The Mailing List 9

By Cassie

Copyright 2019, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Today something really embarrassing happened. :-(


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Aw, man, don’t be like that. Tell us what happened!


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Sigh. Olivia was going to go to the beach with two of her friends, and she took me with her. Mom made a fuss, and she told me to be a good boy, mind Olivia and do everything she says, and she told Olivia to take care of me and not leave me out of her sight. “If he gives you the slightest problem you spank his bottom,” she told her. “Yes, mom, don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him,” Olivia said. “Benji knows better than acting up when I’m looking after him. You know what happens to naughty boys, don’t you?” she asked me, making a meaningful gesture with her hand, you know the one?... holding her hand palm up and moving it sideways several times, indicating a spanking.

I hate it when mom and Olivia speak in such a condescending way, as if I were a little kid, but when Olivia made that gesture I couldn’t help gulping. I knew very well she would spank me if I was bad, and on my bare bottom too. I told her that I would be good.

Isn’t it kind of messed up that I’m so easily intimidated by a girl two years younger than me?


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Nah, your sister may be only 11, but she has spanked you more than once. If you weren't intimidated you wouldn't be brave... you would be an idiot. You know, my advice is: do not to think about her age. Girls are not like us. They are like a force of nature, and compared to them we are kind of immature. When something embarrassing like that happens, if you think of them like they are smaller grownups, I think that helps.

I mean, you are a 13-year-old boy, and she’s 11 and a girl, and she bathes you. Like, you are completely naked in front of her and she sees and touches everything . And there’s nothing you can do about it. So it’s like, try not to think of her as an 11-year-old. If you can think of her like a small adult, then it’s not so embarrassing, because grownups are on a different level. And girls are a bit like that too, kind of.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Yeah, I get what you’re saying, I think, but it’s still so difficult... When I was 11 I was a shrimp, so I can’t get over the fact that she is just 11. And a girl. And she bosses me around so much, and she spanks me when I’m bad, and she strips me naked to give me baths... And it’s like it’s not even a big thing for her. If I could strip a girl naked and see everything I would go crazy! But she’s so matter-of-fact about it, and so self-confident. Like there’s no way she wouldn’t be the boss of me. I mean, I’m older than her! I’m a teenager and she’s not!


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

> I’m a teenager and she’s not!

Yeah, I know, but that doesn’t matter so much when it comes to the difference between girls and boys. It sucks that they mature so much faster than us.


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

I don’t know about that. My sister Amy is not more mature than me! No matter what my mom says, she’s just not.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Well, your sister Amy sure sounds annoying, but you still shouldn’t get into a war with her, because she’s gonna win. Girls always do. I mean, she has seen you naked several times, hasn’t she? She even went into the bathroom when you were taking a bath and saw you naked, and she didn’t get in trouble. And when you tried to do the dame to her you failed and then got spanked naked in front of her, and she saw everything again. You have no idea what she looks like naked and she knows exactly what you look like without clothes, and I bet she can arrange to see you naked again if she tries. Seriously dude, try not to bait her, because she’s going to win and you are going to lose. Sorry to be a downer, but I know what I’m talking about.

Anyway, Benji, what happened then?


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Well we got ready. I was wearing my trunks and a T-shirt, and she was wearing her swimsuit and denim shorts over them, and a T-shirt. We also got a bag with towels, and spare shorts so that we wouldn’t have come back on the bus with wet swimming suits.

Then we got to the bus stop and waited for her friends. They were called Vicky and Kayla, and they were 11, just like Olivia. I was kind of thrilled that we were allowed to go to the beach on our own. However, when the other girls arrived, I was kind of embarrassed because I was the only boy and they were all younger, and I was worried they would notice how Olivia bosses me around, and they would make fun of me.

However, they were really nice. Olivia must have told them I was coming, because they were not surprised. The greeted me and soon Olivia and them were talking and joking with each other, and they included me in their conversation, so it was nice.

So we got in the bus and bought tickets. Of course, Olivia bought the ticket for me, since she was the one who had the money, and she told me where to sit. I was blushing because I was embarrassed at a younger girl ordering me around so obviously, but no one commented on it.

Soon we got there. The bus stop was right by the beach, so we just walked a little bit and put our towels and things on the sand. The girls then took off their shorts and put sunscreen on each other. Then Olivia put sunscreen on me, which was also embarrassing because she was so through. When she got to my trunks she lowered them, uncovering the top of my bottom and my lower tummy just above my peenie. Then she did that part, and even inserted her hand under my trunks, half-lowered as they were, to do my bottom and my peenie. Then she pulled my trunks up again and patted my bottom.

“There you are,” she said. “Now you won’t get burned even if your swimsuit slides down while you’re playing.”

