Ned and His Sister 3 & 4

By brhmsj

Copyright 2023 by brhmsj, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Ned and His Sister 3

Ned obeyed his sister’s instructions all week. Friday she masturbated him after school but, to his surprise, not before bed and not in the morning even though his morning wood felt quite urgent to him. It had been over twelve hours since his last ejaculation. Indeed, it took a while for his erection to settle. Something must be up.

When he went downstairs for breakfast Emily already was there with their parents. To Ned it looked like she had something on her mind but wasn’t revealing anything yet. After breakfast Mom said that she was off to do errands. Dad took the newspaper into the living room so it appeared that he wasn’t going out. When they were alone Emily said “go up to your room.”

“Yes, sis.” Would she tell him what was going on? Or stroke him off? In his room Ned half-heartedly picked up a book but wasn’t really concentrating on it. After a while Emily appeared at the door.

“After lunch we’re going over to Joanie and Nicky’s. They’re home alone all day. You’ll be taken care of when we’re there.”

“Nick will see?” Why that should be more embarrassing than having Joanie see him the other day wasn’t clear. Maybe it was having another boy see him being subservient. He did hope to get to know Nick better and share their situations but he wasn’t sure that he liked the idea of being on show for Nick as well as Emily.

“Yes, Nick will watch you and you’ll watch Nick. You’re not thinking of being disobedient, I hope.”

“No, sis, it’s just. . .”

“Just what?”

“I don’t know. It’s ok, I guess.”

“Good boy. I’m sure you don’t want a spanking before we go over there.”

“No, sis.” It was a weird sensation, but the mention of a spanking made him start to get hard. He was in sweats which meant Emily noticed it. Ned blushed as he knew she had seen. Now they both knew that he found the idea of a spanking somewhat exciting.

Both had chores to do around the house which kept them busy all morning. When they were done Emily said, “we both need showers after all this work. Get undressed and go to the bathroom.”

Ned did as told. Before he could start the shower Emily came in. “Go ahead and start your shower. I’m going to make sure you’re nice and clean for this afternoon.” She hadn’t washed him for a long time. After he was wet she had him step away from the spray and soaped him all over. She pulled back his foreskin to clean there, making him hard which made her work easier. After she shampooed him she told him to rinse off and he was done.

“Get dressed and wait for me in your room.”

“Yes, sis.” Again, Ned did as told. He could hear that Emily was taking her shower. She was covered when she passed his door going to her own room. Ned realized that it had been a long time since he’d seen her naked. That didn’t bother him but he did wonder what she looked like now that she was so mature. He knew he never should ask to see.

Lunch was quick though it felt slow to both of them. When they were done Emily called out to Dad, who had gone to the basement, that they were going out. He was fine with it. Ned felt nervous as they walked to Joanie and Nick’s house. Emily had said nothing further about what would happen. She’d made it clear that he and Nick would be naked and be masturbated by their sisters. But nothing beyond that. Would Emily let Joanie handle him? The thought that he had no choice was getting him excited. He didn’t want to be hard when they arrived as that would be too embarrassing so he did his best to put any thoughts of what might happen out of his mind.

Apparently Joanie was waiting for them as she opened the door as soon as Emily pressed the bell. “Hi guys, c’mon in.” Ned’s uncertainty about what was about to happen had him being a bit shy. Joanie seemed pleased to see him again which helped him relax a bit. Where was Nick?

“Nicky is downstairs already,” Emily said as they came in. “Let’s go right down and get Ned out of his clothes.” Ned blushed at this but it was what he expected. It was a relief to see that Nick already was naked when they got downstairs to what Joanie and Nick’s family called “the kids’ cave.”

“Ned, you can’t let Nick be the only one naked, so get those clothes off,” Emily instructed before Ned even could greet the other boy. Ned didn’t know Nick well and never had seen him naked; Nick certainly did look good naked. He, too, was uncut. When Ned was naked and Nick saw that they both were uncut a look of bonding passed between the boys, easing any tension a bit.

“Sit over there, boys,” Joanie said in a tone that made it clear that obedience was expected. She had indicated a couch. Ned and Nick sat together on the couch. The girls sat across the room on the other couch and began to talk about the boys as if they weren’t there.

“I haven’t relieved Nicky since we got home from school, so he’s more than ready,” Joanie said with a smirk.

“The same with Ned,” Emily replied, feeling some pride at taking the same course as the older girl.

“Nicky was a bad boy this week and will get his spanking today.”

“I look forward to seeing that,” Emily said with a broad smile. Ned looked at Nick who showed embarrassment at the revelation of the spanking. He had been sure the spanking was being put off until today but it still was embarrassing. Secretly he was hoping that Ned might get spanked, too.

“Nicky, come here.” Nick stood and silently walked over to stand in front of his sister. “Step right up to me and spread your legs a bit. You know what is expected of you.” Nick obeyed. As she had done when Emily was there before, Joanie reached under Nick’s balls and teased. Nick had been slightly hard but on her touch quickly went full. Ned was behind him so didn’t see what Nick looked like hard, which was a bit frustrating. Knowing what was going on he felt himself getting hard.

