The Mailing List 11

By Cassie

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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(dedicated to Wyll) 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Do not feel so down because Olivia made you play with your weenie in front of her, Benji. It's not your fault, but things like that happen.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Yeah, thanks, man, but it’s just so embarrassing! 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
It could be worse. You’re not the only boy who has something so embarrassing happen to them, you know. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
I don’t know. Maybe, I guess, but it doesn’t feel like it. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Well, I’m going to tell you something so that you see I’m right. You know how my mom is so much into this Conservative Resurgence thing, right? Well, she says that teenage boys are starting to have sexual feelings, but that we are not mature enough to manage our own sexuality. That’s why she doesn’t let my brothers and me play with our peenies. She always finds out when any of us has played with his peenie, and when that happens the guilty boy gets a spanking. So I can’t even play with my peenie without getting spanked for it later. 
But then mom says that our bodies need physical relief sometimes, but that there’s no way a boy should be allowed to control his own sexuality, so she takes care of it. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
Wait... wait... what? What do you mean “she takes care of it”? You mean that your mom plays with your peenie? WTF! 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Yeah, she does. Some time before our bedtime, she tells me that it’s time to relieve my tension. Then she takes me into her bedroom, closes the door and takes my clothes off. Even my socks. And my undies, of course. I’m, like, completely naked. Then she puts some classic music and sits me on her lap. I’m, like sitting with my back to her, with my back resting on her chest. Her legs are together and my legs are open, falling on both sides of hers. 
Then she holds me with one arm around my chest, and she tells me to relax and listen to the music. Then she starts rubbing my peenie softly, up and down with her free hand, until I come. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
Wow! Boy, that’s wild! Your own mom! 
What does she say while she’s doing it? 
And what about your brothers, are you the only one who gets his peenie played with? 
How can you get excited with your mom doing it?? 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Geez. It’s not my fault, man! It’s not as if I want her to, but I don’t get any say in it. And when someone is rubbing my peenie I don’t have much say either. It acts like it has a mind of its own. 
Yeah, my brothers also have the same rules.
Mostly mom doesn’t say anything while she’s doing it. Sometimes she kind of lectures me, like whispering in my ear, telling me that I’m a naughty boy and that I need to leave my peenie alone, because boys don’t have any self-control, and if they are allowed to play with their peenies they don’t know when to stop. Then she tells me that if I play with my peenie she’ll know, and she’ll spank my bare bottom red and hot for me, and that I don’t need to anyway cause she’s taking care of the physical needs of a teen boy. 
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12) 
Oh boy, that must be so horribly embarrassing! I mean, having your own mom do that! 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
Yeah, although I have to say, Brandon’s mom is kind of hot... although it changes when it’s your mom, of course. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Shit, Zac! Don’t say things like that about my mom! 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Yeah, Zac. Remember we agreed we wouldn’t make fun of each other.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
OK, ok, you’re right. I’m sorry. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
But all that about knowing when you have played with yourself... that’s crap, right? I mean, how would she possibly know if you do or not? 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I have no idea how she knows, but she does. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
But Benji is right, how is that even possible? Maybe she’s just bluffing you. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
No, no, I swear it’s true. Really, give me some credit, I’m not an idiot. I have really tried... It’s not like I like not being able to play with myself if I want to. I mean, that’s something like really intimate for a guy. I don’t like not having control over it. But everytime I do, she knows somehow. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
But what does she say? It’s like she reads your mind or something? 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I don’t know, but there must be a way to tell, because she does know.
It happens when she takes me to her bedroom to “relieve my tension”. When she bares me she examines my weenie. When I have played with it she always knows, I don’t know how. If I have, she says, “Young man, you have been playing with your little peenie again!” If I say no, she says “Brandon Stanley Miller, do not lie to me, little man. For lying, you are getting spanked again at bedtime, on top of your spanking now for playing with your peenie.” If I admit it, I don’t get spanked again at bedtime, but nothing saves me from the spanking right then. 
So if I do it, I get a spanking on my bare bottom, and afterwards, still sobbing, I have to sit on her lap so that she can relieve my tension, and it hurts sitting on a red, warm bottom. 
But she always knows. She never fails. If I have played with it, she knows. And if I haven’t played, she never says I have.
She even knows when I touch it a bit but not enough to come. Then she says, “Brandon, you naughty little boy, you have been playing with your pee-pee, but not enough to relieve your tension.” When that happens, she spanks me but not so long. Instead of taking me over her knees, she often just spanks me standing up, grabbing my arm and swatting me with her hand, while I run circles around her trying to get away, in vain. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
But know on Earth can she tell just by looking at your weenie? Maybe she smells it somehow? Like, your hand can smell funny sometimes after doing it. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I thought about that. Once I even washed my peenie with soap in the bathroom, but she still knew. She’s like a wizard. So I try not to do it because, if I do, I know I’m getting a spanking next time she relieves my tension. But it’s difficult. Sometimes when I’m in bed I can’t resist the temptation and I do it, even though I know I’ll regret it next day when I’m crying while she spanks me hard. I have to sleep and go through the next day knowing I’m getting spanked. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Aw, man, that’s too bad! 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Yeah, tell me about it. Sigh. 
PART 11b Interlude - Interview with Dr. Cassandra Miller (Brandon’s mother) 

