The Mailing List 12

By Cassie

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Sigh! I had the most embarrassing day ever. And I got a spanking too.


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

Too bad, man! Who spanked you?


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Olivia, right? Who else?


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Yeah, it was my sister Olivia. She seems to be doing most of my spankings lately.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Is she getting stricter?


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

No... well, I don’t know, maybe? But it’s just that mom is delegating on her more and more when it comes to looking after me.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Well, tell us what happened. Why did she spank you? And why was it so embarrassing? I mean, apart from your 11-year-old adoptive sister spanking you, which is embarrassing enough. And on your bare bottom too, unless she has become less strict about that.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

> And on your bare bottom too, unless she has become less strict about that.

Believe me, she hasn’t.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Zac, don’t be mean.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

I wasn’t being mean!


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Well, it sounded a bit like you were making fun of him.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

No, I’m sorry if it seemed like that, but it wasn’t my intention. I was trying to cheer him up by teasing him a bit. I mean, whatever happened, it can’t be much more embarrassing than one of his sister’s regular spankings. That’s just a fact, it’s not making fun. I mean, it’s not like I’m not in the same boat. I get into embarrassing situations myself pretty regularly, and I tell you guys about it.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Aw, that’s okay. I know it’s just how Zac talks. Anyway, I know we are all in the same boat, so it’s okay. I’ll tell you guys what happened:

You know I have been building a LEGO collection. Well, there’s this clearance sale at the department store and they have them cheap. So when Ollie gave me my allowance for the week I asked if I could get next week’s too, to buy some LEGOs. But she said no, because I needed to learn to manage my money better and plan in advance.

I told her that was unfair because I didn’t know that the LEGOs were gonna be on sale, and she said that I should save some money for contingencies like this. She had to explain to me what “contingency” was, but I was unhappy anyway. She was not sympathetic and told me not to be pouty and to act like a big boy.

So when mom got home, I went to her and asked her if I could get an advance on my allowance for next week. She looked in her wallet but she didn’t have enough cash, so before I realized what she was doing and tried to stop her, she had called Ollie and was asking her if she had some of the money mom gave her to administer our allowances for the month.

Of course, Ollie realized I had gone over her to ask mom, and she was not happy.

“I don’t think so, mom,” she said. “Benjamin has already asked me, and I said no, because I want him to learn to administer his money and plan ahead.” (It’s easy to tell when I’m in trouble with Ollie cause she calls me Benjamin instead of Benji). “Instead of listening to me and being obedient, you went to mom behind my back, to see if you could get around what I had said. That’s sneaky and dishonest, Benjamin. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

I was looking down at my feet. I hate it when Olivia scolds me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”

“Of course you meant it, young man. Do not try to make excuses,” Olivia said.

Mom was nodding, agreeing with her.

“Your sister is right, Benjamin,” mom told me. “You know she has full authority over you. Her word is final. When she tells you to do something, you do it. When she makes rules for you, you follow them. If she says you can’t have next week’s allowance yet, then you can’t have it. You don’t come to me behind her back to try to play one of us against the other.” She turned to Ollie. “Are you going to punish him?”

“Yes, I am,” Olivia said, looking at me with her arms akimbo. “He’s getting his bare bottom spanked. You were disobedient and dishonest, Benjamin. You know very well that any of those things gets you spanked hard. You did both, so I have half a mind to give you two spankings. One now and the other at bedtime.”

“Please, no!” I begged. “I don’t wanna spanking! No spanking, please, I’m sorry. At least not two spankings!”

“We’ll see about that,” Olivia said, taking me by the wrist and dragging me to the living room. “For the moment I’ll bare your bottom and give you a good spanking, and tonight we’ll see if you get another one.”

Finding no sympathy there, I looked back at mom.

“Please, mom. I’m really sorry. Tell her to give me another chance!”

She shook her head.

“You are sorry you got caught, Benjamin. And you’re doing it again, don’t you see? Olivia has full authority to punish you whenever she thinks you need it. She has my complete trust, so when she decides to spank you, you get spanked, and that’s final. You do not get to appeal to me or to anyone else,” she said.

So Olivia took me to the living room, looking very stern, while mom went on with what she was doing. But when she was about to sit on the sofa to spank me, the doorbell rang.

“What bad timing,” Olivia muttered. “I wonder who... Oh, it must be Hannah Schmidt. She was going to come this afternoon. Oh well... You wait for me here, Benjamin. Do not think you are getting out of your spanking.”

