The Mailing List 15

By Cassie

Copyright 2023, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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From Benji’s Diary (the comments in italics are not part of the diary, but are written by his younger adoptive sister Olivia in a separate document Benji can’t access):

Ollie is making me write a diary because she says I need to improve my English composition, and a diary will help. She says I can write whatever I want, and no one will be able to read it because the program she gave me to write the diary lets me set my own password. I have used my birthday as the password, so I won’t forget it.


[Olivia’s note]: Really, this boy is a bit hopeless. Who uses his birthday as a password, for Pete’s sake? Not that a good password would have kept me out. This program has a parental unlock feature that I’m using to supervise Benji’s work. He doesn’t know I can read what he writes, of course. Boys do not need privacy, but they think they do, and I’m sure he wouldn’t write so freely if he knew I would read it. Still, mom trusts me to look after Benji and oversee him, so having access to his diary will help me know what’s going on with him.


From Benji’s Diary:

Not much new is going on here. Hannah is coming over more often. That girl is really cute. She’s blonde, with long hair, and when she smiles there are dimples in her cheeks. But the way she looks at me sometimes makes me nervous. I wish Ollie didn’t let her see me naked, because it’s really embarrassing when she sees me like that. I think she loves it, though, and she always tries to be here when it’s time for my bath or something.


[Olivia’s note]: Yes, I think Benji got that one right. Hannah is really interested in seeing him naked. I guess I can’t blame her. She doesn’t have any brothers, just a little sister. I didn’t have any brothers either until we adopted Benji, and that’s when I started getting confident about handling boys. But before that, I was curious too!


And don’t think Ollie tells her to go home or anything when it’s time for my bath. Oh, no. She just takes me to the bathroom and lets Hannah come with us, and then she strips me in front of her. Completely naked, you know! It’s not fair. And don’t think Hannah looks the other way or something. I think she loves seeing me naked. For Ollie is all very matter-of-fact. It’s still embarrassing that she strips me, but I don’t think it’s a big deal for her. For Hannah it is, though. She doesn’t move her eyes away from me, and that’s much more embarrassing than just Ollie seeing me. Because Ollie is Ollie, you know. She’s, like, really smart, and responsible, and she always knows everything and knows what to do, so it feels natural for her to be in charge and boss me around, even if I’d prefer to be in charge of myself. But Hannah is different. She’s cute, and I’d like to see her naked myself, instead of only her seeing me. I don’t know, it just feels more embarrassing when she’s around.


[Olivia’s note]: Benji may be 13, but he is still a child. It may seem strange that I would call him a child when I’m two years younger, but it’s not a question of age. He is just awfully immature. There’s no way mom and I are going to let him be “in charge of himself” anytime soon, so keep dreaming, kiddo!

Of course, I don’t send Hannah home when I need to bathe Benji! That would be setting a bad precedent. Little boys don’t need that kind of privacy anyway. We cannot be going out of our way to keep anyone from seeing them naked! What’s next, asking me to keep my eyes closed when I give him a bath? It’s just silly. So I’m sorry, Benji, but if it’s time for me to get you naked and Hannah is there, well, guess what: she’s going to see you naked. And if she enjoys it, well, more power to her.

It’s funny that he thinks I don’t care one way or the other about seeing him naked myself. I guess I don’t get the same kick out of it nowadays, when I’m used to it. Also, the more I know Benji and the more I can see beyond the “teen boy” façade, the more I understand how immature he is, deep down. That makes it feel like not such a big deal, like it’s very natural to just strip him when needed. You wouldn’t think twice about stripping a toddler, would you? Well, sometimes stripping Benjie feels almost like that. The Puericil helps. It’s easy to order him around and do what you want with him. However, it’s not true that I don’t care. It’s still really cool, having a 13-year-old boy naked in front of you, and being able to see everything! I guess I’m just able to hide it better than Hannah.

Not that Hannah even tries to hide it, mind you! Benji is right: that girl is blatant about staring. You know she’s not trying to hide it, because she makes comments, like how cool it is that Benji’s peenie is sometimes soft and sometimes stiff when I get him naked.

I feel honored that Benji thinks I’m so smart. It’s something that I notice: he looks up to me, and having a 13 year old hanging on your every word feels good. He comes running to me when he has a problem, and it’s really cute.

I gasped when I read that Benji would like to see Hannah naked. Such a naughty thought! It’s not at all the same as Hannah seeing
him naked. For us girls, it’s different. We need our privacy.

Not that Benji is in trouble for that, because I told him this diary was private, and I want him to feel free to write whatever he wants. Of course, I could easily arrange some excuse to give him a spanking, and he wouldn’t have to know what it’s really for, but I’m not going to do that. I like being fair with him. I don’t mind spanking him, but only when it’s for a legitimate reason.

