masturbating the boys today and let them entertain us.”

Turning to her brother, Hannah said, “Strip!”

Without hesitation, Jason started to get undressed. When he completed, he stood up facing the crowd with his hands on his head.

“Good boy,” Hannah complimented. “Jason is well trained, and he obeyed immediately. Barbara, I suggest when you tell Tom to undress for you, that he assumes this position when he’s done.

Jason, at ease.”

The boy dropped his hands but made no move to cover up.

Barbara sat there with her jaw lowered and her eyes fixed on the new naked boy in front of her. His body was well-toned, but what got her attention the most was the pink object that surrounded his penis.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“It’s a chastity device. It prevents a boy from playing with himself. I have the key and one of my girlfriends has the spare. It would be embarrassing if I had to take him to a locksmith to remove it.”

“I saw that on some of the sites I visited. I’m still trying to take this all in.”

“There are sites that specialize in male chastity. It’s a very effective tool for controlling boys and men. The longer a boy goes without cumming, the more desperate he gets. He will do anything to please the girl who holds his key to get release.

Some women lock their men up for months. According to some accounts some lock them up permanently.

My brother is at the peak of his sexual development. It doesn’t take long to have him at his begging point.

So, I let him out to play often. I like to play with him and so do my friends. So, the lockup is really just a matter of convenience. He only gets out when there is a girl who wants to play with him. Fortunately for him, that happens once or twice a week.”

“Are you going to have him jerk off for us?”

“I’m not going to waste his semen on a simple jerk off. I have a much better use for his penis today.”

She turned to Tom. “Have you ever had a blow job?”

Tom shook his head.

“Well, today is your lucky day. You’re about to get your first. Jason here is one of the best cock suckers I know. He’s had a lot of experience with boys that my friends bring to me.”

“I’m not gay!” Tom protested.

“It isn’t a matter of being gay or not. It’s a matter of obeying us girls. Jason’s not objecting and he’s not gay. Just do it. It is not gay if a girl makes you do it.

Boys, this is how it will ‘go down.’ Tom, you will sit there on that chair with your legs spread apart like you positioned yourself for when your sister did you with her feet.

Jason, you kneel in between his legs and you know what to do.”

The boys assumed their positions and Barbara moved her chair so she could get a good view.

Jason seemed to be waiting on his sister’s command, but she had an explanation to give first. “Most of the blowjobs you see on the internet show the woman deep throating the man. On the gay sites, this is about the only way oral sex is depicted.

Men might like that, but the penis is obscured. Also, it happens too fast. It’s a rather crude process.

The type of blowjob that we girls teach our boys is different. It is called a frenulum lick. The boy doing the sucking doesn’t take the penis into his mouth. Instead, he licks and sucks on the underside of the head of the other boy’s penis. That is the most sexually sensitive spot on a boy’s body. I don’t know if it is as sensitive as our clitties, but that’s where to go to make a boy cum.

Frenulum licking makes it a much better spectator sport for us girls to watch. It also gives the sucker more control over the other boy’s penis.

I suggest you get your phone. There will be some great photo ops in the next couple of minutes.”

When she deemed that everyone was ready, Hannah issued the command, “Start sucking.”

Jason reached out with his tongue and with just the tip, flicked the underside of the head of Tom’s penis causing him to flinch and tighten up in his chair.

Barbara was amazed at what she saw. Jason was able to contort his tongue into the most unusual shapes and seemed to have the finest motor control over it. He could wiggle the tiniest portion of it at will.

Every little lick pushed Tom into a tighter stance and elevated his eagerness to cum beyond what he thought he was capable of containing.

Jason continued to lick. A drop of pre-cum appeared at the pee hole. Lick after lick, suck after suck, produced drop after drop until a rivulet of the liquid oozed its way down Tom’s shaft.

This made the event all the more erotic to the girls who were watching. It was a visualization of the sexual tension building up inside Tom.

Tom started shuttering. He was losing control over his penis and the rest of his body.

He let loose with his semen onto Jason’s cheek and still the older boy sucked on, taking blast after blast on his face.

Finally, Tom collapsed, gasping for air. Barbara found herself breathing heavily as well. Even Hannah was a bit red in the face.

