By Zyngaru
Copyright 2023 by Zyngaru, all rights reserved
* * * * *My name is Eric Stadler and I’m twelve-years-old. I came to Europe
with my dad. He’s on a business trip. I got lucky because he has a
college friend that lives here that invited me to hang out with them,
when dad has meetings. I’ve got to see museums, castles and other
famous sites. One day we took a boat ride down the Danube river. It
was so awesome.
Dad just dropped me off at their house for
the day. I see everyone packing things into the car, so I guess we’re
going on a road trip.
“Go ahead and get into the auto, Eric. We are just about ready to leave.”
“Yes, Aunt Vivian.”
Now Vivian isn’t really my aunt, but to show respect I call her that.
Vivian is married to Johannes Gruber. She met him at college also and
after they graduated they got married. They have three kids, all
girls. Heidi is fourteen. Gertrude is twelve like me and Johanna is
ten. I like them very much. We get along great. It’s just the four
females here, I guess Uncle Johannes had to work today. He has been
going with us on our excursions, until today.
“Where we going?”
“It’s a surprise and you’re going to love it.”
That’s as much information that I can get out of the four of them, but
forty-five minutes later I have my answer. We are at the beach. I
love the beach. It’s so much fun playing around in the water and
burying yourself in the sand and just lying out in the sun to tan. I
love everything about the beach.
“The BEACH! Wow! I love the beach.”
“Yes, we know. Your dad told us and since you’ll be returning home
soon, we thought a day at the beach would be perfect for you.”
Aunt Vivian pulls into a parking lot and stops the car. The girls step
out and remove their skirts and tops. They have swimsuits on
underneath. They begin unpacking things, as I ask what am I supposed
to do.
“Aunt Vivian. I don’t have a swimsuit. Mom didn’t
pack me one because we never thought I would be able to go to a beach
while I’m here. So, what am I supposed to wear?”
“Yes, Eric.
I know. Your dad told me and I explained you can just swim in your
underpants. He said he would pick out something suitable for you to
wear, since you normally wear boxers and those would just fall off you
in the water.”
That’s why dad had the briefs set out with my
shorts and tee shirt this morning when I got out of the shower. I
wondered about that. I also wondered why these briefs. These are
off-brand undies. They are thin with only one layer of cloth, not like
my Fruit of the Looms that are double seated and doubled fronted with
an overlapping fly. No, these are just thin little undies with a
single, almost nonexistent overlap to the fly, that barely covers my
boy jewels. I mean, it would be very easy for my boy junk to slip
right out the fly. It happens in my boxers as well, but these aren’t
my boxers. The thing is, I can’t go swimming in my underpants. Heck,
I’m way to old to be going around in public in my underwear.
“Aunt Vivian. I can’t go swimming in my underpants. People will see.”
“Don’t be silly, Eric. You’re only twelve and I know from your dad that you don’t have anything for anyone to see.”
All three of the girls start giggling. I almost forgot about them,
until just now. They’ll see me in my briefs. I’m way, way too old for
girls to see me in my underpants. Heck, no girl has seen my
underpants, well, since I was like five, maybe six-years-old. I don’t
even sag my shorts to show-off the waistband. Underwear is to be under
not showing.
“But Aunt Vivian. Everyone on the beach is going to laugh at me.”
“Don’t be silly. No one is going to laugh. Lots of other boys will be wearing their underpants to swim in.”
To emphasize that point, I can see four boys scattered around the parking lot wearing only their undies.
“Swimsuits are really expensive, so many parents don’t buy them for
their boys. Heck, Eric. Lots of boys will be swimming nude. If you
want, you’re not too old to swim naked.”
“Oh! No! Not nakers.”
“Why not Eric. Us girls would love to see your little wiener.”
“No. That’s okay. I’ll wear my underwear.”
“Good. Then that’s settled. Go ahead and get your clothes off, so we can find us a good spot on the beach.”
“HERE! In the parking lot!”
“Sure. No since wearing your clothes down to the beach to get sand in
them, when they will be perfectly safe and sand-free right here in the
“But! But! It’s a long walk down to the beach and I’ll only be in my underpants.”
