Cousin Busted

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2022 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Cousin Busted: By

Standard Disclaimers apply- Enjoy

The Miller Family was hosting their Niece and Nephew (Jenny 14 and Joey 12), while their parents (Joe & Rosie Smith) were on a retreat to Las Vegas for the week. The two youths were perfect match to the Millers own children, Megan (14) and Mark (11). The miller’s house had three bedrooms that were upstairs, that typical of a mid-1940’s house, one master bedroom with a separate bathroom, and two smaller bedrooms with a connected bathroom between the two. (Jack & Jill style).

It’s was late afternoon, dinner was going to be at six o’clock, the group had just spent the better part of the day touring the big city. Since the cousins were dropped off this morning, Uncle Ron and Aunt Sue (Megan and Mark’s parents) sent the bunch upstairs to get settled in before dinner and to wash up after the trip. As the group climbed the stairs as they headed to their respective rooms (Boys to the left and girl’s to the right). The girls told the boys to use the bathroom first, as the girls wanted to paint their nails first. Megan closed the hallway door as the boys got to Mark’s room.

Joey entered the room first and sat down on the twin bed closest to the door, to unpack his overnight bag, Mark followed not bothering to close the door behind him, as Mark stepped over to the far side of the room, to the other twin maple framed bed in the room, Mark started to undo his belt and pants, he unzipped and dropped his pants down his legs to his feet, Mark sat on the bed as he slid sneakers and socks off. Mark then pulled his feet from his pants he neatly folded them and placed them on the toy box at the end of the bed, Clad in a t-shirt and white briefs, Mark stood up and took his t-shirt off and peeled his underwear down and stepped out of them.

Mark let out the phrase “Finally, this feels so good!”

“What was that Mark?” Joey said looked up from his stuff, and see Mark now standing completely naked in front of Joey,

“Oh my god” Joey said to himself as Mark picked up the dirty clothes and walked bare butt out into the hallway and Joey watched as Mark opened up a cabinet door and tossed the clothes into the lower cabinet.

“Dude what are you doing?” Joey asked

“Tossing my dirty clothes in the laundry chute” Mark said coming back into the bedroom,

“But you’re naked”

Joey noticed Mark’s circumcised penis, his cousin’s penis was soft and was about as long and thick as his own thumb, (2.5 inches long while soft, and the shaft was the diameter of a nickel) Mark’s pubic area along with his ball sack was completely hairless.

“So?” mark replied

“But your door is open and your family might see you” Joey said

“So it is and so what, my family knows what I look like naked and they have seen me for years”

“No Freaking way!” Joey loudly said.

“I love walking around this way, last month I went a whole week without wearing a thing” Mark said proudly, standing in front of Joey using his hands to point to his bare body,

“I think you’re joking Mark”

“Joey, go ask my sister she’ll tell you the same thing”

“Ask me what Mark?” Megan said as she walked in from the open connected bathroom door and sat on the bed next to Joey.

“Joey doesn’t believe I spent a week naked last month, Sis” Mark stated

“Megan what are you doing in here?” Joey said

“I always talk to my brother in his room”

“I mean, he is naked” Joey said in disbelief as he looked at his older girl cousin in the room with her brother fully naked,

“Oh my gosh, I hadn’t noticed, so he is” she said with a giggle,

“Mark aren’t you embarrassed” Joey asked

“Why would I be? Like I told you, she has seen me naked, like forever,” Mark said

“Megan, did you find the finger nail cli…pp….ers….Whoa….. What’s happening here?” Jenny said as she stopped in her tracks, as she was walking in from the bathroom, wide eyed seeing her female cousin sitting on the bed with her male cousin stark naked standing in front of her.

“We’re talking, silly” Megan said

“But Mark is naked?” Jenny said

“Oh that… he’s always naked or almost that way most the of the time here at home,”

“Wow Mark! You do have nice bubble but on you,” Jenny said since Mark was facing away from Jenny’s direction and by her female cousin’s reaction, this must be the normal here.

“Thanks Cousin,” Mark said as Jenny came over and Sat down on the other side of the bed so she could see the front view,

“So Mark, is what Megan is saying true? Are you naked a lot at home?” Jenny asked her cousin

“Yes Jenny, my Mom and Dad let me hang out naked at home, I don’t mind at all.”