Hannah told the boys that they could relax and clean up. As he stood up, Barbara was surprised to see precum leaking from the device Jason had on his penis. He ENJOYED sucking her brother off!

After the break, Hannah announced, “Tom, now it’s your turn. Jason showed you what to do. Now you do him.”

Tom was about to complain when Hannah reminded him, “I know, you are not gay. Just do it. I’ve heard that a lot of straight boys experiment with this activity all the time.”

Hannah unlocked the chastity device from her brother’s penis. “I think we’ll leave this off until you go home. With us girls around to supervise, you should be able to stay out of trouble.”

Released from it’s confines, Jason’s penis started to grow. Barbara watched until it unfurled to its full extension.

Hannah told the girl, “It’s between 6 and a quarter and 6 and a half, in case you are curious.”

Tom was glad that he did not have to take the whole thing in his mouth. He had heard about blow jobs before and seen pictures more recently. All of them depicted the act as deep throating.

Barbara was more active with her camera on this go around. This time it was her brother who was face to penis with another boy. She even got up so she could get both boys in the frame at once.

She felt emotionally and sexually drained by the time her brother brought the other boy to climax.

She was glad it was time for a break and she needed a shower. She was wondering what other tricks Hannah had up her sleeve that could possibly top that!

She found out after lunch.

This time Hannah arranged the boys on the floor in such a fashion that each boy’s head was lined up with the other boy’s genitals.

“This time, we’re going to have the boys suck each other off simultaneously. It’s called a 69 because of the positioning of the bodies.”

Barbara said, “Wait. I have to download my pictures. I’m running out of space!” She came back with a big smile on her face.

Hannah gave the command, “Gentlemen, start your engines,” and the boys started licking. Even though each boy had already cum once this day, they both came in less time than the first time around.

Hannah explained it, “It seems that boys lick more enthusiastically when they are being licked. The more they are licked, the more they lick back on the other boy. It produces a runaway effect.

It is nice to watch boys degrade each other one at a time like we did this morning, but watching them go at it in a 69 is a spectacle not to miss.


The spectacle after dinner was even better. Barbara was now beyond even trying to guess what Hannah would have the boys do next. She was confused as Hannah positioned them sitting on the bed facing each other as if she were a little girl arranging her dolls.

Jason seemed to know what he was doing. Tom didn’t have a clue.

Hannah had each boy put his right leg over the left leg of the other boy and had them “scootch” together until they were as close as they could get to each other. This got them close enough that their penises were touching.

“Jason, you know what to do. Show Barbra.”

Jason wrapped his hands around both of their cocks. He started twisting his hand around so that the cock heads were rubbing against each other. His hand stayed on the shafts and did not touch the head.

He made no attempt to do a “double jerk off.” Instead, he was using his penis to masturbate Tom and using Tom’s penis to masturbate his.

Barbara was glad that she had downloaded her second batch of photos for the day before the boys started this activity.

Hannah provided the commentary, “This is called frottage. It’s a big thing in the gay world. Frottage is the act of rubbing one’s penis against an object or a person with the intention of obtaining sexual satisfaction.

In a way, what we did with our feet and shoes was sort of like frottage except we were the initiators of the action.

If, for example, Tom was to take your Crocs and hump them himself, that would be frottage. The same would be true if you just sat there while he fucked your feet.

In this case we are using penises.

This is one of my favorite things to watch. There is a lot to see. Also, this is uniquely boy-on-boy. A girl doesn’t have the parts to do this. Only two boys can do this.

It is penis against penis. The boy’s penis is both the thing being masturbated and the thing doing the masturbation.

There is no incentive for a boy to hold back. The objective is to make the other boy cum before you do. So, this is a ‘dick sprint’ to the finish line.

As an incentive, we usually have the loser lick his spunk off the winner’s dick and other parts of his body and then drain the victor’s semen with a blow job.”

When placed against each other, it was obvious which boy had the bigger cock. Tom was definitely outgunned by the older boy. Yet, he hung in there for quite a while. Eventually, the older boy, through dint of experience, overpowered him and he came.

Once recovered, he lapped up his semen and went about doing his submissive duty of servicing the other boy as the girls looked on.

