My 13th Birthday

By Aldric

Copyright 2022 by Aldric, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

Comments may be sent to . Note that the underscores (between pietar, the, and fearless) are part of the name and must be included.

This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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My 13th Birthday

I hadn’t intended to sleep in, but when I rolled over because the sun was in my eyes I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. To my surprise, it was already half-past nine in the morning. I forced myself up. I had so much to do today, and now I was getting a late start.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked the twins when I came downstairs in just the old pair of short sweat pants I wore to bed in the summer. “You know I have to get everything done.”

“Because you bite my head off if I dare enter your room without permission,” Gordan responded. It was kind of true, and I would have yelled at him if he had woken me earlier. “But we’ll help.”

“We will?” his twin sister asked. For just two weeks a year, the three of us were the same age, twelve. For me, that would change at 12:03 this afternoon. The celebration of my birth. I’d be a teenager!

“Yeah, at least I will,” Gordan said to her. He turned back to me. “Grab a pastry and go cut the yard. I’ll get a couple of the guys to come and help with the trimming and clean up. Grace and I have to be out of here at noon, so you need to hurry.”

I put the pastry in the microwave and set the timer for 30 seconds. I looked outside. The grass was tall, it would take extra time. I was supposed to cut it yesterday but didn’t. “What’s the forecast?”

“Same as yesterday, but hotter,” he said as the microwave beeped. “If you want my help, get yourself in gear. You’ll want a shower after cutting the yard, so just go out and get it started as soon as you gobble that down.”

I needed his help. “Thanks,” I said as I stuffed half the pastry in my mouth, burning my tongue a bit. “Will you cut the front?”

“Okay, but only because it’s your birthday,” he said after giving it a moment of thought. “I guess you can’t really go out front like that and you don’t have time to dress. Just get moving, I’ll start now and you can start moving the chairs and tables to the patio.”

This was about as good as he and I ever got along. It had to be because it was my birthday. He would never volunteer to help me with my chores otherwise. I followed him out to the garage and helped him start the mower. It took some finesse, and I knew just how to kick it.

I had just moved the last of the stuff from the garage to the patio when he brought the mower around back. I’d still be working at it except that even Grace came out and helped.

“A couple of my friends are on their way over. We’ll get the trimming done out front and then clean the sidewalks and drive. That should give you enough time to get the back cut.” He held the bar down on the mower to keep it running so I wouldn’t have to restart it. I knew I’d have to hurry, so I took control of it and pushed it into the grass. I suppose I should have thanked him again, but this kind of cooperation was so rare I didn’t think of it until I was on my second lap around the yard. I had to keep pausing to pull the cotton shorts up as the draw string had ended up inside the hole a year ago.

As I finished, I put the mower into the garage and looked at the clock and saw I barely had time to shower and get dressed. I was about to head for the house when Gordan and four of his friends showed up. My brother had the trimmer. I glanced at one of the other boys – Ethan Joyce. He lived next door and had a big mouth. I’d put him in his place a month ago, but that made his sister angry. Kate Joyce, the girl I loved. She kind of liked me, and if I’d just left Ethan alone, I might have even been able to get a kiss from her. For my birthday. She had kind of hinted at the possibility on her 13th birthday earlier this summer. Now I could only hope that was still on the table.

“Can you hang this up on the hook?” Gordan asked. “I had trouble getting it down.”

I took it from him and caught the hook on the second try. I didn’t understand why my dad had put it up so high. As I was releasing it, the loose shorts I was wearing were yanked down to my knees. They didn’t fall, I could tell the difference. I let the trimmer drop the last inch and turned to kick the shit out of whoever had pantsed me. But as I turned, Ethan reached out and grabbed my ball sack and gave a gentle squeeze.

“Don’t move, don’t try to hit me, don’t do anything except what we tell you to do, or I’ll squeeze harder.”