“How come we never saw you naked all the other times we’ve gotten together?” Jenny said as she wondered

“I think might be because of your dad’s work Jenny, he wanted to appear more sophisticated to his follow coworkers because he wanted to be elected to that union boss position and didn’t want any scandals”

“Yeah Dad said he lost by a landslide, to a guy that throws booze parties nearly every weekend at his huge pool and yard,”

“That must have sucked to you dad,”

“Yeah, he took it hard, he wanted us to act better than his coworker’s family, I remember when I nine, we went to one of the pool parties, Most of the other young kids were wearing bikinis style swimsuits while Joey and I were in full one piece and board shorts. Mom, didn’t mind the speedos the boys wore but the other ladies and daughters were wearing very tiny bikinis, we only went a few times, Mom tried to have Joey wear a speedo for the second time. but even Dad put up a fuss”

“Sound like good times, too bad your dad didn’t host a few parties himself skin is great to show off, I mean boys have nothing to hide”, Megan

“Yeah a few of my friends from school tell me about the older boys and speedos, they never mention nudity”

“Megan, does that mean you can’t have friends over? Joey here is always pestering my friends when they are over at my house and he’s not even naked.” Jenny said as she was thinking how with Mark being naked could prevent her cousin’s from having friends.

“Oh my best friends think he’s cute and funny when we have our sleepovers; they see him naked all the time”

“Their parents know he’s nude at home, here? And they still let your friends come over?”

“Yes they do, he always answers the door naked, when they come over, the parents always chat with him and each other, as parents do, and they see him each time,”

“I don’t believe that, my friend’s only have older sisters, the guys the sisters date, are so dreamy looking and have muscles, as they wear those tight shorts and grey sweat pants we the families gather,” Jenny said

“I guess I’m the opposite, most of my friends have younger brothers and sisters, they all believe, as my parents do, that boys under 16 have no need for modesty especially in the house or around the pool in the yard”

“Don’t boys get all hairy and bigger at 14 and 15 years old?”

“Yeah I guess, according to the web they do, most of my friends have brothers younger than me, I am 14 so I haven’t seen too many with full bushes just a few peach fuzz covered ones like Mark here but he’s only 11 sometimes the parents have the boys have a sleepover at the sametime. “

“And the other boys join Mark and go naked here?” Jenny asked as her mind was racing.”

“Yes, when the boys are here or at my friends they all join in some even show up nude, as their parent’s drop them off, your Aunt and Uncle even takes Mark nude to my friends’ houses for swimming and family combined cookouts, as I said before, I don’t notice them being naked, we all just get along, ”

“Megan’s friends like it too” Mark boasted

“No way, Megan is that true?” Jenny asked her cousin

“Yeah, some of my classmates without brothers are shocked when they see naked boys for the first time, the boys are all made to stand naked in front of the girls and engage in conversation while not hiding their parts.” Megan told her cousin

“With their penis out in the open? “ Jenny

“Oh you’re a lucky girl Megan having a boy naked to see, even if he’s your brother”

“Yeah I know, I really don’t notice it any more, unless he’s got a boner then it is fun to watch it wiggle back and forth when he walks around with it But surely you have your own brother Joey here to enjoy seeing him naked at times”

“Yeah right, Joey hasn’t been naked around me since many years ago. In fact he hasn’t had his shirt off since Mom made him take his shirt off last summer at my other grand mother’s birthday party in the yard.”

“Now Jenny, you must be joking not even shirtless in the summer or even a nude trip to and from the bathroom now or then at home” Megan

“Not joking Megan, go ahead and Ask him, he locks the bathroom door all the time, and hollers at mom or dad if they even knock to try to come in to get something from the medicine cabinet,”

“Joey is that true” Megan asked

“I don’t holler Jenny”

“But you do lock the door then Joey?” Megan followed up asking

“Well, Maybe…”

“Why would you do that, Do you have something different that Mark here?” Megan said while pointing to Mark’s boy package.


“At school for gym class, do you change with the other boys?” Megan asked

“Hum…. Yes of course” he said trying to be strong..

