Lil Jimmy is Taught His Place

By Lil Jimmy

Copyright 2022 by Lil Jimmy all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Lil Jimmy is Taught His Place

Lil Jimmy is Taught His Place Part I

By Lil Jimmy (

F/b, forced exhibitionism, Fdom, control, humiliation, incest, medical

This story contains elements of sexual activity between a child and adults. The story is true, pretty much, and I remain hopelessly addicted to Female control. Even though I am SO humiliated to tell my story, I have to ask: Did it turn you on? Please email me your reactions and talk dirty to me, since I love feedback as much as Female control. Thanks for reading, and I hope to add more episodes soon. If you’d like that, please encourage me by email!


I’m Lil Jimmy, and I’ll never forget the day I was introduced to exhibitionism and Female control by my own Mother.

Mother had grown concerned about the rate of my sexual development when, at age 12, our family doctor examined me and said I should be getting hair down there, but he had found none.

Dr. Davis seemed to be a kindly old man as to my young horror he grasped my penis in his firm, lubricated hand and pulled it back and forth while my own Mother watched, then released it as soft and floppy as it was when he had first gripped it.

“This is very disappointing, Ann,” Dr. Davis said to my Mother while I blushed profusely, embarrassed at my exposure to Her and Her keen interest while She had watched the entire performance. “He is not showing any sign of sexual desire.”

He said if my pubic hair didn’t sprout soon, we would have to start weekly hormone therapy shots. Of course, I knew all about my “condition,” since I had sat mute and crimson-faced in the presence of the adults as they talked about my private parts.

The day that changed my life came just a couple days later when we were visiting my grandparents. I was out in the garden helping my grandfather and got thirsty. When I came in the kitchen door, Mother and Grandmother were sitting at the table and I caught the last of their conversation.

“… so I just don’t know what to do,” my Mother was saying. “Oh, here’s Jimmy now. Maybe you can take a look.”

It seemed like they were both looking at me like I was some kind of bug or specimen or something. At 12 years old, I didn’t know what it meant when a Woman gets that look, or that it is predatory, but I learned about it as my experiences under Female control grew. I have seen it many times since then. Now, I actually delight in it.

But all I knew at the time was that I instantly felt shame, embarrassed that they had been talking about my “condition.” My cheeks began to redden.

“Jimmy, come over here,” my Mother said, and She and my Grandmother stood up on either side of me as I approached.

“What’s up, Mom?”

“I’ve been talking to Grandma about your problem,” Mother said cheerfully, “and she is worried.”

They moved in closer, on either side. I began to feel uncomfortable and to squirm.

“Jimmy, let’s let your Grandma take a look. Take off your pants.”

It took a minute for what was happening – what was about to happen – to register in my mind. When it did, I was so humiliated. My face turned hot and redder, and I squirmed even more. Looking back on it all, it seems that I glimpsed them exchanging a knowing, superior glance as I squirmed.

“Oh, Mom! Don’t make me do that!” I protested.

“Jimmy! She’s your Grandmother!” admonished my Mother.

“Aww, Mom, I don’t want to.”

“All right, young man, you WILL obey me! Put your hands behind your back RIGHT NOW!”

It was my Mother’s “you are going to get it” voice, and my hands flew behind me and linked together.

She reached behind me and held my hands my hands under Her control while She smoothly de-pantsed me with her other hand. I was standing in my little whitie-tighties like a flash, my elastic-waist pants around my ankles. I shrank back, ashamed beyond belief. I can still see the superior, prurient look in Mother’s eye as She and my Grandmother locked eyes before She released my hand to hook Her thumbs in my undies and pull them down.

My little dick was fully exposed to my Grandmother’s eyes, my hairless balls tucked up beneath it like two grapes waiting to be harvested.

“Mooommmm!” I protested.

“Don’t you dare move, Jimmy! Stand up straight. Let your Grandma have a look!”

I couldn’t help myself. My hands flew from behind me to cover up my cock and balls.

“Jimmy! She’s your Grandmother!” my Mother said. “It’s all right, She is part of the family. Now let Her see.”

From each side, Mother and Grandmother placed one hand on each of my shoulders, and used Their free hands to peel my hands away from my crotch. I saw no way out, and so I gave up. My hands relaxed and fell to my sides. They let them go. My submission was complete.

Grandmother leaned in to get a better look, eyeing the red head and white shaft of my circumcised dick.

“He looks pretty normal to me, Ann. Good sized. He is still only 12, after all.”

