Charlie’s Stepmother 21, 22 & 23

By brhmsj

Copyright 2023 by brhmsj, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Charlie’s Stepmother 21

Puppy Play

The last full day in New York was one of the most unusual days in Charlie’s young life. Late morning he and Fran took a cab to “Uncle” Fred’s home in Brooklyn Heights. Charlie gasped when the neighborhood came into view. Fred owned a whole brownstone which proved to be most luxurious inside.

A man clad only in a speedo answered the door. He seemed to be a butler but Charlie couldn’t tell. “Sir is expecting you,” the man said and led the way to a well-appointed sitting room. Fred was in a chair, a naked young man wearing a dog mask like the ones at the sex shop was kneeling at his feet.

“Stay!” Fred commanded as he rose to greet his guests. With a “good morning, welcome” as if nothing were unusual about a naked young man in a dog mask, he walked across the room, gave Fran the air kisses that Charlie was finding quite silly, then shook Charlie’s hand. “Please, take seats.” They did. “This is Andrew who you met the other night. He’s learning to be a good boy today.” The “good boy” was said in the way someone would use it for a dog. Well, Andrew was in a dog mask. Charlie then noticed the collar around Andrew’s neck with a leash attached. For the moment the end was lying on the floor. Fred petting Andrew as he would a dog, Andrew making noises of appreciation.

That done, there was general conversation, Fred occasionally petting Andrew. After a while Andrew curled up on the floor. Let sleeping dogs lie, thought Charlie.

Some minutes later Fred turned to Charlie and said “Charles, I understand you had quite a day at Marguerite’s.” Charlie blushed deeply.

“Yes, sir, I’d say I did.”

“I’m sure the ladies enjoyed it and I’m sure it was good for you. Did they appreciate you?” If he was sure they enjoyed it, why was he asking? Just to embarrass him, Charlie wondered?

“It seemed they did. No one complained.” Charlie hadn’t meant that to be funny but Fred and Fran laughed. He realized what he’d done and chuckled, too.

“That’s excellent. I’m sure one day you’ll be glad to do the same here.” Charlie didn’t think so but just nodded. Andrew stirred a bit. “Ah, it’s time for Andrew to take a walk, as it were. Charles, would you like to take the leash? He’ll lead you to where he needs to go.”

“Um, I guess so. . .” He rose and walked over to Fred who handed him the leash. Andrew stood.

“Be sure to praise him for being a good boy and don’t hesitate to give him a swat to the rump if he tugs too much on the cord. He can be excitable sometimes.”

“Go ahead, dear,” Fran added in encouragement.

Charlie nodded and let Andrew lead the way. He led them to the back of the house, once or twice testing Charlie by tugging a bit on the leash. For the time being Charlie just pulled him back as he would any dog. Andrew obeyed. They came to a door which Andrew opened, clicked on a light, and led them down a flight of stairs to a basement area. In the immediate area was a couch and a couple of chairs, one of which was appropriate for spankings. On the far side, where they continued to, was an area which had been raised slightly and turned into a facsimile of an outdoor dog walk. A sort of lawn, a couple of small trees and even a fire hydrant! This was weird.

Andrew pulled at the leash, eager to get to this area. He went up to one of the trees and did his business, as it were. The platform had been designed so that a “dog” could pee anywhere and it would go right to the drains in the floor below.

Done, Andrew turned to Charlie as if to ask for praise for doing his deed. Charlie went up to him, put a hand on his head, and said “good boy.” Andrew then led them to the couch, indicated that Charlie should sit, then sat with him.

“I’m allowed to talk now,” Andrew said.

“With that mask on?”

“Yes. I’ll be punished if I take it off. Fred wants me to tell you about puppy play and most of all why I submit to this.”

“That’s up to you.”

Andrew explained puppy play in greater depth than Fran had. Just as there were a wide variety of kinks so, apparently, there were quite a few variations on puppy play. Not to mention other sorts of “animal” things.

“And what about you?” Charlie asked when Andrew finished.

Andrew sighed. “I guess I knew early on that I am a submissive but I wasn’t getting satisfied with things I tried. A friend in a sub/dom group told me about Fred. He’s quite exclusive and never goes to kinky or other events. Plenty of people find him and he’s very picky about who he takes on. He agreed to meet me. I was treated to lunch here. Forbes, the butler you met, answered the door and let me in. ‘Sir requires you to undress completely,’ he said. I hesitated and he said ‘right here. And now.’ So, I did. He then led me into the sitting room. Uncle Fred interviewed me, which continued over lunch. After we were done eating he said ‘I find you quite interesting. Give me overnight to decide what is best for you. Come back tomorrow at two o’clock and plan to be here for a few days.’ I did as he said.”

“Just like that?” This was all so foreign to Charlie, even with his experience of Woman and Girl Power.

“Just like that,” Andrew replied. “I was required to undress again. This time Forbes had a case for my clothes so I knew they were being confiscated. That was a bit scary.”

“I’m sure.”

“He took me to the sitting room where Uncle Fred was waiting. Fred did not stand but said ‘come over here.’ I did. He made me kneel down in front of him and started stroking my head the way you stroke a dog’s. I had no idea yet what was going on. ‘First,’ he said, ‘you will call me Sir or Uncle Fred. Is that understood?’ I said yes. ‘Good. I’ve decided that you’re a needy puppy and I’m going to give you the training you need.’ With that he brought me down here. Behind that door over there is what he calls the ‘playroom.’ It’s more of a dungeon, I think. It’s full of BDSM equipment. From a cabinet he took out a collar and leash, then this puppy mask. He then gave me instructions as to what he expected from his puppy. The first couple of days were tough as I didn’t know exactly what to do. I can assure you, my bottom was quite sore!”

Charlie made a sympathetic noise.

“Anyhow, I like being a puppy. It makes me feel safe. Uncle Fred takes care of me and in return I’m expected to behave like a good puppy and be obedient.”

“Wow,” was all Charlie could say when Andrew finished. “Do you take off the mask to eat?”

“Yes, but I have to eat from a dog bowl on the floor, just like a dog. There’s one over there.” He pointed to a dog bowl near the trees. It had “Andrew” painted on the side. “That’s one of mine!” There was no mistaking that Andrew took pride in having his own bowls. Charlie was working on the image of Andrew down on his knees, eating from a dog bowl. To him that seemed very humiliating. He hoped that Fran wasn’t getting ideas.

“Uncle Fred said I could outfit you if you want to see what it’s like. To be honest, I’m surprised that he hasn’t gotten you naked.”

“Well, I’m with Fran, and. . .”

“That makes no difference. He expects younger men to be naked in this house, no matter who else is here. And Fran sees you naked all the time.”


They talked a while longer, comparing experiences, then Fred called down the stairs. “Would you boys like a snack?” Andrew replied with an “arf.” Charlie, startled at that, did manage a “yes, sir.”

“Good. Charles, leave your clothes down there.”

“I told you,” said Andrew. “You need to take the leash again.” Charlie undressed. He couldn’t tell if Andrew was admiring him behind the mask. Once naked he took up the leash, this time leading as they climbed the stairs. Forbes was at the top of the stairs and escorted the two to the dining room. Three chairs were around the table. Next to the chair at the head of the table were two dog bowls, one with food, the other with water. Andrew eagerly went up to them and knelt.