“Do you get naked with the other boys while changing?” Megan pressed

“Hum……I wear my gym shorts under my jeans” he thought, why is she continuing to asking me this

“That has to be so uncomfortable to be wearing double layers pants all day, why don’t you change with the other guys?” Megan toying but Joey keeps answering her.

“Because I don’t want to be seen naked” Joey said loudly

“Shhh Joey keep your voice down it’s alright we’re just talking here. So Mark in your gym class do any other boys hide like Joey here, and when gym class starts do they wear their gym shorts under their pants?” Megan asked her brother

“Once a new kid transferred into our school two weeks after we started school, he was a little nervous about it at the first gym day, the second class he changed fully but he was hiding his bits as we hanging out not caring to be seen, but by the third class he got over it and striped down naked like the rest of us then got his gym uniform on,” Mark told the group.

“Did he have anything different than the other boys? “

“Not really, some have hair most don’t, like me sis,”

“So Joey, what about your class, Do most of the other boys get naked while changing in the locker room?”

“Yeah, mostly” Joey

“So why don’t you get naked in the locker room?” Jenny asked her brother

“Like I said I don’t want to be seen naked” Joey said

“Again do you have something different than them?”

“No of course not”

“I know, your penis must be bigger and hairier than the other boy’s then and you don’t want to embarrass them,”

“I wish” Joey said under his breath, by mistake,

“Oh then you must be embarrassed because they’re bigger than you,” Megan

“Joey, do you have a baby’s sized penis then like when I last saw you at seven years old?” Jenny giggled while holding thumb and forefinger about three quarters of an inch apart

“No!” Joey replied with anger,

“Jenny, don’t make fun of a boy’s penis size, it’s not nice or fair, some boys haven’t had that growth spurt yet,”

“I am sorry Joey I am sure you have something down there,” Jenny

“Then why don’t you get naked while getting ready for gym class?” Mark asked his cousin

“Again, I don’t want to be seen naked”

“Oh you’re too modest then huh?” Megan asked

“Yeah…. Modest is what I am, Mom told me to be fearful of strangers they might want to touch and do bad things with me if I am naked”

“Joey, our parents meant for you to be careful of guys in cars offering candy or looking for a lost puppy, not your classmates or me, your sister “ Jenny said

“Mark, how many guys at school still have their foreskin. “ Megan asked her brother as he still stood in front of her,

“A few of them, not many Most are cut like me,” Mark answered

“Foreskin and Cut, I don’t know what those two phrases mean” Jenny said.

With that Megan reached out and took hold of Marks penis, he didn’t flinch at her action of her hand. “Jenny when boys are born they have a piece of skin that covers their penis head, see something like this” Megan pulled Mark’s penis shaft skin toward her so the tip was covered with skin, of course Marks penis started to grow by her touch she let it go and the skin peeled back to uncover the tip and stretch to an full erection Mark grew to about 4.5 inches by his sister’s touch. she grasped it again now holding it upwards, Megan pointed to the area behind the mushroom shaped head, “see this line, that’s his scar, from being circumcised”

“Did it hurt, Mark when they did it?” Jenny asked

“Jenny they did it when he was three days old, he didn’t know anything about it. Mom and Dad must have some baby photos of his uncut penis, I’ll see if I can find them for you,”

“The photos album is right over here on my bookshelf” Mark broke away from the girls and as he walked to the bookshelf and retrieved it, his stiff penis wobbled left and right and up and down, Jenny watched it wiggle around,

“Jenny we’ll look at the photos later in my room” as she took the album from her brother,

“Wow! That’s a handsome penis you got there Mark, and look at that ball sack and How wrinkly it is, may I touch it?”

“Jenny, what did you just ask to do?” Joey said shockingly

“Mark won’t mind at all, would you Mark?” Megan said

“No sis, Jenny you can touch me, Mom and Dad let Megan and her friends touch me all the time,”

With that Jenny reached out and ran her fingers over the wrinkled skin of the ball sack and then took the whole shaft into her hand slightly squeezing it, “Awesome, I can feel your pulse Mark” as she instinctively rubbed his shaft up and down.