She went to open the door and greet her friend, and I stood there, feeling the heebie-jeebies in my stomach, but not daring to move. It’s a bad idea to disobey Olivia when I’m in trouble. In fact, it’s a bad idea to disobey her at any time. She doesn’t take it well when I don’t mind her. But even more so when I’m already in trouble.

I heard her open the door and say hello to her friend. I was half hoping she wouldn’t tell her to come later, because I thought that if she invited her in, she would put off my spanking, but at the same time I really didn’t want Hannah to hear that Olivia was gonna spank me. I think most of Ollie’s friends know that she is in charge of me, and even that she spanks me, but knowing in theory is one thing, and being so close to the real situation is a different one. Little did I know what was ahead!

My sister invited her friend in and they came into the living room.

Olivia pointed in my general direction and said, “I’m sorry, but there’s something I need to do right now. Benjamin has been very naughty and I’m going to spank him.”

Hannah gasped and I blushed deeply.

“Ollie!” I protested.

“Hush, Benjamin,” she told me. “I do not want any backtalk from you. You are in enough trouble as it is.”

I was really embarrassed. Hannah is blonde and really cute, and I hated that she was hearing that. Still, I was even more scared of the pending spanking, and I did not dare defy Olivia.

“I’m sorry. It’s just... does she have to know?” I mumbled, looking down and feeling my eyes get wet.

Olivia got in front of me and looked me in the eye. I couldn’t hold her stare. She is very assertive, and when we are together there’s never any doubt who is in charge, even though she is a bit shorter than me, and of course she is two years younger. When I’m in trouble she’s even more dominant. I wouldn’t dare disobey her then, and I bet neither would any of you.

“Yes, she does have to know,” Olivia said. “Because she came to visit me and now she has to wait while I spank you. Well, at least it will not be time wasted, because she’s going to start babysitting, and she might as well see how to deal with naughty boys.”

I gasped, horror-struck. “She’s not going to see my spanking, is she?”

“Yes, she is,” Olivia said. She turned to her friend, “Unless you don’t want to, Hannah. But I think it would be a good idea. You don’t have any brothers, after all, and if you’re going to babysit you’ll need to deal with naughty boys sometimes.”

“I don’t mind,” Hannah said, nodding and blushing a bit. Not as much as I was blushing, believe me.

“Good, no problem then. Let's take care of this,” Olivia said.

She took my wrist again and pulled me in front of her as she sat down on the sofa. She placed me between her legs and started to unfasten my jeans.

I tried to stop her, and she smacked my hands.

“Benjamin! Those hands! What are you supposed to do with your hands when I’m getting you ready for a spanking?” she said.

My hands automatically went to the hem of my T-shirt and I pulled it up until it was rolled up under my armpits. That’s something Ollie had read in that boy-rearing manual she has, and Hannah was curious about it.

“Why is he raising his T-shirt like that?”

“Oh, I’m training him to do that when I’m undressing him for a spanking. For several reasons: It gets his shirt out of the way without having to bare him completely, it gives him something to do with his hands so that they don’t get in the way either, and also is a way for him to cooperate and show he accepts the discipline.”

“Wow,” Hannah said. “you have it all thought out. And how do you get him to cooperate like that? I mean, you are his sister, not his mother, and he’s actually older than you.”

“Oh, Benji knows that doesn’t make any difference,” Olivia said, while she finished unfastening my jeans and pulling them down to my knees, leaving my white briefs on view. “Older or not, he is just a child. He knows I’m more mature than him, and he knows I’m in charge.”

Hannah was really staring at me in my briefs.

“But isn’t he, like, embarrassed?” she asked. That must have been the understatement of the year.

“He’s used to it, or he should be,” Olivia said. “I bare him whenever I’m going to give him a bath, or a spanking, and that’s basically everyday... His getting bathed, I mean. Normally he manages a few days with a white bottom before he earns a spanking.”

She grabbed my briefs and pulled them down. I was extremely mortified, unable to move or speak, and with Hannah looking at me like that I could notice that my peenie was getting hard. I couldn’t stand the shame of such a pretty girl seeing me like that, so I finally let go of my T-shirt and covered my stiffie.

“Benjamin! Hands!” Olivia exclaimed. She reached behind me and smacked my bare bottom hard, six times. “Naughty boy! Leave your hands where they belong!”

I whimpered and I went back to holding up my t-shirt, leaving everything that mattered on view. I was looking down, unable to see their eyes, but I could feel Hannah’s eyes fixed on my hard peenie.

Hannah giggled.

“Oh, sorry,” she said, stopping immediately. “It’s just... I wasn’t expecting it to be like that.”

