By Zyngaru
Copyright 2023 by Zyngaru, all rights reserved
* * * * *Neville Niederhauser
Hello. I’m Neville, Neville
Niederhauser, and I’m thirteen-years-old. Picture the nerdiest,
shyest, most modest teenaged boy in existence and you have me. Add to
that; I’m the most underdeveloped boy in my class at school and I wear
thick glasses. Without my glasses, all I see is a blur. I can make
out general shapes of people, but there is absolutely no way I can tell
who is who. So, except for other nerds, I don’t have any friends,
which means; you’ll very seldom find me hanging out with anyone.
This particular Saturday is one of those such days. It’s just me and
my mother at home. She has a business meeting that she has to attend
and since I don’t have anyone to hang out with, she decides to bring me
along with her. Her boss is very accepting of me coming to her house
and hanging out while the adults conduct their meeting. I really don’t
mind, because I get along better with adults than kids my own age
anyway. Besides, these adults will all be busy, so they’ll leave me
alone to read my book in peace.
When we arrive at mom’s boss’s house, we’re greeted very cordially.
“This is my son, Neville and all he’ll need is a quiet place to read his book.”
“Hello Neville. What are you reading?”
“Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne. It’s for my eighth grade literature class.”
“Eighth grade hey? My two nieces are in eighth grade too. Janice Moore and Carolyn Miller. Do you happen to know them?”
“No ma’am. I really don’t know all that many of the other kids at school.”
“Neville isn’t much of a socialite, Ginger. He has a very small circle of friends.”
“Oh. That’s fine. This is a big house and you probably won’t run into
the girls anyway. I suggest if you want the most privacy, use the last
bedroom at the end of the hall upstairs. It’ll be as far away from
everyone else as you can get, so you shouldn’t hear anything, being all
the way at the back of this huge old house.”
With that, I take off upstairs. As I walk down the long hallway, I
hear girl’s voices in one of the rooms, but I just keep on walking past
it down the long hallway. I pass a bathroom and step inside to pee
before going to the back room to read. Once done peeing, I find the
room suggested and discover that it’s well lit by sunlight through
curtainless windows, making it a great reading room. The bed is right
up against a huge window, so I kick off my shoes and climb up on the
bed and get comfortable in front of the giant window. I open my book
and begin reading in the quietness of this secluded room.
I’ve been
reading for about half an hour. I’m deep into my book, when I glance
up to see two girls standing at the foot of the bed staring at me.
“You must be Neville, the thirteen-year-old boy, Aunt Ginger told us
about. We’re both fourteen and have a school project we need some help
with and we think you’re perfect to help us.”
Now, the last
thing I need are girls bothering me. I’m sure they don’t need me for
any project and I sure don’t want to socialize with them.
don’t know. I need to get this book read for school. Your Aunt said I
could be alone in this room and get some reading done.”
“Oh. Come on. You can read that old book anytime. We need a boy to do our project and you’re the only boy here.”
Okay. I don’t want to be rude, but honestly; I don’t like being around
other kids, especially ones I don’t know. And what do they mean they
need a boy for their project. What kind of project would require them
needing a boy?
“I’m sorry. But I need to read my book. Maybe if I get it read and have some time, I can help you, latter.”
“Janice. That isn’t going to work for me. Is it going to work for you?”
“No Carolyn. I guess, we move to plan B.”
I look at them puzzled, just as they both lunge forward and grab my
feet and pull me down the mattress towards them. Once I’m laying flat
on the bed, they both jump up on top of me.
One girl sits on my chest and the other girl sits on my legs.
“What are you doing?”
“We told you. We need you for our project.”
Just then. The girl sitting on my legs grabs my belt and begins
unbuckling it. I immediately try to throw the girls off of me, but
together they are bigger and stronger than me. Like I said earlier,
I’m not very developed for a thirteen-year-old boy.
“Please. Don’t do that.”
I feel my belt leave it’s loops, followed by fingers fiddling with the fastener and zipper on my trousers.
“No. Please. Don’t take them off. Please.”
I’m scared to death now. These girls are stripping my clothes off, and
I can’t do anything about it. I try as hard as I can to push the girl
sitting my chest off of me, so I can stop the other girl from
unfastening my slacks, but it’s no use.
“Why are you doing this to me? I haven’t done anything to you.”
“We told you Neville. You are our school project. We have to examine a boy and you are the only boy here.”
“Please don’t. Don’t do this to me. Please.”
“We have to Neville. It’s our project.”
And with that statement, I feel my trousers and briefs being pulled
down together and instantaneously, my penis and balls are exposed to
the sunlight shining in through the window.
