The Mailing List 13

By Cassie

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Hey guys, I’m going to spend the week in my aunt’s house in the country, all the way out in the boondocks. It seems they don’t have internet, so I’m going to be out of reach. I’ll catch up with you guys when I return.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
OK, have fun, Cody!
----- (some days later):
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Hey, I’m back! Thanks God!
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Hey! Welcome back. Didn’t you have a good time.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Not really. It was fine some of the time, but my dear twin sister was unbearable.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
That Amy is so annoying. What did she do?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
What didn’t she do? Well, to begin with, she was allowed to take a friend, and she took Susie, who is as bad as her.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
And you weren’t allowed to take a friend?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Nah. Mom said that since our cousins are all boys I would have enough boys to play with. That was true, I guess, but during the drive there Amy and Susie ganged up on me.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
What did they do?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
More than what they did, it’s what they said.
Amy told Susie about our medical exam, and about how I had been naked in front of her all through my exam, but I had been sent out before her exam. [Editor’s Note: See Part 4]. She also told Susie about how she had come into the bathroom when I was taking a shower and how she had seen me naked again, and how I tried to do the same to her, but I failed, and mom gave me a bare bottom spanking in front of her. [Editor’s Note: See Part 8]
They were laughing at me and teasing me, and acting all superior.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
What kind of thing would they tell you?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Oh, I don’t know. Susie would look at me with that smug smile of hers and say something like “I can’t believe you were naked like that in front of your sister, Cody. What are you, four? You’re such a baby. You’re not even able to keep your peenie hidden. You’re just a babyish brat.” And they would giggle at me.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
And your mom didn’t hear them? Didn’t she stop them?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Of course she heard them! She was there in the car driving. But she didn’t stop them. She was just smiling, and when I complained to her she told me that it was just girl talk, and that I needn’t pay attention to it. I said that it was not fair, that they were making fun of me, but mom just told me to mind my own business and to leave them alone, or she would stop the car and spank me at a rest stop.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Wow, that’s so unfair!
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Yeah. Then Susie asked Amy if I always got spanked on the bare bottom.
“Yeah,” Amy said, “mommy always bare his bottom and makes it red when he is naughty.”
Susie looked at me in the eye and laughed.
“Imagine that, getting spanked for being naughty. That’s so babyish! And on his bare bottom too!”
“Boys are immature and childish,” Amy said smugly, “that’s why they get spanked,”
Susie nodded. “They sure are childish. We girls never get spanked. I would die of shame if I had to get spanked, but I guess for boys it’s all right.”
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
What idiots!
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Yeah, tell me about it. Also, they started calling me “Bare-Bottom Boy Brat”. Or “B4”. Like, Susie would tell my sister, “Tell me again how you got into the bathroom and saw the Bare-Bottom Boy Brat naked when he was taking a shower.” Or “And did the doctor really examine B4’s peenie in front of you?”
And then she asked Amy what my peenie looked like. And Amy described it for her, and it was really embarrassing, and they were giggling a lot at me.
Then Susie told me, “Maybe I’ll get too see your little peenie on this trip, Cody. You are such a baby that you can’t even keep your peenie hidden when girls can see you.”
And I couldn’t do anything cause mom was getting impatient and I knew she’d keep her world and spank me if made any fuss, and I didn’t want to get spanked in front of Amy and Susie.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Yeah, Amy and Susie are the brats, not you, but you must not get into a fight with a girl. No matter what kind of fight, you are going to lose against them, always. They know how to fight, because they have all those self-defense classes and we don’t. But even without that, they have the grown-ups wrapped around their fingers. You are the one who will get in trouble if they see you fighting with a girl, even if she started it. Some girls are OK, but others are brats, and the best thing you can do is avoid them, or if you can’t, then try to ignore them.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Yeah, I try, but it’s difficult. I don’t like letting Amy win at anything. We have been fighting all our lives, you know, but suddenly I can’t keep up with her. Since I started on Puericil, it seems she is always the one who wins, and I hate it. And I hate how she gloats and lords it over me.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
My brothers and I have a babysitter who is a girl younger than me. She gets to bathe us, and spank us and stuff. When she babysits us, I basically know she’s going to see me naked before the day is over. She doesn’t tease us that much, but I just know she likes bossing us around, and seeing us naked and stuff. You just notice she loves it. So with her I try not to think of her as a (younger) girl. I try to think of her as a grownup who just happens to be little.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
And does that work?