“Ah, it’s fine,” Olivia said. “It gets like that sometimes, when he is in tension. He can’t help it. Boys can’t really control their own peenies. It’s like they have a mind of their own. It will get soft when I’m spanking him.”

I risked a peek at Hannah. Sure enough, she was staring down at my peenie, her cheeks flushed. I was so ashamed that I squirmed on my feet, but I didn’t dare move my hands again, and my stiffie was on display under the two girls’ gaze. It did not show any signs of getting soft. If anything, it was getting harder.

“Ar... are you sure he’s used to it?” Hannah asked. “It sure seems he’s embarrassed.”

Olivia inspected me critically. I was right in front of her, standing between her legs with my jeans and briefs around my knees, as she sat on the sofa. My hard peenie was right in front of her, at eye level. Looking up, she saw me holding up my T-shirt, my teary eyes and my flushed face.

“Yes, I dare say he is embarrassed,” Olivia admitted. “Don’t be silly, Benjamin.” Turning back to Hannah she said, “No matter how often I bare him, he still shows some false modesty, and with you being here it gets worse... It’s the first time you see him naked, isn’t it? Well, don’t worry about it. It’s just boyish shyness. Boys don’t need modesty anyway. They are not mature enough for it. You can look at his peenie all you want. And you, Benjamin, don’t be silly. I’m sure Hannah has seen naked boys before.”

I’m always at a loss to understand why everyone thinks that should be any consolation. I didn’t answer. What could I say to that?

“Well, actually, I haven’t,” Hannah admitted. “Not that age, anyway. I have seen my six-year-old boy cousin.”

“It’s the same thing,” Olivia told her, with the air of a veteran. “I mean, he’s bigger than a six-year-old boy, but he has the same parts. Here, look at his peenie.” She took my very hard peenie in her fingers and held it for Hannah to inspect.

“Please, Olivia,” I begged, trembling.

“Hush, child,” she told me. “Hannah is just curious, because she hasn’t seen any boys your age naked. But it’s nothing extraordinary. You have the same peenie and testicles as her little cousin. Yours are just a bit bigger because you are older. You have no need to be embarrassed about it. Boys get bared in front of people all the time, and no one cares. Besides, you only have yourself to blame if you earned a spanking just as Hannah was visiting. If you are going to feel embarrassed, feel embarrassed about misbehaving and earning a spanking... Anyway, Hannah, when you are spanking a boy, always bare his bottom. A proper spanking is always given that way.”

Olivia then leaned down, grabbed my jeans and briefs that were bunched around my knees, and completely removed them. I had to raise first one foot, then the other, still holding my T-shirt up with one hand and supporting myself on her shoulder with the other while she undressed me.

“I always take his pants completely off,” she informed Hannah. “I don’t want him to trip and fall down if I leave his clothes around his ankles.”

Hannah shook her head in wonder.

“I still can’t get over how easily you handle him, or how you get him to stand naked like that in front of us without covering himself,” she said.

Before Olivia could answer, mom came into the room.

“Oh, hello, Hannah. You are visiting Olivia, aren’t you? I’m sorry about Benjamin. Olivia, do you want me to take care of your brother’s spanking?”

“No, thanks, mom,” my sister said. “I can spank him myself. Besides, I want to show Hannah how to do it, because she’s going to start babysitting.”

“Ah, that’s all right, then,” mom said. “I’ll leave you girls to it.”

Mom went out, and then Olivia said, “Watch him for a minute, Hannah. I’m going to my room to get something I bought. I think it’s time to use it for the first time.”

She followed mom, and I was left alone with Hannah, naked except for my socks and my T-shirt bunched up under my arms. I was trembling, mortified, and I felt ridiculous holding up my shirt like that, with my stiffie in plain view. But I did not dare cover myself because I knew that if I did Olivia would get mad at me when she came back.

Hannah stepped closer and looked at my peenie. She even had the nerve to take it in her hands.

She giggled.

“It looks so funny when it’s all rigid like that,” she said. “How does it feel, having something like that between your legs? I mean, aren’t you aware of it all the time?”

She looked at me like she expected an answer.

“Ah... I don’t know. It feels normal. I’m used to it, I guess,” I said, not really knowing what to say.

She nodded, as if that made sense.

“I think it’s really cool, how Olivia is in charge, because she is a girl, and how you obey her even though you are older, because you are a boy,” she told me. “I mean, you’re actually a teenager... You are 13, aren’t you? And Olivia is just 11, like me, but she actually bosses you around, and bares you, and spanks you on the bare heinie when you are bad.... I guess it’s true that boys are really immature.”