Anyway, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Benji would like to see Hannah naked. He does have a crush on her, doesn’t he? When I strip him, I have noticed that he’s much more likely to have a stiffy when Hannah’s around, seeing him naked. And yes, boys can get a stiffy for all kinds of reasons. They are really sensitive down there. But when it happens that often... well, a boy’s peenie can’t lie or pretend.


From Benji’s Diary:

Today Hannah was still here when it was time for my bath. I try to come up with excuses to delay it, but Ollie gets firm when she thinks it’s time, so there’s not much I can do.

“It’s time for your bath, Benji,” my sister said. “No more dilly-dallying, unless you want a spanking.”

I hate it when ollie gets strict like that. And no, I didn’t want a spanking, so I did the only thing I could do. I sighed and said “Yes, Ollie.”

I knew Hannah would come with us. And, sure enough, she did.

“I have to give Benji his bath, Hannah. Do you want to keep watching TV or do you want to come with?”

“I’ll go with you guys,” Hannah said. “I can watch TV anytime at home.”

Whereas you can only watch me naked here, I thought with a pout. But what can a guy do when his little sister just doesn’t realize he wants privacy?


[Olivia’s note]: Well, of course I
realize Benji wants privacy. It’s just, I don’t think he needs privacy. He is too immature to be making so much fuss about who sees him naked. It’s kind of disrespectful, too, like he doesn’t want to admit we girls are much more mature than him, so it’s not a big deal if we see him naked. Also, he needs someone to give him a bath, or he just wouldn’t do a decent job himself. Boys are so messy.

He is right that Hannah is kind of obvious about wanting to see him naked rather than wanting to keep up the conversation with us, though. In fact, she doesn’t even bother pretending. I'm sure she will say it outright if you ask her.

When we got to the bathroom Hannah sat down and I undressed Benji. As a “punishment” for all his procrastinating, I made sure to give her a good show.


From Benji’s Diary:

There’s not much you can hide when you are stripped naked in the bathroom and there’s a girl right there. I mean Hannah, because of course Ollie is also a girl and she’s also there, but in her case there’s no helping is, since she’s the one who bathes me. But Hannah isn’t, and she didn’t really need to be there.

I tried to hide my body a little for her, even though I know it’s no use, and she’s going to see me anyway. All of me.

But I can’t help trying. Ollie was not helping, though. If I didn’t know better I would have thought she was making sure Hannah got an eyeful as she bared me. The way Ollie placed me, my peenie was hanging right in front of Hannah’s eyes. And you can bet she wasn’t looking away politely. Nah, no Hannah. She was looking right at my peenie. She even tapped it with her finger to make it swing from one side to the other.

I tried to squirm away, but Ollie stopped me.

“Don’t be so fussy, Benji,” she told me. Easy for her to say, right? I wonder how she would squirm if she was the one naked right in front of a younger boy.


[Olivia’s note]: As if that would be comparable at all! Really, this boy has such silly ideas.


From Benji’s Diary:

So I was in the tub, and Ollie was getting water all over me while she chatted with Hannah when her mobile phone rang. She took it and it was a classmate who wanted to ask some questions about her homework. It was too specific to answer there, so Ollie disconnected her microphone for a moment and told Hannah “I have to go look at my notes. Do you mind bathing Benji for me?”

Hannah said she didn’t mind. (Sigh, of course she didn’t).

“Just do what I taught you,” Ollie told her as she left. [Note from the editor: see chapter 12 for how Ollie taught Hannah how to babysit boys.]

Hannah stood up and smiled at me.

“Well, let’s get you bathed, Benji,” she told me sweetly.

For some reason, I covered myself with my hands.

“Don’t be silly, Benji. Hands away from your peenie. It’s me who will be washing that part, not you.”

She took my hands gently and removed them from my groin. I was as in a daze. Yes, Hannah has often seen me naked lately, and even touched me, but always with Ollie there. It felt different with us alone.

As soon as she had removed my hands, she took my peenie in her hands.

“See? It’s silly trying to hide this from me. I can see –and touch– every part of your body as much as I want.”

I got a stiffie.

She giggled.

“Boys are so silly,” she commented, looking at my peenie and then up into my eyes. “Does this mean you like me?”

I panted, but did not respond. Truth is, I liked her. She is just so beautiful. It was confusing, being naked like that in front of her, while she held my stiffie. It twitched in her hands.

She grinned, and started sliding her hand up and down, slowly.