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Well, sometimes? Not always, but sometimes it can make it better, if you can like convince yourself.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
For me something like that kind of works too. When Ollie, sometimes I forget she’s a girl younger than me. She’s so self-confident and she’s so good at school stuff and things like that... She always seems to know what to do, so when she bosses me around often it seems like it’s natural. It also helps that she is not mean and she doesn't make fun of me like Cody’s sister and her friend.
So when she bathes me, sometimes I’m relaxed, as if I were a little kid being bathed by his mother. But sometimes I suddenly remember that she’s an 11-year-old girl seeing me and I try to cover myself.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
What does she do then? Do you get in trouble?
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Nah, she just smiles and removes my hands from down there gently, saying something like “Don’t be silly, Benji. You don’t need to be shy with me. I see your weenie every day, don’t I? I can’t wash you otherwise.”
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
Gee! And don’t you ask her why you can’t wash yourself on your own?
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
She has told me that boys can’t be trusted to wash themselves properly if they are left unsupervised, and that she wants me to be clean and healthy.
I asked her when could I bathe on my own, then. She said that for the moment I could forget about that. That it was her job to take care of me, and that she would do it for as long as she thought necessary.
So that’s that. I guess under the circumstances it’s absurd for me to be modest around her, but it happens sometimes.
Anyway, Cody, how did the rest of your week go? Were the girls too much of a pest?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Yeah, kind of. We had some good times, but there were also some bad times. Bad for me, at least, not so much for Amy and Susie.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
What happened?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
You know, stuff... My aunt’s house is in the country, near some hills. Not very high like mountains, but we went exploring sometimes and took our lunch with us and everything, and it was kind of fun. We would also play games around the house.
The problem was at night, when it was time for us to get our showers. My aunt has a bathroom for the boys in the basement, and one side of the bathroom, instead of a bathtub, has shower heads mounted on the wall, like a locker room, without any kind of walls or curtains or anything for privacy.
So when my aunt says it’s time for us to get showered she sends my cousins there, and she goes with them to help the little ones. You know my cousins are three boys, one my age and two younger (6 and 8). So my aunt helps the two younger ones get their showers. She doesn’t really help Jayson (that’s my 12-year-old cousin), but since they are all naked there in the shower area it’s not like there’s any privacy.
Well, since I’m also a boy, I was told to go with them too, and that first time I was there all nervous while my cousins got undressed, with my aunt helping Asher (that’s the 6 year old). Soon my three cousins were naked and getting under the showers, and I was still there in my pants. My aunt was like, why aren’t you naked yet? Hurry up!
And I didn’t wanna get naked in front of her, but my aunt is kind of strict, and I could see she was losing her patience, so finally I had to get naked too and get under the showers like my cousins. There were four of them, so we could all shower at the same time.
She mostly was helping Asher and Leo (my two youngest cousins), and I think like, she wasn’t interested in looking at us older boys. But she did look sometimes and she would tell us to use more soap or things like that. She wouldn’t let us get out of the shower until she was finished with the little kids.
Then she kind of inspected Jayson and me. Like, we had to stand in front of her, all wet and naked, and we had to turn around so that she could check we didn’t have any soap or dirt or anything.
That was embarrassing, because she would be completely focused on us, and she saw everything!
But it’s not like you wanted to fool around or make a fuss. A few minutes before, Leo had been playing around and she grabbed his arm and gave him two hard swats on his bare bottom. And I don’t think she’d think twice before doing the same to Jayson and me if we made any trouble.
So that was it, nothing I could do about that, and we had to shower there every day, with her seeing everything.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
Oh boy, that sucks! Weren’t you guys embarrassed? Your cousins too?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
I don’t know... I know I was, like a lot! And I think Jayson was a bit too, but not as much as me. The little ones acted like they didn’t care at all. I guess they are all used to it, since this is how it is for them every day. They don’t know anything different.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
I’m sorry, Cody. That had to suck. Well, at least the two pests (Amy & Susie) weren’t there.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Oh, shut up about that. Sigh!
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Well... they weren’t there... the first day.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
What do you mean? What about the other days?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Well, it’s like this... Susie and Amy found out that we had showered naked in front of my aunt. I mean, they could see how the bathroom was set up, and they knew we all went in there. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon, I guess. So they were teasing Jayson and I badly.
They’s say, “Oh, were you naked in front of auntie, Cody? And you too, Jayson? Did she wash your little willies?” And things like that.
