The Mailing List 10

By Cassie

Copyright 2019, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Hey, Benji, how is it going with your new sister, Olivia? Is she still as bossy? Remember that you’re 13 and she’s only 11!
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Yeah, she’s still as bossy. And believe me, I know I’m 13 (a teenager!) and she’s 11, but she’s still bossy and she’s still 100% in charge. I have never known any little girl like her. She’s just on top of everything. She never forgets things that she has to do (or that I have to do) and she’s like way too responsible for her age. And really self-confident. She acts like it’s the most natural thing in the world that she is in charge and I have to obey her. And she gets away with it because she’s so responsible, and mom of course backs her up if needed... not that she really needs it, mind. It’s kinda difficult to’d have to be here to understand it, but it’s like she doesn’t give me an option when she tells me to do something. I’m expected to obey, and she’s more than capable of scolding and even spanking me if I don’t.
You won’t believe what she did the other day... Nah, it’s just too embarrassing.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
Aw, come on, man, tell! We tell you everything!
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Ah, OK, I guess. Here it is: Well, you know mom works evenings and when we get home from school we are on our own, and she is in charge. She makes sure I get my snack, and do my homework, and helps me with it and all that stuff.
Well, and this is the embarrassing part, but I think I told you that she also bathes me, OK? She says that “little boys” just don’t pay attention to that stuff and can’t be trusted to wash themselves properly... I mean, little boys, ha! If I’m little at 13 what about you at 11? But don’t bother trying to tell her that. I did once, and she just said “Age doesn’t matter, Benji. Girls are just more mature than boys. You know I’m more mature than you, don’t you?” And I had to look down, ‘cause she is kind of more mature, and I knew I wasn’t gonna win this conversation. She nodded and said, “See? So I don’t want any arguments from you when I strip you naked and get you in the bathtub, young man.”
And that’s exactly how it is. Each evening when it’s time for my bath she calls me. I try to ask her for more time, and I ask if we hafta do this today, but she always says yes. Then she undresses me herself. I’d prefer to undress myself, if I have to get undressed at all, but she says we don’t have time for “procrastination”. Honestly, where does she come up with these worlds? Must be ‘cause she reads a lot.
So she undresses me, and she takes off all my clothes. Everything! I’m naked as a newborn baby. The worst is when she pulls down my underpants, and she can see my thingie right in front of her face. I never get used to that, and I always try to cover myself, but she'll have none of that.
“Hands away from your weenie, Benjamin,” she said yesterday. “It’s rude to touch yourself like that.”
“But I don’t want you to see me,” I complained.
“Do not whine,” she said. “And do not be silly. You don’t need to hide your weenie from me. I see you naked every day, don’t I, when I give you your bath. I even touch your weenie when I wash it, so what’s there to be shy about?”
“But it’s embarrassing!” I said. And yes, I knew I was whining, but I couldn't help it.
“Nonsense. I know what little boys look like, so there’s no need to be ashamed about it. I take care of you, remember? Give me your hand.”
And just like that, she took my hand and led me to the bathroom. Of course, she was completely dressed, and I was completely naked and red-faced because, whatever she says, it’s embarrassing.
Then she filled the tub and got me inside and started bathing me.
So she was soaping me, and when she got to my peenie, it got hard, kind of, when she touched it. I get stiffies like that sometimes, and I can’t help it. Of course, I blushed hard and tried to hide it.
She tapped my bare bottom with her hand. “Benjamin Grady O’Connor!” she said. “What have I told you about touching your weenie? Do you want me to smack your bottom?”
I didn’t, so I let go of my weenie, and it was really stiff now.
She tapped it with her finger so it was bobbing up and down, and she said, “There’s nothing to worry or be ashamed about. This happens sometimes, and it’s not something you boys can control. Just don’t pay attention to it and it’ll go down on its own.”
So she continued bathing me, but when she soaped my thingie it felt really good, but also really embarrassing. I mean, here I was, thirteen years old, with a stiffie and having my 11-year-old new sister, who I hadn’t even met a few months ago, seeing it and touching it while she bathed me.
“Let me, I can wash that part,” I said, but she didn’t take her hands away.
“Don’t be silly,” she said. “There would be no point in bathing you if I was going to let you wash yourself, would it? This part of you needs to be especially clean, so there’s no way I’m going to let you wash your own weenie any time soon. So just forget about it. I’ll be the one washing your weenie every time I bathe you, to make sure it’s all very clean, particularly at the tip here under the skin. So don’t be difficult.”
“But it’s so embarrassing!” I whined.
“Well, you might as well get used to it. Really, Benji. You’re not mature enough to be to bathe yourself or to be this modest, so don’t even try to talk me into it, it’s not going to happen. What’s embarrassing about it anyway? People see boys’ weenies all the time, and no one cares. Is it because it’s stiff?”
“Kind of,” I said.