Joanie continued, occasionally running a finger up and down the shaft of her brother’s erection. She took her time, waiting for Nick to start moaning from her play on his package. “Can’t have you spraying me and the couch,” Joanie said as she stood and turned Nick around. Ned let out a slight gasp when he saw what Nick was sporting. Not huge but quite impressive. Ned hadn’t seen any other guys hard so didn’t have any means of comparison, other than pictures online.

“Pass me the lube, please,” Joanie said to Emily who happily obliged. Joanie skillfully applied lube to Nick’s hardon, then took it in her hand. Nick had been nearly twenty-four hours without an ejaculation and now was well primed, eager for an orgasm. Joanie knew his responses well. With gentle strokes she added to his excitement while holding him off. Emily and Ned were quite impressed.

After a few minutes of this Nick was moaning again, louder than he had before. With a long groan and a shudder he gave up the load he’d been forced to withhold for so long. A series of spurts shot out onto the tiled floor. Now his moans were post-orgasmic. Joanie continued to stroke him, setting off a series of spasms until Nick started to go soft.

“Alright little brother, clean up your mess.” Nick retrieved a towel and soon had the floor clean. That done, he returned to Joanie, handed her the towel, and she did what little cleaning was needed on his leaking cock. “He is a good boy,” she said to Emily, eliciting the blush she wanted.

“So is Ned, I’m glad to say,” Emily responded. “Ned, your turn.” Ned, also silent, stood and walked over to Emily, passing Nick who was returning to the couch. The boys exchanged a look of understanding and empathy. Emily had been honing her technique and hoped she could give Ned an orgasm to match Nick’s. She teased and stroked, soon getting small moans and shudders out of her brother.

“Need some lube?” Joanie asked.

“Not yet. I’ll know when he’s ready.” Joanie smiled at her friend’s confidence. She didn’t doubt that Emily would know. When Ned showed signs of getting weak in the knees, Emily stood and turned her brother around. Nick liked what he saw when Ned’s erection was revealed to him. “Lube time,” Emily said to Joanie. Lube was applied to Ned’s now-straining erection. Emily built up his excitement a bit more then brought him to a loud climax, he too sending a series of spurts onto the floor.

One thing Emily had become quite expert at was the after-orgasm stroking, bringing on a good series of shudders and groans of erotic agony. Ned was almost in tears when she let go of him. “You’d better sit down with Nick,” Emily said. Ned was glad to sit!

“They need some rest,” Joanie said.

“But I think you have some other business with Nicky,” Emily replied with an evil grin.

“Oh yes, we’ll get to that.” With that the girls chatted, ignoring the two worn out boys. Those two did not know if they were free to visit so said nothing. Ned, in fact, dozed a bit. Nick, knowing that a spanking was coming, was not able to relax.

Gossip exhausted, Joanie looked over at the brothers and said “aren’t they good boys, sitting there quietly.”

“Yes, they are. We should be proud of them.” Both boys blushed with humiliation.

“Definitely. I can see that you’re training Ned very well.”

“I hope so,” Emily replied. “Oh dear, he never cleaned up his mess. I apologize for not making him do that.”

“Oh think nothing of it. He can do it now. Nicky, show Ned where the towels are.” Nick gave Ned a towel. Ned’s semen had had time to dry so his clean up was not so easy. Had Emily intended this? He wasn’t convinced by her innocent-sounding apology and Joanie had taken no offense at all. He was on the floor on his knees for a while, his bottom up in the air, his balls on display for the girls. Nick was taking in this sight, too.

Ned did manage to get the floor clean. “Let me get that lube off you,” Emily said when he was done. He presented himself and she took a fresh towel and cleaned him off.

Ned’s job finished, Joanie said “There is some other business to attend to, however,” as she looked at Nick. “Nicky, it’s time for your spanking.”

“Yes, sis,” Nick said, speaking for the first time since Ned and Emily had arrived. He stood, waiting for instructions.

“Nicky didn’t do all his chores on Tuesday night. Mommy said I needed to spank him by the end of the week. She lets me pick the time when it’s my responsibility.” She stood and placed a chair for the spanking.

“Do you only spank when your parents say you should?” Emily asked as Joanie was making preparations.

“Oh no,” Joanie replied. “I’m allowed to spank him when I feel it is necessary. Boys really should be spanked at least once a week, but I’m fair and only spank him when he deserves it.” She sat. “Nicky, over my lap.”

“Yes, sis.” Nick placed himself over her lap. It was obvious that this was a regular occurrence. Ned could see that Nick had no trouble getting in place.

Joanie never wasted time and today was no different. Immediately she brought her hand down repeatedly on Nick’s upturned bottom. Ned watched uncomfortably, only made worse because he was getting hard. Emily watched quite eagerly. She wanted to spank Ned and soon. How to come up with a legitimate reason?

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Nick began to cry out with each swat, a steady of series of “ow ow ow” to match each landing swat. As any boy does, he started to squirm in futile attempts to escape the punishing hand.

“Stay still or I’ll have Emily get the hairbrush!” Joanie commanded.

“Yes, sis,” Nick gasped. The swats had not stopped. He did his best to stay in place, his legs now beginning to kick in response to the swats, along with his cries.

Joanie stopped. “Have you learned your lesson, Nicky?”

“Yes, sis, please no more. I’ll do my chores,” Nick said repentantly.

“What will happen if you don’t?”

“You will spank me.”

