The Mailing List 8

By Cassie

Copyright 2019, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

These are extracts from the email correspondence between four boys, who became friends as cabin mates at summer camp. All their families are believers in the Conservative Resurgence and in the need to keep boys under strict parental control to prevent them from becoming juvenile delinquents. In fact, the summer camp where they met is run along those lines. All four are given Puericil as a way of making them easily manageable and docile.

There is more boyish chatter in the list, but I have only included the bits most relevant for those interested in the treatment of boys under the Conservative Resurgence.

One of the boys, Brandon, 13 years old, is son of the famous psychologist Dr. Cassandra Miller, who has written several bestsellers about parenting boys and keeping them under strict parental control. He has two older brothers.

Zachary (or Zac) is also 13. He has a larger family, with four sisters, two of them older and two younger, and also a younger brother. He is a sport-loving boy who only started taking Puericil recently, although his mother has always believed in the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.

Cody is the youngest one, at 12. He has a twin and his mom is a new convert to the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.

Benji is 13 and has been recently adopted, so he has an adoptive mother and younger sister. Before that he lived with his elderly grandmother until she died.

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From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Hey, Cody. How is it going with your sister Amy? Is she still teasing you because of the medical exam? [Note from the editor: see chapter 4]


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

Don’t remind me. She’s such an idiot. Yeah, she’s still at it. Sometimes she teases me when we are alone, and sometimes it’s just her smug look of superiority. Like she’s telling me “I saw you naked! I saw your peenie and your bottom”, only she is just grinning at me, instead of talking, but I understand it all the same.

She acts all high and mighty. And she has started talking to mom about me as if I weren’t there. She’ll say something “Mom, Cody is so immature. Do you know he did that and that?” And my mom just agrees with her! “Well, honey,” she may say, “it’s not his fault. You know boys mature at their own pace. I’m sure your brother will mature eventually.” It’s like she’s defending me but agreeing with her at the same time, and when that happens Amy just smiles at me and I really blush.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

What does she say when you are alone and she teases you, Cody? At least Olivia doesn’t tease me, even though she sees me naked all the time and gets to boss me around. She just acts like it’s natural. And I guess it’s true that she’s more mature than me. She acts really grown-up. And she knows more than me. I mean, like school stuff. She is always helping me with that.

It’s good that she doesn’t tease me, because that would be really embarrassing. It would be even worse than Amy teasing you, because Amy is your twin sister, so she’s not younger than you, but Olivia is two years younger than me, so it’d be more embarrassing. Not that her seeing me naked isn’t embarrassing enough. Being naked in front of her, knowing she can see every part of my body, is awful.


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

Well, you’re lucky then, because Amy loves teasing me and acting all stuck-up around me.

What does she say when she teases me? Well, she just smiles at me and says something like “Hey, Cody. Remember the medical exam? Do you remember how you were naked and I got to see everything? I even got to hold your peenie in my hand. I hope you were not too embarrassed, because I’d die before letting you see me naked. But that’s never going to happen, is it? Because I’m a girl and you are just a boy.”


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

What a bitch.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Whoa, be careful, Zac. If your mom finds out you are using bad words you’ll get in big trouble.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

I guess so, but it’s just us in the mailing list, so it’s not like she’ll find out.

[Note from the editor: Zac is wrong about that. With the hidden NetNanny program that the boys have in their computers, all their online activity is recorded and available for parents to review, and that includes their emails and texting. Boys do not need any kind of privacy from their parents. It’s just that us mothers prefer to let them get away with minor things like bad language among themselves so that they won’t know they are being monitored. The reason is that if they ever get in serious trouble we want to find out, and if they knew their messages were being monitored they wouldn’t be candid about it.]


[Three days later]

From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

You know what happened today? I was in the bathtub taking a shower when Amy came into the bathroom. She was being all silent, because I did not hear anything, and I guess the noise from the water helped her. Anyway, I had just stopped the water and was soaping my hair when I heard a giggle behind me. I turned around and saw Amy’s head. She had opened the shower curtain and was peaking at me.

“Amy!” I shouted, covering myself down there and leaning against the wall, as far from her as I could. “What are you doing? You can’t be here! I’m going to tell mom!”

She just laughed at me and said, “Don’t be silly. I was just looking for my comb. Anyway, what does it matter? It’s not like I hadn’t already seen all of you? So what do you care if I see you naked again?”

“That was different!” I said. “It was a medical exam! You are never going to see me naked again! Not ever!”

“Aww... the itty-bitty little boy gets embarrassed because his sister sees him naked. And he says the exam was different and I’m never going to see him naked again. Well, it’s not like you can help it, is it? Like it or not, I just saw you naked again.”

“No, you didn’t!”

“Sure I did. I saw your bare bottom and then when I giggled and you turned around I saw you peenie. I saw your peenie again! I saw your peenie again! I saw your peenie again!” she said in a teasing sing-song voice.

“Go away! Go away!!” I shouted, crying.

“Aww, the itty-bitty little boy is crying because his sister saw his little peenie again,” she laughed as she left.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Didn’t you tell your mom?


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

Yes, I did. Not that it did any good.

After I finished showering I got dressed and ran into the kitchen. Mom and Amy were there, so I pointed at my sister and said:

“Mom! Amy got into the bathroom when I was showering and looked into the shower to see me naked!”

Amy rolled her eyes.

