It's Not Fair 44

By Cassie and several contributors

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The magazine response is signed as INF, but it's actually written by Dr. Cassandra Miller, a feminist psychologist specializing in the upbringing of boys. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
(the letter has been written by Timothy Little. The response is by Cassie)

Timothy (14)
Dear Miss (It’s not Fair),
My name is Timothy Little. I live with my mother and my sister on the outskirts of Santa Barbara. My sister Claire is sixteen (nearly seventeen) and I am fourteen (soon to be fifteen). My mother is a fashion model and works for a lot of magazines and catalogs. She usually works at a studio not far from where we live, and so she is always home in the evening, never later than one or two hours after we get home from school. Our school is fee paying and has a very high reputation for academic excellence. It is strict. We all wear uniforms and have lots of regulations, but it really is a top school. Mom was really proud when my sister first, and then I, were selected from a whole lot of applicants. She has brought us up on her own from soon after I was born. She needs to work as often as she can but has never left us to fend for ourselves for more than a couple of hours and I know the school fees are not cheap.
We have always had a nice life until about six months ago. I became the captain of our school swim team. (a real honour). Our coach Miss Trent appointed me. She is an ace swimmer and won a medal at the All-American-Finals when she was fifteen It was a Silver one. I think she is nineteen or twenty now.
She used to really like me, until one day she overheard me telling Simon Priestley that I would not have him in the team because he was no good. (He is the school’s biggest bully), I hated him and so do most of the other boys. But he is smarmy with the teachers. Anyway, Miss Trent told me that it was not up to me to choose who should be in the team. Miss Trent said I was far too big for my boots! I didn’t know what she meant by that. She reported me to the headmistress and then telephoned my mom.
Miss Trent was and is my idol. I love her from afar. She is beautiful, I mean just perfect. She has short dark, nearly black hair, it sort of frames her head which is a real nice shape, I mean just beautiful. Her face is ever so pretty, you know, really neat features, nice blue/green eyes, really nice strong teeth, pretty lips and nice high cheek bones.
Her body is really something. She has really firm breasts (can I say that, I’m not being nasty. She just has) because her swimming costume is a one piece one and doesn’t have any support, so you can tell. Her waist is so narrow that when she stands at the side of the pool with her hands sort of resting just above her hips, her fingers nearly span her waist. And her legs just go on forever, the longest thighs I have ever seen. She is really toned (obviously for a champion swimmer).
Anyway, she used to really like me. I mean she used to spoil me a bit. She always tousled my hair and when I won or did something good, she would kiss me on the cheek, I mean quite often. She used to laugh when I blushed. I blush a lot.
The best thing was before an inter-school match she used to give me a massage. I had to get undressed and put a towel over me after I laid on the massage table. She would come in and massage my shoulders and arms and then the front of my legs, before she made me turn over. Then she would do my shoulders and the muscles in my back. Then, the best bit. She would take my towel off and do my legs and buttocks.
She would use both hands and push right up in-between my bottom cheeks. Then she would do just my buttocks, in the crevice and everywhere. She said it is really important for swimmers. It used to really feel nice, and it used to make my peenie go stiff. Of course, she couldn’t see that it did because I was laid on it. I always blushed during my massage, but I felt really special because she didn’t do it to any of the others in the team.
When she was finished she used to chuckle and smack both my bottom cheeks. When she first did it, it was one slap on each cheek, but now she smacks me six times on each cheek. Somehow my peenie gets even stiffer when she does that. She says the same thing every time. “Bare Bottoms always get spanked on my table.” When she leaves me to get dressed, she always clicks her tongue and says, “Yep, swimmers have the best bodies.”
She is a super person and I have this dread feeling in my tummy when I think of her not liking me. It seems I had really let her down.
Miss Trent had a meeting with my mom. She told my mom that I needed professional help. I had not realised at that time, how seriously she took the incident. I mean she had never heard Beastly Priestley turn my name around and call me Little Timmy, instead of Timothy Little or trip and push junior boys down, making them cry.
They made an appointment for me to see a psychiatrist type doctor. Doctor Malin was really nice to me as we went in to see her, but she tutted when Miss Trent told her about my attitude. She told the doctor that I was rude and totally big-headed and disruptive (all because of Beastly Priestley). She didn’t ask for my side of the story and they ignored me. In fact, my mother sent me to sit down at the other end of the surgery so they could talk without me interrupting them.
It must have been half an hour before she told me to come back to where they were, and the doctor told me to take my clothes off. It was really embarrassing with Miss Trent watching me. I had to sit in my undies while she took my blood pressure and then stuck a needle in my arm and filled two small plastic tubes with my blood. Then I had to stand up while she went over my chest and back with a stethoscope. I had to keep breathing in and hold my breath for ages.
Then, right in front of Miss Trent and my mom, she pulled my undies down to the floor and made be bend down and take them off. She put her hand under my bean bag and made me cough. Not just once, but three times.