Fred and Fran came in. Fred stood by his seat, patted Andrew on the head and said “good boy.” Andrew made his noises of appreciation. “Fran, you sit there, Charles, you there.” Fred waited for his guests to sit before taking his chair. Everyone set, Forbes brought in what looked to Charlie more like lunch than a snack. Well, it was lunchtime, he realized.

The food already was on individual plates. A bit of salad, tortellini, and a cold chicken breast. It was delicious.

“Alright boy, you can eat,” Fred said to Andrew. From his seat, Charlie could watch the puppy eat. He already was thinking of Andrew as “the puppy.” He had noticed that Andrew’s food appeared to be beef, as most dogs eat. Charlie was impressed with how good Andrew had become at eating from a bowl that way. He did not attack the food in the greedy way that some dogs do, but rather was timing his consumption to that at the table. Fred occasionally reached down to pet him.

“What do you think of the puppy life?’ Fred asked Charlie after a while.

“Um, I’m not sure. I mean, this is all new to me.”

“I’m sure. Well, we could put a collar on you for the afternoon. Give you a taste of it.” To Charlie “could” sounded like “will.” If “Uncle” Fred had brought it up he planned to do it. Charlie saw no reaction from Fran.

Turning to Andrew, Fred asked “how are you doing, puppy?” Andrew lifted up from the bowl, still on his knees. “Look at what a mess you are.” Fred reached for a napkin which apparently was for cleaning Andrew’s face, which he proceeded to do. “Good boy,” said, patting him. He produced some sort of “treat” and popped it in Andrew’s mouth. That was the signal that Andrew was done eating. He put on the mask again.

“He’s a good puppy dog,” Fred told them as he patted Andrew again. There was no dessert. Forbes appeared to clear the table. Fred turned to Charlie and said “Charles, there are some things I’d like to show you.” With that he picked up the leash, letting Andrew lead the way, and took them back to the basement. Fran knew what to expect, having seen it before, but she enjoyed seeing it again. This time Andrew went right up to the “dungeon” door. Fred let them in.

Charlie’s eyes were wide with amazement. He’d never seen anything like this. Could never have imagined it. There were various kinds of restraints, including what looked like shackles on the walls. Even a cage! He hoped Uncle Fred wouldn’t suggest trying out the cage. As he was looking around he realized that Fred had come up behind him and was fastening a collar around his neck.

“Good fit!” the man said. He handed Fran a leash. “Would you like to do the honors.”

“Naturally,” she replied. She snapped the leash onto the mask. “You are a good little boy,” she said as she held the leash. Charlie blushed at that. Fred indicated the couch to Fran. They both sat down.

“Charles, do the same as Andrew,” Fred ordered. Charlie got down on his knees next to Fran. She patted him on the head. The older two chatted for a while, ignoring their “puppies.”

“Fran, do you think we try a mask on him,” Fred asked.

“You know best, dear,” Fran replied. Her smile said “yes, do put a mask on him.”

“Hold this,” Fred said, handing Andrew’s leash to her. He went to a cabinet, spent a moment looking at things, then returned with a puppy mask. “Try this.” Fran handed him both leashes. She gently fitted the mask to Charlie’s head.

“A perfect fit!” she said with delight.

“I’d say so. Two good little puppies. This is excellent. Andrew has a puppy bed over there. It’s big enough for two.” With that he took both leashes and led them over to the dog bed. Andrew lay down, curling up as he did. Charlie followed his lead. He did admit to himself that it felt good being naked next to the older puppy. “Yeesh,” he thought, “now I’m thinking we’re puppies.”

“They look quite content,” Fran said.

“Yes, they do. Shall we?” Charlie heard them go upstairs.

“What are we supposed to do?” Charlie whispered to Andrew when he knew they truly were alone.

“Wait for orders.”

“Just lie here?”

“Yes and don’t play with yourself. He doesn’t hesitate to use his paddle!” They didn’t talk much and neither fell asleep. Both made a point of lying close to the other, bodies touching, enjoying the warmth and feel of the other’s skin.

“Have you had another puppy before?” Charlie asked.

“No. This is the first time. I like it. Do you?”

“Well, like I said, this is all so new.”

As he lay there Charlie thought about all that had gone on during this visit to New York. Any time they’d been with others, even at the restaurant, he had been an object, not just an obedient “good little boy.” He really should feel humiliated by it all, yet he wasn’t. Maybe not thrilled but no humiliation. Fran slowly had done this since he ceded control to her. He trusted her and now wanted her to control him. Would he want to be turned over to Uncle Fred? He could tell it would be a different world.

He had no idea how long they were down there. Fran and Fred did return. “Charlie, time to go back,” Fran said. She picked up the leash and gave it a playful tug. He stood and waited for orders.

“Would you like to take him home like that? Dressed, of course,” Fred asked. “It wouldn’t be the first time a cabbie saw a puppy come from this house.”

“No, no, I’m not going to embarrass him at the hotel.”

Fran undid the mask and removed it, then the collar. As she did Fred said “we can pack that up for you.”

After a moment’s thought Fran said “yes, do that.”

Without being called Forbes appeared. From the cabinet he retrieved a box, packed up the things and handed them to Fran. That done she turned to Charlie and said “get dressed now, dear.” He obeyed, thinking it ironic that he was getting dressed just to get undressed as soon as they got their rooms. Such was his life.

“I’d be happy to have the boy for a weekend sometime,” Fred said as Charlie dressed. Charlie flashed Fran a look of concern. He didn’t know if he was ready for that. Or was willing to do it.

“That requires some consideration,” Fran answered. She was intrigued by the idea but other than with Bunny she did not want to give Charlie quite so fully over to someone else. Particularly a man, given that she firmly believed in Woman Power. It certainly would test Charlie’s submissiveness. He was doing well today.

“You decision my dear,” Fred told her with a smile.

Charlie dressed, they took their leave. In the cab Fran said “you were an especially good little boy today. I’m proud of you. Charlie felt good hearing that. Just like a puppy, he thought. This was getting to weird. “I need to reward you.”

“Thank you.” The rest of the ride was quiet. In their rooms Charlie stripped without being told to. Fran gave him a look of approval. “We’ll have dinner here, then I do need to go out. You will be naked this time when the food arrives.” So she did know. It seemed like a conspiracy.

“Now that you’re naked again, you can have your reward.” She pulled a package out of her suitcase and handed it to Charlie. He unwrapped it to find a new butt plug, definitely slightly larger than his usual ones.

“Oh, Fran, I love it,” he said. Fran had been parceling out his butt plug use, never allowing it when he was caged. This truly was exciting.

“Let’s get it in before the food gets here.” She produced the lube, settled on the bed, and Charlie went over her lap. As she always did, she gently rubbed his bottom, inducing an erection. Even though sex was off limits with the boy she did enjoy feeling his hardness against her legs. She knew he liked it, too, even though he showed little interest in the opposite sex. The butt massage worked its way to fingers between his cheeks, contact with his hole, then a gently finger insertion. Charlie was breathing hard with excitement.

When she felt she had him “primed,” as she thought of it, she prepared the plug. She worked it in slowly and gently, both to make sure it didn’t hurt and to let Charlie enjoy the pleasure of its entry. When it was fully in, he let out a sigh, then “thank you, Fran. This one is great.”

