The Apprentice 3 and 4

By Terence

Copyright 2021 by Terence, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Apprentice

Chapter 3

Punishment Assembly

Thanks to those of you who have emailed me to give me feedback on the story so far. Please continue, it keeps me writing!

At 7am the next morning, I was woken by a knock on the door. I forced myself out of bed and opened the door slightly - I had slept in the nude, having spent the evening playing out the day’s events in my head while doing what 16-year-old boys do best. 

“You are kindly asked to come and see the Head at 8am, sir!”, asked the young girl outside the door. 

“Ok, thanks for the message”. 

I got into my dressing gown and headed for the showers. Unfortunately I could hear that these were in use - some early risers among the pupils, probably. Not ideal. I did not fancy facing the Headmistress without having had a shower first. I had cum all over myself the night before, and was worried the smell of sperm was rather obvious. I did the best I could at my basin with a wet cloth and got dressed. Without breakfast, stomach rumbling, I made my way to Mrs Cruickshanks’ rooms. Her secretary, Mrs Lodenheim, asked me to sit and wait, but I had hardly sat down when I was called into the inner sanctum. 

“Good morning, Tom. Mrs Lodenheim, please buzz me briefly when Miss Bielefeld arrives.”

She motioned me to the chair facing her desk. I noticed that the files on the previous day’s punishees were sitting on her desk. 

“There are a couple of things we need to discuss. First, I have got the governors to agree that you can stand in as Mr Furzton’s temporary replacement until further notice. I have had our lawyers incorporate this in your apprenticeship agreement - I have already signed this on behalf of the school, all we need is your signature before you return to your duties.”

She handed me a document in a binder, not just one page, but a few pages long. 

“It’s all fairly standard - as you are under 18, you technically count as a pupil of the school for insurance, employment law and tax purposes, so it’s a bit longer.”

Under her stern glare, I quickly thumbed through it and signed on the dotted line.

“Thank you. Now, the other thing is that Mr Furzton’s hearing will be in a week’s time. You will be on your own until then. You will also be asked to explain what happened on your first day to the committee. The hearing will take place here; please be in the front room by 9am.”

“Of course, not a problem.”

The buzzer on her desk went off briefly. 

“Finally, I have had a look at the files you filled in. You were quite busy yesterday, were you not? I was impressed, in particular by your honesty. You might have glossed over your difficulties with the first girl you had to punish, and many would have done so. And you also seem to have acquitted yourself adequately when Amelie chose a rather unusual escalation. We will have to keep an eye on her. I would have been better to ask Doris to stay behind as a witness, but that’s more of a convention rather than a rule. Next time you see Amelie, I would ask you to call Mrs Lodenheim in to make sure everything is above board and you are beyond reproach. Ok?”

I was somewhat dismayed, but agreed - what choice did I have?

“I am sorry that Nicole Bielefeld took advantage of your inexperience. That is not at all in keeping with the traditions of respect and kindness that we pride ourselves on at this school. Her parents are German, you know. I will now call her in to make this clear to her. Please just stay seated and listen.”

She pressed the intercom. 

“Mrs Lodenheim, please send in Miss Bielefeld.”

Nicole came in, in her uniform, looking as sheepish as when I had first met her. Her eyes widened when she saw me. 

“No, Mr Danvers did not report you - he just filled in the file as he had to. Can you please, in your own words, tell me what occurred at your punishment yesterday?”

“Well, I was supposed to get 18 on my skirt. But it was my second time in just under a week, so I had to suggest an escalation. I said 22, but meant to say 24. Mr Danvers then wouldn’t let me correct myself and said he would give me 24 on panties. I begged to get 28 on skirt instead and he agreed.”

“Ok, Miss Bielefeld. Is it not right that you suggested he did not have the authority to order you to take off your skirt?”

“I would be sorry if I had given him that impression.”

“Mr Danvers?” 

The Head looked in my direction. 

“No, she quite clearly said ‘No way’ and that she had been told in assembly that I wasn’t allowed to order them to take anything off. I wasn’t too sure myself, so I relented.”

I was quite proud of the way I had expressed myself. 

“Ok,” said the Head, “I am pretty sure who is the more trustworthy here. You have two choices, Missy. I can put convene a Disciplinary Panel this afternoon. You can try to convince them of your side of the story. Any punishment they order will be carried out tomorrow morning in assembly at St Cuthbert’s by Miss Lockwood, their discipline officer. Or you can accept the punishment I have in mind, to be carried out by Mr Danvers in our own assembly that is about to start.”