The worst thing was that she began to roll my testes around in her hand feeling one and then the other, and then going back to the first one again before she let me go. I was as red as I can ever remember. Well that is until she took my peenie and pushed the skin back until everything was showing. I dared not look at Miss Trent or my mom. The doctor kept looking at it and moving the skin around. I got a funny feeling in the very tip of my peenie, just like I get in bed when It rubs on the sheets sometimes.
I mean, Miss, this was six months ago, and I had never spurted stuff, I mean like the other boys are always bragging about doing. Anyway, as the doctor kept examining it, my peenie got stiffer and stiffer until it was really hard and sticking out on its own. Even when she stopped touching it, it stayed sticking right out. I was so embarrassed that I felt like crying. I know my cheeks must have been red because they felt really hot.
Anyway, the doctor asked my mom if I had reached puberty (I didn’t know what she meant so I looked it up later) Mom said that she didn’t know, other than the fact that I did not have any hair (I know she meant down there). Anyway, the doctor looked under my arms (which are bare) and then made me kneel on the examination couch on my hands and knees, which embarrassed me because my bottom was facing right where Miss Trent was standing and my peenie was still stiff, although I don’t think she could see it then, because I was kneeling.
The doctor put some latex gloves on her hands and told me to keep very still, which I did. She pulled one of my bottom cheeks to the side and wiped some cream on my bottom hole. It was really cold and made me jump a bit. She told me to stay still again and to relax my bottom. I didn’t know you could do that. She pressed her finger against my bottom hole, it felt really weird as she kept moving her finger around it. Then, she pushed it inside, I mean right inside, into my bottom.
Her other hand was pressed on my back, otherwise I think I would have kneeled straight up with the shock of it. She kept wiggling her finger and pushing it until it was right up inside me. I have never felt anything inside my bottom before. I was absolutely embarrassed although it did not hurt that much. I felt really funny, sort of very embarrassed, when I heard Miss Trent offer to hold my shoulders. She got hold of my forearms and pulled them so that I was forced to go down on my elbows. Which I did. I never heard the doctor say she could help.
She took my head in both of her hands and turned it really gently, so my head was laid on my cheek and I was facing her. She stroked my other cheek very softly with her fingertips. I was really surprised because I thought she didn’t like me. Her hands were really cold when she put them on my shoulders and held me ever so firmly. She is a really good swimmer, so she is very strong.
Anyway, I could feel the doctor’s knuckles sort of turning against the cheeks of my bottom and then I felt this really, really weird feeling. I can’t tell you what she was doing, but she seemed to press her finger quite forcefully against something right up inside of me.
It was more than weird; it was like she had found a switch or something. I mean like deep down inside of me. I felt like she had found my bare nerves. The insides of my legs had a strange sort of sharp feeling running inside both thighs and then my tummy got a sort of stabbing sensation. I don’t really know how to describe it, it sort of seemed to be connected together with the skin of my thighs, anyway that’s how it started.
I think she was rubbing something with her finger, because the feeling seemed to shoot up my bottom, like from my spine and then through my bean bag and into my peenie. which until then I had forgotten about. I don’t even know if my peenie was still stiff or not. My ears were ringing, like when you run a race and want to win and get really out of breath. Then I felt a sort of pain in my head, in my forehead really. She must have jabbed something with her finger three or four times and then I felt her other hand reach underneath me, past my tummy and sort of grasp my peenie. She kind of squeezed it, I think - and then yanked it downwards really quickly and then she kept on doing it.­­­ It felt like that anyway, but I couldn’t actually see what she was doing.
I got this feeling like I was peeing really small pieces of glass. It really felt sharp, right from the middle of my bottom to the tip of my peenie. It was really frightening as I didn’t know that my body could feel so weird. I just remember shivering and then nothing else. I only remember being laid on my side and the doctor and Miss Trent looking at me. Miss Trent was stroking my cheek as if she liked me again. I was feeling a bit out of breath and really shivery as they helped me up and sat me on a chair. My mother came and felt my forehead and then tousled my hair, even she seemed to like me again.
They left me sitting on a chair without me getting dressed. I felt a bit hot, and as they weren’t looking at me, I didn’t mind so much. They did look my way once or twice - you can always tell when they are talking about you. Grownups always do that, look at you while they talk about you. I noticed that my peenie had gone down, thank goodness. In fact, I felt pretty alright by the time mom said we would be leaving soon so to get dressed.
Anyway, I will tell you about the start of my demise. I learned that the doctor had prescribed a medicine called Puericil. The Puericil type I am on is different to the one that a lot of the other boys are on. I have only seen the packet once and it has a lot of letters and numbers on it as well as the strength. It looked like Puericil XXXMX3 97/99 mg. apart from the dose which I know is correct, I have no idea if the rest is quite right. Anyway, get this, it’s not a tablet, it is like a yellow and blue torpedo and guess where it goes. I know you will know what it is Miss, but other boys reading this might not.