Just then, from the door way, Uncle Ron was there, “Guys, just to let you know dinners going to be a about a half an hour late, your Aunt Sue/or your mother, had to go to the store for a few more fixings,”

Everyone just froze, Jenny let go of her cousins erect penis, at the shock of the parent seeing the girls holding the penis of his son. “Mark have you had your shower yet,”

“No Dad I haven’t yet gotten to it yet”, Mark answered

“Then you better get at it then, Jenny I am sorry, I thought I told Mark to stay dressed while you were here this week”

“Dad, it just feels weird and uncomfortable to have clothes on,” Mark said

“That’s Okay Uncle Ron, if Mark wants to romp around nude to be comfortable he can, I have babysat a couple of 4 year old twin little boys and their mother likes to have them romp naked after their bath and before bedtime too,”

“That’s a great mother those boys have, Well Jenny, Mark’s 11 Not really a little boy anymore like those twins, however if it doesn’t bother you to see him being a naked boy, so no harm done, then it’s kind of late if you haven’t already seen or touched a boy penis”

“Actually your nephew Joey here, likes to walk nude to and from the bathroom a lot and sometimes he stays naked and watches television like the twins do after he showers some nights” Jenny said to her uncle, Joeys mouth dropped open in shock that his sister would even say that about him,

“Sounds like what I did growing up, my older sister, your mother, saw me and your Uncle John naked a lot too growing up, so care free times then, I didn’t think my sister wanted to continue that tradition but oh well, boys will be boys, Now that Mark has let the cat out of the bag so to speak, Feel free to undress Joey, it’s a great time to be a kid and carefree,”

“Well if you wanted Mark to stay dressed while we’re here that’s okay with me,” Joey quickly replied

“It’s no problem now, young boys’ don’t need modesty and can be naked at times when the parents say, Young boys all have the same parts, nobody really cares if boys ever get dressed till they get hairy ”

“Dad you can romp naked too if you want, I know I’ve seen you in your shower when Mom helped me with my hair before school , Jenny won’t mind would you” Megan said hopefully asking

“Oh Megan, I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jenny’s mother would have a fit if she found out,”

“no she won’t , Uncle Ron, I’ve seen my dad naked at home at times too, if your comfortable being naked you can go that way too,” Jenny said.

“Young Ladies, there is a big difference between a Man and a boy, and Boy’s don’t need modesty, Older males have a time and place for that, so maybe I will in time during your visit, however you females do need plenty of modesty, so make sure your covered up, and Boys, if you’re going to be going naked boys, House rules call for clean butts, we don’t want poop streaks on the couch, and at dinner, wear a t-shirt your Aunt prefers chests to be covered at the dinner table, other than that, have fun, Oh Megan don’t forget to help set the table tonight it’s still your turn, “

“I will be down in a bit Daddy”

“Dad, can Joey and I play a video games before dinner” Mark asked

“I think you will have time but you better hurry up”

“Okay dad we’ll be down in a Jiffy” Mark said

With that Uncle Ron turns and walks away and heads back down stairs, the attention goes back to Mark Still naked but not hard anymore,

“Come on Joey hop in the shower with me, and we can have more game time if we share a shower.”

“Jenny why did you say I walked naked at home, you lied,” Joey said

“Just a harmless lie, I have seen little boys romping naked while babysitting, since you don’t like changing for gym, I thought it would be good for you to be like Mark here,”

“Fat chance” Joey said

“Whatever, Cousin I think it’s a great idea, and if you two shower together Jenny and I can shower together right after we do our nails, speaking of which, Mark the finger nail clippers are where?

“Over here”, Mark headed over to his dresser and got the clippers and handed them to Megan,

“Thanks, Come on Jenny we have to hurry if we need to shower too in time for me to set the table,”

With that the two girls passed through the bath room and into Megan’s room and shut the door behind them,

“Come on Joey strip, down”

“Not with the door open”

Whatever… I’ll get the water going.“ Mark said as he headed into the bathroom,

Joey, was in shock, he couldn’t believe his sister told a lie, the water came on,

“Come on Joey, hurry up, don’t be such a dweeb, My friends and I always shower together when they come over and after Gym in school. We are all the same”

Thinking about it Joey went to the hallway door and closed it, he started taking his clothes off, walking into the bathroom with just his briefs on, he felt the warm air moist spray from the shower stall glass, that made him realize it’s just his male cousin and himself, not classmates, he dropped his briefs down to his feet and step thru open side of the glass wall.