“Good! I hoped you’d like it.” She let him up. A knock came at the door. “Go ahead,” she told him. Charlie did not put on a robe. He opened the door and the same waiter was there with the cart.

“Ah, as advertised this time,” he said as he brought the food in. “Apparently having Mother here makes you do as your told.”

“That’s enough of that,” Fran said in a very stern tone. The waiter blushed slightly but silently went about his work. When he had left Fran said “he does get a bit too full of himself sometimes. However, he has someone to take him down a notch.”

They ate dinner then Fran went out for the evening. “I’ll see you in the morning. You should do some packing tonight.” Charlie did, while doing a video call with Max.

“I’ve got so much to tell you!” he told his bestie.

“I know! Can’t wait!”

The plug stayed in all night. After watching some tv he went to bed only to be awaked much earlier than he liked. But, they needed to get to the airport. Charlie was eager to get home, to see his Dad, and to get together with Max. It was with eager anticipation that he rode home on the airplane. It had been an interesting, and ultimately good, trip. More than once on the flight Fran quietly told him that he’d been “a good little boy.” Like a puppy, he was happy to hear the praise.

Charlie’s Stepmother 22

By the time Charlie and Fran were back home it really was too late to get together with Max. They talked briefly. Max revealed that he’d earned himself a before-dinner spanking so wasn’t in the mood in any case.

“That sucks but we can talk all about everything tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” They ended the call.

At dinner that night David said “so, you were a good pup in New York.”


“Don’t worry, son, it’s our secret. Though I’m sure Max knows about it.”

“I tell him almost everything. Plus he’s curious about it so I kinda have to.”

“Is he joining the puppy pound, too?” David asked with a wink.

“Dad, there is no puppy pound! And I haven’t said I’m part of any puppy play anyhow.” Fran listened to all this with a small smile.

“But I hear you brought home some puppy gear.”

Now Charlie turned to her with a “Fraaan!” Then back to David, “she brought them home, I didn’t.”

“Now, boys, it’s likely they’ll not get any use. Though, as I think of it, maybe I should give it to Bunny to use on Gerry. We know he needs taming.”

“I think things are tough enough for him without that,” Charlie said. Gerry might not be his friend but still he would have solidarity in this case.

“It’s all his own doing, you know that,” she replied. “Maybe this would teach him the lesson he hasn’t learned so far.” Charlie said nothing. He had less control over these things than David did. Which pretty much was none, anyhow.

The conversation went in other directions. Later in the evening Charlie checked in with Max. “It wasn’t that bad but I have the cage on until tomorrow, which sucks.”

“Sorry to hear it.” Fran had been lax with the cage of late but her domination hadn’t diminished, she had many others ways to assert it.

Charlie never knew but late that night when David and Fran were in their own room for the night, she put the collar and puppy mask on David. “Hm, I like this. Maybe we keep it for ourselves.” David made some puppy noises in the mask which got them laughing. She took the gear off him and they settled in for some welcome home sex.

Her fun with David got Fran thinking about puppy play. The idea of having David or Charlie crawling around like a puppy did not appeal. But she had another idea, one that she thought would be fun with Charlie. She contacted the store in Greenwich Village and in a few days a much longer leash arrived. She could put the collar, with the leash, on Charlie, then secure the leash to his desk or bed. It was long enough that he could get between the desk and the bed, otherwise he’d be kept in place. Like a puppy. He could easily unhook the leash or untie it so part of using it would be to test him. He’d be on his honor not to escape. If necessary she could leash him and put on the chastity cage. She liked the idea.

A couple of days after the leash arrived she knew he’d be home after school which would give her a chance to make a test run, as it were. She was home when he returned from school. After greetings she casually said “go up to your room and get undressed. I’ll be up shortly.” Charlie showed some surprise at this but obeyed.

He was naked when she appeared in the doorway. From what he could tell, she had a collar and some sort of leash.

“I thought of one way this can be of use. When I need to keep you in your room I can tie you down, just like a puppy.” The last said with a smile. She put the collar on him, attached the leash and found a spot to anchor it. “You can get from the desk to the bed, and that’s it.”

“What if I need the bathroom?”

“That’s what this is for,” she said producing a bedpan. He’d never seen one. “Since you can easily unhook the leash this is on the honor system. If I have to tie you in and find out that you slipped your leash, as it were, you know the consequences.” Charlie glanced at the hairbrush. “That’s right. Now, I’ll come and release you at dinner time. That’s a good little boy.” With that she left.

Immediately Charlie called Max. He told him what had happened.

“Shit! What if she tells Mom?” was Max’s reaction.

“I hadn’t thought of that. They’d have us all tied down at the pool or something. I hope it doesn’t go any further than this.” Charlie had told Max all about Andrew.

“I hope we don’t end up like that guy in New York. Well, at least that you don’t, I mean.” Max was seeing doom coming his way and briefly forgot that Charlie already was in tether.

“Who knows. I hope it is a passing phase. I didn’t tell you, but ‘Uncle’ Fred invited me to spend a weekend with him. Fran was noncommittal. I’m sure that would be weird.”

“One thing you know is you’d be naked all weekend.” That got them laughing.

“I’ll call you when I’m released,” Charlie said. Later he heard his father get home. He could hear them talking downstairs and caught enough to know that she’d told him what she had done with Charlie.

“Something that would be good for you, too,” he distinctly heard her say. The idea of his father on a leash didn’t work for Charlie.

As promised, she arrived at dinner time and unhooked the leash but did not take off the collar. At dinner Charlie could see that more than once his father wanted to comment but thought the better of it. Whether this was not to embarrass Charlie or because he was under threat of punishment, Charlie couldn’t tell. Or maybe both.

The collar stayed on until bedtime but Charlie was not tethered again. After she removed the collar from him, it and the leash were put away. Charlie hoped also to be forgotten.

Naturally Fran did tell Bunny about the weekend and especially about the puppy play. Bunny was intrigued and did say that perhaps it would help with Gerry. “I thought the same thing,” said Fran. “I can put you in touch with Fred if you ever want to know more.”

“Didn’t he invite Charlie for a weekend?” Fran confirmed that. Bunny did have a way of finding out these things. A good sign of her dominance over Max that she got the information from him. “Maybe we send Charlie and Max together. We know they love to do everything together. If that goes well I could send Gerry for serious indoctrination. Interesting idea.” For the moment, it went no further.

A Long Weekend with Uncle Fred

Over the next few weeks Fred stayed in touch with Fran more regularly than he had in the past. He did not apply heavy pressure but he brought up a visit by Charlie every time they spoke or messaged. Fran resisted. “I want to be the one in charge of the boy,” she said more than once. “You understand Woman Power. It would not be good to have him suddenly under the supervision of a man. It would cause confusion as to who to obey.”

“Now, now, my dear,” Fred had replied. “The boy is a natural submissive. There will be no confusion in his mind about obeying to any authority, female or male. I know you’ve tamed him but some time as a pup will only make him more docile.” Fran had told Fred about the turning point she’d had with Charlie. Fred appreciated what she’d done.

After a few of these calls Fran said “what if I sent him with his friend Max, so they both could be trained?” Fred had heard about Max.