“That’s right.” She looked at Ned. “Ned, I hear that you’ll be getting spanked when you’re naughty, too, won’t he Emily?”

“Oh yes.” Emily’s voice was a bit too eager for Ned’s taste. He knew that if she could find an excuse to spank him, she would with no hesitation. Emily was gaining the control that her friends had promised would happen. By all appearances Joanie had full, or close to full, control over Nick. Emily was impressed with what she’d seen so far today.

Nick’s spanking done, he was ordered to stand in the corner. “Oooh, I hadn’t thought of corner time,” Emily said. This was getting very exciting.

“Of course. All boys need corner time. When he’s really a bad boy he gets corner time before his spanking.” She glanced at Ned. “Seems that Ned likes the idea of spankings.” Ned was fully hard and now blushing deeply.

Emily took a good look at him. “So I see. He’ll have to get spanked soon.”

“Why not today?”

“Ah. . . no, I don’t think so.” Joanie noticed the hesitation so did not press her friend. She remembered the conditions Emily had been given. She changed the subject to something she’d planned to bring up.

“Do you have him do it for you? So you can watch?”

“Yeah, I have a few times.”

“I have Nicky do it frequently. He’s so cute when he makes himself cum.”

“Ned is, too.”

“Good. After Nicky’s corner time we’ll have them put on a show for us. Ned is ready now, but he’ll have to wait.” Ned was hard but not really feeling like making himself cum for someone other than his sister. He knew he had no choice. The expectation was proving to be quite uncomfortable but he stayed hard.

The girls chatted for a while, ignoring the boy in the corner and the one with an erection on the couch. Ned’s erection just wouldn’t go down. Seeing Nick spanked and now anticipating cumming again soon were keeping him firm. Finally, after what seemed a long time to both boys, Joanie called Nick from the corner. He returned and stood in front of his sister.

“I’ve told Emily how cute you are when you make yourself cum and she wants to see for herself.” In spite of himself, Nick was getting hard from hearing this. “Then I’ll get to see how Ned does it. Emily says that he’s fun to watch, too.” Nick was fully hard now but showing signs of hesitation. Like Ned, he’d only ever done this for his sister. As he finally wrapped his hand around his hardness Joanie said “that’s a good boy. I’m sure you don’t want a second spanking today, do you?”

“No, sis.” With that he did his best to put his audience out of his mind and stroke himself in the way he most enjoyed. As his excitement built he was able to focus more fully on his cock and the job at hand, as it were. He also knew how to draw it out when Joanie watched. That’s how she liked it. He had been spanked more than once for cumming too fast. Ned watched, his own hardon feeling harder as Nick worked.

As he had when his sister stroked him, Nick began to groan as his need built up. The girls had wide grins as they watched. Ned, too, was finding this very exciting. His pleasure was curbed a bit when he wondered if he could do as good a job. Nick was close. Moaning and then, again with a long groan he let go, a few good spurts shot across the room. He kept stroking which he knew he was required to do, all the while making faces of erotic agony. All in all, a good show.

“Oh that is very good!” Emily said.

“I told you. Glad you liked it.” She gave no instruction to clean up the mess and Nick did not.

“Ned, your turn,” Emily said in a teasing tone, hoping to make him embarrassed. It succeeded and red-faced he came over. His erection was quite full which was not lost on the three watching him. “You know what to do. Nice and slow.” With no comment Ned began working himself. This was turning out to be very exciting for him and he, too, began to moan. He took his time, holding himself off more than once. He could see Emily’s approval. After a few minutes of this she nodded her head, giving him permission. It didn’t take long after that. With a cry of “oh! oh! oh!” Ned let go and his semen joined Nick’s on the floor. Two good-sized puddles.

“Wow! Most excellent!” Joanie congratulated her friend. “Now comes a fun part,” she said in Emily’s ear, too quietly for the boys to hear. “Now, boys, done on the floor and lick up each’s other’s cum!” Ned was shocked! Nick had been made to eat his own cum so this was not new. He didn’t mind the taste but found having to do it quite humiliating. This would be his first time tasting another boy’s semen. He also knew that not obeying would mean a spanking, likely immediately.

Ned waited for Nick to start. Trembling a bit, he got down on the floor, too. The boys’ semen had landed such that they knew whose was whose. Nick went right to work on Ned’s. Ned tentatively took a taste of Nick’s. He had secretly tasted his own so knew what to expect. Nick didn’t taste bad. Soon the boys were at work, their bottoms in the air, their balls on display.

“Nice sight, isn’t in?” Joanie said.

“Sure is. I’ll remember this.”

“It warrants an immediate spanking if he doesn’t obey quickly.”

“I’ll remember that, too.” Ned heard it all and was not happy about it. He wasn’t going to test his luck when the time came, which he knew it would. He was slipping more and more under Emily’s control.

When the puddles of semen were cleared the boys stood. “Get towels and dry the floor.” There were towels nearby and the boys did as instructed. Job done, Joanie said “back on the couch and we don’t want to hear a sound out of you.” Two naked boys obeyed.

The girls settled themselves and a discussion of future plans began. “One of the girls has group sessions sometimes.”


“Yeah. I haven’t taken Nicky yet, or gone to one myself, but they sound great. I’d say that our boys are ready.”