“See it’s not so bad, you’re the same size as me, and you have a nice patch of hair near the shaft base”

Mark looked at Joey and reached out and stroked Joey’s penis quickly, it started to bone up

“Cut it out dude,” Joey moved his hands down to remove Marks hands from himself,

Mark then took hold of the shampoo and squirted a bit in his hand and handed the bottle to Joey “ Here, use this” Joey took the bottle and also squirted some out to his hand and then put the bottle on the shelf and started shampooing, and washing their bodies.

“Don’t forget your butt hole” Mark said, as he soaped up his own crack and Joey did the same just staring at Mark rubbing is ass crack, in front of Joey,

“ Here let me help” Joey heard Mark say and then Joey jumped as Marks fingers moved around his ass crack, and Joey yelled “Stop” as Marks finger went up Joeys bum hole,

“All done anyway,” Mark said as he spun Joey under the spray to rinse,

Then the water stopped and Mark strolled out of the shower and reached into the Linen cupboard and pulled two towels out, one for himself and one for Joey, Mark started drying himself and Joey realized the towel was just hand towel size, he too started to dry off, Holding the towel in front blocking Marks View of his parts as he dried off. Mark on the other hand Just put the towel around his shoulders and let his hair drip on it, Still not a care in the world about being naked,

The boys moved into the bedroom not before Mark knocked on the girl’s door and said “Sis, the shower is free” Mark closed the boy’s door to the bathroom.

“No one has seen me in over 2 years” Joey said to Mark.

“That’s so weird Joey, you shouldn’t be so shy look were the same size,” Mark moved close in front of Joey to have a side by side comparisons of their penises, but Joey took the towel and held it to cover himself, “even now you’re hiding from me, why”

“I hate it, even when the doctor sees me,”

“What about your parents? Aren’t they in the room with you and the Doctor? “

“No, They have to step out of the room, when I have to turn my head and cough”

“Ha ha, the ball-bounce check, no my folks stay in the room there’s no reason for them to leave the room”

“The old man Doctor I have, always likes to squeeze my marbles too, I think he’s queer Mark”

“it’s Okay Joey think it’s what all doctors do, at least you have a male doctor, I have a female doctor, I think she keeps her rubber gloves in the freezer” Mark said

“A female doctor, I would die of embarrassment if a lady doctor was to see me,” Joey said

“It doesn’t bother me, if you think of it, she is a doctor she must have seen plenty of dicks to become a doctor, so mine is nothing different than any other guy’s package even my sister says it looks the same as other boys” Mark said

“Why would she say that about seeing other boys?” Joey asked

“Because at our family’s doctor’s office has a scale in the waiting area near the exam rooms and boys get weighed naked across from the people waiting,”

“Naked in the waiting room oh god no way, the girls too?” Joey asked

“No such luck, they wear gowns and panties” Mark responded

“That’s not fair”

“Life’s not fair Joey, Try getting weighed naked with your favorite girl in school watching you bone up”

“I would diffidently die of embarrassment from that,” Joey said

“Oh it wasn’t that bad after all; she started talking to me at lunch time at school after that, I think she likes me too”

“I guess that might be a plus, is she pretty”

“Yes she is very pretty”

Mark reached into his dresser drawer and pulled out a t-shirt, he put it on and It came down right above his shaft, his penis and ball sack very highlighted as they hung below the shirt,” Come on Joey, just put a t-shirt on like me and lets play some video games before dinner”

“I don’t think so Mark,” as Joey reached for his overnight bag and pulled out a t-shirt, underwear and another pair of shorts.

“Whatever dude I’m starting up the game” Mark said as he opened the bedroom door and walked bottomless out to the hallway and down the stairs, Joey stood there holding the towel in front of himself then he walked over to the hallway door and closed the room door.