“Eric. I thought we already settled that. You wanted to wear your
underpants instead of going naked. Now! Naked would be a lot
“No! No! I’ll just wear my briefs.”
“Then get your shorts and shirt off. The girls have everything ready to go.”
True enough. They have everything ready to go, so they have nothing
else to do but to watch me take my clothes off. This is so
humiliating. I haven’t even undressed in front of mom in like forever
and now I’m going to have to do it in front of Heidi, Gertrude and
Johanna. They are all eyes too, as I bend down to remove my sneakers.
I don’t wear socks. It’s the new trend to go without them. Once
barefoot, I realize the concrete parking lot is hot. I start hopping
from foot to foot. I’m surprised I’m the only one to find it hot, but
then, they are probably used to coming here and it isn’t hot to them
anymore. I quickly grab my tee shirt and lift it up and over my head,
revealing my very immature chest and very small nipples. I’m sure they
got a good look at my chicken wing shoulder blades too.
No. Puberty hasn’t started with me yet. I’m still a brown hair, brown
eyed little boy. Not very tall and extremely skinny. So skinny, that
you can count my ribs. I even have to use a belt to keep my shorts
from falling down, which right now, I’m about to let them do. Most boys
go beltless because they have a waist and a butt to hold their shorts
up. Not me. I don’t have a butt, it’s just flat back there. I
sometimes wish I did have nice round butt cheeks, especially when dad
is about to spank me. Unfortunately, when he spanks me it’s very
painful, because my cheeks are thin and don’t provide any protection
from his paddle.
As soon as I unbuckle my belt my shorts drop
to the ground. I didn’t even have to unsnap or unzip them. Like I
said. I don’t have anything to hold up shorts or jeans. The only
reason my white briefs are staying up is the elastic waistband. I
know. White right? I didn’t pack my suitcase. Mom did. I didn’t
even know she put briefs in it, let alone white ones. They must have
been hidden under my boxers.
“Oh! Eric. You’re so cute in your unterhosen.”
All three girls are giggling and staring right at my underpants. If
they’re expecting to see my boy bulge, they’re out of luck. I don’t
have one yet. My penis is just three, very skinny inches long and it
doesn’t bulge. My tiny marble balls aren’t impressive either. They
stick right up close to my body without hanging at all. The only way
you would know I even have balls is to search for them. They usually
aren’t very visible otherwise.
So, here I stand in just my
small, thin white briefs waiting to take off for the beach, so I can
jump into the water to stop people from seeing me in my underpants.
Aunt Vivian’s right though. The only people paying me any attention at
all are her and her daughters. Everyone else is ignoring me. Of
course, Heidi, Gertrude and Johanna are making up for the lack of other
spectators to my humiliation. I just know my face is red from
“Mama. We should have had Eric only wearing unterhosen all along.”
“I think you’re right Johanna. He really is cute in those little white briefs of his.”
“Aunt Vivian. Can we go to the beach now. My feet are burning up.”
I didn’t want to tell her that she is embarrassing the living daylights
out of me, besides my feet are actually very hot. I’m still hopping
from foot to foot. That probably makes me even look sillier.
“Sure we can go, Eric. And don’t worry about being too old to be
wearing your underpants in public. I swear now that you have stripped,
you don’t look a day over ten at the very most. Most people are going
to think you’re no more than nine.”
“Thanks. I guess.”
I really don’t see how looking younger is going to help. In my opinion it makes it even more embarrassing.
When we finally get out of the parking lot and are walking on beach
sand, it doesn’t help my feet at all. The sand is burning hot also.
It’s an extremely long ways down to the water. It’s slow going through
the sand. It doesn’t help that when Aunt Vivian locates the spot she
wants, it’s a long way down the beach.