In-your-bottom is where it goes. I hope I am not being rude Miss. But it has to go there. The doctor told mom that the manufacturers do not make it in any other form. I found out the reason I am on this particular one is that Miss Trent insisted that she did not want my swimming performance affected. Compromised was the word she used to my mom. So, I have to have a set routine of going for a poop at the same time every evening otherwise my mom gives me an enema, which was another first for me. The reason for this is that I have to be clear for the medicine to be given.
Anyway, I was started on this medication six months ago - straight after my first visit to Doctor Malin. Nobody told me that there were side effects, which I must admit there weren’t for nearly the first four months. I hope my letter does not sound too pathetic as I have learned to mend my ways about complaining.
I have always loved my sister Claire and I am very proud of her. She has taken after my mom, who is very good looking and sometimes Claire is booked on her fashion shoots for clothes that are suitable for teenagers. My sister can be bossy with me, but since I have been on Puericil, I have never answered her back or argued with her. I really feel quite content on its medical properties, but I hate the embarrassing way it is given and the side effects, which I will come to.
Mom has always been careful of my feelings when she gives me my medication and really I can’t think how she could do it differently. She gives it to me with a long syringe type of implement. It was quite expensive. (The applicator) The lozenge (they describe it like that) is gripped inside the tip and then the whole thing is inserted into my bottom. When the plunger is pressed the suppository (that’s what it is really) slides right up into your bottom. (The pointed end first of course).
The preparation is the most embarrassing bit, as mom has to lubricate my bottom hole. It really is embarrassing, especially because of the side effects of the medication which I still have to tell you about.
Anyway Miss, I was getting on alright with the routine. My mom never sort of mentions things about my body to embarrass me. She always says, “Well Timothy, let’s get this chore out of the way and then it’s Miller Time.” (She is joking of course)
So, to the downward change in my life and why I think it’s not fair. Mom came home one evening and sat us both down. A family conference she called it. She explained that she had always wanted to set herself straight financially, so that she didn’t have to worry if the work suddenly dried up. Claire could see what she meant better than I could, but I really wanted mom to be happy. Anyway, she told us that a job had come up, which her agency had said that she must take if she wanted their regular work. It paid so well that it would set her up financially and give her the stability which her kind of career rarely provides. The upshot was that she would be away for fourteen weeks. Not just away… but in Europe.
Claire immediately said that she should take it. I joined in, wanting to make mom happy. She had talked to our neighbour Miss Prendergast who is also single, and mom’s best friend. She is a really pretty lady, quite a bit younger than mom. She is a health service executive and is really high up in this really posh hospital where all the millionaires go when they are ill.
She dresses really smartly, and mom always says that she would like to be a dime behind her. (you know, nearly as rich) Miss Prendergast had offered to come over when ever we needed her. Mom looked at me and said that she would not interfere other than come and do the laundry, cook if we wanted it and send her own cleaning lady around once or twice a week to keep the house tidy and clean.
Claire thought everything would be fine and squeezed my hand under the table, so that I would agree. I did agree, I wanted whatever everyone else wanted. The bad news, which I suddenly dreaded was that mom would leave us in two days, time. Mom and Claire disappeared to talk, and I sat and did my homework. Two hours later they came and looked at me as they sat at the opposite side of the table.
They were both looking at me curiously and I couldn’t think what was wrong. That was until mom said, I had better show Claire how to give you your medication. Honestly Miss, I think my heart stopped. Claire was going to perform that humiliating task and she was going to see my shameful side effect. I blushed to the roots of my hair. I would have said that I had changed my mind, I know the old selfish me would have, without giving it another thought.
I looked at Claire’s face and if looks could kill, I would be dead right now. She looked daggers at me. I bit my lip and managed to say, OK mom I’ll go to the bathroom right now and give you a shout when I’ve finished. Which was my usual routine, if I had not been for a poop earlier.
I thought I had sounded really grown up and I could see that mom’s worried look had disappeared.
As I sat on the toilet pan I thought of what was to come. I was determined to not blush and certainly not to make a fuss. I finished, wiped and flushed and then used the bidet, (we were brought up with a bidet) and washed my hands. So that took care of the thoroughness of my bathroom visit.
I walked back into our lounge and told mom I was ready. We walked to the bathroom together, all three of us and it felt really strange. Mom usually expects me to strip off and gives me my medication. Then I usually put my PJ’s on. You can see that I had got pretty used to a routine. Anyway, I sat on the lid of the toilet bowl while Mom showed Claire how to load the lozenge. Mom looked at me, she looked a bit flushed. I smiled like it was no bother. I can tell you that I was utterly embarrassed.
She didn’t have to say anything. I turned away from them and undressed quickly and knelt on the bathroom floor, still facing away from them. I could not help gasping as I felt Claire’s fingers begin to grease my bottom hole with this sweet-smelling cream my mom always used. I knew it was Claire because she was very gentle and almost timid in the way she touched me. Mom told her to be firmer and to pop her finger in straight after she had applied the cream. I felt myself shiver as she followed mom’s advice. It just felt so different and very embarrassing. My mom told her to slide the applicator straight in up to the yellow mark. Claire got it right first time and it was done. Claire got the steriliser and popped the syringe into it. I was really pleased when they left me and closed the door.