“Help! Someone! Please, Help Me.” I shout as loudly as I can.
That’s when a hand goes over my mouth. Then, I feel my trousers and
underpants pulled clear off my body. Instantly something is stuffed
into my mouth. I look down cross-eyed to see my white briefs sticking
out of my mouth. I can’t believe they stuffed my underpants in my
mouth. Yuck!
I’m quickly rolled over onto my stomach and my
tee shirt is pulled up over my head, so I can’t see anything. My hands
are grabbed and pulled behind my back, where something is being used to
tie them together. Soon, I realize it’s my belt securing my hands
behind me.
The girls roll me back over onto my back with my
bare naked penis sticking up for all to see. I squirm and struggle as
hard as I can, but the girls are holding me securely while they finish
stripping me, by removing my socks and my tee shirt from around my neck
and down to my wrists. I’m now stark naked on the bed, with both girls
looking down at my four inch semi hard dick and hairless balls.
“He’s not very big is he?”
“Nope and he ain’t got no hairs either.”
Through my underpants, I try to beg them to let me go and let me get
dressed. If you’ve ever tried to talk with your mouth full of a boy’s
size twelve pair of briefs, you know it’s impossible to say anything
coherent. Up to this point, I’ve been too shocked and surprised by
what’s happening to me, to let the full impact of my situation sink in,
but now, I realize that I’m completely naked and these girls have
complete control over me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. That
realization has the expected affect. My dick goes bone hard, sticking
up to it’s full four and a half inches. It’s so hard that my
pecker-head is fully exposed out the end of my foreskin. I might as
well be circumcised, since everything is showing. My dick looks like a
turtle sticking it’s head out. I couldn’t be more embarrassed than I
am right at this minute.
Carolyn gets up off the bed and walks over
to open a dresser drawer. She takes out four pieces of rope and
returns to tie my feet to the bedposts. That’s when Janice sits me
upright and Carolyn ties a piece of rope to each of my wrists. Each
girl then takes hold of one of the pieces of rope and they unfasten my
belt, releasing my wrists. They slip what’s left of my tee shirt onto
the floor and quickly tie my wrists to the headboard, stretching me
out, spread eagle over the bed. I’m now totally at there mercy. I
can’t stop them from doing anything they might want to do to me. I tug
at the ropes and squirm from side to side to try and break free. I’m
so embarrassed that my boner is pointing at my face and every time I
move, it slaps from side to side, making it harder and harder.
“Oh! Neville. Thank you so much for helping us with our project.”
“Oh yes. Neville. You are the first totally hairless boy with a big wiener we’ve had.”
“Oh! And your wiener isn’t cut. So, you ain’t got a scar right here.”
Janice grabs my dick and begins rubbing it right where my pecker-head
connects to my shaft, which makes my dick twitch in her hand.
Carolyn quickly grabs my dick and rubs it like Janice did and before I
can stop it, my dick squirts three loads of cum up into the air.
“Oh look Janice. Neville squirted already.”
“I see. At least we know he can squirt. I was wondering when I didn’t see any hairs.”
“Ya. Me too. We better start getting some photos. We already missed the video of him squirting for the first time.”
“That’s okay. I’m sure he’ll squirt again, since he did it so fast this time.”
They leave me lying here by myself for a few seconds, but return with
cameras and start taking photos of me naked with cum oozing out of my
Just then the bedroom door opens and in walks mom’s boss.
“So, girls. How’s Neville working out?”
“Just great, Aunt Ginger.”
“Awesome. I was a little concerned when I saw how small of a boy he
is, but now that he’s naked, I can see that he’s grown where it counts.”
“Yes ma’am. And he can squirt, so he’s perfect.”
“Neville. My nieces are going to use you for their school project.
They need to examine a naked boy. Now, I’m sure you’re going to do
whatever they want, right?”
All, I can do is look at her in disbelief. How could she ask me such a question?
“Neville. I’m sure your mom likes her job, and you want her to get ahead right?”
I shake my head up and down, because I do want my mom to get ahead. She works really hard.
“Well, you helping my nieces, also helps your mom. You cooperate with
Janice and Carolyn and I’ll make sure your mom moves up in the
company. You understand?”
I don’t like it, but of course I
understand. I’m being blackmailed. They are going to force me to do
stuff that I don’t want to do, so mom can get ahead in the company.
“So, I can take your underpants out of your mouth right?”
I really don’t have a choice. Mom needs this job and I need her to
have this job. I’m sure this lady already knew this before I even came
to her house. So, I shake my head and she removes my underwear from my
mouth but instead of laying it down, she puts my briefs in her pocket.
