The Mailing List 16

By Cassie

Copyright 2023, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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Thanks to Zyngaru, for his kind words and his plot suggestion that I have used to write this story.


From 13-year-old Benji’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his younger adoptive sister Olivia in a separate document Benji can’t access):

Being boyfriends with Hannah is really cool. Not only she is beautiful, but she is funny, and she’s a really good kisser. Not that I have anyone to compare her with. I mean, sure, mom and Ollie kiss me, but not like a girlfriend. In the lips, I mean. But I know Hannah is good, because I really like it when she kisses me.

We also get to do fun things together when she takes me on a date. We go skating, or to the movie theater, or just to take a walk in the park... Only problem is, she’s as bossy as Ollie. I think most girls are like that, at least in my experience. She’s the one who decides where we are going to go, or when we get to kiss.

But you know what? Not that I would tell this to anyone, but I think I'm OK with that. I mean, with Ollie, I’m used to having a girl be the boss of me, so it’s not like it’s a shock or anything. Sure, it would be easier taking orders from Hannah if she was older than me, or at least the same age instead of younger, but... well, Ollie is younger than me too, and she sure bosses me around. So, again, nothing really new.


[Olivia’s note]: :-D Well, sure, I guess I do boss Benji around an awful lot. But, really, what does he expect? He’s too immature for anything else.


From Benji’s Diary (continued):

But what I mean is, having to make decisions all the time is kind of stressful, and it’s easy when someone makes them for you. It kind of hurts my male pride a little bit that younger girls have all that authority over me, but when I can forget about that and just relax it sometimes feels... safe, and comfortable, knowing that someone smart and self-assured is looking out for me and telling me what to do. And, even if they are younger, both Ollie and Hannah are really self-confident and assertive. I wish I could be like that, but I'm not.


[Olivia’s note]: That’s an interesting thought from Benji. Of course, Puericil makes him submissive and meek, so it’s easy to take charge of him. But I think that, deep down, most boys are insecure. You just don’t notice because of all the bluster and aggression. Once Puericil removes that, though, you are just left with the sweet, shy, vulnerable little boy, waiting for a girl to take charge. I really think that’s not something that Puericil creates: it’s there all the time, even when it can’t be seen.


From Benji’s Diary (continued):

Sometimes it’s not easy having a girl in charge, though. Why do they strip us like it’s nothing, in front of whoever is there? I have seen moms on the beach stripping their toddlers without giving it another thought, and I swear Ollie strips me like that. If I try to protest, she just shrugs it off. “Don’t be silly, Benji. They have seen little boys naked before,” she has told me more than once. Or “Young boys do not need so much modesty.” Emphasis on boys, I guess, because if it’s about young, she’s two years younger than me. Sigh!

Anyway, Hannah is like that too. She is convinced that my being naked in front of people is perfectly OK.

Of course, I have never seen her naked, but she has seen me naked many times. She has seen Ollie bathe me, and she has bathed me herself. She has also seen Ollie spanking me (and spankings are always bare bottom in my case). But she had never spanked me herself. I mean, maybe the odd spank to get my attention, but not a real one.

That has changed, though.

When I became Hannah’s boyfriend, Ollie told me that she was in charge when we were together. And, in front of me, she gave Hannah permission to spank me if she thought I needed it.

That’s another thing she does, by the way. Not only does she think nothing of spanking me or stripping me naked, but she also gives people permission to do the same. It’s embarrassing when she does that, let me tell you. Embarrassing for me, I mean, because she does it casually, like an 11-year-old girl giving people permission to spank her 13-year-old brother is the most natural, unimportant thing in the world. And I guess it is... for her. But it sure isn’t, for me.

Anyway, Ollie gave Hannah permission. And yesterday Hannah used that permission.

I have to admit I deserved it, not that it makes it any easier.

We had a date, and when I got to her house it was thirty minutes later than we had agreed. It was my fault, too. I had been playing computer games and I lost track of time.

Well, when I finally got there, she was not too happy about my being late. I told her a fib, saying that I was late because Ollie had had me doing some chores at home.