“Are You sure?” my Mother asked anxiously.

I was dying of embarrassment, fully exposed to my Grandmother, Her eyes gazing intently at my most private parts as my arms hung helpless at my sides.

My face burning, I thought my humiliation must be complete, when suddenly Grandmother’s hand shot out and grasped my little boy cock. Firmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do, She began to work it back and forth, stretching it out and pulling it back.

My Grandmother was 75 years old at the time, overweight in Her peasant’s dress and solidly gray-haired. Still, through some genetic predisposition or ingrained response, I began to thrust into Her hands as they manipulated me.

“Look, he seems to be trying to hump and it feels like he is trying to get hard,” my Grandmother reported to my Mother matter-of-factly.

It was my first humiliating sexual contact under the observation and control of dominantly powerful Females, and it left an indelible impression. Even though I had no idea what was happening to me, it felt as if I were hanging by a slender gossamer thread suspended from heaven, and the only way I remained standing was because of its strength. Because of Their strength.

Only later would my longing to hang suspended from that thread of Female controlled lust take full force in my life. This was just my first taste of what life had in store for me.

Suddenly, my Grandmother withdrew Her hand and my flaccid little cock flopped back against my scrotum. The withdrawal of Her ministrations made me feel as though I had instantly been plunged into an abyss.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Ann,” my Grandmother was telling my Mother. “He has plenty of time yet to become a man.”

My Mother smiled, gazing appraisingly at my young and innocent penis as I struggled with the swirl of emotions in my head.

“I suppose so, Mother. Jimmy, pull your pants up. I see Grandpa coming in from the garden for lunch.”

I quickly pulled my underwear and pants up.

It is only all these years later that I understand what those few minutes I spent under the control of my Mother and Grandmother did to my developing brain, and how it helped to rewire it to give me the appetite for Female control.

Later, there would be other family experiences that honed my lust to abandon myself to the whims of a Woman, whetting my desire for this particular perversion.

Oh, and I almost forgot. When Mother and I later returned to the good Dr. Davis, he had a new request of me.

“Jimmy, take off your clothes and come here and sit on my lap,” the good doctor said, then as he saw my humiliation coloring my face, he added, “Don’t be ashamed. It is all part of your examination.”

A wild mix of anxiety and emotion boiled as I did what he said. As soon as I sat on his lap, Dr. Davis began to fondle my exposed penis under the intensely watchful eye of Mother. I was dying of embarrassment as Dr. Davis manipulated my dick, squeezing it in his hand, pulling on it and turning it this way and that as my Mother leaned in to closely observe his invasion of my genitals.

I noticed that for some reason, Dr. Davis was breathing heavily as he told Mother, “It has not improved. He’ll need the shots.”

So, my fate was sealed. I was destined to have my puberty blossom through Dr Davis’ syringes. But that’s another story, for another time.

Lil Jimmy is Taught His Place Part II

“I can feel some hardening, but it’s not enough yet,” Dr. Davis said to Mother that day as She closely observed him manipulating my dick in his office exam room. I was 12, almost 13 years old, and I had not grown any public hair yet, causing my Mother concern.

“You can put your clothing back on,” Dr. Davis said to me, ceasing his caresses and boosting me from my place sitting on his lap. I was glad to be away from his lap and whatever thing he had in his pants that was hard and making sitting there uncomfortable.

My Mother had been leaning forward, intently watching, but now She looked at the doctor’s lap, smiled, and then leaned back in Her chair. The exam was over. She smiled broadly and knowingly at the good doctor, and as I put my clothing on, I noticed his pants looked differently than when he had first asked me to sit in his lap. They seemed puffy or swelled up in front somehow.

“Ann, I am going to recommend that he get hormone shots, once a week, and I will show you how to give them,” Dr. Davis said. He had the nurse bring the testosterone, and showed Mother how to administer the first shot in my arm. It hardly hurt at all as She injected me in his office.

At home, my Mother would give me my shot every Friday.

“This will make you into a man, Jimmy,” She would tell me each time as She injected me. “You want to be a man, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah, Mom, I sure do,” I would reply, oblivious to what was happening.

But things were happening to me now that the shots had begun, strange things I had no control over. After a month of hormones, I began to notice my little dickie was getting hard for no reason at all. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling to me. Did it mean I had to pee? No, that wasn’t it. Did it mean I was somehow different from everyone else? I was unsure. I only knew that when I grabbed my penis in my hand like Dr. Davis had done, it was starting to feel good, all tingly and urgent, and I found myself wanting to squeeze it like Dr. Davis had done, more and more. That all led to me spending longer and longer periods of time in the bathroom, exploring.