I do notice as we
walk, that she’s right about how boys are dressed and undressed to go
swimming. I see a lot of boys wearing underpants. They have them in
all different colors including some white ones, like mine. It’s not
only little boys either. A lot of teenaged boys are just wearing
underpants. It’s obvious they are teens because of the huge bulges in
their unterhosen. I would be embarrassed to death if I had a bulge
like that and people were seeing it, but these boys seem to not care at
To my big surprise is how many boys are actually naked,
and they too don’t seem to care that people are seeing their little
dicks. There are boys as old as me and much bigger in stature going
naked. The funny thing is I see a few boys playing with their penis
and again no one seems to care. Now, I don’t see any boys with hairs
naked. A few that are naked are probably in puberty, because their
penis is bigger than a little boy’s penis, but I guess if no hairs are
showing it’s okay to be naked. I’m just glad that Aunt Vivian didn’t
insist I go naked too. Yes, I have a small penis, but it does pop
boners a lot now days. I have one right now, but no one can tell
because my briefs aren’t tenting out. Some of the boys that are
wearing swimsuits are wearing the tight swim briefs, like a Speedo,
just not with that name on them. I can see the entire shape of their
penis through those swim briefs. I find it fun to look at them more
than the naked boys, because of how their penis rests in their suits.
Some lay off to the side. Some left and some right. Some poke down.
Some are standing up like they have a boner. Still others are poking
straight out in the front, which looks really funny. It’s like their
penis is pointing the way.
We finally make it to the spot Aunt
Vivian wants. As soon as the girls and her get settled in, it’s time
for me to go hide in the water.
“Can I go swimming now?”
“Sure, Eric. Just stay where I can see you and don’t go out too far.”
“I won’t.”
I take off running for the water and jump in. I immediately regret
getting totally wet so fast. The water is freezing. I can’t
understand how the sand can be so hot and the water so cold. I run as
fast as I can out of the water, again to my regret. My underpants
being soaked, drop to my knees as I get out of the water and my entire
little dick is on display. I quickly reach down and pull them back up
to cover myself. When I look over at Aunt Vivian, they are all
laughing. Evidently, they saw my little show. This is way too
humiliating, so I walk back out into the water up to my waist. Before
I know it, I’m being pulled underwater by two naked boys about my age.
Then three younger boys wearing underwear pull them underwater. It
instantly becomes a free-for-all and I’m in the middle of it. The
thing is I forget about how cold the water is and just have fun. My
underpants fall down a lot as I play, but being in the water, no one
really notices and I just pull them back up.
I do spot a
difference in my underpants and all the other boy’s underpants. Mine
is the only one with a fly. That becomes especially obvious when a boy
pulls his underpants down and pees into the water. He doesn’t have a
fly to pull his penis out of. He has to pull them down to pee. He
doesn’t seem embarrassed to be showing off his dick either. Of course,
if I had a dick as big and hairy as his, I wouldn’t be embarrassed
either. I would be showing it off to all the other boys. I just
wouldn’t want any girls seeing it.
I spot another obvious
difference between me and the other boys. They all have foreskins.
I’m the only circumcised boy here. With my briefs constantly falling
down, it becomes obvious to the other boys I’m not like them, and they
take ever chance they can to help my briefs fall down, so they can get
a closer look at my penis. I can see their penises even if they are
wearing undies, because their thin little briefs cling tightly to them,
so the entire shape of their dick is visible as if they were actually
Now, usually when I’m in the water, I don’t have to
worry about boners. I don’t know why but being in water keeps boners
down. Well, it used to anyway. It seems with so many boys examining
my penis that it decides to get excited and now they start examining my
boner. They even touch it and pull on it. I’ve never had my penis
played with so much in my life. I want to play with their penises
also, but I’m too embarrassed to do it, so I just look.
I have
no idea how long we play, but at some point I look over at Aunt Vivian
and she’s waving me in, so I get out of the water, carefully holding my
water soaked briefs up. I walk up the beach to her and all four of
them are staring at my underpants for some reason. I can’t help
myself, so I look down and I can see my penis through the cloth.
Everyone is seeing my penis as if I were naked. These thin briefs I’m
wearing are totally transparent. My boy jewels are on display to
“Well, Eric. Your dad was right. From what we can
see, you could go naked and no one would care. Why don’t you take your
wet undies off, so they can dry while you’re eating lunch?”