Hannah cleaned up her brother and re-installed the device on his penis. She kissed him again and said, “See you tomorrow.”

Barbara wondered what that meant.


At breakfast the following morning, Barbara asked, “So what are we going to do with Tom today?” It only took her a couple of days to catch onto the idea of female domination.

“For the moment, we’re not going to do anything. In fact we’re not going to anything until after lunch.”

Barbara looked disappointed.

“Hang in there, girl. You’re going to like what I have planned for you.

In the meantime, let’s review what we’ve done and I can answer any questions that you may have.”

“How can I get other boys to let me do this to them?”

“That’s a good question.

This is where your brother may come in handy. He may be useful in setting up other boys to be compromised.

I’ve told you that all boys masturbate. They are ashamed of doing it, but the like doing it. Tom has friends. I’ll work with Tom and teach him a couple of things that he can use to initiate conversations with these boys about masturbation.

He may be able to convince a friend or two to masturbate with him. Once the initial ice is broken, they will become comfortable doing it together.

Having his magic key for the computer gives him access to wank materials other boys will want to see.

So this is where you come in. Literally. He can arrange for one of these sessions with his friends and you will know when this will happen. Then, you can catch them in the act and use the event to blackmail the other boy into allowing you to do to him, the same things you are doing to your brother.

Once he gets used to being masturbated by your hand, he’ll submit and be a willing participant.”

“What about my friends? I’m just bursting at the seams to tell Carol. She’s my BFF. I can’t keep a secret like this from her.”

“You have to be careful about which girls you let in on this.

You might be able to get away with small stuff like making him take his penis out and show her and explain it away that he lost a bet and this is what he has to do to settle it.

But full on play is something that only your most trusted friends should be allowed to participate in.

Let me talk to Carol and I will feel her out. We can do that tomorrow if she’s available.”

“I’ll make sure she will be.”


The girls had fun watching Tom perform his domestic chores “in the nude” until after lunch.

Barbara was surprised when Hannah said, “Tom, find some clothes and get dressed.”

She looked back at the girl and said, “I’m taking you guys out for some ice cream.

As much as I’d like to see naked boys in public, other people may object. We should never force our kinks on others without their permission.

However, first we are going to make a stop.”


“You will find out when you get there.”

Tom felt funny. This was the first time in several days that he had clothes on his body. It was also the first time any of them had been out of the house.

Hannah drove for only about 15 minutes before she arrived at a house. Barbara noted that there were several cars parked outside the house.

“This is my friend, Linda’s house,” Hannah explained. “It’s time for our weekly meeting. I don’t like to miss them.”

“What weekly meeting?” Barbara asked.

“The weekly meeting of our Girl’s Club. We get together and have fun with our boys. Come on in, I’ll introduce you.”

Hannah strode right in without even knocking. Apparently, there was some kind of party going on judging by the chatter and laughter coming from the playroom in the basement.

She led Tom and Barbara down the stairs.

When they got there, Barbara blushed as she saw the scene before her. There were four other girls and two boys. The boys were naked.

Hannah said, “Hey everybody, this is Barbara and Tom. They’re the ones I told you about.”

She introduced the girls first, “This is Linda, and this is her house and this is Alice. Jane is our newest member, and this is her cousin, Ronnie.

Those,” Hannah said pointing at the boys, “are Richard and of course, you’ve already met Jason.

Susan and her brother Ken are on vacation.

“Why does Richard look different?” Barbara asked.

Alice provided the explanation, “Richard is uncircumcised. He still has his foreskin. The other boys do not.”


“Yes, it’s a hood of flesh that covers the head of the penis. It is removed, usually when the boy is a baby, for a number of reasons. Some of them are religious, some are cultural. I’m told that it is much more common in the United States than it is in other places and it used to be done on almost every boy.”

Barbara screwed up her face at this explanation.

“It’s OK. They probably use anesthesia or something and I’m pretty sure that a baby’s penis isn’t as sensitive as a big boy penis.

Besides, they all look alike when they get erected.”

Hannah resumed the conversation with, “Tom, you seemed to be overdressed for this crowd. Why don’t you get undressed and join the boys over in the corner.”