Q: Hi! Can you tell us a bit about why you relieve the sexual tension of your boys by masturbating them daily? Without technical language, please, so that those of us who are not phycologists can understand. 
A: I’ll be glad to. It is a well-known fact that teenage boys’ minds mature much slower than their bodies. This discrepancy is a source of problems during this crucial stage of their development.
With Puericil, you can control boys’ aggressivity, and make them more submissive, but it is good practice to reinforce that with other ways to control any rebellious tendencies. Teenage boys are still children, so it’s important to treat them accordingly so that they won’t, to put it plainly, get too big for their britches.
One way to do that is not allow them any privacy. As the popular saying goes, “little boys shouldn’t be so modest”. And it’s quite true that boys, even adolescent boys, do not need privacy. Their psyche is not sophisticated enough to have developed that need. In simple terms, boys are not mature enough to need privacy. What they often feel is a type of false modesty caused in part by insecurities about their bodies and also by subconscious imitation of the adults and girls they see around them. They see adults and girls behaving modestly, they notice that members of those groups are more mature, and therefore they try to appear more grown-up by interiorizing and imitating that modest behavior. It’s modesty, but it’s false modesty, like the toddler who hides behind her mother’s legs.
So we can use that in our favor. By exposing their naked bodies in front of others, particularly in front of women and, even better, girls, we take away their prematurely grown-up feelings. That’s important, because that feeling is what leads to rebelliousness. No boy can feel grown-up and in control when he is naked in front of females. 
The same goes for their budding sexuality. It is natural, but it can make them feel grown-up long before they are mature enough to be grown-up. Some parents control it by treating their boys with brands of Puericil that suppress sexual desire, and sometimes also keeps their genitals underdeveloped.
Many parents keep their boys’ genitals undeveloped through the use of the appropriate brands of Puericil. I often see boys well into their late teens with penises that one would associate with ten-year-olds. But most parents opt for regular brand Puericil, which is also cheaper. That, of course, still keeps the boy’s genitals bald, but not underdeveloped. 
For those of us who opt to let our boys’ genitals develop, we have to be aware that sexual feelings can make a boy feel grown and rebellious, no matter how bald down there he is. For that reason I recommend that parents take control of their sons sexuality. They are not mature enough to handle it, anyway, so it falls to the authority figures in their lives to do that. I have written several books on the subject of raising boys, and you can find more details there. 
Q: Thank for that detailed answer. Reading what your son tells his friends in his mailing list, not knowing of course that his email is no more private than his body, I am very curious about one thing: how is it that you are able to tell whether he has masturbated just by looking at his penis? 
A: Oh, well, I can assure you I am not actually a wizard. <laughs>
What happens is that I work part time as an advisor for the R&D department of the Puericil company. One of the projects they are working on is the BoyCheck chip. That is a small electronic chip that is inserted in the back of a boy’s neck, near the C2 cervical nerve. The chip is really a complete computer and transmitting device, but it’s so tiny that a boy does not notice it once it is inserted. It can be inserted without the boy knowing it, for example during a regular physical checkup.
My sons got the chip inserted without their knowledge during a checkup. The doctor just told them that she was taking a small sample of lymphatic fluid. A small and almost painless injection and it’s in place. With the information it transmits, I can know at all times where each of my sons is, and I get telemetric data about their body functions. It’s quite useful, because I can immediately find my sons if I need it, and any sign of serious physical distress that may threaten their lives would be automatically reported to the emergency services, along with their position. 
Of course, the intense sexual pleasure that comes from manipulation of the penis is part of the telemetric information I get, so before their “milking session” I just check the log and I know whether they have masturbated or not. 
Q: <laughing> Milking session? 
A: <also laughing> Yes. Not very scientific, I know, but you did ask for plain language. It’s a little joke of mine. I don’t use that term with to the boys, because I prefer to keep it more solemn, but it is quite like milking, you know. You gently massage the organ and in due time milk is ejected. <chuckling> 
Q: <smiling> Poor boys! I almost feel sorry for them! 
A: <smiling> They show all signs of enjoying the procedure, I assure you. Unlike the spanking they get if they fail to show control, the actual “milking” is of course pleasurable. 
Q: But, don’t you have qualms about controlling them so much, and in such an intimate way? 
A: No, of course not. Boys are not mature enough to control themselves. You’d be surprised how often I have to spank them for masturbating, even though they know what will happen.
Q: Do they get spanked often? I mean, in general, not just for this reason. 
A: Oh yes, quite often. Always on their bare bottom. Boys need lots of love, but also lots of spanking. They need to be strictly supervised and controlled. They need to know they are not in charge.
Q: How long are you going to keep “milking” your sons, if you don’t mind me borrowing your term? 
A: I’ll keep the same regime for as long as they live here. But I won’t necessarily be the one doing it. 
Q: What do you mean? 
A: Jason, my eldest son, who is 17, has a girlfriend. She’s a smart and confident girl his age, and I have encouraged her to take control of him, including his sexuality.
Q: So, she masturbates him? Aren’t you worried about them having a sexual relationship before they are ready? 
A: No, as I said, I know her and she is a and capable young lady, with clear ideas. She has complete control of him, and won’t let it get out of hand. She spanks him when he misbehaves and I have taught her how to be in charge of him. That includes “relieving his tension”. You have to do that, or the poor boy would go crazy! 

(The End)