I’m not a superhero or anything when it comes to strength, but the kid was no challenge for me. He was a runt. A couple of inches short of 5 feet tall, I don’t think he weighed more than 75 pounds. But when he saw the look in my eyes, his fist tightened. Not a lot, but enough to make me feel sick as I tried to grab his hand.

“Don’t do it,” Gordan warned. “He’s super pissed that you pantsed him in the pool last month. He’ll crush your cherries if you try and hurt him.”

The pain got a little worse. I could punch him, but what if he put all of his strength into that one fist? I was already bent over wishing the pain would end.

“Okay, you’ve had your fun. Now let me go. Please.” I refused to beg, but saying please didn’t count. It did however cause the runt to loosen his grip.

“Put your hands behind your back,” my brother ordered. His two other friends had stepped up and were smiling as I stood there all but naked. When I hesitated, the pressure on my balls was increased gradually until I submitted.

“I’m going to kill you Gordan,” I warned.

“Maybe. Time will tell. But this is for leaving Ethan naked in front of all of his friends and making him chase you around the yard. If you’d done it when just guys were there, I might not have felt so bad for him. But there were a dozen girls laughing at him. He didn’t deserve that, and today, you are going to find out how he felt.” As he talked, he was wrapping black electrical tape around my wrists.

It hit me then. They were going to leave me out here like this. In half an hour, my guests would start arriving. It was to be my first boy-girl party, and my parents were at work. Don’t get me wrong, we were restricted to the back yard and I wasn’t ready for any games. I just wanted to kiss Kate Joyce. My only hope was that the first people to arrive would be guys and they would cut the tape so I could get inside the house before any girls saw me. It would be horribly embarrassing, but better to listen to the laughter of boys than girls.

“Back up, three steps,” Gordan ordered. He pulled me slightly. I felt something slip between my back and the tape around my wrists, and then it was pulled up. I knew exactly what it was. An elastic tie hook used for holding stuff in place in the back of my dad’s pickup truck. I was now bent at a very slight angle. I could stand straight only by pulling on the strap, but the more it stretched the harder it was to pull. My arms started getting sore almost immediately. The only good thing was that Ethan let go of my balls.

“I’ll be here to unlock the house before Mom and Dad get home,” Gordan said. He and his four buddies headed for the driveway.

“Please Gordan, don’t do this. Ethan, I’m sorry. Very sorry.” Now it was time for begging. But they ignored me. Using the controller mounted on the wall outside the garage, he lowered the door.

This was a very big problem. After replacing two windows broken by baseballs, my parents replaced all of the downstair windows with hurricane glass. They were unbreakable. If Ethan locked the house, there was no way I could get back in, even if my friends did cut the tape that bound my hands.

I couldn’t see the clock, so I didn’t know how much time had passed. Once the overhead light on the opener went out, it got very dim inside. The garage had no windows, so the only light was a night lite in the corner and some that leaked in around the sides of the garage doors.

Something was wrong. Guests should have arrived my now. I was sure of it. I had even heard voices from the backyard. Maybe my brother didn’t deserve to die. My guests would soon begin to leave when I didn’t show. I’d lose out on my party, and the kiss from Kate, but none of them would see me naked. Just then, the garage door started going up.

As it raised, I could see legs. Dozens of legs. All my guests were standing in the driveway. My worst nightmare was about to come true.

“Cayden!” Several called out once they could see me.

Ryan, one of my best friends spoke. “What a wonderful idea. You, wanting to celebrate your birthday in your birthday suit. Of course we’ll honor your request. I’m sure you are probably thinking now that you made a mistake, but don’t worry, we won’t release you.” He came and removed the tie down strap that held me in place.

“What request?” I asked. “Cut the tape!”

“You told us you’d test us to see if we would really give you the present you wanted, so we’re not falling for that. Until you give us the secret phrase, we’ve all agreed to let you enjoy this the way you wanted.”

“I don’t know it,” I whispered to Ryan. “What is it?”

He blushed. “I don’t know. Only Kate does. Sorry, but she insisted this was all your idea.”