“Well, you have nothing to hide from me. I’m your big sister and I take care of you, that’s all there is to it.” She saw me start to protest and said, “OK, not your older sister. Not even your physically bigger sister, since you’re a bit taller than me. But when it comes to maturity and responsibility, I’m your big sister, and that’s why I take care of you and not the other way around. That includes washing your little peenie, and inside your bottom, like this, so that you are clean and don’t get smelly.”
I couldn’t help it. My hand went to my peenie again. She gently took my hand away from there.
“Really, Benjamin,” she said, “can’t you stop touching yourself down there? You’re a naughty, disobedient boy. Tell me, do you masturbate often?”
“What?” I said, taken aback. I had heard the word, but I wasn’t sure what it meant.
She sighed. “I mean, do you play with your peenie often? Like, touching it with your hand because you like how it feels?”
I got it then. I was beet red, that she was asking me about that, when I was naked and with a stiffie right in front of her.
“N... no, of course not,” I said. I was lying but what could I say to a girl?
“Well, it’s nothing bad or shameful if you do,” she said. “But it’s something that should be done in private, and not all the time, or it will take too much time away from the things you need to do... OK, you’re clean, let’s rinse you.”
So she washed the soap away and then dried me. After that, she took me still naked to my bedroom, and there she dressed me in my pajamas. Then she said I could have some free time to play.
My peenie was still stiff and long, so when she left I closed the door and got into my bed to play with my peenie. I slipped my pajama shorts down and I started playing with it.
Then, after a while, I noticed that Ollie was right there by my bed, watching me! I jumped so high that I wonder how I didn’t hit the ceiling, and I tried to pull up my shorts, but she stopped me.
“Leave them where they are, young man!” she said. “I suspected you were lying to me, and I wasn’t wrong. You told me you never masturbated, and the very first thing you do is playing with your peenie. No, don’t try to hide your peenie from me. I know what it looks like, even when it’s all stiff like that. As I said, it’s not bad in itself, but I’m not at all happy with you. You know better than lying to me. Because of that, I’m going to warm your bottom, but before that I need to see how you play with your peenie.”
“What!?” I said.
“I need to see how you play with your peenie,” she repeated. “Some boys do it in a way that may cause chafing and abrasions, and we can’t have that. So please, continue with what you were doing.”
“But with you here?”
“Of course with me here. How am I going to watch otherwise? Go ahead. You have one spanking coming for lying. Do not add another one for disobeying.”
I didn’t want to do it, but I didn’t want to spankings and my peenie was feeling so intense that I couldn’t help it. I grabbed it again as rubbed it as she watched.
“Please, don’t spank me,” I said as I rubbed.
“I’m sorry, Benji. I don’t like spanking you, but I you know better than lying. I can’t let you get away with that.”
“Oh, please, Ollie, I don’t wanna spanking!”
“Too bad. As soon as you’re finished you’re going over my knees and I’m going to spank your bare bottom hard, until you are crying.”
I felt a shiver inside me. I was feeling awful and wonderful at the same time. Olivia was watching me play with my peenie, and she was going to spank me hard when I finished. On my bare bottom. But even though I was so worried, I still couldn’t help myself. I had to rub myself faster, even knowing what would happen when I finished. I looked at her and she was watching me intently. I don’t know. I feel as if I shouldn’t have been able to do something like that with her watching, but it was almost the opposite. My peenie was stiffer than ever. It’s so confusing... I rubbed it and then it was over.
She wiped me with a tissue.
“Ok, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” she asked, as she wiped my peenie. “At least this isn’t so hard now.” She grinned at her own pun and the added, “But you know what comes now, don’t you? I’m going to spank your bare bottom.”
“Please, no,” I said, but I felt very weak and helpless.
“It’s going to happen, Benji,” she said, kind of gently. “When you lie, you get your bottom warmed. Come on!”
She sat down on the bed and helped me get over her knees.
“I want you to know that I’m not spanking you for playing with your peenie,” she told me. “All boys do that. I’m spanking you for lying to me.”
She started spanking me. She did not have her hairbrush, so she was just using her hand. You’d think I would be able to stand the pain from an 11-year-old girl’s hand, but everything felt very intense to me. It was really stinging and my bottom felt warm and sore, and soon I was crying and over her knees, kicking my legs as much as the shorts around my knees let me.
Then it was over, and she sat me on her lap, still bare bottomed, and she hugged me as I snuggled against her chest, and she kind of rocked me gently and said comforting words.
“I love you, Benji,” she said. “Try to be a good boy, OK? So I do not have to spank you.”
I sniffled and nodded, with me head buried against her.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Whoa! I hate it that a girl... an 11-year-old girl, can handle a 13-year-old boy and boss him around like that.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
Yeah. “Hand” him in more ways than one, I’d say.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t like it either, but it happens... sigh... I can’t believe that a younger girl can control me so thoroughly. Is like, is not normal, is it?
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Well, to be honest, I think it’s normal. I mean, some girls are incredibly mature and assertive for their age. Not all girls are like that, but some are, and your sister Olivia is one of them. I don’t think there’s much you can do about it. When a girl is that imposing there’s not much a guy can do to resist it, even if she happens to be younger.

(The End)