One day, emerging from the bathroom after an hour-long “bath,” I saw Mother looking appraisingly at me.

“Did you enjoy your bath?” She asked. I flushed furiously, since I had spent most of the time pulling on my little dick, feeling the strange new feelings it could give me if I did that. It would stand stiffly now, demanding my attention, and I found myself for some strange reason thinking more and more about girls as I pulled at it.

The shots continued, always followed by my Mother giving me a big hug and pulling me in tightly to Her breasts, where I could smell Her perfume.

“My little boy is becoming a man,” She’d say, as I blushed deeply.

Sure enough, the hairs around my dick and balls began to grow. After 60 days, we went back to Dr. Davis’ office and Mother sat expectantly as he ordered me out of my pants and onto his lap, facing Her.

“Now just relax, Jimmy, and let us have a look,” he said.

Dr. Davis lubed his hand and took my flaccid dickie into his grasp. He began rubbing it back and forth, just as I had been doing during my long bathroom sojourns. My Mother watched closely, Her legs crossed, and I saw Her hand drift up to trace the outline of Her blouse where it opened into a vee to show Her cleavage.

In just three strokes Dr. Davis was flogging a full hard-on, my little cock standing straight and firm against his ministrations. My breath started to come more quickly with my rising lust, although I did not know what that feeling was yet, and my mouth hung open. All I knew was that what he was doing to me felt so good that I did not want it to ever stop. So humiliating was my position, wide open as Mother observed me, that I blushed continuously.

“He’s progressing now, Ann, and while he can’t orgasm yet, it probably isn’t far away,” Dr. Davis said. “He may be having dry orgasms.”

I had never heard that word, orgasm, before and I planned to keep it in mind to look it up in the dictionary. I had to admit, the doctor’s examinations of me were not as embarrassing as they had been at first. I still felt deep shame and humiliation at the intent way Mother watched, but now there was no way my cock wanted to get totally away from Dr. Davis’ stroking hand.

I would suppose he is spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom now?” I hung my head in shame at the question, even as I meekly accepted the stroking of Dr. Davis’ hand.

Mother laughed.

“Oh yes, Dr. Davis, Jimmy loves his bath time now. Don’t you, Jimmy?”

I tried to shrink back into myself with a burning sensation of shame and yet still keep my dick in the slippery grasp of the doctor. They knew what I was doing in there! How? Then Dr. Davis quickly withdrew his hand, and I nearly collapsed against him from the sudden lack of sensation, feeling the hard spot in his pants and knowing now what it was.

“Well,” Dr. Davis said, laughing, “bring him back in another month or so, Ann, and we’ll see. Keep up the shots.”

For some reason I didn’t understand, my Mother looked flustered as the doctor ushered me off his lap. I watched Her gaze fall between his legs.

“Of course, doctor,” She replied, and as I dressed, I noticed they were looking at each other strangely. But then the nurse came in and the spell was broken.

In the car on the way home, Mother smiled at me from the driver’s seat.

“Soon you will be a man, Jimmy,” She said. “Soon, you will know what it’s all about.”

I was happy and confused.

The next night, I was lying on the bathroom floor with my soaped hand pounding quickly over my steely rod. I had my eyes closed, and for reasons I did not understand, I was thinking of Amy, the most beautiful girl in my class. I suddenly imagined her tits, and then seeing her naked and doing to me what I was doing to myself. I drew in ragged breaths with the sudden realization of what Girls and Women could do to boys and men.

My hand sped along, up and down, and the sensations were so intense as I imagined Amy’s budding, perky breasts, naked, with the nipples standing straight out. Suddenly, I was overcome by a new and urgently intense feeling, and something wet and viscous came shooting out of my dickie. Afterward, I breathed heavily, wondering over this new thing, and rubbed the snotty substance between my fingers.

This must be cum, I thought. I had found out about orgasm and cum from the dictionary, the encyclopedia and boyish talk with my friends. But how very little I knew then about how much the desire to shoot the gooey substance would govern my life and leave me open to complete and total Female manipulation.

In the weeks to come, Mother continued to weekly plunge the steely needle into my arm to squirt its load of man-making juice. Now she would call me “little man” as she delivered my dose. And now I could jerk forth fountain after fountain of creamy pleasure in the bathroom, sometimes four or even five times a day, five and even six squirts a cumshot.