“If they get enough boys they can do a game called Rounds.” She explained the rules as best she understood them. Emily liked what she was hearing. Ned and Nick were not so sure; it sounded like they’d be toys for girls. “I’ll find out if a group day is happening soon. You’ll be quite surprised at which girls have younger, and even some older, brothers under their control. Obedient and properly subservient, as boys should be.”

Another “wow” from Emily. Joanie was so naturally confident with her Girl Power. This all seemed almost unreal.

The boys did stay quiet on the couch but after a while were fidgeting a bit. “I think the boys need attention,” Joanie said after letting them fidget a bit. “Would you allow me to take care of Ned? I’d be happy for you to handle Nicky.”

“Oh I’d be honored.” The boys were told to stand, then for Ned to lie down on the couch. Joanie pulled up a chair and teased him into an erection. Easily done with a teen, of course. Emily was impressed with the expert edging Joanie gave her brother. Joanie had had more practice, after all. She would get Ned close, then back off. The boy’s frustration was showing. He squirmed a bit under hand but still said nothing.

Finally Joanie said “watch this” to Emily and brought Ned to climax with his biggest load of the day, even though it was his third.

“I’m impressed!” Emily said as Ned shot.

Joanie smiled and said to Nick “lick him clean.” Nick did, both boys enjoying the feel of tongue to skin, though neither would admit it. Ned clean, Joanie ordered the boys to change positions. Emily took the chair.

Licking Ned had made Nick hard, something everyone noted, he with some embarrassment. So, Emily was spared the job of getting him hard which was slightly disappointing. Joanie was at her side and helped guide her through the process of edging Nick. “You can feel him build up. You know already how it feels when he gets harder and needs to cum.”

“Oh yes.” Emily was working slowly.

“When he does, stop. After three or four times you’ll have him in agony. Usually Nick begs me to let him cum when I give him a good edging. I tell him to stop begging or he’ll get spanked after he cums. By the way, a spanking stings a lot more after the boy has had an orgasm.”

“Mmm, that’s good to know. He feels close.”

“OK. Ease off. Now stop for a sec.” Emily took her hand off Nick’s hardon. Indeed, she could tell that he was losing the extra fullness a moment after she let go. “OK, start again.” Joanie was able to help Emily do this four times. Nick, of course, had been moaning, especially the times he was close. “It’s fine to wrap it up now,” Joanie said. “You’ll get lots of practice at home.” The girls laughed. Emily did as told. Nick moaned some more, then gave his usual groan and surrendered what was his biggest load of the day, too.

“Lick him off,” Emily ordered Ned. Ned went to work. With the roles reversed the boys again enjoyed the tongue to skin. “The edging is amazing. Both boys shot their biggest load and that was the third time they came.”

“Yes, Nick is always good for an especially good load when I edge him, even at bedtime though I rarely do it then. After all, we need our sleep.” The girls laughed. Ned finished his job and stood, Nick staying on the couch.

Suddenly Emily said “Gosh, look at the time. The afternoon certainly has gone fast.”

“Always a good sign,” said Joanie.

“Ned, get dressed,” Emily instructed and Ned obeyed.

“You’re making fine progress,” Joanie told Emily as she showed them out. Emily felt a strong sense of pride.

As they walked home Emily asked Ned “should I make you cum tonight at bedtime?”

“I don’t know. I feel pretty drained.”

“Because you are,” she said firmly. “But ‘I don’t know’ doesn’t answer my question.”

“Sorry, sis.” Ned was contrite. A good sign. “I don’t think there’s anything more in me for a while, so my answer is no. My cock needs a rest.” He surprised himself at using that term for the first time with Emily. She was pleased as she saw it as another sign of Ned’s subservience.

“Ultimately I decide, don’t I?”

“Yes, sis.” They arrived home. Their parents had returned earlier in the afternoon.

“What have you two been up to?” Mom asked pleasantly. “I was beginning to think you’d be late for dinner.”

“Oh just visiting with Joanie and Nick.” Mom left it at that but she knew that Joanie was in charge of Nick’s masturbation. Were the girls showing off their brothers? She smiled at the thought.

At bedtime Emily gave Ned a reprieve from cumming again, making a point of telling him that was what she was doing. Just asserting her control.

In their parents’ room, Mom told Dad where their children had spent the afternoon. Dad had the same thought as to what might have been happening. “Hm, things could have been exciting. Kind of hot to think about.” They laughed.

“Should I show you off sometime?” Mom asked teasingly.

“That’s kid stuff,” he answered, making them both laugh again. He’d been shown off by his sister when he was a teen, which his wife knew. The memory of it was exciting. They did know some couples with whom some showing off might happen. They had another laugh but did not settle down for sleep right away.

Emily and Joanie would get to take their brothers to a group session. It would be an eye opener.

Ned and His Sister 4

This chapter includes a game called Rounds. See the entry by NAMB under Ask Ms. Masturbatrix for the complete rules for Rounds

Participants in the game of Rounds:
Emily and younger brother Ned
Joanie and younger brother Nick
Nicole and younger brother Frank
Beth and younger brother Dennis
Amy and older brother Jonathan
Ruth and younger brother Gary
Melinda and younger brother Danny
Two girl guests without boys

Over the next few weeks Emily was becoming quite proud of Ned and his obedience to her. Ned was loving the attention and the routine of being given an orgasm in the morning, after school, and at bedtime. It felt good to know there were set times. Most of his orgasms were given by Emily, but she did sometimes give him a schedule for doing it by himself. She trusted him not to go beyond the set times and threatened a spanking if he did.