I have to tell you sooner or later. I am not being rude, just truthful. The side effect of this type of Puericil is that it makes your peenie stiff and your bean bag bulge. My peenie goes stiff, not just when it is given, but at any time of the day or night. I have always tried to hide it, but it had been getting worse. I didn’t know what to do. Mom had seen it once or twice I know she had. But she pretended that she hadn’t (seen it that is). I was really worried and wondered what my sister was going to think if she saw it. Honestly Miss I wondered at the time if she would think I was perving on her.
Anyway, I had better continue. Mom did the following night of my medication as Claire was at netball. Mom had told us that we were to suspend our night-time activities as she wanted us both home straight from school and together while she was away. The same at weekends, together whether at home or at the mall, but always together. You can guess that my bossy sister decided where we should go, and honestly Miss, I never ever complained.
What I had been dreading apart from Claire giving me my medicine was Claire seeing me with a boner. (Am I allowed to say that) Anyway, I worried it seems needlessly now, but I was as green as grass. (Claire told me later) Claire is a beautiful girl, a younger version of mom. I love her but I have never ever thought bad thoughts about her. (Nasty thoughts that is)
The next night she told me that she was going to spare my blushes. (Yes, she had seen me blushing without me knowing it) Her instructions were… this is exactly as she said it. “You are going to go to the bathroom and do your business. You can come out when you have changed into your PJ’s and wait while I have prepared the syringe. I will call you and wait outside the bathroom while you have stripped off and got into position. I will come and lubricate you and inject the lozenge into your bottom. Job done. I will leave and you can come out whenever you want. No fuss and you can blush all you want.”
I had to laugh at her and felt better. Not having to wait with my bare bottom in the air while she messed about with the syringe sounded great… and it was. She was not timid and creamed by bottom very firmly and thoroughly. She didn’t see my stiffy because I was facing away from her.
By the end of the third night of applications, I had no fears at all. Until we got an appointment letter through from the doctor’s office. Then my embarrassment began and has continued, ever since. Hence this letter.
To cut a long story shorter we kept our appointment. Claire had already rung the office to say that she would be taking me as mom was away. She drove us there in mom’s car (mom had given her permission to use the car as Claire is a very careful driver)
The doctor was very nice and seemed to have forgotten all about the lurid description of my behaviour by Miss Trent. (Thank goodness)
She gave Claire a sheaf of papers to take home and read on the latest advice about my medication and its side effects. (I could have told her what they were if I had have been brave enough)
Now to the start of my woes. This is as near as I can remember it. She treated me more like a child than a teenager. ‘Now Timothy, pop your clothes off and let me have a look at you.’ (embarrassing or what!!!) I nearly fainted as she clarified it. ‘Everything off today Timothy, I need to look at your testicles to see how you are developing.’ (Sorry about the language, Miss) She treated Claire as if she was an equal. With those, homely remarks. ‘My, my Claire don’t little boys blush when they have to get undressed.’
It went on like that as she pulled my underpants down. ‘No modesty for you today young man.’ I could have curled up and died. Claire did not seem the least bit perturbed or surprised. ‘Up on the table, on your back.’ I hadn’t even noticed that the stirrups were out and waiting. Fortunately, Claire was standing looking at the sheaf of notes on my medication while the doctor slipped my calves into the stirrups. I was so embarrassed that I could hardly breathe. And worse still, my peenie begun to become stiff. Honestly by the time she had my calves in the stirrups, my peenie was really stiff and I was blushing. My face must have been bright red. Suddenly I realised that Claire was standing by the examination table looking down at me. I had nowhere to hide.
This is really how it all started. I will repeat the doctors words, as they are burned into my brain. Seriously.
“You will see in the notes when you get a chance to read them, Claire. That this medicine, does not affect in most respects, a boys physicality So, although there will be no hair growth on the pubis or underarm, sexual development has not been hindered. The boy will remain at an early Tanner stage visually, but his sexual development remains not just at normal levels, but very much accelerated in the production of seminal fluids.” Claire was following her words with the notes.
“Fortunately, the submissive calming characteristics of the drug will prohibit him, even from the thought, of any sexually aggressive behaviour.
His skin and facial characteristics will remain that of a young boy. He will retain his strength, but will not exhibit adolescent signs, such as spots, acne or the deepening of the voice. There are other reported mild relative contraindications, really information more than a reason not to prescribe the medication. There is invariably a heightened sensitivity in the nipples and sometimes the perineum.” She turned to me.
 “Now tell me Timothy how often are you playing with your little penis.” The question had come out of the blue and I remember clearly - I just blushed. I was certainly a bit put out… well I think I was. I remember stammering, I don’t do that. She looked at me like a teacher who thinks she has caught you cheating and doesn’t believe you, when you say you weren’t. Honestly Doctor, I said. I have never done it - you know what the other boys do. I haven’t ever done it.