I was really spooked and ashamed, and I didn’t know what to say. Fortunately she did not seem to expect a response. She still had my peenie in her hands and was inspecting it closely. My peenie was still really hard. You have to understand, Hannah is really cute. It looks like she could be on TV making commercials or even movies. It made me want to be around her... only not like this, you know.

Olivia came back then, and Hannah let go of my peenie. I looked at my younger sister and I saw that she had my hairbrush and also a thin wooden paddle on her hand.

She showed the paddle to us. The wood was light brown, and written on the flat surface were the words:

Benjamin’s Paddle

1) Bare Benjamin’s bottom.
2) Apply as needed.

“I saw a shop where they had these paddles,” Olivia told us. “They had them with all the more usual boy names, and paying a bit extra you could order them customized if you couldn't find the name you needed. I thought it was cute, and I liked the shape and weight of the paddle, so I bought it for Benji.” She gave the hairbrush to Hannah, “Look, I have spanked Benji with this hairbrush a few times, but I don’t really like it. It’s a bit too heavy, and you have to be careful or you could easily bruise his bottom. The paddle, on the other hand, is lighter and it has a broader surface, so you can paddle his bottom with it as much as you need without blistering him.”

“That seems much better,” Hannah agreed.

“Yes,” Olivia nodded. “With a boy like Benji you don’t need to spank too hard, anyway. It’s easy to get him to cry hard when you spank him. I can do the job with my hand, but after a long spanking my hand gets sore, so the paddle should be useful. The only thing that needs to get sore is his butt, after all.”

Hannah giggled at that.

“I was telling Benjamin that it’s cute how he obeys you even though you are younger, just because you are a girl and he is a boy,” she told my sister. “And that it’s true that boys are a lot less mature.”

Olivia smiled and shrugged.

“It changes depending on the person,” she said. “But in general, boys are very childish. They mature at a completely different pace. A teenage girl is almost a grown-up. However, Benji here is 13, so he is technically a teenager, but he’s still a child. If I’m not on top of him he’s always forgetting his homework or his chores, or getting in trouble in some other way. Since he is as immature as a child and since he behaves like a child, I treat him like a child. That’s why he is naked in front of us, about to get his bottom spanked.”

“I’m so glad I’m a girl,” Hannah said, with the shudder at the idea of being a boy.

“I’m glad I’m a girl too,” Olivia said. “Although there’s something to be said about being a boy, carefree and without responsibilities.”

“Not when you’re getting spanked, though,” Hannah said.

“No, not then,” Olivia admitted. “Okay, Benjamin. Let’s get your naughty bottom paddled. If you are a good boy and don’t make a fuss I won’t spank you again at bedtime.”

Hannah asked about that and Olivia explained why I was in trouble, and how I had been both dishonest and disobedient, so that may qualify me for a second spanking at bedtime.

“I’m glad you are not going to spank him again at bedtime,” Hannah said. “He’s being such a good boy now, doing what you tell him to do, and holding up his shirt so that we can see his bottom and his peenie, even though it makes him feel shy.”

“Well, the first time he was a bit more difficult. He was covering himself all the time, but I have trained him. Now he knows how I expect him to behave when I punish him.”

“Was he difficult to train?”

“Not really,” Olivia said. “Boys notice when you look out for them and when you treat them fairly, even if you are strict. Of course, Puericil makes things easier, because without it boys this age would get aggressive, without the maturity to manage that aggressivity... Now, watch how I spank him.”

She took my arm, sat down and pulled me over her knees with well-practiced ease. I had to put my hands on the floor to avoid overbalancing.

“First, I rub his bottom a little bit to get him to relax. Relax as much as the situation allows, anyway,” Olivia told Hannah. “I also use this moment to remind him why he's getting spanked. Boys have a short memory, so they need the reminder. Benjamin, I’m spanking you for trying to manipulate mom and me, by going to her when I had already told you no. When I say no, that’s final, and you don’t try to find a workaround. If there’s some reason for me to change my decision, you come to me. The same goes for my rules. When I set rules for you, you follow them. If you think there should be an extension, you come to me if possible. Do you understand that?”

“Yes, but please, give me another chance. I don’t wanna spanking,” I sobbed. That situation, bare-bottomed over Olivia’s knees always makes me sob in anticipation.

“No, Benjamin,” Olivia said, giving me a spank with her hand. “If you make a mistake I can give you another chance, but willful misbehavior means I bare your bottom and spank you. There’s no more chances.”

