It's Not Fair - Mikey's Letter

By Mike Ploog

Copyright 2022, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

This is a letter to the INF column of the Boy Stuff. Read previous letters in the series for more context. 

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Michael (“Mikey”), 16 yo.

Dear It’s not fair,

I’m writing you because there are things I like to complain about. Things that aren’t fair at all! What bothers me most is that my mommy still treats me like a little boy though I am already 16 years old now!

First of all, you should know that my mother is actually my step-mother though I call her “mommy” ever since. I have never known my natural parents and was raised in an orphanage until mommy and her husband adopted me. That was when I was six years old. I vaguely remember life in orphanage was nothing but horrible, so I was happy to join a real family with loving and caring parents. My new family, that was my (step-)mommy, my (step-)daddy and their three-year-old little daughter Angelina, who everyone just calls “Angel”. The first years were of a happy and harmonic family-life though I can also only vaguely remember those times as I was such a young kid. But I still remember how life changed when daddy left us for another woman and moved to another country. That was when I was nine years old. Till today, my mommy used to call daddy’s new woman a “cheap slut”. She also says this was the time when I became “rebellious” so she decided to give me those light red pills which I later learned were Puericil pills. I still have to take my daily “good boy drops” as mommy calls them.

Due to these pills, I look much younger than my actual age. I’m also much less developed than other boys in my age. But what makes it REALLY hard is that I even look younger than my “little” step-sister. You must know that Angel is already quite mature or “premature” as the adults always say. People who don’t know her say she looks like sixteen or even seventeen – though she is actually not even fourteen yet! Sometimes she does little model jobs for new dresses, swimsuit-collections or even bikinis. But she only models for adult clothes. Adult clothes! Imagine that!

With me it’s the opposite. “He’s not older than 11 or 12, isn’t he?” That is what people say when they see me first. And everyone still calls me “Mikey”. I hate it so much! It makes me feel like an infant.

Because Angel looks so much older and is also about five inches taller than me (mommy says it’s even six, but that’s not true!) I am always taken for her younger brother or – yet worse – her “little kid brother”. That was already when she was 11 and I was 14!

Angel often teases me and says I could “easily work as a kid’s size-model” for her agency. Also, one time, when she was wearing high-heels, a very old woman who was nearly blind even said: “What a cute son you have, Madame. Do you spank him when he’s a bad boy?” Oh, you can’t imagine how humiliating that was… and how Angel was laughing! But things like that happen all the time. That’s not fair! I mean, she’s two and a half years younger than me!

And you know what’s even worse? My mommy actually treats HER like a young adult whereas she is much stricter with ME. It starts with bed time. Before school days, I am sent to bed at 8 pm. My sister on the other hand can stay up until 10 pm. That’s not fair! It should be the other way round.

On Friday and Saturday my sleepy time is only half an hour later, at 8:30 pm with “lights out” strictly at 9:00 pm. This is something I really suffer from, especially during summer evenings when I can hear the neighborhood kids still playing outside whilst I’m already tucked in my bedspreads.

But my sister? She can stay up as long as she wants on Fridays. On Saturdays she is even allowed to go clubbing. And that’s what she does! Sometimes, it’s already past midnight when she’s coming home. I know this, because I always wake up from all the noise she and her girlfriends make. You must know that she is also allowed the have friends for sleepovers and many of them are older than her with two of them being already 18!

Ok, I would be allowed to have friends for sleepovers too. But my bedtime rules then also count for them. So, you can imagine that none of my friends would accept such an invitation, even though most of them are a few years younger than me. It’s because boys in my age do think I am “childish” and “uncool” as I am so underdeveloped. I only have one friend who is also sixteen but he too is on Puericil and looks much younger.

But to be honest, I wouldn’t really want any of my friends to meet me at home. I mean, imagine me, the older brother having his own friends around who are the same age as my little sister. And then imagine Angel’s friends, who in turn are older and much more mature, seeing us! That would be SO embarrassing. It’s hard enough for me to hear them having fun in the bathroom where they make them up for “Saturday night” whilst it’s bed time for me soon. Even worse is when they laugh and blow “good-nightie-kisses” at me when I’m already dressed in my jammies waiting to use the bathroom. That makes me always feel like a total dork!

But mommy doesn’t care about it. She makes it even MUCH more of a nightmare! First of all, she still helps me dressing as she thinks I can’t “do it properly” by myself. That’s also not fair! I mean, which 16-and-a-half-year boy gets still dressed up by his mommy?!