Besides the attention, Ned was also aware that his penis had less control over him now that he had a regimen. Homework was going better and it seemed that his grades were improving. Time would tell on that.

Emily eventually did give him his first spanking. When it was told to their parents, per the agreement, the parents were a bit dubious but let it slide this time. Later there was a discussion of what warranted a spanking by Emily rather than by the parents. “We still have the right to spank Ned. And you, too Emily, if necessary. Don’t forget that,” Dad told them. All of them knew that masturbation without permission was at the top of the list of spankable offenses that Emily could deal with. Ned was silent through it all, accepting his fate.

Over this time Emily was getting to know some more of the other brother-dominating girls at school and from them, more about Girl Power. As she heard their stories she felt good about her relationship with Ned and shared some of it with the others. She was quite proud to get approval from the more experienced girls along with realizing that her Girl Power seemed to have come quite naturally.

One girl who Emily had come to know through her particular Girl Power network was Nicole, a senior who took care of her junior year brother Frank. One day Nicole found Emily and Joanie and told them that her home would be empty all weekend and she wanted to get a group together on Saturday. She was eager to see Nick and Ned. The girls and their brothers were available and the girls eagerly agreed to join the group. The boys were informed later, their sisters making it clear that there was no room for discussion.

“I think I definitely have six boys coming,” Nicole said a couple of days later. “Maybe a couple more girls which should make a good number of girls and boys for a game of Rounds. Or two if we have time.” Since learning about Rounds Emily and Joanie had been eager to play. Nicole hadn’t said who else would be there which made the anticipation more exciting.

When they got home from school that day, their parents weren’t home and Ned stripped as soon as they were in the door. Emily had trained him to do that automatically. They went up to his room. “Time for your after school orgasm,” she said in the businesslike way she had adopted. Ned had developed an automatic response to these announcements in that he began to get hard right away, if he were not already. Emily liked that she had this kind of control but sometimes missed playing with him and making him hard. She did find opportunities to surprise him when he was soft and get him hard. That always was fun.

This was not an edging but she did take her time so that she could tell him about Saturday. He took in what she said but was too focused on the stroking to respond right away. After he shot all over his belly, Emily fed his semen to him as she often did now. Ned obediently swallowed.

“So, there will be a bunch of us boys? And they all have sisters like you?”

“That’s right. It will be an eye-opener for both of us. I think we’ll be surprised by who will be there.”

“You don’t know?”

“Us, Joanie and Nick, Nicole whose house we’re going to, and Nicole’s younger brother Frank. You know them.” Ned did. From what he saw at school, he had no idea that Nicole had Frank under her thumb. This could be interesting. “Now, no clothes until Mom or Dad get home and start your homework.”

“Yes, sis.” He always did homework when she told him to.

Both ruminated on the upcoming Saturday. Definitely three boys and their sisters in charge. Emily didn’t tell Ned that Nicole had said at least six boys without saying who the couples were. Emily and Ned both had a tingle of excitement at the unknown, though for Ned that was mixed in with trepidation.

Saturday arrived. Their parents had left early so there was no need to explain where they were going. Ned was allowed to stay dressed until they left, which was at ten. Nicole had said to arrive any time between ten and eleven. She did not live particularly close by so it was about a fifteen minute walk, but the day was nice. Joanie and Nick were waiting to join them on the walk. All four were feeling nervous excitement when they arrived and rang the bell. Nicole opened the door.

“Hi! Good to see you! Beth and Dennis are here already and more are coming. C’mon in.” It was a large house and she led them to a large rec room. Frank and Dennis were naked in a corner. Ned had seen Dennis naked after gym but only glimpses. He had seen Frank around but didn’t know him nor had he ever seen him naked, not having been in gym classes together. He was aware of still being the youngest boy.

“Clothes off boys and give them to Nicole.” Nick and Ned quickly were naked and told to join the other two. They had not been told not to talk so chatted quietly.

“There really is a lot more of this going on than I thought,” said Dennis. “At least three more guys are coming and my sister said that some of them may surprise us. And that there are a lot more of us in town.” None of the boys knew know that this was a sort of town tradition. Many of their fathers who had grown up there had been supervised in their masturbation, as we know that Ned’s dad was.

“I guess,” said Nick. Talk turned to school and other teen topics until the next pair arrived.

Nicole had stepped out in response to the doorbell. In a few moments she returned with the new brother/sister pair. The four naked boys gasped slightly when they saw who the newcomers were. The boy was a senior, Jonathan. He was a good guy and sort of a Big Man on Campus whom younger students, boys in particular, looked up to. Certainly not someone that others would suspect of being under anyone’s control. He was accompanied by his younger sister Amy, a confident sophomore.

“Shit, man,” Dennis said. “Did you guys have any idea?”

“No,” the others replied. “He’s the oldest in his family. Does that mean Amy is in charge of him? That would suck having your little sister be in charge of you and getting you off,” Frank said. The others agreed.

