It's Not Fair 42

By Cassie

Copyright 2018, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.
See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The magazine response is signed as INF, but it's actually written by Dr. Cassandra Miller, a feminist psychologist specializing in the upbringing of boys. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.
Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!


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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (the letter has been written by Mike Ploog ( ). The response is by Cassie)

Richard (Age 16)
Dear It’s not fair,
Thank you very much for the supportive words in your response letter. It’s already the third week now since my mom put me on Puericil and I’m still having a hard time dealing with my therapy. I know you told me that it’s necessary because the pills help me to be a good boy and prevent me from doing bad things and become a juvenile delinquent. By the way: Good thing is that Henry, Paul and me got off with a black eye and weren't sentenced to juvenile detention for our crime. As compensation we merely have to pay the repair of the broken toilet window and do 40 hours of community work. But that's not as comfortable as it sounds because in my case it means that I now have to clean the girls’ public restrooms after each school day for the next four weeks. At least!
Part of my job is to scrub the rims and edges of the toilet bowls thoroughly with a toothbrush. Imagine that! This is so disgusting! In doing my tasks, I’m always monitored by some senior girl who checks my efforts. And if she’s not satisfied I have to start all over again. If this happens – which is always the case if I’m supervised by this particular mean and strict girl called Helen – the extra work time will not be counted. That’s not fair!         
I guess you also remember the terrible itching problem I described. Well, the same evening after I wrote my first letter to you, things got so bad that my mum finally decided to take me to a doctor. I still remember that particular day the itching in my balls became so unbearable that I needed to get up and talk to my mom badly. It was around 9 pm when I opened the door to the living room where my mom and my little sister were sitting on the couch watching TV (you may also remember that my sister, Julia, is allowed to stay up much longer than me!). Being quite embarrassed and intimidated by Julia’s presence, I was nervously shifting in the doorframe. It took a while until my mom noticed me and said. “What are doing there, honey? Shouldn't you be in your bed sleeping?”
Christ, I felt so awkward scratching my itching testicles through my PJ’s, stammering “Yes, but... but I can’t fall asleep, mom. It’s because”
As she noticed my discomfort she told to me to “Come over here, honey and tell mommy what’s bothering you”, whilst Julia looked nothing but annoyed and rolled her eyes. No doubt, she didn’t want me to interrupt the show they were watching.
Of course, that didn’t help me to talk about my problem so I shyly spoke “My... my b... my testicles are itching so bad, mom. It feels like thousand ants crawling in it.”
I still remember how Julia was laughing about that! But my mom must have noticed that I was already close to tears so she tried to soothe me like the loving and caring mother she has been when I felt sick as a young kid: “Oh, my poor baby. Is it really that bad? Let me take a look, honey. Just pull down your pants so mommy can inspect you.”
Jeez, she can’t expect me to do THAT, I thought! Exposing myself in front of my mischievous little sister? So I begged her: “But mommy, not in front of her! Please!”
Looking back, I have to say that having been put on Puericil for only about a week that day, I had already become less willing to talk back (not that I ever was a very rebellious boy at all!) and more obedient. So when mom told me “Don’t be so modest, Richie. It’s not that she hasn’t seen your boy parts before. She’s your SISTER, honey, not some stranger”, I didn’t dare any further protests (of course, I could have argued that my sister is given much more privacy and I would NEVER be allowed to see HER naked!). But instead, I just nodded, shoved down my PJ pants and my mom bent forward to inspect my itching testicles whilst I was holding my penis out of the way. Believe me, this was SO EMBARRASSING. Every now and then I was stealing glances at Julia who was slouching on the sofa next to my mom openly staring and grinning from ear to ear. She even made fun of me, joking: “And? Found some itsy bitsy ants in there, mom? Maybe I should get the swatter and smash ‘em.” That was so mean!  
At least, my mum showed sympathy. “Stop teasing your brother, Julia! This isn’t funny!”
What she actually found were several red scratching-marks on my skin. “Well, your testicles seem to be quite healthy but you should stop that awful scratching, honey. Maybe I can help you.” She then turned to Julia and told her to “please be so kind and go to bathroom to get a washcloth, honey. Then fill it up with some of the ice-cubes from the fridge.” Again, my sister’s eyes were rolling as if this was the heaviest task on earth...