At some point Susie told Amy, in front of us, “You know, we should see then naked too, Amy. It's not like it matters. They are just little boys who can’t even shower on their own. And I want to see their peenies. You have seen Cody’s, but not Jayson’s, and I haven’t seen either of them.”
“Yeah, that would be cool,” Amy said, smirking at us. “I want to compare and see who is smaller down there.” Then they went away, whispering together.
The rest of the day went as normal, other than the girls sometimes smirking at us, but that night, when auntie said that it was time for our showers and we were in the bathroom with her getting undressed, the door opened and in came Amy and Susie.
Jayson and I were in our underpants, and we jumped back and tried to cover with our jeans, but the younger boys were already naked. Leo covered himself with his hands, but little Asher didn't seem to care.
"What are you doing here? Get out!" I shouted.
"We have come to help with the little ones," Susie said, gloating.
"Yeah," said Amy. "Auntie Marge told us we could."
"That's right, boys," my aunt said. "The girls wanted to help, and I thought that was nice of them."
"See, Cody?" Susie told me, all smugly. "We are here to help."
“But it’s not fair,” my cousin Jayson said to his mother. “The girls shouldn’t be seeing us naked. We’re twelve! They are not even older than us!”
“I don’t want them to see me naked either,” Leo piped in.
“Don’t be silly, boys,” Amy said with a shit-eating grin. “We are just here to help. We’ll probably be mothers someday, you know, and we should learn to take care of boys. Before that, we’ll probably want to babysit, so it’s even more important. And that way we can help auntie Marge. It’s not fair that she has to help four boys shower, on top of all the work she has around the house.”
“But she doesn’t help us shower! We shower on our own!” Jayson said.
“Do not shout, Jayson,” auntie said. “The girls are right. They mentioned me all those reasons when they told me they wanted to help, and I was impressed by their maturity. I never see you asking to help and do more work around here, or explaining so well why you want to do something. They may be twelve like you older boys, but there’s no doubt they are more mature, so it doesn’t matter if they see you naked. You are just little boys, and they are girls. Now, stop this silly fussing and get ready for your shower.”
Jayson reluctantly let go of the jeans he was using to cover himself and lowered his undies, but I just couldn’t do that. Not when the girls were there.
When aunt Marge noticed that I was still in my undies she said: “Enough is enough, Cody. I won’t have any nonsense like this in my house.” She went to me, grabbed my arm and started swatting my bottom. “When I tell you to do something, you do it.” She said, still smacking the seat of my undies.
Then she pulled down my undies and, still grabbing my arm, she smacked my bare bottom some more. “Disobedient little boys get spanked on their bare bottom,” she said.
I was dancing around trying to avoid the spanks but, as she was grabbing my arm, I could only run around her.
Then she let me go and I was there crying, rubbing my bottom and jumping around.
“Poor Cody,” Emma said. “You just shouldn’t be so naughty and disobedient, and then you wouldn’t get spanked. Poor little boy. There, there, let me make it better.”
She grabbed my arm and gave me a kiss on my cheek, near my ear, as she rubbed my bottom with her free hand. I blushed but, after the kiss, she kept her face near my ear as I sobbed, and whispered, “I told you I would see your weenie, didn’t I? And you got all high and mighty and said I wouldn’t. Well, who was right? Here you are, naked and with a red bottom. I’m looking at your weenie and I’m rubbing your bare bottom. Learn your lesson, little boy. Never play against a girl. Boys are not smart enough to win against us... Poor Cody.”
She gave me another kiss on the cheek. For some reason (I mean, beyond the obvious shame) I blushed more, and I started to get a stiffie.
Susie giggled and turned me away from my auntie, who had turned her attention to the younger boys and didn’t notice.
“Come on, don’t waste time, Cody. You’re OK. Go take your shower,” she said aloud, giving me a pat on my bare bottom.
We got showered. Auntie was helping little Asher and Amy and Susie were helping Leo, who was squirming as the girls washed him but was quietened with a couple of swats to his bottom from Amy.
The girls divided their attention between Leo and looking at Jayson and me. I noticed they would look at us, then look at each other and giggle.
“Be still. Let me wash your little peenie, Leo,” Amy told our young cousin, who was not liking the experience of being showered by the two girls. Better him than me, I thought. Being seen naked was bad enough. I mean, he may be embarrassed but he is only 8. Jayson and I are 12! It’s worse for us!