I whimpered. Suddenly I remembered that Hannah was there, watching everything, but the fear was more pressing.

“Here you could restrain his legs by putting your right leg over them, like this,” Olivia said, putting her leg over mine to show Hannah. “But I normally don’t do that. I don’t need it to keep him in place, and I don’t mind if he kicks a bit while I spank him... I’ll start the spanking with my hand now. You can give the whole spanking with your hand, particularly for younger boys, or the whole thing with an implement. I prefer to start with the hand and finish with the implement.”

Olivia started spanking me hard and fast. From the first time she spanked me, I was surprised by how much a hand spanking from an 11-year-old girl could hurt. But Olivia is strong, and even if she is smaller than me she spanks hard. On a bare bottom, it hurts a lot, let me tell you.

I soon was crying, and she slowed down, without stopping the spanking.

“See? It’s very easy to make Benji cry, even with just your hand,” she told Hannah over the noise of the spanks and my crying. “He’s not tough at all. That’s usually the case for little boys, and even for teenage boys, if they are on Puericil. Do not stop just because he’s crying, though. You don’t need to be cruel, but a spanking is not effective unless the boy is crying and his bottom is red all over.”

She kept spanking me with her hand and soon I was bawling and kicking my legs. It hurt so much! I did not even remember to feel ashamed because Hannah was watching.

Then she stopped. “My hand is a little sore now,” she said, shaking it, “so I’ll give him the last part of his spanking with the paddle. If you ever have to spank several boys together, you can end up with a very sore hand, so an implement is even more useful.”

She took the paddle and started spanking me with it. I was howling. It hurt much more than just the hand! Olivia was talking to Hannah, but I couldn’t hear it. I was too busy bawling and waving my arms and legs. My nose was stuffy and my face was covered with tears.

When it was over, I was crying over her knees for a couple of minutes, while she rubbed my flaming bottom. Then she helped me get up and let me sit on her lap, leaning against her so that my weight was not on my bottom. I was crying on her shoulder while she comforted me and mumbled reassuring words in my ear.

Then she made me stand up and led me to corner, while Hannah commented that my peenie was not hard any more.

“I usually send him to the corner for ten minutes after spanking him,” Olivia told Hannah, “so that he has time to calm down and think about how to avoid the same mistakes in the future... You know what to do, Benji. Nose in the corner, no talking, no moving. Hands holding up your T-shirt, and no rubbing that bare bottom of yours.”

While I did my corner time, I could hear the girls talking.

“Wow, that was awesome,” Hannah commented. “You really have him under your control, even though he’s older than you.”

“Well, that's not difficult. I’m a girl and he’s only a boy.”

“Anyway, it must be awesome to have the power to spank your older brother. If he teases you or does something you don’t like, you can spank him. Sometimes I wish I could do that to my sister.”

Olivia chuckled at that. “Having brothers is a lot of work, though. You have to look after them.”

Hannah went to the corner to examine my bare bottom.

“You were right, it’s very red but there’s no sign of bruises or blisters. May I feel it?” Hannah asked Olivia.

“Sure, go ahead,” my sister told her.

Hannah put the palm of her hand on my bottom.

“It’s really warm! You did a thorough job,” she said admiringly.

Finally my corner time was over. Olivia, accompanied by Hannah took me to the bathroom so that I could wash my face and blow my nose. Then she took me back to the living room and dressed me in my briefs, so I was wearing T-shirt and undies.

“You can stay like that,” Olivia told me. “You’ll be more comfortable that way than if I get you into your jeans again.”

Later Olivia sent me to do my homework, telling me to ask her when I needed any help. Later, when I was done with that, we played some board games. Olivia let me lean against her as we played.

“He’s really clingy after a spanking,” she told Hannah. “I’m happy to comfort him. He’s paid the price for misbehaving, so he’s now forgiven.”

“It’s OK, Benji,” Hanna said, caressing my hair, “you’re not in trouble any more... Say, Ollie, can I look at his bottom? I want to see if it’s still so red.”

“Sure,” Olivia said without hesitating. “Come here, Benji. Let me show Hannah your bottom.”

She made me stand and turn my back to them. Then she pulled down my briefs to my knees, so that they could see my bare bottom. I felt ridiculous exposed like that, but after a spanking I was not about to risk getting in trouble again, and I was feeling docile and obedient anyway.

“It’s still red,” Hannah said, feeling it with her hand. “But it's not as warm anymore... Let’s see his peenie. It’s not hard again, is it?”