But that’s not all. When she is putting on my PJ’s on Saturday evening, she likes to sing a little chant she created, which goes like “it’s party-time for big giiiirls but sleepy-time for little boooys, big girls hit the rooooad when little boys hit their beeeddy.” She even makes me sing it along with her and nudges my nose to the words “little boys”! As if I was an infant! And because she always leaves the door to my room wide open, Angel and her laughing friends love to watch and happily clap their hands joining in our chant while mommy undresses me. Can you believe that?!

Last Saturday, it even came to the worst, because two of Angel’s crazy friends asked mommy if they could have a little dance with me. Of course, I started to protest because mommy had just stripped me down to nothing but my tighty-whitie undies! But she said it would be “cute” and pushed me towards the girls. In my near naked state! Immediately, each of them grabbed one of my hands… and with me in the middle (both were a head taller and much stronger than me!) they started to swing their legs forward while alternately turning to the left and to the right. Of course, they encouraged me to follow their lead, so I ended up singing (“it’s party time for big giiirls….”) and swinging my legs with them unison. They even added a new verse so I also had to sing “big girls play with big boys… while little boys play with small toys”. Also, they pointed their free arm at themselves each time we were singing “big girls” and at ME when it went “little boys”.

The other girls had a hard time singing with us as they were catching their breath from laughing. But after a minute or so they came halfway down and were clapping their hands to further encourage us. It even came to a point where I forgot my modesty and started to like it because somehow it was really funny and the big girls were so nice to me.

Oh, how could I have been so stupid. How could I only have made such a fool of me! I was so focused on my dance moves that I didn’t even notice Angel filming us with her phone. That alone was embarrassing enough. But later, she shared an edited video of my little show on her Insta! How mean is that?!

You must know that Angel has already become a famous star on Insta where she is sharing pictures of her model sessions and short videos of her daily life. And now EACH of her 50,000+ followers all around the world can watch me singing and dancing together with two of her friends! But it’s ME who is almost naked while the girls are wearing jackets, tops, shorts, pantihose and boots.

And you know what? Angel titled her 1:08 minute video “Tighty-whitey-maniac! Little brother is warming up my girls for Saturday night fever!”

Today, she just told me that it has already received 7000 likes and more than 300 comments with most of them from her countless teenie girl followers. I’ve never seen the full video as I’m not on Insta (mommy wouldn’t allow me!) but Angel showed me some of the comments and sent me screenshots.

Omigod! They were writing how funny and goofy I was dancing and things like “a star is born!” or “he’s sooo cute in his little undies” or less friendly like “cute but waaay too skinny”.

Only a few comments were from boys, but there was one from another insta star, a “sexy and famous nineteen year old fitness influencer” as Angel told me full of proud. He wrote “woow those girls are haawt!!! lemme be your big boi! (ROFL@kiddie-dancer)” which received dozens of likes… probably from other boys or his own followers.

One of Angel’s friends even revealed my actual age in the comment-section (she didn’t delete it though I asked her) which led to many humiliating replies like

“that means hes her ‘BIG’ brother then! lmaoooooooo!” or

“you must be kidding”

“but he looks like ten!”

“no way that squib is 16” or even worse “16 and still a baby with no d**k to see” (from a girl called “tigress_13”!) At least a few of them were nicer and pitiful. One girl even wrote “guys, don’t make fun of him. poor boy is on puericil don’t you see it??” But you know what Angel did when she read it? THAT comment she instantly deleted and snorted “what a pussy!”

Of course, I begged mommy to tell Angel to remove the video as I don’t want my friends – or even worse – my classmates to find it but she said “Why should she do that? It’s just a cute and harmless little clip. Cheer up, honey, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She even said that Angel has made me “a little star” and that I should be proud and thankful to her. Still, I kept trying to argue that she was wrong and that people made fun of me and was even stomping my feet in anger, until mommy warned me “Now stop it! One more word and you get the paddle, Michael!” Oh, and when she calls me “Michael” I know I’m in trouble!

Now that leads yet to another reason why I don’t want to invite any of my friends. And this is because of just this paddle.