She took Claire away and left me naked, with my stiffy just as stiff and my legs still in the stirrups. It must have been twenty minutes before they came back. Claire was wearing thin latex gloves as well as the doctor. I was at a loss to know what was happening as the doctor smeared lubricant onto Claire’s fingers. She spoke to her quietly, but I could hear every word. It shocked me to the core. I mean really shocked me.
The doctor was very casual as she told Claire what to do. “Tease the sphincter as you would normally, and then just slide two fingers, yes that’s right press them together then slowly, that’s the way but don’t stop until your knuckles stop you, yes that’s it. That’s it, just curl your fingers until…” Suddenly I remembered the feeling exactly from the last doctors visit, and it was happening again. To my surprise, Claire put her hand around my peenie and began to move it up and down.
She seemed to jab inside my bottom at the same time as she slipped my foreskin (sorry again) up and down my peenie. She must have moved it about four times, when I felt an incredible sensation. This is the honest truth… (I really couldn’t help it Miss), I just spurted. I felt so ashamed, that I had done that, but I did. I saw the doctor was already holding a test tube and she had caught all of this white stuff in her glass.
When I thought about the doctor having a test-tube ready, I think that she was expecting my peenie to spurt, so I didn’t feel quite so bad about what I had done.
The doctor gave me a lecture before she let me out of the stirrups. It was really embarrassing, and I blushed all the way through it. Like you are being told off for something that you have never done. ‘You must never ever play with your little penis Timothy. It is terribly dangerous and bad for you, both psychologically and physically. I understand that your mother has given your sister full rights to punish you if you do not obey her. It is for Claire to decide when your little boy juice needs extracting and she will do it whenever it is necessary, do you understand me Timothy’ I remember nodding. I was numb with shock. I also didn’t know that mom had told her that she could punish me.
So that was the start of my utterly embarrassing life. But not the finish. Claire warns me whenever she feels it is necessary for me to have my peenie milked.
I have to go to the bathroom and make sure my bottom is empty. (Easier said than done). I have to go to my bedroom and strip totally naked before I lay on the bed with my legs spread wide apart and my hands behind my head. Then, one of the worst bits is that I have to wait naked and utterly ashamed of myself in this really embarrassing position while she gathers her creams and gloves and then comes to extract my boy juice.
The wait is the worst thing ever. If I think of what she is going to do to me, my peenie gets stiff even before she comes into the room and she always makes a remark like – “What have you been thinking about naughty Timmy?”
She knows how embarrassed that makes me feel. Claire is very methodical by nature and a triple ‘A’ Student, even though she is going into modelling. So, my wait is really extended, by the time she has all the creams and cloths and towels that she needs.
It is worse than waiting outside our headmistress’s study, knowing that she is going to take your vest, pants and underwear off and paddle or cane you, while you are bending naked over her desk. I haven’t had her summons yet to visit her office. I definitely have not forgotten.
My sister is always very nice to me, calling me sweetie and a good boy, but she is very firm in her instructions. “Right Timothy I suppose this is embarrassing for both of us, but it is medically necessary for you to have your boy juice extracted.” (By the way, my sister does not seem embarrassed at all).
She is already halfway through her notes, so each time there is always a difference in what she does to me. She has started flicking my peenie with her fingertips if it has not got a stiffy. Just tapping it and letting it roll around on my tummy. She cups my bean bag and jiggles it, from right at the base of the skin. It makes the bit of flesh that goes from my bean bag to my bottom hole really, really throb.
She lubricates my bottom hole, very firmly and then tell me to put my feet flat on the bed with my knees up and “Lift” that’s all she says. Then she pushes her two fingers straight into my bottom. She always say’s just relax, that’s the way. I still don’t think it is possible to relax, I mean how do you do that?
Anyway’ the last two times was really, really embarrassing. When I had raised my bottom, she put her left arm under the crook of both my knees and lifted my legs until I was bent backwards. My knees almost touched my chest. To my horror she started spanking me! Not just playfully. These were quick hard slaps all over the cheeks of my bottom. She has a lot of power in her arm. Funnily, my peenie was stiffer than it’s ever been. I was nearly crying as she let my legs go and pushed her fingers up into my bottom. Really firmly. (She said the slaps were to aid blood flow to the right area. Yeah, right!).
She curls her fingers when they are fully up inside me and knows that she has them in exactly the right place. She presses hard on the centre of my button, (I think of it like a light switch, putting electricity through my entire bottom, bean bag and peenie) there is no respite from it. She puts a thin cloth on my tummy and then she grasps my peenie really firmly and her hand moves like lightening. It is so intense, it is nearly unbearable, and you have to squirt, impossible to resist. (You can’t help it Miss.)
She is really gentle after that and strokes my forehead and my nipples and lets me rest awhile. Then she makes me stand with my legs astride and my hands upon my head, she sits on the edge of the bed while she feels my bean bag. Sometimes for ages. Then she takes a cloth and draws down my peenie from the base to the tip and sort of milks me, for two or three strokes and catches anything that comes out. She usually smacks me (lightly) on the bottom and tells me I am a beautiful little boy and that she loves me.