Ollie made me turn and they stared at my peenie.

“Oh, it’s soft,” Hannah said.

“Of course it is, silly. We would have noticed before, with him wearing only his undies.”

However with all the attention, I started to get a stiffie again.

“Look, look! It’s growing again!” Hannah giggled in delight.

Olivia smiled too and tapped it with her finger. “As I said, he can’t control it at all.”

“Boys are weird,” Hannah said, staring at my peenie.

Overcome with shame, I tried to cover it with my hands.

Olivia took my wrists and removed my hands from there.

“Do not touch yourself in public, Benjamin. That’s rude. You don’t want a spank, do you? Besides, what’s with the false modesty all of a sudden? Hannah has already seen you naked, hasn’t she? She has seen your bottom and this peenie of yours, so it doesn’t matter if she sees it again. Besides, you shouldn’t be so modest. You’re only a boy, so Hannah can look at your peenie all she wants. It’s no big deal... See, Hannah, this piece of skin is called the prepuce. If I pull it back gently, we can see his glans...”

After they were done examining my hard peenie, Olivia pulled up my underwear, placing my stiffie with her hand so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable, and we finished the game.

The embarrassing stuff was not over, though. After the game, Olivia said that she was going to hang my paddle on the wall of my bedroom, so that seeing it would remind me not to be naughty. So she took some tools and we went to my bedroom. I hadn’t noticed, but the paddle had a small piece of cord in the handle for that purpose. So there it was, and I realized that anyone who visited my room would see it and know what it was for. If there was any doubt, the inscription was there to make it clear. I didn’t like it, but Ollie made it clear that she wanted the paddle there except when it was needed to use on me. I still remember the grin on Hannah’s face when she looked at me after Olivia said that.

Sometime later, Olivia said that since Hannah was going to be a babysitter, she should know who to bathe a boy.

So they took me to the bathroom and Olivia undressed me again. Once I was naked, she told Hannah that she’d let her give me my bath, so that she could get the practice, and that she’d tell her what to do.

Sure enough, Hannah was the one who gave me my bath. I know she had seen me already, but it was still awfully embarrassing.

She soaped me all over with her hands, from my hair to my feet. Can you guess where she spent the most time?

Right, on my bottom and my peenie. She soaped those extra-throughly, and my peenie got stiff again.

After I was clean, Hannah dried me and dressed me in my pajamas.

“It’s like playing doll dress up... with an anatomically-correct doll,” Hannah giggled, as she said goodbye. “Thanks, Olivia, I feel much more confident about babysitting boys now... And thanks you too, Benji. You are a sweet boy.”

She leaned towards me and, to my surprise, she gave me a brief kiss on the top of my lips. I blushed.

“Mind your little sister so she doesn’t have to warm your bottom,” she recommended me.

And that was it. Well, I had to show mom my bottom afterwards. She congratulated Olivia and said she had done a good job. But after all that had happened that probably was the least embarrassing. At least Hannah wasn’t watching.

I doubt any of you have had a day as embarrassing as that. Somehow it was real extra embarrassing because Hannah was seeing me. She is so angelic and so beautiful...


PART 12b Interlude - Interview with Hannah Schmidt

Q: Was that evening the first time you met Benji?

A: No, I had seen before at school, and with Ollie. But it’s the first time I have seen all of him. <giggle>

Q: Were you aware of how Olivia is in charge of him?

A: I kinda knew that. I mean, he follows her around like a little puppy, and she orders him around. But I didn’t know... I didn’t imagine that it would be like this.

Q: Had you known that she spanked him? And that she bathed him?

A: I had no idea she bathed him. I think I knew she spanked him, because of some jokes or passing remarks some of our friends had made, but I didn’t imagine it was like this. I had thought maybe she gave him a spank on the seat of his pants sometimes.

Q: What kind of passing remarks?

A: Well, like one time we went to the mall. It was a group of friends, all girls, and Benji was the only boy, because Ollie was looking after him. It was obvious that she was. She always tells him what he is allowed or not allowed to do, and on that occasion she told him in front of us not to wander off or he’d be in trouble. I thought then that it was, like, she’d tell their mom or something. <giggle> Of course, now I know that when Benji gets in trouble with his little sister, she doesn’t need to tell their mom, she just bares his butt and spanks him till he is bawling.

Anyway, at one point that day we lost sight of Benji, and Vicky said “Oh oh, if he has wandered away, Ollie is gonna spank him.”