Well, to make a long story shorter, I finally ended up lying on the sofa with a cooling washcloth draped over my testicles. But even the cold helped only a little to soothe the itching so my mom was a bit concerned and next day she took me to the doctor.
The doctor was actually a pediatrist, a lady named Dr. Jennifer Blake. Great! Another female person who’s going to see me naked! She’s sharing her medical office with two additional pediatricians so the waiting room was full of other boys and their moms when we entered. After we’d sat down I became already quite nervous because I noticed some of the kids were only dressed in their undies.
Most noticeable was the tallest and oldest looking boy who was even completely nude! Instead of his mother he was accompanied by a young teen girl, apparently his little sister. She was a tough looking girl wearing a black leather-jacket and studded cowboy boots, therefore it looked pretty weird when the poor naked guy was hanging on her shoulder crying all the time with his sister trying to comfort him and speaking to him like he was a little child “Don’t be scared, Simon. Trust me, the doctor won’t hurt you. I'll be with you and hold your hand when she examines you, okay?” And Jeez, as the girl had her right arm motherly around his bare hip and her hand casually placed on his upper thigh you could see that his tiny little penis was smaller than her thumb! No doubt, he was also on Puericil forte. That made me shudder!
Shortly after, a nurse appeared. She called the next patient and guided him to the changing room. That’s when I realized why some of the boys were so scantily dressed because each patient had to strip down to his undies first and was then sent back to the waiting room until it he was finally called up for his examination. And you know what? Those boys who for whatever reason, didn’t wear anything under their trousers had to leave the changing room completely naked. How embarrassing!   
The whole procedure was quite fast and it took only ten minutes until the nurse called my name to “get yourself prepared for the doctor, boy”. She quickly shoved me into the changing-room where I awkwardly stepped out of my clothes and stuffed them in one of the lockers. Obviously, I was much too slow for the nurse who impatiently encouraged me to “Hurry up, boy! Don’t let the doctor wait!”
So I was sitting and waiting in my tighty-whities until I was eventually called up, just after this tall Puericil-boy, Simon. I still remember how he was whimpering in fear as his young sister guided him through the door and lightly patted his naked tushie to encourage him. To be honest, I also felt a little queasy when my mom – much to my dislike – took me by my hand accompanying me to the doctor's office.     
I imagined the doctor to be an older woman, but it turned out that Dr. Blake was an attractive young lady, much younger looking than my mom. She greeted us friendly and asked my mum questions like “How old is your boy?”, “What school does he attend?”, “Does he have siblings?”, “When did you put him on Puericil?”, “What type of pills does he take?” and finally “Why did you chose the strongest ones?”
When mom explained her decision and told her about my crime, the doctor looked up at me reproachfully and said. “That was really a good decision. I guarantee you Puericil forte will help this little troublemaker to become a more peaceable boy. It’s also a good you came here as it’s highly advised to carry out the therapy under professional medical supervision.”
Before she actually started my examination she operated the intercom on her desk and called “trainee nurse Fernanda” to assist her. Oh no, not that! A third female person witnessing my examination!
However, a few seconds later a dark-haired and incredibly pretty girl in a pink nurse tunic appeared. I already felt my head blushing in shame when this Latin beauty greeted us with the sweetest smile you can imagine. That’s when I noticed how young she really was! Christ, the girl was barely my age. She looked like she’s only 15 or 14! How can such a young girl be allowed to work as a trainee nurse? That means she’s going to see me naked!  
Anyway, the girl didn't give me much time to think about it and ordered me to “step on the scales” where she took my measurements and reported them to the doctor. I tell you, standing there next to this pretty young nurse in nothing but my underwear made me feel highly embarrassed. But the worst was yet to come as Dr. Blake told me to sit on a low stool and started to examine me. First, she checked my heartbeat and lunges, examined my teeth and took a blood sample from me (that hurt! I hate needles!). Then she ordered me to “stand up straight and hold your arms up” and searched my legs, my chest and my armpits for body hair until she casually told me to “please remove your panties now”.  Jeez, with crimson face I murmured “Please, Ma’am, must I really?” But my mom who was witnessing the whole procedure with great interest promptly intervened: “Don’t be so modest, Richie. Be a good boy and do what the doctor told you!”   
I didn't want to make things worse, swallowed hard and sighed "OK," and pulled down my briefs. I tell you, exposing me in front of strangers especially this young nurse had by far been more embarrassing than the day before when I did it in front of mum and my sister!