I turned my back to them so that at least they wouldn’t see my peenie any more.
But, of course, when we were finished showering, auntie Marge made us boys form a line and inspected us.
“What are you doing, auntie?” Amy asked.
Auntie explained that she was checking us to make sure we were clean and there was no rest of soap on us.
“Well learn to do that too,” Amy said. “Just check them all over?”
“Yes,” aunt Marge said, “make sure there’s no soap on their hair, under their arms, around and under their boy parts and between their bottom cheeks.”
“We’ll help with the bigger boys,” Susie decided.
Amy inspected me and Susie inspected Jayson. It must have been the most thorough inspection ever. I was so ashamed and crushed that I couldn’t even resist, and Jayson was not likely to go against his mom’s wishes. Later he told me that he knew he’d get spanked if he gave her any attitude.
Amy grinned at me. “Here again, B4?” (That’s the new nickname Susie and Amy have made up for me, Bare-Bottom Boy Brat, or B4). “You always end up naked in front of me, don’t you? You just can’t help it. Well, let’s see that peenie of yours.”
She took my peenie in her hand and moved it aside and up, to look under it.
“No soap here, turn around,” she said.
She raised my arms and then made me lean down with my hands on my knees. She inspected my bottom and then she separated the cheeks to look inside the crack. When I looked back at her she smiled smugly at me.
“You’re clean,” she pronounced. “Dry yourself and get dressed.”
So that was how it happened. It's not fair at all. Girls always win. When we were little I often won against Amy, but now she wins all the time.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Sorry about that, Cody. Yep, I guess girls always win. It’s not fair, but it happens.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
What about the rest of the week. Did it go any better?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Not really. It went mostly that way. Every day we boys would have to take a shower that way, and aunt Marge, Amy and Susie were there every time. I tried to talk to aunt Marge the next morning into not letting the girls help, but she told me that they were good little helpers and that I was making a fuss about nothing. “It doesn’t matter who sees you naked, Cody. You guys are just little boys. It’s ridiculous for you to feel modest,” she told me.
So that was that. At least Jayson and I were allowed to wash ourselves, even if we had to be naked in front of the girls, both during the shower and later when they inspected us.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
I don’t know, it’s not so bad when Ollie washes me. I mean, it’s bad, I guess, but since she’s already seeing everything, is it that much worse that she also does the washing. Yeah, it means she touches my peenie and stuff, but the girls were also touching you when they inspected you...
But I guess it’s different with Amy and Susie, because at least Ollie is kind and doesn’t tease me.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if Amy and Susie didn’t tease me so bad. And showering was not all. Something else happened one day, when it was very hot and we older kids (the two girls, Jayson and I) went to the field pond to swim.
We were all wearing our swimsuits, so we took off our T-shirts and were going to get into the water when Susie said, “Wait!” We looked at her and she said, “You boys will swim naked. Little boys shouldn’t be so modest anyway.”
“What?” “No way!” we said.
“Yes way,” she said. She raised her finger in warning and looked at our eyes. “It’s like this, boys. If you don’t do as I say, then Amy and I will make sure you get in trouble today and get a spanking from Aunt Marge.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Amy said, looking haughty and threatening with her hands on her hands on her hips. “Do you think we can’t do that, brats?”
Jayson and I looked at each other. I was thoroughly intimidated, to tell the truth, and I could see Jayson was too. He sighed and said, “I think they can, Cody, and I really don’t want a spanking. Como on, what different does it make, they are going to see us naked tonight anyway.”
So Jayson and I ended up pulling down our swimming suits there, in front of the girls, and running into the water.
We played in the water for a long time, swimming, splashing water and all that, and I could almost forget I was naked. But then we went out and, before letting us get dressed, the girls insisted on inspecting us. Without auntie Marge there, they were much more thorough inspecting our private parts. They looked at everything, from as close as they wanted! And for a long time too. They made us get stiffies and they rubbed our peenies, Susie doing mine and Amy Jayson’s, until we shook and felt all funny, as it feels when you play with your peenie.
“We girls are the bosses, and you boys obey, because girls are better,” Amy informed me smugly.
I think I have never been more ashamed and embarrassed as I was then, until the girls finally got tired and allowed us to put out swimsuits on.
Fortunately, for the rest of the week it was colder and we didn’t go swimming again, but they still saw us naked every evening when we got our shower.

(The End)