I can’t believe she just said that. She can’t be serious. She wants me naked.
“That’s okay. I’ll be going back swimming after I eat, so I’ll keep them on.”
The thing is I can’t help the fact they are see through right now and
everyone is seeing all of me. My face is burning up with
embarrassment. It doesn’t help that now that I’m out of the water, I
pop a boner. I try and sit so not much can be seen, but since the
girls keep giggling, I must not be doing a good job of it.
After I finish eating I try and go back swimming, but Aunt Vivian tells
me I have to lay back and rest first. I don’t want to, but what can I
do? I lie back and hope my briefs are dry enough they aren’t so see
through. Johanna lays down beside me.
“You know Eric, I saw your wiener.”
“Ya. I know. I think everyone saw it.”
“Oh they did when your panties dropped down.”
Yes, very embarrassing conversation, but Johanna’s ten and this is what she wants to talk about.
“Eric. Why’s your wiener stick up in the air?”
“You saw that?”
“Ya. I still am. It’s sticking up right now. See?”
I can’t see it, but evidently she can. Maybe it has to do with how the
sun shines on my underpants when wet. I mean, they are dryer than
before but still wet.
“No. I can’t see it.”
“Look. I’ll show you.”
Johanna grabs my briefs and yanks the front down, so my boned up penis
is out in the open and lots of people look over to see it, including
Heidi and Gertrude. Aunt Vivian is putting everything from lunch away,
so she doesn’t see what Johanna just did.
I’m totally
mortified. My boner is out in the open. I make a grab for my briefs
but the other two girls stop me, so that I can’t get my boner covered
back up.
“You know Eric. You have a very cute stiffie. How hard does it get?”
“Before I can answer Johanna, she grabs my dick and pulls on it.”
“Be careful Johanna. Don’t pull on Eric’s wiener so hard.”
“It won’t break will it, Heidi?”
Before she can answer, Aunt Vivian speaks.
“Eric. Pull your underpants back up and stop showing off to the girls.”
“I wasn’t, they...”
She stops me before I can say more.
“Go ahead back swimming if you want. We’ll be leaving soon, so have as much fun now while you can.”
I don’t waste any time. I jump up having to pull my briefs back up on
the run and go jump into the water. It doesn’t feel as cold this time
as before. Maybe I’m getting used to it. I join back in the game the
boys around my age are playing. Most are the same ones as before lunch
but there are a few new boys. The new ones are all naked boys. They
come in penis sizes from a couple skinny inches long to four very fat
inches long. The one thing they all have in common is they are
hairless. Every naked boy is bald down there. I’ve never seen so many
naked boys in my life and I have to be honest and say I am enjoying
seeing them and occasionally I even get to touch their penis. It’s
only fair since they take every opportunity to touch mine. I really
can’t get over how comfortable they are with being naked in public like
this. I would die of embarrassment if I was naked like they are. Of
course, now that my underpants are sopping wet again, their weight
keeps dragging them down to my knees and I have to keep tugging them
back up, but at least I have them to cover my nakedness up with. These
boys parade around in their birthday suits as if they were naked kings.
Soon, I don’t even realize that I’m not having to pull my undies up as
often. I’m so into the game we’re playing by dunking and splashing
each other in our make-shift teams, I forget about everything else. My
team seems to be all naked boys, which I find odd they would want a boy
in undies on their team. I have to admit that I haven’t had this much
fun in a very long time. It’s so much fun to be able to play this
freely without a care in the world. The thing about getting older, the
simple fun games like this one that I’m getting to play, happen less
and less often.
“I think those girls over there are yelling for you.”
I look to where the naked boy with the fat four inch penis is pointing
and sure enough I see Gertrude and Heidi at the water’s edge calling my
name. They see me looking at them.
“Come on. It’s time to go home.”
“Oh! Okay. Coming.”
I start walking up to the shore and discover something terrible has
happened. My underpants are gone. Somehow, at some time they must
have dropped and came right off, while I was engrossed in the game.
Now, I’m totally naked like all the other boys on my team. No wonder
they let me be on their team. How long have I been naked without
knowing it? The thing is these boys like being naked. I don’t. Oh!