Damn, the doctor even wanted me to spread my legs and bend over before she put on a pair of latex gloves. And you know what she did next? She pulled my ass-cheeks widely apart, this time searching my ANUS for body hair! 
But my examination was far from over because next, she ordered me to climb on a gurney. Once again I had to open my legs giving her full access to my testicles. She rolled them between her fingers, taking her time to “feel the orbs” as she said. Believe me, this was SO unpleasant and made me grimace! It even came to a point where I couldn’t hold it anymore and uttered a light groan. That was when Nurse Fernanda stepped at my side and whispered soothingly in my ear “Shh... easy, boy, easy! She's soon done.”
Next, Dr. Blake checked my penis. She even drew back my foreskin to examine my glans! Imagine that! Then she measured me with a tapeline and stated “length: 5,5 inches, girth: 4,5 inches. Non-erect state. Fernanda, please note down the measurements.”
Finally, the doctor turned to my mom and pointed at my midsection. “He’s quite big for his age. But as you can see, most of his pubes are already fallen out. That means his Puericil therapy is starting to work. It’s just a matter of time until it unfolds its full effect on him.” Christ, I guess you know what she meant by that!
And adding to my discomfort she casually mentioned: “His foreskin is quite long. Ever thought of having your son circumsized, Mrs. Mayerhofer?”
I tell you I was holding my breath when I heard that question and was utterly relieved when mom answered “I don’t know. We’re from Austria and it's common in our country to keep the foreskins intact.”
But the doctor hadn't ticked off the subject yet. “Well, I always recommend it when an adolescence boy is put on Puericil. The foreskin might cause some problems in the future. A removal would be quick and almost painless. Just a little stitch, a clean cut and it’s done. The procedure can even be performed by Nurse Fernanda. She’s a very experienced and skilled “cutter” as we call it. She will give you a leaflet with information about our premium circumcision-service. Just for the case you’ll change your mind.”
God, I just wanted this to be over soon and when the doctor finally allowed me to pull up my underpants my mom suddenly interrupted. “Wait a minute, Richie. We haven’t talked about your itching-problem yet. Please tell the doctor about it. That’s the original reason why we needed to visit her, honey. Did you forget?”
Again, I had to swallow hard until I was able to tell the doctor about this unbearable itching in my balls I suffer from. And you know what? She just smiled and changed looks with her likewise grinning nurse, before saying: “My, you’re not the only Puericil-boy feeling a funny little tingling. But I reassure you, you’re absolutely healthy and there’s nothing wrong with your testicles. Don’t worry, boy. The tingling will wear off very soon. It always does.”
Yet, my mom (and me!) was a bit skeptical and dug deeper. “Are you sure? I mean, he’s like complaining about it all the time, you know?”
But doctor didn’t see it as a problem. “In his case, the tingling might indeed be a little more intense. That’s even a good sign, as it only shows that the medicine does some ‘extra-work’ on him because as we all know he’s quite developed. Let me tell you: A few days of tingling is better than a life of bad behavior. And in the meantime: No scratching, boy! That won't make it any better.”
Most degrading was when the young trainee nurse took my hand and compassionately stroked my cheek: “I give you an advice, kid: Just try to ignore it. The less you think about the silly tingling, the sooner it’s over. You can do it!”
Well, that was it. By these stupid explanations my mom was convinced that I was fine and we eventually left the office – alas, but not before Nurse Fernanda slipped her an info-leaflet and handed me a lolly (!) “as a reward for being such a brave big boy”. Damn, I was so perplexed that I even said “Thank you, Miss”. That was so ridiculous! I mean, why did she treat me like a toddler all the time? I’m a sixteen year old young man and even older than her!
After this humiliating examination I couldn’t wait to get dressed and quickly hurried towards the changing-room. But as I came closer to the door I already heard loud noises from within and was wondering what the heck was going on there. I tell you, you won't believe what I saw there! It was the tall Puericil-boy from the waiting-room who had been examined by one of the other doctors. Still naked, he was now laying stretched out and face down over his little sister's thighs. And o my god, the young girl who earlier on comforted him so motherly, she was now blistering his tushie with a short strap!
“You’ll never!“... SMACK...“ever!“... SMACK ... “behave”... SMACK... “that shameful”... SMACK...“at the Doctor”...SMACK ...“again!”..SMACK......