Barbara looked around the room. Most of the girls seemed to be about Hannah’s age except for Linda who she later found out was only 13. The boys, on the other hand seemed a bit older.

Tom was hesitant to get undressed in a room with so many girls, but after some chiding from the girls and encouragement from the boys, he eventually disrobed.

Linda put on some music and they began dancing.

“Hey, Hannah,” Jane remarked, “Tom’s got a cute one. He’s a bit young and he’s small, but his dickie is cute.”

Ronnie stated, “He’s a good dancer, too. Look at the way he makes it gyrate around as he moves.

Barbara, you got a good brother here. Take good care of him!”

The girls took a break while the boys went upstairs to fetch them refreshments. Jason and Richard showed Tom where everything was.

Alice seemed to be in charge, “OK girls, as you can see we have more girls than we have boys, so why don’t we play a game of rounds.”

“Rounds?” Barbara asked.

Alice said, “Everyone line up. Barbara, I’ll explain the rules to you.”

Richard, Jason and Tom lined up with their backs to one of the walls and faced the girls.

Linda, Alice and Jane took positions respectively in front of the boys facing them.

Hannah stood at the head of a line behind the three girls. Ronnie stood behind her and Barbara was ushered to the rear.

“This is how the game works.” Alice explained. “Hannah is the head of the line, so she is the caller. “When she calls out ‘Ready’ each girl facing a boy will grab his penis.

Then she will call out ‘One!’ Each of us girls will shout, ‘One’ and the girls holding a penis will give it one tug.

Then Hannah will call out ‘Release’ and the girls will let go of their partner’s penis.

Then she calls ‘Shift.” When she does that, Jane, who is standing on the right end will leave her position and get in the line after you. Alice will move over to Tom and Linda will move over to Jason. Hannah will step forward in front of Richard and Ronnie will move up to be the new caller.

Ronnie will issue the command, ‘Ready’ and then she will call out the next count, ‘Two.’ All us girls count out, “One, two” and the girls with penises in their hands will give the boy two tugs.

Then we do another release and shift and the rightmost girl goes to the back of the line and the two other girls move one boy to the right.

The old caller, Ronnie, steps up, and the next girl in line, YOU, steps up to take her place as the new caller. You will then call out ‘Ready,’ ‘Three’ and we all count out ‘One, two, three.’ Then you issue the commands to release and shift.

Then you step forward and stand in front of Richard and wait to be told what to do by the next caller who will be by this time, Hannah again.

Do you think you got it?”

Barbara nodded. Inside her stomach was quivering; she was going to get an opportunity to handle each of the boys’ penises!

Alice continued her instructions, “Make sure you deliver only the exact amounts of tugs for the count. Your boy might be on the very edge of cumming with your last tug. Leave him there and release him when the command comes.

On the other hand, if a boy cums and you still have 15 or 20 strokes left, you must deliver those strokes even if he is producing no more semen.

We get a lot of incomplete or even ruined ejaculations with this game. The boys are frustrated, but we girls have a lot of fun.

We eventually get the boys milked out playing other games later on.

The last boy standing is the winner. The girl who makes her boy cum on the lowest count is the winner on the girls’ side.”

Initially, Barbara thought that the game would take a long time to play and how could a boy cum with so few strokes administered at a time. As the game progressed, she came to appreciate the cumulative effect of the rounds.

One of the girls worked it out and showed her: after just 10 rounds each boy sustained 55 cumulative strokes. By 20 rounds, a boy had been jerked over 200 times and by 30 rounds, it was close to 500! No boy could withstand that much penis handling without cumming.

She noticed this herself. Whenever she stepped up from her position as the caller to take Richard’s penis, she could “feel” that it was somehow harder and tighter and that he was in a higher sexually charged state than the last time she had her hand on it.

She also enjoyed feeling the different penises. Each boy’s penis not only looked differently, it also felt differently and each boy reacted differently.

Tom noticed this, too. At first the was little stimulation, just enough to keep him hard. However as the rounds continued and the jerk count escalated, he could feel their cumulative effect. By mid-game, the girl controlling him would get him to the point of just getting the urge to ejaculate before the count was up and she let go.

The break in the action was just enough that he would slide back down from the edge but not quite where he was when the girl first took hold of him. He would be in just a slightly higher state of sexual tension when the next girl took her place in front of him.