“Oh, for goodness sake, don’t make a fuss about everything. I was just looking for my comb. I thought maybe I left it there,” she said.

“Liar! You were peeking at me!” I shouted.

“Cody Elliot Gallagher!” mom said. “Do not call your sister liar, and do not shout at her, unless you want a spanking. So what if she was looking for her comb and she saw you naked? It’s no big deal. She is just your sister, so it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Besides, didn’t she also see you naked at the doctor? So why are you making such a fuss now?”

“But mooom!” I whined. “She came in without knocking, and she was peeking at me and teasing me.”

“Well, if you don’t want to be teased then do not make such a silly fuss about it. Everyone knows little boys do not need modesty, so stop acting like you do.”

And that was that. Amy was looking at me with a really shit-eating grin, but mom looked as if she wasn’t going to put up with any more nonsense, so I just bowed my head and left.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Aw, man! That brat Amy! You should do something to get even.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

I don’t think that’s a good idea. You can't go against a girl. Girls always win.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Not always. He shouldn’t let Amy act like that.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

Don’t listen to him, Cody. You’ll just get in trouble.


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)

Aw, don’t be a goody-two-shoes.


[One day later]

From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

I guess Brandon was right. I tried to get even, and it didn’t go well.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

What happened?


From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)

I waited till Amy was taking her own shower. When I heard the water I went in really quietly. I wanted to do to her the same thing she had done to me yesterday, and peek at her. But instead of being naked in the shower she was out, and still wearing her jeans and vest. Why on Earth had she opened the water when she wasn’t even ready to get in the shower?, I wondered.

But anyway, when she saw me she screamed really loud. It was like she was trying to break all the glasses in the house. Mom came running and found me there.

“Mom!” Amy said, crying. Can you believe it, she was crying! “Cody just walked into the bathroom when I was in. I was just getting ready for my shower? I could have been naked! Can’t I get any privacy in this house?

“Cody!” mom said. “I can’t believe this, young man! Why did you walk into the bathroom when your sister was using it?”

“But she did the same thing to me yesterday!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. She is a girl and you are a boy. You do not need any modesty, but she does. Thankfully you did not see her naked, but she is going to see you naked right now. Get out of your clothes!”


“Out of your clothes, I said! If you are not quick about it I’m going to call the neighbor girls so that they can see your spanking.”

“Please, mom, I’m doing it, I’m doing it,” I said. “But can’t we go to my room instead, please?”

“No, young man. Right here! I’m going to teach you who needs modesty in this house and who doesn’t.”

Mom was really furious, so I had to do as she said.

“Underpants too,” she said when I was down to my undies.

So I had to get completely naked. I tried to cover myself, but mom was having none of that.

“Hand on your head, so that your sister can see your peenie,” she said.

I did as she said. Now I was the one with tears in my eyes, but that didn’t calm mom down.

“Look at Cody’s peenie, Amy,” mom said. “And look at his bottom too. You can inspect his body all you want, because boys do not need privacy. It’s only girls who need their modesty. Little boys should not be modest.”

Amy was not crying any more. She was grinning at me, really smug, and I don’t think she was even crying for real anyway.

“You tried to see me naked, but you are the one who is naked in front of me again. Didn’t you tell me you’d never let me see you naked? Well, here you are.”

I was sobbing as she touched my peenie.

“Look, mommy, it’s getting hard,” she said.

“That’s called an erection,” mom said. “Haven’t they taught you girls about it in sex-ed?”

“Yes, but I thought it didn’t happen to little boys,” Amyn said.

“Well, it does sometimes,” mom explained. “Even baby boys get them occasionally. It’s out of their control.”

Amy inspected my stiffie and looked up at me, grinning.

“Turn around so that I see your bare bottom now;” she told me.

I had to do that and she looked at my bottom and put her hand on it.

“You are a naughty little boy,” she said, giving me a spank.

“Oww! Mom!”

“Don’t worry, little man,” mom said unsympathetically, “there are many more of those coming your way.”

“All right, come here,” mom said after Amy had inspected me some more. She grabbed my arm and dragged me naked towards the living room, with Amy following.

She sat down on a chair and pulled me over her knees, completely naked. Raising my head, I could see Amy grinning and staring. She was loving it!

I started crying even before Mom started spanking. Then she spanked me really long and hard.

I was crying so hard! And when she let me up I was jumping around, bawling and rubbing my bottom.

“Look how his peenie bounces, mom,” Amy giggled. “Look, it is not hard any more.”

“I gave him something else to think about,” mom said. “OK, that’s enough rubbing. Stand in the corner, Cody. Hands on your head. Do not dare move until I give you permission. Amy, will you watch him to make sure he doesn’t move? You can take your shower after his corner time.”

“OK, mom,” I’ll watch him,” Amy said sweetly.

Mom left and I bare-bottomed in the corner, still crying.

“Your bottom is really red, Cody,” Amy said. “No wonder boys get spanked and we girls don’t. Boys are so dumb! I knew you were going to try to get back at me, and I was ready for it. So here you are, Mr. I’m-Never-Going-To-Let-You-See-Me-Naked-Again. Looks like I have seen you naked again, haven’t I? Gosh, you are so dumb and helpless.”

I just cried harder. I wanted to tell her to shut up, but I couldn’t talk then. I couldn’t help crying hard.


From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)

Gosh! I’m sorry, Cody. It’s not fair.


From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)

I would have liked to be wrong, but it’s just the way it is. Girls always win.



(The End)