But girls seem to have some kind of sixth sense, to know when a guy is lying.

“It’s not like Ollie to keep you when you have a date and not even phone to say you’ll be late. Are you sure you are telling me the truth, Benjamin? Because I’m going to phone Ollie to find out.”

I got really nervous at that, but what could I do? She would find out the truth as soon as she spoke with Ollie, so I looked down and said that I was sorry, that I was late because I had been playing, and that I just didn’t want her to be angry.

“Benjamin Grady O'Connor!” she told me. “You bet I’m going to be angry when you lie to me! Much more than if you are just late!”

She scolded me just like Ollie or mom do when I’m naughty, and I was sniffling when she finished.

“You deserve a hard spanking on your bare bottom, young man,” she told me, “and that’s exactly what I’m going to give you.”

Her angry voice, unfortunately, attracted Chloe to the recreation room where we were.

Chloe is Hannah’s 10-year-old little sister. She’s a bit smaller than Hannah, but otherwise her spitting image, cute, with blue eyes and blond hair, although Chloe wears hers in pigtails.

“What’s going on?” Chloe asked.

“Benjamin was late to our date, and then she lied to me about it,” Hannah informed her sister, “so I’m going to give him a spanking.”

“Oh!” Chloe said, covering her mouth in shock.

As you can imagine, I was blushing all shades of red and wishing for the ground to open up and swallow me. No such luck.

“Do you want me to leave you guys alone?” Chloe asked her sister.

Hannah thought for a moment and then said, “Nah, it’s OK. You can stay. We don’t have brothers, so you may as well see how boys get punished.”

“Hannah!” I said, horrified. “But... but...”

“Hush, boy,” Hannah said, “no butts about it, except yours.”

“But she’ll see me!” I whimpered.

Hannah frowned. “So what?” she said. “I trust Chloe completely. I don’t mind her seeing me spanking my boyfriend.”

She? She didn’t mind? But what about me? I minded!

That's what I wanted to say, but only a whine came out.

“But... but...” I managed to say.

“The only butt I want to see is yours, and it better be bare,” Hannah said.

She took me by the arm and dragged me towards a straight-backed chair. She sat down with me in front of her, and she started unfastening my jeans. She pulled them down to my knees, and then she inserted her fingers under the hem of my briefs, pulling them down too.

Chloe, wide-eyed, walked around me to see my front, and I automatically covered my peenie with my hands. Not that it did me any good.

“Hands by your side, young man!” Hannah ordered sharply. When I strip you for a spanking it’s so that you are naked, not so that you can play with yourself.”

Why do girls always think that you are playing with yourself when you try to cover your peenie so that they won’t see?

“But... but she’ll see me,” I cried.

“Well, that doesn’t matter,” Hannah said, “but you should have thought of that before you misbehaved, if it bothers you that much.”

She pushed my hands aside and both girls looked at my peenie. Hannah had seen it before, of course, but Chloe hadn’t. Up till now, because she sure got an eyeful.

Hannah scolded me some more about what I had done. She was sitting down, looking up at me. Even when standing I was taller than her, but let me tell you, I sure was feeling like I was the little child there. My hands wanted to go cover my peenie, as if they had a mind of their own but, as soon as they started moving, I remembered and willed them down by my sides. It really wasn’t the moment to make Hannah angrier.

“What happens to little boys who lie?” Hannah asked me after her scolding.

“They get spanked,” I admitted sadly, looking at my feet.

“That’s right. Over you go,” she said, pulling me down over her knee.

In a moment I was face down over Hannahs lap, giving Chloe a good view of my bare bottom, soon to be white no more.

“Chloe, please, would you mind going to the bathroom and bringing me the wooden hairbrush, please?” Hannah asked pleasantly, a marked contrast to the stern voice she had used to scold me.

Chloe ran to obey, and while she did Hannah put her hand on my bare bottom and caressed it.

“I don’t like that you forgot our date and were late, Benji” she told me. “But if you lie about it, you make it much worse. Lying to me or disobeying me will always get you a really hard spanking.”

“I’m sorry,” I moaned.