He pulled me into the open, and then to the backyard. I could feel my dick rising. I’d invited 19 guests. Twelve boys and seven girls, all from the same grade in school as me.

“Please release me,” I said. But apparently that wasn’t the secret phrase. I had no clue what was going on, but the cake my mom had made was on the table on the porch, everyone I’d invited was here. So were two girls I hadn’t invited. Friends of Kate Joyce. And all eyes, even those of the boys, were watching my dick go from limp to extended. And there was not a damn thing I could do about it.

The party went on despite my repeated requests for the tape to be cut, or for people to leave. They continued to ask me for the secret phrase, but nothing I tried worked. I tried “Kiss me” and “Please kiss me,” but to no avail

I saw the plan for the party I had written up to show my parents posted on the porch, and as each item was completed it was checked off. Karaoke for those who dared. I was forced to sing. Music and dancing, again, me leading the way.

There was even a game called “Pet the snake until he vomits.” It was somewhere between horrible and wonderful. Girls stroking my dick. That part was cool. But being jacked off in front of an audience, that kind of sucked. Especially by the third time, done so that each girl who wanted had a turn.

Then cake and pop. And finally the birthday spankings. I hadn’t written that. I could see it was my brother’s handwriting. One for each year plus one to grow on. They drew straws to see which fourteen would be the ones to deliver them. They weren’t hard, except for the last one, but even fifteen mild ones caused my ass to burn when it was done.

Finally, the ending time had been reached. Most of the boys, and all of the girls thanked me for inviting them to the most interesting party they’d ever been to. Soon, it was just me and Kate.

“Your friends, the good ones, didn’t want to do this to you. I convinced some it was your idea. Others, like Ryan, learned the truth. Punishment for what you did to my brother. I promised them they would not get in trouble for this. If you want to tell, know that Ethan and his friends will all swear that you asked them to do it. The fact that you were outside in just those flimsy shorts supports that story.”

“I’m not going to tell. I’m just glad it is almost over. My parents would kill me if they found out what I did to Ethan. He must have not told, or your parents would have told mine. Are you going to cut the tape?”

“Ethan told me, but not our parents. Ryan called you a jerk when I told him what you did. I think that is why he told the other boys that this was what you wanted. To get the tape off, you need to say the secret phrase. It is “I owe Ethan Joyce a blowjob.”

It shook me. She wanted to hear me say it. Did saying it mean I’d have to do it? I had no idea.

“I owe Ethan Joyce a blowjob.”

“That was your brother’s idea, not Ethan’s. I don’t think my brother even knows about it. I hope you pay that debt. The kiss you want? I’ll do it, if you make it up to Ethan. It doesn’t have to be a blowjob, but you need to do something to convince him you’ve been properly punished for the shame you put him through.” She cut the tape.

“Here’s the key to your house. You know, if you weren’t such a jerk at times, I’d like you. You are cute, you can be funny, and you’re not dumb. But what you did to my brother can only be forgiven by something he feels is suitable. When you do that, maybe you’ll get the kiss. But not until.” She turned and headed to her house.

I went in the backdoor. The blinds on the back of the house were closed and it was dim inside. After being in the bright sun, I had trouble seeing. I was in the middle of the living room when I heard my sister say, “What the hell? You were naked at your party? And you didn’t invite me or any of my friends.”

“I got changed into my birthday suit for my birthday spanking by my friends,” I said. It was kind of true.

“Were there girls there?” I nodded, and continued upstairs. As I started down the hall, I heard voices from my brother’s room. I peeked around the corner and saw Gordan and Ethan. I had a decision to make.

I spent at least a minute considering it, and finally came to the conclusion that my best friend was right. I was a jerk. Worse than that, an asshole. I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I could see fear in Ethan’s eyes. He didn’t know how I was going to react, but history had taught him that I could be dangerous and mean.

“I owe Ethan a blowjob,” I said. I looked to my brother. “You can stay, unless he wants you to leave. I owe one to you too. But him first.”