For his last couple of rounds he was exceptionally frustrated. The girl masturbating him must have had him to within a stroke or two of ejaculating him before she had to let go. He wondered if he would ever cum under these conditions.

He remembered the myth of the Greek god, Sisyphus who was doomed to roll a rock up hill only to have it roll back down again and have to start all over. Only his fate was different, each girl pushed him closer and closer to the top and his rock would not roll all the way down to the bottom. Each time he was pushed, he started higher up the hill.

Tom almost lost it in his sister’s hand. Ronnie was the next girl up. She barely answered the summons to ‘ready’ and was on the count of “FOUR” when he erupted in her hand. She kept pumping him for 13 more pumps to complete the 17 count. Each one of them felt good, but they were not enough. He stood there with her stationary hand on his cock, not even touching its head, still trying to pump out more semen.

He had never had an ejaculation that was not stimulated through completion before. He talked about it with the other boys who told him that the girls were so good that they could stop before even the first squirt. Their penises would simply quiver in the air for about 10 seconds before their cum flowed out.

The boys described it as a very frustrating experience and that they were still left needing to cum. Only successive masturbations of the same kind could gradually release the pressure.

Tom did well in the competiion. Jason was the first to cum, so he was the loser. The girls explained what happens when a boy “falls out.” The other boys move over to their rights to close the gap and the two rightmost girls go to the end of the line.

Tom was the second to cum and Richard held out to the 22nd round.

The girls resumed partying to give the more recent boys to drop out time to recharge. Then they played various games with the boys.

As the visiting guest of honor, Barbara was given her choice of boy and do with him whatever masturbation method she chose.

She chose Richard based on the fact that he wasn’t her brother and he wasn’t Hannah’s brother. She didn’t know how protective of her brother Hannah would be.

She decided to give him a footjob while wearing her Crocs.

The other girls gathered around, “What is she doing?” one of them asked.

Hannah responded, “She’s giving him a footjob with her Crocs. I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you about that. When I told her about sneakers and their rubber soles, she came up with the Crocs idea on her own.

It makes a lot of sense, and Tom really responded to it.”

“I got to try that with my brother,” Ronnie stated. The other girls chimed in with similar comments. There was going to be a run on Crocs at the shoe store this week.

Tom’s needs were taken care of by Linda. The girl took an interest in Tom’s penis. She was delighted to hear that Barbara was Tom’s sister and not a competitor. She provided a “routine” hand job on Tom, but as Tom noticed during the game of rounds, each girl has a unique touch. Hannah’s was different than Barbara’s and Linda’s was different from both of them.

The girls claimed that they could tell which boy they were touching just by feeling his penis. The boys claimed that they could tell the girls apart by how they handled their penises.

Tom was surprised that he could respond after such a minimal wait between her hand job and the game of rounds.

Barbara and Tome also got to witness their first pegging.

“What is she doing,” Barbara asked as Jane strapped on a dildo.

“She’s going to peg one of the boys,” Hannah replied. “Don’t do Tom. He hasn’t had that part of his training, yet.”

Jane said, “OK, I’ll think I’ll do Richard this time.”

“Good,” Linda said, “I like seeing boys get pegged.”

“I like doing it,” Ronnie said, “but it’s fun watching the boys face while another girl pegs him.”

Barbara soon learned what pegging meant when she witnessed Jane lubrication both the dildo and the opening to Richard’s ass. She watched as the girl put the head of the fake penis up against the opening of his asshole.

She could not keep her eyes off the spectacle as she could see Jane flex her hips forward putting pressure on the boy’s anus. With a slight jar, the head disappeared and then the rest of the shaft went in smoothly.

Jane started to rock her hips: slowly at first but picking up speed as she got into it. Both she and the boy were swaying to her rhythm. Both of them were working up a sweat as the minutes passed.

It was difficult to tell if Richard was in pain or ecstasy. Jane was panting with her efforts. Her hair was in disarray over her shoulders and even hung down in front of her face. It flew around as she tossed her head in synchronization with her incessant pounding of the boy’s ass.

Richard was also lost in his own world. His noises were not as animalistic as hers, but the words he was gurgling were incoherent.