Amy quite sternly said to her brother “clothes off, hand them to Nicole, and join the other boys.” Jonathan said what all the boys say, “yes, sis,” and quickly joined the group of boys. Ned and Nick both noticed that the older boy was not all that well-endowed. A glance passed between them. It felt good to know that Jonathan wasn’t superior in everything. Nick thought maybe Jonathan would prove to be a grower. He didn’t lack for girls wanting to get into his pants, so maybe he did get big. They’d all know soon.

“Hi guys,” Jonathan said, sounding like he didn’t see the situation as at all unusual. The others said hello. “I’m not sure I know all of you, though I’ve seen you at school.” Introductions, as needed, were made.

“You really let your little sister take care of you?” Nick blurted out.

Jonathan smiled. “Yeah. It’s no big deal. She’s always been mature for her age. My parents said that she was more mature than I was so she was put in charge rather than find an experienced girl from another family. Oh, I hated the idea at first, but she quickly learned how to give a good handjob, so I saw no reason to complain.”

“Wow” the others said.

“It’s no big deal. We started when she was twelve, so it’s been a few years and we’re used to it. Our little brother will have reached puberty when I go to college, so she’ll keep busy.”

“Is she strict with you? My sister certainly is with me,” said Frank.

“I dunno. I think she’s fair in how she treats me, so I guess that’s all that matters.”

While they were chatting another pair arrived, a senior girl and her junior year brother. “Interesting,” Jonathan said, “Ruth and her brother Gary. I wasn’t sure if they might be invited. She’s tough. Don’t mess with her.”

“Is she mean to her brother?” Ned asked. He and Nick had seen them around school but had no contact.

“Well, let’s just say that I wouldn’t want her for my sister.”

Unlike the other girls, Ruth really barked out her orders to her brother. He wasted no time undressing and when he was naked she gave his bottom a hard swat before sending him to join the other naked boys.

“Hey Gary, good to see you,” Jonathan said. The two often hung out together, sharing stories of how their sisters supervised them. Gary knew Dennis from previous events like this but didn’t know the others. Jonathan made introductions.

“First time for you two,” Gary said to Ned and Nick. Both said “yeah.” “Just relax and let the girls take charge. You’ll be ok.” Ned and Nick weren’t so sure. “Who else is coming?” Gary asked Dennis.

“Danny and Melinda for sure,” Dennis answered. “Danny is a freshman like you Ned, so you may know him.” Ned did, though not well. His presence was an interesting development. “His sister is a senior, so he’ll need a new girl after she goes to college,” Dennis added.

“I’m sure some girl will be free and glad to take over,” Jonathan said. “But that’s not for us to decide.”

“So, have you guys done this before?” Ned asked.

“Oh yes,” Gary answered, Jonathan nodding in agreement. “Dennis, too. The girls may be tough but it’s all fine. You’ll be ok and we usually get a couple of good orgasms.” Ned and Nick were dubious.

Soon Danny and Melinda did appear. “Get those clothes off and get over there with the others,” Melinda ordered as soon as they were in the room. The younger boys gasped when Danny was revealed. He might be fourteen but he looked huge. He was shaved, too, which added to the effect. Ned and Nick hadn’t seen a shaved boy. What was it like for Danny in the locker room?

Danny was a bit shy which only could make things worse in the locker room. He knew Dennis and Frank already from other group events. They greeted him warmly, then made introductions. Danny relaxed a bit when he saw Ned and knew there was another freshman.

The boys chatted quietly, hoping to look well behaved. Across the room the girls were talking among themselves. Talking about the naked boys.

“This is a fine group,” Nicole said. She was pleased as hostess by the assembled crowd.

“They are cute, behaving themselves,” Beth said. “Two uncut boys I see. That’s a nice change, not that there’s anything wrong with uncovered penis heads.” Nick and Ned were, in fact, the only two boys who had not been circumcised.

“No hardons yet,” said Amy, making sure that the boys could see her looking them over. “Even the new boys know better. Did you explain Nicole?”

“No, I hadn’t yet. It’s always fun to give a spanking for breaking the rules before we tell them what the rules are.” All the girls laughed at that. Ned and Nick felt blood beginning to flow into their cocks at all this talk of hardons and spankings but managed to control it. What were the rules? No one had said. “A couple more girls should be here soon.” As soon as she said that the doorbell rang. Nicole returned with two girls, juniors, who for the present had no boys in their charge. All the girls knew each other.

Nicole assessed the crowd. “Seven boys and nine girls. I’d say that’s pretty good for a game of Rounds.” Agreement from the other girls. With that the girls crossed over to the boys. Amy took charge.

“Now that we’re all here we’ll have a game of Rounds,” she announced. For the benefit of the new boys she explained the rules. “OK, now line up by age.” There was a bit of shuffling and discussion as not all the boys knew each other’s ages. Jonathan was at one end, Danny at the other as it turned out that he was a couple of months younger than Ned who was next. Dennis and Nick were the sophomores, with Dennis between Ned and Nick which meant they weren’t able to be together and supportive of each other. Dennis was a good guy, though. Then Frank and the slightly older Gary.

Emily and Joanie were quite excited by now. “They look great!” Joanie said.

“Yes, a fine bunch today,” said Beth. “Melinda, it’s great to have your little brother here. What have we got? Three newbies?”