“I think, I’ll just keep these to remember you by, Neville. You’re okay with that, right?”
I whisper. “Yes. Ma’am.”
“That’s a good boy. Now, you’re going to let the girls examine you without any fuss, correct?”
“Yes. Ma’am.”
“Good, then I should be getting back to my meeting. But just one little taste before I leave.”
With that she reaches down and with her finger, wipes some of my cum off my dick and licks it.
“Oh! You are a sweet boy.”
“I am?”
“Neville. Haven’t you tasted your own cum before?”
“Oh! Heck No! That’s gross!”
I knew as I was saying it, I was making a mistake, but once I started talking I couldn’t shut up in time to save myself.
The woman called Aunt Ginger turns and walks out of the room, closing
the door behind her. I lie there in shock, that she licked some of my
cum off and ate it. She knew her nieces were going to do this to me
and she probably knows they do this to other boys as well. I wonder if
every boy, who’s parents work for her has been to this room to be
She is no sooner out of the room, than Carolyn and Ginger jump all over my confession.
“Oh Carolyn, he has to taste himself. Don’t you think?”
“Oh yes. I think he should clean himself completely up.”
“Oh, that’s a marvelous idea.”
“Open up, Neville.”
I try to keep my lips closed, but I can’t with both girls grabbing my
pecker and using their fingers to wipe my cum off. As soon as my lips
part the least little but, in goes a cum smeared finger and I have to
suck it clean. I’m eating my own cum. I can’t believe it. These
girls are videoing me doing it too. I want to say it tastes horrible,
but honestly, I don’t think it has much of a taste at all. It’s just
embarrassing as crap with the girls feeding it to me and taking photos
of it.
Once I’m clean, Janice goes to the dresser and pulls
out a ruler and a notepad. The girls start measuring me everywhere.
They measure my face. My eyes, nose, mouth, ears and even my lips.
They measure my arms, hands, and fingers. They measure my neck and
chest and even my nipples. They measure my belly button and of course
my dick, which went soft until they started measuring it. It was two
and a half inches, when it was soft, with my little pecker-head all
tucked nicely inside my foreskin, but now it’s back to it’s full four
and a half inches again, pointing straight up into the air. Carolyn
pulls my foreskin up and over my dick-head and then back down, over and
over again, and it’s not long before I’m breathing hard and humping the
air. My butt bounces off the bed each time my hips thrust upward. The
girls are having fun filming me humping up and down.
They stop
when I get close to squirting again. They untie my feet and twist me
around, so that I’m facing the headboard and then they retie my feet on
the post below my wrists. Then they make some phone calls and when
they’re done, they make me stand up, retying my hands to the top of the
bedposts, so that I’m spread eagle, standing in front of the big
window. All of my front is on display outside. It isn’t no time at
all, before kids start showing up down below and they’re all looking up
at naked me in the window.
“Please don’t make me stand in front of the window naked. All those kids down there can see me.”
“You don’t live around here. None of them know you. So, why are you scared of them seeing you naked?”
“Because look. They’re taking photos. They’ll have photos of me naked.”
“You should be proud of your body. You’re a great looking boy. You should want to show-off your wiener.”
“But I don’t! I don’t like people seeing me naked. It’s humiliating standing here and them seeing me.”
“Janice. I think we should help Neville get over his embarrassment.”
“I agree, Carolyn. I think he should squirt off, so everyone outside can see.”
“I agree...Neville, hump the window and squirt, so everyone can see.”
“What! I can’t do that. Not like this. Everyone down there is watching.”
That’s when I feel my belt slap my ass. Then it slaps it again a little harder.
“Okay! Stop spanking me. I’ll do it.”
I hate myself for giving in, but I’ve never been able to take a
spanking. Heck. All mom has to do is get cross with me and I start
crying. So, I push my boner up against the glass of the window and
start humping it. This feels so strange. I mean my dick rubbing glass
feels weird and seeing kids watching me do it, makes me feel a
different kind of weird. Every so often, I get my belt across my ass,
which makes me jump into the window pane even more. Getting spanked on
top of both these other feelings is driving me crazy.
I can
feel myself having to squirt, but I try to hold it back, because I
don’t want everyone seeing me do it. But my breathing gets heavier and
my ass pumps against the window harder. So hard, that I’m afraid it
might break. Then it happens. I start squirting up against the window
glass. I can’t stop once it starts, I squirt over and over again as
the kids down below are jumping up and down. Then I realize
something. They knew what they were going to see. They’ve seen other
boys do this very same thing. Now, they’ve seen me do it. I can’t
feel any more humiliated than I do right now.