Babara noticed the almost death rattle that boys make when they approach orgasm. She looked at his penis. There was semen, but unlike other forms of ejaculation, it did not spurt out forcefully. None of the boys squirted as well as her own brother, but this was much less forceful than even their own regular ejaculation.

Ronnie was right. This was worth watching from the outside. But still she wondered what it would feel like to be the force behind the poll pounding the boy’s behind. There could be little physical sensation for the girl, but there must also be a tremendous rush of power “taking” a boy like that.

Tom found himself clinching his butt cheeks and wondered what it would feel like to be penetrated like that and how it would feel to me forced to cum without anyone or anything touching his penis.

The boys were made to clean up the mess of the party and were then allowed to get dressed. Hannah then took Barbara and Tom to the ice cream parlor for their promised desserts.

Barbara had a lot of questions about pegging on the way home. Tom was silent. He was content to let his sister ask the same questions he was afraid to ask.

Fingering Tom

“Where can I get some of those toys?” Barbara asked.

“I’m glad you saw them in action, Barbara. It’s good for girls to know that. But the toys are kind of expensive and also hard for girls even my age to come by. Ronnie has an understanding older cousin.

Besides, you don’t want your mom finding them now, do you?”

“I guess not.”

“I guess we can start some of the process now, however.

Do you remember when I told the girls to leave Tom alone because he hadn’t been trained?”

“Yes, I wondered what you meant by that.”

“I meant that he was not anally trained. He’s not used to having things up his rectum.

Also, as a girl, you need to know what’s going on inside him as well so when the time does come, you will know what you are doing.”

Hannah called the boy over. “Tom, be a good boy and get up on the table on all fours and spread you legs out as far as you can and still be comfortable.”

Babara giggled, “I remember jerking him off in this position.”

“I’ll teach you something else you can do with him in this position and if you practice you can probably do it and jerk him off at the same time.”

Hannah went into the bathroom and came back with a jar of Vaseline. “This is not the best stuff for the job. They make lubricants especially for this purpose, but it’s good enough.”

“What are you going to do with it?”

“I’ll explain later. Now it’s time for an advanced anatomy lesson. You already know all about penises and testicles.

Today you are going to learn about the prostate gland. Girls and boys are almost identical anatomically. Even the so-called sex organs are adaptations of each other: cells that start out the same and then get repurposed into clitorises and vulvas, penises and scrotums and such.

But there is one organ that is unique to boys: the prostate. It produces some of the liquids to add bulk to and provide nutrients for sperm. It’s connected to the same wet of tubes tubes that come from the kidneys which is why boys use their penises for both urination and ejaculation.

We will start first with an external massage.” Here Hannah motioned for Barbara to get closer to where Tom was kneeling.

“Do you see this area between the ball sack and his pucker hole?”

Barbara nodded.

“That’s called the perineum. It’s a very sensitive spot on a boy. The prostate is located just underneath. That’s one of the reasons why I had you put your fingers there when you jerked him off. It gives you a feel for when he may be ready to ejaculate, and it makes it feel better for him.

Put a couple of fingers on it and push in and give it a couple of rubs. Do it clockwise a couple of times and then counter clockwise.”

Tom groaned as his sister probed this area of his body. As she rubbed around, she could hear him stifle a couple of breaths. Clearly she must have been providing some kind of sexual stimulation as she noted a drop of precum at the tip of his penis when she stopped.

“That’s good for foreplay. Boys like that kind of thing.

Now let’s get into massaging the prostate directly.

Start first by washing your hands. I know that doesn’t seem to make sense since you are going to put your fingers into the dirtiest part of his body but getting the wrong kind of ‘dirt’ in there may cause problems with your brother. So, wash before. I don’t have to tell you that you will probably want to wash after.

Unlike a woman’s vagina, this opening is not self-lubricating. It is made to stretch – actually to a remarkably large extent – but it is dry.

So I am going to mention the most important part of any anal exploration. Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate! Take as much lubricant as you think you’ll need and double it.

The second most important thing is keep your nails trimmed. Make sure rough edges are filed down.

Playing with boys is one thing, hurting them is a whole other matter. We do not want to harm your brother.