“Ned, Nick, and little Danny,” Nicole answered. Danny blushed at being called that. “We’ve had Danny at other events but this is his first time at Rounds.” Dennis, Frank, and Jonathan were used regularly in games of Rounds, and in other events. Gary had been to a few games of Rounds but more regularly at other gatherings. As fun as Rounds could be, the girls enjoyed when they could get together to show off and play with their brothers.

“You’ve been very good boys, not getting hard,” Nicole said. “No need for spankings for breaking that rule. For you new boys, erections which are not from a girl handling you or because you’ve been commanded to be hard are punished immediately with a spanking. Your sister can give the spanking or assign one of the other girls. Is that understood?” The new boys nodded and said “yes.” “Good boys. Now, we do need to get them hard.” The single girls, so that they wouldn’t feel left out, were given the two older boys.

The new girls were assigned boys next. This was trickier as Nicole knew that both Emily and Joanie masturbated both Nick and Ned. “Joanie, you take Dennis. Emily, you can’t have Ned, so you get Frank. Melinda you can have Ned. That leaves Nick and little Danny.” It looked like Danny would have to endure being called that.

Nicole decided to open up the last choices to the room. “Who wants little Danny?” Amy said she would. As soon as she saw him naked and shaved she had wanted to have a chance to be in charge of him. Beth took Nick.

That all sorted out, the girls lined up in front of their assigned boy. As hostess Nicole was running the game. “OK, let’s have seven hardons.” It didn’t take long. Some of the boys already were starting.

“Wow! What an assortment!” Amy said. Agreement all around.

The boys were taking furtive glances at each other. Jonathan was at the far end of the line so Nick couldn’t get a good look but it seemed that Jonathan was a bit of grower though still not impressive. He definitely did not have the biggest cock. From what Nick could see, Dennis took the length prize. Danny had a impressive hardon, thick and accentuated by his lack of pubic hair. No one was inadequate, that was for sure.

Now the game could begin. Nicole gave the command for the first stroke. The game was an increasing number of strokes after each girl had handled each boy. Initially Ned and Nick didn’t think it all that great. Yes, they got nine tugs in the first round but the pauses for the line to move kept those tugs from having any effect. When it got to round ten and higher, things did change. It began to get exciting. Because of the various pauses when the serious strokings started it began to feel a bit like an edging. Feeling nine different hands on their cocks added to the excitement.

Now things were serious. Enough tugs were applied by each girl that the boys were effectively stimulated. The occasional moan was heard. The girls were competitive now, each wanting to get the most boys to shoot and thus win the game. There was nervousness among the boys as no one wanted to be embarrassed by being the first to shoot and thus the loser, facing some sort of humiliation when the game was over.

Nick was beginning to feel like he was getting close. It seemed that Dennis, next to him, was also building up. He couldn’t get a look at Ned. Ned was breathing hard but not feeling near to being ready. Next to him Danny seemed to be enjoying the attention but showing no signs of being close to orgasm.

Beth was noticing the reactions of some of the boys. “Is this a strict count game?” she asked.

“What do you think girls?” Nicole asked the group.

Melinda said “I’d kinda like to be able to finish them off if they’re close. Really see how they work.” Amy wasn’t so sure. She enjoyed the spontaneous ejaculations that the game could produce. On second thought, if she got a boy she’d never handled she definitely would enjoy bringing him to completion, so it was unanimous that the girls could take the “Mercy” option and finish off whatever boy she had at the time if she knew he was close.

Nick was relieved and felt he could relax a bit when he heard Gary start to make some serious noises that seemed to indicate he was very close. Emily had him in hand and was enjoying what she was feeling. “Shall I?” she asked the other girls.

“Gary hasn’t lost a game for a while,” his sister Ruth said. “I guess it’s ok. I’ll deal with him later.” From what people knew of Ruth it was likely there would be a spanking, the question was whether here or later at home.

Emily slowed her stroking, enjoying every moment. She kept him on edge for a bit, then he let out a long groan and exploded, his semen splattering on Emily’s shirt. She didn’t care. No sooner had Gary shot but Jonathan let out with “oh! oh! oh!” and let go. Ruth was stroking him. He didn’t shoot for distance, his semen hitting the floor, not Ruth’s clothing. Those two boys left the line.

“You’ve embarrassed me in front of my friends,” Ruth said to Gary when she was finished with Jonathan. “Get in that corner and don’t move until I tell you.”

“Yes, sis,” Gary said meekly. He took his place in the corner. Nick and Ned both gulped. They’d never had corner time from their sisters, and Ruth’s tone was commanding and a bit scary.

When Joanie next came to Nick she said “you’re not going to cum yet.”

“I’ll try,” Nick responded.

“No, you won’t try, you won’t cum.” She was stroking him a way that she knew likely would not bring him to climax. Nicole had him next and was eager to get one of the new boys to shoot. Ned and Dennis had managed to hold off even though the tug count was quite high by now.