No! I don’t like being naked one bit.
“I’ll be right there. I gotta go look for something.”
“No time. Get out of the water and come on. We’re supposed to take
you to shower all the salt and sand off before we go to the car, so
come here right now.”
When Heidi wants to, she can be really
bossy, and the thing is when she tells you to do something, you better
stop what you’re doing and do what she tells you to do. I’m naked. I
want to go look for my underpants, even though I know it’s a lost
cause, because the current could have taken them anywhere, but I know
better than to cross Heidi. So, as humiliating and embarrassing as it
is I start walking out of the water. Soon my penis is in view and then
all of me is in full view.
“Eric. Where’s your unterhosen?”
“I don’t know. I guess they came off and are lost.”
“Well. Come on with us to the showers and stop playing with your wiener.”
“I’m not playing with it. I just don’t want people seeing it is all.”
“Well, get those hands away from it, because it sure looks like you’re playing with it to me.”
I drop my hands reluctantly, and leave my little penis on display. So,
for those who hadn’t seen it earlier, they now have an unobstructed
view. They are getting the opportunity of a lifetime to see a
circumcised penis. Then to my great horror, the showers that Heidi
said she was taking me to aren’t inside a building. Oh! No! They are
right here on the beach in front of everyone. I have to get under the
showerhead and wash myself, totally naked in front of a beach full of
people, including two small naked boys and their mothers.
Surprisingly, the most attention I’m getting isn’t from adults or even
girls. It’s from other boys. It’s my cut dick they’re staring at. I
guess they don’t get to see very many dicks like mine.
“Mommy. Why is this boy’s peepee look like that? Did he hurt it?”
“No Hans. He just had his tip clipped off as a baby. Here, I’ll show you.”
“To my surprise, she takes hold of her son’s penis and pulls the foreskin back.”
“See. Now yours looks just like his.”
“It does, mommy. It really does and it’s the same size as his and he’s way older then me.”
“Hans. It’s not nice to talk about another boy’s penis size. Apologize to the nice boy.”
“I’m sorry my penis is as big as yours.”
“That’s okay. How old are you anyway?”
“I’m nine.”
“So, I got the same size penis as a nine-year-old. Aunt Vivian was right that people would think I’m only nine-years-old.”
Both mothers smirk, because the other little naked boy who is probably only eight, has the same size penis also.
“How old are you?”
I should have known he would want to know since I asked him his age.
Now I have to admit just how small my penis is for my age.
“I’m twelve.”
“Really! Honest! My big brother is twelve and his penis is huge and he has hairs too.”
How humiliating. I answer him with a joke.
“Ya. I was standing in the wrong line when they handed out penises.”
Everyone looks at me confused. They must not have heard that joke before.
Now, all this attention to my penis is getting it excited and I can
feel it boning up. I try to will it to stay soft, to no avail. I’m
getting a boner in front of the entire beach.
“Look mommy. He’s getting a stiffie just like Karl gets when he’s naked at home.”
I’m assuming that Karl is his older brother. I’m guessing he gets to see Karl’s boner, since he knows what they are.
“Don’t point Hans. You can look, because this nice boy is showing it
to you, like your brother does sometimes. But it’s not polite to point
at it.”
“Sorry, I was just excited getting to see it right out here on the beach.”
Now, my boner isn’t much to look at, especially compared to what Karl’s
boner probably looks like. Mine is only four-skinny-inches totally
hard, but that doesn’t seem to make a difference, boys especially want
to get a good look at it. My face is hot and I’m sure it’s redder than
a beet. I so want to go hide, but there isn’t anyplace to hide.
“Is this cute boy your brother?”
“No Frau. He’s a friend visiting from America.”
“Oh, that explains why he’s cut then. I’m surprised you got him to go
naked though. American boys are very shy about their bodies.”
“He doesn’t really have a choice now. He lost his unterhosen playing in the surf, so he has to go nackt.”
“That’s bad of you, little boy. Unterhosen cost money. That’s why Hans still goes nackt.”