I’m going to let you actually do this and I will talk you through it.

Are you sure you want to do this?”

Barbara nodded uncertainly, but Hannah kept on instructing her anyway.

First, lube up your finger generously, get as much of the stuff as you can on it. It’s better to be messy than unsafe.

Next, take a really big glob and put it at the entrance to his butt hole. Now use your finger to gently push it in. Keep piling it up and pushing it in. I know it’s like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube, but the more you can get in there, the safer it will be.”

Hannah supervised closely and when she was sure that her student had completed this part of the task properly, she continued.

“Tom, take a couple of deep breaths and try to relax. Don’t fight it. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but it shouldn’t hurt. You probably put more strain on this when you are constipated.

Also Barbara has skinny fingers, even for a girl. They are a lot thinner than some of the pieces that normally come out of there. Keep this in mind when you get older and have to choose a doctor to examine the gland. You may want a woman.

The only difference between what your sister is doing to you now and what you do when you go to the bathroom is the direction of travel. It may feel like you have to go, but no worse than that.

OK, Barbara, put your finger at the very opening and push at it very gently. Go slow. There will be some resistance at first, but then it should slide right in.”

Barbara did as she was told, “Oh, it’s in!” she suddenly announced. “It’s just like you said it would be.

“How are we doing, Tom?” Hannah asked.

“It feels funny, but it’s, OK.”

“Good boy.

OK Barbara, gently move your finger forward slowly and push it in deeper. I find that if I use a gentle side to side motion like you are trying to feel the walls of his intestines makes it go better for me and for the boy.

What you are looking for is a lump about the size of a walnut. Let me know when you get there.”

The girl did not have to make the announcement. Tom’s body stiffened as if he had received an electric shock. “Wow! That feels really funny.” He exclaimed.

“Are you still OK?”

Tom grunted but shook his head, yes.

“As you an Tom play this game more often a couple of things will happen.

First of all, Tom will become easier to penetrate and you can use bigger objects such as the dildo Jane used on Richard.

The other thing is, you and your brother will work out how hard he wants you to rub, how fast he wants you to rub it and HOW he wants you to rub it.

For the moment, go slow. Don’t even rub it directly, sort of trace the edges of it with your fingers.”

Tom sighed as his sister probed the inside of his body.

Hannah encouraged, “That’s the girl. You seem to be doing fine. Keep rubbing gently.”

“Oh my God,” Tom announced, “I’m going to pee!”

“No you are not,” Hannah said putting her hand on his back. “Just hold steady. Let Barbara do all the work.”

Tom shuttered and sighed as his sister continued probing him.

Hannah allowed the girl about another minute of stimulation then cautioned her, “That should be enough for his first time. As you play more, you can do it longer.

Slowly remove your finger the same way as you pushed it in.

Her finger came out surprisingly clean. Hannah gave her a paper towel to do the preliminary clean up.

Tom was allowed to get up. Both he and Barbara were surprised to see a pool of semen here.

“That was weird,” the boy said as he collapsed on the couch. “I’m wasted.”

“Are you OK?” Hannah asked for the third time.

The boy nodded, “It felt really funny. I really can’t describe it. I can’t believe that my sister’s finger was actually inside me. It just felt so different. I think I liked it; at least I didn’t hate it. Maybe I’d like it even more if I got used to it.”

“Prostate massages take a lot out of a boy,” Hannah explained. “I think we should give Tom the rest of the night off.”

“That’s OK,” Barbara said. "I had more fun today than I think I ever have.”


Tom was also spared his morning masturbation the following day pending the arrival of Barbar’s friend, Carol. Tom was allowed to stay up in his room when she arrived.

“Hey girl! What’s up? I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. You know I can’t go that long without my Barbara fix,” the girl said as she came bouncing through the door.

The two girls gave each other a big hug.

“It’s really been busy here. There’s so much to tell.

First, let me introduce you to Hannah. Carol, this is Hannah. She’s been taking care of my brother and me while mom is gone.

Hannah, this is Carol.”

“Good to meet you, Carol. Barbara’s told me a lot about you over the past couple of days.”

“So, you’re the babysitter. I’ve never had a babysitter, even overnight. I can’t imagine what it would be for a whole week.”