I had thought that I would be safe at school, from being milked, that is. But I was wrong, everyone seems to be co-ordinated from the doctor’s instructions. I suppose the school would have to know really.
The week before last the nurse called me into her office. I knocked and went in and stood as we are supposed to do and said my name. “Timothy Little, Miss.” She smiled at me and told me that I had been called to the surgery as I had to have my semen extracted. For a minute I didn’t realise what she meant.
The school nurse is very young. Younger than Miss Trent. She is very abrupt when she sees you for something, and I think she is like that to compensate for her being so young.
She always makes us attend the surgery in our gym vest and shorts, I suppose it saves time.
She came around from her desk and stood in front of me. I was blushing as red as a fire hydrant as she told me to stand with my arms stretched upwards above my head.
She reached forward with both arms and sort of slid her hands up on either side of my torso. She was sort of stroking my skin as she pushed the hem of my vest to above my shoulders and then pulled it off my arms. She spoke crisply as she said. “Clasp your hands behind your head.” She went down onto one knee and slid my shorts down to the floor and told me to step out of them. I blushed really brightly as her face was so close to my peenie when she had pulled my shorts down.
We don’t wear underwear with gym shorts. So, I was obviously naked. She told me to stand with my legs astride and she slipped her arm around my waist. She stood very close to me and sort of pressed herself against me as she reached down without looking and cupped my bean bag. She was pressed against me for absolutely ages as she kept feeling my testes. I could feel my peenie getting stiffer and I was already blushing. I was so embarrassed, more so as she was so young.
She seemed pleased that I was blushing, maybe it emphasised her authority a bit more, but she did seemed pleased.
Eventually she told me to lay on my back on the examination couch with my feet towards the far end towards the door which was still open. She seemed satisfied with my position, I just looked up to the ceiling until she stood over me and looked at my face as she stroked my tummy and my nipples, which are really sensitive since I have been on this medication. I could feel my peenie move as soon as her hand touched my skin. I seem to be really sensitive lately.
She stroked her hand gently over my legs and then, one by one, she put my calves in the stirrups. They were set low, so she did not have to lift my legs very far. She looked at her watch and seemed to make a decision She took her controller which is on a thick cable from the bed and adjusted the stirrups until I was bent back with my knees over my chest. I was really openly displayed, and I was blushing as the stirrups were set a lot higher and wider than the stirrups in the doctor’s office.
 She talked to me like a baby, which further embarrassed me. “Now little Timmy, we will be ready to start soon, so just relax and we will see if we can get you feeling a little more comfortable.” She put her hand between my legs and lifted my bean bag. (Honestly Miss, it is so humiliating when you are naked in the stirrups like that and the nurse can touch you, just anywhere!)
She left me waiting for about five minutes. She had left the door open and I could certainly hear people walking about in the corridor. I was dreading someone would walk in while I was like that.
I kept looking towards the door as the nurse seemed as if she was reading my notes. I was really conscious of my vulnerable position. Suddenly I was shocked to a very crisp cinder. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Miss Trent walk in. She said Hello to the nurse and asked her if she had everything ready. Then she walked over to me and looked down at my face. She stroked her hand over my forehead and smiled at me. She had a really caring expression on her face and I felt a tear in my eye. She said that I was to be a good boy while the nurse treated me and made me feel better.
She looked at the nurse who was letting the end of the bed down, so that my raised bottom was just suspended by my legs being in the stirrups. She stroked the inside of my thighs and then she lifted my bean bag. She asked Miss Trent if she would hold my scrotum for her and then she dipped her hand into a jar. Miss Trent gently lifted my bean bag and started stroking her other hand over my nipples.
The cream was really cold, and I jerked by hips as the nurse gently slipped her hand between my cheeks. I felt so open and ashamed of my position as she teased my bottom hole with her fingers. It seemed to be almost immediately that she slipped two fingers up into my bottom. I could not help shuddering and shaking as she slowly pushed them forward until I could feel the knuckles of her hand pressing really firmly against my bottom cheeks.
Almost casually, she grasped the tip of my peenie and pulled the skin right down ever so tightly. She sort of scraped her nail around the rim of it. It made me jerk it was so sensitive, I mean really agonisingly so. She gave it a few strokes up and down. I knew that my peenie was really, really stiff when she let go of it- because my peenie was throbbing in the air, on its own unsupported.
She reached for a cloth and draped it over my tummy. Suddenly she started. I couldn’t believe how firmly she wrapped her fingers around my peenie. Her hands became a blur, I could not watch her. The sensation was so extreme. The fingers that were in my bottom really prodded and probed. I knew that I had not got long to go before I spurted. It was such an extreme feeling, really agonising.
She was just so thorough that I felt like I had turned to a bowl of Jell-O. I looked up at Miss Trent, I think it was if she might help me. She looked really caring as she squeezed my bean bag gently. She stoked her other hand over my nipples, constantly one after the other. I gasped as I felt my body stiffen. I could not help it. Suddenly I felt as if I might burst with the sensations which seemed to be everywhere in my body.
