By Alpenhorn
Copyright 2019 by Alpenhorn, all rights reserved
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story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for
purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be
in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not
of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now.
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The school movie night was hacked. Olaf was on the big screen.
[Alpenhorn, 2019]
filed into the auditorium, bringing our popcorn and cokes. RTMS
has a movie night once a week. It is a boarding school, and not
close to anything exciting, so we make do with our own entertainment.
Stefan and I sat in our usual spot: halfway down on the aisle.
the movie is Hackers,” Stefan read the notice. “I’ve seen
that. It’s from back in the 1990’s--before we were born.”
“I like it,” I answered.
“Olaf!” he scolded me. “Really?”
“Sure! It’s fun to jeer at everything Hollywood got wrong about computers.”
RTMS was a tech school, so of course we knew computers inside and out.
“I don’t see any teachers here tonight,” Stefan remarked.
“Nope,” I replied. “Maybe they are grading our exams.”
“It’s starting.”
On screen: A room. Two queen-size beds. Little mints on the pillows.
“That’s not Hackers,” observed one of the kids.
“What is it?”
“Looks like a hotel.”
“It’s a Sheraton. See the ‘S’ logo there?” It was in hi-def, so we could see details like that.
I realized she was right. Last month our team had gone to the
state-wide Robotics and Computer competition for middle schools.
We had stayed in the Sheraton hotel in Springfield for nearly a week
while we were there. It looked just like this.
came to the front, under the big screen (which was still showing the
hotel). It was Max, the kid who ran the AV equipment.
“Sorry,” Max said. “We have been hacked.”
“How can that happen? We are supposed to be a tech school. Why didn’t we prevent it?”
Max continued, “I’m sure we will investigate to find out what happened. But for now... I cannot show today’s movie.”
Some kids called out suggestions.
tried everything I could think of,” replied Max. “I even
completely turned off the AV board. But this--whatever it
is--stayed on the screen. It’s coming from somewhere else.”
“So, no movie?”
“No movie. You can all go back to your dormitories.”
We got up and started to file out. But then:
screen: We heard a BEEP, the opening of the electronic hotel room
door. Someone walked into the room. We saw a boy from the
back. He was wearing one of our school uniforms. In hi-def
we could even read the ‘RTMS’ on the hip pocket--Roosevelt Tech
Middle School. What’s going on?
The kids who had been leaving were all looking, too.
“Olaf!” Ralf called to me. “Is that you?”
It was me. When was this video taken?
afternoon during the competition, the other three boys from my room
went out to see some sights, but I went back to the room alone.
That must be when this was.
Most of the kids returned to their seats to watch.
screen: I turned and then my face could definitely be seen;
and my bony knees (our uniforms have short pants ending above the
knees). I was not aware of the camera; I adjusted the
crotch of my shorts.
Stefan poked me with his elbow. “That’s Olaf alright!”
The picture was replaced by a white screen with black text: ‘HELLO, RTMS.’ Then the picture resumed.
screen: Some time had passed. I was reclining on one of the
beds, reading something, and listening to music with my AirPods.
With my hand, I was rubbing my cheek and my chin.
“This is weird,” someone said, loudly.
“What does that mean?”
“Did you hack us, Olaf?”
I answered: “No, it wasn’t me. I am as baffled as everyone else.”
screen: Some time had passed. I walked forward. I got
close, it seemed I was looking out into the audience.
“Olaf, can you see us?” Everyone laughed.
screen: With my thumbnails I went to work on the zits on my cheek and
chin. The camera had been behind the full-length mirror!
“Eew. Olaf, get a room.”
“Oh, wait. He did get a room.” The kids were laughing. But not me.
“Zits in hi-def: just what I always wanted to see in a movie.”
“Who is that?”
“I think ‘ISA’ is Illinois STEM Academy,” someone guessed.
“Right. They came in second at the competition.”
“This is their revenge? Weird.”
“Olaf, why are they showing a video of you?”
“Well,” I guessed, “my robot defeated theirs. That was when RTMS took the lead in the scoring.”
White screen: ‘BORING! LET’S SKIP TO SOMETHING MOR INTERESTING.’ Even hackers can misspell things.
On screen: I was undressing. Oh, no! As I took each bit of clothing off, I tossed it onto the bed.
“Olaf!” someone yelled. “Take it off! It rhymes.”
Some of the kids start humming a tune: The Stripper.
was scrunching down in my seat. But what could I do?
Closing my eyes certainly did not help. My popcorn spilled onto
the floor. Should I leave he auditorium? I didn’t; I stayed
On screen: I was wearing only briefs--plain white.