“Not as sorry as you are going to be. I’m really going to paddle this bare bottom of yours hard,” she announced. “I’m not letting my boyfriend lie to me.”

Chloe arrived then with the hairbrush and handed it to her sister.

"Thanks, Chloe," Hannah said. "Now it's time to make a lying little boy sorry."

She started spanking me with that hairbrush and it hurt so much! Worse than Ollie’s spankings. I was immediately bawling.

I think she was scolding me, or saying something as she paddled my bottom with that hairbrush, but I couldn’t hear it. I was crying too hard and kicking my legs like crazy. But it was no use, I was helpless. Hannah was holding me tight, and I couldn’t squirm away. I was going to have to take everything she gave me.

Mercifully, I think the paddling was short. Intense, furious and more painful than anything, but short. Still, I was a mess when she stopped. I was crying my eyes out. I couldn’t see anything with my eyes full of tears, but I felt how some of those tears poured down my cheeks and how my nose was all snotty and congested.

I could hear Chloe and Hannah talking and, when I could make out the words, I heard Chloe saying “Wow, you really spanked him hard, Hannah. Look how he is crying... and his bottom, look how red it is!”

“When you spank a boy, you have to make it count. Otherwise, there’s no point,” Hannah responded.

“Well, I’m glad I’m a girl,” Chloe said. “I wouldn’t like to be spanked like that.”

“It’s different for girls. We can be reasoned with, but boys are less mature and need something more physical to make an impression.”

“Can I feel his bottom?” Chloe asked.

“Sure, why not?” Hannah said.

As I sobbed, I felt the palm of Chloe’s hand lightly touch my bare bottom.

“Wow, it’s really hot!”

“Well, he’s just been spanked, silly, what did you expect?”

Chloe didn’t answer and just kept caressing my warm buttocks with her hand. Fortunately, she was being very gentle, because my bum was on fire.

“There, there,” the little girl said, “don’t cry anymore.” Then she asked her sister, “How come you get to spank your boyfriend, Hannah?”

“Ollie gave me permission to spank him whenever I think he deserves it. She spanks him herself, when he’s naughty.”

“And how come Ollie gets to spank him? Isn’t he older?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t really matter when it’s a boy. Boys are immature, even older ones. She’s always in charge of Benji, and their mom gave her permission to spank him, since Ollie has to look after him so often when her mom is working. So Ollie spanks him when he deserves it, and now so do I... Come on, Benji, let me help you up.”

Hannah helped me get up, and then sat me down on her lap, facing her. She opened her legs so that my bottom was between them and wouldn’t have to touch anything. I put my head on her shoulder and sobbed there while she hugged me and patted my hair.

“Don’t cry, Benji, your punishment is over, and you are my good boy again.”

Chloe surprised me by kissing my cheek.

“Yeah, don’t cry. My sister really likes you, you know, even if she spanked you. She’s always talking about you, and how cute you are, and about how dreamy you are when you smile...”

“Chloe! Shut up,” Hannah exclaimed.

“I won’t!” Chloe said, grinning. “If he’s your boyfriend then he is my boyfriend-in-law, and I can tell him anything I want.”

“Don’t be a brat!” Hannah laughed. “Maybe it’s you I need to spank!”

“No way! I’m a girl, not a boy!”

The two girls friendly teasing each other finally did it and I stopped sobbing and even chuckled a little, although my bottom still hurt.

Hannah helped me stand up and the two of them dressed me. Chloe knelt down to pull up my briefs, and her eyes were level with my peenie. At that moment, I was still too focused on the pain on my bottom to worry about modesty but, remembering it now, it’s embarrassing. Another girl who sees everything of me! It seems that somehow I never manage to keep any of my private parts private from any of the girls in my life. You’d think I’d be used to it by now to girls seeing me naked, but it’s still mortifying, particularly for girls my age or younger.

Anyway, Chloe is kinda nice. She didn’t tease me, and she gave me a hug when they finished dressing me.

Finally, Chloe told us to have a good time, and Hannah and I left for the theater. My eyes were still a bit red, and my bottom was stinging, but it wasn’t so bad now.