He quickly dropped the towel and quickly got his dressed, since it was warm he chose to not to put on socks, very different from home he always wore socks but the floor felt different to him today. His mother had taught Joey to hang his towels up to dry after using them so he reached down and picked his up and the towel Mark used he was holding the towel up flat as he was walking towards the bathroom door as he turned the knob and entered the room to hang up the towel, his cousin Megan was stark naked facing the sink, she quickly covered her youthful breast with her arm and covered her front, “what the hell? Get the heck out of here, you pervert! “ She shouted at Joey. He could only see her side boob before she covered and just a quick peek of a nipple, his sister Jenny was still in the shower her naked bum was visible thru the shower glass

“I was just going to hang up my towels.” Joey stammered and closed his eyes

“Sure pervert, You go back into Marks room and you wait for us to finish up and we are going to talk about you peeking at us girls in the shower, so help me, your Uncle is going to freak out when we tell him you were peeking ,”

“Please don’t tell him or your mom, I’ll do anything to keep you from telling,”


“Yes anything please don’t tell”

“Fine, go into Marks room and take your shorts and underwear off and wait for us to finish and we will see about it if your serious about do anything” she pushed him out of the bathroom and closed the door,

Joey stood in the bedroom, trying to figure out a way out, knowing the girls will tell and remembering the story Mark told last year when he got In trouble for breaking a window at the neighbors, Mark said he couldn’t sit for week after his dad, Joey’s uncle spanked his hide,

Knowing the hallway door was still closed and the girls were coming in soon, he pulled down his shorts and he folded them and placed them on the bed. Standing there in his briefs and t-shirt, he pulled the hem of the shirt down, the shirt came down to midway down his thighs, he decided that was as far as he could undress, he sat down on the bed to wait for his girl cousins talk about, “ he started to well up and cry about his situation

“Okay Joey, Why did you bust into the bathroom to peek at us girls,” Megan said as she and Jenny walked into the boys room, the girls were dressed in tank tops that came down above their navels the shirts were thin being summer the girls were not wearing bras and both were wearing boy shorts that were cut high on the leg and low in the front. Clearly Jenny must have borrowed her cousin’s outfit for tonight,

They noticed he was upset and crying “Oh Joey”, Megan reached around and hugged Joey “it will be all right we are going to have a real fun time together this week if you follow our directions”

“I am really sorry Megan and Jenny, I just wanted to hang up the towels, please don’t tell the folks“ real tears were streaming down his face,

Jenny reached over to Mark’s Bedside cabinet picked up the box of tissues “Here use these and clean up your face” she handed him the box,

“Why, all the fuss now? Megan asked him again

“I don’t want to be like Mark”

“Like Mark how?” Megan asked

“You know… naked” Joey said while drying his eyes and face wiping his nose with another tissue from the box.

“Silly boy, you’re getting so worked up over nothing ,boys like you don’t need all this modesty crap, you think nudity is equal to sex and every girl wants you, you’re only 12 years old, your penis is just like an ear or a nose it’s only skin. Everyone knows boys have penises and ball sacks, Joey you should only be thinking about sports, playing video games and talking about stuff while having fun. ”

“Jenny have you seen him react like this before?” Megan asked

“I told you he fusses when Mom or Dad try to enter the bathroom’

“Okay, Joey I feel that I have to really help you with this problem and you promised your sister and me that you will do anything for us not to tell about your peeking,”

“Yeah I did promise I’ll do anything”

“Okay then Change is going to happen, Now first off stand up when girls enter the room, Joey didn’t your parents teach you manors”

Joey quickly stood up, his shirt rode up on his thighs the whiteness of his briefs were seen by the two girls, “Joey you were supposed to be only wearing the t-shirt Megan told you that” Jenny said

“I thought you were joking Megan and I don’t want to be naked, “

“Fine Joey, if that’s how you think this is going I am telling my dad” Megan said walking over to the hallway door and opening it up.

“Wait Megan!” Joey said as reached under his shirt and dropped his brief down to his feet, he stepped out of them, and bent down to pick them up and fold them up and placed them with his shorts.