Someone called loudly: “Olé Olaf! Take it ALL off!”
screen: I kept my briefs on. I grabbed a towel and went through a
door into the bathroom. Sounds of a shower could be heard.
one of the kids said. “ISA Hackers are lusers. They hacked
the bedroom, but not the bathroom!” Kids were jeering at the
White screen: ‘SKIP THE BORING PART.’
On screen: The shower sounds had ended. My bare leg stepped out of the bathroom door.
The kids just whistled. They were all under 18, but no one left.
“Yes,” I shouted. “Please leave the room.”
“Olaf wants us to leave?” Laughter.
“I wonder why?”
Still, no one left.
screen: I walked into the room, naked, drying myself with a
towel. At least the towel hung down, so my dick was not showing.
Whistles from the audience.
sitting next to me, leaned over and whispered: “How are you
doing?” I could not speak, so I just nodded ‘yes’. “Should
I take you home?” I shook my head ‘no’.
On screen: I turned away. Now my naked butt was there--in hi-def.
Applause. “I love you, Olaf,” someone called. Laughter.
I scrunched down further in my chair. I gritted my teeth. Stefan took my hand.
On screen: I was drying my hair with the towel. I turned. There it was: my dick in hi-def.
Whistles. “Oh, how cute,” someone called, I think a girl.
“What’s your length, Olaf?” asked someone else.
“It must be a foot long!” On that big screen, it probably was.
On screen: I was vigorously drying my hair so my dick was waving back and forth.
White screen: ‘THE END’
Applause. Nearby kids turned to look at me, smirking.
I was trying to breathe.
Everyone got up to leave.
“Are you ready to go, Olaf?” Stefan asked me.
This hack would probably go down in history in our school.
As people filed out, some of them were already trying to come up with ways to get back at ISA.
But then:
White screen: ‘THE END? NO, THERE’S MORE.’
you, ISA!” someone called. “Of course we want to see more of
Olaf!” The kids went back to their seats to watch.
screen: I was dry now. Still naked but without the
towel. I faced forward--standing close to what was, for me, a
mirror. But--because of ISA Hackers--I was on a big screen, with
all my classmates watching. About 80 boys and 20 girls.
month, I looked at the sole of one of my feet in the mirror.
Today, I showed the sole of my foot to an auditorium full of
kids. They laughed.
Last month, I turned to the side and
held a leg out behind me, so that I could watch in the mirror my butt
flexing and my dick sticking out. Today, the flexing butt and
sticking dick were seen by the whole school! They cheered and
I scrunched down in my chair, just trying to
breathe. I bumped my coke; it poured into Stefan’s lap. But
he just kept squeezing my hand.
On screen: I moved close and
examined my underarms for hair (none). I stepped back. I
did some imagined dance moves to watch my dick gyrate. Then I
watched my dick as I thrust my hips.
White screen: ‘THE END’. But five seconds later it changed to ‘THE END? NO, THERE’S MORE.’
screen: Some time had passed. I was reclining on the bed, reading
and listening to music again. I was still naked. My legs
were crossed so my dick was not visible.
Why didn’t I get
dressed after my shower? Why didn’t I suspect the other guys
might return early? I did not think much about it back
then. But now, watching the screen with horror, I wonder about it.
screen: I put the book down. I looked at myself in
the mirror. I spread my legs wide apart. I looked at my
dick and balls from the bed. I massaged them with my fingers.
kids in the auditorium loudly showed their appreciation. But I
was quivering in my chair. Stefan put his arm around my shoulders.
On screen: I got up from the bed and moved close to the mirror.
horrors went on. There are locations on my body that are not easy
for me to see directly. Last month I examined them in that
mirror. (It had been the first time I had a full-length mirror
available to me in private.) But the result today was: I
displayed everything to the whole school in hi-def glory.
screen: I pulled my dick in all directions to see it clearly in
the mirror from all sides. I searched around my genitals for
pubic hair (there was only a little--but it could certainly be
seen in hi-def). I bent over and looked at the mirror through my
legs while spreading my butt-cheeks with my hands.
Stefan’s arm was holding me tightly. I was sure he could feel my whole body quaking.
White screen: ‘THE END’. But two seconds later it changed to ‘THE END? NO, THE “CLIMAX” IS YET TO COME.’
Stefan got me out of my chair, and helped me out of the auditorium.
Leaving was probably for the best. I knew what would come next in the video.
All the kids would see THAT? I would have to stay home alone for the next 20 years. Or move to Tierra del Fuego.
(End of File)