We all giggled, but I thought the joke was that Olivia was so obviously in charge of him she might as well spank him when he was bad. Now I understand that the joke was that she would actually spank him.

Q: So you had never had seen him naked, and you didn’t know that Olivia saw him naked every day?

A: That’s right. I didn’t know at all. I was shocked.

Q: However, some other friends of Olivia already knew, and had seen him naked themselves. How come you hadn’t heard?

A: I found out later that Kayla and Vicky had been on a trip to the beach with Benji and Ollie, and had seen Benji naked there. But I didn’t know. You have to understand, Olivia is not the kind of girl who goes telling tales in order to embarrass people. She is not like that, and neither are her friends. After reading Benji’s emails, you might think that Olivia was actively trying to humiliate him by letting me see him naked, or maybe that she was trying to show off how much control she has over him. But it’s not like that. She just doesn’t give any importance to Benji’s modesty. She doesn’t think he needs it. She’s not going out of her way to humiliate him but neither is she going out of her way to keep people from seeing him.

Q: Tell us how you felt when you realized that Olivia was going to spank Benji naked, in front of you.

A: I was, like, wow! I couldn’t believe it. I felt breathless. It was very exciting. At first, I didn’t know how to react. I was afraid that, if I said anything or made any movements, the enchantment might be broken. That Ollie would realize how unusual everything was and put it off till later. But, of course, that didn’t happen. I now understand her way of thinking better. For me, it was thrilling. For her, baring Benji in front of me was not important at all. For her, it’s just something you do with boys. If you need to undress them, you undress them, no matter who is there to see. For Olivia, it was no different than undressing a baby. Even if he's two years older than us, she thinks of Benji as a young child who doesn’t need privacy. So when she was about to spank him and I arrived, she did not feel any need to put it off or go somewhere private. She believes a boy needs to be spanked as soon as possible after he misbehaves, and she just thought it would be rude to make me wait alone while it happened. She was going to spank Benji and I was there, so she would just spank him in front of me. If Benji was embarrassed, she just thought he was being silly, and that it was part of his punishment anyway. Of course, she also knew that I wanted to start babysitting, so she thought it would be kind to show me how to deal with boys and let me have some experience.

Q: Did you enjoy watching Benjamin bared and spanked?

A: Are you joking? I LOVED it! I felt like I was in a wonderful dream. Benji is a very cute boy, you see. And he’s older than us. He’s 13. A teenager, for goodness’ sake! And yet there was my friend Ollie, so confident and bossy, completely dominating him like it was nothing, like it was the most normal thing in the world. She got him naked in front of me against his will, and I saw everything. Everything! There was no part of his body I couldn’t see from as close as I wanted. She even made him cooperate by holding up her T-shirt. There he was, with his willie and everything hanging out for us to see, and he couldn’t even cover himself because his hands were busy holding his T-shirt out of the way, so that we could see his boy parts better. It was plain to see that he was thoroughly embarrassed, but he let his little sister bare him in front of me, and he even cooperated just because she told him to. That’s how complete Ollie’s control over him is. I looked at his willie, I looked at his bottom. I saw everything, and I loved it.

Q: How do you feel about a younger girl like Olivia being in charge of her older brother?

A: I think it’s great. It’s as it should be. You, in Women’s History we learn about how women used to be unfairly oppressed... how people thought boys were better than girls and could do more things... how girls had less opportunities... how there was a lot of violence against females...

I’m glad that’s all changed now. When I see a girl like Ollie bossing around an older boy, I feel real good. Like things have changed for real and we are getting back at boys. Boys are immature, so I think it’s proper that girls get to boss them around. I mean, you can see it clearly with Ollie and Benji. She’s 11 and he’s 13, but she’s more mature than him. Like, there's no contest. If you are with a group of friends and you need someone to speak to adults and arrange things, it’s Ollie you want, not Benji. She is cleverer, and infinitely more confident. Benji wouldn’t even know how to talk to adults he doesn’t know. Also, you should see how she looks after him. She doesn’t just boss him around and spank him. She also looks out for him, helps him with his homework, makes sure he doesn’t forget his things, that no one bullies him at school...

Q: Does it make you wish you had brothers of your own?

A: Yes. If I had a brother I would treat him just like Ollie treats Benji. I’d prefer an older brother, like Benji. That way it would be clear that I’m not in charge for being older, but for being a girl. I would be able to see him naked every time I wanted. I’d let all my friends see him naked too.

Q: How do you feel about Benji?