“Now that’s an idea,” he replied, sounding quite delighted. “I need to speak with his mother, of course.”

“I’ll talk to Bunny and we can do a conference call.” That settled that. Two days later the two women spoke with “Uncle” Fred. He filled in both of them on what he would do, along with giving Bunny general information about puppy play.

“If this goes well, I think my older son greatly could benefit from the training, but we’ll leave that until later.”

“Your boys will be well taken care of.” Fran knew that was true and easily assured Bunny who trusted anyone Fran trusted in this regard. A long weekend was set up for the boys.

The announcements of this plan were not met with enthusiasm. Charlie asked “must I?” knowing full well that he must. Max put up more resistance which only led to a spanking. That decided the issue.

On the selected Friday Charlie and Max were on a plane on their way to New York. Nervous about what to expect they talked little on the ride. At the airport a driver with a posh car was waiting for them and maneuvered the city roads for a short trip to Brooklyn Heights. Max was impressed with the neighborhood. More so with the house they pulled up in front of. The chauffeur carried their luggage. The door was opened by Forbes. Charlie had told Max about him.

“Sir is waiting in the parlor,” Forbes said in particularly pompous tones. “You will undress here.” He had boxes ready for their clothes. Max was a bit hesitant but followed Charlie’s lead. Now naked, the boys were escorted to the parlor. Fred was standing to greet them. At the foot of his chair Andrew was curled up. Even knowing what he’d see, Max was startled to see Andrew in his pup mask.

“Welcome boys,” he said. “Marshall, I’m delighted to meet you. I’ve heard quite a bit about you.” Max wasn’t happy at the man using his full name but he would get used to it over the next three days. Fred gestured them to separate chairs. They didn’t know, but their training had begun. Fred had not taken their hands upon greeting them and he had separated them already. The man returned to his chair, giving Andrew a quick petting as he sat. The boys couldn’t tell if Andrew was asleep or not but did hear him make a small noise after the petting.

This was Max’s first visit here so he was a bit more nervous than Charlie. Seeing a “puppy” in real life was quite a bit different from being told about such things. He felt some empathy with Andrew. That was a good start for the puppy bonding that would help his training. His discomfort was making him start to get hard which only made it worse. He looked over at Charlie for reassurance but his friend was focused on the man and “pup.”

For about an hour the boys were interviewed by the man. “First and most important, at all times you call me ‘sir’ or ‘Uncle Fred.’ Failure to do that will be punished immediately. I will explain other rules as we go along.” Having set that ground rule, he went on with getting to know the boys. He’d heard things from Fran and Bunny but how the boys expressed it was important for the process.

Neither boy had expressed a desire for puppy training. Fred easily tailored his intakes to whatever reason a prospective puppy had come to him. By the hour’s end he had a good sense of how to proceed with them, individually and as a pair. He rarely had pairs and enjoyed the times when he did.

“It’s time to go downstairs,” Fred announced when he was satisfied with what he’d learned. He stroked Andrew and gave a slight tug on his collar. Andrew knew the signal and stood up with the man. Andrew was allowed to lead the way. Charlie noticed that Andrew did not tug on the leash at all. Still, he did get one quick swat to his bottom. The boys admired the pup’s bottom as he led the way.

Downstairs Fred unhooked Andrew who quickly went over to the trees to relieve himself. Max watched with wide eyes. While Andrew did his business, Fred put the boys into separate chairs again. As they waited, Fred went to the cupboard to get collars, leashes, and masks. Happy with his choices he returned. He walked to Charlie and with a snap of his fingers made the boy rise. Charlie standing, Fred secured the collar on him.

The same snap was given to Max who leapt up, now quite hard from nerves. Fred ignored it for the moment. He did not give the boys permission to sit down. By the time Max was collared, Andrew had returned and was on his knees at the man’s feet. Fred took off the boy’s mask.

Rubbing Andrew’s head he asked him “are you good puppy?”

“Yes, sir,” Andrew replied, looking up at his master.

“Who do you obey?”

“You, sir. Always.”

“Good boy.” Fred popped some sort of treat into Andrew’s mouth. He said nothing to the boys, allowing them to observe and come to their own conclusions. Charlie noticed that two more beds with dog bowls had been laid out. The bowls had their proper names on them. He also noticed that all three beds were not near each other. Everyone was being kept apart, at least for the time being.

When it was obvious that Max’s erection was not receding Fred announced “puppies are not allowed to be hard without my permission. Andrew, you know what to do.” Andrew did. He walked over to a freezer and withdrew an icebag. He went over to Max and put the bag on the boy’s abdomen and erection. Max cried out in shock and discomfort. He put his hands behind his back to keep himself from trying to push the bag away. The bag did the trick, much to his relief. And increased embarrassment.

“You see you have your own beds and bowls. This is where the puppies sleep and do their business. You should sniff around and pick a favorite tree. Puppies get breakfast and supper but don’t have to eat lunch. Your water bowls will be kept filled by Forbes. You need time to get used to your leashes so I won’t fit your masks on you until tomorrow.” Andrew had returned the ice bag to the freezer and now was kneeling at Fred’s feet. Fred put his mask back on. “Go to your bed,” he ordered. On all fours Andrew obeyed and curled up on the bed, his eyes on what was happening to the newcomers.

Fred snapped his fingers again. “Sit!” Charlie and Max froze for a few seconds then slowly dropped to their knees and back on their haunches. “You need some work on commands. Most puppies do.” He gave each a swat to the nose. Charlie yelped. Max said “sorry, sir.”

“Did I give you permission to speak?” Max froze again then decided shaking his head “no” was the best way to respond. Fred patted his head. “You’re learning.” He patted Max’s head but did not provide a puppy treat.

Another snap. “Lie down!” Trying to remember how dogs lay down, the boys dropped onto their stomachs. Each was rewarded with a quick back rub. “Good boys.” Charlie gave a try to making an appropriate puppy noise, imitating Andrew. Being on the floor, he didn’t see Fred’s smile of approval.

“Sit!” The boys quickly returned to the sitting position. “Now go over and pick your tree!” Charlie wasn’t sure how they were expected to get over to the platform. Max started to stand. “Bad puppy!” Fred said sternly along with a hard swat to Max’s bottom. His yelp was genuine but not yet quite a puppy yelp. “You go on all fours!” With that Charlie and Max crawled over to the platform and climbed on. Nervously they made a show of sniffing around. That seemed to be what was expected. Each settled on a tree and stayed by it.

“Very good. You may lift your legs now.” This was embarrassing! Each did his best to “lift his leg” and pee against their tree. It wasn’t easy. “We’ll work on that part of your training,” Fred said. When they were finished Fred took their leashes and said “we’re going upstairs. Andrew, you wait here!” Andrew made a puppy noise but stayed put. Charlie and Max stayed on all fours which made the crawl up the stairs a bit cumbersome.

Fred led them down the hallway, giving tugs on the leashes when the boys slowed down to look into a room. When they reached the end of the hallway Fred opened the back door and began to lead them out into a well-manicured lawn and garden. Both boys hesitated. Each got a smack on the nose.