“The second option”, she whispered, abashed. 

“Wise choice. The starting point is obviously 24 on panties from yesterday. Given your dishonesty and disgraceful treatment of a new member of our school community, I am adding two escalations. It’ll be 43 on the bare. Please follow us into the assembly hall.”

It was now almost 8:40, and all the pupils of the school were assembled - the noise was unbelievable! But as the Head came onto the stage, the crowd fell silent immediately. Nicole remained on the edge of the stage, and I opted for the same policy. 

“Welcome, all! Good morning! Just a couple of announcements: First, Mrs Denby has come down with food poisoning. The lower sixth will therefore have the first period off - please spend the time productively in the library! Secondly, as announced at yesterday’s assembly, Mr Furzton has taken a leave of absence. His duties will be taken over by Mr Danvers, his apprentice, whom some of you have already met. Mr Danvers, just step forward, please!”

She smiled and nodded at me. 

I was painfully aware of the fact that I hadn’t showered that morning, with all these girls’ eyes on my greasy head of hair. I bowed to the girls, which cause a bit of a giggle. 

“Silence!”, from the Head.

“It is precisely this sort of behaviour that I was going to talk to you about. Mr Danvers is a new member of our community and deserves to be treated with respect. Unfortunately this was lacking when he had to discipline one of you, Nicole Bielefeld of the Lower Fifth, yesterday. Miss Bielefeld has opted to be disciplined here rather than to throw herself on the mercy of a Disciplinary Panel. As you know, the DP’s punishments for serious transgressions are executed at our partner school, St Cuthbert’s School for Young Gentlemen. I am pleased at her choice, so that we can introduce Mr Danvers while impressing on you all the need to treat him with respect and submit to any discipline he is obliged to impose on you. I have ordered a punishment of 43 strokes with the number 3 cane on Miss Bielefeld’s bare bottom. Please put your skirt and panties on this chair and lean over this table.”

Nicole turned away from the audience, dropped her skirt and panties and leaned over a table that was positioned in the centre of the stage. 

The Head nodded to me. And this is when I realised: I didn’t have a cane! The look on my face must have been something, as the crowd burst into laughter. The Head smiled, too. 

“I need to go and fetch my cane, madam!”, I gasped and raced from the room and into the basement. There, I grabbed the number 3 cane and raced back up. At one point, I was worried I had got lost, but I managed to find the way back. The trip must have taken me at least five minutes, though, with Nicole, bare-bottomed, across the table the whole time. But from my point of view the shock of having to run for the cane had a serious advantage: having previously sported a prominent erection, in anticipation of caning a naked bottom in front of a theatre-full of young girls, this had now subsided. Given that I was in chinos (I had intended to change into jeans on returning to my room after my visit to the Head) I was glad about this! 

Slightly out of breath, I took up position next to Nicole’s naked bottom. She had her legs pressed together, but her slit was nonetheless visible. Also visible were some thin lines across her buttocks - I surmised these were from her previous encounter with my cane, the day before. 

I raised the cane - then brought it down, connecting with her buttocks. I was somewhat surprised that the entire assembly counted “One!”, yet Nicole did not make a sound, remaining as stoic as she had been the day before. As I continued the caning, however, and the girls continued counting, she found it more and more difficult to keep her composure and, more importantly, her position revealing her inner folds not just to me but to the assembled girls. Gasps were succeeded by shrieks, and shrieks, in their turn, gave way to cries, screams and wails. I might have given her an easier time had it not been for her treatment of me the day before and the fact that the Head was watching me closely. When it was over, Nicole was crying continuously, her bottom red all over, with a number of purple areas and purple welts. Putting her panties and skirt back on clearly caused her considerable pain, to the amusement of the assembled girls. I was keen to get off the stage as quickly as possible, given that I was, again, sporting a throbbing erection that was, who was I kidding, clearly visible to all. And so the Head, as she thanked me for my help, smiled knowingly with a glance towards my crotch area. 

As lessons resumed, I took my overdue shower, did what had to be done to get my erection down, got dressed in my room and then went back to the punishment suite - ready for the lunch break when, I guessed, my services would again be required. 

Chapter 4: Extreme Escalations

The morning’s events had shaken me up quite a bit. I was not used to being the centre of attention, and though I had shared the spotlight with Nicole, I had been the one putting on the show. I was much happier back in my comparatively private punishment suite.