“See… that wasn’t hard to do” Megan said

“See what … I can’t see his parts with his shirt being so long,” Jenny said

“All in good time Jenny, Since you told your uncle, little Joey here enjoys romping naked at your house a lot, so please be a good girl and pretend not to notice his penis out in the open, there soon be a time and place where you can explore with your hands, at least around my folks it’s okay to touch at times,” Megan said

“Joey since your parents have done a poor job being parents regarding your body, your sister wants to see her brother’s boy parts that she hasn’t been able to see because of your parents, take off the shirt now,”

“But I will be naked, and you will see me,”

“That’s right, we will see you, all of you, “

“But I don’t want too,”

“it’s not a matter of want now is it Joey” Megan asked

“You saw us girls naked now we are going to see you naked” Jenny

“I never said I was to be naked” Joey

“You said you would do anything for us not to tell, getting naked is the first anything you have to do” Jenny reminded him of his plea deal.

“But…” Joey tried to weasel out…

“No Buts about it, Just Bare Butts and take your shirt off now” Megan ordered

Joey realized his fate was doomed as he reached down and raised the hem of the shirt up and off,

“That’s more like it, brother, Nice thick tuff of hair above your package” Jenny said

“Joey you got Handsome body there cousin, you appear to be slightly further along with the hair than your cousin Mark that okay because he is 11 and you’re 12 but only if different grades due to the age cut off to start, school” Megan said she reached out an ran her hands thru his pubic hair, he started to harden,

“Megan, don’t do that” Joey begged

“Oh you’re growing… don’t worry it’s natural ,” Megan said

“Now Joey, here is the plan, Uncle Ron heard from me, that you go naked at home a lot, so from here on out at our cousins house, if Mark is naked so will you be, act like you’re used to it,” Jenny told her brother,

“Jenny what a nice idea, however I think Joey here needs to look the part of a younger brother, Come with me Cousin” She reached out and took Joey’s hand and pulled him toward the bathroom, with Jenny following them, Megan opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a can of shaving gel and a pink razor, Megan turned on the tap and filled the sink with warm water testing the temperature, her hand were wet she rubbed her hands on Joey’s boy parts and pubic hair,

“Megan no, not my hair” Joey gasped as she applied the shaving gel.

“Don’t worry Cousin, you told us nobody has seen you naked lately, so nobody knows you had hair to loose”

After a quick couple of minutes shaving and a warm washcloth later, Joey stood there with a very bald groin, “That’s better, my mother will just drool over you, because your so cute, being hairless and naked.”

“Megan you forgot his armpits” Jenny noticed

“Oh, yeah let shave them too, can’t have an older looking boy showing hairs”

Joey looked in the mirror in front of him and he finds himself looking like he did at nine years old

“My god what have you done to me?” Joey said faintly trying to cover himself

“We did nothing, you peeked at us while we were showering, and you said you will do anything for us not to tell on you”

“At least I can wear a shirt your dad said your mother prefers shirts”, he reached for the shirt he had on he pulled it over his head, it fully covered him up down to thighs

“Oh No way Joey, not that shirt take it off” Jenny said

“Yes Jenny you’re right, not that shirt, you heard your sister take it off, let me look in his overnight bag for a shirt, he can wear,” she looked thru his well folded clothes for a shirt, ”no, no, no and no they are all too baggy and long,

Jenny then said “Megan maybe your brother has a shirt he could wear?”

“Maybe you’re right Jenny,” Megan said as she opened her brother’s dresser drawer and pulled out a shirt from the bottom of the drawer,

“Mark hasn’t worn this shirt in while now so he shouldn’t miss it.” Megan said as she walked over to Joey and slipped his head into the shirt, Joey moved his arms to the sleeves and felt Megan’s fingers pull the hem down, as she helped him, Joey’s mind had quickly noticed that the T-shirt didn’t quite have enough material to cover himself as it was passing his boy nipples. Sure enough the shirt must have been in the drawer for a long time. The hem only came down past his belly-button;, He was feeling exposed more than Mark was when he left the room,

“I can’t wear this,” Joey was now covering himself up because the way the shirt made him feel more exposed

“Sure you can, my mother only requires chests to be covered while we are eating at the dining room table”

“Joey, I think I like this outfit on you, Megan is not the only sister that has a naked brother now, I think we should bring this outfit home”

“Jenny, Mom wouldn’t allow this,” Joey said in disbelief

“I don’t know Joey, Uncle Ron said he and Uncle John were romping naked when she was my age, if you act normal about it she might not care” Jenny stated