“You know better than to question what I do,” Fred said, his voice showing his annoyance. “This neighborhood is puppy friendly. My neighbors are quite used to seeing puppies frolic about in the back yard. You are no different.” He gave strong tugs on the leashes. The boys had no choice but to follow. It was pleasant on the grass. Fred unhooked the leashes and let them wander about. Both stayed on his knees. It seemed the best way to proceed. They gravitated toward a shady corner. Fred came over.

“Lie down!” They obeyed. “Roll over!” Each did. Fred rubbed Charlie’s tummy the way anyone does a puppy’s. Charlie made some noises of pleasure, hoping he sounded properly like a puppy. He started to get hard but managed to control himself.

Then it was Max’s turn for the belly rub. He was more vocal, now trying to produce the right noises. So far Fred seemed satisfied with both of them. The belly rub did get Max hard.

“Someone doesn’t learn lessons,” Fred said. He swatted Max’s erection a few times. Max yelped in pain. He did soften a bit. “One more time and you’ll get a good spanking!” Max yelped again. “Roll over!” Max did. Fred rubbed his bottom then gave him one surprisingly hard swat. This time Max cried out “owww!”

Fred returned to Charlie’s tummy. “You’re trying to be a good boy, aren’t you?” Charlie nodded rapidly, again hoping in proper puppy style.

“Enough play. Time for you to rest. I have things to do.” Leashes were reattached. Fred let the boys take the lead going back into the house. Going down the stairs on all fours was quite uncomfortable but they managed. Charlie was led to his bed, his leash then removed. Then Max to his and his leash off. Both glanced over at Andrew who was curled up on his bed, seemingly asleep. Max and Charlie took the same position. Fred patted their heads, went upstairs, and turned out the lights as he shut the door. There were windows in the basement but it did seem quite dark now.

“This is weird,” Max whispered.

“Shhh, don’t talk,” Charlie replied. Everyone remained silent. Charlie and Max weren’t sure if they fell asleep. They had no idea how long they had been left down there but when the lights came on it did feel like waking up. They glanced over to Andrew who was sitting up, puppy style, on his bed. They did the same.

Down the stairs came Forbes, now totally naked, too. Naked except for a chastity cage. He patted each puppy on the head then made his way to what looked like a pantry area. Max and Charlie hadn’t touched their water. Andrew needed a bit more which Forbes poured into his bowl. He gathered up the food bowls and took them to the pantry. They could hear him working on something.

After a few minutes he returned with Andrew’s bowl which he put back in its place next to the bed. Forbes took off Andrew’s puppy mask. Otherwise Andrew did not move. When Forbes was headed back to the kitchen Andrew gave the boys a shake of the head, hoping it would send a message that they were not to touch their food. Fortunately it did.

Forbes returned with a bowl in each hand which he placed by the appropriate bed. Silently he gave pats to the heads then returned upstairs. No one could tell how long they waited but long enough that all three had curled up on the beds again. Finally they heard the door open. This time Uncle Fred descended.

“How are my good little puppies? Hungry boys?” Three heads nodded. “You’d best do your business before dinner.” Charlie and Max suddenly realized that they had to go. They waited to see what Andrew did. He stayed on all fours so they did the same. Lifting the leg didn’t seem quite so awkward this time. Finished, they returned to their beds.

“Good puppies,” Fred told them. He went over to Andrew. “Do you want your dinner?” Andrew got up on his haunches and imitated the begging of a puppy, along with some noises. Fred rubbed his head then said, “you may eat.” Andrew moved onto the floor and put his face into the bowl. Charlie and Max could hear him eating.

Charlie was next. “What do you do?” He did his best to imitate Andrew. Fred seemed pleased. He rubbed Charlie’s head then told him “you may eat.” Charlie went over to his bowl. Whatever it was in the bowl did smell good and was cut up to be easy to get into his mouth and not need much chewing. He gave approaching it a try. This was not going to be easy.

Finally Max. “You’re a bit of a naughty puppy, aren’t you?” his master said to him. Max nodded. “We’ll see how you behave tonight and tomorrow. We don’t want to start you off with a punishment, do we?” Max shook his head. Without being asked he assumed the begging position. Fred smiled. “It does seem you’re learning, though. You may eat.” Max moved to his bowl. He, too, thought it smelled good but how to eat it? It took him quite a while to get everything into his mouth. A glance showed him Andrew licking his bowl clean. Max did the same, as did Charlie.

The whole time they ate Fred was with them. When they were done he said “we need to clean up these pups.” He had a damp serviette for each of them. One by one he cleaned their faces. “You need a walk now.” This meant up the stairs and out into the back yard again. Andrew was allowed to lead without his leash. Max and Charlie were leashed and led by Fred.

It was cooler now in the yard but still pleasant. Andrew did “romp” a bit. It looked rather awkward and maybe even uncomfortable. Charlie and Max both felt uncomfortable about following that lead. They might not have any choice on another visit to the yard.

Forbes appeared and announced dinner. Still romping a bit, Andrew went off to the dining room. Fred brough Charlie and Max along with their leashes. Andrew was already set by his master’s chair. Was this done every night at Fred’s dinner? When he had brought Charlie and Max into the dining room he indicated where they should “sit” by his chair.

As Fred’s dinner progressed he dropped a few scraps into Andrew’s mouth. He kept an eye on the others to see if they were watching hungrily. Max was still hungry and did have a pleading look. He fought hard the urge to say “please, sir” and succeeded. Finally a bit of chicken was given to each of them. That proved to be all they got tonight.

Dinner finished, Fred replaced Andrew’s mask and three puppies went to the den. He tuned in something on the tv. Andrew curled up at his feet and Charlie and Max did their best to do the same. At ten o’clock Fred announced “time for puppies to go to bed.” He clipped the leashes onto Charlie and Max’s collars. A pat to Andrew’s head was his signal to lead the way. It was all fours again. Once downstairs Andrew went straight to his bed. Fred took Charlie and Max to what looked like a traditional spanking chair. He went over to a cabinet and returned with a paddle in his hand.

“New puppies need reminders of who is their master.” He unhooked Charlie’s leash. He patted his lap and Charlie took his place over the man’s knees. Ten quite hard blows of the paddle came down on him. With each one Charlie was crying out. It hurt!

That paddling done, Charlie was sent to his bed. Max took his place. By the third blow Max was wailing and kicking. Fred did not relent. When Max was released and Fred said “you puppies do your business and into bed.” All three crawled over to the respective trees. It was a bit less awkward again. When all three were on their beds, Fred gave each a head rub. Only Andrew, however, was told that he was a “good little puppy.”

Fred went up the stairs, turned off the lights, and shut the door. Charlie and Max were more tired than they realized. It didn’t seem long before Fred was waking them.

To be continued

Charlie’s Stepmother 23

Puppy Days Two and Three

“Wake up boys,” Charlie and Max heard Andrew say in quiet tones. It took them a moment to remember where they were. And why. “It’s ok to stand up to pee first thing in the morning but when Uncle Fred comes down it’s back to all fours unless he gives you permission to stand.” Both boys were quite happy to stand.