“Oh, she’s the absolute greatest,” Barbara interjected. “She’s so much fun to be with and she’s showed me so many interesting things.”

“Like what?”

“Like, um …” here Barabara stalled out and looked at Hannah.

Hannah picked up the ball. “Carol why don’t the three of us sit down. We have some serious stuff to talk to you about.”

The three of them settled in the living room and Hannah continued, “Carol what do you think about your friend’s brother, Tom.”

Carol blushed a little, “He’s OK. He’s kind of cute. I just wished he didn’t pick on Barbara and me so much. I know he doesn’t mean it, but still, I’d like him to be nice to us.”

“Barbara tells me that you’re an only child, so you don’t have any brothers.”

“That’s true.”

“What about male cousins or other relatives or other boys you’re close to?”

“Well, there are the boys in our class, but Barbara and I don’t really like any of them. They’re so immature.”

“That’s normal for girls of your age: you’re way out in front of the boys at this stage in your lives.

Any cousins?”

“Just two. There’s Ben, he’s two and then there is Don, he’s 17 and will be going to college next year.”

“So no boys close to your age.”

“Right. Where are we going with this? Why are you asking me these questions?”

“I guess it’s time we get down to the point of this conversation. Do you know what boys look like without their clothes on?”

“Yes, my aunt let me help her change Ben. Also, my mom is pretty good about this stuff. When I was a little girl, she got me a boy-doll – you know with all the parts. She also gave me a book that explains what’s going on with my body and what boys look like. Just drawings, no actual pictures.”

“Is Ben the only real boy you’ve seen?”

“Some of the girls in our class told me that they’ve seen older boys, but I haven’t.”

“If you had the opportunity to see an older boy naked, would you like to do it?”

“It depends, I guess. Mom warned me about some men. I mean, I’m curious but I want to know if I’m going to be safe.”

Hannah looked at Barbara, “I’m OK with her. Do you have any questions for her?”

Barbara shook her head, “I’ve just been dying to tell you this, Carol, but we got Tom and he’s been naked here all week.”

“No way!”


“How did you do it? How did you get him to get naked for you? You don’t have to get naked for him. Do you?”

“Hannah did it all. No, we girls don’t have to get naked, just him.”

Hannah put in, “It’s a long story and I’ll explain it when we have time later.

How about we go upstairs and visit a naked boy. Are you ready?”

“Do you mean like now! He’s here already and he’s naked?”

“Less talk and more action. Let’s go girls.” Hannah nudged.

Hannah did the courtesy of knocking on Tom’s closed door. She heard the “Come in” and opened it. There stood Tom with his hands on his head facing the girls as she opened the door.

Carol let out a high-pitched squeak as only a tween girl can produce. Barbara just giggled at her friend’s reaction.

Hannah let the girl take in the sight and get over the bulk of her excitement before suggesting, “How about we all go back downstairs. I’ll fix us a snack and we can talk for a while and then Barbara can show you some of the things I’ve been teaching her.”

“Take her along slowly, like I did you.” Hannah cautioned.

The girls had time. It was still several days before Mrs. Mercer would be due back.

Carol petitioned her mom to be allowed to stay over and, with Hannah’s encouragement, got permission.

Mrs. Mercer was impressed when she got home. The house was in immaculate shape. Of course it was, Tom had been pressed into naked housekeeping duty while she was gone.

The kids were happy to see their mom and extolled the virtues of having Hannah as a babysitter.

“I’m glad all of you got along so well. I never expected Tom to be so excited about a babysitter.

This is good news for me. I met some people at the conference and I have an opportunity for a new job with a big increase in salary. The problem is that there is frequent overnight travel involved.

Hannah, do you think you’d be able to take the kids on? It will be a couple of days a couple of times a month.”

Hannah said, “I’d love it. Barbara and Tom are really nice kids.”

Mrs. Mercer handed over a wad of money to Hannah. “There’ a little extra in there. I’ve never seen my kids so excited over a babysitter. I don’t know how you got them to get along.”

Hannah gave the kids a big hug and left. She had converted one more girl to female supremacy.

Linda, Alice, Jane, Ronnie, Hannah. Barbara – Richard, Jason, Tom.

(End of File)