“Surely Dad would say no about it,” Joey really trying to avoid bringing this look home,

“Are you Kidding, after his failed union boss election run, Our Dad has been wearing just loose Boxers to the breakfast table and he constantly complains about all your laundry and clothes washing all the time, I don’t think he will mind a bit,” Jenny declared

“Slap” the sound was heard, Megan just slapped Joeys butt

“What was that for?” Joey

“For covering up, hands at your sides, you’re supposed to accustomed to being naked, Remember,”

“Yes Cousin,” Joey learned to say

“Now it’s show time. so to speak, I have to help set the table for dinner and Joey your Cousin Mark is waiting for you to play your video games, remember from here on out you’re a natural nudie and you need to act like you don’t mind being naked among us, Because you like to go nude at home, ” Megan reinforced his story

“And when you get an erection, like this” Megan reached out and gave his penis a stroke or two ”let it be, erections happen,”

“Gulp” Joey Swallowed hard

“Megan, Your Mom just texted us, she’s 20 minutes away ” Uncle Ron shouted up the stairs

“Be down in a moment Dad!” Megan said loudly

“Joey, Mark is waiting for you, come on down”

Megan motioned for Joey to go down stairs first and whispered “go act natural” pointing to the hall and stairs Jenny pushed him going , Joey appeared at the top of the stairs as he walked slowly down the staircase toward his Uncle Ron, Joey’s penis was erect leaving the room wobbling to a fro as descended the steps it started to deflate with each step

“I hope you don’t mind me being naked Uncle” Joey said as he reached the bottom first step

“What an awesome sight of a natural boy in a childhood outfit, why would I mind, you got nothing I didn’t have at your age, how old are you now Son?”

“Almost thirteen, Uncle Ron” Joey was trying to convince his uncle that maybe he was too old to be seen naked,

“Almost thirteen now is it,” Uncle Ron reached out with his hand and let a finger run down the boy’s hairless pubic area and then down the penis shaft to the head, and then he felt the boy’s testies they were high in the tight little soft walnut shell wrinkled sack, “Well from the looks of it you’re still 12 and you should have plenty of time to be a kid like your cousin,” Uncle Ron lifted his eyes to see Joeys face, noticed the red eyes and slight sniffle in boy’s breathing,

“Have you been crying Joey” Uncle Ron asked

“No Sir” really not wanting to admit the real reason why

“Joey, young boys are terrible about hiding things from adults because they have nothing to hide, I bet you were crying because you miss your folks while they’re away, how sweet… Come here.” Uncle Ron said as he reached with both arms and pulled Joey into a big hug. Joey turned his head away and nodded his head to confirm his uncle’s reason, as it pressed against his uncle’s chest. Uncle Ron caressed Joeys back below the hem of the shirt and then rubbed the boys’ bare bum cheeks,

The two girl cousin were still in the boy’s room but were out of sight from the stairs but they saw uncle Ron hug Joey,

Uncle Ron Broke the hug and then he took both hands and placed them on the boy’s shoulders “you know, I think I am going to take the next few days off from work this week and as a combined family, we’re going to find extra places to go and have fun with your sister and cousins, After Super, we will call your folks and ask if it’s okay for us to take you two on our own adventures while they are in Los Vegas. so we can enjoy this time we have together,”

That sound like fun Uncle Ron,” Joey was a little nervous about Uncle Ron feeling him up but he loved his uncle so he didn’t think about it, he was hoping to spend time away from the house so he could avoid being blackmailed by the girls and being naked .

“Mark is in the living room. Go play” Uncle Ron gave Joey a light tap on the butt to get him moving.

The Girls, took in a silent gasp of air as they ponder how this was going to play out..

“Megan, You Need to Set The table. PLEASE GET TO IT!” Uncle Ron shouted up the stairway

The two girls quickly ran thru the bathroom and opened the girls’ bedroom door to the hall.

“Coming daddy” Megan ran down the stairs but Jenny took her time, with both not wearing a bras Megan’s boobs were really bouncing while Jenny’s just jiggled. Their small nipples push out hard on the fabric of the shirts. Their long legs showing bare from their toes to the boy-shorts that highlighted their bubble butts.

(End of File)