Watering the trees, as it were, done, all three returned to their respective beds. Charlie and Max were nervous enough about being punished for erections that their morning wood subsided. In a few minutes they heard the door open and quickly three puppies were curled up on their beds awaiting their master. Fred descended the stairs followed by Forbes who was still naked except for a chastity cage. Fred had switched devices. Today Forbes was in what appeared to be a plastic sheath. Whatever the case, his penis was off limits. He must have a masturbation regimen, Charlie thought. Is he allowed to stroke himself or does Uncle Fred do it? He was thinking of the man as Uncle already.

“Good morning my good little pups,” Fred said. Andrew made a quiet bark and sat up on his haunches. Max and Charlie followed suit. It seemed the right thing to do. “Forbes has your breakfast. After you eat we have some things to take care of.”

First to be served was Andrew who did not move from his bed. Max was the middle bed so he was next, then Charlie. Again it was hard to tell what was in their bowls. It smelled like it might be some sort of oatmeal with other things mixed in.

Fred walked over to Charlie. “What do you do?” Charlie hesitated a few seconds then decided that the begging position was what he should do. He was correct. With a rub to the boy’s head, Fred said “good boy,” but did not say that he could eat. Max imitated Charlie and also was rewarded with a head rub and a “good boy.” Andrew was a more subservient puppy and put on quite a show of begging and whining. Apparently this pleased Uncle Fred who was quite effusive in his praise and scratched behind Andrew’s ears. Andrew made more puppy noises.

All that done, permission to eat was given. This meal was easier than last nights as the boys could lap up their bowls more easily. Whatever it was, it did taste good.

“Forbes, clean up these naughty puppies,” Uncle Fred instructed when all three were done eating. Again a damp serviette for each washed off whatever mess they’d made while eating. Had they really been naughty or was this just Uncle Fred’s way of talking? Max and Charlie felt a bit nervous after hearing that. They couldn’t tell how Andrew felt.

All three went back to sitting on their beds. Uncle Fred unlocked and opened the door to the “dungeon.” Charlie had seen it but Max had not. He knew that his friend was in for a surprise. “Time for puppy enemas,” Uncle Fred told them, gesturing for them to enter the room. For the moment, at least, this did not include Andrew. “Forbes, take Andrew for his walk.” Forbes snapped a leash on Andrew, put his puppy mask on him, then led him upstairs. Andrew was on all fours.

In the “dungeon” two massage tables were set out. Next to each was an IV pole with an enema bag hanging on it.

“Up on the tables, boys.” The boys obeyed. Uncle Fred guided Max into the traditional enema position. Charlie was sitting on his table watching it all. Fred talked Max through the process as he prepared a soapy enema solution to go into the bag. He chose to do Max first as he expected the boy would have more trouble taking the enema along with being more embarrassed if he went before Charlie. It proved he was correct on both counts.

Fred again talked Max through the process as he filled the bag and then filled the boy with the two quarts of soapy water. He did have to stop a couple of times to get Max through some cramping but that was to be expected, along with some moaning. This was a first for Max. “Good boy,” Fred told him, with a pat to the head, when the two quarters were out of the bag and into Max. “Now hold it like a good puppy.” That quickly became uncomfortable.

“Please, sir. . .” Max said as he felt he might lose control.

“Fine. Next time you will hold it longer.” There was a small bathroom in one corner of the room. Max was allowed off the table and made a dash for the bathroom. He was grateful that he didn’t have to crawl.

“He’ll need a few minutes,” Fred told Charlie. He began preparing Charlie’s soap and water solution, again explaining things as he did. He waited a moment to begin Charlie’s enema, his plan being that he’d test Charlie on how long he could hold it in. If Max took a long time Charlie would have no choice. As the last of the solution went into Charlie Max emerged from the bathroom, looking a bit shaken by the experience. “Lie down on the table, pup,” Fred told him. Max happily obeyed, curling himself into the puppy pose.

Now Charlie was tested on his ability to hold the enema in. He did better than Max. Fred recognized the pleading look when Charlie gave it to him and sent him to take to care of things. While they waited Fred told Max to lie on his back, then gave him the kind of tummy rub any dog loves. As Fred expected, Max almost immediately got hard.

“Oh dear, we’re being a naughty puppy, aren’t we?” Fred said. Max went red in the face. He couldn’t control it, which Fred knew. “I’ll have to think about how best to deal with this.” He left the threat hanging in the air.

In a few minutes Charlie emerged looking more refreshed than Max had. “Up on the table, Charlie, and both of you sit up.” They guessed, correctly, this mean sitting on their haunches. As they waited Fred took a pair of puppy masks from the cabinet. The boys noticed that each of them had the appropriate initial on the side. “Today you become real little puppy dogs for your master,” Fred told them. He fitted the mask onto Charlie. It fit well. Then Max, also a good fit.

“Now, back to your beds. Forbes will take you for your walks in a while.” As they crawled back to their beds Forbes and Andrew returned from their walk. “Was he a good boy?” Fred asked.

“Yes, master,” Forbes replied.

“Good.” Fred went over to Andrew, slipped his mask off, gave him a “treat” then put the mask back on. Andrew gave a little bark. “Lie down.” Andrew did, curling up on his bed. “We’re set down here for now,” Fred told Forbes. “I have things to do. I’ll let you know when to take the new little puppies for their walks.” He and Forbes went upstairs, the lights went off and they heard the door shut.

Charlie and Max very much wanted to ask Andrew questions but weren’t sure if they were allowed to speak. They’d wait for him to start any conversation. Both wondered what further training they’d undergo, Max also wondering what his punishment would be for his erection. He was sure he would be punished somehow.

Finally Charlie couldn’t wait any longer. “Did you get hard?” he whispered to Max.

“Yes, and I’m sure I’ll be punished.”

“That sucks.”

From the third bed Andrew now spoke up. “Yes, he will be punished. Uncle Fred always punishes unauthorized hardons. However, it won’t necessarily be a spanking.”

“Have you been punished for it?” Max asked, a slight tremble in his voice.

“Oh yes, many times. But I did learn my lesson eventually.”

“How long have you been doing this?” Charlie asked.

“Almost a year now. Mostly weekends because I do have a job. He puts me chastity before I go home so I don’t forget that I belong to him.”

“Wow,” both boys said.

“He really is caring and I think this has been good for me. I’m doing a lot better in life, believe it or not. Even his punishments are because he cares for his puppies.” So Andrew called them puppies, too, not boys or men.

“What about Forbes?” Charlie asked.

“He’s different. He is Uncle Fred’s slave,” said quite matter-of-factly as if the boys would understand all that word meant.


“Yes. He serves Uncle Fred primarily as a butler/housekeeper but also any other tasks he’s ordered to do. Forbes need regular discipline which Uncle Fred is glad to give him. I’m surprised that his butt hasn’t been red yet this weekend. Usually he is well paddled on Saturday morning.”

No sooner had he said that but the sound of a paddle hitting flesh resounded above, followed by yells as each swat landed. “Ah, just a bit later today,” Andrew said.

“Sounds horrible!” Max said.

“He needs it,” Andrew assured them. “He wants it, too. Feeling well disciplined is important for him. Everyone is different.” With that they went silent, listening to the chastisement above them. It was hard to tell if Forbes was crying. Charlie and Max hoped they would not be subject to such discipline.

Not much later the door opened, the lights snapped on, and a very contrite looking Forbes came down, followed by his master. Forbes was carrying two leashes but did not put them on the boys right away. Fred went into the dungeon for a moment, returning with two objects that the boys could not identify.