Let me tell you: Whenever I try to “discuss” or complain about all those unfair rules in our family with my mommy, she can become VERY furious. Of course, this also happens when I have been “a bad boy”. If she’s really mad at me, she’s pulling down my trousers and underpants to give me a painful spanking. Sometimes she even spanks me in the presence of Angel who is acting as a “helping hand” to keep me in place! But it’s not bare hands that punish me. Not at all! My mommy always uses the paddle on my naked hiney. It’s a handy but thick wooden bat with the words “for Mikey’s naughty tushie” engraved in big letters on both sides. You have no idea how much it stings and burns! And you know what? My “tushie warmer” or “tearmaker” as mommy and Angel call it, is hanging on a hook pinned on the door. The door to MY room! I really wouldn’t want my friends to see it. To let them know that my mommy spanks me with it!

It’s already SO embarrassing that Angel’s friends can see the paddle and know about my punishments. Her room is directly opposite mine and whenever they gather around my door, they make fun of the paddle. This normally happens when they return from their “clubbing-tour” because during the day mommy keeps the paddle in the kitchen where it’s “quicker to assess”.

Really, I lost counts of those nights where I heard them giggling, laughing and mocking me like “be a good little boy, Mikey or we’re coming to paddle your naked tushie!” or “Angel just told us, Mommy used the paddle on you today, Mikey. Is the little boy still crying in there?” Sometimes, I can hear them even taking off my tushie warmer and loudly clapping it in their palms to scare me. They can be so mean! I really hope that Angel and none of her friends haven’t shared a picture of my paddle on their insta, especially now, where they could also let their followers know who sleeps behind that door… and whose tushie belongs to the paddle!

You have no idea how often I begged my mom to replace the paddle from the door and hide it from other people! From my friends to see it. From Angel’s friends to see it! But nope! There’s absolutely no chance to change her mind. Instead, I earned myself just a few more painful spankings for my complaining – even when I told her how Angel and her friends were mocking me and that it was HER who deserved a spanking.

But my stepsister never gets the paddle! Never ever! That’s unfair! Only ONCE, she merely got grounded. But that was when she was eleven and came home much too late after a private party.

I know I’ve already written many words about my problems now, maybe even too much. But there’s yet another embarrassing thing I’d like to tell you. Urgently! It’s about the medical routine check-ups I have to undergo. Twice a year, my mommy takes me to the pidiatrician, that is a kid’s doctor. I always HATE those visits! It’s because the Doctor is a woman and she is checking me from head to toe. She also has to ensure that my pills still “work properly” and “keep my little fruits sealed” as she always says – though I have no clue what she means by that. Maybe you can tell me? I only know that she needs to examine my boy parts for this, which is always very embarrassing. Of course, my mommy is also present and watching the lady doctor. Even when the doctor is doing intimate things like checking my penis and pushing back my foreskin, feeling my testis or putting a finger in my hiney to inspect me there. This always causes a strange feeling in my peenie which is like uncomfortable and pleasant at the same time. I then feel so ASHAMED and humiliated when mommy is looking at me getting a stiffy and making unvoluntary grunting noises.

After that, mommy always asks the doctor only “is he dry?” and the doctor is always nodding her head yes which makes no sense to me but my mommy very happy. Again, I have no clue why that is and what her weird question means. However, I then only want to leave as soon as possible and beg my mommy to help me get dressed quickly which she actually does because she is so relieved that I’m “still dry”. But it’s not that I ever needed diapers like some Puericil boys do. So “dry” must mean something else, something mystical. But when I ask mommy, she never wants to tell me.

So why must I still go to a kid’s doctor at all? Even my younger sister is visiting a real doctor, a doctor for adult women. She’s even allowed to go there by her own. Mommy says it’s because Angel is already “a young woman” while I’m still “an immature little boy”. As if I haven’t heard that often enough!

And you know what? Only yesterday, she said when Angel is 14, she will be old enough to attend me to the pidiatrician. Imagine that! She said she had already registered her as my “legal attendant” at the doctor’s office. Really, I couldn’t believe her words! And when I asked mommy if Angel would also attend me DURING MY EXAMINATION, she just laughed “Of course she will, silly! That’s even part of her duty.”

How horrifying! How can she do this to me! It’s bad enough to endure my check-ups under the eyes of my mommy… but with my two and a half years younger sister? No way! That would be soooooo much more humiliating!

I almost started to cry thinking about that. But mommy said I shouldn’t “make such a face” and be positive. “Wouldn’t it be cool to go there with your big sister instead of your grumpy old mom? You could even brag a bit around with her in front the other kids, telling them she’s a model and a famous Insta girl. I bet they will be jealous!”