I was embarrassed at all that. Kayla and Vicky had finished earlier, so they were watching me with a grin. At least I was relieved that Olivia hadn’t taken my trunks down all the way. I had been afraid she was going to. As it was, I don’t see the other girls saw too much.

Then we went swimming. Vicky had brought an inflatable ball and we played in the water, and it was fun. After that, we went out and played with the ball in the sand, but it wasn’t so good because an inflatable ball works better in the water. Then one of the girls suggested wrestling. They were all kind of tomboys so they liked active games. I thought I would win easily, being older and a boy, but to my surprise and embarrassment they were all better at wrestling that me. Apparently they took self-defense classes or something. The three of them had me down on the sand and immobilized me more or less easily. Kayla in particular was really good. As soon as I was within reach she would grab me, make a move and, without knowing how, I would be lying face up on the sand and she would be sitting on me, and holding my arms aside so that I couldn’t move.

I was embarrassed because they were younger girls and they could beat me so easily. They laughed and teased me, but it wasn’t in a really mean way. It was more like when they teased each other.

Then we went back to the towels to rest and chat, and Kayla went to a refreshment stall and bought drinks for all of us, her treat.

So I had a good time, except when Vicky asked if Olivia was in charge of me. I blushed, and Olivia explained that she was. “Benji is thirteen, but you know how boys are. They are less mature than us girls. Mom often has to work in the afternoons, so I look after him.”

“But can’t he look after himself?” Kayla asked.

“Well, not really, you know. Well, you don’t have older brothers, so I guess maybe you don’t know, but boys can’t be trusted not to get in trouble if left to their own devices for long. Benji would forget about his homework as soon as he got distracted, or would eat half the fridge and not be hungry for dinner.”

“Olliiie,” I complained, really embarrassed.

“Hush, Benji,” she said, “it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s not your fault. Boys are less mature, that’s just the way it is.”

“And he minds you?” Vicky asked.

“Of course he does,” Olivia said, as if that was self-evident.

“But what if he doesn’t mind you?”

“Benji knows better than that. He gets spanked if he is disobedient.”

“Woah, you mom spanks him when he doesn’t obey you?”

“No, I spank him myself,” Olivia said.

I was blushing furiously. “Olliiie, don’t tell them that!” I whined.

“Oh, don’t be silly, Benjamin. Do you want me to lie to my friends? It's not like they don’t know boys get spanked.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know they were spanked by their younger sisters,” Kayla giggled.

“It’s just more practical that way, since mom is not home,” Olivia explained. “Boys have short attention spans, so it’s better to spank them right after they misbehave, instead of having to wait till mom comes home.”

“And your mom lets you spank him?” Kayla asked.

“Sure. She likes that I help with Benji. I also help him with his homework, I look after him at school, to make sure he isn’t bullied, and I bathe him in the evening.”

“You bathe him?” Kayla asked. “Like, with him naked in the tub?”

“Yeah, duh! I can hardly bathe him with his clothes on, can I?” Olivia said. “It’s no big deal, really.”

“But isn’t he embarrassed that you see him naked?”

“Well, I guess he gets a bit embarrassed,” Olivia said. (Man, that must have been the understatement of the century!). “Sometimes boys get all shy for no reason. But, as I said, it’s no big deal. Thirteen or not, he is just a little boy, and little boys can’t be trusted to wash themselves properly. So he needs to be bathed, and I help mom by doing it.”

“Olliiiie!” I whined again.

“Hush, Benji,” Olivia told me, getting annoyed. “Don’t keep interrupting when we are having a conversation.” She looked at me and her expression softened. “It’s OK, you don’t need to be upset,” she said, patting my shoulder. “It’s silly to get embarrassed like that, you know. Vicky and Kayla are my friends, you know. We can tell each other everything. They are not going to pick on you. Besides, we have all seen naked little boys before. Your peenie is no different than any other little boy’s.”

Vicky nodded. “That’s true, Benji. I have a little brother myself, and I see him naked all the time. Of course, Donny is only seven, but the principle is the same. Boys mature later, so it’s OK if Olivia bathes you and spanks your bottom. We are not going to make fun of you for that.”

I nodded and looked down, still blushing. I was relieved that they were not mocking me, but it’s still embarrassing how they clearly considered me a little boy, even though they were younger than me!

“Aw, let’s talk about something else, you are all embarrassing Benji and making him blush,” Kayla said.

So they started talking about something different, although it was some time before I could get over my embarrassment and join the conversation again.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

So that was it? It was embarrassing, but I guess it’s not so bad, as these things go. It was just some talking.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Well, it’s not all. The worst was yet to come. You see, when it was time to leave we all had a last bath to wash off the sand, and then we went to the changing rooms that were near the lifeguard tower. The girls went towards the female changing room, but Olivia would not let me go into the one for males.