After another six weeks, we were again in the exam room at Dr. Davis’ office. I was 13 now.

The doctor breezed in, and I noticed he paused a moment to take in Mothers deep crimson dress, with its plunging neckline and leg-exposing shortness.

He took his usual place on the examining stool facing my Mother.

“Let’s see how you’ve been, Jimmy,” Dr. Davis said as he squirted lube into his palm, and I saw a slow smile cross Mother’s face in anticipation of this regular ritual. I removed my jeans and undies, as I was used to doing, and took up my usual position in Dr. Davis’ lap. His hand instantly clutched my dickie, and he looked boldly into Mother’s eyes.

“Have you been experiencing anything new, Jimmy?” the good doctor asked as his fist slid up and down the stone that was my hardened dick. “Any new sensations?”

He looked at Mother with what I later would understand to be a leer. In my usual state of deep embarrassment, I was shocked to see that She seemed to return it. I could see Her breasts were heaving and She was nreathing heavily.

“Cat got your tongue, Jimmy?” She asked. “The doctor asked you a question.”

My own breath was ragged and my mind was a confusing jumble of humiliation and unassigned lust as my hips involuntarily jerked forward toward Dr. Davis’ pounding, insistent hand.

“I – I feel like –“

And then shot after shot of brilliant white semen spurted from my dickie to splatter to floor between me and Mother. I was beside myself with the intensity of the pleasure and humiliation. I must have shot six or eight times, powerful bursts that left me overcome with pleasure.

Mother watched greedily.

“That’s it, Jimmy, that’s it,” Dr. Davis soothed. “Cum like a big boy. Like a man.”

My Mother’s eyes were glistening as She took it all in, confidently observing my conflicted feelings of pleasure and shame, watching the glistening blasts of sticky cum as they landed on the tile floor, the doctor’s hand so expertly manipulating me.

When the last dribble from the first orgasm I had ever had because of someone else’s manipulation landed on the floor, Mother turned Her attention from me to the doctor.

“Let’s continue the shots for another month or so,” he said, wiping his hands on a towel. “We want to be sure he develops a healthy lust that cannot be denied.”

“Yes, doctor,” Mother said, and I saw her lick her lips. “That is very important.”

“Well, you can get up now, Jimmy, and get dressed,” he said.

I was still shaking as moved off of his lap and revealing the lump that I now knew was his hardened cock, exposing his pants tent to Mother’s rapt gaze. I got dressed.

“He has made much progress,” the doctor said to Mother as he looked at her with glittering eyes, his breathing shallow as though he was holding in something he really wanted to let out.

“Yes, but I have some questions, doctor,” Mother replied, eyeing him back lasciviously. “Jimmy, please wait outside.”

I let myself out of the exam room into the empty waiting room, hearing the doctor sharply take a breath as I closed the door gently behind me. I took a chair near the receptionist’s desk, and noticed that the 20-something receptionist was eyeing me curiously from under her long, black hair. She was a beauty and arched an eyebrow, then She crooked her finger to motion me over to Her. She leaned into my ear, and I saw how Her glaringly white uniform opened at the gap to reveal the rounds of Her breasts. I looked intently, greedily.

“I know what the doctor has been treating you for,” She whispered into my ear. I turned beet red and froze, which I now know, of course, probably absolutely delighted Her.

“Did you cum?” As soon as She breathed the words, a wave of humiliation overcame me, and then suddenly I felt Her hand clasp my dickie and balls, gripping them outside my pants.

“Come here,” She directed, and I meekly followed Her behind a divider. She opened her uniform and spilled out two gorgeous tits, the first I had ever seen in real life, with large dark nipples. Motioning me toward her, She grabbed my head and guided my mouth to her nipple.

“Suck,” She sighed, and her hand fumbled my zipper down so that my dickie stood straight out. Pausing a moment to spit into Her hand, She mercilessly jacked my dickie as She pressed my lips to first one and then other of her glorious nipples.

“Cum for me, little boy, I love it when little boys cum for me,” She breathed, and for the second time in an hour, my youthful baby batter shot forth into her cupped hand as I grunted and groaned.

“That’s a good boy. So cute,” She whispered as She raised her hand to my face and forced me to eat my goo. “Get used to it, little man. Get used to it.”

I was beside myself with shock, humiliation and pleasure. My face was bright red, and I was tasting the goopy flavor of my own cum for the first of many times yet to arrive. My mind swam. She let go of my dick and looked at me coldly.