Ethan wasn’t buying it. He didn’t trust me. I needed to change that.

“Look, it isn’t a trick. I will do it. I know that Gordan set this in motion. But if you think you can’t trust me, get one of his Sunday neckties out of his dresser and use it to tie my wrists behind my back. I won’t try and stop you.” I moved my hands to behind me.

“I think he’s serious,” Gordan said. “I did put him up to this. You can skip it if you want. If not, do you want me to leave the room?”

Ethan still wasn’t buying it. “I want to see him do you first,” he said.

“Okay by me,” I responded. “Gordan, it is up to you.”

He answered me by unbuckling his belt before standing and pushing his shorts and boxers down in one motion. He looked embarrassed, but he stood his ground. I hadn’t seen him naked in years. The brown hair on his head was matched in color by his pubes. Not long yet, but they covered several inches around and above the base of his dick. His penis was soft, hanging down about thee to three and a half inches. He began touching himself and it slowly grew.

I thought the worst thing that I would ever experience had happened in the previous three hours, but kneeling down in front of him surpassed that. I’d given one once, to Ryan, on a lost bet when we were eleven. So I knew a little about it. Plus, boys who claimed to have gotten one had said exactly how they were given. I didn’t believe most of them, but some of what they said made sense. I tried it, and within seconds Gordan had gone from a chubby to a full hardon.

“You can stop,” Ethan said. “I just wanted to know if you’d really do it.”

But I didn’t stop. I knew I was doing something right by the sounds my brother was making, and the fact that he kept pushing his hips forward, trying to drive his dick deep into my mouth. I allowed it to work, and after maybe two or three minutes he began shooting. Three bursts, and then another tablespoon or so dribbled out. I took it all.

“Why?” Gordan asked as I stood back up in front of him. He was breathing hard, but his face was flushed with embarrassment. “Ethan said you could stop.”

“Because my best friend thinks I’m an ass and I agree. That was for all the things I’ve said and done to you. And for setting up a birthday party that I’ll never forget. One that I deserved.” I turned to Ethan. “And what I did to you last month needs to be rectified. I’m not here to hurt you, but if you don’t want what I’m offering, I’ll try and find another way to make up for it.”

He smiled. He looked like he didn’t want to, but he did. “I, uh, didn’t ask for this,” he mumbled.

“That’s okay, Gordan thought it was a fitting punishment and I agree. But like I said, you can suggest something else.”

He looked at the floor for several seconds. When he raised his head, I could see he’d made up his mind. His voice was clear as he spoke. “I do want this, and it will be enough to make up for what you did to me. But your party – I thought that was punishment for it, and I was good with that. You don’t have to.”

I repeated the pass phrase. “I owe you a blowjob.” I paused. “And I’d like to pay for my mistakes. I want to be able to tell my best friend that I corrected my error.”

“Okay then.” He lowered his shorts and underwear. He was already hard.

I’d seen his dick just a month ago, but now it looked bigger. I was sure that he’d grown more hair than what I would have expected to grow in a month. Giving him the position of power over me, I knelt down in front of him and without hesitation began.

Who would have guessed that the runt could shoot more than my brother? Almost as much as me. And his was thicker than Gordan’s had been. It had a different taste as well as a different feel. I stood after I swallowed it.

“I’m sorry for being an ass. If I slip back to it, remind me of the secret phrase.” They didn’t say anything, and once my wrists were freed, I headed for the shower I’d planned on taking hours ago. By the time my parents were home, I was dressed. I lied about how much fun my party had been.

Three days later I got my first real kiss. On the lips, with our tongues touching. Kate said I was a good kisser. When school started in the fall, it was apparent that some of my guests had talked about the party. I had many girls wondering what I would do for my fourteenth birthday. I blushed, and said the stories they’d heard were very embellished. I admitted being naked only for my birthday spankings. And that I had no plans to ever do that again in the future. And the last part was totally true. Spending my 13th birthday party naked was something I never would want to repeat.

(End of File)