“I don’t want you inside there were I can’t look after you,” she said. “And I can’t take you inside our changing room, because it wouldn’t do for you to see girls or women while they are changing. So you just stay here and wait for us. I’ll ask the lifeguard to keep an eye on you.”

And she did just that, she asked the lifeguard sitting on the tower to please look after me. Then she told me very seriously, “You wait for us here. We’ll only take a few minutes. If you need help, ask the lifeguard or call for us. Do not leave for any reason. If you are not right here when we come out, when I find you I will take off your trunks and spank your bare bottom very hard, right there, in front of God and everybody. Do you understand, Benjamin Grady O’Connor?”

“Yes, Olivia,” I said, blushing. Kayla and Vicky were right beside us, and some other people around could also hear.

You can bet I did not move an inch from where I was.

A few minutes later the girls came out, after changing clothes.

“Good boy, you’re here,” Olivia smiled at me. “Let’s take care of your wet bathing suit.”

She opened her bag and took out my spare shorts.

“Take off your bathing suit,” she said.

“Here?” I said. “No, please. Let me go into the changing room!”

“Oh, really!” Olivia said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t be silly. Little boys do not need modesty, and I don’t want you alone in the changing room, so I have to get you changed here.”

“Oh, please Olivia, please!” I begged.

“All right!” she sighed. “Really, Benjamin. No one cares about seeing a little boy’s peenie. But all right, I’ll hold a towel for you.”

So she held a towel so that I could have some privacy when changing. It was still embarrassing to change like that while an 11-year-old girl held a towel for me, but at least I wasn’t showing my bare bottom and my peenie to everyone.

I took off my trunks while Olivia held the towel. The way she was holding it, there was an opening in her direction, so she could see my peenie. That was embarrassing, but compared to other people seeing it was not too bad, because Olivia sees me naked every day. But then I realized Kayla had walked next to her, and she could also see my peenie. I tried to cover myself, but I lost my balance and fell down on the sand.

Olivia was pissed off.

“This is ridiculous!” she said. “Give me the towel!”

She took the towel from me and I was left lying on the sand, thirteen years old and naked as a baby in front of everybody. There were a good number of people watching, and I noticed a group of little girls pointing at me and laughing.

“Get up!” Olivia said, grabbing my wrist and helping me up. “Look at yourself, all covered in sand!”

Still grabbing my wrist, she slapped my bottom several times, not like she was spanking me, but like she was brushing the sand off. My audience was growing, and there were many girls and women watching me naked and smiling.

“It’s no use,” Olivia said, giving up. “Run into the water and rinse. Then come back here! Quickly!”

I ran towards the water, crossing the beach naked as I was. Anything to get out of this predicament and out of people’s stares as soon as I could.

There was a moment of relief when I got to the water and jumped in, washing the sand from my body. For a moment no one could see me, or the parts of me that mattered, covered as they were by the water. But, of course, I couldn’t stay there all day. I had to get back or Olivia would get angry.

So I got out and ran towards Olivia and her friends. I was trying to cover my peenie with my hands, which is not easy to do when you are running. I’m sure it looked kind of ridiculous, but what could I do?

When I got to the changing rooms Olivia was not in the mood for any nonsense.

“Hands away from your thingie, Benjamin!” she told me. “You know it’s rude to touch it in public!”

I had no choice but to take my hands off from my peenie and hold them at my sides. Kayla and Vicky were staring at my peenie, and so were all the people around.

Olivia held my underpants for me to step into, and she pulled them up so that I was covered, even if I was standing in front of everyone in my briefs decorated with cartoon characters. Then she held my shorts and I stepped into them too. Finally, she told me to raise my arms and she put my T-shirt on, so I was finally dressed.

We walked towards the bus stop and I stood there, looking at my feet so I wouldn’t make eye contact with everybody and hoping the ground would open up and swallow me.

Then Kayla stepped beside me, put her arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Benji. I think you are a cute little boy,” she told me.

By then Olivia wasn’t angry any more.

“Well, cute or not you are lucky I didn’t spank you,” she told me with a big-sisterly kind of smile, you know, half fond and half exasperated. “Honestly, so much fuss over nothing. As if you were the first boy to be naked on the beach. So people saw your little peenie, big deal!”

Vicky nodded.

“My brother gets changed on the beach too,” she told me in a kind voice. “It’s no big deal.”

“But your brother is seven,” I said in a pouting voice.

“And you are thirteen going on seven,” Olivia said. She was speaking gently now, but her seriousness gave it a gravity you wouldn’t expect from an 11-year-old. “There is no difference, Benji. A little peenie is a little peenie, and six years don’t make that much difference when it comes to boy children. Don’t I bathe you every day? That goes to show you don’t need to worry so much about modesty.”

So, I had to let it go because it was clear I was not going to win this argument.

(The End)