“Pull your pants up, boy, your Mommy will be out soon,” the receptionist said, returning her tits to her uniform. “And shhhh! This is our little secret.” It was not the last time She would manipulate me, either.

When Mother emerged from the exam room, pulling on her dress to adjust it, we were seated again as if nothing had happened. She smiled at me.

“We’ll need another appointment for my little man,” Mother told the receptionist, “In about a month.”

“Of course,” the perky receptionist said, handing Mother a card. As we turned away, She shot me a look of control and lust that kept my hand busily at work in the bathroom for the entire month.

Lil Jimmy is Taught His Place Part III

While the squirts from the shots my Mother’s gave me were supercharging my libido and my own strong squirts, my year-younger Sister came of age, but Her hormones needed no help. I noticed the swelling of Her tits as they began to push out against the T-shirts She favored, and the flair of her hips in the short-shorts She liked.

Because She was around me every day, the driving lustful urges instilled in me by the shots concentrated my focus on Her. I would paw myself in bed night after night, thinking of Her tits and how they must look. At every turn, I tried to spy on Her to get a glimpse of those beauties, to see Her hard nipples, and even though I had never been successful in that quest, just my imagination was enough to keep my fist flying up and down my ever-ready pole and keep my body stiffening when the inevitable blasts of cum would rocket from my cock.

One weekend, I was in my room across the hall from my Sister’s when She popped her head in the door.

“Wanna come over to my room and play records for awhile?” She asked.

“Sure,” I said, I was 15 now, and the shots had burned away the body fat and made me into a lean teen. Dr. Davis had finally agreed that I didn’t need any more shots, but he said a couple of follow-up visits would be needed to make sure. I thought I saw Mother wink at him when he said it.

“Whatever you say, doctor,” she said.

Now I trailed behind my Sister Tara into her room. She put on an album and we sat on Her bed, both of us cross-legged and facing. Mom was out shopping, and Dad was in the living room watching sports.

I smiled at Tara, and when She smiled back, I noticed a familiar subtle look on Her face. I raised my eyebrows and checked again. My dick lurched, and I knew.

“I know you’ve been watching me,” She said, and I flushed as She enjoyed the sight. I was caught.

“I want you to touch them,” She said as my embarrassment deepened. “You can. I’ll let you.”

She reached for my hand and held it to her breast, firm under her T-shirt with the hardness of the nipple poking out. Sheepish, I squeezed Her tit as in my pants my cock leaped to attention. At least part of me knew what this was all about.

As I fondled Her, Tara’s face became more intense and I could see the same kind of look on it that I had seen from Mother at the doctor’s office, and from the receptionist there. And from the doctor, too, for that matter.

She was sighing and her breathing was intense as I felt up the first Female breast I had ever touched.

“Would you like to see them?” She breathed.

“Oh yes,” I said, feeling myself fall under Her spell. “But what about Dad?”

We could hear the sounds of a baseball game from the living room down the hallway.

“We can go in the closet,” She said. Her room had one with two sliding doors.

I followed her in and She slid the door closed. There was just enough light leaking in from around the doors that we could see. Then She pulled off her T-shirt and my eager eyes feasted on her taut tits, topped by two light-colored nipples with the hard tips pointing at me.

“Ooooo,” I breathed. We were not more than a foot apart in the confines of the closet, which filled with a musky smell. Back then, I had no idea that it was the smell of my Sister’s lust.

“Go ahead and suck ‘em,” She said, and She put Her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me toward Her as She lifted Her luscious tits to my lips. I began to suck and lick. This was my fantasy come true, and I was nearly beside myself with lust.

Tara’s tits tasted exactly like Her musky smell, and I will never forget how firm Her 14-year-old mounds were as I feasted on them. Clearly, I thought, She was ahead of me in sexual maturity. She pressed the back of my head into Her and pushed her breasts into my face. Then I felt her hand fumbling at my pants, her open palm skimming over the hard cock hidden there and then grabbing it tightly.

She took Her hand from the back of my head and then used them both to shuck off my pants. My hardon sprang up strong and virile, thanks to the overly long period of time Dr. Davis had prescribed my testosterone shots.

I blushed, trying to cover my dick with my hands, but Tara slapped them away and grabbed my cock in her hungry hand and started to lightly frig it.

“That’s a nice one, Jimmy. Do you like me looking at it?” Her fingers were driving me insane, even as I flushed with anxiety and embarrassment.

