It's Not Fair 43

By Cassie

Copyright 2020, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The magazine response is signed as INF, but it's actually written by Dr. Cassandra Miller, a feminist psychologist specializing in the upbringing of boys. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
(the letter has been written by Mike Ploog ( ). The response is by Cassie)

Davey (16)

Dear It's Not Fair,

My name is David and I am 16 years old. My mother put me on Puericil in a very early age. I was about 9 or 10 when she first started to give me the "good boy pills" as she always calls them. Though my mom is a very lovely and caring person, life as a Puericil boy can sometimes be very hard, especially at school. I'm the only one in our class who is on Puericil so I got regularly teased and bullied by my schoolmates. The girls are mostly nice to me but it's the boys who do such mean things to me like depantsing me in the schoolyard or jamming me into one of those big trash cans. You must know that all of them are bigger and stronger than me thanks to my lack of physical development. Sometimes, it's even the junior boys bullying me and bragging about to their female classmates how strong they are, being capable to "easily depantse a 16 year old". I could tell you a lot of many humiliating situations I've been through but in this letter, I want to complain about one particular incident:

Last week, we had our annual medical check-up. The school decided to separate me from the other boys in my class in order to protect me from the mean bullies. So, my examination was scheduled on Tuesday instead of Monday. But you know what? It was also the day when a group of seventh-grade girls had their check-up! Our physicals took place in the school's medical center which has two locker rooms. It would have been bad enough to share the waiting room with all those giggling girls. But unfortunately, on this particular day, the boys’ locker room was being repaired so our headmistress, being "pragmatic", decided that I should simply change in the waiting room. This meant I had to strip completely naked in front of two dozen fully clothed 13- and 14-year-old girls! Imagine that! The secretary nurse asked if it was okay for them to share the room with me, the "little Puericil boy, David". Of course, none of them had any objections to my presence. And “to save time” I was being told to already remove all of my clothes with the strict secretary supervising me and yelling at me not to touch myself “down there”! Meanwhile, one girl after another was called up to the locker room to get prepared for their examination. And as the locker room had a separate door leading to the Doctor's office, THEY were able to keep their modesty. That was so unfair!

I tell you, sitting and waiting there completely nude between all these curious young girls was the most degrading experience in my whole life. By far! I'll NEVER forget how I literally felt all their eyes on me as they were giggling and whispering to each other. Most humiliating were their comments about my "funny little willy". Some said it reminded them of their baby brothers’, others just sneered and wondered if I was "really already 16". I also remember one of them stretching out her leg and pointing her high-heeled pump at my crotch, shouting "See, that's why they call him lil Davey!” which elicited an uproar of laughter from the other girls.

Jeez, how could they be so mean, I thought!

Not to mention this particular pretty and precocious girl, called Amy. She is one of the most popular cheerleaders in our school and happened to be the girlfriend of one of my classmates. He’s one of these big jocks who likes to walk around nude in the locker room, showing off his intimidating huge dick – which I always find utterly scary and disgusting.

Though Amy didn't make any hurtful remarks she just smiled and shook her head in derisive disbelief which I felt was even more humiliating. Of course, the fact that I also have a secret crush on her didn't make it any better.

Believe me, the whole ordeal lasted more than two hours as Doctor Taylor (yes, she is also female!) made sure that I was the LAST one to be called for his examination. I could also tell you about my check-up which was no fun at all (she examined EACH part of my body thoroughly and was assisted by a young trainee nurse) but that's another story.

Again, the reason why I'm writing to you is to complain about the unjust school policy. Don't you think it was highly UNFAIR to let me endure such a compromising situation?? I’m too ashamed to tell my mom about this, but I’ve talked to the headmistress and accused her for letting this all happen. She just smiled and said "Don't be silly, Davey. Little boys don't need no modesty. Just get over it, it's not like you got hurt, ain't ya? You should be thankful that we separated you from the other boys who are bullying you so hard." O, how I hate her!

Now I ask you: Why is life so unfair???