Miss Trent squeezed my bean bag and both my nipples, in turn. I knew I was spurting as she leaned over me and kissed my forehead. I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I spurted and spurted, I didn’t seem to be able to stop.
Miss Trent watched me as the pulsing of my body finally seemed to be stopping. The nurse seemed to jab really firmly twice inside my bottom before she made some long strokes with her fingers around my peenie, it was nearly the same action that Claire had done as she got the final drops.
Miss Trent stroked my cheek, so softly that I felt tears really well-up in my eyes. I could not help asking Miss Trent. “Do you like me again now, Miss Trent? I am so sorry I messed up.”
I shall never ever forget her words or the loving way she said them. “You are a dear boy, Timothy, in fact you are my favourite young boy and I will take care of you. Now you just rest while the nurse checks you over.”
There is a lot more to my story, all of it more and more embarrassing every day as my sister has been reading the recommendations of the medication manufacturers. Making sure that boy’s who are on this type of Puericil do not resort to playing with their own peenies. It is a really thick binder and she has only just started, so I dread to think what she will come up with next. (I never ever have, honestly Miss, played with my peenie).
My sister so far, now baths me every day so that I don’t touch my own peenie when I am showering. She has timed all my visits to the bathroom, and she now milks my peenie twice before I go to bed - and checks my sheets and PJ’s in the morning. Another recommendation from Puericil’s very thick binder.
My sister spanked me the other day because I had forgotten to tell her that I was going to the bathroom. It was bare bottomed over her knees and it really hurt my bottom cheeks - they were bright red. (very embarrassing too)
I could not help my peenie getting a stiffy, even though by bottom really smarted from my spanking. It was more than very stiff it was sort of extreme and it throbbed a lot. It even seemed to be hurting a bit because it was so hard. She examined it really closely before she sent me to my bedroom to get into position for her to extract my boy juice. I spurted so much that time that I nearly fainted. I felt really dizzy. My sister did not comment, but she seemed really pleased. She was smiling to herself all evening.
Deep down, I know that I can’t help what my peenie does. But I cannot help feeling guilty every time it gets a stiffy. I think that it is a curse of being a boy. I know I casually mentioned that my sister baths me. Well, I can tell you that it is another huge humiliation that really gets to me.
I think it is because my sister is so close and can observe everything. I don’t just mean my body. She looks into my face sort of seeing into me, like every subtle reaction. It’s almost as if she is reading my thoughts. She always says, “Come along Timothy let’s get you squeaky clean.” Like in a bright and cheerful voice as if it was just a chore. (My skin does sort of squeak when all the soap is rinsed off and she rubs it)
She makes me stand all the way through my bath, apart from when she does my feet and toes. (She says my feet are really neat and not like a boy at all) She is very thorough and my peenie always gets a stiffy as soon as she starts. She does my shoulders and chest first and as soon as her hands touch my nipples it starts (my peenie pops up). I try to sound adult, but to tell the truth I am blushing from head to foot as soon as she takes my clothes off. She works her way down to my waist and then up from my toes to the top of my thighs. Then she does my peenie and bean bag. When she does my peenie, she always says, “I will be coming back to that Timothy Little.” My bottom is the start of my real humiliation. She soaps right in-between the cheeks of my bottom and through my legs and back again. Then she teases my bottom hole a bit until she thinks it is ready. She really seems to know her way around a boy’s body. She slides two fingers up into my bottom hole. She pushes them all the way until I am gasping and teetering on my tiptoes. She always chides me saying things like, “Come along Timothy you should be used to that by now.” It really makes me blush and gasp.
As soon as I am in that position she curls the fingers of her other hand around my peenie. She soaps it really quickly as if she can’t wait to be finished. Her words are always the same at this point. “Nearly finished just keep still and relax for me.”
I can’t help myself when I start spurting. It really is a sort of racking feeling, teetering on your toes with those firm fingers really pushing and moving over that one place deep inside your bottom, while your peenie feels agonisingly over stimulated. It is so absolutely intense Miss, that I can’t think of a word to properly describe the sensation properly.
I always get this sort of thin sliver of pain that starts in my forehead and goes right through my head. Claire always sounds to me like a teacher when she says. “Oh Timothy, why is it that little boys have no control over their little peenies.” She always makes her hands move faster and a lot more firmly when I start to spurt. “Well my boy this won’t excuse you from your double bedtime milking.”
I hope I don’t sound like I think my sister is cruel. She always helps me from the bath when I have finished gasping and groaning. She sits me on her knees and wraps me in a big towel and cuddles me. “Poor baby was it too much for my timid little Timmy. Never mind Sweetheart, let me rock you in my arms.” She sort of sways her knees and cuddles me, and I feel really cared for. She powders my peenie and bean bag and then usually turns me over her knees and sprinkles powder in between my bottom cheeks and rubs it in gently.