How can mommy only say such things? NO, it wouldn’t be COOL. It would be MORTIFYING. It would mean being fully NAKED in front of my sister…being on a gurney and facing HER watching the lady doctor examining my most intimate parts... my penis, my testis, my boy-hole…my stiffie!

And guess what, Angel’s 14th birthday is already next month – three weeks before my next visit to the doctor!

It’s not Fair!

The magazine published response:

Dear Mikey,

I can understand your complaints, but it looks to me like you have a loving family. You, having been raised in an orphanage, should know better than anyone how important that is, and how lucky you are.

Sure, you are 16, and you still get treated like a little boy, but it sounds as if you are still immature, so it fits. Really, how else would your mommy and your sister treat you? If you compare yourself with your sister, you must see how much more mature and grown-up she is.

I understand it must be a bit embarrassing that Angel is treated almost like a young adult, while you, who are three years older, are still treated by a child. But you have to understand that each child grows and matures at his own pace. Your sister has grown fast, while you, at 16, are still a cute little child.

Why be in a hurry, though? You missed your first years of growing up with a loving family and being “babied” by people who love you. Perhaps then, it is appropriate that you are still immature now and that you are taking more time to grow up. It means more time for you to grow up without worries, knowing your family is looking after you.

You seem a bit distressed by the comparison between how big and grownup your sister is and how small and immature you are, but you shouldn’t feel that pressure. This is not a race or a competition. You will get there on your own time.

What would make it easier for you is if you stopped thinking of Angel as your little sister. She is not. She may be younger, but she is really your big sister, in size and in what really counts, maturity. You should accept the obvious and start thinking of her that way.

You should not feel humiliated when people think you are a little child, because you are really a little child. Forget your age. It’s your size and your maturity that matters.

So when you are sent to bed on your early bedtime, don’t make a fuss. That’s just your family taking care of you. Kiss your mommy and your big sister beddie-night and go to bed like a good little boy.

Perhaps you should do some sleepovers with your friend who is your age and also on Puericil. I’m sure he understands you and is also used to being treated like the little boy both of you still are. He will not think you are uncool just because you are underdeveloped, because he is too. You could also ask your mommy to set playdates for you with other boys your age who are on Puericil. That way you would have little friends just like you.

You wonder which 16-year-old boy still gets dressed by his mommy… Well, you do, of course. And I bet there are other boys who do, at least those who are on Puericil like you.

I watched your dancing video, Mikey. It’s very easy to find on the internet. You should not be ashamed of it. You look incredibly cute dancing with the big girls in your little tighty-whities. And you are clearly having a good time. That’s how it should be. Have a great time, being treated like the little boy you still are. Do not let your age spoil this nice time of your life for you! Forget you are 16. In maturity, you are much, much younger. No wonder your mommy still dresses you. She should also give you your baths, to be honest, and when she can’t I’m sure your big sister could help.

I’m really sorry that you sometimes are naughty and need your little tushie paddled. It’s too bad you have your tushie warmer hanging on the door to your room. I know that must be embarrassing, but on the other hand, seeing it could also remind you to be a good boy and obey your mommy and your sister.

It’s embarrassing that your sister’s friends tease you. That’s a bit mean, but I guess they think it’s cute that you still get your tushie paddled at your age. Try not to take it badly and laugh with them.

You really shouldn’t complain about your sister never getting spanked. Honestly, she’s too grownup and mature for that!

Don’t worry about your “pidiatrician” examining you in front of your mommy. She’s your mommy, silly! There is no part of your body that you need to hide from her! She has seen you naked many, many, many times, and she’s only making sure you are healthy. You don’t need to worry your little head about what “stay dry” means. Medical things are for grownups to understand, but you only need to know that you are being taken care of very well.

Please, don’t cry, Mikey. It’s fine if your sister takes you to the pidiatrician. It’s not like she hasn’t seen you naked before, is it? I mean, think of your spankings, for example. You really need to get over that obsession with your age and hers. You are lucky you have such a cool big sister. Your mommy is right, you should be proud of her, and proud that she looks after you and is willing to take you to your medical check-ups. Not every boy is lucky enough to have a big sister who wants to spend time with him.

I hope you’ll let me know how your next visit to the doctor goes. Please, listen to my advice and stop worrying about not being mature and grownup. As I said, you’ll grow, at your own pace. You are lucky to have a loving family, a mommy and a big sister who obviously love you. Be affectionate with them, and let them take care of you.


(The End)