The magazine published response:

Dear Davey,

We were so sorry to hear that some mean boys are bullying you. That is not right, and those boys could use some “good boy pills” themselves. It’s not your fault that they are bigger and stronger than you. It may not seem like it right now, but being a good boy and a good person is more important than being big and strong. That’s why your mommy keeps you on Puericil, because she loves you and wants the best for you, even if right now it seems more difficult.

We think it’s nice that your school wanted to protect you by making you have your physical with the girls, who are more gentle, instead of with the boys, since some of them are so mean. It’s a pity the boy’s locker room was being repaired, but that being the case, it seems that the headmistress idea of having you change in the waiting room was the most practical solution. Well, I mean having you strip in the waiting room, rather than change, because change implies putting on some other clothes, and of course you needed to be naked so that the doctor could examine you.

It’s normal that the secretary nurse wanted to have you ready ahead of time, so that the doctor would not have to wait when it was your turn. It’s a pity that meant you had to be naked in front of all the girls. That must have been a bit embarrassing, and I’m guessing that when the secretary nurse told you not to touch yourself down there you were just trying to cover your little peenie so that the girls wouldn’t see it. But it’s normal she thought you were touching yourself “down there”. It’s kind of rude to put your hand there in public, you know. And anyway, you don’t need to. I’m sure the girls have seen naked little boys before, and you were naked for a good reason, so that you’d be ready for the doctor to see all of you. You do not need to be embarrassed that you were naked for your physical. It’s just a normal medical procedure.

It’s not really unfair that the girls were able to keep their modesty, you know. For girls it’s different, because they are more mature. Yes, those girls were 2 or 3 years younger than you, but it’s not so much a matter of age. Girls are more mature than boys. It’s just the way things are. So don’t worry if they all saw your peenie. As they said, yours is not much different than any other little boy’s. The fact that you reminded some of them of their little brothers just goes to show that’s the case, and if they see their little brothers naked, seeing you naked is not much different, so what does it matter?

They were teasing you a little, but that’s probably because you were so tense about it. You should try to be more natural in that kind of situations. Remember it was for a medical reason! As I said, you have nothing to be ashamed of. The human body is something perfectly natural, and it’s not your fault that you aren’t more developed. Do not worry about that, you’ll have plenty of time to develop, and you’ll have time to be a grownup. For the moment you are a kid, and that has its advantages. You can enjoy yourself without having grownup responsibilities.

When you grow up, maybe that girl you have a crush on, Amy, will not see you like a little boy. Or if not her, I’m sure you’ll find another nice girl who likes you. But for the moment, it’s natural for her to see you like a little boy. That’s what you are, after all!

It’s also normal that Doctor Taylor and her trainee nurse examined you thoroughly. That’s their job, isn’t it? It’s a good thing they did it properly and checked every part of your body very carefully. What’s the point of a physical if they are not going to do that? Surely you were not ashamed, were you? It’s just a doctor checking you, the most natural thing in the world. If there was also a trainee nurse there, that’s also natural. Health professionals in training need to get experience with real procedures. I’m guessing she was also a girl, not much older than you, and that’s why you were shy about it. But there’s no need. Being a nurse, even a trainee one, I’m sure she has seen many little boys naked. For her it’s just her job. And you may be 16, but you still look like an even younger boy.

There’s no reason for you to be ashamed, Davey. You did nothing wrong! So you can tell your mommy, and I’m sure she’ll also tell you that it’s not a big deal. After all, being your mommy, she has seen you naked a lot of times, and probably she still does regularly, so how could it be a big deal to her? You are making a mountain out of a molehill. What does it matter for girls to see a little boy naked? Your headmistress has a point, you know. Little boys shouldn’t be so modest anyway. There are a lot of real problems in life, so there’s no need to look for them where there really aren’t any.

Do not worry about such a silly thing, Davey! You’ll be perfectly fine, you’ll see, and when you grow up you’ll laugh about this and realize how silly you were being to make a fuss.


(The End)