This all stems from my attitude with Simon Priestley, who last week was expelled from the school for (get this) bullying a girl.
I hope I don’t sound too antagonistic. I just think that it would not have happened if they had known what a real dweeb Simon Priestley was. So, I think it is not fair.
Lots of love and best wishes, Miss (hoping you think I am right in some of what I say)
P.S. All the teachers at school say that my attitude is excellent and that I am a model schoolboy.
Miss Trent is very pleased with my swimming. I won the inter-school final, a big silver cup is in Miss Trent’s cabinet, and she has not stopped kissing my cheek all week. She says that now I am on this medication my face is prettier. I think she meant handsome, although she usually does not make mistakes. My nipples have got very sensitive from the medication and my sister says that, that is normal, now that I am getting the full benefit of it. I cry a lot more too, which the book says is normal. I have noticed that my classmates all look older than I do, I don’t know whether that is just normal or has something to do with the medication.
I have just learned from my sister… that Miss Prendergast from next door is delivering an examination couch, with stirrups to one of her own spare bedrooms, as they now have new ones at her hospital. My sister is delighted. I am ultra-embarrassed as that means she must have told her everything about my treatment. Otherwise how would she know that my sister wanted one. Get this. My sister is going over to Miss Prendergast’s house for her to show her how to use it. Not taking me, I hope! And, will that mean I have to go to her house for treatment now?
This morning: Even more bad news. Two things really. One of the prefects (all of our school prefects have to be girls) walked into the surgery while the school nurse and Miss Trent were giving me my treatment. (They never seem to shut the surgery door). I tried to tell them to stop my treatment until she left the surgery, but they didn’t seem concerned. She (the head girl…really aloof and pretty) watched everything even when they made me spurt. I could have died of shame. I mean I really could have. The second thing is that I have to see the headmistress tomorrow for punishment. (The Beastly Priestley thing) I know I am bound to be paddled or caned. She can be really nice, but she is really strict too.
Thank you again for listening. X

The magazine published response:

Dear Timothy,
I appreciate that this is all kind of embarrassing for you, but you have to realize that actually you are lucky to have such caring women looking after you.
I’m sorry about that incident with Simon. It might be partly a misunderstanding, as you believe. Perhaps Miss Trent did not know everything there is to know about Simon and his ways, but this is not really about Simon. It’s about you. She is your coach and she obviously cares a lot about you. She knows you very well, so there was probably something she saw in your behaviour that she did not like, and therefore she did the right thing by taking measures to make sure you do not get all surly and rebellious in your teenage year.
The point is that she clearly likes you and cares about you, so she only had your best interest at heart. I don’t think you have really let her down. She’s just helping take care of you.
That first appointment with Doctor Malin must have been embarrassing for you, especially when she pulled down your undies in front of your mom and Miss Trent and examined your peenie. However, they are grownups, and you are just a boy. It’s normal for you to be naked in front of them if it’s necessary when they are taking care of you. Doctor Malin is a doctor, so she’s just doing her job, and your mom and Miss Trent had already seen you naked. Well, Miss Trent may not have seen your peenie before, but she sure saw it as it was being examined thoroughly, so it’s not like you have anything to hide from her, is it?
The way she helped hold you and caressed your cheek shows how much she cares about you. Clearly, for her you are not just her student, but a child who is special to her. So do not be embarrassed at what the doctor was doing to you in front of her. It’s just a necessary medical procedure.
The type of Puericil you have been prescribed is administered through a suppository so, yes, it goes into your bottom. It is a small price to pay, though, to allow you to keep swimming competitively. I’m glad you appreciate its effects, like you no longer talking back or arguing with your sister. Even if you do not like how it is administered (because you find it embarrassing) or some of its side effects (also embarrassing), you have to appreciate that it’s for your own good.
Besides, why do you need to be embarrassed. It’s your mom administering your Puericil suppositories. What is she going to see that she hasn’t seen before? And what does it matter? She is your mom! It can be a bit more embarrassing with Claire. But really, she is your sister, she also loves you, and she is just looking after you and taking care of you. Once she has seen you naked and put her fingers inside your bottom, you have to mentally classify her in the same category as your mom. Your private parts are not private for her. After your doctor visit with her, that should be completely clear. And she understands that your peenie getting hard is part of the side effects of the medicine. She doesn’t think you are a perv, don’t worry!
Since your sister is looking after you and taking care of you, it’s normal that she has full authority to punish you if you misbehave. It’s too bad that she had to spank you the other day, but you can prevent that simply by following her rules and instructions. That also makes it easier for her to care for you.
The same goes for your treatment at school. You are doing well, and that treatment at school and at school, even if it’s embarrassing, is what makes it possible.
As I said, you are lucky to have so many people who love you and take care of you. Your mom, your sister, Miss Trent… All of them are there for you. You need to let them help you. Try not to be so embarrassed. You have nothing to be ashamed of, this is medical treatment, and it’s natural and not your fault.
A big hug to you!

(The End)