As the lunch hour approached, I was beginning to realise that I had a new problem: I had missed breakfast so as not to be late to see the Head, and the day before my lunch hour had been spent ‘working’. I made a mental note for the future to make sure to get to breakfast and to prepare myself some sort of packed lunch, maybe a sandwich and some fruit, to get me through the day. As if to make my point, my stomach was making noises. I was almost hoping that there might not be anything to do so that I could make a quick dash to the luncheon hall, but five minutes after the lunch bell had rung, there was a line of four girls outside the office. I was a bit worried I would forget which was which, so, once they were seated in the waiting room/office I handed them each a form for the file, asking them to fill in their name and form. I then collected their slips and took them into the actual punishment room. Only as I was leaving the room did I realise that I knew two of these girls: Nicole (again!!) and Amelie!

Back in the punishment room I looked at their slips first. Nicole was in for 20 on panties, but there was an additional note from the teacher: ‘Mr Danvers, please enter this code - § 2249 112 into the computer in order to compute the correct escalation’. Good. Nicole was clearly a special case, with all of her recent visits and public punishments! Amelie’s slip was less helpful: ’10 on skirt’. I would have to find out her escalation all by myself. I remembered that I was supposed to call in Mrs Lodenheim as a witness. I rang her number - she answered straight away. I explained and told her about the Head’s request.

“I will be there instantly - why don’t you get started with her, work out her escalations etc? But don’t get started properly until I am there.”

I called Amelie in. She was breathing hard.

“So what gives me the honour of this repeated visit?”, I asked her, somewhat patronisingly.

“I chatted in class. Twice.”, she replied.

“So, you visited twice yesterday, so that this is your third visit in two days. I’m afraid I’ll have to put this in the computer. The base line is 10 strokes on skirt.”

I entered the dates and the number of strokes. It appeared that, having once visited twice in one day, another visit within seven days doubled the escalations again, making four in all, because the computer spat out:

Option 1: 32 skirt
Option 2: 24 panties
Option 3: 18 bare
Option 4: 13 dressed just in bra

“So,” I asked her, who could not see the screen, “what is it to be?”

“How about I get naked and you don’t give me any strokes at all?”, she gasped, under her breath. “I could let you touch me, if you want …”

I looked at her, abashed.

At that very moment, there was a knock on the door and Mrs Lodenheim entered. I had to think quickly.

“Err, thank you, Mrs Lodenheim. Amelie, the Head has requested that Mrs Lodenheim be present for your punishments until further notice.”
She looked pitiful. This was clearly not going the way she had planned. I have to admit that I wasn’t too thrilled, either.

“So, I had just asked you what punishment you think would be appropriate in these circumstances.”

Mrs Lodenheim had walked round to my side of the desk and was checking out the computer screen.

“Err, let me think. How many escalations do I get?”

I looked at Mrs Lodenheim, who shook her head.

“I am not at liberty to say. It is for you to judge what punishment you deserve.”

“Ok. 30 on skirt?”

I wasn’t too sure what to do next, but Mrs Lodenheim was there to help.

“I am afraid that’s insufficient. Enter her suggestion into the computer, Mr Danvers!”

I did, and the computer returned:

Option 1: 42 skirt
Option 2: 32 panties

“It’ll be 42 on skirt, I’m afraid”, I announced. I did not want to raise Mrs Lodenheim’s suspicions that I would much have preferred the other option, and even more the option Amelie had outlined before she so rudely interrupted us.

Amelie was not thrilled, but took the 42 whacks with dignity. She nevertheless left defeated, with a sigh, and a few tears, afterwards.

“Ok”, said Mrs Lodenheim, I guess I’ll return to my other duties then. Well done, Tom!”

I thought for a moment that it would probably be the professional thing to ask her to stay for Nicole’s punishment, but the moment had passed and she was gone.

I next called in the girl who had chatted with Amelie in class - she, too, was to get 10 on skirt, but there were no escalations. She nonetheless screamed her head off when I laid into her with the cane - I guess I was rather frustrated and took it out on her to some extent.

The next girl, Aoife, was to get 20 on panties - slightly more interesting, granted, but I was preoccupied with Nicole’s coming punishment. Still, that was a nice behind, barely covered by her cotton panties, and a bit of dampness was noticeable between her legs …

Afterwards, she got dressed quickly and left. Now for Nicole …

“What happened to you?”, I asked her. “Have you not had enough?”

“Well, I got teased and made fun of all morning, so I snapped and told them to all just fuck off. Bad mistake.”

“Indeed. I am supposed to enter a code for your escalations …”

I did. The computer screen showed the following instructions:

“Please ask the student to name her own punishment as she considers appropriate, including whether this should be administered on her skirt, panties, bare, dressed in just a bra or fully naked.