“Feel me down there,” She commanded, and directed my hands as I pulled down Her shorts. She pushed my fingers to Her slit almost forcefully.

“Yes,” She moaned as I parted Her lips, the first Female genitals I had ever touched. I felt Her wetness coating my fingers.

“Feel me, that feels so good,” She instructed.

I was thrusting against her light touch on my dick, which was enough contact to make me unbelievably horny but not enough to cum, when She looked at me in that predatory way and asked,

“Do you wanna put yours in Mine? Would you like that, Jimmy?”

As She said it. She moved forward so that Her pussy was riding along my cock, and She dry humped me as we stood together, watching my reaction. My dick head plowed along Her slickened furrow and the sensation took my breath away.

“Oh yeah, I do, but I’m afraid I’ll get You pregnant,” I said, remembering what I had learned in sex ed class.

“Are you sure, Jimmy? Are you sure you don’t want to fuck your little Sister?” She taunted as she frigged me with her cunt lips, clearly reveling in Her 14-year-old power and control over her older brother as She tried to break my will.

“Sure you don’t want to?”

Then we heard a noise from outside her room, out in the hallway. It was Dad, coming to use the bathroom during a break in the game.

“Where are you kids at?” he called.

Breaking contact, we quickly got ourselves back into our clothes.

“We’re in here, in the closet,” Tara said.

“What are you doing in there?”


“Well, you kids get the hell out of there. Right now.”

Then we heard the bathroom door close and piled out of the closet. As I slinked to my room, my unrelieved dick was still granite hard, maybe the hardest it has ever been in my life. I laid on my bed with a comic book, facing away from the open door to hide my arousal and trying to control the raging lust She had stoked in me.

It was my first experience of the exquisiteness of denial and frustration while under Female control.

After a while, I heard Dad come out of the bathroom. He glanced in my room as he went by, back to his ballgame. I walked into the hall. The door to my Sister’s room was closed. I went into the bathroom and shed my pants and underwear. After thoroughly soaping my hand, I sat on the toilet and grabbed my cock, whacking it feverishly as I vividly recalled my lips and tongue on Her tits only minutes before.

I shot eight times, so much sloppy cum juice that I couldn’t contain it all in my fingers. After the white goo oozed out of every gap and coated my hands, I cleaned it off with toilet paper. I put my pants back on and flushed. Even then, my cock was still hard and oh so wonderfully tingly. I was learning.

As you might imagine, having this experience with my Sister compelled me to try to repeat it, and so I hung around Her more but She showed no sign of interest. I had learned to be so submissive by then that it never occurred to me to be more upfront. She would either take charge or I was out of luck.

Then one Saturday shortly after our closet play, Mom and Dad were away at their friends’ house, and I was sitting in my robe and underwear in Dad’s recliner when She walked into the family room on Her way to the kitchen, wearing her trademark tight T-shirt and shorts. After She passed, I started rubbing my cock, because I had been thinking every day of how much I would like to be played with by Her again.

When Tara came back from the kitchen carrying a sandwich, I had rearranged my underwear and robe so that the fully engorged shaft of my turgid cock stood out plainly. As She passed nearby me, She glanced down and stopped, spying the evidence of my submissive lust on display.

She laughed.

“So you think that’s gonna make me horny?” She said derisively. “That’s your idea? Well, you’re not gonna get anything unless it’s My idea. And it isn’t.”

She snorted and walked on by. On the cusp of being 16, I had learned another lesson on my submissive journey. It’s not my pleasure or what I want that counts.

But knowing how embarrassed and humiliated I was at being exposed, and how compliant I was once She stimulated me, Tara wasn’t really done with me yet, though.

So, these were just some of my formative experiences, the ways I was taught to crave humiliation and frustration and abuse. How I developed a taste for having my sexuality manipulated by a Woman and stoked the need to be a totally submissive male. My entire sexual being was formed by these and other such experiences early in life, and what has surprised me the most about my perverted proclivity is how few Women see it as the distinct advantage for Them that it is.

I mean, to have a man under Your total control, to be able to direct them to do exactly what most gratifies You, to use them as Your toy when You want and only when You want, and to openly manipulate and frustrate them because they actually thrive on being humiliated. I would think that is a dream come true for many Women, but the true Female who knows Her real power and understands the benefits of holding this key to a submissive man turns out to be rarer than I would have expected.

I have left a lot more of my experiences out that I could tell you about, if you’d like to hear it. Just drop me a line of encouragement and talk dirty to me, if you would.

(End of File)