Childhood Memories 2

By Kirk

Copyright 2022 by Kirk, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Childhood memories, by Kirk.

Chapter 2

I remember staying with a friend of my mom's from time to time, when my mother had to go out of town to attend classes that would give her greater advancement opportunities at her job at the Department of Social Services, and she used to tell me how one day men and women would have equal opportunities in the workplace and government if education and social tolerance were unanimously accepted by common citizens everywhere.

This was the height of the feminist movement in the turbulent 70s and early 80s, and true sexual and racial equality was a dream my mom hoped would come true one day within my lifetime. She was also trying to get her GED, since she had to drop out of school to give birth to me and get a full time job to support the two of us.

Life was not easy for a single mom during this period in history, and mom struggled to keep food on the table and pay the rent, let alone pay for medical and babysitting expenses. Therefore, any affordable daycare or babysitting services she could find were utilized. This involved mostly friends and neighbors that would watch me for free or for very modest fees.

Unfortunately, the family that was watching me while mom was at school or at working late, was involved in neglect of my safety as the 16 year old daughter of the woman who's house I stayed at was sexually abusing me. This started when I was 8, and continued until I was 11, for about two and a half years.

I didn't know that I was being abused at the time, but I did know that the teenage girl definitely had a dark side, or perhaps more of a depraved side, since it wasn't necessarily her intent to harm me, so much as satisfy some primal need to see and control a boy in an exposed and vulnerable state of undress. This started with her telling her mom that I was making a mess on the bathroom floor whenever I had to pee. Supposedly, I was also messing up my pants and underwear, making a mess for mom to clean up. I denied this, of course. But no one listens to an 8 year old boy, or even a 10 or eleven year old boy, when a teenage girl claims he is making a mess. I didn't get to object to having my pants and underwear pulled down to my ankles when I had to pee, because being supervised by this girl with my underwear around my ankles was supposedly not a punishment, but instead a step to help me stay clean and show me the correct way to use the toilet. Boy's supposedly needed help with these things, and there was nothing about being supervised and monitored for me to be ashamed of, so I had no reason for feeling embarrassment since this was not as undignified as I was trying to make this out to be.

These restrictions on my privacy escalated as I had to submit to the girl holding my penis while I peed, because I apparently could not aim it into the center of toilet bowl correctly, and eventually, I lost the right to wear clothing when going into the bathroom, not being allowed to go in there unsupervised, without being checked for urine or feces. This had to be done by the lamp next to the couch where everyone could see me bend over and have my butthole and perennial area exposed and penis and testicles lifted to look underneath. When I was 11 going on 12, a good friend of my mom's from school and a friend of the family I was staying at, saw me being inspected this way after being forced to ask someone, like the girl, her mom, or one of her two older sisters, to check my rear and boy parts for cleanliness, to make sure I had not soiled myself.

No one seemed to suspect that I was being objectified by that teenage girl for her own amusement and sexual gratification, accept for that lady visitor who was doing a favor for my mother by giving the lady of the house a message that she was running late that evening and asked that I stay there overnight. That lady never told mom about what specifically was going on there, but she did somehow convince my mom that it would prabably be in my best interest for her to watch over me while mom was not able to be home some evenings, and since the two of them were friends from highschool, her offering to watch me free of charge, clinched the deal. She already had two daughters not much younger than myself, and the presence of two of my female peers would be beneficial for me, as well as for them, having a big brother from another mother to spend time with.

Mom was grateful for the help in looking after me, and thought that this would be a good environment for me to stay in while she was out of town. Being able to stay there overnight was a relief for mom, who was exhausted after these classes and working late, so she could finally get some badly needed sleep.

I suppose I was a little embarressed about her seeing me get my butthole and private parts examined, but she was a mom herself, and such inspections were something a mother was used to seeing when performing such hygiene checks on thier own children. The fact that she had two daughters, meant that she had seen a man naked before, and her kids had rectums of their own, the same as I did, so she wasn't seeing anything she hadn't seen before. Besides, I was always being told that boys have nothing to hide because there was nothing wrong with a boy being seen naked around girls at school and when being bathed, since there was nothing sexual about a boy being naked. We had simple plumbing without the messy reproductive system that allows woman to bring new life into the world. Therefore, it didn't occur to me to seek privacy when changing clothes with the two young girls helping me get settled in. It didn't occur to them to give me privacy iether, so they helped me change clothes and showed me where the bathroom was before helping me get dressed, where they stood next to me while I urinated in front of the toilet. I didn't know that I was allowed to wear clothing or use the toilet unsupervised, and the girls were so nice to me that I didn't feel humiliation when peeing naked in front of them.

What happened when watching an old movie from the 60s one evening was not humiliating to me, but maybe the experience was somewhat mortifying that evening to experience in their company. But they were not being mean to me or trying to punish or degrade me in any way that I was aware of, but I suppose that is a story for chapter three to be told in....

"Childhood Memories, by Kirk."

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