I was nothing but shocked and speechless as I watched the poor boy bawling and begging “OUWW! No more, Sis, PLEASE!” whilst he was pedaling his skinny legs like crazy. What the hell did he do to deserve such a hard spanking? But believe me, his sister looked so furious that I didn’t dare to interfere, even when the boy looked up at me pleadingly. And to be honest, I was also a bit intimidated by her amazing strength as she was easily keeping her tall and struggling brother in place with only one hand! So I just thought “Sorry dude, but there’s no way I could help you out of your misery!” and without saying a word, I fetched my things out of the closet, quickly got dressed and disappeared as fast as I could.
I hope you don’t blame me for having been such a coward but I really didn’t want to get in trouble with THIS tough looking girl! I’m sure it’s that damn Puericil-stuff which made me such a chicken!
Later on, a frightening thought came to my mind. What if the boy was ME and it was MY little sister spanking MY naked tushie! The imagination made me shudder and I prayed to god that this would NEVER ever happen to me.
Anyway, there’s something different but no less concerning I have to worry about now. Yesterday, my mom made a phone-call with Dr. Blake for my next check-up. But the doctor said I didn’t need to appear at her medical office. Instead she proposed to send a nurse who’s making regular house calls. Mom was immediately enthusiastic about this suggestion and agreed. And you know what? The girl who’s going to examine me at home is Fernanda, the young trainee nurse! She’s coming on next Wednesday! Please tell me what I should do! I don’t want to be examined by HER, a girl who’s younger than me. I don’t want her to see me naked again! I don’t want her to touch my private parts and treat me like a little kid! That would be SO embarrassing and SO degrading!
There's also one more thing I want to get off my chest. Let me tell you: The day after my examination I desperately searched for the doctor’s info-leaflet which I finally found in one of mum’s desk drawers (I know, I’m not allowed to search her private things!). But Christ, the leaflet gave a detailed description of the circumcision procedure. It also showed graphics of a frightening looking scalpel and a syringe used on a boy’s peenie! I hope my mom won’t miss that leaflet because I quickly ripped it apart and threw it in the trashcan!
Now, I’m so afraid that my mom would change her mind about my circumcision! PLEASE tell me what I should do if this happens. I don’t want to have my foreskin cut. Not by Nurse Fernanda, not by anyone!
That’s not fair! 


The magazine published response:

Dear Richie,
You do not need to thank me. The fact that you got in some serious trouble does not mean that you don't need love and support. Quite the contrary. I hope you do realize that’s why your mum has taken you in hand and put you on Puericil. You may not like it now, but it’s also an act of kindness and love for you. It’s normal that, used as you were to having your own way, you are having a hard time now. But when you finally grow up you’ll look back and realize that your mum did you the greatest favor, making sure you did not follow the path to a bad ending.
Having to clean the toilet bowls like that sounds yucky, but I bet it’s still much better than juvenile detention. It’s too bad that senior girl, Helen, is so strict, but then again you have to remember that it’s a punishment. Getting punished is not fun, but when it’s over you often feel better for having accepted responsibility for your actions.
I’m very glad your mummy took you to the doctor. Even if it’s just to tell you it’s normal and it will pass soon, at least you feel less worried about it now. It’s always important to take care of your body, after all, and doctors are the ones who know best about that. You must not feel shy about asking mummy for help when there’s a problem with your body.
Speaking of not feeling shy, you had no reason to feel shy when your mommy told you to pull down your pants so she could inspect you. I mean, she’s your mommy, so there’s nothing about your body that needs to be kept a secret from her. Even if your sister Julia was there, that doesn’t really matter either. She’s your sister, after all. And it’s not like she hasn’t seen every single part of you recently, is it? Including your boy parts. So you don’t need to suddenly get all that silly false modesty. You have to realize that Julia probably only teases you because you make such a fuss about it. Little boys’ bodies are perfectly natural. What can be funny is a little boy trying to act like a grownup, and demanding that no one sees him naked. After all, you need to be naked to get your boy parts examined, don’t you?
Your sister, on the other hand, needs modesty, and that’s why you would never be allowed to see her naked. Yes, she’s younger than you, but as I have explained, boys and girls mature at a completely different pace. Your sister has plenty of maturity, while you are extremely immature, even though you are sixteen. That’s why you were getting in serious trouble before, and she wasn’t. That lack of maturity is why it doesn’t matter when people see you naked. You just don’t need so much modesty yet, no matter what you think now.