“Yes ma’am. I didn’t lose them on purpose.”
“Little boys never do. It’s just in their nature. Young lady. I
would suggest that you give him a couple good swats on his bottom, to
remind him to be more careful.”
“Do you really think I should?”
WHAT! There’s no way they are talking about giving me a spanking right
out here in front of everyone. I mean there’s a crowd gathering just
to see my boner, but to see me get my butt smacked would be humiliating
to no end.
“Yes. I would do it myself, but the government
frowns on adults spanking little boys these days, but for a young lady
such as yourself, it would be overlooked.”
“Heidi. Let me. Please! Let me spank, Eric.”
“Frau. Do you think it would be proper for Gertrude to spank Eric, since they are both the same age?”
“That would be even better. The government couldn’t say anything about
someone the same age giving this little boy a spanking. Besides, we
all know girls are way more mature than boys. So yes, I think it would
be very proper for Gertrude to spank Eric.”
They can’t be really considering this. No way. Surely not.
“Go ahead, Gertrude. Give Eric a proper spanking of twelve smacks to his bottom. One for each year of his age.”
“No! Gertrude. Please. I didn’t mean to lose my underpants. Please
don’t spank me. Not here. Please. Look at all these people watching.”
“Eric. Gertrude is going to spank you and she’s going to spank you
right here. So, come out of the shower and bend over that bench, like
a good little boy.”
“I don’t want to Heidi. Please. Can’t we just forget about this.”
“Heidi. That’s a common ploy all little boys use. Even Hans uses it to try and get out of his punishment. Don’t you Hans?”
“Yes. Mama!”
Evidently, all that talk about the government not allowing adults to
spank children was a cover because she practically admitted she still
spanks Hans.
“Eric knows he needs this spanking, so best just get on with it.”
I sure wish this woman would take her son and leave. She’s making things worse.
“Eric. You know you need a spanking, so do what I told you and bend over that bench. Or do you want me to go get mama?”
“NO! NO! NO! Don’t get Aunt Vivian. I’ll do it. Just don’t tell
Aunt Vivian, because she’ll tell dad and he’ll give me another spanking
back at the hotel.”
“Okay then. Go bend over that bench and take your spanking like a good little boy and I won’t tell mom.”
I’m trapped and I know it, but anything is better than getting a
whipping from dad. They don’t know it, but dad had a long talk with me
and told me that if I was a bad boy while visiting Aunt Vivian, he
would wear my butt out when we got back to the hotel. I’ll agree to
anything Heidi says to get out of a spanking from dad.
I walk
out of the showers and over to the bench and bend over it, with my butt
high into the air. I can feel every pair of eyes on this part of the
beach boring into me. I look up at Gertrude and she’s smiling
broadly. Yes, she’s going to enjoy this. I’ve been teasing her about
how much superior boys are to girls this entire trip and now she’s
going to prove me wrong. I close my eyes tightly shut, because I don’t
want to see the faces of all these people as they witness my public
humiliation. Gertrude is ready and slaps my butt hard with her hand.
It isn’t helping that my skin is still wet, which makes the slap sound
very loud and I believe makes it hurt more. I know when dad whips me
when I have a wet butt, it hurts more. My biggest fight right now is
with myself. I have to keep from crying. I’m twelve-years-old and
tweens like me don’t cry when they get spanked.
Gertrude slaps
my bottom one right after the other without waiting for the previous
one to sink in. Dad always draws them out, which guarantees that I’ll
be crying before he’s finished. But since Gertrude is so excited,
she’s just slapping away and before I know it all twelve slaps have hit
my bottom, leaving it very red and my face free of tears.
“Nicely done, Gertrude.”
“Eric, you can get up now. Say good-bye to all your new friends, so we
can be going. Mom will be wondering what happened to us.”
Not that I consider any of these people friends, especially as they all
took pleasure in watching me get my bum whipped, but I don’t want to
cause a fuss, so it’s best to just do what Heidi tells me.
“Gertrude you really made Eric’s bum-bum red.”
“Ya and it was fun too. Who’s superior now, Eric?”
“You are Gertrude.”