A: I like him. <giggle> I think he’s cute. And I like that he’s so incredibly meek and submissive. When he was there in front of me, holding up his T-shirt and letting me see everything I was so joyous that I wanted to laugh. To laugh out of happiness, and I guess that it was also funny that he was a teen but he was so completely dominated by his little sister, that she could make him do that and look so naked and ridiculous. I almost wanted to laugh at him, but also I didn’t want to, because he looked so helpless. I wanted to pat his hair, and tell him it was alright, and kiss him so he’d feel better.

Q: Then Olivia spanked him. What was on your mind while it happened?

A: Mainly I was busy watching. I loved who Ollie took him over her knees and scolded him. Then she started spanking him and I was surprised at how loud it was, and how soon he was crying hard. I went near his bottom to watch it better. There were Ollie’s handprints in red in the beginning, before all his butt got red, and he started kicking his legs. I don’t think he realized how you could see everything when he did that. From his bottomhole when he opened his legs, to the back of his balls. It was quite impressive, and exciting. It made me feel good down there. I wanted to touch myself, but of course I didn’t. I did that later, when I got home, remembering everything I had seen.

Q: How did Benji take the spanking?

A: <giggle> The truth? He was a little crybaby. You would think that a 13 year old boy, being spanked by an 11 year old girl using her hand would at least try to take it better. But he was crying like a little boy from the first minute.

I mean, Olivia is so good at being in charge of him. Seeing the two of them together, how they interact, there’s never any doubt who is the boss and who is bossed around. But seeing how he cried when she spanked him... that didn’t leave any doubts about who is the child. I mean it. Benji is 13, but he is a child, and Ollie is 11, but she is a grownup. He’s taller than her, but it doesn’t matter one bit. She has complete power over him, and acts like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Q: Did you wish you were the one doing the spanking?

A: At the time, just watching was the most amazing thing. Afterwards, when I was playing with myself at home, I imagined I was the one spanking Benji.

Q: What did you think when Olivia made him do corner time?

A: It was amazing, but at the same time it was natural after everything I had seen. Like, of course she made him do corner time after spanking him. It’s the kind of power she has. She’s totally in charge, and whatever she tells Benji to do, he does. Her word is law. So when she made him stand there, with his nose in the corner and showing his red bare bottom, that felt natural. It's what you do after you spank a naughty boy.

Q: What about Benji’s erections? What did you think of that?

A: <giggle> It was very cool. There he was, holding up his T-shirt with everything on show and suddenly it would start getting going up and in a moment it was all still and rigid. And he blushed so much as we looked at that!

Q: Did you think he liked what was happening?

A: No, mostly no. He was hating it. It was plain to see. But at the same time, the situation was so... I don’t know how to describe it... like, so charged... so electric, that I think that helped it happen, even though he was hating it. I don’t know how to explain it better.

Q: You got to touch his penis then.

A: Yeah, that was absolutely incredible. It was hot and stiff, and it was so weird and wonderful. I looked at his eyes then and he immediately looked down, but his little penis was still very stiff.

Q: Did you think it was little?

A: I don’t know. I guess it’s normal for a boy his age? It’s much smaller than adults’ penises that you can see in the internet.

Q: Later you asked to see his bottom, to see if it was red?

A: Yes. That was one of the most incredible days of my life, and I was feeling more confident then. I wanted to see him naked again. I didn’t know I would get to bathe him later. Ollie had kept him in his underpants after the spanking, and since I was going to be a babysitter and she was helping me prepare, I asked about checking his bottom again to see if it was still red. She did not even hesitate, just stood him up and pulled down his briefs so that I could see. He was embarrassed again, even though we had seen him earlier. But she did not even ask him. She just did it. It’s like I said, her authority over him is complete. If you had told me beforehand that an 11-year-old girl could dominate her 13-year-old brother so completely, I wouldn’t have believed it.

The she turned him around and we checked his penis again. Only, we called it his peenie. Because, you know, you wouldn’t use grown-up terms when talking to a child.

Q: What about his bath? Were you expecting that?

A: I sure wasn’t. That was, like, the perfect ending. I got to do everything. Ollie just told me what to do. And it was such an amazing feeling to do something so intimate for an older boy, and get to see everything from a few inches away, and to get to touch everything. After washing his hair, I stood him up, and I would soap my hands and rub his skin with them. Such an incredible feeling!

Q: Did he give you any problem?

A: Not at all! He was very docile. He blushed and squirmed a bit, but he let us do whatever we wanted. It was like that all afternoon, after his spanking. You should have seen how he followed Ollie around and did what she said. He looked for physical contact and soaked up all the affection she showed him.

(The End)