As long as the number of strokes chosen is greater than 50, she will receive the chosen number of strokes. If it is smaller than 50, she will receive 50 plus double the number of strokes she chose for herself.

Her dress during here punishment will be determined according to her choice as follows:

Nude = nude (and a reduction of 20 strokes)
Bra = bra (and a reduction of 10 strokes)
Bare = bare (and a reduction of 5 strokes)
Panties = bra
Skirt = nude”

I am not a sadist by nature - but I found the deviousness of these instructions extremely exciting.

“Ok, Nicole. You know the drill!”, (or at least you think you do, I thought to myself). “What do you consider an appropriate punishment? Remember all your previous visits to this office … and what happened in assembly this morning. The computer suggests some pretty serious stuff …”

“Err, oh no. I don’t know. Hmm. Can’t you give me a clue?”

“Not really, that’s not how it works.”

“Ok, then. How about 40 on my skirt?”

I sighed. I now had to break it to her.

“I’m afraid that was not a good choice. I am instructed, based on your choice, to administer 130 strokes. You are to be fully naked for your punishment.”

I turned the screen towards her, and she read the instructions. The colour went out of her face.

“Please, don’t do this to me. I would not survive it. That’s too many strokes. Please. Please.”

She was sobbing now.

“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do. This is what I am instructed … I have no say in the matter.”

“Please. You could just say that I chose 50 in the nude. That would reduce it to 30 and I wouldn’t have to be naked.”

“I fell for this once, and you saw where you ended up as a result. But I realise that 130 strokes is rather a lot all at the same time. So how about we make it 10 today and then 20 every other day for two weeks?”

“And I would have to get naked every time? Really?”

“Yes, I am afraid that aspect of it is non-negotiable.”

She started to sob, but got out of her skirt and began to unbutton her blouse. Her small cotton bra came into view. Knowing that this was to go, too, and very soon, was a huge turn on. However, she now turned away from me as she slid the bra off - so I only got a sideways glimpse. Down came the panties, too - again, she was facing the wrong way.

I asked her to get on the punishment frame that I had tied the naked Amelie to - you will remember that this let the punishee’s breasts hang freely while giving me a way to tie her legs down spread. She only realised her predicament when she was already on the frame with her ankles and wrists secured. I attached two more velcro straps to her thighs, forcing her legs apart and exposing both her holes.

I now took a slow walk around the secured girl, drinking her in: her small, pert breasts, now hanging down but still keeping their shape, her slender frame and smooth, well-formed legs. Finally there was her round bottom, still marked by the punishment from earlier that day. I took my cane and started work. After ten strokes she was crying uncontrollably. She found it hard to get dressed - putting her panties back on was particularly painful. Dressed, she hobbled out of the room. I completed her file entry (not omitting her attempt to bargain her punishment down) and took this straight to Mrs Lodenheim to be passed to the Head, explaining my actions and future plans for Nicole’s punishment.

I was still very hungry - fortunately, there were vending machines in the hallway so that I could get myself some biscuits and chocolates. As I got back to my ‘office’, the phone was ringing off the hook. It was, unsurprisingly, Mrs Lodenheim, summoning me back to see the Head … straight away, please.

Mrs Cruickshank was all smiles.

“You dealt very well with the Nicole situation. As you might have guessed from her name, she is German by birth and that sometimes has a bad effect on her attitude. She clearly needs some additional punishment for trying to bargain her way out of her predicament again, but given that you are only authorised to use the number 3 cane, we are somewhat constrained in our options. I was wondering, therefore, if you would like to spend a day or two at St Cuthbert’s School, our sister college, where the discipline officer in charge might train you on a few other implements, such as a few different whips and paddles?”

I agreed that that sounded like a good idea.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though”, she continued. “Let’s wait for Mr Furzton’s hearing first. You will remember that this will be on Tuesday this coming week, just three school days to go, in other words. Who knows - he may well be back in charge by Wednesday and could then continue your training. So for now let’s just continue as normal. I will let Miss Bielefeld know to expect some more punishment.”

I made to leave, but the Head called me back:

“Mrs Lodenheim tells me that you were very responsible indeed punishing Amelie. I do not think we shall have to waste her time in the future when Amelie is being punished. We are really pleased how quickly you have risen to the occasion here!”

I was pleased, too. I had been contemplating what might have happened had Mrs Lodenheim not been there as a witness during Amelie’s punishment. I was just hoping that she wouldn’t turn into a good girl all of a sudden - I wanted to see her again, and soon!

(End of File)