“Now that you’ve been cleaned out you can wear your puppy tails,” Fred told them. “Up on all fours, bottoms high,” he commanded. Max and Charlie assumed the position. They didn’t see whatever preparation Fred was doing. After a moment Charlie felt something pushing against his sphincter. Being used to butt plugs he did readily accept it though it felt larger than he normally took and he needed a bit of time for it to fully slide in. “How’s that feel?” Fred asked him.

“Good,” Charlie answered truthfully. It did feel very good.

Next was Max. He needed more time and coaxing, both from being less experienced than Charlie and from his own emotional reluctance to accept the violation. “This little puppy needs work,” Fred said to no one in particular at one point. But the plug did go in and Max had to admit that it did feel good.

Turning to Andrew, Fred asked “what do you think?”

“They look good. Naturals.” Fred order them to lie down on their stomachs. They were able to look over at each other see their “tails.” Butt plugs with what looked just like a tail attached. It was hot! Not how they expected to react. “Forbes, these pups are ready for their walk. You know what I expect.” Forbes nodded, attached the leashes, and led the two “pups” up the stairs, on all fours. Upstairs he took them out into the back yard. The sun felt good.

“Go ahead and play,” he told them solemnly. They weren’t sure just what that meant. As best they could they romped about on all fours. They even tussled like puppies which felt good. They were falling into the play. Even with romping, the tails stayed in place.

“Your tail is so cute,” Charlie told Max at one point.

“So is yours,” Max replied. They growled at each other as they tussled some more. Fred had come upstairs to watch. He was pleased with what he saw.

“Andrew is tied up for a while,” Fred told Forbes. “Do check on him occasionally.” Forbes nodded. After a few more minutes of puppy romping, Fred took the leashes and joined his pups in the yard. “Puppy Marshall, it’s time for your discipline.” He clipped the leash on Max’s collar and led him across the yard to a doghouse. “In you go until I get you.” Max crawled in. The doghouse was small. Being in it was humiliating. He did his best to get comfortable.

While Max was doing his penance, Fred had plans for Charlie. His leash was clipped on and he was led into the house. Charlie was brought to the dining room where the table was set for lunch. “Sit here,” Fred told Charlie as he indicated a spot next to his chair. Charlie decided that “sit” meant the puppy sit position and assumed it. He was rewarded with a pat on the head. He gave a slight “arf” in response. Fred showed his pleasure in the response as he removed Charlie’s leash.

Lunch was served by Forbes. Apparently Fred was dining alone. After the food was on the table Fred gestured to Forbes to remove Charlie’s mask. Charlie hoped this meant some scraps from the table. Again he was thinking like a puppy. “Lie down, boy,” Fred told him. Charlie curled up next to the chair.

There was quiet as Fred ate his lunch. When he was nearing finishing his meal, he looked down at Charlie. “Sit up, boy!” Charlie did. “Beg!” Charlie assumed the begging position and did his best to give the begging look that puppies do. Fred watched him for a moment. “Speak!”

“Arf! Arf!” Charlie replied. He knew he should feel foolish yet he didn’t. Satisfied, Fred took a pinch of his sandwich and fed it to Charlie.

“Good boy,” Fred to him with a stroke of the boy’s head. Or, rather, of his puppy’s head. Charlie stayed in the begging pose. Fred rubbed the boy’s head some more. “Are you my good little puppy?” Fred asked him. Charlie gave another “arf” then stuck his tongue out, dog style, and did his best to imitate canine eager breathing.

“Mmm, good little puppy,” Fred said. Another bit of sandwich was put in Charlie’s mouth. After Charlie swallowed Fred told him “lie down!” Charlie did. “Roll over!” Charlie rolled over onto his back. Fred leaned over and rubbed the boy’s tummy. Charlie fought hard not to get hard. He managed to succeed and enjoy the belly rub. After the tummy rub he was told “sit up!” Charlie did and the mask was put on him again.

As if on cue Forbes entered to take the dishes away. When he left Fred reattached Charlie’s leash and took him to the basement stairs. “Go and lie down,” Charlie was told. He went down on all fours, an awkward move, the leash flopping around. He went to his bed. He noticed that Andrew was, indeed, tied to a post with a rope long enough to allow him to get to the trees. Andrew rolled over when he heard Charlie coming down. Seeing that neither Fred nor Forbes were with Charlie he gave him a quiet “hi.”

“Are you being punished?” Charlie asked in a near whisper as he moved to his bed.

“No. Uncle Fred likes to make sure his puppies won’t go anywhere during the day. He locks us in at night so he knows we won’t get away. Maybe some mischief but if we do it’s down here. And we get punished, of course.”

The news that they were locked in at night was unexpected and Charlie was a bit uncomfortable with that knowledge. Yet, he knew he was safe here. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been down there when he heard the door open. Max crawled down, Forbes holding his leash. Behind Forbes came Fred, followed by Albert and Martin, the latter fully naked, not even with a chastity device. Charlie wasn’t surprised that Martin was in good shape. He liked the cock and balls he saw, too.

“On your bed, pup!” Fred order Max who obeyed silently. When Max was settled Fred announced “Albert wanted to see you pups and I told him that naturally he was welcome any time.”

Albert took over. “Not only do I want to see the pups, I have to spank Martin. It is good for him to have witnesses and it will be good for you to witness his punishment. Before that, however, he will take care of your puppy needs so that you don’t have to.” Andrew knew what this meant, he’d been “taken care of” in the past. He sat up, puppy style. Charlie and Max had a good idea of what this meant. Both were eager for relief. It had been over twenty-four hours.

With a swat to Martin’s butt, Albert said, “you know what to do, you naughty boy.” Martin went over to Max. “Roll over!” Fred ordered! Max did, his erection rising. Martin didn’t take him in hand but took Max into his mouth, Max’s erection quickly becoming full. Martin was expert and knew how to drag out the blowjob, how to edge with his mouth. Max was moaning and squirming after a while, to the delight of the two men.

“Please! I need to cum!” Max begged. Martin was trained not to bring a recipient to fulfillment without permission from Albert. The two men looked at each other, both nodding that it was time. Albert looked over at Martin and gave another nod.

“aaaaarrrrrrgggghh!” Max yelled as he shot into Martin’s mouth, shooting over and over. Martin made sure to get every drop. This set off the orgasm aftershocks that some boys love and others hate. Max jerked as the shocks hit him. Martin knew when to stop. He left behind an exhausted boy.

By now Andrew was quite actively begging. Fred liked for any of his pups to beg for their orgasms. Charlie had a needy look on his face but it was Andrew who was begging. Fred told him to lie down and roll over. It was a fully hard cock that Martin had to work with by the time he moved to Andrew’s bed. Andrew had been sucked off by Martin a few times already so knew what to expect. That made him able to enjoy the experience of being sexually manipulated. It was a while before he filled Martin’s mouth. When his aftershocks were done he also lay back in exhaustion.

By now Charlie was feeling both excitement and trepidation after watching the other two. He was quite hard and firm for Martin who gave his third expert blowjob of the day. Like Max, Charlie yelled loud and long when his orgasm arrived.