Well, I thought that until!
“Okay. Lick the window clean. You can’t leave any of your boy juice on it.”
“Lick it clean like a good doggie.”
That’s when my wrists are tied together and my ankles are tied together
and my belt is looped around my neck like a dog collar and leash. I
get on my knees and start licking the window clean and the girls pat my
head as I do it.
“Nice doggie. Lick it all clean.”
can’t believe I’m doing this, but I am. As I lick the window, I watch
the kids below taking photos and videos of me. I can only imagine
where these photos are going to end up. I don’t have any other option
though, but to keep licking the glass clean. It’s not long before I
have it all licked off.
“Janice. Neville, is such a nice doggie. We should take him for a walk.”
The next thing I know, I’m being led down the hallway, by the belt
around my neck like a puppy dog. Then to my horror, when we get to the
end of the hallway, they lead me down the steps. We’re going
downstairs and I am naked. My mom is down there! I try to stop, but
when I do; Carolyn tightens the belt around my neck and pulls me along,
so of course I follow. We get to the bottom of the stairs and I can
hear the adults talking in another room around a doorway. I’m scared
to death the girls are going to take me in there for everyone to see,
including my mom.
But instead they walk in the other direction
and to my horror, they are going to the front door. They open the door
and lead me outside to the sidewalk where fifteen kids, both boys and
girls from ages eight to thirteen are waiting for me. These are the
kids that saw me naked in the window. They saw me jerk off. They saw
me lick it clean and now they are seeing me pretending to be a puppy
dog. A naked puppy dog. They circle around me and begin petting me
like I’m a puppy.
“Be a friendly puppy Neville. Give them doggie kisses and let them all pet you.”
It’s obvious what the girls want me to do, so I jump up on each kid
with my front paws and lick them in the face while they pet me. They
pet me on my dick and balls. Every single kid plays with my dick.
They even have me roll over on my back, so they can rub my belly, balls
and dick better. Every single kid has to get a photo of me while they
are doing it too. The only good thing is that after already squirting
twice, I’m spent and my dick stays soft, no matter how much they play
with it. Like I said. I’m still underdeveloped in that department, as
well as every other department. Yes, later, when I’m older, I’ll be
able to squirt a half dozen times easy, but right now, twice, possibly
three times is the max.
I don’t know how long I’m outside
playing this humiliating puppy game, but finally the girls decide to
take me back inside. The girls have just gotten me back to the stairs
when Aunt Ginger shows up.
“I see, you took little Neville out
for a walk. But look at him. He’s dirty and needs a bath. You girls
need to get him cleaned up before my meeting is over, so Neville’s mom
can take a nice clean puppy-boy home.”
“Yes. Aunt Ginger.”
“Come on Neville. Time for your doggie bath.”
Sure enough! They take me upstairs and put me in the tub and begin
running water as they wash me like a puppy. During my entire bath they
play with my pecker trying to make it hard. It takes a long time, but
they finally do and once my pecker-head peeks out my foreskin, they
don’t let up.
“Come on little Neville. Squirt one more time for us and then you can dry off and get dressed.”
Not that I want to squirt for them again, but I do want to get my
clothes back on and go home. I want to get as far away from here as
humanly possible. So, the whole time they play with my sore pecker, I
try and coax it on, and eventually, I can feel that small stirring in
my nuts that lets me know it’s about to happen. I let it build without
letting them know it’s happening until right before I squirt, I jump up
on both of them and hump into them squirting my cum all over them.
Once I finish, which doesn’t take very long, I jump out of the tub on
two legs, not four and grab a towel to dry off, as both girls go
running from the bathroom with my cum all over their front sides.
I take off in the other direction to the abandoned bedroom, where I
grab my clothes and get dressed. All except for my underpants which
Aunt Ginger still has possession of. Once I’m descent, not even fully
dressed, but enough that if I’m seen it won’t be too embarrassing, I
run downstairs and finish dressing at the bottom of the stairway.
The meeting breaks up shortly thereafter and I say my goodbyes and we
leave. It’s on the way home mom informs me that she has been promoted
to a regional manager and that she will be having close meetings with
her boss more frequently and that Aunt Ginger invited me to come over
anytime. Mom made it clear that this isn’t optional, but that I’m
expected to go with her to meetings unless something pressing is going
on. She did let me know that there will be other boys, sons of other
regional managers, there at those meetings to keep me company, so I
won’t have to be all by myself. I can only think of what these girls
are going to make us boys do together, while our parents are in their
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