The same goes for the doctor and the nurse. Of course they are going to see you naked, silly boy! They can hardly examine you if they can’t see you.
Remember that tall, naked boy and her tough-looking sister, the one with the leather jacket and cowboy boots? It’s another example of the difference in maturity that I told you about. The boy is older, but he is immature, while his little sister has all the maturity of a young adult. That’s why she can take him to the doctor on her own, and that’s why she offers comfort to his brother when he is weeping, and why she spanks his bare bottom when he needs it. Did you not notice the difference in maturity, judging by the way each of them acted?
It’s a good thing you were wearing your tighty-whities! Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if you had to sit there all naked in the waiting room, like that big (but immature) boy!
I hope you feel more confident now that you saw how the doctor thought your Puericil treatment was effective and the best thing for you. All the minor difficulties and indignities are worth it compared with the possibility of becoming a juvenile delinquent and being sent to a reformatory, which is where you were headed before your mommy took you back under control.
The doctor having such a young trainee nurse is nothing to worry about. It’s quite normal. You remember that girls mature faster, right? Well, some of them are ready to start learning a profession quite early, because they are mature enough to handle that responsibility. That's why there are professional training programs for them. I mean, look at the difference: at 16, you are still so immature that your mommy needs to spank you on your naked bottom, in front of younger girls, too! Meanwhile, at 14 or 15, Fernanda is already mature enough to get practical experience while training for a medical profession. Do you see the difference? So of course she is going to see you naked, since she is your nurse. She’ll get to see every part of you, all naked, and it doesn’t matter because, although she’s younger than you, she’s already a grown-up as far as you are concerned, while you are still an immature child. So, I bet you felt very embarrassed when you were told to pull down your briefs in front of the doctor, your mommy and Fernanda, but there is no reason to feel that way. It’s perfectly normal. It’s not like it’s the first time girls younger than you have seen you naked, and I don’t just mean your little sister, who is family, after all.
As you describe it, Nurse Fernanda was very professional, and soothed you when you were nervous during your exam. She even gave you a lollipop so that you’d forget about the scary medical checkup! She was not treating you like a toddler, just like a scared little boy who needed cheering-up. Little in terms of maturity, if not so much in years. Remember, to her you must have seemed a little child, just like that big boy in the waiting room seemed like such a little kid compared to his younger sister.
You should feel proud that you behaved well and obeyed the doctor and the nurse, so that you didn’t get spanked like that boy! And it’s a good thing you didn’t interfere with his spanking, by the way. It’s not that you’re a chicken, it’s that you are a boy who no longer has violent tendencies. It was none of your business, and if you had interfered I bet that girl wouldn’t have hesitated to spank you too! It may be that your sister will someday be spanking you like that, what with her being so much more mature than you. The best way to avoid any of that is being a good boy.
The same goes for Nurse Fernanda. You should be grateful that you are getting all the medical attention you need, and you must be good and obedient if she is the one who takes care of your checkups. Why do you worry about her examining you and seeing you naked? She has already helped with your examination. And seen you naked, of course. You still try to think of yourself like a little man, but you are a boy. And no one minds if a boy has to be naked in front of his nurse, even is she is a girls and younger than him. If she is to examine you, she’ll get you naked and check your boy parts all she wants, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So be good and do everything she says without fussing, or you’ll end up crying with a very red bottom.
Speaking of spankings, you were very naughty to look through your mommy’s things. It’s not your decision whether you are circumcised or not, so it’s no use worrying about it. Your mommy makes the decisions for you, and if she decides that you need your foreskin cut then that’s what will happen. She’ll decide taking into account things you are too immature to understand, and thinking only what’s best for you. What you need, rather than what you want. If your mum decides you need it, then what you need to do is be a good boy and obey. You have been taken back under control, and that means you no longer make the decisions. Your mommy does. Whatever she decides will get done, and if you are naughty and disobedient the only thing you’ll change is that you’ll earn a good spanking. Don’t worry, Nurse Fernanda has experience with it and will probably take care of it if it’s necessary.
Richie, I know some things are new and scary for you, but you need to stop worrying and thinking of yourself as almost a grownup. You have family who loves you, and you need to be obedient and let them take care of you and decide what’s best.

A big hug for you!

(The End)