While the puppies regained their energy Fred and Albert prepared for the spanking. A chair was placed in the center of the room, giving all three pups a good view. The three were ordered to sit up. When the puppies were in position, Albert sat in the chair. Nothing was said. Martin put himself over Albert’s lap.

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Those were firm swats! Again, Andrew was familiar with the situation but Max and Charlie were quite wide-eyed inside their masks. Martin was stoic for quite a while. Charlie and Max were aware that Albert was not verbally chastising Martin. Any discussion about the reason for this spanking must have occurred before they had arrived.

The spanking continued, steady, firm. When Martin did start to grunt with each swat Albert stopped. Again nothing was said. Fred handed Albert a paddle. Now what had been a steady series of SMACK SMACK continued as the same steady pace, this time WHAP WHAP WHAP on the already well-punished bottom.

Charlie and Max watched in dismay as Martin broke down over Albert’s lap. He began wailing, then, as best he could, begging for the paddling to end. When Martin was truly crying, Albert stopped. Without giving the spanked Martin time to recover, Albert sternly asked “why did you get spanked?”

“I wasn’t obedient.”

“Just disobedient?”

“I wasn’t properly obedient.” That seemed to satisfy Albert. “Now, stand in that corner so the pups can look at your punished bottom.” Martin obeyed. Charlie and Max hoped that when it came time for their spankings they would not be so harshly treated. They knew they’d be spanked at some point.

The men went upstairs. The three pups lay down, curling up so that they could see Martin. It was quiet in the room until the door opened and the two men returned. Albert checked on Martin whose bottom was losing its redness. “Would you like to give my pups a walk?” Fred asked Albert. “Gladly,” was the reply. Three pups had leashes snapped on and the group made their way upstairs and to the back yard.

“You may lift your legs over there,” Fred told them, pointing to a corner of the garden. Charlie and Max hadn’t been sure if they were allowed to here. Permission given, both were “lifting their legs.” They needed the relief. Andrew took his turn, then the three pups settled down together. Martin had been brought upstairs, too, and now was standing by the door, facing the wall, his bottom on display again. Now it was possible for a neighbor to see him. He had been seen on other occasions.

Soon Andrew, Charlie, and Max had forgotten about Martin and were playing together on the lawn, creating puppy antics as best they could. They were rolling around, growling at each other, enjoying themselves, even as odd as the whole situation was. After a while Fred came out with a rolled up magazine in his hand, swatted them all on their bottoms and said “you three puppies are filthy! We need to clean you up before you’re allowed any dinner.”

It hadn’t been noticed by the frolicking puppies, but Forbes had brought out a metal tub which he was filling with water from a hose. A sponge and soap were waiting nearby. When there was enough water in the tub, Andrew was put in it, yelping as he got in because the water was cold. Fred thoroughly washed him followed by Forbes hosing the soapy water off him. Charlie was next, then Max. Three puppies were shivering a bit when it was over. Fred was quite thorough with each cleaning. Martin had done a thorough enough job earlier that none of the three became hard despite Fred’s over-attention to their genitals. Fred and Forbes toweled the puppies dry, with more swats to bottoms.

Their food bowls were waiting for them in the kitchen. Forbes filled the bowls with another unidentifiable concoction which nevertheless was quite tasty. All three buried their faces in their water bowls as they lapped up water after eating, helping to clean messy faces. All were rewarded with head rubs.

During the day Charlie had made an effort to take note of his feelings about all of this, along with watching Andrew and Max to get a sense of their feelings. It was hard to tell how much Andrew enjoyed being a puppy but it was quite clear that he liked being in a submissive role. If nothing else, Max was going along with it, but Charlie sensed that his friend was getting a certain pleasure from it, even excitement. As for himself, Charlie had settled into it quickly. He told himself that he was viewing it as an adventure. But would he want to do it again?

During the “human” dinner the puppies were allowed to lie next to the chairs of Fred and Albert. Martin, his punishment continuing, was made to eat alone in the basement. No treats were given during dinner this night. Afterwards the pups were given one more walk in the back yard then taken downstairs for the night.

Puppies settled, Albert turned to Martin who had been silent. “It’s time to go home and I expect better behavior from you, young man.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Martin answered meekly. Charlie and Max took note of the “Daddy.” When the three humans had left and turned out the lights it was time for sleep. Charlie couldn’t believe how tired he was or understand why. He fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Sunday was much the same as Saturday. The only change was that all three puppies were given Sunday Night Spankings. Any pup under Fred’s car received one. The pups stayed in their gear but were taken over Fred’s lap like humans. Forbes stood by with a paddle in case Fred deemed it necessary. No one got paddled this week but Andrew certainly had felt it a few times. Charlie thought this spanking combined a bedtime spanking from Fran, a maintenance spanking, and a bit of discipline. He never felt that he’d cry but the sting was enough to keep him awake for a while. That was a type of bedtime spanking. Apparently this was Fred’s special creation. Charlie hoped that Fred hadn’t told Fran about it but of course he had, long ago.

Max whined more than usual during his spanking. The mix of styles had him confused, he couldn’t adjust his emotions to what was happening. In a way that made his the most successful spanking from Fred’s point of view.

In the morning all three pups were awakened early. After “breakfast” Charlie and Max were stripped of their puppy gear. “Upstairs with you,” Fred told them. “Forbes has your clothes. You can’t be late for your plane.” Each received a hard swat to his bottom as he started up the stairs. No goodbye with Andrew was allowed.

The same posh car and chauffeur took them to the airport, arriving in plenty of time. Little was said on the flight back, the boys having much to think about. Both hoped that Fran and Bunny would not be given the full story of the weekend but both knew that was a vain hope.

At the other end of their flight Fran was waiting for them. On the drive home nothing was said about the weekend other than asking if it “went well.” What could they say, other than “yes”? When they got to Charlie’s, Bunny had just arrived. She had Max’s puppy gear with her, much to the dismay of both boys. Once inside she handed it to Max and both boys were instructed to go upstairs, get into their puppy gear, and return downstairs. Within five minutes two naked puppies were in the den with the women. After being ordered to “sit” nothing more happened other than Fran and Bunny engaging in chatter about many things. Except puppy training.

There were two confused boys/puppies when Bunny announced that it was time to go home. “Get your clothes, Max, so we can leave.” She took off his gear before he went upstairs for his clothes. It was a naked ride home, as expected. At home things were awkward as his brothers had no idea how to approach him about the weekend. Gerry knew that if it had been a “success” it was quite likely that he’d be next. Timmy was unconcerned as to how it might affect him.

At Charlie’s nothing was said that night. In their own bedroom Fran discussed Charlie’s weekend with David who had many questions. They would wait a few days before discussing it with Charlie. Fran had decided that Charlie needed time to sort out his feelings about the experience. Also, making him wait asserted her dominance in the household.

For Charlie and Max that was the end of puppydom. The only exception was that occasionally Fran would “tie down” Charlie in his room when she was out of the house. She never called it puppy play. Rather she would say that she didn’t want him to “get out of control” while she was gone. It was one of those weird things that made Charlie feel humiliated yet secure, too. Max knew about it, of course, and was glad Bunny didn’t do it to him.

As for Gerry, he’d have a week with Fred, a week of humiliation as a puppy. But that is another story.

(End of File)