I made a choking noise and tried to grab my stiff peenie, but she just smacked my bottom.

“Hands away, Benjamin,” she ordered. “This peenie of yours belongs to me. I can do with it what I want.”

I let my arms limp and let her caress my thingie. It was so hard, twitching like mad. But she didn’t let it finish. She always slowed down when it was on edge. I moaned.

Then I felt her hand soaping my bottom, fondling it.

“I have to clean your heinie too,” she told me.

I felt her soapy finger entering me down there. Her other hand moved a bit faster.

“Boys are so naughty,” she commented. “Do I need to give you a spanking, Benji? I will, you know, if I want to. Don’t think Ollie won’t let me if I ask her right... Such a naughty, naughty boy!”

Feeling her finger inside me and her maddening hand in front, I went past the edge. A little bit of fluid came out, and Hannah giggled as she washed it away.

“You are panting as if I you had run a race,” she giggled, taking her finger out of me and caressing my bottom and my chest. “Good boy. Good boy.”

She continued bathing me slowly, rubbing every part of my body to spread the soap, while I panted and felt my heart slowing down. I was like putty in her hands, soft and unresisting. At that moment I felt as if she could do with me whatever she wanted, and if she told me to jump and I would just say “how high?”

She finished bathing me and then she dried me with the towel, as slowly as she had bathed me, clearly enjoying every moment.

When she finished, my peenie was stiff again.

“That won’t do, naughty boy,” she told me, but she didn’t sound angry even though she was scolding me.

She gave me another open-handed swat on my bottom, but not hard.

Then she took my stiffie in her hands and caressed it again, until she brought me over the edge.

Dry and with a soft peenie again, but still completely naked, she took my hand and guided me towards Ollie’s bedroom. My sister was sitting at her desk, with some open books open in front of her and still talking on the phone.

She looked up at us.

“Oh, thank you, Hannah, you are a dear,” she said. “Do you mind getting him into his PJs and putting him to bed? I’ll be by later to say goodnight.”

“Sure, no problem,” Hannah said.

She guided me by the hand, and as we left I heard Ollie say into the phone “oh, no, it’s just that since Hannah is here I asked her to give Benji his bath and put him to bed. No, don’t worry, you’re no problem at all.”

I blushed as Hannah led her into my bedroom, embarrassed that one of our classmates was being told such things. (Even though she is two years younger, Ollie is in my same class, and she still is the one who helps me with school things, because she is so smart.)

Hannah dressed me in my PJs, holding the short pants so that I could step into them. I told her I could dress myself, but she said that since she had bathed me, she saw no reason why she shouldn’t dress me as well.

She tucked me in and kissed my lips softly.

“Good boy, Benji,” she told me. “You are kind of cute, you know.”

“You are cute too,” I said, blushing.

Then Ollie arrived to kiss me good night, having finished her phone talk, although she kissed my cheek, not my lips like Hannah had done.


[Olivia’s note]: When she works evenings, Mom comes home late, so I put Benji to bed before she arrives. Benji always falls asleep fast, so he is already sleeping when mom comes in to kiss him goodnight.

The next day, reading on Benji’s diary what Hannah did while I was on the phone, I was a bit shocked that she would be so forward but, thinking about it, I was OK with it. The two of them seem to like each other, and they are cute together. Besides, Hannah is a very level-headed girl. As long as she is in charge, I don’t think there will be a problem. Of course, having access to Benji’s diary without his knowledge means that I should be able to monitor and make sure it doesn’t go too far.

The next weekend, Hannah asked me if I would mind if she asked Benji to go see a movie with her. “Like a date?” I asked, and she nodded.

I said I didn’t mind, and we had a good conversation about Benji and what the boundaries should be. We agreed that kissing and fondling his body was OK, but that things should not progress further for the moment.

“And you should always be in charge,” I told Hannah. “Even though he is older than you, Benji is a boy, and he just doesn’t have the maturity to have any leading role in a relationship. You are the one who has to set limits and make decisions.”

Later, when Hannah asked, Benji said yes. As the two of them were leaving, I reminded Benji to be good.

“You do everything Hannah tells you to do, Benji,” I told him. “You obey her just like you obey me. If I hear that you gave her any trouble, I will spank you in front of her. Hard!”

Then I told Hannah, “You keep an eye on him, sometimes he tends to wander off and get lost in a crowd. You tell me if he gives you the slightest trouble. In fact, while you are in charge of him, you have my full permission to spank him if you think he needs it.”

I normally don’t give other girls permission to spank Benji, but that’s because I’m normally around. I strongly feel that whoever is in charge of Benji should have authority over him, and that includes warming his bottom if necessary.


(The End)