Hannah chose the movie, and she chose a mushy one with a lot of kissing, but I didn’t mind. I leaned into her while we watched, and she put her arm around me, and from time to time she whispered to me joking comments about the movie that made me laugh, and when the protagonists of the movie kissed, she kissed me too!

Later, when the movie was over, Hannah took me home. She told Ollie that she had spanked me and why, and Ollie agreed that I deserved it.

“If Hannah hadn’t spanked you already, I’d be baring your bottom right now to spank you myself, Benji,” she told me.

However, after Hannah left, she did bare my bottom (well, and the rest of me), to give me my bath. And, when she saw my bottom, she got angry!

“What did Hannah do to you, Benji? You have bruises on your bottom! That’s not cool! Does it hurt too much?”

It did not hurt that much, even though it had really hurt a lot while I was getting spanked. I was surprised Ollie was so angry about it, since she never has any hesitation about spanking me when I deserve it. But apparently bruises are a no no.

“Spanking you when you are naughty is one thing, but I’m not going to let anyone abuse you!” Ollie told me fiercely.

I was trying to look at the bruises, but it’s not easy seeing your own bottom, so Ollie took me to the bathroom mirror so that I could see. It didn’t look as bad as I had thought from her reaction, but there were a few small bruises.

Ollie was really on the warpath, though. She insisted on taking pictures of my bruised bottom, which she did with her phone, and then she filled the tub with warm water and sat me inside.

Instead of bathing me right away, she told me to wait a bit and she called Hannah on the phone. I couldn’t really hear the conversation, because she closed the door, but I could hear her shouting at Hannah.

I was sorry that I had caused all this trouble, and scared, and I started crying.

“I’m sorry,” I cried when she came back.

“Oh, Benji, why are you crying?” she said.

“It’s all my fault,” I said.

“Oh, no, it’s not, don’t cry, sweetie, of course it’s not your fault.” She knelt by the tub and hugged me.

“But if I hadn’t been late and lied about it...”

“Yes, you were naughty. And you deserved a spanking. But it’s not your fault Hannah spanked you too hard. She should know better, really. I even taught her how to spank you, didn’t I? If she had done it that way, your poor bottom wouldn’t be bruised... There, don’t cry any more, sweetie pie.”

Ollie bathed me very tenderly and, embarrassing as it is when she washes my peenie and my bottom, it was so evident how concerned she was for me that I was touched. Well, I guess I’m “touched” every time I get bathed, but here I mean touched as in feeling emotions. I think it’s called a metaphor, or is it metonymy? We saw it in English this week, but I can’t remember which is which.


[Olivia’s note]: Yes, metaphor, Benji, because when someone touches your feelings, they are not literarily touching you. But we call it touching because we are comparing it with a physical touch. In this case, we don’t say that “it’s like touching” (then it would be a simile). We just call it touch because it’s similar to touch, that’s why it’s a metaphor. Metonymy is a different thing... but anyway, this is not an English lesson, and Benji is not going to read this comment.

He doesn’t even know I have access to his diary. He is rather naïve, and doesn’t realize how far the parental controls go in monitoring his use of the computer. There’s nothing he does or writes that I don’t have access to. Which is a good thing, because that way he can write freely what’s on his mind, and if there’s something I should know but he’s not telling me, I can find out. Respecting his privacy is not a concern because... well, he’s a boy. He’s not mature enough to need privacy.

Anyway, despite my efforts, Benji may not be very good at English and figures of speech, but he is a sweet boy. I know I’m strict with him, but it’s only for his own good. I would never hurt him, or allow anyone to hurt him. Not Hannah and not anyone else. Spanking him when he’s naughty is one thing. He needs firm boundaries, and consequences he can understand. But bruising his bottom is a very different one. That’s not happening again. Ever.

Hannah was very apologetic when I called her and let her have a piece of my mind. I don’t think she did it on purpose. But still, she should have known better. I had thought Benji was in safe hands with her, and that was not so.

Because of that, I have decided that Benji can’t go on being her boyfriend.

(The End)