“That’s right. I’m superior over you.”
“Heidi. If my bum is really that red, what are you going to tell Aunt
Vivian when she sees it? You promised not to tell her that you guys
spanked me. Right!”
“Heidi. Ya, what are you going to tell
mom. I don’t want her finding out I spanked Eric. No telling what she
would do to me and possibly even you.”
“Give me a minute to think.”
“You don’t have a minute! Mom’s walking this way with all our suff and she doesn’t look happy.”
“Okay! I got it. Eric. When mom asks you why your bum-bum is so red,
tell her that when you lost your hinterhosen in the water, that the
other boys thought it was funny and started smacking your naked bum-bum
for being so careless.”
“Ya. Eric. That should work. Mom
thinks boys act silly anyway, so she would easily believe they would
spank you after you suddenly got nackt.”
“Where have you kids
been and why on earth is Eric nackt? I mean, I think he should have
been naked all along, but why now and where is his underpants?”
“Aunt Vivian. I was having trouble keeping my briefs up and when I was
playing with the other boys out in the waves, somehow my underpants
came off and disappeared. The boys all thought that was real funny and
they started spanking my bottom something fierce while I was trying to
find my lost briefs. So, when the girls came looking for me, well, I
was sort of surrounded and it took a while to get away from those
boys. Then we went to the showers and now we are here. Sorry for
making us run late.”
“Well, I’ve always said that boys will be
boys. No making up for it now. Turn yourself around and march to the
parking lot. Girls, take some of this stuff. I’m not carrying it all.”
“OH! MY! GOODNESS! Would you look at Eric’s bum-bum. It’s as red as
an apple. I guess those boys did get carried away spanking you.”
“Yes. They got real carried away. Is it really that red?”
“Oh yes, honey. I don’t know which view I like looking at better; your
beautiful front side with that cute little penis of yours on display or
this rear view with these two glowing red globes bouncing along as you
I can only think of what people are thinking as we walk
past, with naked me in the lead. All this talk about my penis has it
bone hard again pointing the way to the parking lot. I no sooner step
onto the pavement that I start hopping from foot to foot causing my
boner to bounce back and forth as I cross to Aunt Vivian’s car. Lots
of people including boys see my naked display.
As soon as I
reach the car I find the shady side and stand in it so my feet will
stop burning. I have to wait for everything to be loaded before Aunt
Vivian unlocks the door so I can get inside out of view.
“You know Eric. You can stay in your birthday suit home if you want.
It might be more comfortable on your bottom not having to wear
Johanna who sits beside me in the backseat is all
smiles hoping that I will agree. Of course, there is no way in heck
I’ll stay naked. Johanna would play with my penis all the way to their
house. It’s forty-five minutes away. My dick would be raw by the time
we got there.
“That’s okay, Aunt Vivian. Since my undies are
gone my shorts won’t rub my sore bottom all that much, so I’ll go ahead
and get dressed.”
I waste no time. As soon as my door is
unlocked, I grab my shorts and put them on covering my once very
exposed penis. I finish getting dressed and ride home in silence as
the girls and Aunt Vivian talk constantly about seeing my penis and
tiny testicles. Aunt Vivian’s only regret is they didn’t have a camera
along. Unfortunately for me, Heidi had her cell phone and she took
plenty of pictures of me nackt, especially Gertrude spanking me. The
good thing is that they stay here and I’m going back home.
When I strip naked to take my shower at the hotel, dad asks about my
now pink bottom and I tell him the same story as I told Aunt Vivian. I
don’t think he bought it as much as Aunt Vivian did, but at least he
doesn’t call me out on it.
On the flight home I reminisce
about all that I did and saw during my visit to Europe and I now have
to admit, my time on the beach wasn’t all that bad. Even the naked
part and even the spanking part. I now have a story to tell my friends
when I get home about how I got naked for a girl and let her spank my
butt and touched my penis. They will be so envious that I’m the first
of us to be naked in front of a girl and get his dick touched.
So, even the most embarrassing and humiliating situations can also be
something good. It’s all in how we look at it. I just don’t want to
repeat this ever again.