With two fewer boys it took longer for each girl to circle back to the beginning of the line of boys. Having gotten Gary to shoot, Emily was eager to get another boy off. Danny still was stoic though Emily could tell that his erection was fuller and harder than it had been in the previous round. She went easy on Ned, then moved to Dennis. Dennis had that look of a boy getting desperate to release his load. Emily started her stroke count which was high by now. Dennis quickly showed signs of being ready. “I’ve got another one!” Emily called out. Even feeling competitive, the other girls congratulated her. This time she stood aside a bit when Dennis let go. He left his load on the floor. After Emily gave him some post-orgasm tugs he left the line.

Danny, Ned, Nick, Frank. It was looking that Danny might get the prize. Nick and Ned were reaching the point where they had no control. Sure enough, almost simultaneously they let go, Ruth getting her second boy with Ned. He was impressed with her technique. She definitely knew how to stimulate a boy.

Frank had been in the game many times so could manage himself better than the others. He’d always been made to shoot, of course, so he was never in total control. It was Melinda who had him in hand when he was close to ready. She didn’t need to stroke long. Fortunately for her, she stepped aside when she had him ready as he shot for distance like Gary. Both were known for that.

Now Danny was alone and still hard. He had won, but he had not cum yet and he couldn’t officially win until he had shot a load. Otherwise Frank was the winner.

“Does he need a spanking to make him cum?” asked Ruth, the most aggressive of the girls.

“Oh no,” Melinda said, “though he does give me some big loads after I spank him.” Danny reddened slightly but stayed still. One of the unattached girls was working him. She was good! A slight change in stimulation and she had him. “Oh! oh! oh! I’m going to cum!” Danny shouted. As he shot there was more “oh! oh! oh!” The stroking did not stop when he was fully drained. Now he was grunting and jerking from the aftershocks produced by the continued stroking.

“He’s young,” said Amy, “can he cum twice?”

“He has but that’s for me to do,” Melinda answered in firm tones.

“Congratulations!” Nicole said. “Seven satisfied boys.” While they enjoyed being masturbated – what boy doesn’t? – the boys weren’t sure they were satisfied. The girls had shown no interested in the boys themselves, just their erect penises, toys in their hands. They continued to talk as if the boys weren’t there.

Emily, still fascinated with the idea of spanking and discipline, asked Ruth “what about the one in the corner?” She was catching on to the attitudes here and didn’t use Gary’s name.

“Gary! Come here!” Gary turned and walked over to stand in front of his sister. “You lost and embarrassed me in front of my friends.”

“I’m sorry, sis.”

Joanie and Emily would come to learn that this was a game between the siblings. Serious, but a game. Gary knew that she was not humiliated. If anything, she was humiliating him by talking that way and putting him in the corner. As intended.

“Should I spank him girls?” Amy, of course, said yes. Joanie and Emily were reluctant to commit themselves, being new, but would happily have watched a spanking. Other girls were saying “oh let him off. He put on a good show.”

“Alright, you’re reprieved for now,” Ruth told him. Gary knew he’d be spanked before bed tonight. He was used to it even though Ruth could give a good sting. As did many boys, he actually enjoyed the sting as he went to sleep. He never admitted that to his sister, however.

Game done, the boys were left as the girls went back to their side of the room. There was lively discussion of the game and comparison of the seven penises.

“Danny certainly is impressive,” Beth said.

“Thanks,” replied Melinda.

“How often do you shave him?”

“Every third day, sometimes less. It was our mother’s idea. If he’s so immature that he needs me to control him then he’s too immature to have hair down there. We started shaving him as soon as hairs appeared. He’s always been a little boy.”

“Makes sense,” someone said.

Smaller groups were forming. Emily made a point of going up to Ruth. She wanted information on spanking. Ruth certainly had a lot to tell.

“It isn’t always the spanking itself that is what counts. What happens before the spanking can be very important. Sometimes I announce the spanking at the dinner table so the whole family knows it’s coming. He hates that. As you saw, corner time is very important. If I’m going to use the hairbrush after a hand spanking he stands in the corner in between. It gives him time to think about what’s to come. It’s good to find ways besides just spankings to show your control and he should be completely under your control. Bedtime spankings are good, too. And, of course, as you know already, there is nothing like denying masturbation.”

That was a lot to take in. Emily thanked her and went aside to think. She’d share this with Joanie who admitted that she, too, still was learning about spanking and discipline.

The gathering started to break up, a few girls saying that they had to get home, or their brother had to get home. Boys were dressing under the direction of their sisters. Emily and Joanie lagged behind a bit. They wanted time to thank their hostess.

“This was great. I hope we can come to another one,” said Joanie.

“Oh you’re on the regular list now. Your boys are darlings.” The girls beamed. The boys dressed and the four took their leave. As they walked home Emily said to Joanie, loud enough for their brothers to hear, “I talked with Ruth about spanking and discipline. She had a lot to say.”

“Do tell!”

“Not enough time now, but we can talk tonight.”

“Our parents are going out after dinner. Want to come over with Ned? The boys can be naked and we can talk.”

“Sounds good.” With that Joanie and Nick went into their house. Their parents were home so Nick kept his clothes on. Joanie had spanked him a few times but this talk of discipline didn’t sit well with him.

It didn’t sit well with Ned, either. Emily sent him up to his bedroom until dinner. Their parents were home, too, so he also stayed dressed. Neither boy was looking forward to the evening. By now they were used to being naked with just their sisters and together, but with this talk of spanking it seemed likely that more would go on than the girls giving them evening masturbation.

To be continued

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